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Message started by Jim Profit on Dec 16th, 2008 at 10:05pm

Title: Hello
Post by Jim Profit on Dec 16th, 2008 at 10:05pm
Usually I don't do introductions, I make myself well known pretty quickly anywhere I go.

I came here to learn about Australlian politics, and to get a good idea of how Australlians think, and the parties that represent them. I'm American, I don't know poo about anything that doesn't involve my country.. Don't blame the education system, I didn't even go to school. Though that might say something about how bad it is anyway where you wouldn't even notice.

I have a girlfriend who lives in Oz, so Australlia is relevant to my interests. I know it's hot as balls down there, and you got animals straight out of Cthulhu mythos... lol! But I want to learn more. And no, I don't think you're all Crocodile Dundees and Steve Irwins. Infact I'm thinking you're more like British people if the brits had a backbone and a nice butt.

I don't know if alot of Americans post here, I can't claim to speak for Americans much. I'm kind of a maverick. I don't fit in anywhere in American politics. Mostly cause I'm just an angry white dude who hates people treating me like I'm some kind of idiot.

I hope I find what I'm looking for here. And don't regret signing up and getting kicked out because I have some extreme views. They're extreme, but not predictable. Sometimes they're right, sometimes they're left, but you can always bet they'll have a hint of cyniscm and sarcasm.. Ofcourse the right/left meter might be different for you guys. So ohwell, will just have to wait and see.

I didn't realize Islam was such a big deal in Australia. Here it isn't. We're just like "durphurp! Iraquis don't know what freedom is!" And most Americans can't tell the difference between Pakistan and Palestine. I suppose if you explain it to them in terms of "It's like calling a Catholic and Mormon" they might get it. But we're also increddibly lazy. lol!

I guess that's it. For the safety of my girl's personal life I'm not going to say her name that way noone can bitch her out for dating this magnificent bastard. :D

Title: Re: Hello
Post by helian on Dec 16th, 2008 at 10:40pm
Ehyagahn Jim

Siddown take the legs off yer feet.

Noice to ave a septic in the tank... If yers wanna tinnie, ask Mozza, or Locco or Musso. Grenno 'll drop another Muslim on the barbie for yers.. Awright?

No worries...

Orgh... and by the way if yers wanna say sh!t and mean sh!t (and not poo) yers gotta use !... The Prime Minister don't like swearin involved.

Title: Re: Hello
Post by mantra on Dec 17th, 2008 at 6:42am
Well said Jim and welcome to Ozpolitics.  

Title: Re: Hello
Post by locutius on Dec 17th, 2008 at 11:00am
Welcome Jim and well done on using the word the word Bastard. It is most often used as a term of endearment here so your off to a good start.

Always good to have an international opinion here. The same applies for us as it does for you I reckon. ie. Don't judge the people by the wankers that run the country. I really like America and the people and have even considered moving there.

Don't feel too bad about the dumbing down and poor media, the rest of the world is trying hand over fist to follow suit. Remember we have such crap over here as Australian Idol and Big Brother. What you do have are some of the best self criticism (Noam Chomsky) and funniest self criticism (The Daily Show), so obviously all hope is not yet lost.

As to the Brits having a backbone, let me just say three words : Royal Marine and Agincourt. The French are the definite backbone lackers at the moment or at least the last 100 years. :)


Title: Re: Hello
Post by DonaldTrump on Dec 17th, 2008 at 9:11pm
Gday Jim,  8-)

A big Australian welcome from DonaldTrump (Don't let the name fool you).

Really great to have an American in here. It's a welcome change from all the Muslims, whining multicrap supporters and spelling police. [smiley=thumbsup.gif]

Feel free to post on the multiculturalism board and let yor views be known.

What state you from?


Title: Re: Hello
Post by Gaybriel on Dec 17th, 2008 at 9:19pm
oh look I'm your signature now! lol

I feel so privileged!

Title: Re: Hello
Post by mozzaok on Dec 17th, 2008 at 9:39pm

The French are the definite backbone lackers at the moment

Ahh! another Simpsons fan.
We have had a couple of commentaries about the french military in the simpsons;
Firstly, when groundkeeper Willie described them as "cheese eating surrender monkeys"

followed by a scared Lenny saying; "I'm shaking like a french soldier"

But of course the french will counter that they are lovers, not fighters, the first part we will take their word on, the second is not in doubt.

BTW, Welcome Jim. :)

Title: Re: Hello
Post by Jim Profit on Dec 17th, 2008 at 9:48pm

What state you from?



I always gloated about how Florida is hot, and has gators. That makes me a badass.

Then my girlfriend informed me Australia's even hotter.

And has crocociles.. along with all the other freaky animals.

I think I know where Mario Franchise got the idea for all those enemies..

And because of the tight gun laws I'd imagine you throw vegetables too.

I suppose this is how you guys see America...

Title: Re: Hello
Post by mozzaok on Dec 17th, 2008 at 10:00pm
Nah!, we just see it on TV, like the rest of the world.

You should see some of our little teenage "wiggers", they would definitely crack you up, trying so hard to get down with the whole "gangsta" image, yep, we have more than just helping us out in WW2 to thank the yanks for.

Title: Re: Hello
Post by helian on Dec 17th, 2008 at 11:26pm
The seppo's a troll.

Title: Re: Hello
Post by locutius on Dec 18th, 2008 at 10:24am

mozzaok wrote on Dec 17th, 2008 at 9:39pm:

The French are the definite backbone lackers at the moment

Ahh! another Simpsons fan.
We have had a couple of commentaries about the french military in the simpsons;
Firstly, when groundkeeper Willie described them as "cheese eating surrender monkeys"
followed by a scared Lenny saying; "I'm shaking like a french soldier"

But of course the french will counter that they are lovers, not fighters, the first part we will take their word on, the second is not in doubt.
BTW, Welcome Jim. :)

;D ;DWell said Mozza, That is a favourite quote by Willie, of couse he is from that stock that put the French Imperial Guard to the batonet, and found them wanting.

That last part was wll put. Gave me a good chuckle.

Title: Re: Hello
Post by muso on Dec 18th, 2008 at 10:42am
Hi Jim,

I see Americans as .......diverse, in fact almost as diverse as us. There is no such thing as a typical American and no such thing as a typical Aussie either.

The main commonality is a stubborn refusal to be categorised - all except the religious right that is who seem to revel in it.  

I'd question exactly how typical the Religious Right actually are. It seems to be a matter of follow everybody else, but everybody  else is basically following too and you just have a few cowboys on horses rounding them up.  If you ask the cowboys, they probably swear like the best of them but they are just doing what they think they ought to be doing.

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