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Message started by Grendel on Jan 11th, 2009 at 11:50pm

Title: Just blame the Jews
Post by Grendel on Jan 11th, 2009 at 11:50pm
It's too easy just to blame Jews
Paul Sheehan
January 12, 2009

'American Jews are not authentic. They're obsessed with money. There's something annoying about them." This comment, from a Jewish reporter, Danny Ababa, for Israel's largest-selling daily, Yediot Aharonot, was published last November 21, while I happened to be in Israel. Not surprisingly, it caused consternation, especially among the American Jews attending an international assembly in Jerusalem.

On the same day, there was a report of physical violence between competing factions within the ultra-orthodox Jewish communities in Jerusalem. At the same time, ultra-nationalist Jews were preparing for a siege against the Israeli Defence Forces over their occupation of an illegal Jewish settlement in Hebron in the Palestinian territories.

When it comes to the morality of Israel's behaviour, no community is more fiercely divided, or vocal, or politically fractionalised than the Jewish community itself. Israel is special, and it inspires passions out of all proportion to its size given that the total number of Jews worldwide is about 13 million, or 0.2 per cent of the world's population.

This applies doubly to anti-Jewish sentiment, which is being carried by the spread of Islamic fundamentalism. Look no further than the demonstration in Melbourne eight days ago. Amid demonstrators protesting against the Israeli attacks on Gaza were those carrying signs that said: "Clean the Earth from the dirty Zionists" . . . "Chosen dirty people of the Earth" . . . "Stop the sub-human Zionist land-grabbing barbarian mass murder in occupied Palestine".

Then there was the young man with an Australian accent, interviewed by the BBC in Beirut last week, during a demonstration against Israel's actions in Gaza: "I'm an Australian, but I'm here to kill Jews."

Kill Jews. Dirty People. Sub-human. Mass murderers. Greedy.

The passions run deep and viscerally. After 60 years of conflict without end over the borders of Israel, since 1948, the intellectual and moral terrain is filled with ruts, trenches and no-go areas. On both sides minds snap shut at the first hint of sympathy for the enemy.

When I visited a Palestinian refugee camp in November, the Aida camp on the West Bank, near Bethlehem, I was escorted around by a charming 16-year-old, Mohammed, who wants to become a doctor. He is a third-generation refugee. When I asked if he had ever visited Israel, he replied: "Yes, I have been to occupied Palestine." (Where was the term "occupied Palestine" when the Palestinians of the West Bank and Gaza were an ethnic majority living under the rule of an ethnic minority, the Hashemites of Jordan, for 20 years until 1967?)

Even in Sydney, negative stereotypes of Jews sit quietly below the surface: the gaudy Hungarians of Double Bay, the haughty South Africans who left as soon as the blacks took over, the Zionist billionaires Frank Lowy and Dick Pratt, the divided loyalties of the orthodox Jews. It's not hard to scratch a Jewish itch in Lakemba, Punchbowl, Bankstown or Auburn.

The idea of disproportionate Jewish power and success is an unspoken emotional subtext that puts so much heat and resentment into the Israel-Palestine debate. It is not just geography and history and morality. Then action begets reaction. Complaints have come into the Herald from outraged Jews: your coverage is biased against Israel. It is insulting. Expect consequences. We will boycott your paper. You will feel our power.

Because the existence of Israel radiates an affront to the Muslim world, only Palestinians have been sequestered from the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees to a special agency. That agency, the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees, has warehoused displaced Palestinians for decades because it has been in the interests of the Arab world for this problem not to be solved.

Gaza has become a giant warehouse of misery. It has no economic growth, no prospects, almost no civil order, yet about half the population is under the age of 17. The population has exploded amid economic privation. Women, living under Sharia law, are used primarily as breeding stock. When Nizar Rayan, the most senior member of Hamas, was killed in the latest Israeli attacks, he had four wives and 14 children.

Why did Israel go into this strategically useless, densely populated area, which it had already given up, risking urban warfare, civilian casualties, international condemnation and more anti-Semitism? Based on briefings I received from the Israeli Government, there are four reasons for Operation Cast Lead:

- A perception had grown in the Arab world that Israel was losing its stomach for a war of attrition and had responded tepidly to 6000 Hamas rocket attacks. Israel wants to end that perception.

- To stop the rocket attacks, Israel has a very specific target, the Philadelphi corridor along the border with Egypt. It has occupied the corridor, destroyed the smuggling tunnels, and will pass control only to an international military force.

- Neither Israel nor Egypt want an Islamic Hamastan solidifying on their doorsteps in Gaza. They want Hamas to be synonymous with chaos.

- Finally, Israel believes it did not waste the war in Lebanon in 2006. Hezbollah was badly damaged. After 17 days of attacks in Gaza, Hezbollah has not opened

Title: Re: Just blame the Jews
Post by abu_rashid on Jan 12th, 2009 at 4:25am

Look no further than the demonstration in Melbourne eight days ago. Amid demonstrators protesting against the Israeli attacks on Gaza were those carrying signs that said: "Clean the Earth from the dirty Zionists" . . . "Chosen dirty people of the Earth" . . . "Stop the sub-human Zionist land-grabbing barbarian mass murder in occupied Palestine".

Kill Jews. Dirty People. Sub-human. Mass murderers. Greedy.

What a dishonest load of crap. Zionist != Jew. Zionism is a racist, Nazi-like ideology. Not all Jews are Zionists and not all Zionists are Jews. But as usual  in the Zionist-dominated sector of the media, this guy is trying to dishonestly make word associations to make something appear what it is not, so gullible fools like Grendel can swallow it.

Title: Re: Just blame the Jews
Post by Grendel on Jan 12th, 2009 at 4:31am
You saying those signs didn't exist Abu?

That the "Zionist controlled" media just made it up?

Quick better tighten your tin hat....

Hmm you left out the "I'm here to kill Jews"  quote and looks to me klike YOU are trying to misrepresent the article Abu...  shame on you.  muslims need to learn to stop lying to non-muslims.

Title: Re: Just blame the Jews
Post by abu_rashid on Jan 12th, 2009 at 4:53am

You saying those signs didn't exist Abu?

By asking this question, you indicate you didn't even comprehend the contents of my post, so I'll take pity upon you rather than respond... with something else that's probably a little out of your depth.

Hmm you left out the "I'm here to kill Jews"  quote and looks to me klike YOU are trying to misrepresent the article Ab...

I am anti-Zionist but certainly not anti-Jewish. Therefore that part of the article is irrelevant to me.

Title: Re: Just blame the Jews
Post by Grendel on Jan 12th, 2009 at 5:00am
hmmm  so whom isn't reading the article?
Whom is out of his depth?

tsk, tsk, tsk...  you keep proving what a hypocrite you are Abu.

No use just dismissing someone and hoping dumb people will agree with you.

Title: Re: Just blame the Jews
Post by abu_rashid on Jan 12th, 2009 at 5:26am

whom?  ;D

Please learn how to speak English.

Title: Re: Just blame the Jews
Post by easel on Jan 12th, 2009 at 5:30am

abu_rashid wrote on Jan 12th, 2009 at 5:26am:
whom?  ;D

Please learn how to speak English.

Whom is a word.

Title: Re: Just blame the Jews
Post by abu_rashid on Jan 12th, 2009 at 6:28am

Yes it is, but the way he used it makes no sense at all.

Title: Re: Just blame the Jews
Post by Grendel on Jan 12th, 2009 at 6:58am
Whom is the singular of who  you are a singular person I suppose...  I was referring to one person that would be you.  hence whom.

Or have you Muslims got some sort of borg hive mind thing happening.

Title: Re: Just blame the Jews
Post by abu_rashid on Jan 12th, 2009 at 7:08am

Whom is the singular of who  you are a singular person I suppose...

I see you didn't make it past primary school.  ;D

Whom is the singular AND PLURAL of who in the objective case.

Title: Re: Just blame the Jews
Post by mantra on Jan 12th, 2009 at 7:17am
You can't win an argument on this topic Abu.  All you get is abuse and derision.  It's obvious, that even Grendel, who professes to be so knowledgeable and well read is ignorant on this subject although he calls others clueless.

It is impossible to explain the difference between a zionist and a jew to those who won't listen and it's because they can't or won't distinguish between an extremist Muslim and a moderate muslim.

Everyone's lumped into the same category - Christians/Jews = righteousness and civility - Muslims = jihadists and primitivity.

You can't win against hate.  So much for religious conviction.  Those who contain the most hate call themselves Christians.

Title: Re: Just blame the Jews
Post by Calanen on Jan 12th, 2009 at 7:38am

Zionism is a racist, Nazi-like ideology. Not all Jews are Zionists and not all Zionists are Jews.

I'm neither a muslim or a Jew. As far as Northern Ireland goes, I'd be a racial Catholic (ie you couldnt just move into a Protestant area and say 'Hey fellas Im an atheist now!) but I am an atheist.

And I would prefer boatloads of Zionists living in my community rather than Muslims. Because Zionists are never going to have a jihad against Australia to ensure Talmudic law. They are never going to issue veiled threats saying 'Beware of the consequences' for not giving into xx demand.

Zionists, and Jews generally, are passive people. The only time in history that they have ever fought was because they were hunted to the brink of extinction. When was the last time a gang of Jews was maraudering around Sydney raping women ? Or bashing people? Or running organised crime gangs? Why are there LOADS of muslims in Australian jails, and hardly any jews - when there are far more Jews in Australia than muslims?

Why is this?

But as usual  in the Zionist-dominated sector of the media,

Zionist controlled media huh. Do you even know who owns Fairfax? Its not zionists.

It's a pretty diversified group of people. 45,000 shareholders. The Fairfax family (who were not 'Zionists' either) lost control in 1990.

Title: Re: Just blame the Jews
Post by skippy on Jan 12th, 2009 at 8:09am

Calanen wrote on Jan 12th, 2009 at 7:38am:

Zionism is a racist, Nazi-like ideology. Not all Jews are Zionists and not all Zionists are Jews.

I'm neither a muslim or a Jew. As far as Northern Ireland goes, I'd be a racial Catholic (ie you couldnt just move into a Protestant area and say 'Hey fellas Im an atheist now!) but I am an atheist.

And I would prefer boatloads of Zionists living in my community rather than Muslims. Because Zionists are never going to have a jihad against Australia to ensure Talmudic law. They are never going to issue veiled threats saying 'Beware of the consequences' for not giving into xx demand.

Zionists, and Jews generally, are passive people. The only time in history that they have ever fought was because they were hunted to the brink of extinction. When was the last time a gang of Jews was maraudering around Sydney raping women ? Or bashing people? Or running organised crime gangs? Why are there LOADS of muslims in Australian jails, and hardly any jews - when there are far more Jews in Australia than muslims?

Why is this?

[quote]But as usual  in the Zionist-dominated sector of the media,

Zionist controlled media huh. Do you even know who owns Fairfax? Its not zionists.

It's a pretty diversified group of people. 45,000 shareholders. The Fairfax family (who were not 'Zionists' either) lost control in 1990.


Do YOU know who owns news lmd?

Title: Re: Just blame the Jews
Post by abu_rashid on Jan 12th, 2009 at 8:10am

when there are far more Jews in Australia than muslims?

There are? How many more do you consider far more? How many do you consider to actually constitute 'more'?

Title: Re: Just blame the Jews
Post by skippy on Jan 12th, 2009 at 8:11am
And now for some balance-

"YOU'VE got to hand it to the Israeli public relations flacks: only they could convince you that killing children was an act of self-defence.

As the recent bombing of Gaza began, Israeli Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni gave instructions for the Foreign Ministry to take "emergency measures to adapt Israel's public relations to the ongoing escalation in the Gaza Strip". Livni went on to call for foreign language speakers to put Israel's case to the world.

In Australia, the ABC relies for "independent" comment on the smooth Mark Regev, an official spokesman for the Israeli Government, and Martin Indyk, a former official of the American Israel Public Affairs Committee.

It's the oldest trick in the book: if they look and sound like us, we are more likely to be sympathetic towards them. Anyone putting an alternative view is immediately cast as anti-Semitic. Our media glibly accept the excuses of the Israeli public relations machine and ignore the horrific realities of Israel's barbaric behaviour in Gaza.

It's the same in most Western countries - the groundwork has been laid and the responses of world leaders are predictable. When the Israeli attacks began, right on cue Western leaders regretted the killing of children but in the same breath condemned Palestinians for firing rockets from their walled ghetto into Israel.
It seems that no matter what injustice Palestinians have suffered in the past 60 years, they should be grateful for the privilege of being able to live under the jackboot of Israeli occupation.

For three years since daring to democratically elect a government not favoured by Israel or the US, the people of Gaza have been subjected to a starvation blockade. Yet the civilised world has barely raised a note of concern. Is this the standard by which we judge the behaviour of nations? We talk about Darfur and Zimbabwe but say little of the gross abuse of human rights that occurs daily in the illegally occupied territories of the West Bank and Gaza. Our double standards have made a mockery of the doctrine of humanitarian intervention.

Our failure to condemn the totally disproportionate, not to say illegal, attacks by the Israeli Defence Force has changed the way conflict is regarded around the world. Last August, Russia employed the same tactics in its attack on Georgia as Israel did against Lebanon.
Using cluster bombs or phosphorus bombs against civilian targets is perfectly legal if you can believe the Israeli Defence Force.

Assassinating Hamas leaders during a ceasefire does not constitute a breach. Collective punishments against communities, obstructing medical and humanitarian relief - all part of Israel's tactics - could now be considered acceptable behaviour in national and international conflict.
Last month, Falk called for an International Criminal Court investigation to determine whether the Israeli civilian leaders and military commanders responsible for the Gaza siege should be indicted and prosecuted for violations of international criminal law.

To that long list of war crimes and crimes against humanity we can now add the atrocities committed in this recent invasion. But, with its superior public relations forces, Israel can easily deflect concern about its barbaric assault." ... 52831.html

Here are some FACTS dont let them get in the way of your jew hugging fantasies.

Title: Re: Just blame the Jews
Post by easel on Jan 12th, 2009 at 8:27am

Calanen wrote on Jan 12th, 2009 at 7:38am:
I'm neither a muslim or a Jew. As far as Northern Ireland goes, I'd be a racial Catholic (ie you couldnt just move into a Protestant area and say 'Hey fellas Im an atheist now!) but I am an atheist.

And I would prefer boatloads of Zionists living in my community rather than Muslims. Because Zionists are never going to have a jihad against Australia to ensure Talmudic law. They are never going to issue veiled threats saying 'Beware of the consequences' for not giving into xx demand.

I don't think you'd be able to move in to a Catholic area either. Are you aware in places like Derry when there are troubles in Palestine/Israel, Palestinian flags are flown in the windows of some Catholic homes and across town in Protestant country Israeli flags are flown in the windows of some homes?

Title: Re: Just blame the Jews
Post by abu_rashid on Jan 12th, 2009 at 8:35am

Are you aware in places like Derry when there are troubles in Palestine/Israel, Palestinian flags are flown in the windows of some Catholic homes and across town in Protestant country Israeli flags are flown in the windows of some homes?

That's why he converted to atheism, he was upset he got born into the wrong side.  ;D

Title: Re: Just blame the Jews
Post by skippy on Jan 12th, 2009 at 9:26am
:) [smiley=cheesy.gif]

Title: Re: Just blame the Jews
Post by tallowood on Jan 12th, 2009 at 9:34am

abu_rashid wrote on Jan 12th, 2009 at 4:25am:

Look no further than the demonstration in Melbourne eight days ago. Amid demonstrators protesting against the Israeli attacks on Gaza were those carrying signs that said: "Clean the Earth from the dirty Zionists" . . . "Chosen dirty people of the Earth" . . . "Stop the sub-human Zionist land-grabbing barbarian mass murder in occupied Palestine".

Kill Jews. Dirty People. Sub-human. Mass murderers. Greedy.

What a dishonest load of crap. Zionist != Jew. Zionism is a racist, Nazi-like ideology. Not all Jews are Zionists and not all Zionists are Jews. But as usual  in the Zionist-dominated sector of the media, this guy is trying to dishonestly make word associations to make something appear what it is not, so gullible fools like Grendel can swallow it.

Islam is not a peaceful religion but a racist, Nazi-like ideology, which justifies paedophilia, terrorism and torture.
If anybody must be blamed it is islamists. Without islamists terrorists the world would be much better place.

Title: Re: Just blame the Jews
Post by abu_rashid on Jan 12th, 2009 at 9:36am

Yet another Zionist parrot enters the fray.

Title: Re: Just blame the Jews
Post by skippy on Jan 12th, 2009 at 9:38am

tallowood wrote on Jan 12th, 2009 at 9:34am:

abu_rashid wrote on Jan 12th, 2009 at 4:25am:

Look no further than the demonstration in Melbourne eight days ago. Amid demonstrators protesting against the Israeli attacks on Gaza were those carrying signs that said: "Clean the Earth from the dirty Zionists" . . . "Chosen dirty people of the Earth" . . . "Stop the sub-human Zionist land-grabbing barbarian mass murder in occupied Palestine".

Kill Jews. Dirty People. Sub-human. Mass murderers. Greedy.

What a dishonest load of crap. Zionist != Jew. Zionism is a racist, Nazi-like ideology. Not all Jews are Zionists and not all Zionists are Jews. But as usual  in the Zionist-dominated sector of the media, this guy is trying to dishonestly make word associations to make something appear what it is not, so gullible fools like Grendel can swallow it.

Islam is not a peaceful religion but a racist, Nazi-like ideology, which justifies paedophilia, terrorism and torture.
If anybody must be blamed it is islamists. Without islamists terrorists the world would be much better place.

Ha ha ha, and without the jews jesus would still be alive, wouldn't he?

Title: Re: Just blame the Jews
Post by Calanen on Jan 12th, 2009 at 9:42am

wrote on Jan 12th, 2009 at 9:38am:
Ha ha ha, and without the jews jesus would still be alive, wouldn't he?

Er no.

Title: Re: Just blame the Jews
Post by Calanen on Jan 12th, 2009 at 9:44am

I don't think you'd be able to move in to a Catholic area either.

No, I could.

Title: Re: Just blame the Jews
Post by skippy on Jan 12th, 2009 at 9:45am

Calanen wrote on Jan 12th, 2009 at 9:42am:

wrote on Jan 12th, 2009 at 9:38am:
Er no.

Why not, if he was the son of god he would have lived forever if the jews didn't kill him.

Title: Re: Just blame the Jews
Post by tallowood on Jan 12th, 2009 at 9:54am

abu_rashid wrote on Jan 12th, 2009 at 9:36am:
Yet another Zionist parrot enters the fray.

It is much better to be zionist then an idiot islamic who banggv the head on the floor of mosque while presenting the asshole up the sky.

Title: Re: Just blame the Jews
Post by Amadd on Jan 12th, 2009 at 9:56am

That's why he converted to atheism, he was upset he got born into the wrong side.

It seems that you're having a little trouble with the concept of atheism Abu.
Not believing in Santa doesn't make one an asantarist and not believeing in the easter bunny does not make one an abunnyist.
Also, not believing in somebody's religion, or belief in what God said, does not automatically make anybody a disbeliever in some higher power. All that it means is that one is able to think for themselves - as God has always intended.

If somebody is brought up in an environment of beliefs which doesn't seem to have a positive future, then the only righteous and realistic option is to go with their own views.

Title: Re: Just blame the Jews
Post by abu_rashid on Jan 12th, 2009 at 9:58am
Calanen, still waiting to hear how many more Jews there are in Australia than Muslims...  ;D

Title: Re: Just blame the Jews
Post by Calanen on Jan 12th, 2009 at 10:00am

wrote on Jan 12th, 2009 at 9:45am:

Calanen wrote on Jan 12th, 2009 at 9:42am:

wrote on Jan 12th, 2009 at 9:38am:
Why not, if he was the son of god he would have lived forever if the jews didn't kill him.

The Romans killed him. And the Jews that were about at the time in Jerusalem, let him.  According to the prophecies, Jesus was supposed to die and be resurrected.

Any failings of the crowds to ask for Jesus' freedom from Pontius Pilate, was a failing of 'people'. Not 'jews', - just, people.

Title: Re: Just blame the Jews
Post by abu_rashid on Jan 12th, 2009 at 10:06am
The Bible seems quite clear on the matter:

For you, brothers, became imitators of God's churches in Judea, which are in Christ Jesus: You suffered from your own countrymen the same things those churches suffered from the Jews, who killed the Lord Jesus and the prophets and also drove us out. They displease God and are hostile to all men
Thessalonians 2:14-15

Title: Re: Just blame the Jews
Post by Calanen on Jan 12th, 2009 at 10:23am

abu_rashid wrote on Jan 12th, 2009 at 9:58am:
Calanen, still waiting to hear how many more Jews there are in Australia than Muslims...  ;D

I was wrong about that.

There are about 320,000 muslims, and about 120,000 Jews, give or take.

You still don't see many or perhaps any Jews in our prison system. You do see a lot lot more muslims. Now why is that?

Title: Re: Just blame the Jews
Post by tallowood on Jan 12th, 2009 at 10:26am

abu_rashid wrote on Jan 12th, 2009 at 10:06am:
The Bible seems quite clear on the matter:

For you, brothers, became imitators of God's churches in Judea, which are in Christ Jesus: You suffered from your own countrymen the same things those churches suffered from the Jews, who killed the Lord Jesus and the prophets and also drove us out. They displease God and are hostile to all men
Thessalonians 2:14-15

"wrong translation" (c) standard muslim defence  ;)

Title: Re: Just blame the Jews
Post by abu_rashid on Jan 12th, 2009 at 10:26am

I dunno, you'd need to ask them.

I personally think it's irrelevant. What % of prison population is Aboriginal? What % of the population do they make up? It's irrelevant. I don't think any race, religion or cultural is more predisposed to criminal activity, it's got a lot more to do with socio-economic conditions than anything else.

Title: Re: Just blame the Jews
Post by abu_rashid on Jan 12th, 2009 at 10:27am

Yeh good one tallo, hope it didn't tax the grey matter too much to come up with that one...

Title: Re: Just blame the Jews
Post by tallowood on Jan 12th, 2009 at 10:29am

Calanen wrote on Jan 12th, 2009 at 10:23am:

abu_rashid wrote on Jan 12th, 2009 at 9:58am:
Calanen, still waiting to hear how many more Jews there are in Australia than Muslims...  ;D

I was wrong about that.

There are about 320,000 muslims, and about 120,000 Jews, give or take.

You still don't see many or perhaps any Jews in our prison system. You do see a lot lot more muslims. Now why is that?

The obvious difference between them is religion. Perhaps it correlates?

Title: Re: Just blame the Jews
Post by mantra on Jan 12th, 2009 at 10:30am
Actually at a recent count there are only 84,000 self declared Jews living in Australia.

Although they are small in numbers, they have already built their eruvs around two exclusive Sydney suburbs - so no doubt their children have not been disadvantaged to the extent many in the prison system are.

Title: Re: Just blame the Jews
Post by tallowood on Jan 12th, 2009 at 10:32am

abu_rashid wrote on Jan 12th, 2009 at 10:27am:
Yeh good one tallo, hope it didn't tax the grey matter too much to come up with that one...

My grey matter works good as I don't knock my head on the floor.  ;)

Title: Re: Just blame the Jews
Post by abu_rashid on Jan 12th, 2009 at 10:35am

My problem is not knocking my head on the floor, but against the brick walls here...

Title: Re: Just blame the Jews
Post by tallowood on Jan 12th, 2009 at 10:35am

mantra wrote on Jan 12th, 2009 at 10:30am:
Actually at a recent count there are only 84,000 self declared Jews living in Australia.

Although they are small in numbers, they have already built their eruvs around two exclusive Sydney suburbs - so no doubt their children have not been disadvantaged to the extent many in the prison system are.

Perhaps muslims would not disadvantage their children too if they have smaller families and spent more time working then listening to hatefull speeches by their clerics?

Title: Re: Just blame the Jews
Post by abu_rashid on Jan 12th, 2009 at 10:37am

they have already built their eruvs around two exclusive Sydney suburbs

Ohhh, don't let Calanen read that Mantra, he doesn't like minority groups demanding the Australian people cowtow to their whims and wants... Then again, I'm sure for the Zionists he'll make an exception  ;)

Title: Re: Just blame the Jews
Post by tallowood on Jan 12th, 2009 at 10:49am

abu_rashid wrote on Jan 12th, 2009 at 10:35am:
My problem is not knocking my head on the floor, but against the brick walls here...

Islamic martial art? Is it why your grey matter so dysfunctional?   :)

Title: Re: Just blame the Jews
Post by skippy on Jan 12th, 2009 at 11:43am

Calanen wrote on Jan 12th, 2009 at 10:00am:

wrote on Jan 12th, 2009 at 9:45am:

Calanen wrote on Jan 12th, 2009 at 9:42am:

wrote on Jan 12th, 2009 at 9:38am:
The Romans killed him. And the Jews that were about at the time in Jerusalem, let him.  According to the prophecies, Jesus was supposed to die and be resurrected.

Any failings of the crowds to ask for Jesus' freedom from Pontius Pilate, was a failing of 'people'. Not 'jews', - just, people.

And the blind supporter of the jews who are committing genicide chimes in on cue with more ganda, how do you live with yourself?

Title: Re: Just blame the Jews
Post by Calanen on Jan 12th, 2009 at 8:18pm

abu_rashid wrote on Jan 12th, 2009 at 10:27am:
Yeh good one tallo, hope it didn't tax the grey matter too much to come up with that one...

Actually it is like this:

LOL!!!!! Everyone knows the original bible is in Aramaic? Can you read Aramaic? NO - well then STFU!!! You know nothing.

AND - everyone knows, that you must take the many verses, before..AND after together to know the context. Did you do this, in the original Aramaic? NO? So STFU!

You are really showing that you are a Christianophobe by taking an extremist and out of context version of the Bible, in English, which is not even what the Bible was originally written in! And you also, have to learn the Bible for MANY YEARS of study, and then you might have a little bit of an idea about that.

Until then you are just showing your racist anti-christian bias.

Title: Re: Just blame the Jews
Post by Calanen on Jan 12th, 2009 at 8:21pm

abu_rashid wrote on Jan 12th, 2009 at 10:37am:

they have already built their eruvs around two exclusive Sydney suburbs

Ohhh, don't let Calanen read that Mantra, he doesn't like minority groups demanding the Australian people cowtow to their whims and wants... Then again, I'm sure for the Zionists he'll make an exception  ;)

Jews are never going to blow me up on the subway. Or have a protest where they smash things and throw bottles.

Or have a jihad. Or form a gang rape club. Or a terror cell. Or run ethnic crime gangs that control most of the drugs and protection rackets in Sydney.

Or support other countries against their own supposedly 'native' country.

So as far as Jews go, they've never been any trouble.

Title: Re: Just blame the Jews
Post by mantra on Jan 12th, 2009 at 8:39pm

Jews are never going to blow me up on the subway. Or have a protest where they smash things and throw bottles.

Or have a jihad. Or form a gang rape club. Or a terror cell. Or run ethnic crime gangs that control most of the drugs and protection rackets in Sydney.

Or support other countries against their own supposedly 'native' country. So as far as Jews go, they've never been any trouble.

Well you've scored a point Calanen.  We certainly don't know of any of these incidents in Australia, although there have been Jewish terrorist gangs in the past overseas.

So if they are so good and I believe the majority of them probably are - why have they been persecuted for so many thousands of years?  I can only think it must be because they have terrible judgement in choosing their leaders.

Title: Re: Just blame the Jews
Post by helian on Jan 12th, 2009 at 8:46pm

mantra wrote on Jan 12th, 2009 at 8:39pm:

Jews are never going to blow me up on the subway. Or have a protest where they smash things and throw bottles.

Or have a jihad. Or form a gang rape club. Or a terror cell. Or run ethnic crime gangs that control most of the drugs and protection rackets in Sydney.

Or support other countries against their own supposedly 'native' country. So as far as Jews go, they've never been any trouble.

Well you've scored a point Calanen.  We certainly don't know of any of these incidents in Australia, although there have been Jewish terrorist gangs in the past overseas.

So if they are so good and I believe the majority of them probably are - why have they been persecuted for so many thousands of years?  I can only think it must be because they have terrible judgement in choosing their leaders.

According to the great abominable Christian lie... they killed Christ. Christianity has been a vicious and spiteful rival of Judaism almost from its birth.

Title: Re: Just blame the Jews
Post by mantra on Jan 12th, 2009 at 8:52pm

According to the great abominable Christian lie... they killed Christ. Christianity has been a vicious and spiteful rival of Judaism almost from its birth.

Maybe they did - or didn't kill him.  The wording on so many religious books changes continually over the years - who knows for sure if a man called Jesus Christ even existed?  

I didn't know Judaism and Christianity were rivals.  

Title: Re: Just blame the Jews
Post by easel on Jan 12th, 2009 at 8:58pm
So anyway, the Romans crucified Jesus.

At the request of the Jews.

Jews were not present for the crucifixion, at least not in the context to see Jesus go down, but Romans were.

Jesus asked God for forgiveness for the people who did not know what they had done, that being the Romans, one would presume.

The Apostles condemned the Jews.

Romans set up Roman Catholicism, trying to help the poor guy they killed, might have something to do with in those days, if you killed the leader of a group, you became leader of that group. Primitive, tribal reasoning, but possibly set up in good faith for they realised the wrong they had done. Possibly.


Title: Re: Just blame the Jews
Post by helian on Jan 12th, 2009 at 9:18pm

easel wrote on Jan 12th, 2009 at 8:58pm:
So anyway, the Romans crucified Jesus.

At the request of the Jews.

Jews were not present for the crucifixion, at least not in the context to see Jesus go down, but Romans were.

Jesus asked God for forgiveness for the people who did not know what they had done, that being the Romans, one would presume.

The Apostles condemned the Jews.

Romans set up Roman Catholicism, trying to help the poor guy they killed, might have something to do with in those days, if you killed the leader of a group, you became leader of that group. Primitive, tribal reasoning, but possibly set up in good faith for they realised the wrong they had done. Possibly.


The Jews did not ask the Romans to execute Jesus. The Sanhedrim (Jewish Council) already had the power to execute Jews for blasphemy if they wished and did not need to bother th Roman governor with the details nor ask his approval.

From another thread.

From Josephus – “Antiquities of the Jews” 14:9:4
[quote]Antipater's son, hath slain Hezekiah, and those that were with him, and hath thereby transgressed our law, which hath forbidden to slay any man, even though he were a wicked man, unless he had been first condemned to suffer death by the Sanhedrim yet hath he been so insolent as to do this, and that without any authority from thee."

When Herod himself (Antipater's son) was summoned to appear before the Sanhedrim on the charge of murder, he did so surrounded by bodyguards, in order to intimidate the council. It worked. The trial was ‘put off to another day’ which allowed Herod to flee Jerusalem for Damscus and thus avoid the sentence of death being pronounced on him by the Sanhedrim.

Then there’s the stoning of Stephen for blasphemy – Acts 6:8 – 8:3.

And St Paul’s invocation of his rights as a Roman citizen to be tried before Caesar to avoid the possible death sentence being passed on him by the Sanhedrim for blasphemy.

Also, the Sanhedrim did not meet at night (or on the Sabbath), so there could not have been a trial of Jesus before the Council after he was arrested.
So the New Testament assertion that the Sanhedrim claimed they did not have the power to put a man to death is a lie and is contradicted in the New Testament.

The Romans executed Jesus for sedition. When Jesus rode into Jerusalem on a donkey he was invoking the Davidic coronation ceremony, thus declaring himself the rightful King of the Jews. This was a seditious act which spurred the Roman governor/procurator of Judea, Pontius Pilate to act with lethal force. There would be no pretenders to a Judaic throne unapproved by Rome. No doubt the Sanhedrim were hardly concerned about the fate of an eccentric zealot, but they did not request his execution.

Christianity began as a branch of Judaism or a Jewish heresy depending on your point of view. From the end of the first century it was largely a Pauline construct and over the next 2 centuries deviated from Judaism as to be considered a new religion. Rivalry with Judaism, however, continued and soon Jews came to be vilified by Christians throughout the Roman Empire.

Title: Re: Just blame the Jews
Post by abu_rashid on Jan 12th, 2009 at 9:51pm

Jews are never going to blow me up on the subway. Or have a protest where they smash things and throw bottles.

Never say never. If the West starts withdrawing support for Israel, I think you'd soon find out this is a very wrong assumption. Remember the King David Hotel? The Zionists blew it up to kill the British, they also assassinated a few leading British politicians in Palestine as well. Just because they're not currently in the position they need to, doesn't mean they're not more than capable of it, nor that it won't happen in future

Or have a jihad.

So what do you call the war and policy of ethnic cleansing they've been carrying out for the past 60 years? Ohh.. it's not against so, you it's fine. Have to remember that one.

Or form a gang rape club

Never heard of Lavrenti Pavlovich Beria? I'm sure there's been plenty of Jewish gang rapists throughout history.

Or run ethnic crime gangs that control most of the drugs and protection rackets

How about the Kosher Nostra?? Jewish mafia gangs have been very active for many years. In fact many of them raised funds to send to support Israel, and fled to Israel for protection when they were on the run in their 'host' countries.

Or support other countries against their own supposedly 'native' country.

For someone who claims to be a lawyer, you really come across as quite uneducated Calanen. Either that or you're just deliberately concealing what you know is the truth, in order to further your propagandous aims. Never heard of the Rosenbergs?? or Morton Sobel or Harry Gold or Jonathan Pollard?? Some of these were very high profile cases, like the Rosenbergs and Pollard who Israel has since granted citizenship to and consstantly lobbies the USA to release to them, so he can be decorated as a hero. The USA has always been riddled with Mossad agents, and I don't know why you think Australia wouldn't be. Our Intelligence services are just too gullible to actually discover it. Who would think one of your closest allies was actually engaged in hostile espionage activities against you... Really, some people can be so stupid and docile sometimes.

Then of course there is the case of the Israeli diplomat who was quite secretly expelled from Canberra, Amir Lati, which Howard never explained why.... But of course Israel is our friend, so don't get suspicious or anything.

The funny thing is, most links to this story on Australian news websites seem to have mysteriously 'disappeared', luckily you can still read about it on NZ news sites, where two of those involved in the operations were actually gaoled, for 3 months no less.

Title: Re: Just blame the Jews
Post by abu_rashid on Jan 12th, 2009 at 10:01pm
Btw came across this interesting article about Jewish organised crime whilst looking for links to the Amir Lati case:

Israeli police involved in Gangland revenge attacks. Must be all lies though, because Jews are just angels according to Calanen's unbiased appraisal.

Title: Re: Just blame the Jews
Post by tallowood on Jan 12th, 2009 at 10:04pm
"Remember the King David Hotel? "

Remember Mumbai? remember thousands of other muslim terrorists brutal and indiscriminate acts of wanton wish for murder?

Say NO to islamisation of the West.

Title: Re: Just blame the Jews
Post by abu_rashid on Jan 12th, 2009 at 10:06pm
Another interesting article on this issue of the nice friendly Zionists who aren't involved in organised crime nor anti-partiotic activities:

Nearly 100 Israelis arrested relating to espionage and organised crime

Title: Re: Just blame the Jews
Post by abu_rashid on Jan 12th, 2009 at 10:13pm

Remember Mumbai? remember thousands of other muslim terrorists brutal and indiscriminate acts of wanton wish for murder?

Since my post didn't assert whatsoever that Muslims aren't involved in attacks on civilians, that's really quite irrelevant. Calanen however did assert that Jews are not involved in such attacks, so there's some relevance to me posting that..... Make sense?

Title: Re: Just blame the Jews
Post by easel on Jan 12th, 2009 at 10:19pm

Title: Re: Just blame the Jews
Post by tallowood on Jan 12th, 2009 at 10:26pm

abu_rashid wrote on Jan 12th, 2009 at 10:13pm:

Remember Mumbai? remember thousands of other muslim terrorists brutal and indiscriminate acts of wanton wish for murder?

Since my post didn't assert whatsoever that Muslims aren't involved in attacks on civilians, that's really quite irrelevant. Calanen however did assert that Jews are not involved in such attacks, so there's some relevance to me posting that..... Make sense?

It sounds like you really don't remember the particulars of KD hotel bombing.
In any case Calanen is right about "are" while you trying again to confuse it with "were".

Title: Re: Just blame the Jews
Post by easel on Jan 12th, 2009 at 10:35pm

didn't Pilate wash his hands of the affair and considered that Jesus was of no harm and was placating to the Jewish rulers so as not to cause unrest in the land?

Title: Re: Just blame the Jews
Post by tallowood on Jan 12th, 2009 at 10:42pm
Jesus also fixed Pilates migraine for good so the procurator of Judea did not hate him personally but as a Roman Imperial Magistrate he had an obligation to kill any one who had challenged imperial authority.

Title: Re: Just blame the Jews
Post by helian on Jan 12th, 2009 at 10:56pm

easel wrote on Jan 12th, 2009 at 10:35pm:

didn't Pilate wash his hands of the affair and considered that Jesus was of no harm and was placating to the Jewish rulers so as not to cause unrest in the land?

The New Testament also implies that Pilate was a ditherer when in fact he was a brutal enforcer, even a bit too brutal for the Roman palate. Judea was a hot spot for insurrection and sedition against Rome and Pilate was appointed by Rome to show the Judeans what’s what. Jesus made an overt attempt at insurrection and sedition when he rode into Jerusalem on a donkey. The symbolism was profound and every Jew would have known what it meant – A Davidic coronation was taking place – the Messiah King had arrived. Perhaps Jesus in his own idiosyncratic way was trying to prompt God to perform a miracle, rouse the people and herald a new Jewish regime. Whatever he thought, it failed. He marched up to the temple and caused a disturbance. He was subsequently arrested. The New Testament claims it was the Sanhedrim that arrested him and tried him for blasphemy of which he was found guilty. Then the Sanhedrim determined he must die for this crime but they could not authorise it as they had no law to put a man to death which is an outright fabrication that Josephus and even the New Testament contradict. Had they in fact tried and convicted him of blasphemy, they could have ordered his execution by stoning as they did with Stephen and what they most likely had in mind for Paul, had he not invoked his rights as a Roman citizen.

Pilate did not find him harmless and was at any rate quite happy to execute all enemies of Rome as a warning to other or more serious threats to Roman rule. His crime was posted above him “Jesus the Nazarene, King of the Jews”. The warning could not have been more clear.

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