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Message started by freediver on Apr 10th, 2010 at 1:11pm

Title: US proposes internet tax
Post by freediver on Apr 10th, 2010 at 1:11pm

 Obama Plans to Levy Internet Tax

The Obama Era has become a protracted, nightmarish Whack-A-Mole game of tax increases and bureaucratic self-enlargement. In sector after sector of American life, another scheme to expand government and wrench more earnings from Americans' pockets pops up.

Its next targeted sector? The Internet.

Take a look at the following introduction of a nationwide tax upon Internet goods and services, inserted within page 58 of the Federal Communications Commission's (FCC) National Broadband Plan released this week:

Digital Goods and Services Taxation

RECOMMENDATION 4.20: The federal government should investigate establishing a national framework for digital goods and services taxation.

The National Broadband Plan is focused on increasing beneficial use of the Internet, including e-commerce and new innovative business models. The current patchwork of state and local laws and regulations relating to taxation of digital goods and services (such as ringtones, digital music, etc.) may hinder new investment and business models. Entrepreneurs and small businesses in particular may lack the resources to understand and comply with the various tax regimes.

Recognizing that state and local governments pursue varying approaches to raising tax revenues, a national framework for digital goods and services taxation would reduce uncertainty and remove one barrier to online entrepreneurship and investment.

Ponder that curious logic for a moment.

Americans already suffering from a recession prolonged by Mr. Obama's policies are being asked to concur that raising - yes, raising - taxes on a nationwide basis will somehow "reduce uncertainty and remove one barrier to online entrepreneurship and investment.

Title: Re: US proposes internet tax
Post by JaeMi on Apr 10th, 2010 at 1:35pm
What a fool. I can't believe people voted for him.

Title: Re: US proposes internet tax
Post by mozzaok on Apr 10th, 2010 at 2:19pm
Sad little people all over the world agree with you jaemi, they are called conservative extremists, and a more ignorant, less self aware bunch of nincompoops you will struggle to find.

Title: Re: US proposes internet tax
Post by helian on Apr 10th, 2010 at 2:31pm
Microsoft proposes Internet usage tax to pay for cleanup of Windows PC infection

FOX Caught Manufacturing Tea-Party Rally

Title: Re: US proposes internet tax
Post by tallowood on Apr 10th, 2010 at 9:57pm

freediver wrote on Apr 10th, 2010 at 1:11pm:

 Obama Plans to Levy Internet Tax

How will this affect OzPolitics?

Title: Re: US proposes internet tax
Post by freediver on Apr 10th, 2010 at 9:58pm
I doubt it would affect us at all. At least, not directly.

Title: Re: US proposes internet tax
Post by tallowood on Apr 10th, 2010 at 10:06pm

freediver wrote on Apr 10th, 2010 at 9:58pm:
I doubt it would affect us at all. At least, not directly.

I run couple of ecom sites targeting mainly oz consumers but servers are located in USA. Will my biz be affected?

Title: Re: US proposes internet tax
Post by Amadd on Apr 11th, 2010 at 5:31am
Internet tax? Yep, no surprises that he's run out of grandoise ideas.

It always comes down to the bottom line, "Work harder and longer".
An ant could have told you that. In fact ants do it without even thinking about it.

Labor, Liberal, Conservatives, etc.. the bottom line always comes down to the mentality of a dumb stupid ant. And we like to put ourselves below the ant mentality on a regular basis.

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