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General Discussion >> Chat >> Roses from my friends

Message started by easel on Nov 14th, 2008 at 6:47am

Title: Roses from my friends
Post by easel on Nov 14th, 2008 at 6:47am

I could have treated you better
But you couldn't have treated me worse
But he who laughs last
is he who cries first

Sometimes I feel I know strangers
better than I know my friends
Why must a beginning
be the means to an end?

The stones from my enemies
these wounds will mend
But I cannot survive
the roses from my friends

When the last word has been spoken
and we've beared witness to the final setting sun
All that shall remain is a token
of what we've said and done

When all we've had has been forsaken
And distant church bells no longer ring
That's the sound of a heart taken
and the story of tears from a king

The stones from my enemies
these wounds will mend
But I cannot survive
the roses from my friends

This may be the last time I see you
Forgive me for holding you close
This may be the last time I see you
So of this moment I will make the most

This may be the last time I see you
But if you keep me in your heart
together we shall be eternal
If you believe
we shall never part

The stones from my enemies
These wounds will mend
But I cannot survive
the roses from my friends

Title: Re: Roses from my friends
Post by muso on Nov 14th, 2008 at 7:10am
I've found it interesting how some people on the net will confide to absolute strangers things that they wouldn't dare talk about with real life friends.

Internet can act as a good pressure vent sometimes because the anonymity removes a lot of inhibition.

I've watched the beginnings of electronic communications,  and fidonet through dialup bbs systems. Played with IRC - I am a botmaster from way back, played with Mosaic and Cello in the early years and wondered where it was all going to end.

It has changed quite a lot about how we live and even think, and initially opened things up for a lot of very strange individuals who in the pre-internet days used to haunt libraries, until it became mainstream.  

On the whole, the impact has been positive rather than negative.

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