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Message started by spirituality on Oct 8th, 2008 at 6:02pm

Title: 7 Tips For Spirituality, Making A Connection
Post by spirituality on Oct 8th, 2008 at 6:02pm
This article on tips for spirituality came about as the result of work done with people in addiction recovery. The concepts are applicable to most every one however. The question is often asked, what can I do to improve my spirituality?

Addiction can be viewed as a disease of isolation, becoming disconnected to life. Addiction recovery and spirituality can be viewed as the process of becoming connected. The more connections in our lives, the greater the chance of coming into harmony with our surroundings.

There are basically four areas of life, or types of relationships we work toward in becoming connected. Positive spirituality may be viewed as having a healthy relationship and positive self-esteem with yourself, firstly. Secondly there is the relationship you may have or want to develop with whatever form of Higher Power is right for you. It can be God, Nature, a Force of Universe, it is up to you. Please note we are not mixing religion with this idea of spirituality. The third are to develop healthy connections or spirituality is in relationships with family. Lastly is the area which is kind of a catch all, community. This includes casual relationships, work, social situations, etc.

Here are 7 tips for spirituality that are very concrete areas for development. It is very important to be working in each area, set up specific goals that are measurable and achievable. Instead of saying 'I will start meditating' say 'I will spend 10 minutes before breakfast and ten minutes after dinner alone reading the meditation of the day'.
Without further ado:

1. Use personal prayer and/or meditation. This is quiet time to start to develop time for yourself and to assess how things are going in your life.

2. Spend time in groups. This could be attending a worship service, singing in a choir, acting in a play or any group with positive interaction and direction. This enhances our ability to develop relationships with other people.

3. Spend time learning. Grow your mind. This could be taking a few classes at the community college, book study groups, self-help or mental health material.

4. Take time for yourself. Plan a quiet day just for you, away from family and work. Indulge yourself in quiet. There are many retreat areas where you can find peaceful surroundings for recharging yourself.

5. Physical fitness and proper diet. There is a very satisfying feeling that comes from taking care of yourself physically. Get in shape to be the best person you can be.

6. Recreation. Indulge in some activity just for sheer fun. Explore hobbies, sports, whatever floats your boat, but make time for it. Do not plan to 'get around to it someday'. Just do it.

7. Be of service. Do some volunteer work or engage in random acts of kindness. It really does feel good and build self-esteem to help someone with no thought of reward. This is a cosmic win-win situation.

We hope that gave you some ideas about how to improve your relationships with self and others. The key thing is to take action. Today is the first day of the rest of your life. Why not take steps to improve your spiritual connection?

Article Author:  Bill Urell
Article Source:

Title: Re: 7 Tips For Spirituality, Making A Connection
Post by muso on Oct 8th, 2008 at 8:34pm
Some good tips there. I especially agree with the bit about singing in a choir. There is nothing like it to lift the spirit.

Get involved with amateur theatre. I'm a relatively shy person, but one thing that made life particularly intense and vivid was playing a comedy role. Get the timing right and tune yourself in with the audience and it's almost as if you are conducting an orchestra. Get the timing right and you can conjure laughter out of people and get an insight as to what makes people tick en masse. You get a sense of spirituality by interacting with an audience and thinking fast on your feet.  

Title: Re: 7 Tips For Spirituality, Making A Connection
Post by sprintcyclist on Oct 8th, 2008 at 9:27pm
great list.

Totally agree with being in a choir/band.
Have tried it, magnificant stuff.

Also like groups and exercise

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