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Member Run Boards >> Extremism Exposed >> modern muslim repression Message started by sprintcyclist on Sep 7th, 2009 at 10:18am |
Title: modern muslim repression Post by sprintcyclist on Sep 7th, 2009 at 10:18am Quote: |
Title: Re: modern muslim repression Post by abu_rashid on Sep 7th, 2009 at 11:58am Quote:
So what is Mukhannath then? This article is false, and does not reflect upon Islam's supposed repression at all. Islam recognises people, who were born with 'indeterminate sex', to be blameless for their condition. That however does not excuse any sins/crimes they undertake and blame on this condition, such as prostitution or lewdness or homosexual activities, any more than a person born with an overly angry temperament could blame assault or murder on his condition. |
Title: Re: modern muslim repression Post by sprintcyclist on Sep 7th, 2009 at 2:10pm
abu -
according to abu islam has not existed for anywhere from 100 to 1000 years, muslims don't have a ratification of whatever it is, the laws come and go according to how extreme the protagainists are, yet for all this it is completely blameless for anything ever !!!!!!! yet, abu does not condemn any muslims actions. so, it is not any muslims fault, nor islams fault of any bad thing ever done anywhere. just continue in your headbanging, sexist, arrogant fantasy abu. the west knows what islam is, even if you dont. "do what we say or we will publically whip, behead or lop off onr of your hands, do not question the koran, it is right because it says it is" A dog leaves more humanity in tightly wound coils in the front yard than islam dreams of. |
Title: Re: modern muslim repression Post by abu_rashid on Sep 7th, 2009 at 4:51pm Quote:
You said Islam hadn't done anything for a few thousand years, I corrected you, since Islam has only been around for about 1400 years... how on earth you misconstrued that to mean "Islam has not existed for anywhere from 100 to 1000 years" is beyond me. Are you normal mate? Quote:
That's right, "gender-reassignment surgery" is forbidden in Islam, as is cross dressing. That's got nothing to do with someone being born with indeterminate gender though. One is a biological fact of how the person is born, the other is actions that one chooses to carry out. They are completely seperate issues. |
Title: Re: modern muslim repression Post by sprintcyclist on Sep 7th, 2009 at 8:41pm abu - and yo0u said islam started to leave their belief system about 1000 years ago. so the last islamic state was anywhere up to 1000 years ago. but your smoke and mirrors tricks will continue again and again. the issues are not seperate. the issue is compassion, which islam has none. |
Title: Re: modern muslim repression Post by abu_rashid on Sep 7th, 2009 at 8:55pm Quote:
I said no such thing. Quote:
This one I clearly stated, and even showed you a news clipping from the abolition of the last Islamic state, in 1924. Sprint, you're off with the fairies mate, you don't seem to have the remotest clue about what you're babbling on about. |
Title: Re: modern muslim repression Post by sprintcyclist on Sep 8th, 2009 at 8:26am abu - you're right, sorry I misread it last time. |
Title: Re: modern muslim repression Post by sprintcyclist on Sep 8th, 2009 at 8:41am You will be separated from men in all public places including universities and transportation You have to obey the Islamic dress code and you will be punished if you don’t You have no right to travel without the permission of the male of the family You have no right to divorce and if you get divorce you won’t have the custody of your children You will face imprisonment, flogging and paying fine if you were arrested while walking with your boyfriend or wore make-up You have no place to go and seek refuge if your husband abuses you, beats you up or rapes you You have no right to work if your husband disagrees You will be subjected to oppression and discrimination in all aspects of your life. You will be stoned to death if you have sexual relation out of marriage. laws from iran - an islamic state. “Nothing is more harmful to men than women....” Sahih Bukhari Volume 7, Book 62, Num. 33. Narrated Abu Huraira: The Prophet said, “If a woman spends the night deserting her husband's bed (does not sleep with him), then the angels send their curses on her till she comes back (to her husband).” Sahih Bukhari Vol.7, Book 62, Num.122. Also Sahih Bukhari Vol. 4, Book 54, Num.460. “Women, slaves and camels are same; must seek Allah's refuge from all these....” Sunaan Abu Dawud 11.2155. |
Title: Re: modern muslim repression Post by sprintcyclist on Sep 8th, 2009 at 8:56am
“A man who restrains himself from committing an honor killing, leaving this unpleasant burden to the government, negates the values of virility advocated by Islam.” - “Islamic Action Front” party of Jordan
"A victim of rape every minute somewhere in the world. Why? No one to blame but herself. She displayed her beauty to the entire world. She degraded herself by being the object of sexual desire and thus becoming vulnerable to man who looks at her for gratification of his sexual urge." Sheik Faiz Mohamad, speech at Bankstown Town Hall, Sydney, Australia, 18th March 2005. Source: "Veiled threat an insult to all" by Miranda Devine, The Sun Herald, 24th April 2005. “Woman was made to bear and feed children. Therefore she is very emotional. And she is forgetful, because if she did not forget how it is to give birth she would not have another child. That is why she will not be as reliable a witness as a man.” - A quote by a Muslim woman, “The Age” “Life behind a veil of Islam” 3/3/1992 pg 11. “A married woman should endure any violence or torture imposed on her by her husband for she is fully at his disposal. Without his permission she may not leave her house even for a good action (such as charitable work). Otherwise her prayers and devotions will not be accepted by God and curses of heaven and earth will fall upon her.” - Iranian religious leader Hojatoleslam Imani. “We don’t make a distinction between civilians and non-civilians, innocents and non-innocents. Only between Muslims and unbelievers. And the life of an unbeliever has no value. It has no sanctity.” - Sheikh Omar Bakri Muhammad in an interview with Lisbon’s Publica magazine. “A man can have sexual pleasure from a child as young as a baby. However he should not penetrate, sodomising the child is OK. If the man penetrates and damages the child then he should be responsible for her subsistence all her life. This girl, however does not count as one of his four permanents wives. The man will not be eligible to marry the girl's sister....It is better for a girl to marry at such a time when she would begin menstruation at her husband's house, rather than her father's home. Any father marrying his daughter so young will have a permanent place in heaven.” - From Ayatollah Khomeini's book “Tahrirolvasyleh” Vol 4, Gom, Iran, 1990. |
Title: Re: modern muslim repression Post by sprintcyclist on Sep 8th, 2009 at 10:58am Quote:,25197,26041967-2703,00.html |
Title: Re: modern muslim repression Post by sprintcyclist on Sep 8th, 2009 at 12:41pm this ones for you abu. Quote: this is your belief system abu. tell us all about it. |
Title: Re: modern muslim repression Post by Happy on Sep 8th, 2009 at 4:47pm
I wander why UN human rights body doesn't ban women treatment by this religion?
This is not fit for 21st century! |
Title: Re: modern muslim repression Post by sprintcyclist on Sep 9th, 2009 at 8:41am the human rights commission won't, they are run by muslims. |
Title: Re: modern muslim repression Post by Yadda on Sep 9th, 2009 at 9:25am Sprintcyclist wrote on Sep 8th, 2009 at 10:58am:
Exactly. It is a tenet within ISLAM that 'Silence is consent'. And a very real reason why we in the West, all need to grow a pair, just like this Sudanese woman journalist. Part 123 - Silence is Consent Moslems do not respect us, non-moslems, for being tolerant, or 'accommodating' of ever more [and YES!, there will be!] moslem demands. Moslems only see our acquiescence to their demands, as our weakness, and as PROOF of cultural inferiority. Moslems do not respect righteousness, or justice, or truth. Moslems have respect for themselves, and for their own culture, alone. ISLAM / moslems believe, exclusively, in their own superiority, and believe in the 'necessary' subjugation [enslavement] of all other un-ISLAMIC peoples. Our own freedoms are not, and were never, 'free', .....our forefathers purchased our freedoms at the cost of their blood. The freedoms which we enjoy today, were gifted to us, by previous generations. I we are not prepared to defend those freedoms, .....then this generation is declaring that we do not deserve them. If we non-moslems are not prepared to die, to defend our freedoms, from ISLAM, .....we will most certainly die as the slaves of ISLAM / moslems. That is the message that we must convey to others. +++++++ Human history tells us about the nature of 'real politique'..... "Right is only in question between equals, and while the strong do what they can, the weak suffer what they must." Thucydides (460-400 B.C.) Greek Historian Among a people generally corrupt, liberty cannot long exist. Edmund Burke I can understand a child being afraid of the dark, but I cannot understand an adult being afraid of the light. Plato |
Title: Re: modern muslim repression Post by sprintcyclist on Sep 9th, 2009 at 9:45am Quote: Quote: comments please abu ? Is this just other threats of violence from other muslims to stop any criticism ? it is not a religion of peace. mohammad was not peaceful, islams history is not peaceful, mohammads directions are to kill. |
Title: Re: modern muslim repression Post by sprintcyclist on Sep 10th, 2009 at 8:25am no comments abu ?? Quote: how does murdering your sister who was a rape victim make your family more "honourable " ?? would you clarify this please abu ? |
Title: Re: modern muslim repression Post by abu_rashid on Sep 10th, 2009 at 9:06am Quote:
I've clarified my position on these honour murders enough times now sprint. Anyone who still hasn't got it, isn't going to. |
Title: Re: modern muslim repression Post by sprintcyclist on Sep 10th, 2009 at 10:26am Abu - what did you say about honor killings? let me guess - "that's not islam" hey - it's only muslims that do it. it is sanctioned in islamic countries. your deception about it holds no basis. |
Title: Re: modern muslim repression Post by abu_rashid on Sep 10th, 2009 at 11:09am Quote:
You were involved in some of the threads, so I'd think you know. Quote:
Even if this blatant lie were the case, it would be irrelevant. What I believe is what I believe. You are free to judge me upon what I believe, not what others supposedly believe. If you bothered to read the threads about honour murders properly, you'd see I brought numerous examples of Christians, Hindus, Sikhs etc. all committing honour murders. And several Christian countries in which such crimes are treated with diminished responsibility. Quote:
They are sanctioned in countries with Muslim majority, and as stated above in countries with Christian majority. Does Christianity therefore sanction it? Quote:
Deceiving you would be impossible, since you are self-deceived already. Nobody can tell you anything, since your mind is already closed to what you consider the situation to be. Discussing with you is futile sprint, you have no intellect to be swayed or reasoned with. |
Title: Re: modern muslim repression Post by sprintcyclist on Sep 12th, 2009 at 4:24pm
on and on they go.
Quote:,25197,26062685-2703,00.html hahahaha - show me the christian society where a rape victim gets murdered by her familly to save their arrogance . or, show me the quote from the NT that supports it. member the story when jesus saves the woman who was to be stoned for adultery? "let he who has not sinned cast the first stone." That's christianity. you level of personal abuse is waning, come on abu, pray a bit harder for the right tirade to hurl |
Title: Re: modern muslim repression Post by abu_rashid on Sep 13th, 2009 at 7:11pm
Did you watch the video of it?? Those Nazi scumbags scampering off with their tails between their legs, beautiful.
Title: Re: modern muslim repression Post by sprintcyclist on Sep 13th, 2009 at 8:20pm we have seen "the religion of peace" at work before. I have seem muslims giving prayers up for terrorists. Quote:
very muslim, once they have the advantage of numbers, it is NOT peaceful. |
Title: Re: modern muslim repression Post by blutigeroo on Sep 13th, 2009 at 8:44pm
Honour killings:
Abu is right, it is not a Islamic disease. It's a backward practice that is practiced in ALL communities in the middle east and Africa. Christian communities, Muslim communities, Jewish communities, Hindu communities, Sikh communities, tribal communities, pagan name it. The fact that most people are only aware of it happening in Muslim communities reflects the population makeup of the middle east and Afria as well as our mainstream media's love of portraying Islam negatively. It does NOT reflect the teachings of Islam. On another note, did you know that Islam began as a proto-feminist movement? The Prophet (PBUH) gave women in Arabia rights that they were not granted in the Christian world until around the 19th century. Unfortunately, many Muslim men have chosen to ignore the teachings of their religion. Also note that while gender inequality and paternalism in CHristian communities was the result of men wanting to "protect" women and "protect themselves", in Muslim communities today it is due to a "fear" of what women are capable of. It's a cultural difference. The practice has its roots way before the advent of Islam and the Prophet (PBUH) actually campaigned to rid Arabia of it. You mention that Jesus (AS) stopped a woman from being stoned--there are multiple accounts of the Prophet (PBUH) doing that. I'll quote the Quran. "And those who accuse their wives and have no witnesses except themselves, let one of them testify four times, bearing Allah to witness, that he speaks the truth. And the fifth (time) that the curse of Allah be on him, if he is lying. And it shall avert the punishment from her, if she testify four times, bearing Allah to witness, that he is lying. And the fifth (time) that the wrath of Allah be on her, if he speaks the truth." -24:6-9 As can be seen, this passage places the man and wife on terms of complete equality. The sworn denial of the wife is exactly equal to the sworn accusation of the husband. After the fifth swearing, which is that of invoking Allah's curse on one's own self in case of being the liar, the woman is free of the accusation and no one can punish her. |
Title: Re: modern muslim repression Post by sprintcyclist on Sep 13th, 2009 at 8:54pm blutigeroo - feel free to start a thread on the sexism of the koran and islam. it is better to keep topics contained. oh - abu has banned me from the islam thread, so if you want me to participate, might have to start it elsewhere. Not in the spiritual forum. take care |
Title: Re: modern muslim repression Post by abu_rashid on Sep 13th, 2009 at 8:59pm Quote:
The Nazi fools came and protested outside a mosque, pretty stupid if you ask me. Why am I not surprised you're standing on the same side of the fence as Nazis sprint?? Following in the footsteps of old Martin Luther eh?? |
Title: Re: modern muslim repression Post by sprintcyclist on Sep 13th, 2009 at 9:03pm why is it stupid to protest outside a mosque? Would the peaceful muslims within swarm out and murder them? |
Title: Re: modern muslim repression Post by blutigeroo on Sep 13th, 2009 at 9:57pm Sprintcyclist wrote on Sep 13th, 2009 at 8:54pm:
There is no need for a thread on sexism in the Koran because anyone who has read AND understood it knows there is none. (read and understood as opposed to just read without understanding to context of each and every verse). Period. But, does your silence on my reply to the honour killings mean that you have accepted that I am right about honour killings being a backwards cultural practice rather than a religous practice? |
Title: Re: modern muslim repression Post by sprintcyclist on Sep 14th, 2009 at 9:05am Again, feel free to start a thread on honour killikngs. It really is better to keep topics contained, can't find a thing otherwise. by the way, how many husbands is a muslim woman "allowed" ? 4 ? or 11 or so like mohammad had ? |
Title: Re: modern muslim repression Post by Calanen on Sep 14th, 2009 at 9:04pm abu_rashid wrote on Sep 13th, 2009 at 7:11pm:
Yes 1000s of Muslims and their leftist supporters could attack 30 or so protestors. Islamic bravery at its finest. I'm glad you feel it's ok to beat up protesters you disagree with. I'm sure you wouldn't mind then if the next pro-Hamas rally gets a beat down. |
Title: Re: modern muslim repression Post by abu_rashid on Sep 14th, 2009 at 10:30pm
Funny Calanen, cos a few months ago when the shoe was on the exact opposite foot, and a small group of Muslims protested at a troop homecoming, bit off more than they could chew, and ended up in the exact same postion as your Nazi comrades, you thought it was quite a dose of poetic justice... At least I am objective enogh to see the similarities between these two situations... you apparently are not.
Title: Re: modern muslim repression Post by Calanen on Sep 15th, 2009 at 12:08am Quote:
You couldn't learn what 'objective' meant if you stopped headbutting the carpet for Allan long enough to have it tattooed on your forehead. |
Title: Re: modern muslim repression Post by sprintcyclist on Sep 15th, 2009 at 8:13am Quote: these islamics sicken me. they are voted out, but STILL shove their disgusting ancient violent horrid ways down peoples throats. also note - murder is based on the koran and hadiths accordiing to these muslims. unlike we are told by muslims here. who is wrong, who is lying ? |
Title: Re: modern muslim repression Post by abu_rashid on Sep 15th, 2009 at 9:26am Quote:
Well if they were voted in... and it's still their time... then what's the problem? Any government is within it's rights to keep governing until it leaves office is it not?? Quote:
I think you really need to learn the difference between murder and capital punishment. Is it murder in the U.S when they execute a criminal?? Quote:
Nobody is wrong or lying, you're just a bit too simple to understand the concept of capital punishment. You might not agree with it, that's fine, but it's recognised throughout the world as being something different to murder. And I haven't seen you once criticise the U.S for using the death penalty, which tends to indicate you're not really that opposed to it. |
Title: Re: modern muslim repression Post by sprintcyclist on Sep 15th, 2009 at 10:41am no, when a new govt is in the wings, the old outgoing govt makes no changes. it's called a caretaker govt. to bring in last minuite changes is arrogant, rude, unethical and against the peoples wishes. i am against capital punishment. it is ineffective, cruel and unjust. I am strongly against mixing religion with politics/legal service. that's alweays repressive , often backward and cruel you may not realise this, but normal people are disgusted when they learn islam advocates murdering those who leave the oppressive regime call it what you want, it's repulsive |
Title: Re: modern muslim repression Post by sprintcyclist on Sep 15th, 2009 at 11:04am lovely circular closed loop logic islamics have displayed here. if you disagree with tyem, it is blasphemy and you die. and according to abu, that's fine, he's all in favour of it. "String 'em high" - is that your motto abu ? Quote: |
Title: Re: modern muslim repression Post by sprintcyclist on Sep 15th, 2009 at 12:58pm an infidels lot in a muslim country ........ Quote: |
Title: Re: modern muslim repression Post by abu_rashid on Sep 15th, 2009 at 1:28pm Quote:
Isn't that what the magistrate is trying to enforce for Muslims at present in that Melbourne court case?? Quote:
That's quite clearly talking about spying. non-Muslims are not permitted to pretend to be Muslims. Quote:
Can Muslims drive tanks and own RPG's in Australia? No. These are the vehicles and weaponry of today, as those were of previous times. Besides, Christians were never prohibited from riding horses, the context is quite clearly to a military usage. Quote:
Are Muslims allowed to sell Qat in Australia??? Quote:
Hijab bans.. Quote:
Likewise Muslims cannot make public calls to prayer over their loudpseakers or from on top of their minarets... Quote:
Sedition laws... Quote:
Isn't assault illegal in all countries?? ;D |
Title: Re: modern muslim repression Post by sprintcyclist on Sep 15th, 2009 at 5:43pm
abu, as usual , selective and deceptive.
it's rather disappointing really these are repressive discriminatory laws against nonmuslims (infidels). there are no laws elsewhere in the world against muslims based on your beliefs. just to take your selected first two denials : a judge has authority. not imitating muslims in dress makes infidels stand out, so a muslim can leech at his house to be fed to 3 days. if a muslim kills an infidel, he gets fined and jailed for one year at max. if an infidel kills a muslim, he gets stoned. the laws are disgusting, the belief likewise. the whole west should be honestly told of islams duplicity, biased and deceipt. |
Title: Re: modern muslim repression Post by abu_rashid on Sep 15th, 2009 at 7:18pm Quote:
I think you're confused with Judaism mate. Jews do have laws like this, Islam certainly does not. Perhaps you've been reading the Talmud by mistake?? Or even the Bible?? |
Title: Re: modern muslim repression Post by sprintcyclist on Sep 15th, 2009 at 7:47pm If that's the jewish laws I hold them in the same regard. unfortunately due to your extended biased selective answering, deflections and deception I don't trust much you say. |
Title: Re: modern muslim repression Post by abu_rashid on Sep 15th, 2009 at 7:55pm Quote:
Yeh right.. I'm sure you do.. Only problem is that being a Jew-hater isn't in vogue anymore (about 80 years too late), so you'll just have to be content being a Muslim-hater. Quote:
How convenient. |
Title: Re: modern muslim repression Post by sprintcyclist on Sep 15th, 2009 at 8:15pm i'm not a muslim hater, nor a jew hater. I have agreed with and applauded the actions of some muslims I have condemned actions of some jews. islamic laws suck big time. you work it out |
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