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Member Run Boards >> Islam >> sex with animals

Message started by freediver on Oct 6th, 2008 at 11:58pm

Title: sex with animals
Post by freediver on Oct 6th, 2008 at 11:58pm
What's a Wudhu and a Ghusl? Are they the only punishment for having sex with animals? If you don't want to pray afterwards, can you get off scott free?

Are there similar rules for women who have sex with animals?

Title: Re: sex with animals
Post by abu_rashid on Oct 7th, 2008 at 7:04am
Wudhu = ablution (minor purification required before each prayer)
Ghusl - bath/shower (major purification, required after sex/menstruation)

Sex with animals?? Are you normal?

Does this prove my point that de-sensitising nudity has driven you to deviant acts/thoughts?

Title: Re: sex with animals
Post by freediver on Oct 7th, 2008 at 9:43am
What is the punishment for having sex with animals?

Title: Re: sex with animals
Post by abu_rashid on Oct 7th, 2008 at 10:06am

What is the punishment for having sex with animals?

I have never come across a ruling, as I doubt Muslims would've even stooped to such a despicable level of depravity. As I said, this kind of thing might occur in the West where some people have become so de-sensitisied to the normal sexual practises that they develop fetishes about unnatural things like this, but I don't think it's ever been an issue for Muslims.

Title: Re: sex with animals
Post by freediver on Oct 7th, 2008 at 10:48am
Is this genuine?

If (God forbid!) a person has sexual intercourse with an animal and ejaculates, Ghusl alone will be sufficient for him, and if he does not ejaculate and he was with wudhu at the time of committing the unnatural act even then Ghusl will be sufficient for him.
However, if he was not with wudhu at that time, the obligatory precaution is that he should do Ghusl and also perform wudhu. And the same orders apply if one commits sodomy.

Title: Re: sex with animals
Post by abu_rashid on Oct 7th, 2008 at 11:07am

Is this genuine?

I don't really know enough about the Shi'a to know if it's a genuine site, but it looks to be. Would be best off asking Malik about it, since I am not Shi'a and therefore don't follow their teachings.

Title: Re: sex with animals
Post by freediver on Oct 7th, 2008 at 11:29am
So Shiits and Sunnis differ on their opinions regarding sex with animals?

Title: Re: sex with animals
Post by abu_rashid on Oct 7th, 2008 at 11:40am

As I said, I'm not familar with their rulings.

But even reading what you posted, I don't see anywhere that it says this abomination is permissible, in fact it says "God forbid". But it is troubling why they even had to go into the issue to begin with.

Title: Re: sex with animals
Post by freediver on Oct 7th, 2008 at 11:46am
I don't see any need to track down a shiit because I would expect it to be universal.

I think it would be very strange if Islam proscribed ablutions for those who have had sex with animals but no punishments. Why would they make everything else a matter of law and punishment, but leave this as a 'presonal moral code'. Perhaps this is the source of that joke.

Title: Re: sex with animals
Post by tallowood on Oct 7th, 2008 at 11:51am
It is also mentioned in Tahrirolvasyleh book by Ayatollah Khomeini:

A man can have sex with animals such as sheep, cows, camels and so on. However he should kill the animal after he has his orgasm. He should not sell the meat to the people in his own village, however selling the meat to the next door village should be fine.

If one commits the act of sodomy with a cow, a ewe, or a camel, their urine and their excrement become impure, and even their milk may no longer be consumed. The animal must then be killed and as quickly as possible and burned.

Title: Re: sex with animals
Post by jordan484 on Oct 7th, 2008 at 12:03pm
The punishment for having sex with an animal should simply be the knowledge that one has had sex with an animal. Who does this? Who even thinks about doing it? Goodness me.

Title: Re: sex with animals
Post by abu_rashid on Oct 7th, 2008 at 12:34pm

I think it would be very strange if Islam proscribed ablutions for those who have had sex with animals but no punishments

Firstly we need to be clear, this appears to be a Shi'a website, and even then it is an Ithna Ashari website, which are a sub-sect of the Shi'a (albeit the largest one). To make a claim about Islam, based on a website by a tiny sect, who are clearly astray from the mainstream is just ridiculous. Please don't use the term "Islam", use the term "Shi'a" if you must, as my religion has nothing to do with this nonsense you're proclaiming.

Kinda like me trashing all Christians, just because Jim Jones was a looney leader of some little sect that claimed to be Christian. Or considering all Atheists to be represented by Communism.

Also, the page you linked to is only the rulings on purification, of course it wouldn't list the punishments, as that'd most likely be in seperate chapters of the book (or most likely a whole book devoted to hadd (legal punishments)), if their books are organised the same as those of the mainstream Muslims. I'd suggest you ask a Shi'a what the punishment is, before claiming they don't have a punishment for it.

Why would they make everything else a matter of law and punishment, but leave this as a 'presonal moral code'.

Do you see any other punishments mentioned in the same chapter? Or even in the same book? Do you think that chapter or that book represents the whole of their belief or something?

Title: Re: sex with animals
Post by jordan484 on Oct 7th, 2008 at 12:36pm

Please don't use the term "Islam", use the term "Shi'a" if you must, as my religion has nothing to do with this nonsense you're proclaiming.

Beep beep beep.

Title: Re: sex with animals
Post by freediver on Oct 7th, 2008 at 1:08pm
To make a claim about Islam, based on a website by a tiny sect, who are clearly astray from the mainstream is just ridiculous.

That's why I brought the matter to you, grand master Abu. Please tell us what the appropriate punishment is for sex with animals. I did not make any claims. I asked questions.

as my religion has nothing to do with this nonsense you're proclaiming

Are you saying that Islam does not proscribe ablutions after sex with animals, or any other punishment?

I'd suggest you ask a Shi'a what the punishment is

But you just finished explaining that it wouldn't tell me what Islam is anyway.

Is Ayatollah Khomeini a respected Muslim?

Title: Re: sex with animals
Post by abu_rashid on Oct 7th, 2008 at 1:33pm

That's why I brought the matter to you, grand master Abu. Please tell us what the appropriate punishment is for sex with animals.

As mentioned above, I've never come across any such case of this abomination occuring for it to be even ruled upon.

Are you saying that Islam does not proscribe ablutions after sex with animals, or any other punishment?

It seems from this statement and the statement in your original post:

What's a Wudhu and a Ghusl? Are they the only punishment

That you think Wudhu and Ghusl are a punishment, and more specifically for this abomination you mentioned? Every Muslim performs Wudhu several times a day, it just means washing your hands, mouth, nose, face, head, ears and feet before you pray. It's not a punishment, it's a requirement for prayer, when any of the following things have occured: going to the toilet, passing wind, touching a member of the opposite sex. Ghusl (A shower/bath) is further required, if you have ejaculated, no matter how it happened, even a wet dream.

It's got nothing to do with punishments, and it's certainly nothing to do with this abominable act.

But you just finished explaining that it wouldn't tell me what Islam is anyway.

That's right, but it would still be the right people to direct the question to, since it's from their books, which most Muslims consider false and not binding under Islamic law.

Is Ayatollah Khomeini a respected Muslim?

I assume he is amongst Shi'a, amongst mainstream Muslims no, he holds no authority whatsoever.

Title: Re: sex with animals
Post by freediver on Oct 7th, 2008 at 1:44pm
Do you have to touch a woman's skin, or do you have to wash your ears if you merely brush up against her tent in the market place? Does it only refer to humans of the opposite sex?

[moderated: Please read the forum guidelines]

Title: Re: sex with animals
Post by jordan484 on Oct 7th, 2008 at 3:25pm

Every Muslim performs Wudhu several times a day, it just means washing your hands, mouth, nose, face, head, ears and feet before you pray. It's not a punishment, it's a requirement for prayer, when any of the following things have occured: going to the toilet, passing wind, touching a member of the opposite sex.

You wash your hands, mouth, nose, face, head, ears and feet after you fart? Anatomy not a strong point for muslims huh?

Title: Re: sex with animals
Post by abu_rashid on Oct 7th, 2008 at 3:33pm

Do you have to touch a woman's skin, or do you have to wash your ears if you merely brush up against her tent in the market place?

It must be skin-skin contact. The washing doesn't have to be done after the act, it has to be done before you pray.

Does it only refer to humans of the opposite sex?

Yes. And more specifically only to mature women, who are marriageable.

Title: Re: sex with animals
Post by jordan484 on Oct 7th, 2008 at 3:37pm

Oh, I'm sorry abu, it's just that's it's so damn funny I can't contain my laughter!


Title: Re: sex with animals
Post by abu_rashid on Oct 7th, 2008 at 3:37pm

You wash your hands, mouth, nose, face, head, ears and feet after you fart? Anatomy not a strong point for muslims huh?

It is a ritual/spiritual purification, after all that's what the word Ablution means isn't it? English language is not your strong point?

For further inormation, perhaps you can check this Wiki article on Ritual Purification.

Title: Re: sex with animals
Post by freediver on Oct 7th, 2008 at 3:40pm
So if you don't pass wind between prayers, you don't have to wash? [moderated: please stop being disrespectful and posting this nonsense]

But it is troubling why they even had to go into the issue to begin with.

The comments of Ayatollah Khomeini are troubling. Why would he give such detailed instructions on what to do with the animal afterwards? Why is it OK to sell it to a neighbouring village, but not your own? What problem does his instruction solve?

Title: Re: sex with animals
Post by jordan484 on Oct 7th, 2008 at 3:41pm
I didn't have a problem with the word, just thought it was odd you washed the wrong parts, but whatever floats your boat, there are far stranger things with Islam.

Title: Re: sex with animals
Post by jordan484 on Oct 7th, 2008 at 3:43pm

freediver wrote on Oct 7th, 2008 at 1:44pm:
Do you have to touch a woman's skin, or do you have to wash your ears if you merely brush up against her tent in the market place? Does it only refer to humans of the opposite sex?

[moderated: Please read the forum guidelines]


You were moderated!!!

Title: Re: sex with animals
Post by freediver on Oct 7th, 2008 at 3:46pm
Yes I noticed that. It took me a while to remember what it was.

Title: Re: sex with animals
Post by abu_rashid on Oct 7th, 2008 at 4:47pm

So if you don't pass wind between prayers, you don't have to wash?

If none of the other causes of minor ritual impurity occur either, yes that's correct.

The comments of Ayatollah Khomeini are troubling. Why would he give such detailed instructions on what to do with the animal afterwards? Why is it OK to sell it to a neighbouring village, but not your own? What problem does his instruction solve?

Although I'm definitely not defending Khomeini, he may have said that, although I doubt it, that supposed translation is from a joke site, not a Shi'a site, so I wouldn't attach too much authenticity to it. Since you don't know Persian, and neither do I, they could just write anything, and you'd believe it?

Just a warning freediver, if you keep just using this thread to make nonsensical slanders against Islam, or even against Shi'a, I will just close the thread. If you want to actually discuss this issue, then do it with a little respect. Perhaps also try messaging Malik to ask him to respond.

Title: Re: sex with animals
Post by abu_rashid on Oct 7th, 2008 at 4:49pm

I didn't have a problem with the word, just thought it was odd you washed the wrong parts, but whatever floats your boat, there are far stranger things with Islam.

There's no 'wrong' parts because it's not a cleansing of physical impurities, it's a cleansing of spiritual impurities. You should read the link I gave, it explains that it does not necessarily correspond to physical cleansing. Also this is something that exists in most religions, including Christianity and Judaism.

Title: Re: sex with animals
Post by freediver on Oct 7th, 2008 at 4:55pm
I did try asking you directly what Islamic law is on the issue, but you insisted it was nonsense or tried to deflect me to Shiits. I'm just trying to get you to asnwer the question.

Title: Re: sex with animals
Post by abu_rashid on Oct 7th, 2008 at 4:59pm
No, I told you that I could not find a ruling on it, as it has probably never occurred in Islamic society before.

Telling you to ask a Shi'a is not a deflection, because the original document you linked to is quite clearly what looks to be a Shi'a book, and the other dubious quote by tallowood is also Shi'a related.

I'm just trying to get you to asnwer the question.

I can't answer the question if there's no answer to give. Just like I can't answer if a Muslim has to pay blood money if he accidentally killed an alien from the Delta Quadrant, because no such ruling exists.

Title: Re: sex with animals
Post by jordan484 on Oct 7th, 2008 at 5:03pm

abu_rashid wrote on Oct 7th, 2008 at 4:49pm:

I didn't have a problem with the word, just thought it was odd you washed the wrong parts, but whatever floats your boat, there are far stranger things with Islam.

There's no 'wrong' parts because it's not a cleansing of physical impurities, it's a cleansing of spiritual impurities. You should read the link I gave, it explains that it does not necessarily correspond to physical cleansing. Also this is something that exists in most religions, including Christianity and Judaism.

There you go, deflecting to other religions, when are you going to get it that I couldn't give a stuff about other religions either. The fact that if you pass wind you have to clean your face etc before praying remains hysterical and nonsensical to me, regardless of the fact that it may be a spiritual cleansing.  ;D

Title: Re: sex with animals
Post by freediver on Oct 7th, 2008 at 5:11pm
No, I told you that I could not find a ruling on it, as it has probably never occurred in Islamic society before.

If it has never occurred, why would Ayatollah Khomeini go into so much detail about it? Why would the Shiits have specific rules about washing afterwards? Claiming that it never occurs in any society is a bit naive.

Just like I can't answer if a Muslim has to pay blood money if he accidentally killed an alien from the Delta Quadrant, because no such ruling exists.

But if that actually happened, they would have to make case law based on old rules?

Title: Re: sex with animals
Post by abu_rashid on Oct 7th, 2008 at 5:27pm

There you go, deflecting to other religions, when are you going to get it that I couldn't give a stuff about other religions either.

Is 'deflection' about the only word you can manage to utter whenever you've really got no decent argument to present (which seems to be quite frequently)?

There's no deflection at all in my post, because I clearly stated an answer to your question. I just added this fact, to indicate to you that ritual purification is not peculiar to Islam, as you obviously seemed to think it is, and that it's a practise of most religions.

The fact that if you pass wind you have to clean your face etc before praying remains hysterical and nonsensical to me, regardless of the fact that it may be a spiritual cleansing

Since you don't really appreciate anything sacred, that doesn't surprise me.

Title: Re: sex with animals
Post by jordan484 on Oct 7th, 2008 at 5:30pm

Since you don't really appreciate anything sacred, that doesn't surprise me.

I appreciate plenty of things that are sacred....just not the same things as you. But don't let your arrogance stop you from assuming something so wrong.

Title: Re: sex with animals
Post by freediver on Oct 7th, 2008 at 5:31pm
It is an odd mixture of the sacred and petty, trivial things. Having to keep track of when you last farted would be an irritating burden. Why not just insist that people cleanse their spirit before praying? Linking it to farting implies some kind of causal relationship - that farting dirties the spirit.

Title: Re: sex with animals
Post by abu_rashid on Oct 7th, 2008 at 5:39pm

If it has never occurred, why would Ayatollah Khomeini go into so much detail about it?

It may have happened amongst the Shi'a, no idea. I doubt it happened under the Caliphate of the Muslims though, and that's why we probably have no ruling on it.

Again, I suggest to you, that you should find a reference to this supposed text by Khomeini from a Shi'a source. A joke website doesn't count as a very authentic source of such information. And when you do, quiz Malik about it. As I've stated, I am not going to defend nor explain Khomeini for anything he's said. If he indeed said those things, then he should be condemned as a despicable deviant.

Why would the Shiits have specific rules about washing afterwards?

From what you quoted it doesn't seem like there's any specific rules about washing afterwards. As already mentioned, any ejaculation necessitates a bath/shower (Ghusl), no matter what the circumstances, even if it was caused by an alien from the Delta Quadrant. The only strange thing is that they actually mentioned this abomination specifically, and that you'd need to take up with them. I don't believe in Shi'ism, I'm not a fan of Iran or any Shi'a nation/institution/belief, so can't really help you, sorry.

Claiming that it never occurs in any society is a bit naive.

So you think it exists in all societies? Strange. Anyway if it did, there'd be a ruling on it. If you can find it from and legitimate Islamic text, then feel free to bring it forth.

But if that actually happened, they would have to make case law based on old rules?

Yes, analogical deduction.

Title: Re: sex with animals
Post by abu_rashid on Oct 7th, 2008 at 5:41pm

If you can, please use more respectful terms.

As mentioned, there's many things which cause minor ritual impurity, why do you both seem to have this school-boy infatuation with only the passing of wind from the anus?

Title: Re: sex with animals
Post by jordan484 on Oct 7th, 2008 at 5:44pm
All true Aussie boys.....and subsequently men, have an infatuation with farting. It's funny. And it's a part of life. It's a funny part of life.

Title: Re: sex with animals
Post by abu_rashid on Oct 7th, 2008 at 5:49pm

Thankfully most leave it behind when they transition from primary school to high school.

Some unfortunately never get over it, the old grandpa who always ask you to pull his finger... I can envision you becoming one of them Jordan.

Title: Re: sex with animals
Post by freediver on Oct 7th, 2008 at 5:55pm
As already mentioned, any ejaculation necessitates a bath/shower (Ghusl), no matter what the circumstances, even if it was caused by an alien from the Delta Quadrant.

Doesn't it also cover what happens if you don't ejaculate. That is, it is the act of having sex with an animal that requires you to wash your face, not the ejaculation part?

As mentioned, there's many things which cause minor ritual impurity, why do you both seem to have this school-boy infatuation with only the passing of wind from the anus?

What about burping?

The Psychology of Sexual Orientation, Behavior, and Identity


Homosexuality is not particularly condemned in the Koran.

Even Bestiality might be tolerated if it served the purpose of preventing the person from committing a greater crime.

Cross dressing was institutionalised

Generally, Islam emphasized tolerance towards sexual peccadilloes (but not adultery which was a crime against property).

Title: Re: sex with animals
Post by jordan484 on Oct 7th, 2008 at 6:32pm

abu_rashid wrote on Oct 7th, 2008 at 5:49pm:
Thankfully most leave it behind when they transition from primary school to high school.

Some unfortunately never get over it, the old grandpa who always ask you to pull his finger... I can envision you becoming one of them Jordan.

Have you been to a high school recently? You're kidding yourself. And I don't care if the worst thing I do as an old man is ask my grandkids to pull my finger. It's harmless and it's funny. I'm just glad religion hasn't sucked the humour out of me.

Title: Re: sex with animals
Post by abu_rashid on Oct 7th, 2008 at 6:44pm

Doesn't it also cover what happens if you don't ejaculate. That is, it is the act of having sex with an animal that requires you to wash your face, not the ejaculation part?

As I said, ask a Shi'a, I don't believe in their books, so I'm not going to be explaining them for you. But obviously if someone had committed such an abomination, then they'd obviously be ritually impure, for it is a disgusting lewd act, and even coming into contact with the saliva of a dog necessitates making ablution, so let's say for the sake of argument it is required, that doesn't really mean much. Just means a recognition that a person has become impure. If it's in relation to the supposed quote of Khomeini, then that's something else, but as I said, you should verify that before considering it legit, as it comes from a joke site.

What about burping?

What about it? Does it necessitate wudhu? No.

Homosexuality is not particularly condemned in the Koran.

Yes it is. Also note that the Qur'an is not the only textual source of Islamic rulings.

Even Bestiality might be tolerated if it served the purpose of preventing the person from committing a greater crime.

It's mentioned in the book about aliens from the Delta Quadrant.

Cross dressing was institutionalised

Because Muslims wear long flowing robes?  ;D

Generally, Islam emphasized tolerance towards sexual peccadilloes

It's quite ironic that one minute  Islam is attacked for being too harsh against sexual deviants, and the next minute we see (usually the same people) trying desperately to prove Islam is tolerant of sexual deviancies... What a joke.

Come on freediver, have you run out of arguments against Islam, that this nonsense is the ebst you can come up with? Really, sex with animals, tolerance of homosexuality and cross dressing? Bottom of the barrel if you ask me. But scrape away as you please, just keep it nice.

Title: Re: sex with animals
Post by freediver on Oct 7th, 2008 at 6:50pm
Because Muslims wear long flowing robes?

There is an explanation in the link I gave. I cannot copy and paste the text for some reason.

You asked for a more reliable source about Islam and Bestiality. I gave you one. It all creates a very strong impression that Islam condones bestiality. That's why I'm asking you if Islam does proscribe a punishment for it.

Perhaps, rather than seeing it as an attack on Islam, you should see it as a simple question about Islam and a chance to demonstrate the righteousness of it's laws.

Title: Re: sex with animals
Post by abu_rashid on Oct 7th, 2008 at 6:53pm

You asked for a more reliable source about Islam and Bestiality.

Shi'a books and orientalist fantasies don't amount to a reliable source in my eyes, sorry.

It all creates a very strong impression that Islam condones bestiality.

All it creates the very strong impression of is that you're desperate for an argument against Islam.

Title: Re: sex with animals
Post by abu_rashid on Oct 7th, 2008 at 7:01pm

There is an explanation in the link I gave.

Do you mean this: "Cross-dressing was institutionalized in some areas of the Islamic world to perform the women's role in public"??

In which areas? When? And what exactly is meant by "To perform the women's role in public"? Doesn't make a lot of sense to me. This, like the other claims made there are just nonsense, and that's obviously why it's devoid of any references to actual Islamic texts/historical records. It's just hearsay. I can write a book about Eskimoes claiming they used to wear pink tutus under their cold-weather gear, but it doesn't really mean much if I don't have any actual source or evidence to back it up. This is the difference between scholarship and rubbish.

I cannot copy and paste the text for some reason.

Umm, that would be because it's copyrighted :)

Title: Re: sex with animals
Post by freediver on Oct 7th, 2008 at 7:03pm
I don't believe the Shiits and the Sunnis are so different that one could condone bestiality and the other forbid it. I think it is a far more reasonable interpretation that they have the same take on the issue which is based on the same book. It has nothing to do with Shiit/Sunni. It's about Islam. The fact that it originally came from a Shiit site is not evidence that it is exclusive to the Shiits, unless you want to argue that bestiality is in fact a point of contention between Shiits and Sunnis. But you deleted my direct question about that for some reason, perhaps to maintain this red herring that it is a Shiit issue. Any quote about any religion is going to come from a website associate with some faction of that religion. It is not reasonable to automatically assume that the interpretation is specific to that faction, especially where it is part of a broad outline of the religion rather than what sets the faction apart.

Title: Re: sex with animals
Post by abu_rashid on Oct 7th, 2008 at 7:04pm

Perhaps, rather than seeing it as an attack on Islam, you should see it as a simple question about Islam and a chance to demonstrate the righteousness of it's laws.

Firstly your manner in posting it has made it quite obvious you're seeking to tarnish Islam with it. Not merely ask a question. If you were just asking a question, you would've realised about 20 posts back that it's clearly not something allowed in Islam. In fact I think you know that, you just think it's fun to slander others and make some lively debate.

Title: Re: sex with animals
Post by freediver on Oct 7th, 2008 at 7:07pm
Firstly your manner in posting it has made it quite obvious you're seeking to tarnish Islam with it.

Actually, that is down to your response. I psoted a simple question. You could have chosen to see it as a simple question with a simple answer, but instead you chose to get wound up about it.

If you were just asking a question, you would've realised about 20 posts back that it's clearly not something allowed in Islam.

Why would I deduce that, when the evidence points the other way? Should I assume it is forbidden just because you insist it is disgusting?

Title: Re: sex with animals
Post by abu_rashid on Oct 7th, 2008 at 7:12pm

I don't believe the Shiits and the Sunnis are so different that...

You're free to believe as you wish.

I think it is a far more reasonable interpretation that they have the same take on the issue which is based on the same book.

This just indicates you know absolutely nothing about Shi'a and Mainstream, or even about basic evidences in Islam. The primary text of Islam is the Qur'an. the Secondary text is the Hadith, and a tertiary source is books of Fiqh (rulings made by scholars from the two primary sources). Shi'a and Mainstream both accept the Qur'an, but do not agree about the Hadith, the two having completely seperate books of Hadith. As for Fiqh, Mainstream and Shi'a don't share not even a single book of Fiqh out of the thousands written. They are completely seperate. That book you quoted from has absolutely no authority at all to the Mainstream Muslims, it has no more authority than the Bible or the Vedas, ie. zilch.

So you can believe and think what you want, but it's not grounded in reality.

Title: Re: sex with animals
Post by freediver on Oct 7th, 2008 at 7:14pm
So Shiits and Sunnis do differ on their rulings regarding bestiality?

Title: Re: sex with animals
Post by abu_rashid on Oct 7th, 2008 at 7:15pm

Why would I deduce that, when the evidence points the other way? Should I assume it is forbidden just because you insist it is disgusting?

All sexual acts are fobidden in Islam, except between a man and his wife. Anything else, like green aliens from the Delta Quadrant, bestiality, homosexuality or any other deviancy you can bring forward is strictly forbidden.

Title: Re: sex with animals
Post by freediver on Oct 7th, 2008 at 7:16pm
What about masturbation?

Title: Re: sex with animals
Post by abu_rashid on Oct 7th, 2008 at 7:17pm

So Shiits and Sunnis do differ on their rulings regarding bestiality?

In mainstream Islam it's definitely forbidden.

Since you haven't actually brought forth a ruling from the Shi'a that says it's allowed, I can't really comment on whether we therefore differ. Bring one forward, and then ask.

Title: Re: sex with animals
Post by abu_rashid on Oct 7th, 2008 at 7:18pm

What about masturbation?

Yes forbidden, as  I said, anything outside of husband and wife is forbidden.

Title: Re: sex with animals
Post by soren on Oct 7th, 2008 at 7:36pm

abu_rashid wrote on Oct 7th, 2008 at 7:12pm:
[quote]The primary text of Islam is the Qur'an. the Secondary text is the Hadith, and a tertiary source is books of Fiqh (rulings made by scholars from the two primary sources). Shi'a and Mainstream both accept the Qur'an, but do not agree about the Hadith, the two having completely seperate books of Hadith. As for Fiqh, Mainstream and Shi'a don't share not even a single book of Fiqh out of the thousands written. They are completely seperate.

Islam  - as the final revealed word of god, immuably present in heaven since creation -  is as multifarious, varied and interpretation-bound as any human text.

It is crazy to insist that something so divergent is and so bound up in mutually exclusive and historically situated interpretationss of its authority and meaning to be beyond criticism, examination, (god forbid) contradiction. Only madmen can insist that despite its so obvious variances of interpretation, it should be still treated as if it was coherent, cohesive or supernatural.
And we haven't even looked at the details, only at the baisc divergence you identified.

No wonder Islam has ruled reasoning beyond the pale.

Title: Re: sex with animals
Post by jordan484 on Oct 7th, 2008 at 7:41pm

abu_rashid wrote on Oct 7th, 2008 at 7:18pm:

What about masturbation?

Yes forbidden, as  I said, anything outside of husband and wife is forbidden.

Oh you poor bastard, that's why you're so cranky! It all makes sense to me now!

Title: Re: sex with animals
Post by easel on Oct 7th, 2008 at 8:08pm
I have a video from a few years ago I got in an email, it's entitled something like 'These are the people we are supposed to protect?' and it is a thermal video taken at night from either a stationary helo or a vehicle and it has two Iraqi young ADULTS engaging in intercourse with a donkey...

Title: Re: sex with animals
Post by freediver on Oct 7th, 2008 at 8:12pm

easel wrote on Oct 7th, 2008 at 8:08pm:
I have a video from a few years ago I got in an email, it's entitled something like 'These are the people we are supposed to protect?' and it is a thermal video taken at night from either a stationary helo or a vehicle and it has two Iraqi young ADULTS engaging in intercourse with a donkey...

Don't be silly. Muslims don't do that. If they did, they would have a law forbidding it,

abu_rashid wrote on Oct 7th, 2008 at 7:18pm:

What about masturbation?

Yes forbidden, as  I said, anything outside of husband and wife is forbidden.

Are you joking? What is the punishment?

Title: Re: sex with animals
Post by easel on Oct 7th, 2008 at 8:17pm
I don't think Christians are allowed to do one eyed snake charming either, something about self gratifying behaviour.


I remember during sex ed at the Catholic school, I kept asking about it and if it's a sin and all this, so they got the priest to come down.

"Boys can do it but girls can't."


Title: Re: sex with animals
Post by sprintcyclist on Oct 7th, 2008 at 8:26pm
easel - i tend to agree with you.
cant really quote it for you, but that is my impression.

mind you, i "sin" on a few things.

typical xian   :-)

Title: Re: sex with animals
Post by locutius on Oct 9th, 2008 at 1:27pm

easel wrote on Oct 7th, 2008 at 8:08pm:
I have a video from a few years ago I got in an email, it's entitled something like 'These are the people we are supposed to protect?' and it is a thermal video taken at night from either a stationary helo or a vehicle and it has two Iraqi young ADULTS engaging in intercourse with a donkey...

I know it is pointless complaining about being censored, your the moderator. But if you can't answer here I will ask in one of the other forums.

Was my reply deleted because I said "the donkey being the victim should be punished" or was it due to a play on words referring to an attractive uncovered ass?

Title: Re: sex with animals
Post by easel on Oct 9th, 2008 at 1:47pm

locutius wrote on Oct 9th, 2008 at 1:27pm:

easel wrote on Oct 7th, 2008 at 8:08pm:
I have a video from a few years ago I got in an email, it's entitled something like 'These are the people we are supposed to protect?' and it is a thermal video taken at night from either a stationary helo or a vehicle and it has two Iraqi young ADULTS engaging in intercourse with a donkey...

I know it is pointless complaining about being censored, your the moderator. But if you can't answer here I will ask in one of the other forums.

Was my reply deleted because I said "the donkey being the victim should be punished" or was it due to a play on words referring to an attractive uncovered ass?

I don't moderate in here.

Title: Re: sex with animals
Post by tallowood on Oct 9th, 2008 at 1:50pm

locutius wrote on Oct 9th, 2008 at 1:27pm:

easel wrote on Oct 7th, 2008 at 8:08pm:
I have a video from a few years ago I got in an email, it's entitled something like 'These are the people we are supposed to protect?' and it is a thermal video taken at night from either a stationary helo or a vehicle and it has two Iraqi young ADULTS engaging in intercourse with a donkey...

I know it is pointless complaining about being censored, your the moderator. But if you can't answer here I will ask in one of the other forums.

Was my reply deleted because I said "the donkey being the victim should be punished" or was it due to a play on words referring to an attractive uncovered ass?

Last week I've seen a man putting his hand into cow's vagina. Since here we have only Christians and Unbelievers it could not be a Moslem. Which one do you think it was and why?

Title: Re: sex with animals
Post by freediver on Oct 9th, 2008 at 1:53pm
A vet, if he went in up to the shoulder.

Title: Re: sex with animals
Post by easel on Oct 9th, 2008 at 1:55pm
Pregnancy testing a cow is done in the other hole, not the vagina.

Title: Re: sex with animals
Post by abu_rashid on Oct 9th, 2008 at 1:56pm

Was my reply deleted because I said "the donkey being the victim should be punished" or was it due to a play on words referring to an attractive uncovered ass?

The crude latter.
If you want to ask, ask in a tasteful and serious manner, leave the crude jokes at the door, check the forum guidelines if unsure.

Title: Re: sex with animals
Post by locutius on Oct 9th, 2008 at 1:57pm

easel wrote on Oct 9th, 2008 at 1:47pm:

locutius wrote on Oct 9th, 2008 at 1:27pm:

easel wrote on Oct 7th, 2008 at 8:08pm:
I have a video from a few years ago I got in an email, it's entitled something like 'These are the people we are supposed to protect?' and it is a thermal video taken at night from either a stationary helo or a vehicle and it has two Iraqi young ADULTS engaging in intercourse with a donkey...

I know it is pointless complaining about being censored, your the moderator. But if you can't answer here I will ask in one of the other forums.

Was my reply deleted because I said "the donkey being the victim should be punished" or was it due to a play on words referring to an attractive uncovered ass?

I don't moderate in here.

Sorry easel, I was asking the question to the moderator about my previous reply to your post. The only reason you were requoted. ;)

Title: Re: sex with animals
Post by tallowood on Oct 9th, 2008 at 1:58pm

easel wrote on Oct 9th, 2008 at 1:55pm:
Pregnancy testing a cow is done in the other hole, not the vagina.

Exactly. So let's have a guess what sort of religion does he have.

Title: Re: sex with animals
Post by freediver on Oct 9th, 2008 at 1:59pm
Was he a vet?

Title: Re: sex with animals
Post by tallowood on Oct 9th, 2008 at 2:14pm

freediver wrote on Oct 9th, 2008 at 1:59pm:
Was he a vet?

Not as far as I know but the cow had an expression of pleasure on her face so it appears that he knew what he was doing. But regardless of his profession he still have to be either a Christian or Unbeliever.

Title: Re: sex with animals
Post by freediver on Oct 9th, 2008 at 2:17pm
Why was he doing it?

How can you tell if a cow is happy?

Title: Re: sex with animals
Post by tallowood on Oct 9th, 2008 at 2:23pm

freediver wrote on Oct 9th, 2008 at 2:17pm:
Why was he doing it?

How can you tell if a cow is happy?

I did not ask him so that is open for discussion.

She had a grin on her face. :)

Title: Re: sex with animals
Post by freediver on Oct 9th, 2008 at 2:28pm
You couldn't tell what was going on without asking?

Title: Re: sex with animals
Post by abu_rashid on Oct 9th, 2008 at 2:50pm

Ok enough of the innuendo. If you have anything valid to add to the topic do so, if not, let us end this despicable topic now.

Title: Re: sex with animals
Post by freediver on Oct 9th, 2008 at 2:55pm
I hope you're not going to close the thread. I'm still hoping someone will find out what the punishment is.

Title: Re: sex with animals
Post by abu_rashid on Oct 9th, 2008 at 3:18pm

As I said in the other thread, if I find out, you'll be the first to know.

Topic is now closed, also the forum guidelines have been updated to cover these kinds of threads, please re-read them.


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