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Member Run Boards >> Fringe >> About 'Fluoride' Message started by easel on Sep 24th, 2008 at 9:43pm |
Title: About 'Fluoride' Post by easel on Sep 24th, 2008 at 9:43pm
Title: Re: About 'Fluoride' Post by easel on Sep 24th, 2008 at 10:33pm
Title: Re: About 'Fluoride' Post by muso on Oct 5th, 2008 at 2:40pm easel wrote on Sep 24th, 2008 at 9:43pm:
Take it easy with that salt you sprinkle on your food ;D It's really a combination of a poisonous gas and a metal that bursts into flame when you add water ;D And then there's water. It's combination of highly flammable hydrogen and oxygen. Why do you thing people have started taking antioxidants? Don't you realise that water is 89% oxygen. Of course that means that you can breath water. Doesn't it? Now air is 79% Nitrogen. I've seen Julius Sumner Miller's demonstrations, and I don't want any of my body parts to shatter if I drop them. ;D - and the next time you have a barbecue and think that it's cool the breath in the aroma? Just consider how much hydrogen cyanide you're breathing in - and when you eat it, think of the acrolein. It causes cancer. Oh the scandal of it all ;D A sordid tale indeed. |
Title: Re: About 'Fluoride' Post by mantra on Oct 6th, 2008 at 9:47am
When my first child was born - fluoride was being added to Sydney's water supply - but not in my area which was a little further north. It was being promoted as absolutely essential for our children's teeth and promoted by governments, councils and health professionals.
In areas where there was no added fluoride parents were advised to use a supplement fluoride tablet with their children's meals. I had my doubts and spoke personally to at least a dozen chemists and the answer was always the same - "I wouldn't give fluoride to my children". So I didn't and in early adulthood they both have perfect teeth. To date the findings of cumulative fluoride are quite devastating and it has not been proven that children who have spent their early lives drinking fluoride have better teeth. The long term affects are what we should be worrying about. The results of more than five epidemiological studies indicate increased hip fractures in both naturally and artificially fluoridated areas. The incidence of hip fracture is also increasing more rapidly than can be accounted for by aging of the population. There are numerous studies which undeniably prove that fluoride's cumulative effect on bone is devastating. It is well known that chronic ingestion of fluoride can cause osteofluorosis or skeletal fluorosis (crippling bone disease). This evidence has been reported in at least nine studies from five countries (contrary to promoters' denials, this occurs even at relatively "low" water fluoride levels). Moreover, according to the World Health Organization, individuals consuming between 2.0 - 8.0 mg of fluoride/day (2-8 litres of fluoridated water), can develop the pre-clinical symptoms of skeletal fluorosis (arthritis-like symptoms). As recently reported by the U.S. PHS, many women living in fluoridated communities are now ingesting up to 6.6 mg of fluoride per day, a crippling dose for some if maintained (see fluoride.htm and skeletal.htm for more info and chart on daily fluoride intakes). It is widely recognised that fluoride "therapy" for osteoporosis adds mass to bones but produces inferior bone -- at least seven studies found structural abnormalities or mineralization defects. In short, the biomechanical competence of the skeleton may be compromised because the tensile (elasticity) strength of bone is sacrificed. These studies not only show that fluoride may cause increased skeletal fragility (more non-vertebral fractures such as hip), but that it can lead to osteomalacia (another bone disease). The relevance to fluoridation is: short-term high-dose fluoride studies show the same amount of fluoride accumulates in the bones of osteoporosis patients as would be found in some people who are chronically exposed to long-term "low" doses of fluoride (such as in fluoridated areas). People with renal insufficiency, for example, can incorporate four times more fluoride into bone than an average healthy individual and would therefore be more susceptible to the long-term effects of drinking "optimally" fluoridated water than the average individual (see Toxicological Profile For Fluorides, Hydrogen Fluoride, and Fluorine, by the U.S. Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry). Evidence of more bone damage is seen in a NJ Department of Health study, a U.S. National Cancer Institute study, a rodent study by the U.S. National Toxicology Program (NTP), and a Polish study which examined the bones of children with dental fluorosis using new radiographic techniques. The two epidemiological studies found increased osteosarcoma rates in young men in fluoridated areas. Osteosarcoma is a rare bone cancer which mostly originates in the growing end of bones. It is more prevalent among young males 10-19 years of age and seems to occur 1.4 times more often in males than in females. Girls are at risk at an earlier age because their adolescent growth spurt occurs before that of boys. The NTP animal study found dose-related occurrences of osteosarcomas in male rats. Polish scientists discovered bone abnormalities in male children with fluorosis. How much evidence must accumulate before authorities here acknowledge what many foreign scientists have already done years ago -- fluoride is one of the most bone-seeking elements known to man and long-term ingestion is toxic to bones even in the so-called "low" doses. |
Title: Re: About 'Fluoride' Post by Acid Monkey on Oct 6th, 2008 at 12:38pm
If you believe conspiracy theories, fluoride in water is the first step of a plan to control the people. Fluoridation, it was claimed, was a stepping-stone to implementing more ambitious programs to "deplete the brainpower and sap the strength of a generation of children".
Dr. Charles Bett, a prominent anti-fluoridationist, charged that fluoridation was "better THAN USING THE ATOM BOMB because the atom bomb has to be made, has to be transported to the place it is to be set off while POISONOUS FLUORINE has been placed right beside the water supplies by the Americans themselves ready to be dumped into the water mains whenever a Communist desires!" Similarly, a right-wing newsletter, the American Capsule News, claimed that "the Soviet General Staff is very happy about it. Anytime they get ready to strike, and their 5th column takes over, there are tons and tons of this poison "standing by" municipal and military water systems ready to be poured in within 15 minutes." Wikipedia - Fluoridation Conspiracy Theory |
Title: Re: About 'Fluoride' Post by mantra on Oct 6th, 2008 at 2:37pm Quote:
:) Sounds feasible to me. I'm prepared to believe it. |
Title: Re: About 'Fluoride' Post by easel on Oct 28th, 2008 at 8:51pm
I've heard that coriander has been shown to help eliminate heavy metals from the bodies cells. Go the natural treatments!
Also, I was reading today that fluoride can be negated by nicotine, as in the dumbing effects of the fluoride can be negated by nicotine. Nicotine is a stimulant and has been shown to improve cognitive abilities. You will notice in Australia that it is illegal to ever distribute any kind of information about the benefits of tobacco/smoking. Yet, nicotine has been undergoing trials as a treatment for altzheimers (I don't think I spelt that right) as well as ADD and schizophrenia. The only problem is it is addictive. You would want to smoke roll your own tobacco to reduce the amount of chemical additives you receive, or even better get on a nicorette inhaler, so you can choose when to get the nicotine hit, unlike patches which give you a constant. Cancer free pure nicotine, without the teeth stain! |
Title: Re: About 'Fluoride' Post by easel on Oct 28th, 2008 at 8:54pm muso wrote on Oct 5th, 2008 at 2:40pm:
I was going to reply to this a long time ago, but I thought it was obvious to anyone who passed year 8 science that you are being outlandish. |
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