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General Discussion >> Thinking Globally >> Asylum detention centre overcrowded Message started by mantra on Apr 29th, 2009 at 9:02am |
Title: Asylum detention centre overcrowded Post by mantra on Apr 29th, 2009 at 9:02am
It doesn't look too bad on Xmas Island. At least Howard had the foresight to build decent facilities.
Title: Re: Asylum detention centre overcrowded Post by sprintcyclist on Apr 29th, 2009 at 9:49am detention centre !!!!!!!!!!!! looks like school grounds or a flash caravan park, no wonder they are swarmng over here. Can I go there for a holiday too ???? |
Title: Re: Asylum detention centre overcrowded Post by skippy on Apr 29th, 2009 at 9:58am Sprintcyclist wrote on Apr 29th, 2009 at 9:49am:
You can blame the rodent for that,he built it. ::) |
Title: Re: Asylum detention centre overcrowded Post by sprintcyclist on Apr 29th, 2009 at 10:31am and more guests on the way, thanks to ruddthepopulist ....... Quote:,23739,25403228-952,00.html |
Title: Re: Asylum detention centre overcrowded Post by skippy on Apr 29th, 2009 at 10:54am Sprintcyclist wrote on Apr 29th, 2009 at 10:31am:
At least we haven't hit the 12 thousand a year we were getting under Howard hey sprint? How come Howard lied about all those refugees ? remember he reckons we were only getting a few hundred here and there and now we find out the Howard gov were lying , you must feel pretty bloody stupid seeing as tho you hang on every word the rodent spoke, why do you think he deceived Australians and immigrants like you so much sprint? maybe his nickname of lying little rodent was very appropriate. |
Title: Re: Asylum detention centre overcrowded Post by helian on Apr 29th, 2009 at 11:39am Sprintcyclist wrote on Apr 29th, 2009 at 9:49am:
What is it about these self-declared 'Christians'? Heads full of spite. |
Title: Re: Asylum detention centre overcrowded Post by skippy on Apr 29th, 2009 at 11:54am NorthOfNorth wrote on Apr 29th, 2009 at 11:39am:
Yea, you wouldn't want to be caught in the trenches with one would you. |
Title: Re: Asylum detention centre overcrowded Post by sprintcyclist on Apr 29th, 2009 at 12:54pm the 12,000 a year were legitimate immigrants. howard stopped the crims from profitting. the centre looks ok to me. Can play cricket or just laze under a shade, wait for lunch. Wonder if they have hula girls to dance later on in the day ?? |
Title: Re: Asylum detention centre overcrowded Post by skippy on Apr 29th, 2009 at 12:57pm Sprintcyclist wrote on Apr 29th, 2009 at 12:54pm:
I doubt it, I think the legitimate refugees in there would prefer belly dancers. |
Title: Re: Asylum detention centre overcrowded Post by sprintcyclist on Apr 29th, 2009 at 3:19pm
more and more .........
this is a record for the rudd populist ideas Quote:,23739,25403228-952,00.html |
Title: Re: Asylum detention centre overcrowded Post by Aussie Nationalist on Apr 29th, 2009 at 5:42pm
Two words...
Title: Re: Asylum detention centre overcrowded Post by Amadd on Apr 29th, 2009 at 6:02pm
A reasonable comment that I heard yesterday pointed to the risks that these people took to get to a democratic country and the likelihood that they'd be an asset to the nation.
Of course these days there are people who would also risk live and limb to cause destruction to our country, so that must also be taken into account. The bottom line is, we're supposebly not a country of barbarians so we should treat these people with proper dignity. |
Title: Re: Asylum detention centre overcrowded Post by mantra on Apr 29th, 2009 at 7:00pm
Terrorists are more likely to be dual citizens (thanks Howard) or come in through the front door on a visa. There wouldn't be too many who would risk their lives on a rickety old boat hoping that they might make it alive to Australia one day.
This is a brief report of some who were sent back under Howard... The Edmund Rice Centre for Justice and Community Education interviewed 41 failed asylum seekers (37 Afghans, 2 Iraqis, 1 Palestinian, and 1 Congolese from Democratic Republic of Congo) after their deportations and found that authorities had returned all of them to dangerous situations. Two returned Afghan asylum seekers died and there was strong evidence of the deaths of seven others. Unknown assailants in Baghdad reportedly killed an Iraqi Shi'a refugee just a few months after Australia had deported him in 2004. Fellow émigrés speculated that ex-Baathists or al Qaeda agents killed him as they viewed Australian deportees as spies.,4565c22517,4565c25f221,469638791e,0.html |
Title: Re: Asylum detention centre overcrowded Post by sprintcyclist on Apr 29th, 2009 at 9:10pm
Aus nat - that message would get back and stop others coming.
amadd - those people are criminals relying on leftard sentiment to get whatever they want. |
Title: Re: Asylum detention centre overcrowded Post by tallowood on Apr 29th, 2009 at 9:14pm DILLIGAF wrote on Apr 29th, 2009 at 5:42pm:
Do you mean to set asylum detention centres in Vic? |
Title: Re: Asylum detention centre overcrowded Post by sprintcyclist on Apr 29th, 2009 at 10:51pm amadd - those people are criminals who rely on leftard sentiment to get whatever they want. mantra - at worst, they lived longer by becoming crims. Most likely the lefty organisation is making the story up. |
Title: Re: Asylum detention centre overcrowded Post by sprintcyclist on Apr 29th, 2009 at 11:05pm I'm losing track of the flotilla. is this two ILLEGAL boats today ?????????? Quote: |
Title: Re: Asylum detention centre overcrowded Post by skippy on Apr 30th, 2009 at 9:02am Sprintcyclist wrote on Apr 29th, 2009 at 10:51pm:
Why do rightards live in denial? sprint there has never ever been a case of a boat refugee failing an ASIO or federal gov security check. These people come here to live in a democratic country, you hate facts don't you? they just prove that your xenophobic bias is unfounded. The only people who make things up are the likes of you, all your figures are lies, no surprises there, and when we do set the record straight you refuse to accept facts, typical xenophobic immigrant, why do we let you xenophobe's into OUR country? I might start up a go home kiwi movement, you and your mob are the biggest bludgers on Australian society. |
Title: Re: Asylum detention centre overcrowded Post by sprintcyclist on Apr 30th, 2009 at 9:25am Dear skippy, do the boat people come here illegally ? What is the fact on that ? The facts on boat arrivals are what I read and consider to be true. I gave a reference. The NZ and Aust govts have an agreement on kiwi dole bludgers. Kiwis in aussie are a great asset for aussie. Just for the record I have never been in the dole in aussie or NZ. You ? |
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