Australian Politics Forum
General Discussion >> Thinking Globally >> 65 years - don't forget it

Message started by Soren on May 8th, 2010 at 9:00pm

Title: 65 years - don't forget it
Post by Soren on May 8th, 2010 at 9:00pm

Title: Re: 65 years - don't forget it
Post by Imperium on May 8th, 2010 at 9:29pm

We must do our utmost to ensure that our racial family feuds are healed. We must refute and put to rest lies intended to accentuate and prolong such family feuds. We must foster a sense of our common heritage as European whites and remember as our forefathers did in medieval times that there is a shared, overarching race and culture of all Europeans that binds us to each other even as we remain separate and proud members of different white nations. There must never again be a brothers’ war between our kindred nations.


Title: Re: 65 years - don't forget it
Post by Amadd on May 9th, 2010 at 1:14am
Ah yes, that clip brings a tear to the eye.

"The streets were paved with people", thin healthy looking people - with heads of hair. I'll bet most of those thin beautiful ladies had been laid by less than half a dozen men in their lifetime.

And that bulldog. Remember what a bulldog used to look like?
Ahh..the memories.

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