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Member Run Boards >> Relationships >> Frustration

Message started by mantra on Oct 30th, 2008 at 10:15am

Title: Frustration
Post by mantra on Oct 30th, 2008 at 10:15am
I have actually taken this "quote" from a post on another forum - but the words are wise........

"I think this board is falling victim to an insidious form of back seat censorship. If people see a dangerous idea that they are unable to keep down, they can sometimes keep a lid on it by throwing a tantrum every time it comes up. People either see the topic as 'too hot to handle', or even worse, the moderators close the thread to prevent further abuse. This actually encourages abusive behaviour, as it becomes an effective means to put an end to a discussion whose very existence you object to. Sometimes it is necessary to punish the abusive poster, rather than the entire community.

It's also really annoying because I spent a heap of time composing a response"

Does anyone agree with this?  :)

Title: Re: Frustration
Post by sprintcyclist on Oct 30th, 2008 at 10:31am

Interesting indeed mantra.

people could use abuse as ameans of closing down the discussion.
As they could use diversion for the same ends.

Agreed, just delete the abusive/diversionary posts, leave the thread running.

Title: Re: Frustration
Post by mantra on Oct 30th, 2008 at 10:53am
Yes Sprintcyclist....there is a lot of frustration on forums and too much censorship by individuals who have some power over people.

Anyway - hang in there Sprintcylist, Jordan, Amadd, Grendel et al and if the owner of the "quote" happens to be a contributor here - I hope you don't mind me borrowing your words.

Maybe he/she could even acknowledge them.

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