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Political Parties >> Sustainability Party of Australia >> Kangaroo invades home at 2am - terrorizes family

Message started by DonaldTrump on Mar 10th, 2009 at 7:11pm

Title: Kangaroo invades home at 2am - terrorizes family
Post by DonaldTrump on Mar 10th, 2009 at 7:11pm
Holy shite.  :o The kangaroo must've been eating grass at Ben Cousins house.

Kangaroo invades home at 2am - terrorizes family

By Sue Dunlevy

March 10, 2009 12:00am

A FATHER wrestled a 40kg kangaroo that smashed through his bedroom window and jumped on top of his wife and daughter who were lying in the bed.

Verity Benman described her Swiss-born husband's heroics as "Dundee-esque" after the Canberra family of four was terrorised by the kangaroo at 2am on Sunday.

The family's dog Vronsky woke the family by barking loudly shortly before the kangaroo leapt 3m and burst through the bedroom window in suburban Garran.

"My nine-year-old daughter (Beatrix) was feeling ill and was in bed with us when this black figure came through the window and landed on the bed," Mrs Benman told The Daily Telegraph yesterday.

"It was so heavy it bent the central section of the bed and kept jumping on my head and shoulders.

"I pulled the covers up tightly and was lying over my daughter to protect her. Everything was smashed."

Mrs Benman at first thought the invader was one of the possums that had been plaguing the family since they moved in three weeks ago.

Her husband Beat Benman thought the intruder was human - and a total lunatic.

"My initial thought when I was half awake was: it's a lunatic ninja," Mr Benman said.

"It seems about as likely as a kangaroo breaking in."

After a few minutes of total chaos the bleeding kangaroo leapt off the bed and into the bedroom of 10-year-old Leighton.

Mr Benman, a chef, originally from the Swiss city of Stans, followed the 172cm animal into his son's room and grabbed it in a headlock.

He then dragged the animal 8m down the hallway to the front door, where he used one hand to open the door and push the kangaroo outside.

"My first thought was to get it out of here," he said.

Mrs Benman said she didn't know an Australian man that would have dared wrestle a kangaroo.

"It was really a little bit Dundee-esque," she said.

"He did it all in his undies."

Mrs Benman said his fright or flight instincts kicked in.

The family's rental home is not far from a nature reserve and neighbours say a large kangaroo had been grazing on the Benman's front lawn.

Aftermath ... the damaged bedroom.

Source: Daily Telegraph, Sydney,27574,25164826-5006009,00.html

Title: Re: Kangaroo invades home at 2am - terrorizes family
Post by mantra on Mar 10th, 2009 at 7:15pm
;D That story was told so well, but I hope it's not the kangaroo's blood on the wall.  

Title: Re: Kangaroo invades home at 2am - terrorizes family
Post by abu_rashid on Mar 10th, 2009 at 7:43pm

Kangaroo invades home at 2am - terrorizes family

Perhaps al-Qaeda have begun a marsupial training program.

Title: Re: Kangaroo invades home at 2am - terrorizes family
Post by JaSin. on Feb 20th, 2022 at 11:05am
I have Kangaroos on my front lawn.
I don't feel 'invaded'.
Many people allow Kangaroos into their backyards to do some mowing. Their turds are just dried grass pellets.

Title: Re: Kangaroo invades home at 2am - terrorizes family
Post by freediver on Feb 20th, 2022 at 11:16am

Their turds are just dried grass pellets

What do they taste like?

Title: Re: Kangaroo invades home at 2am - terrorizes family
Post by JaSin. on Feb 20th, 2022 at 2:04pm

freediver wrote on Feb 20th, 2022 at 11:16am:

Their turds are just dried grass pellets

What do they taste like?

Well I picked one up one time.
I touched it and it felt like Roo Poo
I smelled it and it smelled like Roo Poo
I tasted it and it tasted like Roo Poo
then I put it back down on the grass and thought to myself, lucky I didn't step on it.  :D

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