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Message started by abu_rashid on Sep 25th, 2010 at 9:06pm

Title: The baby-murdering scum claim another innocent lif
Post by abu_rashid on Sep 25th, 2010 at 9:06pm
Yet another innocent life snatched away by the baby-murdering scum that pollute the holy land.


Palestinian baby killed by tear gas

A Palestinian infant has died after inhaling tear gas fired by Israeli police during clashes with Palestinian demonstrators near East al-Quds (Jerusalem).

On Friday, 14-month-old Muhammed Abu Sneneh died in hospital of suffocation due to inhalation of tear gas fired by Israeli forces to break up a protest in al-Issawiya, a village located just north of East al-Quds (Jerusalem), the Ma'an news agency reported.

There were also reports of clashes in the Silwan and Ras al-Amoud neighborhoods of East al-Quds.

There have been sporadic clashes in East al-Quds since Wednesday, when an Israeli security guard shot and killed two Palestinians in Silwan.

Israel occupied East al-Quds along with the West Bank during the Six-Day War of 1967 and later annexed it, in violation of international law and despite the opposition of the international community, which has never recognized the illegal move.

Source: PressTV

Title: Re: The baby-murdering scum claim another innocent lif
Post by Soren on Sep 26th, 2010 at 9:59am
What was young Mo doing at the demo? They start them young with the rock throwing. Who took him to the 'clash' with the police? Was he just yet on more Pallo human shield to parade to the press?

Title: Re: The baby-murdering scum claim another innocent lif
Post by Cockney Doll on Sep 26th, 2010 at 2:11pm
I see Brian is still at it.  LOL !!

Hey Brian, what about the three children who were murdered a week or so back, when your "imagianary friends from down the back of the sports oval"... Muslim Arabs killed 3 children  and then their mother who was pregnant...that makes four?

That was deliberate and if we can believe anything that Iranian TV says, this would not have been a deliberate act.

What is a deliberate act, is the thousands of missiles aimed and fired daily at Sderot.

Title: Re: The baby-murdering scum claim another innocent lif
Post by Cockney Doll on Sep 26th, 2010 at 2:13pm

abu_rashid wrote on Sep 25th, 2010 at 9:06pm:
Yet another innocent life snatched away by the baby-murdering scum that pollute the holy land.


Palestinian baby killed by tear gas

A Palestinian infant has died after inhaling tear gas fired by Israeli police during clashes with Palestinian demonstrators near East al-Quds (Jerusalem).

On Friday, 14-month-old Muhammed Abu Sneneh died in hospital of suffocation due to inhalation of tear gas fired by Israeli forces to break up a protest in al-Issawiya, a village located just north of East al-Quds (Jerusalem), the Ma'an news agency reported.

There were also reports of clashes in the Silwan and Ras al-Amoud neighborhoods of East al-Quds.

There have been sporadic clashes in East al-Quds since Wednesday, when an Israeli security guard shot and killed two Palestinians in Silwan.

Israel occupied East al-Quds along with the West Bank during the Six-Day War of 1967 and later annexed it, in violation of international law and despite the opposition of the international community, which has never recognized the illegal move.

Source: PressTV

By thw way Brian how can a person who doesn't exist die?

"A Palestinian infant "  There is no one of that nationality, as there is no country by that name

Title: Re: The baby-murdering scum claim another innocent lif
Post by gizmo_2655 on Sep 26th, 2010 at 2:16pm
Yeah, what sort of idiot takes a baby to a violent protest???

Or even to a protest rally that has the potential to 'turn' violent???

Title: Re: The baby-murdering scum claim another innocent lif
Post by Cockney Doll on Sep 26th, 2010 at 2:19pm

gizmo_2655 wrote on Sep 26th, 2010 at 2:16pm:
Yeah, what sort of idiot takes a baby to a violent protest???

Or even to a protest rally that has the potential to 'turn' violent???

I don't think he has the mental capacity to work that one out Giz !!

Title: Re: The baby-murdering scum claim another innocent lif
Post by abu_rashid on Sep 26th, 2010 at 7:53pm
Cockney Troll,

What is a deliberate act, is the thousands of missiles aimed and fired daily at Sderot.

I think you mean an-Najd, squatter.


Yeah, what sort of idiot takes a baby to a violent protest???

Nowhere does it state the baby attended the protest. Since the protest was in a village, it's quite likely innocent bystanders could've been affected, especially with the trigger happy squatters that pollute the holy land.

Title: Re: The baby-murdering scum claim another innocent lif
Post by Soren on Sep 26th, 2010 at 8:16pm

abu_rashid wrote on Sep 26th, 2010 at 7:53pm:
Cockney Troll,

What is a deliberate act, is the thousands of missiles aimed and fired daily at Sderot.

I think you mean an-Najd, squatter.

Fabbo!! So we can then rename Palestinians as the Levantines, since that was the name of the area before it was called Palestine (and after it was called Judea and Samaria and Israel).


Yeah, what sort of idiot takes a baby to a violent protest???

Nowhere does it state the baby attended the protest. Since the protest was in a village, it's quite likely innocent bystanders could've been affected, especially with the trigger happy squatters that pollute the holy land.[/quote]

You make it up as you go, don't you?  Your opening gambit was 'baby murdering scum', implying that the settlers wanted to kill young Mo, that it was an intentional killing - but now, when questioned, he's suddenly an innocent bystander. But the report says that the teargas was fired "to break up a protest in al-Issawiya".  Young Mo was in the crowd of protesters. He didn't 'attend', he was taken there, most probably by his father or other male relatives.  

But then again, jew-baiting is a spectator sport in those parts. More fun than getting down to the mundane business of actually creating a functioning society. Can't be fagged with that while there are 'polluters' to heckle.

Imagine, just imagine, if anyone referred to Arabs or Muslims as 'polluters' in Australia or any other non-Arab, non-Muslim country.  There would be weeks of wall-to-wall rage boys killing and burning to salve the hurt feelings.

Title: Re: The baby-murdering scum claim another innocent lif
Post by Cockney Doll on Sep 26th, 2010 at 9:43pm

I just recieved notification that Musseys are on the war path in NZ

"New Zealand’s Islamic community has written to Prime Minister John Key demanding an apology for two jokes one of his ministers made about Muslims, the Dominion Post newspaper reported Saturday."

Drum roll please !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

1. What is the difference between Muslims and Kiwis? Muslims get to commit adultery and get stoned, Kiwis get stoned and commit adultery!

2. Mr Williamson also quipped about the weather being “Shi’ite in the morning and Sunni in the afternoon,”

Title: Re: The baby-murdering scum claim another innocent lif
Post by Soren on Sep 26th, 2010 at 9:56pm
The weather in England has been Muslim for a long time.... Mostly shiite.

Title: Re: The baby-murdering scum claim another innocent lif
Post by abu_rashid on Sep 26th, 2010 at 10:51pm

So we can then rename Palestinians as the Levantines, since that was the name of the area before it was called Palestine

Actually, Palestine was it's name prior to the Islamic period. During the Islamic period it was called Bilaad ash-Shaam. And contrary to your small minded ignoramus view of the place, Arabs lived there long before the Islamic period, perhaps a millenium prior to that.

More fun than getting down to the mundane business of actually creating a functioning society. Can't be fagged with that while there are 'polluters' to heckle.

The Zionist invasion/saturation of their land was certainly not anything they requested... it came to them, and so they have every right to spew it back out where it belongs, in the lav.

Title: Re: The baby-murdering scum claim another innocent lif
Post by Cockney Doll on Sep 26th, 2010 at 11:15pm
No it wasn't Brian, even your warped mind can't say that.

"Arabs lived there long before the Islamic period, perhaps a millenium prior to that."

Read you books child instead of "" always playing the Arab at school.

All by himself down the back of the sports oval.""

According to an old school friend of yours !!

The name "Palestine" was invented in the year 135 C.E.  Before it was known as Judea, which was the southern kingdom of ancient Israel. The Roman Procurator in charge of the Judean-Israel territories was so angry at the Jews for revolting that he called for his historians and asked them who were the worst enemies of the Jews in their past history. The scribes said, "the Philistines."  Thus, the Procurator declared that Land of Israel would from then forward be called "Philistia" [further bastardized into "Palaistina"] to dishonor the Jews and obliterate their history. Hence the name "Palestine."

Very often one hears the revisionists and propagandists finding ancient historical links between the "Philistines" ("Invaders" in Hebrew) and the Arab "Palestinians."  There is no truth to this claim! The Philistines were one of a number of Sea Peoples who reached the eastern Mediterranean region approximately 1250-1100 B.C.E.  They were actually an amalgamation of various ethnic groups, primarily of Aegean and south-east European origin [Greece, Crete and Western Turkey] and they died out over 2500 years ago!  Those Philistines were  not  Arab... and neither was Goliath! The Arabs of "Palestine" are just that... Arabs!  And these Arabs of "Palestine" have about as much historical roots to the ancient Philistines as Yasser Arafat has to the Eskimos!  ;D

Even the word "Palestine" has no meaning in Arabic - every word in Arabic has some meaning deriving from the Koran, but the word "Palestine" does not. If anything, the name "Palestine" was associated with Jews. In the years leading up to the rebirth of Israel in 1948, those who spoke of "Palestinians" were nearly always referring to the region's Jewish residents. For example, the "Palestine Post" [forerunner of today's Jerusalem Post] newspaper and the Palestine Symphony Orchestra were all-Jewish. The "Palestine Brigade Regiment" was composed exclusively of Jewish volunteers in the British World War II Army. In fact, Arab leaders rejected the notion of a unique "Palestinian Arab" identity, insisting that Palestine was merely a part of "Greater Syria."  

Title: Re: The baby-murdering scum claim another innocent lif
Post by abu_rashid on Sep 27th, 2010 at 7:08am

The name "Palestine" was invented in the year 135 C.E

Perhaps you're not so good at reading?

"Actually, Palestine was it's name prior to the Islamic period." - Last time I checked, 135 C.E. was "prior to the Islamic period".

Very often one hears the revisionists and propagandists finding ancient historical links between the "Philistines" ("Invaders" in Hebrew) and the Arab "Palestinians."  There is no truth to this claim!

I doubt you'll find Muslims making such claims. You're correct here, the "Palestinian identity" was invented at Sykes-Picot, to try and detach the people of the region from the rest of the Muslim nation, and thereby make them easy prey. That's part of the strategy of _your side_, not mine.... Why you now pretend to argue against the idea is beyond any sane thinking person....

In fact, Arab leaders rejected the notion of a unique "Palestinian Arab" identity, insisting that Palestine was merely a part of "Greater Syria."

"Greater Syria" being a very loose English translation of the term "Bilaad ash-Shaam", again, exactly what I've posted. But just like "Palestine", Syria is also a European name, not a Muslim or Arabic one. All of the names used by Europeans for the region pretty much are their own inventions... but if you think that legitimises your looting and pillaging of peoples homes and possessions, think again squatter.

You've done nothing but rephrase my post, and then presented it as if you were presenting a refutation of my post, fail.

Title: Re: The baby-murdering scum claim another innocent lif
Post by Cockney Doll on Sep 27th, 2010 at 8:25am
Brian best you get down down to the back of the sports oval, where you can paly at being an Arab.

Title: Re: The baby-murdering scum claim another innocent lif
Post by abu_rashid on Sep 27th, 2010 at 8:51am
Just the kind of response I'd expect from someone who is devoid of an actual argument.


Title: Re: The baby-murdering scum claim another innocent lif
Post by Soren on Sep 27th, 2010 at 8:58am
Some Lebanese, mainly Christians, identify themselves as Phoenician rather than Arab, seeking to draw "on the Phoenician past to try to forge an identity separate from the prevailing Arab culture". [4] They argue that Arabization merely represented a shift to the Arabic language as the vernacular of the Lebanese people, and that, according to them, no actual shift of ethnic identity, much less ancestral origins, occurred. Their argument, based on the premise of ancestry, has recently been vindicated by some emerging genetic studies as discussed below. Thus, Phoenicianists emphasize that the Arabs of Lebanon, Syria, Palestine, Egypt, Sudan, Tunisia, Iraq, and all other "Arabs", are different peoples, each descended from the indigenous pre-Arab populations of their respective regions, with their own histories and lore, and that therefore they do not belong to the one pan-Arab ethnicity, and thus such categorisation is erred or inapplicable. Lehe nationals in particular tend to stress aspects of Lebanon's non-Arab history as a mark of respect, to encompass all Lebanon's historical stages, instead of beginning at the Arab conquests, an attitude that prevails in the rest of the Arab world.

It is preposterous for you to claim that Arabs populated the Levant before the Muslim conquest. Same for North Africa.

Title: Re: The baby-murdering scum claim another innocent lif
Post by Cockney Doll on Sep 27th, 2010 at 9:52am
Still playing with.....oops, by yourself I see Brian

Title: Re: The baby-murdering scum claim another innocent lif
Post by Cockney Doll on Sep 27th, 2010 at 10:14am
You're not worth it Brian................more so now that you have been """"OUTED"""

Go play with yourself !!!

Title: Re: The baby-murdering scum claim another innocent lif
Post by abu_rashid on Sep 28th, 2010 at 7:41am

It is preposterous for you to claim that Arabs populated the Levant before..

Ok then I won't claim it... I'll let the Israeli government do it for me  ;D

Avdat - A Nabatean City in the Negev (From the Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs website)

Title: Re: The baby-murdering scum claim another innocent lif
Post by chicken_lipsforme on Sep 28th, 2010 at 9:03am

abu_rashid wrote on Sep 25th, 2010 at 9:06pm:
Yet another innocent life snatched away by the baby-murdering scum that pollute the holy land.


Palestinian baby killed by tear gas

A Palestinian infant has died after inhaling tear gas fired by Israeli police during clashes with Palestinian demonstrators near East al-Quds (Jerusalem).

On Friday, 14-month-old Muhammed Abu Sneneh died in hospital of suffocation due to inhalation of tear gas fired by Israeli forces to break up a protest in al-Issawiya, a village located just north of East al-Quds (Jerusalem), the Ma'an news agency reported.

There were also reports of clashes in the Silwan and Ras al-Amoud neighborhoods of East al-Quds.

There have been sporadic clashes in East al-Quds since Wednesday, when an Israeli security guard shot and killed two Palestinians in Silwan.

Israel occupied East al-Quds along with the West Bank during the Six-Day War of 1967 and later annexed it, in violation of international law and despite the opposition of the international community, which has never recognized the illegal move.

Source: PressTV

So the protesters didn't have any responsibility in this sad outcome?
Are you for real.
The police were just doing their job and breaking up a violent demonstration, which would be an expectation from any police force on the planet.
And those 'polluters' have historical ties to the holy land going back over 2500 years, and their not going anywhere.
The genie is out of the bottle Abu, and isn't going back in.

Title: Re: The baby-murdering scum claim another innocent lif
Post by Soren on Sep 28th, 2010 at 11:19am

abu_rashid wrote on Sep 28th, 2010 at 7:41am:

It is preposterous for you to claim that Arabs populated the Levant before..

Ok then I won't claim it... I'll let the Israeli government do it for me  ;D

Avdat - A Nabatean City in the Negev (From the Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs website)

Nabatean. Not Arab.

What's wrong with you?
Jews lived in Arabia before Mohammed ethnic clensed the area and killed them off. Does that make Israeli claims on Arabian Penisnula territory legitimate? Certainly wouldn't be any different from your claiming everything for islam wherever a muslim has set foot in the last 1400 years. Git.

Title: Re: The baby-murdering scum claim another innocent lif
Post by abu_rashid on Sep 28th, 2010 at 9:44pm

Nabatean. Not Arab.

You're a joke, seriously.

Jews lived in Arabia before Mohammed ethnic clensed the area and killed them off.

Yes they did, since Jews were just a tribe of wandering Arabs that got lost in Egypt and then have spent the last 3000 odd years roaming all over the place.

However the claim Muhammad (pbuh) ethnically cleansed them is pure fantasy, nevermind, at least you got something right in this post.

Title: Re: The baby-murdering scum claim another innocent lif
Post by Cockney Doll on Sep 28th, 2010 at 10:30pm
Brian do some research, then go and play by yourself.

The chromosomes are different old boy.

aussiefree2ride   Reply #47 - Sep 24th , 2010, 6:39am

Good to see you`ve found a sense of belonging in life brian.  Just try to ignore the fact that youe Muslim mates would gladly blow you to bits, and you`ll be happy for a while.

aussiefree2ride  Reply #54 - Sep 24th , 2010, 12:00pm

Little brian was always playing the Arab at school.

All by himself down the back of the sports oval.

aussiefree2ride Reply #56 - Sep 24th , 2010, 12:28pm

And little brian will possibly become a Hindu next year if it looks exotic enough. Or a Hairy Crotchner.

Title: Re: The baby-murdering scum claim another innocent lif
Post by abu_rashid on Sep 29th, 2010 at 7:11am

The chromosomes are different old boy

Well I never said they didn't intermix with the peoples they found when wandering. And let us not forget that they've got a lot of Khazaran ancestry too.

They're definitely not pure Semites like the Arabs, and this is evident not just in the chromosomes, but also in the language, culture and religion... all of which are very European.

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