Australian Politics Forum
General Discussion >> Feedback >> to the mods of member run boards

Message started by freediver on Aug 21st, 2008 at 12:38pm

Title: to the mods of member run boards
Post by freediver on Aug 21st, 2008 at 12:38pm
There seems to have been an increase in personal abuse between members over the last few days. This is partly because of a few new members who haven't learnt the ropes yet. It is difficult for one person to keep it in check, now that this forum is getting so big. Please try to stamp it out on the boards you run. This will make my job easier with the other boards.

Title: Re: to the mods of member run boards
Post by imperial on Aug 21st, 2008 at 12:46pm
just stop the paedophile taunts and unsubstanciated slander against muslims. the rest will fall into place..

in the time of mohammed, it wasnt unusual to marry at that age. older men often married girls that old...are you people soooo stupid? are you sooo illiterate that you dont know that????

Title: Re: to the mods of member run boards
Post by freediver on Nov 7th, 2008 at 1:06pm
I moved the drug policy and the hunting and fishing boards down a bit because they were less popular.

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