APP constitution

Note that the Australian People's Party and the Sustainability Party of Australia are two separate parties. Other than being hosted at OzPolitic, they have nothing to do with each other.









National Constitution of the APP











National Constitution of the APP





1.      We respect the 1901 Constitution of the Commonwealth of Australia and the central place of the Crown and our flag in Australian society until the majority of the Australian people vote otherwise by Referendum.

2.      We respect the equal rights of all people.

3.      We respect the family as the base of good society.

4.      We believe in freedom of enterprise but also in the necessity for reasonable controls and the rights of workers to fairly negotiate.

5.      We respect the Rule of Law.

6.      We respect and will care for our environment.

7.      We believe Governments should be fair to all citizens, honest and accountable.

8.      We owe no allegiance to any vested interests and will not be compromised.

9.      We believe in the democracy for government and the rights of each in government to have there own say.




1.      The name of our political party is “Australian Peoples Party”.

2.      The Abbreviation of the Australian Peoples Party will be “APP”.

3.      The name can only be changed by special resolution of the General Assembly.



The purpose of our party is to establish governments who represent the will of the free people of


To be able to voice the opinions and concerns of the people.


To make change for the best of the people and this great nation of ours Australia.


The objectives of the Organisation shall be to have an Australian nation:-


To become and remain a registered political party with the Australian, State and Territory Electoral Commissions


To endorse candidates, to contest Federal, State, Territory and Local Government elections.


¨                 dedicated to political liberty and the freedom and dignity of man;

¨                 safe from external aggression and living in the closest communion with fellow members of the Commonwealth, playing its part in a world security order which maintains the necessary force to defend peace;

¨                 in which national defence is a matter of universal duty, and in which the spirit of patriotism is fostered and all Australians united in the common service of their country;

¨                 in which an intelligent, free and Australian democracy shall be maintained by:-

¨     a Parliament controlling the Executive and the Law controlling all;

¨     independence of the Judiciary;

¨     freedom of speech, religion and association;

¨     freedom of citizens to choose their own way of living and of life, subject to the rights of others;

¨     protecting the people against exploitation;

¨     looking primarily to the encouragement of individual initiative and enterprise as the dynamic force of progress;

¨     developing to the fullest extent a national spirit in Australia;


¨                 in which men and women who have been members of the fighting services and

their dependants shall enjoy honour and security and where preference and generous repatriation benefits are recognised;

¨                 in which primary, secondary and tertiary industries are promoted, new and adequate markets developed, the lot of country people improved, rural amenities increased, and decentralisation of industries encouraged;

¨                 in which there shall be no nationalisation of any Australian industry without the approval of the people;

¨                 in which constant employment at good wages is available to all willing and able to work;

¨                 in which employer and employee have a sense of common interest and duty, and share as co-operators in all advances of prosperity, and in which living standards rise steadily as physical resources expand and ingenuity grows;

¨                 in which social provision is made for the aged, the invalid, the widowed, the sick, the unemployed and their children;

¨                 in which medical services are within the reach of all;

¨                 in which a comprehensive system of child and adult education is designed to develop the spirit of true citizenship, and in which no consideration of wealth or privilege shall be a determining factor;

¨                 in which the youth of the nation is given every encouragement to develop its talent to the full, recognising that from its ranks will come the leaders of tomorrow;

¨                 in which family life is seen as fundamental to the well-being of society, and in which every family is enabled to live in and preferably to own a comfortable home at reasonable cost, and with adequate community amenities.







1.                  Membership of the Australian Peoples Party is open to all residents of Australia who are prepared to accept its objectives and who have associations with no other political party and who have attained the age of 17 years.

2.                  All persons nominated for elected positions shall be members.

3.                  A person is prohibited from continuing as a member if convicted of a disqualifying electoral offence.

4.                  The Branch (or the Federal Executive if there is no Branch for the prospective member’s Electorate) shall resolve whether to accept or reject the member’s application at their discretion and shall advise the Registrar of their decision.

5.                  The Registrar shall communicate the acceptance or rejection to the applicant in writing.

6.                  The Federal Executive in its discretion shall have the right to overrule the Branch’s acceptance of an application for membership on the grounds that an applicant is of bad character or is considered to be a political opponent.

7.                  There is an annual fee.

8.                  The Registrar shall keep or cause to be kept an accurate up to date Membership Roll.

9.                  A member must state a principal residence in the application form.

10.              A member shall be deemed to be, and can only be, a member of the Branch or Satellite Branch covering the Federal, State, Territory or Local Government Electorate in which the member’s stated principal residence is situated.

11.              It shall be the member’s responsibility to inform the Registrar of any change in stated principal residence.

12.              A member can only vote at meetings of that member’s Branch or Satellite Branch.

13.              The Registrar may remove a member from the Membership Roll where the member has moved from the stated principal residence and not advised of another one.

Membership may only be terminated in accordance with paragraph 13 above, or by the member resigning in writing addressed to the Registrar, or by resolution of the member’s Branch (or the Federal Executive if there is no Branch covering the member’s principal residence) on the grounds of bad character, misconduct, bringing the party into disrepute, or the member is considered to be a political opponent, provided the member is given due notice and permitted to answer the charge in person at a meeting of the Branch or the Federal Executive.


Membership fees will $10.00 per year and $2.00 of each membership will be donated to a charity of each candidate’s electorate






The Party shall consist of the National Headquarters branch.

The party shall also consist of branches in each State, the Northern Territory and the Australian Capital Territory (hereinafter referred to as State Branches).

This allows for the formation of the above when and as required.



Head Office


The Head Office of the Party shall be known as the National Headquarters and shall be

Located at 38 Palisade Street, Edgeworth NSW 2285 or until another property has been found to been deemed suitable for the National Headquarters.





A minimum of any three members may form active Branches based on areas covered by Federal Electorates. Active Branches shall meet regularly and conduct their own affairs in accordance with the By Laws.



Satellite Branches


A minimum of three members may form a Satellite Branch within a Branch based on State, Territory or Local Government Electoral boundaries. Satellite Branches shall meet regularly and conduct their own affairs in accordance with the By Laws.



Federal Executive


¨                 The Federal Executive shall consist of:

¨                 a President

¨                 Vice President

¨                 one State Delegate representing the Branches in each of the States or Territories

¨                 a Secretary

¨                 a Registrar and

¨                 a Treasurer all of whom shall be elected at a meeting


¨                 Only delegates from within a State or Territory may vote in elections for the State Delegates to represent that State or Territory on the Federal Executive.

¨                 In the event of a vacancy in any position, the Federal Executive may appoint a replacement until the next General Assembly.

¨                 The Federal Executive may appoint other persons to particular portfolios or positions at any time.

¨                 For the purposes of the Australian, State and Territory Electoral Commissions, unless the General Assembly resolves otherwise,

¨                 The President shall be the Registered Officer, the State or Territory Delegates shall be the Deputy Registered Officers, the Secretary shall be the Party Secretary and the Treasurer shall be the Party Agent.

¨                 The Federal Executive and members co-opted by the Federal Executive shall form the Federal Election Committee.



General Assembly


The General Assembly shall consist of the members. For those that cannot attend email advice will be sent and also decisions of actions.


¨                 The President or nominee shall chair the General Assembly.

¨                 The General Assembly shall set Core Policies.

¨                 A General Assembly may be called by the Federal Executive at any time.

¨                 A General Assembly shall be called as required each year to resolve to accept Financial Statements to 30 June of that year and adopt an Annual Budget and hold elections for members of the Federal Executive.

¨                 Nominations shall be called for by the end of each year.

¨                 Only if there are no nominations or volunteers for a position can nominations be called from the floor.




¨                 the affairs of the party shall be administered by the Federal Executive.

¨                 The Party may resolve to remunerate the members of the Federal Executive in accordance with the Annual Budget.

¨                 The Federal Executive may employ staff who must be members but shall not hold any elected position in the Party.





¨                 The finances of the party shall be under the control of the Federal Executive and administered by the Treasurer.

¨                 Cheques must be signed by at least two signatories.

¨                 No signatory shall sign a cheque unless all details on the cheque are completed.

¨                 The finances of the party shall be audited.



Removal of Member


¨                 The Federal executive may by special resolution remove a member from any elected position in the party on the grounds of bad character, misconduct, bringing the party into disrepute or is considered to be a political opponent, provided the member is given due notice and permitted to answer the charge in person at a meeting of  party.

¨                 A motion to remove a member from any elected position shall be signed by at least 10 members.



Extraordinary Meetings


¨                 At any time ten percent of the members or ten percent of the Branches may petition the Federal Executive to call an extraordinary meeting.

¨                 The Federal Executive shall send out the notice of meeting and voting papers within fourteen days of being petitioned to do so.

¨                 All disputes shall be resolved by the Federal Executive after hearing from all parties in a manner decided by the Federal Executive.

¨                 In the event that there is a dispute or deadlock in the Federal Executive, this shall be resolved by resolution of the General Assembly.



Where relevant, the party shall have all the powers of an individual and all the powers of a Corporation.


By Laws

The General Assembly may from time to time resolve to adopt or vary By Laws for the better management of the party.


The party indemnifies any member elected to any position within the party in respect of all legal claims where in the opinion of the Federal Executive (determined by resolution) the member has acted lawfully, reasonably and in good faith.
Endorsements of Candidates

Persons wishing to run have the opportunity to volunteer for that position, but if more than one candidate then those from that specific electoral will vote to choose the appropriate candidate.

1.                  All candidates shall be endorsed by ballot at duly convened meetings at which the candidates are given a fair hearing.

2.                  Candidates for all Federal elections shall be endorsed by the Federal executive.

3.                  Candidates for State and Territory Elections or Local Government Elections shall be endorsed by State Branches, or if there is not one in respect of the Electorate in question, then by the Branch which incorporates the Electorate, or, in the event that there is no Branch incorporating the Electorate, by the Federal Executive.

4.                  Before any candidate is endorsed an advertisement must be placed in a newspaper circulating in the Electorate and on the party’s web site calling for nominations and allowing at least 14 days to respond.

5.                  Any Branches may meet and endorse candidates at any time.

6.                  The endorsement ballot must satisfy the general principles of free and democratic elections which are –

¨            only members of the party who are electors may vote

¨            only members of the party who are eligible to vote in the ballot under the party’s constitution may vote

¨            each member has only one vote

¨            voting must be done by secret ballot

¨            a member must not be improperly influenced in voting

¨            a member’s ballot paper must be counted if the member’s intention is clear

¨            members’ votes must be accurately counted

¨            Each person who is seeking selection may be present personally, or may be represented by another person, at the ballot and for the scrutiny, and counting, of votes.


7.                  Endorsed candidates may only have their endorsement removed by a resolution of a subsequent meeting of the Federal Executive, Branch or Satellite Branch which endorsed them. A motion to remove a candidate’s endorsement shall be signed by at least 10 members. No grounds need be specified but they may be.

8.                  It shall be a condition of endorsement that an endorsed candidate shall allocate voting preferences to the political party or individual as directed by the Federal Executive in respect of Federal Elections, the State or Territory Election Committee in respect of State or Territory Elections and the Local Government Election Committee in respect of local Government Elections

9.                  An endorsed candidate who is elected to a Parliament or Council shall honestly and truly represent the will of the free people in the Electorate.



1.                  A least 14 days notice of all meetings shall be given unless all entitled to attend waive this time.

2.                  There is no requirement that a member be financial in order to continue as a member or to vote at any meeting.

3.                  The chair at any meeting shall have a deliberative and a casting vote.

4.                  Except for endorsement ballots, votes shall be by show of hands which shall be counted to ascertain the vote.

5.                  Subject to paragraph 7, in order to vote a member must be present unless they are medically incapable of attending in which case they may vote by proxy upon production of a certificate signed by a Medical Practitioner deposing as to their incapability.

6.                  Resolutions require only a simple majority to be passed unless otherwise provided in this constitution as a special resolution which requires more than 75% majority.

7.                  Postal votes are permitted in respect of agenda items specifying concise written notices of motion capable of a concise vote provided the postal vote is signed by the member and witnessed by another member and the full name, address and membership number of both is stated.

8.                  All business conducted at Assemblies shall be on written notice.

9.                  The Branches or Satellite Branches shall instruct their delegates as to how to debate and vote and the delegates shall abide by the instructions.

10.              A failure or refusal to act on such a direction shall be deemed to be misconduct.



Amending Constitution


The Constitution and By Laws may only be amended by resolution of the General Assembly.



Winding Up

The party may be wound up by special resolution of the General Assembly.


In the event that the party is wound up for any reason the assets shall be donated to any Children’s Hospital or registered charity in Australia at the discretion of the Federal Executive.


Every act of government is to be judged by a simple test:

Is it in the best interests of Australia and Australians?