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Message started by sprintcyclist on Oct 27th, 2009 at 10:25am

Title: muslims rejoice in our hardships
Post by sprintcyclist on Oct 27th, 2009 at 10:25am

THE global financial crisis, crippling drought and the Black Saturday fires that killed 173 people were all part of Allah's will to punish the "filthy people" of Australia, one of the men accused of plotting to attack Sydney's Holsworthy army base has claimed.

In a telephone conversation intercepted by federal police shortly after last summer's devastating bushfires, accused terrorist Saney Aweys urged a friend fighting in Somalia to "be strong" and declared that Australians were already "copping (it) hard, man" from Allah.

"Thanks to Allah, we say Allah bring the fitna (trouble), Allah bring them calamity," Mr Aweys said, according to a transcript of a conversation with Walid Mohamed Osman tendered yesterday in the Melbourne Magistrates Court.

"When the whole nation is coming down, first the economy comes down, first. By Allah, factories shutting down ... I've never seen Melbourne like this then fire coming to them, no water, the water storage is empty. They are copping (it) hard, man. Thanks to Allah.",25197,26264827-601,00.html

where did they get this thnking from ?
some book?
if so, it should be banned

Title: Re: muslims rejoice in our hadships
Post by abu_rashid on Oct 27th, 2009 at 11:51am
Dan-ny Nal-liah Dan-ny Nal-liah

Catching the fire cat-ching tha fire ;D

Does that mean Danny boy got it from your book also??

Title: Re: muslims rejoice in our hadships
Post by sprintcyclist on Oct 27th, 2009 at 12:12pm
abu - danny did not rejoice in our hardships.

you are so stupid

good deflect ion though, i notice you did not make a comment against the islamics/wannabe terrorists.
hence you support them.

i am sure ASIO has your ID - fkwt

Title: Re: muslims rejoice in our hardships
Post by Calanen on Oct 27th, 2009 at 10:38pm

But they watch em all. Especially the converts in the robes.

Title: Re: muslims rejoice in our hardships
Post by jordan484 on Nov 11th, 2009 at 1:48pm
I seem to remember a huge tsunami wiping out a heap of muslims.........where was allah then?

Title: Re: muslims rejoice in our hardships
Post by abu_rashid on Nov 11th, 2009 at 2:21pm

No Muslim here ever stated natural disasters only happen to non-Muslims... so I can't really figure out where your last comment came from??

Title: Re: muslims rejoice in our hardships
Post by jordan484 on Nov 11th, 2009 at 2:53pm
It comes from the ridiculous statement by your fellow muslim brothers that allah had something to do with the victorian bushfires.

Title: Re: muslims rejoice in our hardships
Post by abu_rashid on Nov 11th, 2009 at 3:32pm
Allah is al-Muhaymin!

al-Muhaymin means the overall controller of everything. So yes in a sense Allah had control over all natural disasters that ever [will] occur[ed].

Your post still didn't make sense though...

Title: Re: muslims rejoice in our hardships
Post by sprintcyclist on Nov 11th, 2009 at 3:36pm

typical shoebox islamic thinking.
not even a skerrit of freedom, independance.

no wonder islam creates zilch.
no wonder informed infidels are SO revolted by your traiterous barbaric belief

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