Australian Politics Forum
Political Parties >> Australian Labor Party >> Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign

Message started by Equitist on Dec 16th, 2010 at 3:53pm

Title: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by Equitist on Dec 16th, 2010 at 3:53pm

The latest from the Twittersphere: -

Realtime results for andrew bolt resign

     Ebswearspink‎: RT @latikambourke: Bob Brown has called for Andrew Bolt to resign.
     Twitter - 4 minutes ago
     Asher_Wolf‎: RT @latikambourke: Bob Brown: 'Andrew Bolt's call, while bodies were still in the ocean, for JG's resignation (but Labor opposed Iraq) l ...
     Twitter - 6 minutes ago

     willispb‎: RT @timhollo: Let's shout it from the rooftops! #AndrewBoltMustResign! RT @latikambourke: Bob Brown has called for Andrew Bolt to resign.
     Twitter - 6 minutes ago

Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by Equitist on Dec 16th, 2010 at 3:57pm



Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by skippy. on Dec 16th, 2010 at 4:08pm
Bolt is a fascist prick, we need fascist pricks like Bolt to show the rightards up as the self obsessed xenophobic scum they are.
Bolts writing should be compulsory reading to all Australians, if it were the Libs would never get to form government.
In fact I really think this site should have a twitter account so the world could see what sort of scum support the Liberals.

Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by Equitist on Dec 16th, 2010 at 4:14pm

You may choose more than one option.

Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by Equitist on Dec 16th, 2010 at 4:20pm

Apparadude‎: RT @bondles9: Not fit to be paid with my taxes RT @maxphillips The ABC must sack Andrew Bolt from #Insiders #AndrewBoltMustResign (@abcm ...
Twitter - 20 minutes ago

Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by Prevailing on Dec 16th, 2010 at 4:23pm
The racist Labour Party Greens alliance - blood on their hands... >:(

Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by skippy. on Dec 16th, 2010 at 4:27pm

Prevailing wrote on Dec 16th, 2010 at 4:23pm:
The racist Labour Party Greens alliance - blood on their hands... >:(

Yes but should Bolt resign, sock?

Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by Verge on Dec 16th, 2010 at 4:31pm
I dont see him resigning.

I dont see him being fired since his editor approved it.

He might be guilty of bad taste, but the man is entitled to his opinion.

Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by Prevailing on Dec 16th, 2010 at 4:35pm

skippy. wrote on Dec 16th, 2010 at 4:27pm:

Prevailing wrote on Dec 16th, 2010 at 4:23pm:
The racist Labour Party Greens alliance - blood on their hands... >:(

Yes but should Bolt resign, sock?

Bolt told the truth, he has warned that the Government was risking human lives with their culpable negligence on border security and Gillard and the labour party have been warned.  Resign now Gillard.

Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by adelcrow on Dec 16th, 2010 at 4:35pm
So true, its good to have people like Bolt around to remind us all just how rediculous the extremist right and political lapdogs are.
The best advertising the Greens and progressive politics has are hysterical lapdogs like Bolt.
Dont sack him..give him more airtime to share his crazy views   :)

Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by Equitist on Dec 16th, 2010 at 4:42pm

I don't expect him to resign.  Nor do I expect him to be sacked from his main job.  This doesn't alter the fact that I don't think he's fit to publish.

That said, I believe that his role on the ABC's Insiders program should be reviewed.  I say this on the basis that I doubt that Kerry O'Brien or any other ABC Staffer would get a way with making such a despicable call...

Either way, it is fitting that he should squirm in his own shyte for a long while!

Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by Verge on Dec 16th, 2010 at 5:02pm
I dont think his article makes him unfit to publish.

Unsensitive maybe.

Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by Equitist on Dec 16th, 2010 at 5:03pm

From the Bolt: -

Gillard must resign

Comments 470 Comments | Permalink

Andrew Bolt

Thursday, December 16, 2010 at 06:32am

THE Gillard Government has blood on its hands. Prime Minister Julia Gillard should resign.

These tragic drownings at Christmas Island are a direct result of her reckless boat people policies.

Again and again she was warned those policies - fatally relaxed in 2008 - would result in exactly this loss of life.

Indeed, she was warned people were already dying at sea, as people smugglers resumed the trade the Howard government had all but stopped in 2002.

Even before yesterday, up to 170 people had been lured to their deaths by the Government’s dismantling of John Howard’s “Pacific Solution”, scrapping temporary protection visas and softening mandatory detention rules.

In January last year, for instance, at least nine boat people drowned off Indonesia as they tried to sail here.

That April another nine died, in the South China Sea. Also that month, five Afghans died when they blew up their boat at Ashmore Reef. A month later, 19 more died off Halang Island.

I could go on. Many times I warned the Government its “compassionate” laws had deadly consequences.

Gillard’s response? When I said 14 months ago at least 25 people had already died and “more will die, too” unless the laws were toughened, she pretended ignorance to the Opposition: “There is no evidence to support this figure.”

Even as she spoke, the Australian Customs and Border Protection Service realised another boat with 100 asylum seekers had left Indonesia for Australia, and vanished, presumably sunk.

Others also told the Government its laws were killing people.

Six months ago, the ABC interviewed Mohammed Taqi, an Afghan in Indonesia who said three more people died when his boat sank off Kupang. He added: “I know lots of my friends have died in the sea.”

I wrote of that, too, but the Government again pretended deafness and refused to change its policies.

So who drew up its deadly laws? “I was the substantive author of a policy paper which became Labor’s policy,” Gillard has boasted.

Who ignored the warnings it was costing lives? “There is no evidence,” said Gillard.

Who, since her election, not only failed to stop luring people to their deaths, but even increased the incentive, promising to rush more people out of detention? Gillard again.

Judge a policy by its effects, not intent. The bodies in the sea are the verdict on Gillard’s. Morally, she must go.

Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by Equitist on Dec 16th, 2010 at 5:08pm

The Drum
has just started on ABC News 24 - I wonder whether they will deal with the issue of Bolt's antics...

Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by codswal on Dec 16th, 2010 at 5:08pm
freedom of speech it only applies if you say what the lefty hypocrites say you can say.. WOW..

all you two faced hypocrites.. screaming for justice for Julian Assange,,, what a laugh you are..

just cant take it can you?

Andrew Bolt isnt paid by the ABC.. he is paid by the taxpayer many of whom agree with him

you dont like what he says switch him off.  simple.. I do it all the time with Tony Jones and his cohorts..never bother with them.

Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by codswal on Dec 16th, 2010 at 5:11pm
ha.hahahahahahahahahahahahaha just seen its Bobby Brown.. oh dear  Bolt has got to be scared to death....havent seen booby for months and he pops up with this.. good one booby

Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by nefertiti on Dec 16th, 2010 at 5:20pm

Verge wrote on Dec 16th, 2010 at 5:02pm:
I dont think his article makes him unfit to publish.

Unsensitive maybe.

There is no such a word as unsensitive?   I think you mean Insensitive. ;)

Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by Verge on Dec 16th, 2010 at 5:21pm

Nefertiti wrote on Dec 16th, 2010 at 5:20pm:

Verge wrote on Dec 16th, 2010 at 5:02pm:
I dont think his article makes him unfit to publish.

Unsensitive maybe.

There is no such a word as unsensitive?   I think you mean Insensitive. ;)

Thats the one.

All Bolt did was get in first.

Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by codswal on Dec 16th, 2010 at 5:30pm

Verge wrote on Dec 16th, 2010 at 5:21pm:

Nefertiti wrote on Dec 16th, 2010 at 5:20pm:

Verge wrote on Dec 16th, 2010 at 5:02pm:
I dont think his article makes him unfit to publish.

Unsensitive maybe.

There is no such a word as unsensitive?   I think you mean Insensitive. ;)

Thats the one.

All Bolt did was get in first.

hahahahahahaha..much to the chagrin of the lefties

Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by Equitist on Dec 16th, 2010 at 5:31pm

codswal wrote on Dec 16th, 2010 at 5:08pm:
freedom of speech it only applies if you say what the lefty hypocrites say you can say.. WOW..

all you two faced hypocrites.. screaming for justice for Julian Assange,,, what a laugh you are..

just cant take it can you?

Andrew Bolt isnt paid by the ABC.. he is paid by the taxpayer many of whom agree with him

you dont like what he says switch him off.  simple.. I do it all the time with Tony Jones and his cohorts..never bother with them.

Crikey Cods - this is a question of Bolt's integrity - about whether his employer/s (media outlets) should allow him to represent them...

How can you compare it with the systematic demonisation, vilification, scapegoating and incarceration of a whistleblower!?

Speaking of hypocrisy - why didn't Bolt call for the PM's resignation over her patently inappropriate comments in relation to this matter: -

Column - It’s tribal, this defence of Assange
Icon - Comments 335 Comments | Permalink
Andrew Bolt Blog Icon Arrow

Andrew Bolt
Friday, December 10, 2010 at 07:02am

THE jailing of Julian Assange has inspired a tribal support that tells us plenty about our partisan times.

I’d have thought any adult would have some worries about the dumping of 250,000 stolen US diplomatic cables by WikiLeaks, the website created by the Australian-born Assange.

Some might argue - as I do - that most of these cables tell us nothing we don’t already know, from Italy’s Prime Minister being a lecher to Kevin Rudd being a bungling control freak.

Some might also argue - as I do - that most newspapers would have published these leaks themselves.

And even conservatives would like what these latest 250,000 cables expose - that the US truly is doing its pretty honest best to counter security threats from a world far more dangerous than most Leftists would like to admit.

But anyone with a skerrick of responsibility should also tremble at what this leaking will achieve.

The real danger is that while Assange claims he’s done all this damage to get more open government and offer “new ways to report the truth”, he’ll achieve the very opposite.

The US Government, from sheer self-preservation, will close up. Information will be more tightly controlled.

Fewer officials will dare to put the frank truth in writing, and fewer friends of the US will dare share a blunt confidence, for fear of exposure. We will get not more truth, but less.

So no condemnation of Assange can be unqualified. Equally, no defence can be unqualified. Yet what do we see?

Already Assange’s arrest in London has inspired that calling card of the tribal Left - the joint open letter.

This one is penned by the former International Socialist Jeff Sparrow, now an academic (of course) and lawyer Lizzie O’Shea, and the usual suspects of our celebrity Left have signed.

There’s Bob Brown, of course, and Mungo MacCallum, Peter Singer, Adam Bandt, Julian Burnside, Jeff Lawrence, Larissa Behrendt, Wendy Bacon, Greg Barns and Max Gillies.

Naturally, celebrity “human rights” lawyer Geoffrey Robertson is taking the case, and celebrity conspiracy theorist John Pilger is offering bail.

Here’s the curious thing. This open letter demands Prime Minister Julia Gillard “do everything in your power” to help the arrested Assange and defend “political communication”.

But Assange has not been arrested for spilling secrets. Instead, he’s facing extradition to Sweden to face charges of rape (which he denies).

True, the charges seem odd, lodged by feminists who accuse Assange of coercing them into sex, and in one case of not using a condom.

Pilger, among many other Assange defenders, pooh-poohs these charges, but if they are so absurd, why doesn’t this letter demand Gillard help fight a witch-hunt by feminists on an ideologically inspired crusade built on nothing more than post-sex regret?

Here’s why I say this reaction is tribal.

If the person wanted in Sweden for rape was not Assange but, say, me, do you think the Left would be attacking the women who cried “rape”?

As if. You can hear already the sermons denouncing my depravity.

And if it had been me, not Assange, who had leaked government documents, do you think the Left would demand Gillard protect my right to “political expression”?

God, no. In fact, when I published extracts from a leaked report written by Leftist hero Andrew Wilkie when he was an intelligence officer, proving he was alarmist on the risks of invading Iraq, not one Leftist supported me, even when I was questioned by police.

Wilkie, now an independent member of Parliament who’s told Gillard of his “disgust” at her condemnation of Assange, demanded then to know what the Government would do about me.

A Sydney Morning Herald columnist rang the federal police to make sure they were investigating me.

And why has not one of the celebrities defending Assange’s free speech defended my own, now threatened in a legal case I am not safe to even discuss?

No, it looks like it’s the side you’re on that counts, not the principle involved, and Assange demonstrates perfectly the hypocrisy of these partisan times.

Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by gizmo_2655 on Dec 16th, 2010 at 5:38pm
Good luck getting ANY Op-Ed Journo to resign for having an opinion....

THAT is what he's employed for....

Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by mellie on Dec 16th, 2010 at 5:40pm
Here's what others are saying...

Also, be aware that Bolts blog is Australia's most frequented.

Bolts right, they cant have it both ways. 8-)

Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by codswal on Dec 16th, 2010 at 5:46pm
And why has not one of the celebrities defending Assange’s free speech defended my own, now threatened in a legal case I am not safe to even discuss?

No, it looks like it’s the side you’re on that counts, not the principle involved, and Assange demonstrates perfectly the hypocrisy of these partisan times.


sorry nem but he does have a point... you cant have priciples that you only support if its done by the side you believe in...

a principle is a the law it doesnt take sides. you cant rearrange it to suit the occasion

well thats what I say anyway.. you have the ones you choose..

but this is two faced sorry if you cant see that..

Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by mellie on Dec 16th, 2010 at 5:47pm
Put simply, Julia Gillard was warned something like this could happen, and that it was only a matter of time before it did, so rather than place human life before poll-driven opportunism, she went along her merry-leftard way hoping all would be well.

Well, as can be demonstrated, her border policies are an absolute shipwreck.

Much like her leadership.

We told you Labor was a sinking ship, now here's proof.

Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by dsmithy70 on Dec 16th, 2010 at 5:48pm

codswal wrote on Dec 16th, 2010 at 5:08pm:
freedom of speech it only applies if you say what the lefty hypocrites say you can say.. WOW..

all you two faced hypocrites.. screaming for justice for Julian Assange,,, what a laugh you are..

just cant take it can you?

Andrew Bolt isnt paid by the ABC.. he is paid by the taxpayer many of whom agree with him

you dont like what he says switch him off.  simple.. I do it all the time with Tony Jones and his cohorts..never bother with them.

Nice try Cods, Wikileaks and Assange are completly different.
Wikileaks publishes unaltered documents and you can read it and make up your own mind about the evidence presented before you.
Andrew Bolt publishes his OPINION,mostly a rehashed(or often copied word for word)opinion expressed by a overseas right leaning journalist, with no substantive proof to back these views or credit to the original writer, many times he has been caught out re-publishing lies that have already been outed as falsehoods.
Let him publish his looks desparate and amature compared to others.

Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by Miss Anne Dryst on Dec 16th, 2010 at 5:50pm

mellie wrote on Dec 16th, 2010 at 5:47pm:
Put simply, Julia Gillard was warned something like this could happen, and that it was only a matter of time before it did, so rather than place human life before poll-driven opportunism, she went along her merry-leftard way hoping all would be well.

Well, as can be demonstrated, her border policies are an absolute shipwreck.

Much like her leadership.

We told you Labor was a sinking ship, now here's proof.

So true.
Not sure who is denser, the lefties on this board or Julia Gillard.

Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by dsmithy70 on Dec 16th, 2010 at 5:53pm

Miss Anne Dryst wrote on Dec 16th, 2010 at 5:50pm:

mellie wrote on Dec 16th, 2010 at 5:47pm:
Put simply, Julia Gillard was warned something like this could happen, and that it was only a matter of time before it did, so rather than place human life before poll-driven opportunism, she went along her merry-leftard way hoping all would be well.

Well, as can be demonstrated, her border policies are an absolute shipwreck.

Much like her leadership.

We told you Labor was a sinking ship, now here's proof.

So true.
Not sure who is denser, the lefties on this board or Julia Gillard.

If only the real world was as black and white as yours ;)

Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by mellie on Dec 16th, 2010 at 5:53pm
Whilst I don't agree with Andrew Bolt on everything, (particularly his rather off-putting stance re- Wikileaks)...I think he's entitled to an opinion, as should be anyone in this country.

I am pro-Wikileaks, and also pro-Andrew Bolt.

8-) Politics doesn't have to be black or white.

Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by Miss Anne Dryst on Dec 16th, 2010 at 5:55pm

Equitist wrote on Dec 16th, 2010 at 3:53pm:
The latest from the Twittersphere: -

Realtime results for andrew bolt resign

     Ebswearspink‎: RT @latikambourke: Bob Brown has called for Andrew Bolt to resign.
     Twitter - 4 minutes ago
     Asher_Wolf‎: RT @latikambourke: Bob Brown: 'Andrew Bolt's call, while bodies were still in the ocean, for JG's resignation (but Labor opposed Iraq) l ...
     Twitter - 6 minutes ago

     willispb‎: RT @timhollo: Let's shout it from the rooftops! #AndrewBoltMustResign! RT @latikambourke: Bob Brown has called for Andrew Bolt to resign.
     Twitter - 6 minutes ago

When the boat people stopped coming under John Howard, Bob Brown was vocal about the treatment of asylum seekers.

Wonder why Bob Brown is so silent about the treatment of asylum seekers now, now that there's been over 200 deaths under Julia Gillard and Kevin Rudd.
What has Bob Brown got to say now? Oh that Andrew Bolt shouldn't be picking on Julia Gillard for her "come one, come all" open door policy.

Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by Miss Anne Dryst on Dec 16th, 2010 at 5:56pm

Dsmithy70 wrote on Dec 16th, 2010 at 5:53pm:

Miss Anne Dryst wrote on Dec 16th, 2010 at 5:50pm:

mellie wrote on Dec 16th, 2010 at 5:47pm:
Put simply, Julia Gillard was warned something like this could happen, and that it was only a matter of time before it did, so rather than place human life before poll-driven opportunism, she went along her merry-leftard way hoping all would be well.

Well, as can be demonstrated, her border policies are an absolute shipwreck.

Much like her leadership.

We told you Labor was a sinking ship, now here's proof.

So true.
Not sure who is denser, the lefties on this board or Julia Gillard.

If only the real world was as black and white as yours ;)

It is.
Just take out your brown and green eyes and have a look.

Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by gizmo_2655 on Dec 16th, 2010 at 6:03pm

mellie wrote on Dec 16th, 2010 at 5:53pm:
Whilst I don't agree with Andrew Bolt on everything, (particularly his rather off-putting stance re- Wikileaks)...I think he's entitled to an opinion, as should be anyone in this country.

I am pro-Wikileaks, and also pro-Andrew Bolt.

8-) Politics doesn't have to be black or white.

He's (Bolt) is employed to have an 'opinion' that's the whole point....

It doesn't matter if he's pro-Liberal, or pro-Labor.....the whole point is, it's HIS opinion.....

Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by mellie on Dec 16th, 2010 at 6:04pm
I'd like a dollar for every time some leftard control-freak has called for Bolts resignation.

Bolt wont resign,  and why should he?

I distinctly recall a Greens senator/spokesperson requesting a water ministers resignation not all that long ago...something about their not believing in global warming?

The Greens call for many resignations so it seems, but could it be said they would do best accepting a few of their own?

I thought Bob Brown had plans on retiring soon.

Apparently not.


Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by Prevailing on Dec 16th, 2010 at 6:06pm
Its time to shun racist progressive politics and take our lives. our Government and our country back.  I am sick of the vandalism and sheer wastage of lives caused by these idiots. ::)

Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by mellie on Dec 16th, 2010 at 6:06pm

gizmo_2655 wrote on Dec 16th, 2010 at 6:03pm:

mellie wrote on Dec 16th, 2010 at 5:53pm:
Whilst I don't agree with Andrew Bolt on everything, (particularly his rather off-putting stance re- Wikileaks)...I think he's entitled to an opinion, as should be anyone in this country.

I am pro-Wikileaks, and also pro-Andrew Bolt.

8-) Politics doesn't have to be black or white.

He's (Bolt) is employed to have an 'opinion' that's the whole point....

It doesn't matter if he's pro-Liberal, or pro-Labor.....the whole point is, it's HIS opinion.....


Basically, Bob Brown is requesting Bolts resignation due to him publishing his own point of view.

I think it's time old Bob went to a home. 8-)

Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by Miss Anne Dryst on Dec 16th, 2010 at 6:07pm

gizmo_2655 wrote on Dec 16th, 2010 at 6:03pm:

mellie wrote on Dec 16th, 2010 at 5:53pm:
Whilst I don't agree with Andrew Bolt on everything, (particularly his rather off-putting stance re- Wikileaks)...I think he's entitled to an opinion, as should be anyone in this country.

I am pro-Wikileaks, and also pro-Andrew Bolt.

8-) Politics doesn't have to be black or white.

He's (Bolt) is employed to have an 'opinion' that's the whole point....

It doesn't matter if he's pro-Liberal, or pro-Labor.....the whole point is, it's HIS opinion.....

Julia Gillard doesn't like people having an opinion that is different from hers, and she has  upset the GALP since.
But Bob Brown has made a big fool of himself (again) by denying freedom of speech.

Must be like pushing sht uphill there Bob, but who better than Bob Brown to get stuck into that as afterall thats his forte!

Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by mellie on Dec 16th, 2010 at 6:08pm
The poll question is... Is Bolt fit for publishing?

Well, I like him, so I think yes.


Just my opinion of course...

Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by Miss Anne Dryst on Dec 16th, 2010 at 6:09pm

mellie wrote on Dec 16th, 2010 at 6:04pm:
I'd like a dollar for every time some leftard control-freak has called for Bolts resignation.

Bolt wont resign,  and why should he?

I distinctly recall a Greens senator/spokesperson requesting a water ministers resignation not all that long ago...something about their not believing in global warming?

The Greens call for many resignations so it seems, but could it be said they would do best accepting a few of their own?

I thought Bob Brown had plans on retiring soon.

Apparently not.


The lefties don't like it when they lose the argument.
As evidenced by the antics on this board from the lefties.

Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by Miss Anne Dryst on Dec 16th, 2010 at 6:10pm

mellie wrote on Dec 16th, 2010 at 6:08pm:
The poll question is... Is Bolt fit for publishing?

Well, I like him, so I think yes.


Just my opinion of course...

It is all a distraction by the GALP.
The real issue is that Julia Gillard MUST resign.
Julia Gillard has blood on her hands.

Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by vegitamite on Dec 16th, 2010 at 6:11pm

I wonder what Andrew Bolts intent is. Is it to bring down the government OR he actually cares about assylum seekers?

Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by adelcrow on Dec 16th, 2010 at 6:12pm
Bolt, Ackerman and Jones could have their own show on channel 10 called : MASTER RACE.
They could get Neo Nationalist gangs of 20 or more to compete for the title while putting forward their own far right doctorine to the Australian population.

Events could be : kicking to death the aged Aborigonal man in a dark ally.

Gang raping and mudering the lone Vietnamese Grandmother.

Knifing a lone Iraqi taxi driver at night, stealing his cash and then drive his taxi into the Yarra with him locked in the boot.

Humiliating a young Chinese couple in a public park and posting it on the internet.

Shouting down meetings discussing the intergration of Asylum seekers and handing out hate pamphlets to school kids.

There could be points awarded for cowardice, the biggest group on the smallest and most vunerable target, blame shifting, the most amount of cash stolen, the most humliated victim, the most sensless act of violence and the biggest drain on the welfare system.

This would be an ideal vehicle for Bolt Ackerman and Jones to showcase their views and talents  :)

Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by Miss Anne Dryst on Dec 16th, 2010 at 6:13pm
The hypocrisy of the ALP.

"Will Labor be as tough on its own policies in the wake of this disaster as it was on the Howard Government’s in 2001, after the sinking of the SIEV X in Indonesian waters?

   TONY JONES: Con Sciacca, ...In the face of this tragedy, was it a mistake for Kim Beazley to link the deaths of these boat people to the Government’s failure to get a deal from Indonesia to stop them leaving?

   CON SCIACCA, SHADOW MINISTER FOR IMMIGRATION: Tony, I don’t think that that is the case. What Kim Beazley clearly said was that this was a human tragedy of enormous proportions.

   He then went on to say that, if there had not been a failure in Government policy in stopping this insidious people smuggling trade, the fact is that this may not have happened.

   He wasn’t blaming anybody. He didn’t blame anybody at all.

   TONY JONES: Con Sciacca, that is tantamount to blame, isn’t it? Suggesting that a failure of Government policy had something to do with the deaths of people in a tragedy like this?

   CON SCIACCA: No, what he was actually saying was, is that, if we were able to stop them coming from Indonesia in the first place, that these sorts of things wouldn’t happen.

Will Labor suggest what Senator John Faulkner insinuated against Howard - that its security services had deliberately murdered these boat people:

   In 2002 then Labor frontbencher and later defence minister John Faulkner demanded the “authorities” answer questions about steps taken to disrupt people-smugglers, asking whether the SIEV X had been sabotaged and said the protocols for ASIS and the AFP operating in Indonesia “were not meant as a direct or indirect licence to kill”."
(Andrew Bolt – Thursday, December 16, 10 (12:11 pm))

Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by Miss Anne Dryst on Dec 16th, 2010 at 6:14pm

wrote on Dec 16th, 2010 at 6:11pm:
I wonder what Andrew Bolts intent is. Is it to bring down the government OR he actually cares about assylum seekers?

You should read his article and then you'd not have to ask.

Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by dsmithy70 on Dec 16th, 2010 at 6:19pm

Miss Anne Dryst wrote on Dec 16th, 2010 at 6:13pm:
The hypocrisy of the ALP.

"Will Labor be as tough on its own policies in the wake of this disaster as it was on the Howard Government’s in 2001, after the sinking of the SIEV X in Indonesian waters?

   TONY JONES: Con Sciacca, ...In the face of this tragedy, was it a mistake for Kim Beazley to link the deaths of these boat people to the Government’s failure to get a deal from Indonesia to stop them leaving?

   CON SCIACCA, SHADOW MINISTER FOR IMMIGRATION: Tony, I don’t think that that is the case. What Kim Beazley clearly said was that this was a human tragedy of enormous proportions.

   He then went on to say that, if there had not been a failure in Government policy in stopping this insidious people smuggling trade, the fact is that this may not have happened.

   He wasn’t blaming anybody. He didn’t blame anybody at all.

   TONY JONES: Con Sciacca, that is tantamount to blame, isn’t it? Suggesting that a failure of Government policy had something to do with the deaths of people in a tragedy like this?

   CON SCIACCA: No, what he was actually saying was, is that, if we were able to stop them coming from Indonesia in the first place, that these sorts of things wouldn’t happen.

Will Labor suggest what Senator John Faulkner insinuated against Howard - that its security services had deliberately murdered these boat people:

   In 2002 then Labor frontbencher and later defence minister John Faulkner demanded the “authorities” answer questions about steps taken to disrupt people-smugglers, asking whether the SIEV X had been sabotaged and said the protocols for ASIS and the AFP operating in Indonesia “were not meant as a direct or indirect licence to kill”."
(Andrew Bolt – Thursday, December 16, 10 (12:11 pm))

Yes and now the Libs are showing their hypocrisy by doing exactly the same thing.
Which is why I fully endorse Prevailing's call for REVOLUTION! :D

Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by Time on Dec 16th, 2010 at 6:28pm
So Bolt calls for Gillard to resign after this huh. If Gillard has blood on her hands for this, Bolt does also for the Iraq war. But asking Bolt to acknowledge his hypocrisy is pointless. He hurls insults and abuse then gets uppity when it gets thrown back. Maybe Bolt should move into politics. Nar, he wouldn't do that, then he'd have to be responsible for what he says, he'd have to get out from behind his safety cell and put his violent rhetoric into effect.
I, for one, will not be so tolerant if he ever throws unjustified abuse in my direction.

Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by Miss Anne Dryst on Dec 16th, 2010 at 6:47pm

Postmodern Trendoid III wrote on Dec 16th, 2010 at 6:28pm:
So Bolt calls for Gillard to resign after this huh. If Gillard has blood on her hands for this, Bolt does also for the Iraq war. But asking Bolt to acknowledge his hypocrisy is pointless. He hurls insults and abuse then gets uppity when it gets thrown back. Maybe Bolt should move into politics. Nar, he wouldn't do that, then he'd have to be responsible for what he says, he'd have to get out from behind his safety cell and put his violent rhetoric into effect.
I, for one, will not be so tolerant if he ever throws unjustified abuse in my direction.

So Andrew Bolt sent troops into Iraq?

Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by Miss Anne Dryst on Dec 16th, 2010 at 6:48pm

Dsmithy70 wrote on Dec 16th, 2010 at 6:19pm:

Miss Anne Dryst wrote on Dec 16th, 2010 at 6:13pm:
The hypocrisy of the ALP.

"Will Labor be as tough on its own policies in the wake of this disaster as it was on the Howard Government’s in 2001, after the sinking of the SIEV X in Indonesian waters?

   TONY JONES: Con Sciacca, ...In the face of this tragedy, was it a mistake for Kim Beazley to link the deaths of these boat people to the Government’s failure to get a deal from Indonesia to stop them leaving?

   CON SCIACCA, SHADOW MINISTER FOR IMMIGRATION: Tony, I don’t think that that is the case. What Kim Beazley clearly said was that this was a human tragedy of enormous proportions.

   He then went on to say that, if there had not been a failure in Government policy in stopping this insidious people smuggling trade, the fact is that this may not have happened.

   He wasn’t blaming anybody. He didn’t blame anybody at all.

   TONY JONES: Con Sciacca, that is tantamount to blame, isn’t it? Suggesting that a failure of Government policy had something to do with the deaths of people in a tragedy like this?

   CON SCIACCA: No, what he was actually saying was, is that, if we were able to stop them coming from Indonesia in the first place, that these sorts of things wouldn’t happen.

Will Labor suggest what Senator John Faulkner insinuated against Howard - that its security services had deliberately murdered these boat people:

   In 2002 then Labor frontbencher and later defence minister John Faulkner demanded the “authorities” answer questions about steps taken to disrupt people-smugglers, asking whether the SIEV X had been sabotaged and said the protocols for ASIS and the AFP operating in Indonesia “were not meant as a direct or indirect licence to kill”."
(Andrew Bolt – Thursday, December 16, 10 (12:11 pm))

Yes and now the Libs are showing their hypocrisy by doing exactly the same thing.
Which is why I fully endorse Prevailing's call for REVOLUTION! :D

You've missed the point.

Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by Time on Dec 16th, 2010 at 6:48pm

Miss Anne Dryst wrote on Dec 16th, 2010 at 6:47pm:

Postmodern Trendoid III wrote on Dec 16th, 2010 at 6:28pm:
So Bolt calls for Gillard to resign after this huh. If Gillard has blood on her hands for this, Bolt does also for the Iraq war. But asking Bolt to acknowledge his hypocrisy is pointless. He hurls insults and abuse then gets uppity when it gets thrown back. Maybe Bolt should move into politics. Nar, he wouldn't do that, then he'd have to be responsible for what he says, he'd have to get out from behind his safety cell and put his violent rhetoric into effect.
I, for one, will not be so tolerant if he ever throws unjustified abuse in my direction.

So Andrew Bolt sent troops into Iraq?

So Julia Gillard put people on a boat?

Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by Dnarever on Dec 16th, 2010 at 6:50pm
I do not believe he should either resign or be sacked over this.

I also do not understand how old Tokyo Rosebolt's style of propaganda distribution would be employable by any media organisation in the first place.

Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by codswal on Dec 16th, 2010 at 6:50pm

Postmodern Trendoid III wrote on Dec 16th, 2010 at 6:28pm:
So Bolt calls for Gillard to resign after this huh. If Gillard has blood on her hands for this, Bolt does also for the Iraq war. But asking Bolt to acknowledge his hypocrisy is pointless. He hurls insults and abuse then gets uppity when it gets thrown back. Maybe Bolt should move into politics. Nar, he wouldn't do that, then he'd have to be responsible for what he says, he'd have to get out from behind his safety cell and put his violent rhetoric into effect.
I, for one, will not be so tolerant if he ever throws unjustified abuse in my direction.

havent got a clue what any of that meant... but I have jst watched jooooooolia on ABC,, where she has talked and talked and said nothing..

what a boring woman this is... and these people are drowning and she says NOTHING...just rhetorics...

she shouldnt be allowed to resign.. she should be sacked.. this whole company.[laughingly called a govt] is a disgrace.

Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by Time on Dec 16th, 2010 at 6:52pm

codswal wrote on Dec 16th, 2010 at 6:50pm:

Postmodern Trendoid III wrote on Dec 16th, 2010 at 6:28pm:
So Bolt calls for Gillard to resign after this huh. If Gillard has blood on her hands for this, Bolt does also for the Iraq war. But asking Bolt to acknowledge his hypocrisy is pointless. He hurls insults and abuse then gets uppity when it gets thrown back. Maybe Bolt should move into politics. Nar, he wouldn't do that, then he'd have to be responsible for what he says, he'd have to get out from behind his safety cell and put his violent rhetoric into effect.
I, for one, will not be so tolerant if he ever throws unjustified abuse in my direction.

havent got a clue what any of that meant... .

Logic is obviously not your forte.

Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by Equitist on Dec 16th, 2010 at 6:55pm

On the subject of publishing leaks, what was Bolt's position on Laurie Oakes' actions during the last election campaign - did he applaud or lament the associated Walkley Award!?

Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by Miss Anne Dryst on Dec 16th, 2010 at 6:59pm

Postmodern Trendoid III wrote on Dec 16th, 2010 at 6:48pm:

Miss Anne Dryst wrote on Dec 16th, 2010 at 6:47pm:

Postmodern Trendoid III wrote on Dec 16th, 2010 at 6:28pm:
So Bolt calls for Gillard to resign after this huh. If Gillard has blood on her hands for this, Bolt does also for the Iraq war. But asking Bolt to acknowledge his hypocrisy is pointless. He hurls insults and abuse then gets uppity when it gets thrown back. Maybe Bolt should move into politics. Nar, he wouldn't do that, then he'd have to be responsible for what he says, he'd have to get out from behind his safety cell and put his violent rhetoric into effect.
I, for one, will not be so tolerant if he ever throws unjustified abuse in my direction.

So Andrew Bolt sent troops into Iraq?

So Julia Gillard put people on a boat?

So Julia Gillard isn't in government then in your eyes.

Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by Time on Dec 16th, 2010 at 7:01pm

Miss Anne Dryst wrote on Dec 16th, 2010 at 6:59pm:

Postmodern Trendoid III wrote on Dec 16th, 2010 at 6:48pm:

Miss Anne Dryst wrote on Dec 16th, 2010 at 6:47pm:

Postmodern Trendoid III wrote on Dec 16th, 2010 at 6:28pm:
So Bolt calls for Gillard to resign after this huh. If Gillard has blood on her hands for this, Bolt does also for the Iraq war. But asking Bolt to acknowledge his hypocrisy is pointless. He hurls insults and abuse then gets uppity when it gets thrown back. Maybe Bolt should move into politics. Nar, he wouldn't do that, then he'd have to be responsible for what he says, he'd have to get out from behind his safety cell and put his violent rhetoric into effect.
I, for one, will not be so tolerant if he ever throws unjustified abuse in my direction.

So Andrew Bolt sent troops into Iraq?

So Julia Gillard put people on a boat?

So Julia Gillard isn't in government then in your eyes.

She is in government, yes.

Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by Miss Anne Dryst on Dec 16th, 2010 at 7:05pm

codswal wrote on Dec 16th, 2010 at 6:50pm:

Postmodern Trendoid III wrote on Dec 16th, 2010 at 6:28pm:
So Bolt calls for Gillard to resign after this huh. If Gillard has blood on her hands for this, Bolt does also for the Iraq war. But asking Bolt to acknowledge his hypocrisy is pointless. He hurls insults and abuse then gets uppity when it gets thrown back. Maybe Bolt should move into politics. Nar, he wouldn't do that, then he'd have to be responsible for what he says, he'd have to get out from behind his safety cell and put his violent rhetoric into effect.
I, for one, will not be so tolerant if he ever throws unjustified abuse in my direction.

havent got a clue what any of that meant...

Yes agree codswal. It just did not make sense.
Maybe he was going for that OJ Simpson Chewbacca defence, where it simply did not make sense.

Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by Miss Anne Dryst on Dec 16th, 2010 at 7:06pm

Postmodern Trendoid III wrote on Dec 16th, 2010 at 7:01pm:

Miss Anne Dryst wrote on Dec 16th, 2010 at 6:59pm:

Postmodern Trendoid III wrote on Dec 16th, 2010 at 6:48pm:

Miss Anne Dryst wrote on Dec 16th, 2010 at 6:47pm:

Postmodern Trendoid III wrote on Dec 16th, 2010 at 6:28pm:
So Bolt calls for Gillard to resign after this huh. If Gillard has blood on her hands for this, Bolt does also for the Iraq war. But asking Bolt to acknowledge his hypocrisy is pointless. He hurls insults and abuse then gets uppity when it gets thrown back. Maybe Bolt should move into politics. Nar, he wouldn't do that, then he'd have to be responsible for what he says, he'd have to get out from behind his safety cell and put his violent rhetoric into effect.
I, for one, will not be so tolerant if he ever throws unjustified abuse in my direction.

So Andrew Bolt sent troops into Iraq?

So Julia Gillard put people on a boat?

So Julia Gillard isn't in government then in your eyes.

She is in government, yes.

Is Andrew Bolt in government?

Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by Miss Anne Dryst on Dec 16th, 2010 at 7:07pm

codswal wrote on Dec 16th, 2010 at 6:50pm:
havent got a clue what any of that meant... but I have jst watched jooooooolia on ABC,, where she has talked and talked and said nothing..

what a boring woman this is... and these people are drowning and she says NOTHING...just rhetorics...

she shouldnt be allowed to resign.. she should be sacked.. this whole company.[laughingly called a govt] is a disgrace.

Yes the Australian voters deserve the right to vote Julia Gillard out of office.

Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by Time on Dec 16th, 2010 at 7:08pm

Miss Anne Dryst wrote on Dec 16th, 2010 at 7:05pm:

codswal wrote on Dec 16th, 2010 at 6:50pm:

Postmodern Trendoid III wrote on Dec 16th, 2010 at 6:28pm:
So Bolt calls for Gillard to resign after this huh. If Gillard has blood on her hands for this, Bolt does also for the Iraq war. But asking Bolt to acknowledge his hypocrisy is pointless. He hurls insults and abuse then gets uppity when it gets thrown back. Maybe Bolt should move into politics. Nar, he wouldn't do that, then he'd have to be responsible for what he says, he'd have to get out from behind his safety cell and put his violent rhetoric into effect.
I, for one, will not be so tolerant if he ever throws unjustified abuse in my direction.

havent got a clue what any of that meant...

Yes agree codswal. It just did not make sense.
Maybe he was going for that OJ Simpson Chewbacca defence, where it simply did not make sense.

It made sense to you when you first replied, but not now?
Pinned in an intellectual corner, you now look around to garner 'moral support' to save face.

Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by Time on Dec 16th, 2010 at 7:09pm

Miss Anne Dryst wrote on Dec 16th, 2010 at 7:06pm:

Postmodern Trendoid III wrote on Dec 16th, 2010 at 7:01pm:

Miss Anne Dryst wrote on Dec 16th, 2010 at 6:59pm:

Postmodern Trendoid III wrote on Dec 16th, 2010 at 6:48pm:

Miss Anne Dryst wrote on Dec 16th, 2010 at 6:47pm:

Postmodern Trendoid III wrote on Dec 16th, 2010 at 6:28pm:
So Bolt calls for Gillard to resign after this huh. If Gillard has blood on her hands for this, Bolt does also for the Iraq war. But asking Bolt to acknowledge his hypocrisy is pointless. He hurls insults and abuse then gets uppity when it gets thrown back. Maybe Bolt should move into politics. Nar, he wouldn't do that, then he'd have to be responsible for what he says, he'd have to get out from behind his safety cell and put his violent rhetoric into effect.
I, for one, will not be so tolerant if he ever throws unjustified abuse in my direction.

So Andrew Bolt sent troops into Iraq?

So Julia Gillard put people on a boat?

So Julia Gillard isn't in government then in your eyes.

She is in government, yes.

Is Andrew Bolt in government?


Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by Miss Anne Dryst on Dec 16th, 2010 at 7:10pm

Postmodern Trendoid III wrote on Dec 16th, 2010 at 7:08pm:

Miss Anne Dryst wrote on Dec 16th, 2010 at 7:05pm:

codswal wrote on Dec 16th, 2010 at 6:50pm:

Postmodern Trendoid III wrote on Dec 16th, 2010 at 6:28pm:
So Bolt calls for Gillard to resign after this huh. If Gillard has blood on her hands for this, Bolt does also for the Iraq war. But asking Bolt to acknowledge his hypocrisy is pointless. He hurls insults and abuse then gets uppity when it gets thrown back. Maybe Bolt should move into politics. Nar, he wouldn't do that, then he'd have to be responsible for what he says, he'd have to get out from behind his safety cell and put his violent rhetoric into effect.
I, for one, will not be so tolerant if he ever throws unjustified abuse in my direction.

havent got a clue what any of that meant...

Yes agree codswal. It just did not make sense.
Maybe he was going for that OJ Simpson Chewbacca defence, where it simply did not make sense.

It made sense to you when you first replied, but not now?
Pinned in an intellectual corner, you now look around to garner 'moral support' to save face.

Once again your comments simply do not make sense chewie

Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by Equitist on Dec 16th, 2010 at 7:12pm

Meanwhile, over at the Punch...

The day both extremes almost met in the middle

by Tory Maguire

16 Dec 04:00pm


Julia Gillard is not just between a rock and a hard place in the aftermath of the Christmas Island tragedy - she’s wedged between an angry Left and a rabid Right.

It was hardly unexpected that Andrew Bolt and his gang quickly trotted out the “blood on her hands” mantra after dozens of asylum-seekers met their awful deaths yesterday, but they’ve been joined by a loud chorus of refugee advocates claiming the atrocity could have been prevented with a softer government policy.

The only people not attacking the Prime Minister today are the Opposition, who’ve remained for the past 24 hours particularly civil towards Gillard and her Immigration Minister Chris Bowen. And Gillard’s announcement this afternoon of a standing group including the Opposition and representatives from the Greens to examine the fact of the boat’s sinking could well prolong that cease-fire beyond the usual limits.

Gillard broke her summer holiday this afternoon to give a press conference in Sydney - where she was unable to shed much light on the how the vessel went undetected by Australian border authorities until 5.48am Christmas Island time yesterday, when it was already “hard up” against the cliffs and “clearly in distress”.

The facts, the Prime Minister said, needed to be established before judgements could be made about what, if any, culpability her government’s policy held. “These conversations will be had, as they should be had,” she said. But not today.

Instead, by including shadow immigration minister Scott Morrison and and shadow attorney-general Michael Keenan in a “bi-partisan reporting mechanism”, Gillard has made it very difficult for them to start bleating about who’s responsible.

(Update 7pm: The Opposition has declined Gillard’s offer to take part.)

Gillard said she neither sought, nor received, any undertaking from Tony Abbott that in exchange for inclusion on the standing committee the Opposition would lay off the finger pointing.

It’s a tenuous truce, considering the very loud, very acrimonious debate going on outside the mainstream political parties today.

Bolt’s not the only one saying the tragedy was an inevitable result of the Rudd/Gillard softening of the Howard-era border protection stance. It’s undeniable the rate of boat arrivals has increased exponentially since 1998, from the trickle it was towards the end of the Coalition government.

Something’s made the Indonesian people smugglers and their desperate clients think it’s worth the risk to make the mad dash to Australian waters.

But international coverage of the disaster has taken a different tack. Numerous overseas media outlets, such as the UK Independent, are reporting Gillard is under pressure to soften the government’s border protection policy, not toughen it up.

They’re basing this analysis on comments from refugee advocates such as Pino Migliorino, chairman of the Federation of Ethnic Communities Councils of Australia, who called the incident a “wake-up call” for the government, and Ian Rintoul from the Refugee Action Coalition, who said “unless the government changes its policies and adopts a welcome refugee policy, there will be more tragedies.”

Gillard has managed to upset both sides of the ledger equally.

They both say they want the same thing - to avoid more loss of life. In fact, headlines such as “Refugee policy blamed for wreck” could equally be applied to stories about the response from either camp.

They just have very different ways of getting there.

Regardless, Gillard can only continue to put off the conversation that “should be had” for a short period. Her adherence to the weak “push factor” argument when asked this afternoon to explain the huge increase in boat arrivals just doesn’t cut it.

Sadly for the lefties calling for her to open the gates, Gillard will be unable to ignore stories such as this report showing a massive majority of respondents to an online poll today have no sympathy for asylum-seekers, even in light of the terrible scenes of Christmas Island.

The Right and Left might have met in the middle today, but it won’t last long.

Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by Time on Dec 16th, 2010 at 7:12pm

Miss Anne Dryst wrote on Dec 16th, 2010 at 7:10pm:

Postmodern Trendoid III wrote on Dec 16th, 2010 at 7:08pm:

Miss Anne Dryst wrote on Dec 16th, 2010 at 7:05pm:

codswal wrote on Dec 16th, 2010 at 6:50pm:

Postmodern Trendoid III wrote on Dec 16th, 2010 at 6:28pm:
So Bolt calls for Gillard to resign after this huh. If Gillard has blood on her hands for this, Bolt does also for the Iraq war. But asking Bolt to acknowledge his hypocrisy is pointless. He hurls insults and abuse then gets uppity when it gets thrown back. Maybe Bolt should move into politics. Nar, he wouldn't do that, then he'd have to be responsible for what he says, he'd have to get out from behind his safety cell and put his violent rhetoric into effect.
I, for one, will not be so tolerant if he ever throws unjustified abuse in my direction.

havent got a clue what any of that meant...

Yes agree codswal. It just did not make sense.
Maybe he was going for that OJ Simpson Chewbacca defence, where it simply did not make sense.

It made sense to you when you first replied, but not now?
Pinned in an intellectual corner, you now look around to garner 'moral support' to save face.

Once again your comments simply do not make sense chewie

Ad hominem does not equate to valid argumentation.

Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by vegitamite on Dec 16th, 2010 at 7:15pm

Miss Anne Dryst wrote on Dec 16th, 2010 at 6:14pm:

wrote on Dec 16th, 2010 at 6:11pm:
I wonder what Andrew Bolts intent is. Is it to bring down the government OR he actually cares about assylum seekers?

You should read his article and then you'd not have to ask.

The  link Shows  Bolt  making  the politics of asylum seekers more important than the disaster itself.

so I HAVE answered my own  query

'I wonder what Andrew Bolts intent is. Is it to bring down the government OR he actually cares about assylum seekers?'

Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by Miss Anne Dryst on Dec 16th, 2010 at 7:26pm

wrote on Dec 16th, 2010 at 7:15pm:

Miss Anne Dryst wrote on Dec 16th, 2010 at 6:14pm:

wrote on Dec 16th, 2010 at 6:11pm:
I wonder what Andrew Bolts intent is. Is it to bring down the government OR he actually cares about assylum seekers?

You should read his article and then you'd not have to ask.

The  link Shows  Bolt  making  the politics of asylum seekers more important than the disaster itself.

so I HAVE answered my own  query

'I wonder what Andrew Bolts intent is. Is it to bring down the government OR he actually cares about assylum seekers?'

Do you need to be spoon fed?
Otherwise I'd suggest you try again as you've not understood it.

Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by gizmo_2655 on Dec 16th, 2010 at 8:39pm

adelcrow wrote on Dec 16th, 2010 at 6:12pm:
Bolt, Ackerman and Jones could have their own show on channel 10 called : MASTER RACE.
They could get Neo Nationalist gangs of 20 or more to compete for the title while putting forward their own far right doctorine to the Australian population.

Events could be : kicking to death the aged Aborigonal man in a dark ally.

Gang raping and mudering the lone Vietnamese Grandmother.

Knifing a lone Iraqi taxi driver at night, stealing his cash and then drive his taxi into the Yarra with him locked in the boot.

Humiliating a young Chinese couple in a public park and posting it on the internet.

Shouting down meetings discussing the intergration of Asylum seekers and handing out hate pamphlets to school kids.

There could be points awarded for cowardice, the biggest group on the smallest and most vunerable target, blame shifting, the most amount of cash stolen, the most humliated victim, the most sensless act of violence and the biggest drain on the welfare system.

This would be an ideal vehicle for Bolt Ackerman and Jones to showcase their views and talents  :)

Adel, there are just as many anit-Liberal, pro-Labor journos around too..

Paul Sheehan and Kerry O'brien, to name just two...

The days of 'impartial, non-partisan' reporting are long gone.......

Everyone has, and is entitled to, an opinion....and that includes members of the media...

Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by Verge on Dec 16th, 2010 at 10:08pm
In a world of free speech, Bolt is entitled to his opinion.

While people are bashing the "right" on this, notice how the politicans have remained tight lipped.

Is it any different for those on the left here to immediatley say this shouldnt be political while those on the right say it is.

Both are entitled to their opinion.

Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by Luke Fowler on Dec 16th, 2010 at 10:39pm
Bolt is a Hack, and most rational thinking people know it.

However, calling for his resignation merely because he is a hack is probably playing into his hands.

He wants to be seen as the guy who "tells it like it is". In reality he is just another far right nutter with a following of angry bogans. Calls for his resignation, or any sanctions against him, will just make him into some kind of martyr.

Further, as much as I find his views simplistic and repugnant, I also feel that silencing him would be more repugnant. You can't limit free speech to speech that you like or agree with.  

Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by Amadd on Dec 16th, 2010 at 11:16pm
Who'd be concerned about Bolt anymore?
His big call was climate change.

If he was right, it could be none other than a right-winged scare tactic.
If he has been wrong, he's retarded the cause and helped to put the future in grave jeopardy.
The odds are that climate change due to human input is a definite realism.

Either way, his big call has been wrong.
Back to the bleachers "Bolt the dolt".

Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by Jaykaye_09 on Dec 17th, 2010 at 12:53am
Without reading through this thread (full of brilliant information as it possibly might be...) what does the case of Wikileaks, or Julian Assange, have to do with Andrew Bolt?

I get the whole 'free speech' thing - and I don't for one second believe Bolt should be censored - but him and Assange are miles apart, they're not even slightly comparable.

Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by Amadd on Dec 17th, 2010 at 2:21am

Without reading through this thread (full of brilliant information as it possibly might be...) what does the case of Wikileaks, or Julian Assange, have to do with Andrew Bolt?

If you read through the entire thread, then you may or may not be privvy to submitting some intelligent input.

On the other hand, if you consider yourself to be above us all, then you may not be required to read a single word, because your comprehension is so far above any of us.

Live in the world you live. I'm happy for you.

Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by codswal on Dec 17th, 2010 at 6:10am

gizmo_2655 wrote on Dec 16th, 2010 at 8:39pm:

adelcrow wrote on Dec 16th, 2010 at 6:12pm:
Bolt, Ackerman and Jones could have their own show on channel 10 called : MASTER RACE.
They could get Neo Nationalist gangs of 20 or more to compete for the title while putting forward their own far right doctorine to the Australian population.

Events could be : kicking to death the aged Aborigonal man in a dark ally.

Gang raping and mudering the lone Vietnamese Grandmother.

Knifing a lone Iraqi taxi driver at night, stealing his cash and then drive his taxi into the Yarra with him locked in the boot.

Humiliating a young Chinese couple in a public park and posting it on the internet.

Shouting down meetings discussing the intergration of Asylum seekers and handing out hate pamphlets to school kids.

There could be points awarded for cowardice, the biggest group on the smallest and most vunerable target, blame shifting, the most amount of cash stolen, the most humliated victim, the most sensless act of violence and the biggest drain on the welfare system.

This would be an ideal vehicle for Bolt Ackerman and Jones to showcase their views and talents  :)

Adel, there are just as many anit-Liberal, pro-Labor journos around too..

Paul Sheehan and Kerry O'brien, to name just two...

The days of 'impartial, non-partisan' reporting are long gone.......

Everyone has, and is entitled to, an opinion....and that includes members of the media...


I dont think the left idiots that support these boards realize that gizmo.. they firmly believe its only the 3 right leaning journos..that have a

personally I am more concerned about someone like Bobby Brown calling for Bolts demise than anyone on here..

the fact this guy has a say [ and a big one thanks to gillard & Co] the running of this country gives me hives.. and he makes a statement like this.. sack Bolt?.. why??? for having the honesty to speak his mind.. not like the parliamentary journos that spend more time crawling up backsides of those in power.. its blood curdling.

to watch gillard.. wooden as ever, show no emotion whatsoever. make sure she brings up "Children Overboard"... talk about another never ending REPORT..sends chills...the woman will do nothing not a thing. she is frozen into impotence.. her deputy didnt have a clue either did he??

at least Bolt said something.and a few ears shot up and listend!

what did gillard say???????... anyone??????????????????????

Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by Miss Anne Dryst on Dec 17th, 2010 at 6:34am

codswal wrote on Dec 17th, 2010 at 6:10am:

gizmo_2655 wrote on Dec 16th, 2010 at 8:39pm:

adelcrow wrote on Dec 16th, 2010 at 6:12pm:
Bolt, Ackerman and Jones could have their own show on channel 10 called : MASTER RACE.
They could get Neo Nationalist gangs of 20 or more to compete for the title while putting forward their own far right doctorine to the Australian population.

Events could be : kicking to death the aged Aborigonal man in a dark ally.

Gang raping and mudering the lone Vietnamese Grandmother.

Knifing a lone Iraqi taxi driver at night, stealing his cash and then drive his taxi into the Yarra with him locked in the boot.

Humiliating a young Chinese couple in a public park and posting it on the internet.

Shouting down meetings discussing the intergration of Asylum seekers and handing out hate pamphlets to school kids.

There could be points awarded for cowardice, the biggest group on the smallest and most vunerable target, blame shifting, the most amount of cash stolen, the most humliated victim, the most sensless act of violence and the biggest drain on the welfare system.

This would be an ideal vehicle for Bolt Ackerman and Jones to showcase their views and talents  :)

Adel, there are just as many anit-Liberal, pro-Labor journos around too..

Paul Sheehan and Kerry O'brien, to name just two...

The days of 'impartial, non-partisan' reporting are long gone.......

Everyone has, and is entitled to, an opinion....and that includes members of the media...


I dont think the left idiots that support these boards realize that gizmo.. they firmly believe its only the 3 right leaning journos..that have a

personally I am more concerned about someone like Bobby Brown calling for Bolts demise than anyone on here..

the fact this guy has a say [ and a big one thanks to gillard & Co] the running of this country gives me hives.. and he makes a statement like this.. sack Bolt?.. why??? for having the honesty to speak his mind.. not like the parliamentary journos that spend more time crawling up backsides of those in power.. its blood curdling.

to watch gillard.. wooden as ever, show no emotion whatsoever. make sure she brings up "Children Overboard"... talk about another never ending REPORT..sends chills...the woman will do nothing not a thing. she is frozen into impotence.. her deputy didnt have a clue either did he??

at least Bolt said something.and a few ears shot up and listend!

what did gillard say???????... anyone??????????????????????

Julia Gillard's response was it's too early to make any comment.
No it isn't!
Blood is on Julia Gillard's hands, she knows it, Andrew Bolt knows it, and the public knows it.
This is why she gave the Green light to Bob Brown to try and divert attention away from her and onto Andrew Bolt.

Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by adelcrow on Dec 17th, 2010 at 6:43am
On the new show MASTER RACE the hosts Bolt, Ackerman and Jones would award bonus points if contestants can shift the blame for the  gangs of thugs crimes against victims to the Gillard govt and extra bonus points if Bob Brown and the Greens can somehow be blamed as well.
Bolt, Ackerman and Jones all have first class experience at blame shifting so Im sure they are well qualified to give advice and pick out a deserving winner   :)

Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by chicken_lipsforme on Dec 17th, 2010 at 6:45am

Postmodern Trendoid III wrote on Dec 16th, 2010 at 6:48pm:

Miss Anne Dryst wrote on Dec 16th, 2010 at 6:47pm:

Postmodern Trendoid III wrote on Dec 16th, 2010 at 6:28pm:
So Bolt calls for Gillard to resign after this huh. If Gillard has blood on her hands for this, Bolt does also for the Iraq war. But asking Bolt to acknowledge his hypocrisy is pointless. He hurls insults and abuse then gets uppity when it gets thrown back. Maybe Bolt should move into politics. Nar, he wouldn't do that, then he'd have to be responsible for what he says, he'd have to get out from behind his safety cell and put his violent rhetoric into effect.
I, for one, will not be so tolerant if he ever throws unjustified abuse in my direction.

So Andrew Bolt sent troops into Iraq?

So Julia Gillard put people on a boat?

She may as well have by her continued insistence on having laws that are weak which provide no deterrent to smugglers.

Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by chicken_lipsforme on Dec 17th, 2010 at 6:50am

skippy. wrote on Dec 16th, 2010 at 4:27pm:

Prevailing wrote on Dec 16th, 2010 at 4:23pm:
The racist Labour Party Greens alliance - blood on their hands... >:(

Yes but should Bolt resign, sock?

Why should he resign?
For telling the truth?
I don't think so.
He did warn the government of the ramifications of their reckless policy softening on this issue so years ago.
And what he stated would happen has come to pass, and that is not his fault.
It's Gillard and her band of bungling incompetents.

Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by Miss Anne Dryst on Dec 17th, 2010 at 6:59am

chicken_lipsforme wrote on Dec 17th, 2010 at 6:50am:

skippy. wrote on Dec 16th, 2010 at 4:27pm:

Prevailing wrote on Dec 16th, 2010 at 4:23pm:
The racist Labour Party Greens alliance - blood on their hands... >:(

Yes but should Bolt resign, sock?

Why should he resign?
For telling the truth?
I don't think so.
He did warn the government of the ramifications of their reckless policy softening on this issue so years ago.
And what he stated would happen has come to pass, and that is not his fault.
It's Gillard and her band of bungling incompetents.

True, all true there chickenlipsforme.
And prevailing is right as well.

Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by Miss Anne Dryst on Dec 17th, 2010 at 7:03am

chicken_lipsforme wrote on Dec 17th, 2010 at 6:45am:

Postmodern Trendoid III wrote on Dec 16th, 2010 at 6:48pm:

Miss Anne Dryst wrote on Dec 16th, 2010 at 6:47pm:

Postmodern Trendoid III wrote on Dec 16th, 2010 at 6:28pm:
So Bolt calls for Gillard to resign after this huh. If Gillard has blood on her hands for this, Bolt does also for the Iraq war. But asking Bolt to acknowledge his hypocrisy is pointless. He hurls insults and abuse then gets uppity when it gets thrown back. Maybe Bolt should move into politics. Nar, he wouldn't do that, then he'd have to be responsible for what he says, he'd have to get out from behind his safety cell and put his violent rhetoric into effect.
I, for one, will not be so tolerant if he ever throws unjustified abuse in my direction.

So Andrew Bolt sent troops into Iraq?

So Julia Gillard put people on a boat?

She may as well have by her continued insistence on having laws that are weak which provide no deterrent to smugglers.

Julia Gillards go soft policies lured the boat people, it was her policies that directly caused the boat people to be there in the first place.

Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by Equitist on Dec 17th, 2010 at 7:09am

Another day, another cynical attempt by right whingers to gain political mileage out of the desperate and stateless...

A cable obtained by WikiLeaks and provided to Fairfax says an unnamed "key Liberal Party strategist" told US diplomats in November last year that the issue of asylum seekers was "fantastic" for the coalition and "the more boats that come the better".

Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by Miss Anne Dryst on Dec 17th, 2010 at 7:19am
Babies in the sea are the direct result of Julia Gillard's soft policies.

Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by vegitamite on Dec 17th, 2010 at 8:13am

Luke Fowler wrote on Dec 16th, 2010 at 10:39pm:
Bolt is a Hack, and most rational thinking people know it.

However, calling for his resignation merely because he is a hack is probably playing into his hands.

He wants to be seen as the guy who "tells it like it is". In reality he is just another far right nutter with a following of angry bogans. Calls for his resignation, or any sanctions against him, will just make him into some kind of martyr.

Further, as much as I find his views simplistic and repugnant, I also feel that silencing him would be more repugnant. You can't limit free speech to speech that you like or agree with.  

HEAR HEAR  [smiley=thumbup.gif]

to miss annie dryst-
put that in your pipe and smoke it. This is the same reason I dont read Andrew Dolt.
I hear enough of what 'his'  intent is and I am not interested in his Opinion. yet I did access that link you supplied - which indeed proved my point.
But dont let rational thinking stop YOU from quoting bolts opinions... ;D

Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by skippy. on Dec 17th, 2010 at 8:28am

adelcrow wrote on Dec 17th, 2010 at 6:43am:
On the new show MASTER RACE the hosts Bolt, Ackerman and Jones would award bonus points if contestants can shift the blame for the  gangs of thugs crimes against victims to the Gillard govt and extra bonus points if Bob Brown and the Greens can somehow be blamed as well.
Bolt, Ackerman and Jones all have first class experience at blame shifting so Im sure they are well qualified to give advice and pick out a deserving winner   :)

I think you're on a winner there, that show would rate through the roof with the rightarded xenophobes with huge stiffies every episode.
Call John Singleton, he'd sponsor it for you, lets face it he pays the wages for Ray Hadley and Gloria Jones.

Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by Andrei.Hicks on Dec 17th, 2010 at 8:30am
There is no need for Bolt to do anything.

His call for Gillard to resign is valid.

You look at this terrible tragedy which fills us all with sadness and you see how preventable it was.

Poor and weak policy have caused more and more boats of desperate people to come to Christmas Island.
They must be stopped before there is such another tragedy.

Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by aussiefree2ride on Dec 17th, 2010 at 8:47am

Andrei.Hicks wrote on Dec 17th, 2010 at 8:30am:
There is no need for Bolt to do anything.

His call for Gillard to resign is valid.

You look at this terrible tragedy which fills us all with sadness and you see how preventable it was.

Poor and weak policy have caused more and more boats of desperate people to come to Christmas Island.
They must be stopped before there is such another tragedy.

I totally agree. Judging by the stupidity of the proponents for increased people smugling, and the stupidity of those who can`t grasp that weak policy directly encourages the growth of same, it`s obvious that more sensible heads must prevail.  

This sad tragedy happened in an easily viewed location, one wonders how many other poor souls have lost their lives in similar circumstances, although there will always be those so low as to try to cheapen our sadness and pity.  

Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by Ernie on Dec 17th, 2010 at 8:49am
"so low as to try to cheapen our sadness and pity. "

Cue flag and patriotic music, as AF2R stands, head bowed, hand on heart, tears flowing freely.

Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by aussiefree2ride on Dec 17th, 2010 at 8:51am

No, he should resign immediately
No, he should be sacked from all media forthwithI don't really care

What an absolutely, useless, childishly prejudiced "poll". Pathetic.

Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by Andrei.Hicks on Dec 17th, 2010 at 8:51am

aussiefree2ride wrote on Dec 17th, 2010 at 8:47am:

Andrei.Hicks wrote on Dec 17th, 2010 at 8:30am:
There is no need for Bolt to do anything.

His call for Gillard to resign is valid.

You look at this terrible tragedy which fills us all with sadness and you see how preventable it was.

Poor and weak policy have caused more and more boats of desperate people to come to Christmas Island.
They must be stopped before there is such another tragedy.

I totally agree. Judging by the stupidity of the proponents for increased people smugling, and the stupidity of those who can`t grasp that weak policy directly encourages the growth of same, it`s obvious that more sensible heads must prevail.  

This sad tragedy happened in an easily viewed location, one wonders how many other poor souls have lost their lives in similar circumstances, although there will always be those so low as to try to cheapen our sadness and pity.  

Well said.

Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by Time on Dec 17th, 2010 at 9:00am

chicken_lipsforme wrote on Dec 17th, 2010 at 6:45am:

Postmodern Trendoid III wrote on Dec 16th, 2010 at 6:48pm:

Miss Anne Dryst wrote on Dec 16th, 2010 at 6:47pm:

Postmodern Trendoid III wrote on Dec 16th, 2010 at 6:28pm:
So Bolt calls for Gillard to resign after this huh. If Gillard has blood on her hands for this, Bolt does also for the Iraq war. But asking Bolt to acknowledge his hypocrisy is pointless. He hurls insults and abuse then gets uppity when it gets thrown back. Maybe Bolt should move into politics. Nar, he wouldn't do that, then he'd have to be responsible for what he says, he'd have to get out from behind his safety cell and put his violent rhetoric into effect.
I, for one, will not be so tolerant if he ever throws unjustified abuse in my direction.

So Andrew Bolt sent troops into Iraq?

So Julia Gillard put people on a boat?

She may as well have by her continued insistence on having laws that are weak which provide no deterrent to smugglers.

1. You're devolving the smugglers of any responsibility for their own actions.
2. You're claiming that people 100 times removed from an event can be blamed for that event. If this is the case then Bolt also "has blood on his hands" for his support of the Iraq war. This is Bolt's reasoning turned back on himself.

Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by Time on Dec 17th, 2010 at 9:04am

Miss Anne Dryst wrote on Dec 17th, 2010 at 7:03am:

chicken_lipsforme wrote on Dec 17th, 2010 at 6:45am:

Postmodern Trendoid III wrote on Dec 16th, 2010 at 6:48pm:

Miss Anne Dryst wrote on Dec 16th, 2010 at 6:47pm:

Postmodern Trendoid III wrote on Dec 16th, 2010 at 6:28pm:
So Bolt calls for Gillard to resign after this huh. If Gillard has blood on her hands for this, Bolt does also for the Iraq war. But asking Bolt to acknowledge his hypocrisy is pointless. He hurls insults and abuse then gets uppity when it gets thrown back. Maybe Bolt should move into politics. Nar, he wouldn't do that, then he'd have to be responsible for what he says, he'd have to get out from behind his safety cell and put his violent rhetoric into effect.
I, for one, will not be so tolerant if he ever throws unjustified abuse in my direction.

So Andrew Bolt sent troops into Iraq?

So Julia Gillard put people on a boat?

She may as well have by her continued insistence on having laws that are weak which provide no deterrent to smugglers.

Julia Gillards go soft policies lured the boat people, it was her policies that directly caused the boat people to be there in the first place.

"Directly caused", pfft. Only if you sever the link of cause and effect to the hundredth degree.

1. Where is the personal responsibility of the smugglers and the people on the boat?
2. If the chain of cause and effect can be twisted to the hundredth degree then Bolt "has blood on his hands" for his support of the Iraq war.
This is Bolt's reasoning turned back on himself.

Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by Ernie on Dec 17th, 2010 at 9:05am
"so low as to try to cheapen our sadness and pity. "

Cue flag and patriotic music, as AF2R stands, head bowed, hand on heart, CROCODILE tears flowing freely.

(edited by Ernie because I left out an important word)

Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by Time on Dec 17th, 2010 at 9:05am

Miss Anne Dryst wrote on Dec 17th, 2010 at 7:19am:
Babies in the sea are the direct result of Julia Gillard's soft policies.

Dead babies in Iraq are the direct result of Bolt's support.

Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by Equitist on Dec 17th, 2010 at 9:09am

How ironic, that the usual amoral political opportunists should jump at the chance to selectively harp on about moral and political responsibility...

Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by skippy. on Dec 17th, 2010 at 9:09am

Please delete wrote on Dec 17th, 2010 at 9:05am:
"so low as to try to cheapen our sadness and pity. "

Cue flag and patriotic music, as AF2R stands, head bowed, hand on heart, CROCODILE tears flowing freely.

(edited by Ernie because I left out an important word)

Its a sad indication of his lack of any true morals.

Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by mantra on Dec 17th, 2010 at 9:15am
Akerman did similar today on his blog stating "LABOR and its mongrel coalition of supporters are a failure and should be sacked over the Christmas Island tragedy".

That's as far as I bothered to read. HE and Bolt are an example of the Liberal support base - full of ugliness, slander and slogans.

Both of them have lost the ability to write anything factual and let their biased and superficial emotions stand in the way of any common sense. They've learnt that being simple minded and crude is the only way to impress the rabble.

Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by aussiefree2ride on Dec 17th, 2010 at 9:21am

Please delete wrote on Dec 17th, 2010 at 9:05am:
"so low as to try to cheapen our sadness and pity. "

Cue flag and patriotic music, as AF2R stands, head bowed, hand on heart, CROCODILE tears flowing freely.

(edited by Ernie because I left out an important word)

Your accusation would be insulting if it came from a decent human being.  As it is, you slither, lie, cheat and decieve so much in your own life that you are now unable to take others at face value.  Yours is a world of low life gutter scrabbling and scum licking.


Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by aussiefree2ride on Dec 17th, 2010 at 9:23am

skippy. wrote on Dec 17th, 2010 at 9:09am:

Please delete wrote on Dec 17th, 2010 at 9:05am:
"so low as to try to cheapen our sadness and pity. "

Cue flag and patriotic music, as AF2R stands, head bowed, hand on heart, CROCODILE tears flowing freely.

(edited by Ernie because I left out an important word)

Its a sad indication of his lack of any true morals.

No such thing, just another confirmation of your willingness to lie, and accept lies.
ENJOY your low life.

Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by skippy. on Dec 17th, 2010 at 9:25am

mantra wrote on Dec 17th, 2010 at 9:15am:
Akerman did similar today on his blog stating "LABOR and its mongrel coalition of supporters are a failure and should be sacked over the Christmas Island tragedy".

That's as far as I bothered to read. HE and Bolt are an example of the Liberal support base - full of ugliness, slander and slogans.

Both of them have lost the ability to write anything factual and let their biased and superficial emotions stand in the way of any common sense. They've learnt that being simple minded and crude is the only way to impress the rabble.

Yea I've just read Akermans blog, full of the same old vile as usual.
I love his cheer squad,"I love you piers even though you've been accused of sexual assault five times" " I love you piers even though you snort coke for breakfast" fat lump of sh it.
You know he threatened me on his blog about posting his indiscretions, I told him if they were untrue he could see me in court, I'm still waiting, I suppose when he's been to court  5 times over  something its pretty hard to deny it, hey? particularly when he reached a financial settlement with Mz Stot Despoia over one of the incidents.

Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by Miss Anne Dryst on Dec 17th, 2010 at 9:31am

aussiefree2ride wrote on Dec 17th, 2010 at 9:21am:

Please delete wrote on Dec 17th, 2010 at 9:05am:
"so low as to try to cheapen our sadness and pity. "

Cue flag and patriotic music, as AF2R stands, head bowed, hand on heart, CROCODILE tears flowing freely.

(edited by Ernie because I left out an important word)

Your accusation would be insulting if it came from a decent human being.  As it is, you slither, lie, cheat and decieve so much in your own life that you are now unable to take others at face value.  Yours is a world of low life gutter scrabbling and scum licking.


He's getting all his nick's personalities all muddled up aussie.

Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by Ernie on Dec 17th, 2010 at 9:42am
Poor AF2R, struggling with the difficulty of portraying himself as a sympathiser, while all the while his heart is singing with joy.

Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by skippy. on Dec 17th, 2010 at 9:47am

Please delete wrote on Dec 17th, 2010 at 9:42am:
Poor AF2R, struggling with the difficulty of portraying himself as a sympathiser, while all the while his heart is singing with joy.

Its funny to watch hey?  the rightards know its polite to act with sympathy but some just go so far you can see its all bullsh it.

Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by Soren on Dec 17th, 2010 at 9:47am

skippy. wrote on Dec 16th, 2010 at 4:08pm:
Bolt is a fascist prick, we need fascist pricks like Bolt to show the rightards up as the self obsessed xenophobic scum they are.
Bolts writing should be compulsory reading to all Australians, if it were the Libs would never get to form government.
In fact I really think this site should have a twitter account so the world could see what sort of scum support the Liberals.

mantra wrote on Dec 17th, 2010 at 9:15am:
an example of the Liberal Labor  support base - full of ugliness, slander and slogans.

Spitting vitriol by the emotionally incontionent Left obviously fine with you.

Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by Ernie on Dec 17th, 2010 at 9:53am

skippy. wrote on Dec 17th, 2010 at 9:47am:

Please delete wrote on Dec 17th, 2010 at 9:42am:
Poor AF2R, struggling with the difficulty of portraying himself as a sympathiser, while all the while his heart is singing with joy.

Its funny to watch hey?  the rightards know its polite to act with sympathy but some just go so far you can see its all bullsh it.

I keep waiting for them to blame The Dunbar on Labor.

Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by mantra on Dec 17th, 2010 at 10:00am

Spitting vitriol by the emotionally incontionent Left obviously fine with you.

Sometimes the only way to deal with an excess of vitriol is to go one better. Generally there is little venom from the left and if there is occasionally - it's because it's the only language some of the Libs understand.

Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by Verge on Dec 17th, 2010 at 10:07am
Im not sure what catergory people are going to put me in here.....

I view this a lot like the young guy who hoons around in his car.  You talk to him, tell him to knock it off before he hurts someone, you talk to his parents, yet he still speeds past your place everyday.  One day you pick up the paper and see his car wrapped around a tree and he is dead.

You feel for the grieving parents, and you feel bad it happened, but at the same time you think to yourself "it was only a matter of time before something bad happened."

Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by Ernie on Dec 17th, 2010 at 10:20am
I said something similar earlier, verge.

They were foolish, and unlucky, and determined to avoid detection.

Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by sprintcyclist on Dec 17th, 2010 at 10:23am

Its funny to watch hey?  the rightards know its polite to act with sympathy but some just go so far you can see its all bullsh it.

the rightys know any amount of oprah tears won't change the world.

the spastic leftards think we should all be coffee coloured people and want to give away what is mine to anyone else.

Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by codswal on Dec 17th, 2010 at 11:13am

Please delete wrote on Dec 17th, 2010 at 10:20am:
I said something similar earlier, verge.

They were foolish, and unlucky, and determined to avoid detection.

what I dont understand about all this finger pointing... is those that call others names.. dont seem to have any answers to this problem..

as we seem to agree that this was an accident waiting to happen.. therefore you must also agree that the policies are wrong..

as anyone can see this will happen over and over again.

30 dead so far 4 babies included. and most it seems were related to those already on the Island..I find that a bit strange.

I also see where they are blaming the Navy for it happening..ho hum,

wasnt it their fault that boat caught fire????

Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by buzzanddidj on Dec 17th, 2010 at 11:37am
The ABC's "Insiders" have both Bolt and Ackerman on a regular guest appearence - as a bit of COMIC RELIEF

Why should the readership of the Telegraph and Herald-Sun not have this little moment of "laughter therapy" as well ?

NEITHER do any favours to the moderate Liberal cause

I say "LET 'EM STAY"

Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by Ernie on Dec 17th, 2010 at 11:39am
"you must also agree that the policies are wrong.."

I call that spin.

Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by longweekend58 on Dec 17th, 2010 at 11:52am

Luke Fowler wrote on Dec 16th, 2010 at 10:39pm:
Bolt is a Hack, and most rational thinking people know it.

However, calling for his resignation merely because he is a hack is probably playing into his hands.

He wants to be seen as the guy who "tells it like it is". In reality he is just another far right nutter with a following of angry bogans. Calls for his resignation, or any sanctions against him, will just make him into some kind of martyr.

Further, as much as I find his views simplistic and repugnant, I also feel that silencing him would be more repugnant. You can't limit free speech to speech that you like or agree with.  

'simplistic and repugnant' can be excuses for being accurate and brave. At least you support his right to speak. There are not that many on the left that seem to support this ideal.

Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by longweekend58 on Dec 17th, 2010 at 11:56am

skippy. wrote on Dec 17th, 2010 at 9:25am:

mantra wrote on Dec 17th, 2010 at 9:15am:
Akerman did similar today on his blog stating "LABOR and its mongrel coalition of supporters are a failure and should be sacked over the Christmas Island tragedy".

That's as far as I bothered to read. HE and Bolt are an example of the Liberal support base - full of ugliness, slander and slogans.

Both of them have lost the ability to write anything factual and let their biased and superficial emotions stand in the way of any common sense. They've learnt that being simple minded and crude is the only way to impress the rabble.

Yea I've just read Akermans blog, full of the same old vile as usual.
I love his cheer squad,"I love you piers even though you've been accused of sexual assault five times" " I love you piers even though you snort coke for breakfast" fat lump of sh it.
You know he threatened me on his blog about posting his indiscretions, I told him if they were untrue he could see me in court, I'm still waiting, I suppose when he's been to court  5 times over  something its pretty hard to deny it, hey? particularly when he reached a financial settlement with Mz Stot Despoia over one of the incidents.

at least he chooses ADULTS. cant say that about the long long line of convicted child rapists in the ALP!

Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by longweekend58 on Dec 17th, 2010 at 11:58am

buzzanddidj wrote on Dec 17th, 2010 at 11:37am:
The ABC's "Insiders" have both Bolt and Ackerman on a regular guest appearence - as a bit of COMIC RELIEF

Why should the readership of the Telegraph and Herald-Sun not have this little moment of "laughter therapy" as well ?

NEITHER do any favours to the moderate Liberal cause

I say "LET 'EM STAY"

Stil enjoying the massive Green 'win' in Vic are you? The coalition won BOTH HOUSES and the greens were an embarrassment.

Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by skippy. on Dec 17th, 2010 at 12:04pm

at least he chooses ADULTS. cant say that about the long long line of convicted child rapists in the ALP!

I'm not surprised you condone the sexual abuse of women.

Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by longweekend58 on Dec 17th, 2010 at 12:10pm

skippy. wrote on Dec 17th, 2010 at 12:04pm:

at least he chooses ADULTS. cant say that about the long long line of convicted child rapists in the ALP!

I'm not surprised you condone the sexual abuse of women.

Im also not surprised you lack the intellectual capacity and integrity to understand the post. The Australian Sex Offenders Party aka ALP needs your uncritical support!

Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by skippy. on Dec 17th, 2010 at 12:13pm
at least he chooses ADULTS.

Your own words say it all.

Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by buzzanddidj on Dec 17th, 2010 at 12:15pm

longweekend58 wrote on Dec 17th, 2010 at 11:58am:

buzzanddidj wrote on Dec 17th, 2010 at 11:37am:
The ABC's "Insiders" have both Bolt and Ackerman on a regular guest appearence - as a bit of COMIC RELIEF

Why should the readership of the Telegraph and Herald-Sun not have this little moment of "laughter therapy" as well ?

NEITHER do any favours to the moderate Liberal cause

I say "LET 'EM STAY"

Stil enjoying the massive Green 'win' in Vic are you? The coalition won BOTH HOUSES and the greens were an embarrassment.

buzzanddidj wrote on Dec 17th, 2010 at 9:25am:
Coalition reaffirms Ballarat election pledges
17 Dec, 2010 12:51 AM

THE COALITION government has reaffirmed its commitment to its pre-election pledges in Ballarat even though Labor has retained the local seats.

In the lead-up to last month's state election the Coalition and its candidates made a raft of commitments to voters in the Ballarat East, Ballarat West and Ripon electorates.

The promises ranged from $38 million for the Western Link Road to more modest pledges such as $300,000 for the Creswick Bowling Club.

The Coalition's pre-election pitch also included $18 million for Sebastopol College, $2 million for a helipad at the Ballarat Health Services Base Hospital and a new fire station at Mt Helen.

Days before the election the Coalition also announced it would build two new police station in Ballarat North and Sebastopol.

Yesterday a government spokeswoman said the Coalition would deliver on all the promises it made before the November 27 poll.

"The Coalition is committed to implementing all its policies for the Grampians region and we look forward to working with the community and local organisations to achieve this," she said.

"A Baillieu Government is always prepared to listen to local communities and organisations and would welcome their approach if they believe they have a valid case for funding."

Former Ballarat East Liberal candidate Ben Taylor said the promises he'd made throughout the campaign would be carried out even though he had not been elected to parliament.

"It's bitter-sweet for me in a sense because I'm not actually elected and all the things that were promised is what will be delivered," he said.

"We came up with a lot of them as a priority for the area."

La Trobe University politics lecturer Ian Tulloch said now that Premier Ted Baillieu's government controls both houses of parliament there should be no excuses for failing to deliver on pre-election commitments.

Mr Tulloch said keeping election promises would be crucial to the Coalition's re-election prospects in 2014.

"If he (Ted Baillieu) wants to win any seats in Bendigo and Ballarat he has to fulfill those promises," he said.

NOTHING beats living in a rural marginal, under a Liberal Government determined to reclaim their birth right at the next state election

Four years of "PORK-BARRELLING" for Ballarat East !

Just for the record, and that "primary vote" you worship, the Greens INCREASED their vote in Victoria on the previous state election

And will increase it AGAIN at the next one

Greens preferences ensured the return of Labor members in Ballarat Eastand West

As well as Labor member Catherine King for Ballarat at the FEDERAL Election

I am pleased to report MY voting booth - Daylesford Primary School - has recorded the HIGHRST Greens primary vote in the country (26%)

Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by Miss Anne Dryst on Dec 17th, 2010 at 12:17pm

longweekend58 wrote on Dec 17th, 2010 at 11:58am:
Stil enjoying the massive Green 'win' in Vic are you? The coalition won BOTH HOUSES and the greens were an embarrassment.

The greens are a spent force.
Roll on 26th March 2011, to drive another nail into the greens coffin.

Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by Miss Anne Dryst on Dec 17th, 2010 at 12:18pm
ANd for the record Victorians voted twice this year and the greens primary vote for the greens declined.

Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by buzzanddidj on Dec 17th, 2010 at 12:23pm

Miss Anne Dryst wrote on Dec 17th, 2010 at 12:18pm:
ANd for the record Victorians voted twice this year and the greens primary vote for the greens declined.

Longweekend and his new "virtual squeeze" seriously believe thisiThey're BOTH a laugh a minute !

Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by Miss Anne Dryst on Dec 17th, 2010 at 12:26pm
The facts are the facts, the greens just can't face the facts.
The Victorian primary vote for the greens dropped over the two elections that the Victorians voted in this year.

Roll on 26th March 2011 for another drop from the greens.

Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by skippy. on Dec 17th, 2010 at 12:27pm

buzzanddidj wrote on Dec 17th, 2010 at 12:23pm:

Miss Anne Dryst wrote on Dec 17th, 2010 at 12:18pm:
ANd for the record Victorians voted twice this year and the greens primary vote for the greens declined.

Longweekend and his new "virtual squeeze" seriously believe this

Yea its great to see the GREENS actual vote increase in the Vic election.

Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by Miss Anne Dryst on Dec 17th, 2010 at 12:29pm
This sums up the greens attitude to it's declining primary vote from two elections held in Victoria this year.
"Success is the ability to go from one failure to another with no loss of enthusiasm."
Winston Churchill

Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by Miss Anne Dryst on Dec 17th, 2010 at 12:30pm
It must really annoy the greens supporters trying to change the voting booth outcomes.
The greens primary vote declines but hey let's try and spin our way out of this and convince some that we actually increased our primary vote.
Hey the facts don't lie.
The greens primary vote dropped.

Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by skippy. on Dec 17th, 2010 at 12:31pm

Miss Anne Dryst wrote on Dec 17th, 2010 at 12:29pm:
This sums up the greens attitude to it's declining primary vote from two elections held in Victoria this year.
"Success is the ability to go from one failure to another with no loss of enthusiasm."
Winston Churchill

Yea I love quotes, this is a favourite of mine.

Never trust a slapper dressed only in sox.


Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by Miss Anne Dryst on Dec 17th, 2010 at 12:34pm
Don't give up your day job pinky
little-finger-pinkie-hand-gesture_003.jpg (16 KB | 38 )

Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by mellie on Dec 17th, 2010 at 12:44pm
If politicians spent as much time executing meaningful policy as they do those exercising their right to free speech and public opinion, we'd have it made.

Perhaps this is why our country is in the state it's in, because rather than run the country, some politicians are too busy bogged-down  trying to control public opinion.

Since when did Bob Brown become Gillards PR consultant?

What has Andrew Bolt said or thought that most Australians haven't already said and thought already?

I think Bob Brown has a hold of himself, this and should resign with some shred of dignity himself, and so do many others re-his blatant hypocrisy over this and the preference deals he made with Labor he vehemently condemned before and during the election.

Or does it only count if a hypocrite like Bob Brown calls for someone's resignation?

Andrew Bolt is well within his rights to express his own views , opinions on his own blog.


Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by skippy. on Dec 17th, 2010 at 12:46pm

mellie wrote on Dec 17th, 2010 at 12:44pm:
If politicians spent as much time on executing meaningful policy as they do those exercising their right to free speech and public opinion, we'd have it made.

Perhaps this is why our country is in the state it's in, because rather than run the country, some politicians are too busy bogged-down  trying to control public opinion.

Since when did Bob Brown become Gillards PR consultant?

What has Andrew Bolt said or thought that most Australians haven't already said and thought already?

I think Bob Brown has a hold of himself, this and should resign with some shred of dignity himself, and so do many others re-his blatant hypocrisy over this and the preference deals he made with Labor he vehemently condemned before and during the election.

Or does it only count if a hypocrite like Bob Brown calls for someone's resignation?

Andrew Bolt is well within his rights to express his own views , opinions on his own blog.


So you lied when you chucked your little tanty and said you would not post here again? I know you never stopped posting here, but you at least stopped the mellie nick,for a week.Bring back maqqa ,mel.

Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by buzzanddidj on Dec 17th, 2010 at 12:49pm

skippy. wrote on Dec 17th, 2010 at 12:31pm:

Miss Anne Dryst wrote on Dec 17th, 2010 at 12:29pm:
This sums up the greens attitude to it's declining primary vote from two elections held in Victoria this year.
"Success is the ability to go from one failure to another with no loss of enthusiasm."
Winston Churchill

Yea I love quotes, this is a favourite of mine.

Never trust a slapper dressed only in sox.


I prefer ....

"A leopard never changes its spots - and a slapper never changes her knickers"

- Sandra Gangel
"Beautiful Thing"

Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by perceptions_now on Dec 17th, 2010 at 12:54pm
The answer to the Poll question, "Is Andrew Bolt fit to Publish", is of course, Yes!

Yes, if we also agree that 99% of our Politicians are fit to continue in parliament, because they fullfill their major job description, which is "to support the long term, best interests of all Australians?

Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by Jaykaye_09 on Dec 17th, 2010 at 12:57pm

Andrei.Hicks wrote on Dec 17th, 2010 at 8:30am:
There is no need for Bolt to do anything.

His call for Gillard to resign is valid.

You look at this terrible tragedy which fills us all with sadness and you see how preventable it was.

Poor and weak policy have caused more and more boats of desperate people to come to Christmas Island.
They must be stopped before there is such another tragedy.

Come now Andrei. You don't have to disguise your contempt for these people now that they happened to have been involved in a tragedy.

Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by Dnarever on Dec 17th, 2010 at 12:57pm
I do not recall Bolt calling on the previous Lib'n PM to resign when he had ordered the illegal invasion of a couintry by mistake, he got half the reasons wrong and lied to support the other half.

Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by mellie on Dec 17th, 2010 at 12:58pm

Miss Anne Dryst wrote on Dec 17th, 2010 at 12:30pm:
It must really annoy the greens supporters trying to change the voting booth outcomes.
The greens primary vote declines but hey let's try and spin our way out of this and convince some that we actually increased our primary vote.
Hey the facts don't lie.
The greens primary vote dropped.

Partly because they failed to live up to their own party's core-ethics post the 2010 federal election.

Bob Brown bats for Wikileaks Julian Assange, (as I do too), though opposes public opinion in other areas, ie, Andrew Bolt?

Plus, most impoverished students don't approve of compulsory student union fees ...a little under-handed deal Greens senator Sarah Hansen-Young and Labors Simon Crean made under the bench just before the election to help secure preference votes.

I doubt Greens student base vote would have been overly impressed with this.

Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by mellie on Dec 17th, 2010 at 1:00pm

Dnarever wrote on Dec 17th, 2010 at 12:57pm:
I do not recall Bolt calling on the previous Lib'n PM to resign when he had ordered the illegal invasion of a couintry by mistake, he got half the reasons wrong and lied to support the other half.

It's public opinion, and he's entitled to it.

If you don't like it, then don't read Bolts blog.

Last I checked, reading his blog wasn't compulsory.

::) It's all very infantile, and irrelevant in the whole scheme of things....Bob Browns brown-nosing this is.

Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by Jaykaye_09 on Dec 17th, 2010 at 1:01pm

mellie wrote on Dec 17th, 2010 at 12:58pm:
Bob Brown bats for Wikileaks Julian Assange, (as I do too), though opposes public opinion in other areas, ie, Andrew Bolt?

Stupid comparison. Julian Assange doesn't write opinions (at least not in the context within which we're talking). He publishes fact.

Though I do agree with one thing, calling for Andrew Bolt to be censored or to resign is counterproductive and has no real positive outcome.

He preaches to the converted, and does it well. He doesn't serve to inform people, but reinforce already held views. Power to him (I guess).

Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by skippy. on Dec 17th, 2010 at 1:02pm

mellie wrote on Dec 17th, 2010 at 12:58pm:

Miss Anne Dryst wrote on Dec 17th, 2010 at 12:30pm:
It must really annoy the greens supporters trying to change the voting booth outcomes.
The greens primary vote declines but hey let's try and spin our way out of this and convince some that we actually increased our primary vote.
Hey the facts don't lie.
The greens primary vote dropped.

Partly because they failed to live up to their own party's core-ethics post the 2010 federal election.

Bob Brown bats for Wikileaks Julian Assange, (as I do too), though opposes public opinion in other areas, ie, Andrew Bolt?

Plus, most impoverished students don't approve of compulsory student union fees ...a little under-handed deal Greens senator Sarah Hansen-Young and Labors Simon Crean made under the bench just before the election to help secure preference votes.

I doubt Greens student base vote would have been overly impressed with this.

I love it when she changes costume and answer herself. ;D

Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by buzzanddidj on Dec 17th, 2010 at 1:02pm

Jaykaye_09 wrote on Dec 17th, 2010 at 12:57pm:

Andrei.Hicks wrote on Dec 17th, 2010 at 8:30am:
There is no need for Bolt to do anything.

His call for Gillard to resign is valid.

You look at this terrible tragedy which fills us all with sadness and you see how preventable it was.

Poor and weak policy have caused more and more boats of desperate people to come to Christmas Island.
They must be stopped before there is such another tragedy.

Come now Andrei. You don't have to disguise your contempt for these people now that they happened to have been involved in a tragedy.

Yes ...

PATHETIC, isn't it ?

Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by mellie on Dec 17th, 2010 at 1:08pm
Andrew Bolt is entitled to an opinion based on what he knows to be, believes to be fact.

It is afterall an opinion blog...No?

Bob Brown has called for the censorship and resignation of Andrew Bolt due to his views.

This coming from a poofter-loon who was tossed out of parliament for his own free-speech?


Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by skippy. on Dec 17th, 2010 at 1:08pm

Jaykaye_09 wrote on Dec 17th, 2010 at 1:01pm:

mellie wrote on Dec 17th, 2010 at 12:58pm:
Bob Brown bats for Wikileaks Julian Assange, (as I do too), though opposes public opinion in other areas, ie, Andrew Bolt?

Stupid comparison. Julian Assange doesn't write opinions (at least not in the context within which we're talking). He publishes fact.

Though I do agree with one thing, calling for Andrew Bolt to be censored or to resign is counterproductive and has no real positive outcome.

He preaches to the converted, and does it well. He doesn't serve to inform people, but reinforce already held views. Power to him (I guess).

You're right, and I'd hate to see him banned, he along with Akerman and  Devine ensure more and more people dont vote rightard.

Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by aussiefree2ride on Dec 17th, 2010 at 1:10pm
This whole Bolt thing is a bit of a messenger shoot?

Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by Time on Dec 17th, 2010 at 1:13pm

Dnarever wrote on Dec 17th, 2010 at 12:57pm:
I do not recall Bolt calling on the previous Lib'n PM to resign when he had ordered the illegal invasion of a couintry by mistake, he got half the reasons wrong and lied to support the other half.

That would take honesty and intellectual integrity, neither of which Bolt possesses.

Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by mellie on Dec 17th, 2010 at 1:15pm

aussiefree2ride wrote on Dec 17th, 2010 at 1:10pm:
This whole Bolt thing is a bit of a messenger shoot?

Lol more of a decoy to take the heat off refugee-neglectful Gillard I think.

They had to have someone from the right to bag...I guess the best they could do was hound Andrew Bolt....The next best thing?

Desperate times call for desperate measures I guess.

I think they have gone well and truly overboard with this one... all 57 of them.

Bob Brown is an A-class hypocrite.

8-) Even his own party can see this hence they are sweating on him retiring well before the next election.

Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by codswal on Dec 17th, 2010 at 1:16pm

Dnarever wrote on Dec 17th, 2010 at 12:57pm:
I do not recall Bolt calling on the previous Lib'n PM to resign when he had ordered the illegal invasion of a couintry by mistake, he got half the reasons wrong and lied to support the other half.

good try dnare... NO AUSTRALIAN LOST HIS/HER LIFE IN IRAQ... DUE TO ENEMY FIRE.... when are you going to get that through your heads.. tsk.tsk...

4 people died  in roof cavities...5 people died due to refugees setting their boat on fire..we wont talk about the trauma to the Navy personel will we... and now 30 odd people have died on a reef.

policies that included DEATH at the end of the road..

we are I believe talking about DEATH here after all..

I mean it isnt as if they havent had many many warnings.. is it?...

war is war is war.. its lousy and one day who knows the world may learn to live with itself in the mean time. we and that includes the Labor Govt are still training men and women to fight for our safety or priciples..

they are trained, its a fact of life. to kill our enemies.which in turn means they can be killed.and they know this long before they go into action.

we buy war machines. and ammunition left right and centre.WHY??????..

mostly in the hope we never have to use them.but if we do see the need to use them.should we turn our back and say oh thats none of our business our armies are for show and parades only.we dont do war.

Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by codswal on Dec 17th, 2010 at 1:20pm

mellie wrote on Dec 17th, 2010 at 1:15pm:

aussiefree2ride wrote on Dec 17th, 2010 at 1:10pm:
This whole Bolt thing is a bit of a messenger shoot?

Lol more of a decoy to take the heat off refugee-neglectful Gillard I think.

They had to have someone from the right to bag...I guess the best they could is hound Andrew Bolt.

Desperate times call for desperate measures I guess.

I think they have gone well and truly overboard with this one... all 57 of them.

Bob Brown is a A-class hypocrite.


booby brown of all people.he hasnt been to Afghanistan and he hasnt been to refugee camps or Indonesia for that matter..yet he pops his ugly little head up at times like this, he would be funny if he wasnt costing us so much to keep him.

Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by mellie on Dec 17th, 2010 at 1:25pm

codswal wrote on Dec 17th, 2010 at 1:20pm:

mellie wrote on Dec 17th, 2010 at 1:15pm:

aussiefree2ride wrote on Dec 17th, 2010 at 1:10pm:
This whole Bolt thing is a bit of a messenger shoot?

Lol more of a decoy to take the heat off refugee-neglectful Gillard I think.

They had to have someone from the right to bag...I guess the best they could is hound Andrew Bolt.

Desperate times call for desperate measures I guess.

I think they have gone well and truly overboard with this one... all 57 of them.

Bob Brown is a A-class hypocrite.


booby brown of all people.he hasnt been to Afghanistan and he hasnt been to refugee camps or Indonesia for that matter..yet he pops his ugly little head up at times like this, he would be funny if he wasnt costing us so much to keep him.

The mans a joke!

I still cant get past his blatant hypocrisy over the preference deal he made with Labor, then on national television, advised how despite his views, (claimed he was against the preference system)... he as head of the party had no real say in the matter re- Greens allocating their preferences the way they did.

They are all liars, it's just he makes a rather comical one as he sets about falling over himself playing both sides of politics off against the other opportunistically securing Greens votes.

The mans a clown!


Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by buzzanddidj on Dec 17th, 2010 at 1:27pm

codswal wrote on Dec 17th, 2010 at 1:16pm:

Dnarever wrote on Dec 17th, 2010 at 12:57pm:
I do not recall Bolt calling on the previous Lib'n PM to resign when he had ordered the illegal invasion of a couintry by mistake, he got half the reasons wrong and lied to support the other half.


Just 100,000 plus civilian men, women and children
due to "friendly fire"

And the one ADF personel suicide

And the 5,000 plus US defence personel - a figure higher than
the combined 9/11 fatalities

(and it eventuated that IRAQ had no involvement)i

Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by Andrei.Hicks on Dec 17th, 2010 at 1:30pm

buzzanddidj wrote on Dec 17th, 2010 at 1:27pm:

codswal wrote on Dec 17th, 2010 at 1:16pm:

Dnarever wrote on Dec 17th, 2010 at 12:57pm:
I do not recall Bolt calling on the previous Lib'n PM to resign when he had ordered the illegal invasion of a couintry by mistake, he got half the reasons wrong and lied to support the other half.


Just 100,000 plus civilian men, women and children
due to "friendly fire"

And the one ADF personel suicide

And the 5,000 plus US defence personel - a figure higher than
the combined 9/11 fatalities

(and it eventuated that IRAQ had no involvement)

Iraq had attacked its neighbours (unprovoked) to both the east and the south.
It fired missiles on an innocent third country.
It gassed its own people.
It starved the Shias.
It murdered thousands of Kurds.
It threatened our developed world energy supply.
It gave harbour to terrorists.

All of the above make the invasion and corresponding unfortunate civilian casualty toll the right thing to do.

I supported the invasion of Iraq then - and I support it to this day.

Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by longweekend58 on Dec 17th, 2010 at 1:32pm

Just for the record, and that "primary vote" you worship, the Greens INCREASED their vote in Victoria on the previous state election

And will increase it AGAIN at the next one

Greens preferences ensured the return of Labor members in Ballarat Eastand West

As well as Labor member Catherine King for Ballarat at the FEDERAL Election

I am pleased to report MY voting booth - Daylesford Primary School - has recorded the HIGHRST Greens primary vote in the country (26%)

Its a pity you dont treat the primary vote with as much respect but of course you CANT - because you are a Green. Democracy and fairness are those aspects that tend to get in the way of your AGENDA.

Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by buzzanddidj on Dec 17th, 2010 at 1:34pm

All of the above make the invasion and corresponding unfortunate civilian casualty toll the right thing to do.

So why bundle it with 9/11 and Afghanistan ?

Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by Verge on Dec 17th, 2010 at 1:39pm
I do find it amusing that Bolt calling for a resignation of our highest office has outraged so many of the left here.

He is a written version of "the shock jock".  He has no influence and makes his money because he has extreme views.  Who is going to pay a journalist who is centre based.  Why do you think they employ the ultimate feminist in Robyn Riely.

Its laughable he has managed to stir so many people up.  Heck, I dont care much for his opinion (except his one peice he wrote about Gillards claims about Abbott and his daughters, he did expose her lies there) and still havent bothered to read his article.  He bores me.

He only has a job while he sells papers and gets hits on his site.  If you ignore him he goes away.

The man has no power, no influence on political proceedings and the fact he has got so many fired up is amazing.

If the call for her to quit came from someone like Hawke or Keating, then I would pay some real attention.  Howard doesnt seem to comment on things and anyone before those two are just attention seekers.

Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by buzzanddidj on Dec 17th, 2010 at 1:45pm

I do find it amusing that Bolt calling for a resignation of our highest office has outraged so many of the left here.

I just found it FUNNY
I'm too "laid-back" to get "outraged" - these days

Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by Andrei.Hicks on Dec 17th, 2010 at 2:03pm

buzzanddidj wrote on Dec 17th, 2010 at 1:45pm:

I do find it amusing that Bolt calling for a resignation of our highest office has outraged so many of the left here.

I just found it FUNNY
I'm too "laid-back" to get "outraged" - these days

Probably partly due to the fact you don't contribute hardly anything to help run Australia.

I guess I too would feel the same, if I could ride off the back of everyone else's hard work.

Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by Ernie on Dec 17th, 2010 at 2:05pm
"Probably partly due to the fact you don't contribute hardly anything to help run Australia."

Says the man who doesn't choose to work here, and chooses to pay taxes in an offshore tax haven even when he did, briefly, live here.

Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by Time on Dec 17th, 2010 at 2:09pm

Andrei.Hicks wrote on Dec 17th, 2010 at 1:30pm:

buzzanddidj wrote on Dec 17th, 2010 at 1:27pm:

codswal wrote on Dec 17th, 2010 at 1:16pm:

Dnarever wrote on Dec 17th, 2010 at 12:57pm:
I do not recall Bolt calling on the previous Lib'n PM to resign when he had ordered the illegal invasion of a couintry by mistake, he got half the reasons wrong and lied to support the other half.


Just 100,000 plus civilian men, women and children
due to "friendly fire"

And the one ADF personel suicide

And the 5,000 plus US defence personel - a figure higher than
the combined 9/11 fatalities

(and it eventuated that IRAQ had no involvement)

Iraq had attacked its neighbours (unprovoked) to both the east and the south.
It fired missiles on an innocent third country.
It gassed its own people.
It starved the Shias.
It murdered thousands of Kurds.
It threatened our developed world energy supply.
It gave harbour to terrorists.

All of the above make the invasion and corresponding unfortunate civilian casualty toll the right thing to do.

I supported the invasion of Iraq then - and I support it to this day.

Replace "It" with "Hussein and his cronies". You can't blame the entirety of the people of Iraq for such things, especially considering it's a totalitarian regime where the people have to obey.

If Gillard can be blamed for the people who died in the boast tragedy, then Bolt can be blamed for the deaths of innocents in Iraq.
Bolt's reasoning of casting blame onto Gillard who was 100 times removed from the incident can equally be applied to Bolt's support for the war in Iraq.

Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by gizmo_2655 on Dec 17th, 2010 at 2:11pm

Dnarever wrote on Dec 17th, 2010 at 12:57pm:
I do not recall Bolt calling on the previous Lib'n PM to resign when he had ordered the illegal invasion of a couintry by mistake, he got half the reasons wrong and lied to support the other half.

Did he, or was he lied to???

Yes there weren't any 'WMDs' in Iraq, and Saddam had nothing to do with 9/11.....but outside of washington, how many actually KNEW that for a fact when the 'Coalition of the Willing' land in Iraq????

I don't mean the suspicions of people...I mean absolute hard facts....

Even conspiracy theorist didn't doubt the Iraq invasion until 6-12 months AFTER....

Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by dsmithy70 on Dec 17th, 2010 at 2:11pm

Andrei.Hicks wrote on Dec 17th, 2010 at 1:30pm:

buzzanddidj wrote on Dec 17th, 2010 at 1:27pm:

codswal wrote on Dec 17th, 2010 at 1:16pm:

Dnarever wrote on Dec 17th, 2010 at 12:57pm:
I do not recall Bolt calling on the previous Lib'n PM to resign when he had ordered the illegal invasion of a couintry by mistake, he got half the reasons wrong and lied to support the other half.


Just 100,000 plus civilian men, women and children
due to "friendly fire"

And the one ADF personel suicide

And the 5,000 plus US defence personel - a figure higher than
the combined 9/11 fatalities

(and it eventuated that IRAQ had no involvement)

Iraq had attacked its neighbours (unprovoked) to both the east and the south.
It fired missiles on an innocent third country.
It gassed its own people.
It starved the Shias.
It murdered thousands of Kurds.
It threatened our developed world energy supply.
It gave harbour to terrorists.

All of the above make the invasion and corresponding unfortunate civilian casualty toll the right thing to do.

I supported the invasion of Iraq then - and I support it to this day.

Everything right there Andrei EXCEPT point 6.
Iraq gave no succour to terrorists as we perceive them.
Yes they helped the Palistinians but whether they are terrorists is open to much debate.
But as for religious extremists Saddam was better at killing them than all western countries put together.
Powerful Mullahs = reduced power for Saddam
something he would not stand.
Point 6 is a Bush/Cheney lie (proven) to get public support to invade Iraq.

Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by Dnarever on Dec 17th, 2010 at 2:15pm

Iraq had attacked its neighbours (unprovoked) to both the east and the south.
It fired missiles on an innocent third country.
It gassed its own people.
It starved the Shias.
It murdered thousands of Kurds.
It threatened our developed world energy supply.
It gave harbour to terrorists.

Not one of these were given as a reason for the illegal invasion, neither the USA, UK or Australian governments were willing to take action about that stuff some of which is untrue.

Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by codswal on Dec 17th, 2010 at 2:17pm

Postmodern Trendoid III wrote on Dec 17th, 2010 at 1:13pm:

Dnarever wrote on Dec 17th, 2010 at 12:57pm:
I do not recall Bolt calling on the previous Lib'n PM to resign when he had ordered the illegal invasion of a couintry by mistake, he got half the reasons wrong and lied to support the other half.

That would take honesty and intellectual integrity, neither of which Bolt possesses.

and the backstabbing gillard does.. ha.ha. pardon my mirth..

but keep raving about a journo if it helps you forget about the assassin in black.

you know the one.. she who never says anything worthwhile, and never does anything worthwhile. talk about a fake.having made so many slips in the past. she cant turn a light globe on without permission  from the factions.,"Lost in Space"

Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by gizmo_2655 on Dec 17th, 2010 at 2:27pm

Andrei.Hicks wrote on Dec 17th, 2010 at 1:30pm:

buzzanddidj wrote on Dec 17th, 2010 at 1:27pm:

codswal wrote on Dec 17th, 2010 at 1:16pm:

Dnarever wrote on Dec 17th, 2010 at 12:57pm:
I do not recall Bolt calling on the previous Lib'n PM to resign when he had ordered the illegal invasion of a couintry by mistake, he got half the reasons wrong and lied to support the other half.


Just 100,000 plus civilian men, women and children
due to "friendly fire"

And the one ADF personel suicide

And the 5,000 plus US defence personel - a figure higher than
the combined 9/11 fatalities

(and it eventuated that IRAQ had no involvement)

Iraq had attacked its neighbours (unprovoked) to both the east and the south.
It fired missiles on an innocent third country.
It gassed its own people.
It starved the Shias.
It murdered thousands of Kurds.
It threatened our developed world energy supply.
It gave harbour to terrorists.

All of the above make the invasion and corresponding unfortunate civilian casualty toll the right thing to do.

I supported the invasion of Iraq then - and I support it to this day.

I'll have to disagree Andrei...
I support the invasion of Afghanistan...but not Iraq, Iraq was NOT involved in any way with the WTC attack...

Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by Ernie on Dec 17th, 2010 at 2:30pm

Dnarever wrote on Dec 17th, 2010 at 2:15pm:

Iraq had attacked its neighbours (unprovoked) to both the east and the south.
It fired missiles on an innocent third country.
It gassed its own people.
It starved the Shias.
It murdered thousands of Kurds.
It threatened our developed world energy supply.
It gave harbour to terrorists.

Not one of these were given as a reason for the illegal invasion, neither the USA, UK or Australian governments were willing to take action about that stuff some of which is untrue.


Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by codswal on Dec 17th, 2010 at 2:34pm

buzzanddidj wrote on Dec 17th, 2010 at 1:27pm:
[q link=1292478829/135#139 date=1292555811]
Dnarever wrote on Dec 17th, 2010 at 12:57pm:
I do not recall Bolt calling on the previous Lib'n PM to resign when he had ordered the illegal invasion of a couintry by mistake, he got half the reasons wrong and lied to support the other half.


Just 100,000 plus civilian men, women and children
due to "friendly fire"

And the one ADF personel suicide

And the 5,000 plus US defence personel - a figure higher than
the combined 9/11 fatalities

(and it eventuated that IRAQ had no involvement)i


more people have died in Iraq due to insurgents but dont let that get in the way of Howard bashing..America everyone! would have been out of there years ago if it wasnt for them.


in fact you have bent over backwards to get them off the hook over


the govt had not a thing to do with it according to you even though they were they only ones with the power to stop the program.

and what about this boat happening 30 people dead and counting...

do you honestly expect anyone on here to believe you wouldnt hold the Libs responsible if this was their idea/policy!!!

like I said to dnare this is about DEATH people dying.. in this case 30 so far on a missguided mission...

but like your messiah who managed to get the PEOPLE OVERBOARD in her first half adozen words on this topic..

the desperate always have to bring up the past as if that makes everything OK>>...

so if the Libs bring in a program/policy and peoiple die... thats alright isnt it now?????

what a way to think.

Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by codswal on Dec 17th, 2010 at 2:40pm

Dnarever wrote on Dec 17th, 2010 at 2:15pm:

Iraq had attacked its neighbours (unprovoked) to both the east and the south.
It fired missiles on an innocent third country.
It gassed its own people.
It starved the Shias.
It murdered thousands of Kurds.
It threatened our developed world energy supply.
It gave harbour to terrorists.

Not one of these were given as a reason for the illegal invasion, neither the USA, UK or Australian governments were willing to take action about that stuff some of which is untrue.

what happened to Kuwait.????

but its good to see you admit it was a terrible regime, most lefties paint Saddam insane as a martyr.

he did a lot of genocide, but I am not so sure one country can attack another over that.the man was mad so its good to see you admit that.

Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by Ernie on Dec 17th, 2010 at 2:51pm
"most lefties paint Saddam insane as a martyr."

What garbage.

Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by Andrei.Hicks on Dec 17th, 2010 at 2:54pm
Left wingers traditionally are anti-war.

Right back to 1939 there were Left wingers campaigning for appeasement.

I wish, sometimes, they had some backbone and were in favour of going and kicking ass.

Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by Ernie on Dec 17th, 2010 at 2:55pm
When are YOU joining up, hicks?

Or are you going to start talking about your grandfather shooting some darkies again?

Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by Dnarever on Dec 17th, 2010 at 3:04pm

Andrei.Hicks wrote on Dec 17th, 2010 at 2:54pm:
Left wingers traditionally are anti-war.

Right back to 1939 there were Left wingers campaigning for appeasement.

I wish, sometimes, they had some backbone and were in favour of going and kicking ass.

I am willing to consider kicking butt if required.

But I do not like to be lied to in order to give that support.

We went in because of WMD's, there were none end of story.

Our PM told us that he had personally seen definitive proof which he could not share with us - that proof never existed.

Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by longweekend58 on Dec 17th, 2010 at 3:17pm

gizmo_2655 wrote on Dec 17th, 2010 at 2:11pm:

Dnarever wrote on Dec 17th, 2010 at 12:57pm:
I do not recall Bolt calling on the previous Lib'n PM to resign when he had ordered the illegal invasion of a couintry by mistake, he got half the reasons wrong and lied to support the other half.

Did he, or was he lied to???

Yes there weren't any 'WMDs' in Iraq, and Saddam had nothing to do with 9/11.....but outside of washington, how many actually KNEW that for a fact when the 'Coalition of the Willing' land in Iraq????

I don't mean the suspicions of people...I mean absolute hard facts....

Even conspiracy theorist didn't doubt the Iraq invasion until 6-12 months AFTER....

Its a good point. HINDSIGHT is wonderful, but given Husseins behaviour to his own people, was it in fact a wrong thing to do? People and countries often do the right thing for the wrong reasons. Doesnt chaneg that was 'right'.

Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by longweekend58 on Dec 17th, 2010 at 3:20pm

Dnarever wrote on Dec 17th, 2010 at 3:04pm:

Andrei.Hicks wrote on Dec 17th, 2010 at 2:54pm:
Left wingers traditionally are anti-war.

Right back to 1939 there were Left wingers campaigning for appeasement.

I wish, sometimes, they had some backbone and were in favour of going and kicking ass.

I am willing to consider kicking butt if required.

But I do not like to be lied to in order to give that support.

We went in because of WMD's, there were none end of story.

Our PM told us that he had personally seen definitive proof which he could not share with us - that proof never existed.

American pacifists in WW2 refused to accept that Hitler was mistreating jews. that was their main reason for not wanting to get involved in the war. There was no definite proof at the time. remember how that worked out?

Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by Ernie on Dec 17th, 2010 at 3:25pm
"American pacifists in WW2 refused to accept that Hitler was mistreating jews. that was their main reason for not wanting to get involved in the war. There was no definite proof at the time. remember how that worked out? "

can anyone name this style of fallacious argument for me? It's not ad hominem, and not strawman ....

Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by adelcrow on Dec 17th, 2010 at 3:26pm
Lets look at the facts

The USA supported and funded the Taliban, Osama Bin Laden and the child raping warlords who ran the northern alliance.
Why? Because they wanted to teach Russia a lesson.
The problems in Afghanistan that led to the 11th of september attack were created by the USA and when they had Bin Laden by the jatz crackers they eased off and invaded Iraq!

The USA sold the technology for the WMD's to their boy in the middle east (Saddam Hussien) so he could rain hell on Iran.
One reason for the GW Bush invasion was a personal vandetta because he was making the USA look like that was hard to do  ;D
The USA govt didnt give a rats tossbag that Saddam had a few roos loose in the top paddock and was murdering and torturing his own people until he decided to sell oil to China and France in Euros and put the USA oil industry and the US dollar at risk.
I supported the invasion of Afghanistan while they were chasing Bin Laden and then Bush diverted resources to Iraq to save US oil interests and blew the whole reason for invading.

Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by skippy. on Dec 17th, 2010 at 3:27pm

longweekend58 wrote on Dec 17th, 2010 at 3:20pm:

Dnarever wrote on Dec 17th, 2010 at 3:04pm:

Andrei.Hicks wrote on Dec 17th, 2010 at 2:54pm:
Left wingers traditionally are anti-war.

Right back to 1939 there were Left wingers campaigning for appeasement.

I wish, sometimes, they had some backbone and were in favour of going and kicking ass.

I am willing to consider kicking butt if required.

But I do not like to be lied to in order to give that support.

We went in because of WMD's, there were none end of story.

Our PM told us that he had personally seen definitive proof which he could not share with us - that proof never existed.

American pacifists in WW2 refused to accept that Hitler was mistreating jews. that was their main reason for not wanting to get involved in the war. There was no definite proof at the time. remember how that worked out?

Its amazing how the rightwing loonies will put any spin on its lies to try and condone them.

Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by gizmo_2655 on Dec 17th, 2010 at 3:29pm

codswal wrote on Dec 17th, 2010 at 2:40pm:

Dnarever wrote on Dec 17th, 2010 at 2:15pm:

Iraq had attacked its neighbours (unprovoked) to both the east and the south.
It fired missiles on an innocent third country.
It gassed its own people.
It starved the Shias.
It murdered thousands of Kurds.
It threatened our developed world energy supply.
It gave harbour to terrorists.

Not one of these were given as a reason for the illegal invasion, neither the USA, UK or Australian governments were willing to take action about that stuff some of which is untrue.

what happened to Kuwait.????

but its good to see you admit it was a terrible regime, most lefties paint Saddam insane as a martyr.

he did a lot of genocide, but I am not so sure one country can attack another over that.the man was mad so its good to see you admit that.

THAT was the previous war..Desert Storm...After which, Saddam pretty much left Kuwait and the Kurds alone..
He 'tried' to act out, got his butt kick and decided to play nice...Which WAS the point to 'Desert Storm"...

Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by codswal on Dec 17th, 2010 at 3:39pm

gizmo_2655 wrote on Dec 17th, 2010 at 3:29pm:

codswal wrote on Dec 17th, 2010 at 2:40pm:

Dnarever wrote on Dec 17th, 2010 at 2:15pm:

Iraq had attacked its neighbours (unprovoked) to both the east and the south.
It fired missiles on an innocent third country.
It gassed its own people.
It starved the Shias.
It murdered thousands of Kurds.
It threatened our developed world energy supply.
It gave harbour to terrorists.

Not one of these were given as a reason for the illegal invasion, neither the USA, UK or Australian governments were willing to take action about that stuff some of which is untrue.

what happened to Kuwait.????

but its good to see you admit it was a terrible regime, most lefties paint Saddam insane as a martyr.

he did a lot of genocide, but I am not so sure one country can attack another over that.the man was mad so its good to see you admit that.

THAT was the previous war..Desert Storm...After which, Saddam pretty much left Kuwait and the Kurds alone..
He 'tried' to act out, got his butt kick and decided to play nice...Which WAS the point to 'Desert Storm"...

I was referring to dnare who listed a long list of reasons for attacking saddam...he forgot to mention the one where they did attack him thats all.

Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by buzzanddidj on Dec 17th, 2010 at 3:48pm

Andrei.Hicks wrote on Dec 17th, 2010 at 2:54pm:
Left wingers traditionally are anti-war.

I'D be astounded at anyone admitting to being PRO-war

Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by longweekend58 on Dec 17th, 2010 at 3:54pm

buzzanddidj wrote on Dec 17th, 2010 at 3:48pm:

Andrei.Hicks wrote on Dec 17th, 2010 at 2:54pm:
Left wingers traditionally are anti-war.

I'D be astounded at anyone admitting to being PRO-war

what are you? A CHILD????

WHo started WW2?  oh thats right... CHURCHILL. because he declared war and Hitler didnt.

Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by Verge on Dec 17th, 2010 at 3:59pm

buzzanddidj wrote on Dec 17th, 2010 at 1:27pm:

codswal wrote on Dec 17th, 2010 at 1:16pm:

Dnarever wrote on Dec 17th, 2010 at 12:57pm:
I do not recall Bolt calling on the previous Lib'n PM to resign when he had ordered the illegal invasion of a couintry by mistake, he got half the reasons wrong and lied to support the other half.


Just 100,000 plus civilian men, women and children
due to "friendly fire"

And the one ADF personel suicide

And the 5,000 plus US defence personel - a figure higher than
the combined 9/11 fatalities

(and it eventuated that IRAQ had no involvement)

I dont remember 9/11 being a reason for our involvement in Iraq.

It was the BS weapons of mass distruction and then freeing the Iraqi people.

Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by longweekend58 on Dec 17th, 2010 at 4:00pm

Please delete wrote on Dec 17th, 2010 at 3:25pm:
"American pacifists in WW2 refused to accept that Hitler was mistreating jews. that was their main reason for not wanting to get involved in the war. There was no definite proof at the time. remember how that worked out? "

can anyone name this style of fallacious argument for me? It's not ad hominem, and not strawman ....

Its called an EXAMPLE, you narrow-minded twit.

Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by dsmithy70 on Dec 17th, 2010 at 4:00pm

Andrei.Hicks wrote on Dec 17th, 2010 at 2:54pm:
Left wingers traditionally are anti-war.

Right back to 1939 there were Left wingers campaigning for appeasement.

I wish, sometimes, they had some backbone and were in favour of going and kicking ass.

I'm anti-war
I'd much rather see a pollies head explode than 1 to 2 million ordinary people suffer for a few's ego & meglomania.
But of course that sort of thing is illegal.

Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by skippy. on Dec 17th, 2010 at 4:03pm

Are your hands clean of blood, Andrew? December 17, 2010 - 2:04PM
Comments 113

I once called Andrew Bolt a worthless bloodclot, for which I must apologise. To bloodclots everywhere. For Bolt however, there is only scorn, slight regard and contempt. Here is a man possessed of such an ardent need to inject the poison of his enmities into the body politic that even as bodies are being dragged from the sea off Christmas Island he spits a rhetorical gob of the purest partisan venom in our eyes.

This is Bolt, a man so inflamed by John Howard’s assurances that the heavy hand of war must be laid upon Iraq that he harboured not the slightest doubt about the righteousness of raining down fire and death and sorrow, not just on Saddam but on those millions of captives with whom he had surrounded himself. A whole people as a shield, if you will.

Confronted on Lateline, by David Marr, about Howard’s history of playing fast and loose with the truth during the 'Children Overboard' scandal, and whether it weakened his case for war, Bolt retorted, "What is possibly the advice that you think he has that you don't have access to that could change your mind on this? Because, really, I see no claim that he makes that cannot be utterly substantiated by material that's right on the public record, that you can see for yourself if you bother to check."

And thus hundreds of thousands of Iraqis were utterly substantiated to death, their country laid to waste and condemned to a perdition of blood and savagery. Not to worry though. I am sure their deaths were liberating and any ruin and destruction was a merciful release from the tyrant Saddam’s bane.

Of course, should any of them lack a taste for slaughter – perhaps because they stood so much closer to it than courageous Bolt – should they attempt to flee the carnage with their children in small, overcrowded boats, for instance… then damn their eyes! They are jumping the queue. They are assailing our precious sovereignty. They might very well be terrorists! Send the navy and turn them back. Turn them back. Turn them back and if they founder and are lost then who’s fault was that? Certainly not ours.

This is Bolt who yesterday and today laid every torn and dripping corpse from that awful wreck at the feet of Julia Gillard. Bolt who roused himself in righteousness to defend the poor, poor pitiable seekers of asylum, for whom he has always had nought but the very purest compassion and the most generous and charitable heart.

This is Bolt, just so you know, in case you fail to recognise him from his sudden change of raiment, from stern, uncompromising defender of our borders, to Bolt who all but weeps and rends his vestments with grief and rage that Canberra’s failure should have come to this. To death and sadness and horror.

Not the death and sadness and horror visited upon the Iraqi people in the course of a war for which no just cause existed. No. Not that. Because to trace that thin golden thread of causation to a war for which he bellowed his support might raise the prospect that perhaps his most beloved champion, the sainted former PM Howard, might somehow have had something to do creating the conditions that put at least some of those who died this week onto that boat in the first place.

As did Bolt himself, I would argue, being one of the crudest advocates of that war and the aftermath from which so many have fled, or tried to flee, until they ran into the Ring of Iron with which he would protect us from the bloody anarchy his heroes loosed upon the world.

If Julia Gillard has blood on her hands, Mister Bolt, might we look forward to the spectre of John Howard scraping at his palms one day and muttering, “Out, out damn’d spot”.

Will you attend him then with the same loyalty and steadfastness that kept you at his side through the bloodswarm he helped unleash upon Iraq, from whence at least some of the dead hailed this week? Might you ponder you own hands then?

Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by Verge on Dec 17th, 2010 at 4:09pm

skippy. wrote on Dec 17th, 2010 at 4:03pm:

Are your hands clean of blood, Andrew? December 17, 2010 - 2:04PM
Comments 113

I once called Andrew Bolt a worthless bloodclot, for which I must apologise. To bloodclots everywhere. For Bolt however, there is only scorn, slight regard and contempt. Here is a man possessed of such an ardent need to inject the poison of his enmities into the body politic that even as bodies are being dragged from the sea off Christmas Island he spits a rhetorical gob of the purest partisan venom in our eyes.

This is Bolt, a man so inflamed by John Howard’s assurances that the heavy hand of war must be laid upon Iraq that he harboured not the slightest doubt about the righteousness of raining down fire and death and sorrow, not just on Saddam but on those millions of captives with whom he had surrounded himself. A whole people as a shield, if you will.

Confronted on Lateline, by David Marr, about Howard’s history of playing fast and loose with the truth during the 'Children Overboard' scandal, and whether it weakened his case for war, Bolt retorted, "What is possibly the advice that you think he has that you don't have access to that could change your mind on this? Because, really, I see no claim that he makes that cannot be utterly substantiated by material that's right on the public record, that you can see for yourself if you bother to check."

And thus hundreds of thousands of Iraqis were utterly substantiated to death, their country laid to waste and condemned to a perdition of blood and savagery. Not to worry though. I am sure their deaths were liberating and any ruin and destruction was a merciful release from the tyrant Saddam’s bane.

Of course, should any of them lack a taste for slaughter – perhaps because they stood so much closer to it than courageous Bolt – should they attempt to flee the carnage with their children in small, overcrowded boats, for instance… then damn their eyes! They are jumping the queue. They are assailing our precious sovereignty. They might very well be terrorists! Send the navy and turn them back. Turn them back. Turn them back and if they founder and are lost then who’s fault was that? Certainly not ours.

This is Bolt who yesterday and today laid every torn and dripping corpse from that awful wreck at the feet of Julia Gillard. Bolt who roused himself in righteousness to defend the poor, poor pitiable seekers of asylum, for whom he has always had nought but the very purest compassion and the most generous and charitable heart.

This is Bolt, just so you know, in case you fail to recognise him from his sudden change of raiment, from stern, uncompromising defender of our borders, to Bolt who all but weeps and rends his vestments with grief and rage that Canberra’s failure should have come to this. To death and sadness and horror.

Not the death and sadness and horror visited upon the Iraqi people in the course of a war for which no just cause existed. No. Not that. Because to trace that thin golden thread of causation to a war for which he bellowed his support might raise the prospect that perhaps his most beloved champion, the sainted former PM Howard, might somehow have had something to do creating the conditions that put at least some of those who died this week onto that boat in the first place.

As did Bolt himself, I would argue, being one of the crudest advocates of that war and the aftermath from which so many have fled, or tried to flee, until they ran into the Ring of Iron with which he would protect us from the bloody anarchy his heroes loosed upon the world.

If Julia Gillard has blood on her hands, Mister Bolt, might we look forward to the spectre of John Howard scraping at his palms one day and muttering, “Out, out damn’d spot”.

Will you attend him then with the same loyalty and steadfastness that kept you at his side through the bloodswarm he helped unleash upon Iraq, from whence at least some of the dead hailed this week? Might you ponder you own hands then?

A fair retort, but I dont see how Bolt can have blood on his hands.

He is not a decision maker, the stroke of his pen didnt condemn anyone to death.  Supporting a party in good faith does not equal having blood on your hands as a civillian.

Does Howard for what happened in Iraq, most certaintly, as does every other pollie in Federal parliment who backed it on the floor who knew the truth yet backed the lie.

At the time I backed it on good faith.  After learning the truth is was easy to vote Labor in 07.

Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by longweekend58 on Dec 17th, 2010 at 4:10pm

Dsmithy70 wrote on Dec 17th, 2010 at 4:00pm:

Andrei.Hicks wrote on Dec 17th, 2010 at 2:54pm:
Left wingers traditionally are anti-war.

Right back to 1939 there were Left wingers campaigning for appeasement.

I wish, sometimes, they had some backbone and were in favour of going and kicking ass.

I'm anti-war
I'd much rather see a pollies head explode than 1 to 2 million ordinary people suffer for a few's ego & meglomania.
But of course that sort of thing is illegal.

Thats a shockingly naive attitude. what do u do when u see a woman being attacked by a man? say 'im anti violence'? and when someone comes at you with an axe do you stand there because you dont believe in fighting?

You arent anti-war... why dont you try and redefine it correctly.

Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by skippy. on Dec 17th, 2010 at 4:15pm

what do u do when u see a woman being attacked by a man?

I'm sure smithy would do a lot more than you.
Lets face it when confronted with the sexual assault of five women you are on record as saying, and I quote "at least they were adults".

Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by dsmithy70 on Dec 17th, 2010 at 4:18pm

longweekend58 wrote on Dec 17th, 2010 at 4:10pm:

Dsmithy70 wrote on Dec 17th, 2010 at 4:00pm:

Andrei.Hicks wrote on Dec 17th, 2010 at 2:54pm:
Left wingers traditionally are anti-war.

Right back to 1939 there were Left wingers campaigning for appeasement.

I wish, sometimes, they had some backbone and were in favour of going and kicking ass.

I'm anti-war
I'd much rather see a pollies head explode than 1 to 2 million ordinary people suffer for a few's ego & meglomania.
But of course that sort of thing is illegal.

Thats a shockingly naive attitude. what do u do when u see a woman being attacked by a man? say 'im anti violence'? and when someone comes at you with an axe do you stand there because you dont believe in fighting?

You arent anti-war... why dont you try and redefine it correctly.

I think most here(yes even you longy) can understand the point I was getting across without having to be lead by the nose.
Except of course those who read & believe Bolt, & I don't give a rats whether they can understand or not

Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by longweekend58 on Dec 17th, 2010 at 4:25pm

Dsmithy70 wrote on Dec 17th, 2010 at 4:18pm:

longweekend58 wrote on Dec 17th, 2010 at 4:10pm:

Dsmithy70 wrote on Dec 17th, 2010 at 4:00pm:

Andrei.Hicks wrote on Dec 17th, 2010 at 2:54pm:
Left wingers traditionally are anti-war.

Right back to 1939 there were Left wingers campaigning for appeasement.

I wish, sometimes, they had some backbone and were in favour of going and kicking ass.

I'm anti-war
I'd much rather see a pollies head explode than 1 to 2 million ordinary people suffer for a few's ego & meglomania.
But of course that sort of thing is illegal.

Thats a shockingly naive attitude. what do u do when u see a woman being attacked by a man? say 'im anti violence'? and when someone comes at you with an axe do you stand there because you dont believe in fighting?

You arent anti-war... why dont you try and redefine it correctly.

I think most here(yes even you longy) can understand the point I was getting across without having to be lead by the nose.
Except of course those who read & believe Bolt, & I don't give a rats whether they can understand or not

no thats not true. saying you are 'anti-war' is like saying you are anti-disease. it has no point and adds no value to a debate. almost NO BODY chooses war as an option ro all but the most serious of situations. but to just say you are 'anti-war' in this context means precisely NOTHING. it adds nothing to the debate, says nothing about you and your ACTUAL opinion.

I'm also anti-war. as is John Howard. Im also anti-violence, but it didnt stope me attacking two sudanese assaulting a girl.

Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by darkhall67 on Dec 17th, 2010 at 4:28pm

longweekend58 wrote on Dec 17th, 2010 at 4:25pm:

Dsmithy70 wrote on Dec 17th, 2010 at 4:18pm:

longweekend58 wrote on Dec 17th, 2010 at 4:10pm:

Dsmithy70 wrote on Dec 17th, 2010 at 4:00pm:

Andrei.Hicks wrote on Dec 17th, 2010 at 2:54pm:
Left wingers traditionally are anti-war.

Right back to 1939 there were Left wingers campaigning for appeasement.

I wish, sometimes, they had some backbone and were in favour of going and kicking ass.

I'm anti-war
I'd much rather see a pollies head explode than 1 to 2 million ordinary people suffer for a few's ego & meglomania.
But of course that sort of thing is illegal.

Thats a shockingly naive attitude. what do u do when u see a woman being attacked by a man? say 'im anti violence'? and when someone comes at you with an axe do you stand there because you dont believe in fighting?

You arent anti-war... why dont you try and redefine it correctly.

I think most here(yes even you longy) can understand the point I was getting across without having to be lead by the nose.
Except of course those who read & believe Bolt, & I don't give a rats whether they can understand or not

no thats not true. saying you are 'anti-war' is like saying you are anti-disease. it has no point and adds no value to a debate. almost NO BODY chooses war as an option ro all but the most serious of situations. but to just say you are 'anti-war' in this context means precisely NOTHING. it adds nothing to the debate, says nothing about you and your ACTUAL opinion.

I'm also anti-war. as is John Howard. Im also anti-violence, but it didnt stope me attacking two sudanese assaulting a girl.

Was their nationality relevant?

Surely "two men attacking a girl" would have sufficed to illustrate your point.

Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by skippy. on Dec 17th, 2010 at 4:30pm

me attacking two sudanese assaulting a girl.

did you break your handbag strap, old man?

Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by Dnarever on Dec 17th, 2010 at 4:30pm

longweekend58 wrote on Dec 17th, 2010 at 4:25pm:
I'm also anti-war. as is John Howard. Im also anti-violence, but it didnt stope me attacking two sudanese assaulting a girl.

How do you tell that they were sudanese?

Would it have been ok if the were greek?

or Australian?

Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by codswal on Dec 17th, 2010 at 4:52pm

Please delete wrote on Dec 17th, 2010 at 2:51pm:
"most lefties paint Saddam insane as a martyr."

What garbage.

you obviously werent on yahoo where the majority of lefties were dead set against the attack on it or not.. as some on here are still proving to be...even though kevin was privy to the war council and gave his blessing as the said shadow Foreign Minister,

at the least provocation they would drag up the War in Iraq.. this was of course when kevin was the great messiah.and all was well in the Labor

they would rather have seen him back on his throne..than see him dead.. ask any ex yahoo member.

Howard was/is the villian/ Hussain the martyr..thats the way I read it.

not one said it was a good thing to see the back of him.I guess history will sort it all out in the end.

Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by darkhall67 on Dec 17th, 2010 at 5:07pm

codswal wrote on Dec 17th, 2010 at 4:52pm:

Please delete wrote on Dec 17th, 2010 at 2:51pm:
"most lefties paint Saddam insane as a martyr."

What garbage.

you obviously werent on yahoo where the majority of lefties were dead set against the attack on it or not.. as some on here are still proving to be...even though kevin was privy to the war council and gave his blessing as the said shadow Foreign Minister,

at the least provocation they would drag up the War in Iraq.. this was of course when kevin was the great messiah.and all was well in the Labor

they would rather have seen him back on his throne..than see him dead.. ask any ex yahoo member.

Howard was/is the villian/ Hussain the martyr..thats the way I read it.

not one said it was a good thing to see the back of him.I guess history will sort it all out in the end.

Well if we are going by YOUR reading skills I think we lefties can hold our heads up.

It's not like you comprehension skills are top of the range.

Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by dsmithy70 on Dec 17th, 2010 at 5:22pm

darkhall67 wrote on Dec 17th, 2010 at 5:07pm:

codswal wrote on Dec 17th, 2010 at 4:52pm:

Please delete wrote on Dec 17th, 2010 at 2:51pm:
"most lefties paint Saddam insane as a martyr."

What garbage.

you obviously werent on yahoo where the majority of lefties were dead set against the attack on it or not.. as some on here are still proving to be...even though kevin was privy to the war council and gave his blessing as the said shadow Foreign Minister,

at the least provocation they would drag up the War in Iraq.. this was of course when kevin was the great messiah.and all was well in the Labor

they would rather have seen him back on his throne..than see him dead.. ask any ex yahoo member.

Howard was/is the villian/ Hussain the martyr..thats the way I read it.

not one said it was a good thing to see the back of him.I guess history will sort it all out in the end.

Well if we are going by YOUR reading skills I think we lefties can hold our heads up.

It's not like you comprehension skills are top of the range.

Cods if you care to look Saddam was a despot for many years not just when he invaded kuwaite.
If you look you'll find that the gas used against the Kurds was supplied by the US CIA as was most of his weapons,I wouldn't be surprised to find out he ran most of his plans pre Kuwaite past them.
The key key phrase is "he's a bastard but he our bastard"
It is this sort of doublestandard that doesn't sit easy with people such as myself who you would class as lefty.
I'd be interested to know how you reconcile it?

Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by codswal on Dec 17th, 2010 at 6:07pm

darkhall67 wrote on Dec 17th, 2010 at 5:07pm:

codswal wrote on Dec 17th, 2010 at 4:52pm:

Please delete wrote on Dec 17th, 2010 at 2:51pm:
"most lefties paint Saddam insane as a martyr."

What garbage.

you obviously werent on yahoo where the majority of lefties were dead set against the attack on it or not.. as some on here are still proving to be...even though kevin was privy to the war council and gave his blessing as the said shadow Foreign Minister,

at the least provocation they would drag up the War in Iraq.. this was of course when kevin was the great messiah.and all was well in the Labor

they would rather have seen him back on his throne..than see him dead.. ask any ex yahoo member.

Howard was/is the villian/ Hussain the martyr..thats the way I read it.

not one said it was a good thing to see the back of him.I guess history will sort it all out in the end.

Well if we are going by YOUR reading skills I think we lefties can hold our heads up.

It's not like you comprehension skills are top of the range.

really well have to admit when it comes o the junk you print.. no my comprehension isnt maybe you had better go back for a second opinion.

Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by Miss Anne Dryst on Dec 17th, 2010 at 6:15pm

skippy. wrote on Dec 17th, 2010 at 1:02pm:

mellie wrote on Dec 17th, 2010 at 12:58pm:

Miss Anne Dryst wrote on Dec 17th, 2010 at 12:30pm:
It must really annoy the greens supporters trying to change the voting booth outcomes.
The greens primary vote declines but hey let's try and spin our way out of this and convince some that we actually increased our primary vote.
Hey the facts don't lie.
The greens primary vote dropped.

Partly because they failed to live up to their own party's core-ethics post the 2010 federal election.

Bob Brown bats for Wikileaks Julian Assange, (as I do too), though opposes public opinion in other areas, ie, Andrew Bolt?

Plus, most impoverished students don't approve of compulsory student union fees ...a little under-handed deal Greens senator Sarah Hansen-Young and Labors Simon Crean made under the bench just before the election to help secure preference votes.

I doubt Greens student base vote would have been overly impressed with this.

I love it when she changes costume and answer herself. ;D

If only you'd change hands pinky.

How many callouses you got nowadays anyway?

Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by codswal on Dec 17th, 2010 at 6:17pm

Dsmithy70 wrote on Dec 17th, 2010 at 5:22pm:

darkhall67 wrote on Dec 17th, 2010 at 5:07pm:
link=1292478829/180#184 date=1292568730]
Please delete wrote on Dec 17th, 2010 at 2:51pm:
"most lefties paint Saddam insane as a martyr."

What garbage.

you obviously werent on yahoo where the majority of lefties were dead set against the attack on it or not.. as some on here are still proving to be...even though kevin was privy to the war council and gave his blessing as the said shadow Foreign Minister,

at the least provocation they would drag up the War in Iraq.. this was of course when kevin was the great messiah.and all was well in the Labor

they would rather have seen him back on his throne..than see him dead.. ask any ex yahoo member.

Howard was/is the villian/ Hussain the martyr..thats the way I read it.

not one said it was a good thing to see the back of him.I guess history will sort it all out in the end.

Well if we are going by YOUR reading skills I think we lefties can hold our heads up.

It's not like you comprehension skills are top of the range.

Cods if you care to look Saddam was a despot for many years not just when he invaded kuwaite.
If you look you'll find that the gas used against the Kurds was supplied by the US CIA as was most of his weapons,I wouldn't be surprised to find out he ran most of his plans pre Kuwaite past them.
The key key phrase is "he's a bastard but he our bastard"
It is this sort of doublestandard that doesn't sit easy with people such as myself who you would class as lefty.
I'd be interested to know how you reconcile it?

well you may well be right smithy... you will have to prove it though as thats the first I have ever read on this subject..the yanks orchestrated it all is news to me!!!!.. however if you care to read me again.. that isnt what i was referring too and you being an oldie from yahoo well know that.......

most from the left gave us righties hell when rudd and Co first got in... in fact I dont think there would have been many topics they didnt bring up the WAR IN IRAQ.. even calling Howard a murderer.. and few other nasty things... that at least I havent seen thrown at gillard over this catastrophy, thankfully I do hope we never stoop to that level.

a mlot of people from yahoo were very much for Hussain.. maybe not yourself in particular..but many of them were and they resented Howard for us going there.which means they would rather have Hussain alive than dead.

dont worry a few people back in England in the dark days of WW11 wished Churchill dead and Hitler to happens. it doesnt mean we are the same. just some are stranger than others.

how have you been smithy anyway??..good I hope.

Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by Ernie on Dec 17th, 2010 at 6:27pm
"even calling Howard a murderer"

Whether that was said or not, no-one treated Sadam Hussein as a martyr.

Your spinning is getting too convoluted.

Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by mellie on Dec 17th, 2010 at 6:28pm
I think GALP (Labor & Greens) are desperately grabbing at bitter straws, when attempting to re-direct media attention and stifle public opinion concerning the bigger issues they're conveniently side-stepping.

Who's responsible for our nation, Andrew Bolt or Julia Gillard?

Bolts blog only reflects a widely held public consensus, which is this government are absolutely atrocious and should be held accountable for their actions, or inactions in some cases.

They sacked Rudd for a lot less! ::)

In fact some might argue that by not stating the obvious, and or insisting Gillard should be sacked/resign herself suggests this country and it's people accept the wayward deeds of it's flawed government therefore we as individuals and as a nation of democratic people have almost a duty to let the world know we are not at all at ease with our current governments UNDEMOCRATIC process, and that what our government stands for or represents is not at all consistent with the views held by the Australian people at large.

In other words, please excuse our PM, she's a bit loopy, and please don't judge us in accordance with this lunatics failings, as we don't agree with her either.

Fair enough?


Gillard embarrassed herself and made wild accusations concerning Wikileaks founder Julian Assange, when claiming he had committed crimes, 'in her opinion' why cant others argue that she should resign 'in their opinion' ?

Then, not to be outdone by Bolt, halfwit Bob Brown pipes up in Gillards defence (shock horror shock) and argues that Bolt should resign himself for sharing 'his opinion' also.

This country and it's government are an absolute joke, and you wonder why nothing is getting done?

I'm sorry, but if Bolt should resign, then shouldn't Bob Brown and Gillard for their having shared their 'own opinions' also?...or are politicians allowed to go around making wild and false accusations about anyone they please, including Australians in strife overseas they should be supporting not slandering in order to suit their own political agenda?

Eye for an eye.


Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by Soren on Dec 17th, 2010 at 6:30pm
What's the outrage? A journalist is calling for a politician to resign. Sooo??

Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by Ernie on Dec 17th, 2010 at 6:31pm
If it was Kerry O'Brien, I guess some people would understand.

Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by Miss Anne Dryst on Dec 17th, 2010 at 6:33pm

Soren wrote on Dec 17th, 2010 at 6:30pm:
What's the outrage? A journalist is calling for a politician to resign. Sooo??

Because the lefties know that Andrew Bolt is correct.

Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by Soren on Dec 17th, 2010 at 6:38pm
Lefties can become so agitated and discombobulated with blind, self-rightous rage.
Where does that come from?

Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by caterpillar on Dec 17th, 2010 at 6:41pm
I think it may have something to do with status seeking. Whoever shrieks and waves their arms most stridently, and visibly, asserts themselves in the social hierarchy most effectively.

One must let it be known that this and that is completely morally beneath one's self. Simple disagreement doesn't suffice.

Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by nichy on Dec 17th, 2010 at 6:50pm
I seem to recall one red-haired woman shrieking " Another boat, another policy failure" .  Oh how correct she has proved to be .

Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by Soren on Dec 17th, 2010 at 6:53pm

JC Denton wrote on Dec 17th, 2010 at 6:41pm:
I think it may have something to do with status seeking. Whoever shrieks and waves their arms most stridently, and visibly, asserts themselves in the social hierarchy most effectively.

A lot of the frothing reaches Tourette syndrome proportions. It's embarssing to think that such people are allowed out unsurepvised.

Right wingers are generally grumpy but at least they have some wit and a perspective.

Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by mellie on Dec 17th, 2010 at 6:55pm

Miss Anne Dryst wrote on Dec 17th, 2010 at 6:33pm:

Soren wrote on Dec 17th, 2010 at 6:30pm:
What's the outrage? A journalist is calling for a politician to resign. Sooo??

Because the lefties know that Andrew Bolt is correct.

Exactly, and he's only saying what we are all thinking.

Whilst I don't agree with Bolt on all matters, honestly who could argue this is not the general consensus, the view held by a majority of Australians right now?

Rudd was a dudd, absolutely, but at least he thought about what he said, if only a little before blurting his views to the media.

Gillard is embarrassing, the world thinks she's a joke, as do most Australians from both sides of politics.

She hasn't a diplomatic bone in her body and sprouts off half-cocked before thinking things through, and I believe it's this very impulsiveness that will ultimately wreck her short lived claim to fame, ..her being our first female PM.

Thanks to her, she'll probably be our last too...*cringe* :P

Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by Soren on Dec 17th, 2010 at 6:59pm

JC Denton wrote on Dec 17th, 2010 at 6:41pm:
I think it may have something to do with status seeking. Whoever shrieks and waves their arms most stridently, and visibly, asserts themselves in the social hierarchy most effectively.

One must let it be known that this and that is completely morally beneath one's self. Simple disagreement doesn't suffice.

It just so much Emotional Correctness and insufferable moral vanity. It is self-preening. 'Look at moi, I am more of a bien pensant than you!'

Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by caterpillar on Dec 17th, 2010 at 7:03pm
I would say that right-wingers tend to be more good humored and satisfied with their lives than leftists. Marxists for instance are somes of the most miserable mofos you would ever hope (or not hope) to meet; they hate themselves and those they allege to represent.

Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by Jaykaye_09 on Dec 17th, 2010 at 7:11pm
I tell you what's a whacky thought... that someone might be neither left, or right, but would instead choose to make a judgment on each issue as that issue arises.

And that for those who do happen to fit snugly within those pre-defined political labels, their personalities and characteristics might actually vary greatly.

Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by Jaykaye_09 on Dec 17th, 2010 at 7:13pm

Soren wrote on Dec 17th, 2010 at 6:53pm:
Right wingers are generally grumpy but at least they have some wit and a perspective.

Which this forum demonstrates. Clearly.

Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by caterpillar on Dec 17th, 2010 at 7:14pm
Well yeah; there are obviously a lot of people who simply "pick sides" (or rather, parties) and generally every perspective that comes with the package. I'm a right-winger because my individual perspective has merely agreed individually with things considered socially to be on the "right" side of politics far more often than those considered to be on the "left". Thus, you can of course categorise me as such. My views aren't exactly well represented in mainstream politics anymore, though.

Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by Jaykaye_09 on Dec 17th, 2010 at 7:19pm

JC Denton wrote on Dec 17th, 2010 at 7:14pm:
Thus, you can of course categorise me as such. My views aren't exactly well represented in mainstream politics anymore, though.

Doesn't seem to many rational views are anymore. Regardless of which side of the political spectrum they may be deemed to suit.

Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by caterpillar on Dec 17th, 2010 at 7:23pm
Guess it depends from issue to issue. Mainstream politicians might be correct on some things like economic matters but I'm not knowledgable enough in those domains to make any comment. There are things that I can say with certainty that they are absolutely dead wrong (or are knowingly wrong and are motivated for other reasons) on, though.

Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by Time on Dec 17th, 2010 at 8:23pm

Jaykaye_09 wrote on Dec 17th, 2010 at 7:11pm:
I tell you what's a whacky thought... that someone might be neither left, or right, but would instead choose to make a judgment on each issue as that issue arises.

And that for those who do happen to fit snugly within those pre-defined political labels, their personalities and characteristics might actually vary greatly.

Unfortunately, that is simply beyond most, as is evident from this, and other, internet sites.

Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by Time on Dec 17th, 2010 at 8:29pm

Miss Anne Dryst wrote on Dec 17th, 2010 at 6:33pm:

Soren wrote on Dec 17th, 2010 at 6:30pm:
What's the outrage? A journalist is calling for a politician to resign. Sooo??

Because the lefties know that Andrew Bolt is correct.

If "outrage" is the measure of being incorrect, then Bolt would never be correct. His whole site is a plethora of "outrage" against whatever group happens to have his goat at a particular time - Gillard/Rudd/Labor/leftists/Greens/Mulism/immigrants/refugees/blacks.

Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by codswal on Dec 17th, 2010 at 8:48pm

Postmodern Trendoid III wrote on Dec 17th, 2010 at 8:29pm:

Miss Anne Dryst wrote on Dec 17th, 2010 at 6:33pm:

Soren wrote on Dec 17th, 2010 at 6:30pm:
What's the outrage? A journalist is calling for a politician to resign. Sooo??

Because the lefties know that Andrew Bolt is correct.

If "outrage" is the measure of being incorrect, then Bolt would never be correct. His whole site is a plethora of "outrage" against whatever group happens to have his goat at a particular time - Gillard/Rudd/Labor/leftists/Greens/Mulism/immigrants/refugees/blacks.

now who is the pot calling the kettle black????

he is a journo telling it how he sees it..what are your claims to fame. when you claim he is against all those groups..

as for being incorrect, he, as is the truth with most journos has far better insight into what goes on behind closed doors than the likes of you or I would have. just because you dont like what you read.. doesnt mean it isnt correct.

Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by Dnarever on Dec 17th, 2010 at 9:14pm

codswal wrote on Dec 17th, 2010 at 8:48pm:
he is a journo telling it how he sees it

Does he meet the criteria?

Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by mellie on Dec 17th, 2010 at 9:21pm

codswal wrote on Dec 17th, 2010 at 8:48pm:

Postmodern Trendoid III wrote on Dec 17th, 2010 at 8:29pm:

Miss Anne Dryst wrote on Dec 17th, 2010 at 6:33pm:

Soren wrote on Dec 17th, 2010 at 6:30pm:
What's the outrage? A journalist is calling for a politician to resign. Sooo??

Because the lefties know that Andrew Bolt is correct.

If "outrage" is the measure of being incorrect, then Bolt would never be correct. His whole site is a plethora of "outrage" against whatever group happens to have his goat at a particular time - Gillard/Rudd/Labor/leftists/Greens/Mulism/immigrants/refugees/blacks.

now who is the pot calling the kettle black????

he is a journo telling it how he sees it..what are your claims to fame. when you claim he is against all those groups..

as for being incorrect, he, as is the truth with most journos has far better insight into what goes on behind closed doors than the likes of you or I would have. just because you dont like what you read.. doesnt mean it isnt correct.

And most importantly, we each have a right to an opinion, bear in mind, this was afterall published on Bolts rather opinionated blog...why should he resign for having expressed his opinion on his own blog?

This is what opinion blogs are for...  'Opinion'.

I would have thought that being such a staunch advocate of free speech, our Bob Brown would have refrained from commenting with respects to his own rather awkward and opinionated incident in parliament when Bush visited last.

Ok for some to have 'opinions' recall Gillards baseless accusations when accusing Assange of committing crimes, re-Wikileaks, but not all Australians?

It's become apparent that all this government does is target jurnos and bully media corps publishing anything which exposes their governments indiscretions.

Good to see democracy is alive and well in this country, and that many Australians aren't about to cower to a wayward dominatrix government that's lost far more than it's way it seems.


Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by Jaykaye_09 on Dec 17th, 2010 at 9:22pm

codswal wrote on Dec 17th, 2010 at 8:48pm:
he is a journo telling it how he sees it..what are your claims to fame. when you claim he is against all those groups..

as for being incorrect, he, as is the truth with most journos has far better insight into what goes on behind closed doors than the likes of you or I would have. just because you don't like what you read.. doesn't mean it isn't correct.

Andrew Bolt might be a lot of things. A journalist certainly ISN'T one of them.

Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by Dnarever on Dec 17th, 2010 at 9:23pm

codswal wrote on Dec 17th, 2010 at 4:52pm:
...even though kevin was privy to the war council and gave his blessing as the said shadow Foreign Minister,

Kevie did not have access to the Australian inteligence assesments at that time when they were clearly stating that they did not know if WMD's existed or not.

He only had access to the then PM's statments that he had proof that they did and the inference that this position was supported by Australian inteligence, which it was not.

Fact is that the official Labor position was to not support an illegal invasion.

Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by Jaykaye_09 on Dec 17th, 2010 at 9:26pm

Postmodern Trendoid III wrote on Dec 17th, 2010 at 8:23pm:

Jaykaye_09 wrote on Dec 17th, 2010 at 7:11pm:
I tell you what's a whacky thought... that someone might be neither left, or right, but would instead choose to make a judgment on each issue as that issue arises.

And that for those who do happen to fit snugly within those pre-defined political labels, their personalities and characteristics might actually vary greatly.

Unfortunately, that is simply beyond most, as is evident from this, and other, internet sites.

Partisan politics eh.

Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by mellie on Dec 17th, 2010 at 9:30pm
Andrew Bolt (born 26 September 1959) is an Australian newspaper columnist and radio commentator whose views are generally conservative. Bolt is a columnist and associate editor of the Melbourne-based Herald Sun. He also writes for Brisbane's Sunday Mail and makes regular appearances on the Nine Network, Melbourne Talk Radio, ABC Television, and local radio. In 2005, Bolt released a compilation of newspaper columns in a book titled The Best of Andrew Bolt - Still Not Sorry.

In May 2005, Bolt established a web-only forum in which readers could offer comments, feedback and questions in response to his columns. He posted some of these comments, together with brief responses, in the late afternoon of every business day, on the Herald Sun website. Despite its low-budget format, the forum was a pioneering experiment in Internet-aided "interactive journalism".

Bolt's forum changed to a more conventional blog format in July 2006. The blog covers a wide variety of topics, including climate change, Australian politics, the ABC and issues concerned with multiculturalism and Islam. Comments are open but are moderated to remove defamation, obscenities and so on. Bolt states that abusive commenters will be banned, but opposing voices will not. In late 2009, Bolt temporarily restricted comments to one "readers' tips" post per day.

Bolt's blog registered one million hits for the month of July 2008 and "more than 2 million page impressions from more than 300,000 unique browsers" for November 2009.

Love him or hate him, he's an Aussie icon and pioneer of interactive, albeit alternative journalism.

I find him refreshing.

I don't agree with all his views, but hey, that's what makes us individuals.

Still, I admire his work.


Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by Dnarever on Dec 17th, 2010 at 9:31pm
It is not possible for a journalist to publish thousands of articles in support of one political party and critical of another.

anyone in that position is only usefull in terms of preaching to the choir.

After decades of delivering biased right wing propoganda it is ensured that there would be no credability outside the brainwashed brain dead few.

Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by Jaykaye_09 on Dec 17th, 2010 at 9:33pm

mellie wrote on Dec 17th, 2010 at 9:30pm:
In May 2005, Bolt established a web-only forum in which readers could offer comments, feedback and questions in response to his columns. He posted some of these comments, together with brief responses, in the late afternoon of every business day, on the Herald Sun website. Despite its low-budget format, the forum was a pioneering experiment in Internet-aided "interactive journalism".

Love him or hate him, he's an Aussie icon and pioneer of alternative journalism.

I don't agree with all his views, but hey, that's what makes us individuals.

WOW! Bolt gave people a forum within which to respond to his blogs, allowing him to 'interact' with them.

That hadn't been done prior to 2005, not like Bolt managed to do it.

He really is a "pioneer of alternative journalism "  ::)

Oh yeah, he's not a journalist.

Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by mellie on Dec 17th, 2010 at 9:38pm

Dnarever wrote on Dec 17th, 2010 at 9:23pm:

codswal wrote on Dec 17th, 2010 at 4:52pm:
...even though kevin was privy to the war council and gave his blessing as the said shadow Foreign Minister,

Kevie did not have access to the Australian inteligence assesments at that time when they were clearly stating that they did not know if WMD's existed or not.

He only had access to the then PM's statments that he had proof that they did and the inference that this position was supported by Australian inteligence, which it was not.

Fact is that the official Labor position was to not support an illegal invasion.

If China knew, how come Rudd didn't?

And what does this say about a PM whereby other nations leaders know more about it's nations intelligence than he does his own?

The leaks commenced back in 2006, he knew fine well what was in them. They all did.

Wiki acquired much of the leaks by syphoning Chinas feed.

Ironic hu.


Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by Dnarever on Dec 17th, 2010 at 9:47pm

mellie wrote on Dec 17th, 2010 at 9:30pm:
In May 2005, Bolt established a web-only forum in which readers could offer comments, feedback and questions in response to his columns. He posted some of these comments, together with brief responses, in the late afternoon of every business day, on the Herald Sun website. Despite its low-budget format, the forum was a pioneering experiment in Internet-aided "interactive journalism".

I wonder if it was similar to the position today where anyone is welcome - as long as they agree with his opinions it appears,
About 97% of posts are from his admirers looking to lick his toes clean.

Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by mellie on Dec 17th, 2010 at 9:54pm

Dnarever wrote on Dec 17th, 2010 at 9:47pm:

mellie wrote on Dec 17th, 2010 at 9:30pm:
In May 2005, Bolt established a web-only forum in which readers could offer comments, feedback and questions in response to his columns. He posted some of these comments, together with brief responses, in the late afternoon of every business day, on the Herald Sun website. Despite its low-budget format, the forum was a pioneering experiment in Internet-aided "interactive journalism".

I wonder if it was similar to the position today where anyone is welcome - as long as they agree with his opinions it appears,
About 97% of posts are from his admirers looking to lick his toes clean.

Well, given it's Australia's most visited blog, I think he's doing ok...people either agree or disagree, but they keep coming back, and why?

Because allot of what he writes is on the mark...if a little jaded in places.

.... But it's effective and the message gets out there.

He writes what your more conventional jurnos wouldn't dare compromise their careers with...  understandable, but the truth is what it is, take it or leave it.

It's only his opinion of course...and last I checked, visiting his blog wasn't compulsory.


Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by mellie on Dec 17th, 2010 at 10:00pm
Are you suggesting someone should be sacked for expressing an opinion?

And if this is the case, then Julia Gillard should well and truly be sacked for expressing hers, especially considering hers was more of a baseless slanderous public announcement than an opinion afterall re- her Julian Assange commentary.

I guess we all have our opinions, it seems, our Gillard has indeed set the national standard, if not taken it to a whole new level.


Now look who's eating their words...

Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by buzzanddidj on Dec 17th, 2010 at 10:26pm

Prime Minister Julia Gillard is under renewed pressure over her initial response to the WikiLeaks controversy.

At one stage Ms Gillard labelled the actions of WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange "illegal". It was later downgraded to "grossly irresponsible".

But today at a press conference in Sydney there was a slightly different tone after an investigation by the Australian Federal Police.

"The Government believed it was appropriate to refer the matter to the Australian Federal Police. We've done that now. We've received the advice and the advice is that there have been no breaches of Australian law," Ms Gillard said.

Ms Gillard says she only meant it was against the law to steal classified cables, not release them as the whistleblower website has done in recent weeks.

But Acting Opposition Leader Julie Bishop says Ms Gillard should admit she went beyond that.

"There is no room here for the Prime Minister to weasel out of it," she said.

Ms Bishop says Ms Gillard's comments were irresponsible.

"She is a lawyer. She well knows about the presumption of innocence," she said.

Greens Senator Scott Ludlam says Ms Gillard must formally retract her comments.

"There's just some really important principles, not just fundamental legal principles, but obviously this gentleman has legal rights that should respected," he said.

"I think it's very, very awkward for the Prime Minister and the Attorney-General to be rushing to judgment before any charges have even been brought in relation to these matters."

Mr Assange, who is wanted for questioning on sexual assault charges in Sweden, was freed on bail by the High Court in London overnight.

He is now at a friend's country house in Suffolk, where he must live until the start of his extradition hearing on February 7.

Mr Assange has denied the Swedish charges against him and his legal team have said they are worried about the possibility of him being extradited to face possible espionage charges in the US.

He thanked his supporters and said the release of classified US cables would continue.

Does anyone have the actual QUOTE ?

Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by Soren on Dec 17th, 2010 at 10:26pm
You give a conservative like Bolt a well-reasoned (and/or amusing and witty) argument and he will respect you and will concede that you are either reasonable and/or good company worth passing the time of day with).

Give a progressive 'man of the people' a similarly well reasoned and elegant view not in harmony with his own categoirical imperatives and he will denounce you as a rightard lickspittle agent of the 'ruling class'.

A good-natured 'progressive' who can reason and has some wit is immediately eyed with suspicion by his comrades as a revisionist, quite likely a traitor.

Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by mellie on Dec 17th, 2010 at 10:47pm

"the foundation stone of this WikiLeaks issue is an illegal act"-Gillard


Ms Gillard told Fairfax Radio she was receiving briefings on the Australian security officials' assessment of the documents.

"They are assessing the implications for us, so we will work through that," Gillard said.

"I absolutely condemn the placement of this information on the WikiLeaks website - it's a grossly irresponsible thing to do and an illegal thing to do."-Gillard

If it's an illegal thing to do, then surely law/s were broken, if this is the case, which ones?

Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by mellie on Dec 17th, 2010 at 10:51pm
Getting back to Bolt, I think he'll live to fight another battle.

:) An no, he should never resign from sharing his opinions.

I for one enjoy reading them.

Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by Jaykaye_09 on Dec 17th, 2010 at 10:53pm

Soren wrote on Dec 17th, 2010 at 10:26pm:
You give a conservative like Bolt a well-reasoned (and/or amusing and witty) argument and he will respect you and will concede that you are either reasonable and/or good company worth passing the time of day with).

Give a progressive 'man of the people' a similarly well reasoned and elegant view not in harmony with his own categoirical imperatives and he will denounce you as a rightard lickspittle agent of the 'ruling class'.

A good-natured 'progressive' who can reason and has some wit is immediately eyed with suspicion by his comrades as a revisionist, quite likely a traitor.

Whatever you need to tell yourself to make it through the day...

Me, I'm off to watch Jon Stewart...

Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by buzzanddidj on Dec 17th, 2010 at 10:58pm
THE Gillard government has hardened its position on the WikiLeaks expose, saying it is illegal in Australia to obtain - or distribute - classified documents.
In the wake of the furore that followed Julia Gillard's claim that the website's release of thousands of secret US cables was illegal, Attorney-General Robert McClelland sought advice on whether WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange had broken any law. Yesterday, Mr McClelland said obtaining classified information without authority was an offence under Australian law.

Obviously a VERY "grey area"

Perhaps "aiding and abetting" ...

At law, an accomplice is a person who actively participates in the commission of a crime, even though they take no part in the actual criminal offense.

... may have been a better choice of words ?

Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by mellie on Dec 17th, 2010 at 11:25pm
In other words, Gillard is a dangerous socialist US Muppet who will support what ever indictment the US have penned for Assange, this and will command their loyal obedient Operah licking subservient (Gillard) to urge besotted Australians to do the same  ...if this means their falsely charging Assange with being a spy, then so be it.

The US government have allot to answer for, particularly this socialist-left administration.

They should stick their face out of Australian politics and mind their own business.

Because if they wont, we'll gladly mind it for them....  via Wikileaks.


Game over!

They can charge Assange as much as they like, but Wikileaks isn't going away.

Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by Prevailing on Dec 17th, 2010 at 11:36pm

mellie wrote on Dec 17th, 2010 at 11:25pm:
In other words, Gillard is a dangerous socialist US Muppet who will support what ever indictment the US have penned for Assange, this and will command their loyal obedient Operah licking subservient (Gillard) to urge besotted Australians to do the same  ...if this means their falsely charging Assange with being a spy, then so be it.

The US government have allot to answer for, particularly this socialist-left administration.

They should stick their face out of Australian politics and mind their own business.

Because if they wont, we'll gladly mind theirs for them....  via Wikileaks.


Game over!

Mr.  Assange has indicated his subjection to the British system of justice and I would just urge him he is on the correct path here to fight the globalist witch hunt against him.  The accusations Sweden are bringing against him are not considered significant in the UK and the high powered legal eagles that are supporting Assange are likely to be able to prevent this trumped up back door attempt to get him to the US where his likelihood of receiving due process is much less in the current political climate of tyranny.  Good luck Mr.  Assange in your fight for free Journalism, I support your cause.

Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by buzzanddidj on Dec 18th, 2010 at 12:04am

mellie wrote on Dec 17th, 2010 at 11:25pm:
In other words, Gillard is a dangerous socialist US Muppet who will support what ever indictment the US have penned for Assange, this and will command their loyal obedient Operah licking subservient (Gillard) to urge besotted Australians to do the same  ...if this means their falsely charging Assange with being a spy, then so be it.

The US government have allot to answer for, particularly this socialist-left administration.

They should stick their face out of Australian politics and mind their own business.

Because if they wont, we'll gladly mind it for them....  via Wikileaks.


Game over!

They can charge Assange as much as they like, but Wikileaks isn't going away.

THIS confirms my theory

There are TWO people in this head ....

Mellie, the chrystal meth head

And Miss Anne Dryst, the opiate (heroin, I suspect) afficiando

One body, two sides of one brain

Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by Miss Anne Dryst on Dec 18th, 2010 at 4:48am

mellie wrote on Dec 17th, 2010 at 11:25pm:
In other words, Gillard is a dangerous socialist US Muppet who will support what ever indictment the US have penned for Assange, this and will command their loyal obedient Operah licking subservient (Gillard) to urge besotted Australians to do the same  ...if this means their falsely charging Assange with being a spy, then so be it.

The US government have allot to answer for, particularly this socialist-left administration.

They should stick their face out of Australian politics and mind their own business.

Because if they wont, we'll gladly mind it for them....  via Wikileaks.


Game over!

They can charge Assange as much as they like, but Wikileaks isn't going away.

Maybe so, but I think it has been discovered why Julia Gillard quickly labelled Julian Assange as a criminal.
That was Julia Gillard tried to discredit Julian Assange because Julia Gillard knew that she was about to be uncovered by Wikileaks for her comments about conspiring against Kevin Rudd 12 months ago.
Julia Gillard is trying to discredit Andrew Bolt, discredit Wikileaks, discredit Julian Assange, discredit anyone who dares publish the truth about her.
Look forward to more Wikileaks about the Real Julia Gillard!
When they get discovered will anyone really be surprised though.

Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by longweekend58 on Dec 18th, 2010 at 6:01am

darkhall67 wrote on Dec 17th, 2010 at 4:28pm:

longweekend58 wrote on Dec 17th, 2010 at 4:25pm:

Dsmithy70 wrote on Dec 17th, 2010 at 4:18pm:

longweekend58 wrote on Dec 17th, 2010 at 4:10pm:

Dsmithy70 wrote on Dec 17th, 2010 at 4:00pm:

Andrei.Hicks wrote on Dec 17th, 2010 at 2:54pm:
Left wingers traditionally are anti-war.

Right back to 1939 there were Left wingers campaigning for appeasement.

I wish, sometimes, they had some backbone and were in favour of going and kicking ass.

I'm anti-war
I'd much rather see a pollies head explode than 1 to 2 million ordinary people suffer for a few's ego & meglomania.
But of course that sort of thing is illegal.

Thats a shockingly naive attitude. what do u do when u see a woman being attacked by a man? say 'im anti violence'? and when someone comes at you with an axe do you stand there because you dont believe in fighting?

You arent anti-war... why dont you try and redefine it correctly.

I think most here(yes even you longy) can understand the point I was getting across without having to be lead by the nose.
Except of course those who read & believe Bolt, & I don't give a rats whether they can understand or not

no thats not true. saying you are 'anti-war' is like saying you are anti-disease. it has no point and adds no value to a debate. almost NO BODY chooses war as an option ro all but the most serious of situations. but to just say you are 'anti-war' in this context means precisely NOTHING. it adds nothing to the debate, says nothing about you and your ACTUAL opinion.

I'm also anti-war. as is John Howard. Im also anti-violence, but it didnt stope me attacking two sudanese assaulting a girl.

Was their nationality relevant?

Surely "two men attacking a girl" would have sufficed to illustrate your point.

it was very relevant. Adelaide has a problem with its sudanese population that seems to be almost without execption, violent. as a case in point, there was a riot in the city involving HALF the sudanese popultion and one boy was killed.

Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by codswal on Dec 18th, 2010 at 7:24am

Miss Anne Dryst wrote on Dec 18th, 2010 at 4:48am:

mellie wrote on Dec 17th, 2010 at 11:25pm:
In other words, Gillard is a dangerous socialist US Muppet who will support what ever indictment the US have penned for Assange, this and will command their loyal obedient Operah licking subservient (Gillard) to urge besotted Australians to do the same  ...if this means their falsely charging Assange with being a spy, then so be it.

The US government have allot to answer for, particularly this socialist-left administration.

They should stick their face out of Australian politics and mind their own business.

Because if they wont, we'll gladly mind it for them....  via Wikileaks.


Game over!

They can charge Assange as much as they like, but Wikileaks isn't going away.

Maybe so, but I think it has been discovered why Julia Gillard quickly labelled Julian Assange as a criminal.
That was Julia Gillard tried to discredit Julian Assange because Julia Gillard knew that she was about to be uncovered by Wikileaks for her comments about conspiring against Kevin Rudd 12 months ago.
Julia Gillard is trying to discredit Andrew Bolt, discredit Wikileaks, discredit Julian Assange, discredit anyone who dares publish the truth about her.
Look forward to more Wikileaks about the Real Julia Gillard!
When they get discovered will anyone really be surprised though.

cant agree with all that I am least what I have seen of the Wikileaks.. they havent told me a thing I didnt already know or guessed about the Aust.mob of incompetents..

as for finding out about jooooooolias intent... who cares really its done and dusted..she plunged the knife in no one else did.and thats what counts

rudd is doing what he wanted to do in the first the globe. and he will do as much harm as possible without actually being" seen" to do any harm.. he will get his own back make no mistake about that..

in the mean time I thought these leaks were about America and their govt.. rather than Australia...

its all tittletattle as far as I can see.. pretty much two faced stuff.. but whos surprised about that???

Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by codswal on Dec 18th, 2010 at 7:30am
for Julian to be jailed for what was obviously is a trumped up charge of Britain of all places...

well I hope he sues them for the works.if they locked up every suspect rapist the jails would be overflowing.

Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by bwood1946 on Dec 18th, 2010 at 8:16am

codswal wrote on Dec 18th, 2010 at 7:30am:
for Julian to be jailed for what was obviously is a trumped up charge of Britain of all places...

well I hope he sues them for the works.if they locked up every suspect rapist the jails would be overflowing.

Charges are in sweden not england

Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by aussiefree2ride on Dec 18th, 2010 at 8:55am

Miss Anne Dryst wrote on Dec 18th, 2010 at 4:48am:

mellie wrote on Dec 17th, 2010 at 11:25pm:
In other words, Gillard is a dangerous socialist US Muppet who will support what ever indictment the US have penned for Assange, this and will command their loyal obedient Operah licking subservient (Gillard) to urge besotted Australians to do the same  ...if this means their falsely charging Assange with being a spy, then so be it.

The US government have allot to answer for, particularly this socialist-left administration.

They should stick their face out of Australian politics and mind their own business.

Because if they wont, we'll gladly mind it for them....  via Wikileaks.


Game over!

They can charge Assange as much as they like, but Wikileaks isn't going away.

Maybe so, but I think it has been discovered why Julia Gillard quickly labelled Julian Assange as a criminal.
That was Julia Gillard tried to discredit Julian Assange because Julia Gillard knew that she was about to be uncovered by Wikileaks for her comments about conspiring against Kevin Rudd 12 months ago.
Julia Gillard is trying to discredit Andrew Bolt, discredit Wikileaks, discredit Julian Assange, discredit anyone who dares publish the truth about her.
Look forward to more Wikileaks about the Real Julia Gillard!
When they get discovered will anyone really be surprised though.

Judas hasn`t enough fingers and toes to plug up all the leaks that condemn her for a lowie. Perhaps Oprah could do a makeover on Judas, & transform her to a fat black lesbian, so she can start over again?

Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by aussiefree2ride on Dec 18th, 2010 at 8:56am
Is there anyone who considers this a balanced, rational poll?

No, he should resign immediately
No, he should be sacked from all media forthwith
I don't really care

Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by vegitamite on Dec 18th, 2010 at 9:13am
What IS amazing ( & pathetic  at the same time )  is Using shock jocks as a basis of what middle australians should   think .

As well as  using them as MSM. I would be to embarrassed to admit to listening to the  likes of  Jones and or  Bolt that stirr up hated . It's not need.

Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by FRED on Dec 18th, 2010 at 9:25am

wrote on Dec 18th, 2010 at 9:13am:
What IS amazing ( & pathetic  at the same time )  is Using shock jocks as a basis of what middle australians should   think .

As well as  using them as MSM. I would be to embarrassed to admit to listening to the  likes of  Jones and or  Bolt that stirr up hated . It's not need.



Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by aussiefree2ride on Dec 18th, 2010 at 9:30am

wrote on Dec 18th, 2010 at 9:13am:
What IS amazing ( & pathetic  at the same time )  is Using shock jocks as a basis of what middle australians should   think .

As well as  using them as MSM. I would be to embarrassed to admit to listening to the  likes of  Jones and or  Bolt that stirr up hated . It's not need.

Even more amazingly pathetic is the support this criminally incompetant, and dishonest government is getting from the mentally deficient sector of the community.

Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by Soren on Dec 18th, 2010 at 9:31am

wrote on Dec 18th, 2010 at 9:13am:
What IS amazing ( & pathetic  at the same time )  is Using shock jocks as a basis of what middle australians should   think .

As well as  using them as MSM. I would be to embarrassed to admit to listening to the  likes of  Jones and or  Bolt that stirr up hated . It's not need.

Who do you use to tell you what you should think. Are you embarassed to admit who you are listening to that stirs hatred in your heart for Bolt and Jones and middle Autralians who listen to them?

Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by Oh_Yeah on Dec 18th, 2010 at 9:33am

wrote on Dec 18th, 2010 at 9:13am:
What IS amazing ( & pathetic  at the same time )  is Using shock jocks as a basis of what middle australians should   think .

As well as  using them as MSM. I would be to embarrassed to admit to listening to the  likes of  Jones and or  Bolt that stirr up hated . It's not need.

I agree entirely. Bolt won't get sacked or resign. He is employed for exactly this reason. Stir up some free publicity. I'm sure the Herald-Sun is very happy with the latest controversy.

As for Bolts claim of double standards on Wikileaks that's a case of comparing apples with oranges. Wikileaks doesn't have a political agenda, it just leaks everything, where as Bolt's leak was purely politically motivated to support his conservative political beliefs.

Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by Miss Anne Dryst on Dec 18th, 2010 at 9:41am

aussiefree2ride wrote on Dec 18th, 2010 at 9:30am:

wrote on Dec 18th, 2010 at 9:13am:
What IS amazing ( & pathetic  at the same time )  is Using shock jocks as a basis of what middle australians should   think .

As well as  using them as MSM. I would be to embarrassed to admit to listening to the  likes of  Jones and or  Bolt that stirr up hated . It's not need.

Even more amazingly pathetic is the support this criminally incompetant, and dishonest government is getting from the mentally deficient sector of the community.

Let's not mince words and simply refer to them as the Labor lefties.

Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by Miss Anne Dryst on Dec 18th, 2010 at 9:42am

The_Barnacle wrote on Dec 18th, 2010 at 9:33am:

wrote on Dec 18th, 2010 at 9:13am:
What IS amazing ( & pathetic  at the same time )  is Using shock jocks as a basis of what middle australians should   think .

As well as  using them as MSM. I would be to embarrassed to admit to listening to the  likes of  Jones and or  Bolt that stirr up hated . It's not need.

I agree entirely. Bolt won't get sacked or resign. He is employed for exactly this reason. Stir up some free publicity. I'm sure the Herald-Sun is very happy with the latest controversy.

As for Bolts claim of double standards on Wikileaks that's a case of comparing apples with oranges. Wikileaks doesn't have a political agenda, it just leaks everything, where as Bolt's leak was purely politically motivated to support his conservative political beliefs.

You don't read much do you.

Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by philperth2010 on Dec 18th, 2010 at 10:51am
The boat should have been detected and tracked by the RAN and is very concerning that a vessel can travel to Christmas Island undetected......the Siev X was detected and allowed to falter in international waters......the Australian and Indonesian governments were both aware of the stricken vessel......did nothing to offer any assistance and then lied about the circumstances after the incident to cover the culpability.....the tragedy at Christmas Island happened because the system failed to detect the vessel and track its progress.....knowing there is an emergency and doing nothing about it is a crime......a failure of the system is a tragic accident!!!


Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by philperth2010 on Dec 18th, 2010 at 11:02am
Bolt should be allowed to have his is worthless anyway!!!

Don't judge a man by his opinions, but what his opinions have made of him.
Georg Christoph Lichtenberg (1742 - 1799)

There is nothing worthwhile or positive in anything Bolt says......he is a negative influence on a society that considers itself better than it really is......Australia has nothing to be proud of.....if we were really as good as we think we are we would rise above the racism and intolerance of race and religion.....extremists of any persuasion are the problem not the solution......and you fools fall to the lowest denominator every time Bolt makes a rant.....I hope you are proud of yourselves???


Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by caterpillar on Dec 18th, 2010 at 11:12am
I guess there isn't a single society on this entire planet you would like, then. People are naturally attracted to those of their own race and kin, as well as shared group identities as another aspect of that (religion, etc; it operates on various levels in a complex way). You have simply been born into the wrong species. I would recommend killing yourself, especially if you see nothing in this society to be proud of. I can't imagine what looking back on history would be like for people like you. It must be amazing to consider just about every person ever born before a point where say, the Anti-Discrimination Act, was passed, incredibly evil. You are a brainwashed smacking idiot.

Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by codswal on Dec 18th, 2010 at 11:16am

The_Barnacle wrote on Dec 18th, 2010 at 9:33am:

wrote on Dec 18th, 2010 at 9:13am:
What IS amazing ( & pathetic  at the same time )  is Using shock jocks as a basis of what middle australians should   think .

As well as  using them as MSM. I would be to embarrassed to admit to listening to the  likes of  Jones and or  Bolt that stirr up hated . It's not need.

I agree entirely. Bolt won't get sacked or resign. He is employed for exactly this reason. Stir up some free publicity. I'm sure the Herald-Sun is very happy with the latest controversy.

As for Bolts claim of double standards on Wikileaks that's a case of comparing apples with oranges. Wikileaks doesn't have a political agenda, it just leaks everything,  as whereBolt's leak was purely politically motivated to support his conservative political beliefs.

huhum Bolts leak!!! which one might that be???..

what about Oakes Leaks during the election????.. any complaints about those. by any chance!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by codswal on Dec 18th, 2010 at 11:29am

philperth2010 wrote on Dec 18th, 2010 at 11:02am:
Bolt should be allowed to have his is worthless anyway!!!

Don't judge a man by his opinions, but what his opinions have made of him.
Georg Christoph Lichtenberg (1742 - 1799)

There is nothing worthwhile or positive in anything Bolt says......he is a negative influence on a society that considers itself better than it really is......Australia has nothing to be proud of.....if we were really as good as we think we are we would rise above the racism and intolerance of race and religion.....extremists of any persuasion are the problem not the solution......and you fools fall to the lowest denominator every time Bolt makes a rant.....I hope you are proud of yourselves???


you make me laugh phil... a dead give away for people who dont read him you sure have a lot to say about him.... no he doesnt stir up race hatred...he tells us what some like yourself would rather not know.. how sad is that??.. would you like everything through rose tinted spectacles, put the realities in a dark nasty place.. and the world is all good. is that the way it should be?

has he been taken to court for defamation, slander,lies. by anyone from the left in particular..

your rant is what I see thats wrong with you lefties.. you attack anyone that happens to have a different point of view.. I expected better of you for some reason..

its a tough world and full of differing opinions..that doesnt mean those who are opposed to yourself are automatically fools of the lowest denominator.. I am one of those people that does my best to see things from the other perspective.. not easy on here I grant you. and no I dont agree with all the righties..especially when they attack for the sake of getting their own back.. childish I cant be bothered..

if you remember I often had a swipe at macca on yahoo for doing just that.. I miss him btw..
.. so many on here so predictable..

have a great Christmas phil hope the weathers good to you

Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by codswal on Dec 18th, 2010 at 11:34am

philperth2010 wrote on Dec 18th, 2010 at 10:51am:
The boat should have been detected and tracked by the RAN and is very concerning that a vessel can travel to Christmas Island undetected......the Siev X was detected and allowed to falter in international waters......the Australian and Indonesian governments were both aware of the stricken vessel......did nothing to offer any assistance and then lied about the circumstances after the incident to cover the culpability.....the tragedy at Christmas Island happened because the system failed to detect the vessel and track its progress.....knowing there is an emergency and doing nothing about it is a crime......a failure of the system is a tragic accident!!!


OK phil whatever you say!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! a failure of a system.. lol.. this I think is the third boat to come into Xmas Island without the Navy's assistance.. this being the most tragic I will give you that....

but lets stop passing the buck shall we??..

lets demand this govt ACT.. do SOMETHING.. anything that will stop these people buying tickets on a scum boat.. do something gillard anything!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by codswal on Dec 18th, 2010 at 11:37am
ps.. phil I heard someone make the excuse the Navy couldnt be held responsible as their radar would have a hard time finding a wooden boat in those seas....

it that the purpose of all this border protection.. the Navy finding wooden boats????

Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by Jaykaye_09 on Dec 18th, 2010 at 12:04pm

codswal wrote on Dec 18th, 2010 at 11:29am:
your rant is what I see thats wrong with you lefties.. you attack anyone that happens to have a different point of view..

Irony is awesome.

Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by Prevailing on Dec 18th, 2010 at 12:08pm

codswal wrote on Dec 18th, 2010 at 11:37am:
ps.. phil I heard someone make the excuse the Navy couldnt be held responsible as their radar would have a hard time finding a wooden boat in those seas....

it that the purpose of all this border protection.. the Navy finding wooden boats????

Really when the Greens, Gillard and the Business Leaders are calling for the illegal border offenders to risk their lives to illegally come to Australia, then the burden of guilt for the deaths they deliberately cause to happen belongs to them also for failing to turn all intercepted boats away and failing to wind back immigration.

Gillard and the Greens must resign, the people of Australia demand it, the blood of the children of the illegals demands it.

Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by Time on Dec 18th, 2010 at 12:30pm

codswal wrote on Dec 17th, 2010 at 8:48pm:

Postmodern Trendoid III wrote on Dec 17th, 2010 at 8:29pm:

Miss Anne Dryst wrote on Dec 17th, 2010 at 6:33pm:

Soren wrote on Dec 17th, 2010 at 6:30pm:
What's the outrage? A journalist is calling for a politician to resign. Sooo??

Because the lefties know that Andrew Bolt is correct.

If "outrage" is the measure of being incorrect, then Bolt would never be correct. His whole site is a plethora of "outrage" against whatever group happens to have his goat at a particular time - Gillard/Rudd/Labor/leftists/Greens/Mulism/immigrants/refugees/blacks.

now who is the pot calling the kettle black????

he is a journo telling it how he sees it..what are your claims to fame. when you claim he is against all those groups..

as for being incorrect, he, as is the truth with most journos has far better insight into what goes on behind closed doors than the likes of you or I would have. just because you dont like what you read.. doesnt mean it isnt correct.

If we just back up a second and look at my criticism of Miss Anne Dryst, you'll see she's arguing that being "outraged" automatically makes you wrong. Using her own reasoning here, if "outrage" is the measure of being incorrect, then Bolt would hardly ever be right, neither would many other people.
Of course Miss Anne Dryst will ignore this post, as she has with other valid criticisms of her various positions.

As for your own "reasoning", you say he is "telling it how he sees it". Well, that counts for zero. Anyone capable of putting a couple sentences together can "tell it how he sees it".  If a 4 year old "tells us how he/she sees it" then that seems good enough for you, which, by default, utterly destroys any supposed superiority in Bolt's arguments.

Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by philperth2010 on Dec 18th, 2010 at 12:41pm
I have stated this was an accident and a failure of the system......I have not blamed anyone or any organization (accept for the people smugglers)......the inquiry set up by the government will determine where the system failed and what measures can be taken to prevent ANY vessels entering Australian waters undetected.....especially where there is a known intrusion point......the conservatives are the ones blaming everyone and claiming this was not an predictable.....Australia should do what it said it would do and honor it's international commitment.....we are judged by our actions and what we do against adversity.....take a look at your selves and the way you are is not a pretty sight!!!


Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by philperth2010 on Dec 18th, 2010 at 12:50pm

codswal wrote on Dec 18th, 2010 at 11:29am:

philperth2010 wrote on Dec 18th, 2010 at 11:02am:
Bolt should be allowed to have his is worthless anyway!!!

Don't judge a man by his opinions, but what his opinions have made of him.
Georg Christoph Lichtenberg (1742 - 1799)

There is nothing worthwhile or positive in anything Bolt says......he is a negative influence on a society that considers itself better than it really is......Australia has nothing to be proud of.....if we were really as good as we think we are we would rise above the racism and intolerance of race and religion.....extremists of any persuasion are the problem not the solution......and you fools fall to the lowest denominator every time Bolt makes a rant.....I hope you are proud of yourselves???


you make me laugh phil... a dead give away for people who dont read him you sure have a lot to say about him.... no he doesnt stir up race hatred...he tells us what some like yourself would rather not know.. how sad is that??.. would you like everything through rose tinted spectacles, put the realities in a dark nasty place.. and the world is all good. is that the way it should be?

has he been taken to court for defamation, slander,lies. by anyone from the left in particular..

your rant is what I see thats wrong with you lefties.. you attack anyone that happens to have a different point of view.. I expected better of you for some reason..

its a tough world and full of differing opinions..that doesnt mean those who are opposed to yourself are automatically fools of the lowest denominator.. I am one of those people that does my best to see things from the other perspective.. not easy on here I grant you. and no I dont agree with all the righties..especially when they attack for the sake of getting their own back.. childish I cant be bothered..

if you remember I often had a swipe at macca on yahoo for doing just that.. I miss him btw..
.. so many on here so predictable..

have a great Christmas phil hope the weathers good to you

Same to you and your family Cods!!!


Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by mellie on Dec 18th, 2010 at 12:58pm

Miss Anne Dryst wrote on Dec 18th, 2010 at 4:48am:

mellie wrote on Dec 17th, 2010 at 11:25pm:
In other words, Gillard is a dangerous socialist US Muppet who will support what ever indictment the US have penned for Assange, this and will command their loyal obedient Operah licking subservient (Gillard) to urge besotted Australians to do the same  ...if this means their falsely charging Assange with being a spy, then so be it.

The US government have allot to answer for, particularly this socialist-left administration.

They should stick their face out of Australian politics and mind their own business.

Because if they wont, we'll gladly mind it for them....  via Wikileaks.


Game over!

They can charge Assange as much as they like, but Wikileaks isn't going away.

Maybe so, but I think it has been discovered why Julia Gillard quickly labelled Julian Assange as a criminal.
That was Julia Gillard tried to discredit Julian Assange because Julia Gillard knew that she was about to be uncovered by Wikileaks for her comments about conspiring against Kevin Rudd 12 months ago.
Julia Gillard is trying to discredit Andrew Bolt, discredit Wikileaks, discredit Julian Assange, discredit anyone who dares publish the truth about her.
Look forward to more Wikileaks about the Real Julia Gillard!
When they get discovered will anyone really be surprised though.

When it's become apparent that this autocratic government has an aversion towards anything that publishes public opinion or  truth, be it bloggers, columnists, journalists, diarists, website owners...or even the general public and freedom writers, those with a humble opinion.

What politician was it again who set out to conspire against it's own people 'in secret' with our internet service providers shortly before an election?


And yes, the recent Wikileak concerning Gillard having eyed off the top-job well before Rudd lost popularity, this and having liaised with the US about her intention speaks for itself.

Gillard would have us believe she virtually stumbled onto the top job out of mere necessity, ie "someone had to do it"...when in fact, she had been planning this 'topple' since Rudd was elected, if not before even. Hence her move from the far-left faction to the centre.

In other words, our Gillards the treacherous back-stabbing closet socialist with a far-left agenda aligned with another far-left party (the Greens) to cat-scratch her way to victory.

I'm not going to say it again......  bugger it, I think I will....


Most of the libs would have seen this coming, but the Labor supporters were caught off guard, were mesmerised by their 'red herring' and had no idea that what they were indeed voting for was anything but the traditional Labor party as they knew it to be.

Yes she should be sacked,for deceiving her nation and her colleagues, and attempting to cover her tracks as she set about publicly defaming an Australian in strife overseas who dared to expose the malignant state of her government.

Rotten to the core.

It's hardly surprising why the left and right factions of both Labor and Greens remain divided over Wikileaks, and a number of other key-policy areas, pretty soon, Gillard will be a one woman army, her against the rest of Australia given her popularity's declining by the day.

Funny, we haven't heard much about any recent poll results, re- Gillards popularity, and would this be because her popularity's dropped even lower than Rudds ever did, thus would beg the question, why aren't Labors factional-warlords replacing her too?

Bill Shortens plan is humming along nicely, with Arbib now a US Spy and out of the game after having conspired with the US to topple Rudd, I should think Bill Shorten and GG mummy-in-law would be very pleased with themselves.

There is noone else left but Shorten to run for the ALP leadership, as the rest are so sh1t stained ....and even he has his dirty laundry your more conservative Australians might feel squeamish about.

She's even lost the support of her more loyal independents.

Without the Greens and the Independents backing, what is left of a Labor minority government?


They are just in it for themselves now... i'm sure of it.

Time this government called it a day!

Bring on the next election.


Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by aussiefree2ride on Dec 18th, 2010 at 2:07pm

philperth2010 wrote on Dec 18th, 2010 at 12:41pm:
I have stated this was an accident and a failure of the system......I have not blamed anyone or any organization (accept for the people smugglers)......the inquiry set up by the government will determine where the system failed and what measures can be taken to prevent ANY vessels entering Australian waters undetected.....especially where there is a known intrusion point......the conservatives are the ones blaming everyone and claiming this was not an predictable.....Australia should do what it said it would do and honor it's international commitment.....we are judged by our actions and what we do against adversity.....take a look at your selves and the way you are is not a pretty sight!!!


Wrong Phil, this was NOT an accident. If I was to go on the road in a vehicle with no brakes, bald tyres, and dodgy steering, then have a collision with another vehicle caused by the failure of my vehicle. Would you call that an accident? Just bad luck?

If I was in a position of authority, where my ruling encouraged hundreds of such vehicles to go out on the roads, would I not bear some responsibility?

Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by Prevailing on Dec 18th, 2010 at 4:07pm
With rioting ongoing at the Christmas Island Prison, the Police and security should be authorized to use force and fire on the rioters if necessary to restore order.  Get real Gillard and secure or borders or resign a failure.

Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by darkhall67 on Dec 18th, 2010 at 4:10pm

longweekend58 wrote on Dec 18th, 2010 at 6:01am:

darkhall67 wrote on Dec 17th, 2010 at 4:28pm:

longweekend58 wrote on Dec 17th, 2010 at 4:25pm:

Dsmithy70 wrote on Dec 17th, 2010 at 4:18pm:

longweekend58 wrote on Dec 17th, 2010 at 4:10pm:

Dsmithy70 wrote on Dec 17th, 2010 at 4:00pm:

Andrei.Hicks wrote on Dec 17th, 2010 at 2:54pm:
Left wingers traditionally are anti-war.

Right back to 1939 there were Left wingers campaigning for appeasement.

I wish, sometimes, they had some backbone and were in favour of going and kicking ass.

I'm anti-war
I'd much rather see a pollies head explode than 1 to 2 million ordinary people suffer for a few's ego & meglomania.
But of course that sort of thing is illegal.

Thats a shockingly naive attitude. what do u do when u see a woman being attacked by a man? say 'im anti violence'? and when someone comes at you with an axe do you stand there because you dont believe in fighting?

You arent anti-war... why dont you try and redefine it correctly.

I think most here(yes even you longy) can understand the point I was getting across without having to be lead by the nose.
Except of course those who read & believe Bolt, & I don't give a rats whether they can understand or not

no thats not true. saying you are 'anti-war' is like saying you are anti-disease. it has no point and adds no value to a debate. almost NO BODY chooses war as an option ro all but the most serious of situations. but to just say you are 'anti-war' in this context means precisely NOTHING. it adds nothing to the debate, says nothing about you and your ACTUAL opinion.

I'm also anti-war. as is John Howard. Im also anti-violence, but it didnt stope me attacking two sudanese assaulting a girl.

Was their nationality relevant?

Surely "two men attacking a girl" would have sufficed to illustrate your point.

it was very relevant. Adelaide has a problem with its sudanese population that seems to be almost without execption, violent. as a case in point, there was a riot in the city involving HALF the sudanese popultion and one boy was killed.

If their nationality was relevant ( did you ask to see their passports)  then I assume you wouldnt have got involved if the two assailants were caucasian?

Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by longweekend58 on Dec 18th, 2010 at 4:19pm

darkhall67 wrote on Dec 18th, 2010 at 4:10pm:

longweekend58 wrote on Dec 18th, 2010 at 6:01am:

darkhall67 wrote on Dec 17th, 2010 at 4:28pm:

longweekend58 wrote on Dec 17th, 2010 at 4:25pm:

Dsmithy70 wrote on Dec 17th, 2010 at 4:18pm:

longweekend58 wrote on Dec 17th, 2010 at 4:10pm:

Dsmithy70 wrote on Dec 17th, 2010 at 4:00pm:

Andrei.Hicks wrote on Dec 17th, 2010 at 2:54pm:
Left wingers traditionally are anti-war.

Right back to 1939 there were Left wingers campaigning for appeasement.

I wish, sometimes, they had some backbone and were in favour of going and kicking ass.

I'm anti-war
I'd much rather see a pollies head explode than 1 to 2 million ordinary people suffer for a few's ego & meglomania.
But of course that sort of thing is illegal.

Thats a shockingly naive attitude. what do u do when u see a woman being attacked by a man? say 'im anti violence'? and when someone comes at you with an axe do you stand there because you dont believe in fighting?

You arent anti-war... why dont you try and redefine it correctly.

I think most here(yes even you longy) can understand the point I was getting across without having to be lead by the nose.
Except of course those who read & believe Bolt, & I don't give a rats whether they can understand or not

no thats not true. saying you are 'anti-war' is like saying you are anti-disease. it has no point and adds no value to a debate. almost NO BODY chooses war as an option ro all but the most serious of situations. but to just say you are 'anti-war' in this context means precisely NOTHING. it adds nothing to the debate, says nothing about you and your ACTUAL opinion.

I'm also anti-war. as is John Howard. Im also anti-violence, but it didnt stope me attacking two sudanese assaulting a girl.

Was their nationality relevant?

Surely "two men attacking a girl" would have sufficed to illustrate your point.

it was very relevant. Adelaide has a problem with its sudanese population that seems to be almost without execption, violent. as a case in point, there was a riot in the city involving HALF the sudanese popultion and one boy was killed.

If their nationality was relevant ( did you ask to see their passports)  then I assume you wouldnt have got involved if the two assailants were caucasian?

They were SUDANESE. give your left-wing racial crying a break for a minute. Like it or not, they sudanese population is violent, law breaking and almost entirely unemployed and virtually unemployable.

My comment that they were sudanese was by matter of commentary only. At the time of the police report I thought they were actually Jamaican.

I await your pointless retort on my 'racist' reference to Jamaicans.

Oh, and I saw your sterotype on MSN today - the buss passengers that sat and did nothing while 5 others assaulted a pregnant girl.

Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by skippy. on Dec 18th, 2010 at 4:21pm

At the time of the police report I thought they were actually Jamaican.

They must have had dreadlocks. ::)

Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by darkhall67 on Dec 18th, 2010 at 4:31pm

longweekend58 wrote on Dec 18th, 2010 at 4:19pm:

darkhall67 wrote on Dec 18th, 2010 at 4:10pm:

longweekend58 wrote on Dec 18th, 2010 at 6:01am:

darkhall67 wrote on Dec 17th, 2010 at 4:28pm:

longweekend58 wrote on Dec 17th, 2010 at 4:25pm:

Dsmithy70 wrote on Dec 17th, 2010 at 4:18pm:

longweekend58 wrote on Dec 17th, 2010 at 4:10pm:

Dsmithy70 wrote on Dec 17th, 2010 at 4:00pm:

Andrei.Hicks wrote on Dec 17th, 2010 at 2:54pm:
Left wingers traditionally are anti-war.

Right back to 1939 there were Left wingers campaigning for appeasement.

I wish, sometimes, they had some backbone and were in favour of going and kicking ass.

I'm anti-war
I'd much rather see a pollies head explode than 1 to 2 million ordinary people suffer for a few's ego & meglomania.
But of course that sort of thing is illegal.

Thats a shockingly naive attitude. what do u do when u see a woman being attacked by a man? say 'im anti violence'? and when someone comes at you with an axe do you stand there because you dont believe in fighting?

You arent anti-war... why dont you try and redefine it correctly.

I think most here(yes even you longy) can understand the point I was getting across without having to be lead by the nose.
Except of course those who read & believe Bolt, & I don't give a rats whether they can understand or not

no thats not true. saying you are 'anti-war' is like saying you are anti-disease. it has no point and adds no value to a debate. almost NO BODY chooses war as an option ro all but the most serious of situations. but to just say you are 'anti-war' in this context means precisely NOTHING. it adds nothing to the debate, says nothing about you and your ACTUAL opinion.

I'm also anti-war. as is John Howard. Im also anti-violence, but it didnt stope me attacking two sudanese assaulting a girl.

Was their nationality relevant?

Surely "two men attacking a girl" would have sufficed to illustrate your point.

it was very relevant. Adelaide has a problem with its sudanese population that seems to be almost without execption, violent. as a case in point, there was a riot in the city involving HALF the sudanese popultion and one boy was killed.

If their nationality was relevant ( did you ask to see their passports)  then I assume you wouldnt have got involved if the two assailants were caucasian?

They were SUDANESE. give your left-wing racial crying a break for a minute. Like it or not, they sudanese population is violent, law breaking and almost entirely unemployed and virtually unemployable.

My comment that they were sudanese was by matter of commentary only. At the time of the police report I thought they were actually Jamaican.

I await your pointless retort on my 'racist' reference to Jamaicans.

Oh, and I saw your sterotype on MSN today - the buss passengers that sat and did nothing while 5 others assaulted a pregnant girl.

It was irrelevant to the topic.

You were talking about being anti war and anti violence.

NOTHING was relevant about mentioning their nationality.


And i have no idea what you are talking about with my "sterotype" or people on a buss.

Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by codswal on Dec 18th, 2010 at 4:32pm
As for your own "reasoning", you say he is "telling it how he sees it". Well, that counts for zero. Anyone capable of putting a couple sentences together can "tell it how he sees it".  If a 4 year old "tells us how he/she sees it" then that seems good enough for you, which, by default, utterly destroys any supposed superiority in Bolt's arguments.



hes a journalist he is paid as a journalist... if thats your take on it.. then that goes for every journalist that ever was..

get over yourself... do as I do.. dont read the ones you dont like...

he will never say what you lwant to hear...

that everything this govt does and has done is fantastic.isgreat. is showing great leadership..blah.blah.blah.

infact right now you will fin d it bloody hard to find one journalist on your side of the fence saying anything worthy of you will find it hard to find someone to read..

try Laurie Oakes in todays Tele.. he talks about them taking acting classes to liven the show up!!! my god..30 dead in a cruel sea.. and thats what he writes about

its a show dont you know?. thats right next week. the Bafras--- no the Oscars--the Oh Dear who can we blame for this awards.!

Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by darkhall67 on Dec 18th, 2010 at 4:34pm

He's NOT a #$%&"*+` journalist.

Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by longweekend58 on Dec 18th, 2010 at 4:41pm

darkhall67 wrote on Dec 18th, 2010 at 4:31pm:

longweekend58 wrote on Dec 18th, 2010 at 4:19pm:

darkhall67 wrote on Dec 18th, 2010 at 4:10pm:

longweekend58 wrote on Dec 18th, 2010 at 6:01am:

darkhall67 wrote on Dec 17th, 2010 at 4:28pm:

longweekend58 wrote on Dec 17th, 2010 at 4:25pm:

Dsmithy70 wrote on Dec 17th, 2010 at 4:18pm:

longweekend58 wrote on Dec 17th, 2010 at 4:10pm:

Dsmithy70 wrote on Dec 17th, 2010 at 4:00pm:

Andrei.Hicks wrote on Dec 17th, 2010 at 2:54pm:
Left wingers traditionally are anti-war.

Right back to 1939 there were Left wingers campaigning for appeasement.

I wish, sometimes, they had some backbone and were in favour of going and kicking ass.

I'm anti-war
I'd much rather see a pollies head explode than 1 to 2 million ordinary people suffer for a few's ego & meglomania.
But of course that sort of thing is illegal.

Thats a shockingly naive attitude. what do u do when u see a woman being attacked by a man? say 'im anti violence'? and when someone comes at you with an axe do you stand there because you dont believe in fighting?

You arent anti-war... why dont you try and redefine it correctly.

I think most here(yes even you longy) can understand the point I was getting across without having to be lead by the nose.
Except of course those who read & believe Bolt, & I don't give a rats whether they can understand or not

no thats not true. saying you are 'anti-war' is like saying you are anti-disease. it has no point and adds no value to a debate. almost NO BODY chooses war as an option ro all but the most serious of situations. but to just say you are 'anti-war' in this context means precisely NOTHING. it adds nothing to the debate, says nothing about you and your ACTUAL opinion.

I'm also anti-war. as is John Howard. Im also anti-violence, but it didnt stope me attacking two sudanese assaulting a girl.

Was their nationality relevant?

Surely "two men attacking a girl" would have sufficed to illustrate your point.

it was very relevant. Adelaide has a problem with its sudanese population that seems to be almost without execption, violent. as a case in point, there was a riot in the city involving HALF the sudanese popultion and one boy was killed.

If their nationality was relevant ( did you ask to see their passports)  then I assume you wouldnt have got involved if the two assailants were caucasian?

They were SUDANESE. give your left-wing racial crying a break for a minute. Like it or not, they sudanese population is violent, law breaking and almost entirely unemployed and virtually unemployable.

My comment that they were sudanese was by matter of commentary only. At the time of the police report I thought they were actually Jamaican.

I await your pointless retort on my 'racist' reference to Jamaicans.

Oh, and I saw your sterotype on MSN today - the buss passengers that sat and did nothing while 5 others assaulted a pregnant girl.

It was irrelevant to the topic.

You were talking about being anti war and anti violence.

NOTHING was relevant about mentioning their nationality.


And i have no idea what you are talking about with my "sterotype" or people on a buss.

A) it wasnt mentioned as a particularly relevant fact. It was however a fact. because your over-sensitive persona took offense is more your problemt han mine.

B) you are the one with a 'sterotype' problem so SUCK IT UP

C) grow up. it's a forum, not a statement of personal beleifs where every word and sentence is to be assessed.

D) they WERE Sudanese. why is that such a problem to you?

Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by codswal on Dec 18th, 2010 at 4:44pm

philperth2010 wrote on Dec 18th, 2010 at 12:41pm:
I have stated this was an accident and a failure of the system......I have not blamed anyone or any organization (accept for the people smugglers)......the inquiry set up by the government will determine where the system failed and what measures can be taken to prevent ANY vessels entering Australian waters undetected.....especially where there is a known intrusion point......the conservatives are the ones blaming everyone and claiming this was not an predictable.....Australia should do what it said it would do and honor it's international commitment.....we are judged by our actions and what we do against adversity.....take a look at your selves and the way you are is not a pretty sight!!!


phil look at this way,.. you would have to admit if the boot was on the other foot you would be claiming it was the Libs fault.. look you cant help yourself you and others on here have constantly brought up the SIEVX. and Tampa.. even gillard brought up the children overboard..

come on as soon as something happens on your watch.. you immediately hit the google button...

lets not pretend you are not all squirming here and have been for almost 3 years.. not a whole lot to be proud of and one bloody expensive blooper after another.

now i  understand that, but pulllllllease. dont lets pretend as I said if the boot was on the other foot. your side wouldnt also be asking at least well as digging in the knife.

I did say in another thread.. that your side are very criticle of the right on here for saying anything..even all the phoney tears as they call it.. however none of them ever come up with any answers to stop this from happening... they can solve the problems of CLIMATE CHANGE.


but have no answers to the boat people...funny that!

sorry if thats not a pretty sight.. and I dont speak for any other righties on here either phil I only ever speak for myself.

Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by darkhall67 on Dec 18th, 2010 at 4:45pm

So you wouldnt have intervened if they were caucasian.

Fair enough.

Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by codswal on Dec 18th, 2010 at 4:50pm

darkhall67 wrote on Dec 18th, 2010 at 4:34pm:
He's NOT a #$%&"*+` journalist.


Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by George on Dec 18th, 2010 at 4:50pm
Andrew Bolt tells it how it is.  The fact that one particular side of politics is being shown to be totally inept is not Bolt's fault,  you need to look to the P.M. and her band of incorrigibles.  

Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by mellie on Dec 18th, 2010 at 4:57pm
He's a popular Australian columnist and radio commentator, this and has his own blog.

Australia's most visited blog in fact.

Apparently our strident Andrew Bolt isn't entitled to his own opinion, on his own blog...well according to Bob Brown who has nominated himself Gillards keeper and PR assistant so it seems.

The thing is, the vocal left hold Giillard just as accountable for the tragic boat affair as do the probably less vocal right....but do you see Bob Brown requesting their resignations or their web-sites pulled in accordance with their views?

When it's become clear...

"DO as we say, not as we do"


Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by darkhall67 on Dec 18th, 2010 at 5:02pm

George wrote on Dec 18th, 2010 at 4:50pm:
Andrew Bolt tells it how it is.  The fact that one particular side of politics is being shown to be totally inept is not Bolt's fault,  you need to look to the P.M. and her band of incorrigibles.  

Let me quote "Time" from the previous page;

"As for your own "reasoning", you say he is "telling it how he sees it". Well, that counts for zero. Anyone capable of putting a couple sentences together can "tell it how he sees it".  If a 4 year old "tells us how he/she sees it" then that seems good enough for you, which, by default, utterly destroys any supposed superiority in Bolt's arguments."

Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by mellie on Dec 18th, 2010 at 5:18pm
I don't agree with all Bolt writes/says, but I do happen to think he's right on the mark about allot of what he writes.

Andrew Bolt thrashes issues your more conventional (MSM) columnists, journalists wont...which is probably why he's so loved here in Australia.

He's an aussey patriot and larriken at heart...and knows much of what he talks about.

What's not to love about Andrew the bold?

He's one of my favourites.


Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by codswal on Dec 18th, 2010 at 5:35pm

mellie wrote on Dec 18th, 2010 at 5:18pm:
I don't agree with all Bolt writes/says, but I do happen to think he's right on the mark about allot of what he writes.

Andrew Bolt thrashes issues your more conventional (MSM) columnists, journalists wont...which is probably why he's so loved here in Australia.

He's an aussey patriot and larriken at heart...and knows much of what he talks about.

What's not to love about Andrew the bold?

He's one of my favourites.


I too find him very easy to read..that will also get up someones nose... did you read Laurie Oakes today mel?..

we have a highseas disaster of the worst kind..and he write about gillard and Co taking acting lessons.. its the thing to do to liven up a dud govt..

is that next years Walkley award....

Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by Time on Dec 18th, 2010 at 5:40pm

codswal wrote on Dec 18th, 2010 at 4:32pm:
As for your own "reasoning", you say he is "telling it how he sees it". Well, that counts for zero. Anyone capable of putting a couple sentences together can "tell it how he sees it".  If a 4 year old "tells us how he/she sees it" then that seems good enough for you, which, by default, utterly destroys any supposed superiority in Bolt's arguments.



hes a journalist he is paid as a journalist... if thats your take on it.. then that goes for every journalist that ever was..

get over yourself... do as I do.. dont read the ones you dont like...

he will never say what you lwant to hear...

that everything this govt does and has done is fantastic.isgreat. is showing great leadership..blah.blah.blah.

infact right now you will fin d it bloody hard to find one journalist on your side of the fence saying anything worthy of you will find it hard to find someone to read..

The very fact that Bolt is masquerading as a journalist is the problem. Bolt is subverting the chain of cause and effect to suit his political ends. To claim Gillard "has blood on her hands" is to make Gillard responsible for the weather, rough seas, rocks, crappy boats, the people on the aforementioned boat, and the smugglers. Where is the responsibility of those on the boat? and the smugglers? How can anyone be blamed for bad weather? Miss Anne Dryst couldn't answer this question and departed from this discussion once she had to contemplate using logic, rather than an aversion for someone (gillard).
Logic 101: having an aversion for something does not make that something responsible for the act in question. Are you intellectually honest? Or are you, like many others here, passing off your hatred for Gillard as if that amounts to any to anything when one epistemologically examines the chain of cause and effect?
If Gillard is responsible for this incident, then, using Bolt's own unique brand of "logic", Bolt is responsible for the deaths of innocents in the Iraq war.

Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by Miss Anne Dryst on Dec 18th, 2010 at 5:43pm

codswal wrote on Dec 18th, 2010 at 5:35pm:

mellie wrote on Dec 18th, 2010 at 5:18pm:
I don't agree with all Bolt writes/says, but I do happen to think he's right on the mark about allot of what he writes.

Andrew Bolt thrashes issues your more conventional (MSM) columnists, journalists wont...which is probably why he's so loved here in Australia.

He's an aussey patriot and larriken at heart...and knows much of what he talks about.

What's not to love about Andrew the bold?

He's one of my favourites.


I too find him very easy to read..that will also get up someones nose... did you read Laurie Oakes today mel?..

we have a highseas disaster of the worst kind..and he write about gillard and Co taking acting lessons.. its the thing to do to liven up a dud govt..

is that next years Walkley award....

And it's great that you can catch his MTR on podcast too.
Andrew Bolt puts everything into perspective, so that your own inner beliefs are reinforced as being correct, so you're not living in la la land. And he blasts the lefties (and even the righties when they get it wrong) which balances and addresses the media bias.
The lefties really hate it when people speak out against their idiocy, and they would prefer it if every one had to follow and believe in their ridiculous thoughts.

Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by Time on Dec 18th, 2010 at 5:43pm

George wrote on Dec 18th, 2010 at 4:50pm:
Andrew Bolt tells it how it is.  The fact that one particular side of politics is being shown to be totally inept is not Bolt's fault,  you need to look to the P.M. and her band of incorrigibles.  

No. You need to look at how Bolt "reasons" his position.

Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by Time on Dec 18th, 2010 at 5:48pm

Miss Anne Dryst wrote on Dec 18th, 2010 at 5:43pm:

codswal wrote on Dec 18th, 2010 at 5:35pm:

mellie wrote on Dec 18th, 2010 at 5:18pm:
I don't agree with all Bolt writes/says, but I do happen to think he's right on the mark about allot of what he writes.

Andrew Bolt thrashes issues your more conventional (MSM) columnists, journalists wont...which is probably why he's so loved here in Australia.

He's an aussey patriot and larriken at heart...and knows much of what he talks about.

What's not to love about Andrew the bold?

He's one of my favourites.


I too find him very easy to read..that will also get up someones nose... did you read Laurie Oakes today mel?..

we have a highseas disaster of the worst kind..and he write about gillard and Co taking acting lessons.. its the thing to do to liven up a dud govt..

is that next years Walkley award....

And it's great that you can catch his MTR on podcast too.
Andrew Bolt puts everything into perspective, so that your own inner beliefs are reinforced as being correct, so you're not living in la la land. And he blasts the lefties (and even the righties when they get it wrong) which balances and addresses the media bias.
The lefties really hate it when people speak out against their idiocy, and they would prefer it if every one had to follow and believe in their ridiculous thoughts.

So you need reassurance for your own "inner beliefs"? Do you possess any ability at all for independent thought?

You have yet to counter my argument of Bolt's subversion of the chain of cause and effect.

I will keep repeating it until all those who reason through "hate" are shown for the intellectual retards they are.

Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by codswal on Dec 18th, 2010 at 6:00pm

Postmodern Trendoid III wrote on Dec 18th, 2010 at 5:40pm:
As for your own "reasoning", you say he is "telling it how he sees it". Well, that counts for zero. Anyone capable of putting a couple sentences together can "tell it how he sees it".  If a 4 year old "tells us how he/she sees it" then that seems good enough for you, which, by default, utterly destroys any supposed superiority in Bolt's arguments.



hes a journalist he is paid as a journalist... if thats your take on it.. then that goes for every journalist that ever was..

get over yourself... do as I do.. dont read the ones you dont like...

he will never say what you lwant to hear...

that everything this govt does and has done is fantastic.isgreat. is showing great leadership..blah.blah.blah.

infact right now you will fin d it bloody hard to find one journalist on your side of the fence saying anything worthy of you will find it hard to find someone to read..

The very fact that Bolt is masquerading as a journalist is the problem. Bolt is subverting the chain of cause and effect to suit his political ends. To claim Gillard "has blood on her hands" is to make Gillard responsible for the weather, rough seas, rocks, crappy boats, the people on the aforementioned boat, and the smugglers. Where is the responsibility of those on the boat? and the smugglers? How can anyone be blamed for bad weather? Miss Anne Dryst couldn't answer this question and departed from this discussion once she had to contemplate using logic, rather than an aversion for someone (gillard).
Logic 101: having an aversion for something does not make that something responsible for the act in question. Are you intellectually honest? Or are you, like many others here, passing off your hatred for Gillard as if that amounts to any to anything when one epistemologically examines the chain of cause and effect?
If Gillard is responsible for this incident, then, using Bolt's own unique brand of "logic", Bolt is responsible for the deaths of innocents in the Iraq war. [/quote]

hey you cant have it both ways... if you want every word spoken/written taken as gospel.. then it has to go for everyone..'

Blood on her Hands... in fact meant responsibilty for the boat being in our waters in the first place.

if the govt isnt responsible who should be????...

was the capt of the Navy ship asleep at the wheel when they slipped past??

so we can blame him... how about Smith the defence force minister isnt he responsible for the Navy

you see we need someone to step up and accept responsibility, something this Labor govt finds very hard to do.

govts are there to make decisions that we cant make.. that includes going to war, or not going to war.

in this case this govt chose to cancel the pacific solution, that was working, as best anything like that could work.

but they saw a vote in their decision, and they took it.. stopped some voting green I believe.

now whether it was right or wrong. is anyones guess. but from where I sit.. it was this very action that increased the boat activity. nothing else just that very act.

and the boats started coming in all matter what the risks...

with the end result being what we have seen this week.we should count our lucky stars this hasnt happened over and over again.

but dont blame the messenger..and dont twist it all around to say.. well yes we can hold you responsible.

Bolt/ we dont make these decisions.  we pay someone higher to do that

Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by Soren on Dec 18th, 2010 at 7:12pm

Postmodern Trendoid III wrote on Dec 18th, 2010 at 5:40pm:

codswal wrote on Dec 18th, 2010 at 4:32pm:
As for your own "reasoning", you say he is "telling it how he sees it". Well, that counts for zero. Anyone capable of putting a couple sentences together can "tell it how he sees it".  If a 4 year old "tells us how he/she sees it" then that seems good enough for you, which, by default, utterly destroys any supposed superiority in Bolt's arguments.



hes a journalist he is paid as a journalist... if thats your take on it.. then that goes for every journalist that ever was..

get over yourself... do as I do.. dont read the ones you dont like...

he will never say what you lwant to hear...

that everything this govt does and has done is fantastic.isgreat. is showing great leadership..blah.blah.blah.

infact right now you will fin d it bloody hard to find one journalist on your side of the fence saying anything worthy of you will find it hard to find someone to read..

The very fact that Bolt is masquerading as a journalist is the problem. Bolt is subverting the chain of cause and effect to suit his political ends. To claim Gillard "has blood on her hands" is to make Gillard responsible for the weather, rough seas, rocks, crappy boats, the people on the aforementioned boat, and the smugglers. Where is the responsibility of those on the boat? and the smugglers? How can anyone be blamed for bad weather? Miss Anne Dryst couldn't answer this question and departed from this discussion once she had to contemplate using logic, rather than an aversion for someone (gillard).
Logic 101: having an aversion for something does not make that something responsible for the act in question. Are you intellectually honest? Or are you, like many others here, passing off your hatred for Gillard as if that amounts to any to anything when one epistemologically examines the chain of cause and effect?
If Gillard is responsible for this incident, then, using Bolt's own unique brand of "logic", Bolt is responsible for the deaths of innocents in the Iraq war.

Here's an excellent counter to your 'cause and effect':

Howard had a problem similar to Rudd/Gillard's now. He came up with a solution and the problem ceased to exist.

Rudd/Gillard inherited that solution and turned it into the very problem Howard himself encountered all those years ago.

So now we are back exactly where we were.

You are not serious in suggesting that Rudd/Gillard have nothing to do with abolishing the solution without coming up with an equal or better one - but that it's just all wind and weathr and geopolitical whatnot, do you?

Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by Dnarever on Dec 18th, 2010 at 8:08pm

codswal wrote on Dec 18th, 2010 at 4:50pm:

darkhall67 wrote on Dec 18th, 2010 at 4:34pm:
He's NOT a #$%&"*+` journalist.


I would call him a columnist - he is a talented writer and uses humour very well (not always intentionally).

To me a journalist should be able to pass the journalists ethics tests and in my opinion a writer who is so obviously biased and incapable of objectivity does not qualify.

Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by Jaykaye_09 on Dec 18th, 2010 at 8:12pm

codswal wrote on Dec 18th, 2010 at 5:35pm:
I too find him very easy to read..that will also get up someones nose...

Like Grug. Or Spot. Or pretty much the entire Mr. Men series.

Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by Jaykaye_09 on Dec 18th, 2010 at 8:15pm

darkhall67 wrote on Dec 18th, 2010 at 4:34pm:
He's NOT a #$%&"*+` journalist.

Forget it mate. Some of these people wouldn't know journalism if it smacked them right between the eyes.

Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by Miss Anne Dryst on Dec 18th, 2010 at 8:20pm

Jaykaye_09 wrote on Dec 18th, 2010 at 8:15pm:

darkhall67 wrote on Dec 18th, 2010 at 4:34pm:
He's NOT a #$%&"*+` journalist.

Forget it mate. Some of these people wouldn't know journalism if it smacked them right between the eyes.

Yes, they need fairytales read to them every day and night.
Maybe why they like to only read the Sydney Morning Herald and The Age.
Must be a real eye opener when reality hits them.

Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by codswal on Dec 19th, 2010 at 7:05am

Jaykaye_09 wrote on Dec 18th, 2010 at 8:12pm:

codswal wrote on Dec 18th, 2010 at 5:35pm:
I too find him very easy to read..that will also get up someones nose...

Like Grug. Or Spot. Or pretty much the entire Mr. Men series.

you are so cute and original...

lets see you could have added JAYKAYE to that list..but as I usually dont reply to you as what you write is  all so dumb uninteresting and undebateable like this silly comment on a very serious subject board...

but dont let that get in the way of  your trivia

RESPONSIBILTY for people dying wouldnt be one of your strong points would it?

Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by codswal on Dec 19th, 2010 at 7:07am

Dnarever wrote on Dec 18th, 2010 at 8:08pm:

codswal wrote on Dec 18th, 2010 at 4:50pm:

darkhall67 wrote on Dec 18th, 2010 at 4:34pm:
He's NOT a #$%&"*+` journalist.


I would call him a columnist - he is a talented writer and uses humour very well (not always intentionally).

To me a journalist should be able to pass the journalists ethics tests and in my opinion a writer who is so obviously biased and incapable of objectivity does not qualify.

he is also on TV quite a bit dnare.. so his opinions must count for something... objectivity... do you really know anyone that is THAT objective?. well to the standards that you believe in anyway.

Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by Miss Anne Dryst on Dec 19th, 2010 at 7:18am

codswal wrote on Dec 19th, 2010 at 7:07am:

Dnarever wrote on Dec 18th, 2010 at 8:08pm:

codswal wrote on Dec 18th, 2010 at 4:50pm:

darkhall67 wrote on Dec 18th, 2010 at 4:34pm:
He's NOT a #$%&"*+` journalist.


I would call him a columnist - he is a talented writer and uses humour very well (not always intentionally).

To me a journalist should be able to pass the journalists ethics tests and in my opinion a writer who is so obviously biased and incapable of objectivity does not qualify.

he is also on TV quite a bit dnare.. so his opinions must count for something... objectivity... do you really know anyone that is THAT objective?. well to the standards that you believe in anyway.

Take it easy codswal, its a challenging time of the year for the poor guy, as he has heard rumours that Santa doesn't exist.
Yet in his mind he keeps telling himself otherwise.

Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by Miss Anne Dryst on Dec 19th, 2010 at 7:21am

codswal wrote on Dec 19th, 2010 at 7:05am:

Jaykaye_09 wrote on Dec 18th, 2010 at 8:12pm:

codswal wrote on Dec 18th, 2010 at 5:35pm:
I too find him very easy to read..that will also get up someones nose...

Like Grug. Or Spot. Or pretty much the entire Mr. Men series.

you are so cute and original...

lets see you could have added JAYKAYE to that list..but as I usually dont reply to you as what you write is  all so dumb uninteresting and undebateable like this silly comment on a very serious subject board...

but dont let that get in the way of  your trivia

RESPONSIBILTY for people dying wouldnt be one of your strong points would it?

But he does excel in soiling the pages of the The Age and The Sydney Morning Herald, which is the closet he gets to reading from his bible of propaganda.

Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by codswal on Dec 19th, 2010 at 8:36am

Miss Anne Dryst wrote on Dec 19th, 2010 at 7:21am:

codswal wrote on Dec 19th, 2010 at 7:05am:

Jaykaye_09 wrote on Dec 18th, 2010 at 8:12pm:

codswal wrote on Dec 18th, 2010 at 5:35pm:
I too find him very easy to read..that will also get up someones nose...

Like Grug. Or Spot. Or pretty much the entire Mr. Men series.

you are so cute and original...

lets see you could have added JAYKAYE to that list..but as I usually dont reply to you as what you write is  all so dumb uninteresting and undebateable like this silly comment on a very serious subject board...

but dont let that get in the way of  your trivia

RESPONSIBILTY for people dying wouldnt be one of your strong points would it?

But he does excel in soiling the pages of the The Age and The Sydney Morning Herald, which is the closet he gets to reading from his bible of propaganda.

who are you referring too jaykaye or Bolt??..

I cant believe the broadsheets would be bothered printing JKs childish blurbs.. but I could be wrong.

Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by adelcrow on Dec 19th, 2010 at 9:00am
We popped up to Inverbrackie last night before having a gander at the Lobethal Christmas lights and were delighted to see that the far right liberal party faction's Neo Nationalist thugs were no where to be seen even though the first of the refugee families were moved into housing there yesterday.
I should add Cory Bernardi to the list of panelists for the new show "Master Race" as he is easily as big a racist and stirrer of hatred and fear as the three stooges Bolt, Ackerman and Jones.

Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by Time on Dec 20th, 2010 at 10:45am

codswal wrote on Dec 18th, 2010 at 6:00pm:

Postmodern Trendoid III wrote on Dec 18th, 2010 at 5:40pm:
As for your own "reasoning", you say he is "telling it how he sees it". Well, that counts for zero. Anyone capable of putting a couple sentences together can "tell it how he sees it".  If a 4 year old "tells us how he/she sees it" then that seems good enough for you, which, by default, utterly destroys any supposed superiority in Bolt's arguments.



hes a journalist he is paid as a journalist... if thats your take on it.. then that goes for every journalist that ever was..

get over yourself... do as I do.. dont read the ones you dont like...

he will never say what you lwant to hear...

that everything this govt does and has done is fantastic.isgreat. is showing great leadership..blah.blah.blah.

infact right now you will fin d it bloody hard to find one journalist on your side of the fence saying anything worthy of you will find it hard to find someone to read..

The very fact that Bolt is masquerading as a journalist is the problem. Bolt is subverting the chain of cause and effect to suit his political ends. To claim Gillard "has blood on her hands" is to make Gillard responsible for the weather, rough seas, rocks, crappy boats, the people on the aforementioned boat, and the smugglers. Where is the responsibility of those on the boat? and the smugglers? How can anyone be blamed for bad weather? Miss Anne Dryst couldn't answer this question and departed from this discussion once she had to contemplate using logic, rather than an aversion for someone (gillard).
Logic 101: having an aversion for something does not make that something responsible for the act in question. Are you intellectually honest? Or are you, like many others here, passing off your hatred for Gillard as if that amounts to any to anything when one epistemologically examines the chain of cause and effect?
If Gillard is responsible for this incident, then, using Bolt's own unique brand of "logic", Bolt is responsible for the deaths of innocents in the Iraq war.

hey you cant have it both ways... if you want every word spoken/written taken as gospel.. then it has to go for everyone..'

Blood on her Hands... in fact meant responsibilty for the boat being in our waters in the first place.

if the govt isnt responsible who should be????...

was the capt of the Navy ship asleep at the wheel when they slipped past??

so we can blame him... how about Smith the defence force minister isnt he responsible for the Navy

you see we need someone to step up and accept responsibility, something this Labor govt finds very hard to do.

govts are there to make decisions that we cant make.. that includes going to war, or not going to war.

in this case this govt chose to cancel the pacific solution, that was working, as best anything like that could work.

but they saw a vote in their decision, and they took it.. stopped some voting green I believe.

now whether it was right or wrong. is anyones guess. but from where I sit.. it was this very action that increased the boat activity. nothing else just that very act.

and the boats started coming in all matter what the risks...

with the end result being what we have seen this week.we should count our lucky stars this hasnt happened over and over again.

but dont blame the messenger..and dont twist it all around to say.. well yes we can hold you responsible.

Bolt/ we dont make these decisions.  we pay someone higher to do that

Why do you dissolve the responsibility of those on the boat and the smugglers? To merely suit your political bias? I say that would be a fair assumption.

Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by Time on Dec 20th, 2010 at 10:54am

Soren wrote on Dec 18th, 2010 at 7:12pm:

Postmodern Trendoid III wrote on Dec 18th, 2010 at 5:40pm:

codswal wrote on Dec 18th, 2010 at 4:32pm:
As for your own "reasoning", you say he is "telling it how he sees it". Well, that counts for zero. Anyone capable of putting a couple sentences together can "tell it how he sees it".  If a 4 year old "tells us how he/she sees it" then that seems good enough for you, which, by default, utterly destroys any supposed superiority in Bolt's arguments.



hes a journalist he is paid as a journalist... if thats your take on it.. then that goes for every journalist that ever was..

get over yourself... do as I do.. dont read the ones you dont like...

he will never say what you lwant to hear...

that everything this govt does and has done is fantastic.isgreat. is showing great leadership..blah.blah.blah.

infact right now you will fin d it bloody hard to find one journalist on your side of the fence saying anything worthy of you will find it hard to find someone to read..

The very fact that Bolt is masquerading as a journalist is the problem. Bolt is subverting the chain of cause and effect to suit his political ends. To claim Gillard "has blood on her hands" is to make Gillard responsible for the weather, rough seas, rocks, crappy boats, the people on the aforementioned boat, and the smugglers. Where is the responsibility of those on the boat? and the smugglers? How can anyone be blamed for bad weather? Miss Anne Dryst couldn't answer this question and departed from this discussion once she had to contemplate using logic, rather than an aversion for someone (gillard).
Logic 101: having an aversion for something does not make that something responsible for the act in question. Are you intellectually honest? Or are you, like many others here, passing off your hatred for Gillard as if that amounts to any to anything when one epistemologically examines the chain of cause and effect?
If Gillard is responsible for this incident, then, using Bolt's own unique brand of "logic", Bolt is responsible for the deaths of innocents in the Iraq war.

Here's an excellent counter to your 'cause and effect':

Howard had a problem similar to Rudd/Gillard's now. He came up with a solution and the problem ceased to exist.

Rudd/Gillard inherited that solution and turned it into the very problem Howard himself encountered all those years ago.

So now we are back exactly where we were.

You are not serious in suggesting that Rudd/Gillard have nothing to do with abolishing the solution without coming up with an equal or better one - but that it's just all wind and weathr and geopolitical whatnot, do you?

Where's the responsibility of those on the boat and the smugglers? There is an element of risk in everything we do; this is more so the case when hopping on a crappy boat and sailing to another country.

Why doesn't Bolt use this particular style of argument - blaming someone 100 times removed from the act in question - onto Liberal politicians on a regular basis? Moreover, why doesn't he apply it to himself? Why? Because he possesses an underlying hatred for Gillard/Rudd/Labor and has no intention of appying his own brand of "logic" consistently. Bolt is a fraud.

Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by Equitist on Dec 20th, 2010 at 11:00am

Crikey, this thread has ballooned by about 5 pages since I was last on here - and the poll trends have reversed...

Is it worth reading through all those posts - and/or can someone give me a precis of the nature of same!?

Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by Time on Dec 20th, 2010 at 11:20am

Equitist wrote on Dec 20th, 2010 at 11:00am:
Crikey, this thread has ballooned by about 5 pages since I was last on here - and the poll trends have reversed...

Is it worth reading through all those posts - and/or can someone give me a precis of the nature of same!?

It's mostly just posters blaming Gillard because she happens to be the PM, while not provding any logical argument as to why she should shoulder the blame.

Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by chicken_lipsforme on Dec 20th, 2010 at 11:24am

Postmodern Trendoid III wrote on Dec 18th, 2010 at 5:40pm:

codswal wrote on Dec 18th, 2010 at 4:32pm:
As for your own "reasoning", you say he is "telling it how he sees it". Well, that counts for zero. Anyone capable of putting a couple sentences together can "tell it how he sees it".  If a 4 year old "tells us how he/she sees it" then that seems good enough for you, which, by default, utterly destroys any supposed superiority in Bolt's arguments.



hes a journalist he is paid as a journalist... if thats your take on it.. then that goes for every journalist that ever was..

get over yourself... do as I do.. dont read the ones you dont like...

he will never say what you lwant to hear...

that everything this govt does and has done is fantastic.isgreat. is showing great leadership..blah.blah.blah.

infact right now you will fin d it bloody hard to find one journalist on your side of the fence saying anything worthy of you will find it hard to find someone to read..

The very fact that Bolt is masquerading as a journalist is the problem. Bolt is subverting the chain of cause and effect to suit his political ends. To claim Gillard "has blood on her hands" is to make Gillard responsible for the weather, rough seas, rocks, crappy boats, the people on the aforementioned boat, and the smugglers. Where is the responsibility of those on the boat? and the smugglers? How can anyone be blamed for bad weather? Miss Anne Dryst couldn't answer this question and departed from this discussion once she had to contemplate using logic, rather than an aversion for someone (gillard).
Logic 101: having an aversion for something does not make that something responsible for the act in question. Are you intellectually honest? Or are you, like many others here, passing off your hatred for Gillard as if that amounts to any to anything when one epistemologically examines the chain of cause and effect?
If Gillard is responsible for this incident, then, using Bolt's own unique brand of "logic", Bolt is responsible for the deaths of innocents in the Iraq war.

AB warned the government some years ago regarding the potential ramifications of their reckless policy fiddling.
This has nothing whatsoever to do with Gillard being responsible for bad weather or bad boats etc, but it's EVERYTHING to do with the governments removal of a working policy only then to install a failed one.
And then stupidly wait until the problem is well out of hand before recognising that the problem has gotten away from them.
As if their weakening of the policy was ever going to have a different result.
So yes, this government because of it's inept incompetent handling of our border protection system now does have 'blood on it's hands'.
Because that boat would not have been there had the former governments border protection laws still been in force.

Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by Dnarever on Dec 20th, 2010 at 11:46am

codswal wrote on Dec 19th, 2010 at 7:07am:
he is also on TV quite a bit dnare.. so his opinions must count for something... objectivity... do you really know anyone that is THAT objective?. well to the standards that you believe in anyway.

Nobody is fully objective.

But few show so little objectivity either.

I journalist is meant to by trying to show as balanced a view as possible if they want to maintain that status.

Over a decade of deliberate biased writing fails to meet the required standard in my view.

Its no big deal really but this does undermine credability.

When I read a few of these guys I often identify articals which could easily have been writen critical of Labor before the event
and then tailored to meet the story of the day.

The intent to write something critical of labor is present before the story or event which will make up the story.

With these articles the question is not if the writer is going to critisise Labor today but how is he going to critisise Labor today.

A pretty grubby form of artivcle writing I would say.

Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by Verge on Dec 20th, 2010 at 12:27pm
Bolt has seemed to really stir the pot on this.

Looks like he wont be going anywhere with all the hits his employer got on the website.

His little bit of venom just paid for itself hundreds of times over.

People still havent clicked yet that the best way to make people like Bolt, Latham, Kyle Sandilands and all the others who make money out of the outrageous statements they make is to ignore them.

Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by codswal on Dec 20th, 2010 at 12:39pm

chicken_lipsforme wrote on Dec 20th, 2010 at 11:24am:

Postmodern Trendoid III wrote on Dec 18th, 2010 at 5:40pm:

codswal wrote on Dec 18th, 2010 at 4:32pm:
As for your own "reasoning", you say he is "telling it how he sees it". Well, that counts for zero. Anyone capable of putting a couple sentences together can "tell it how he sees it".  If a 4 year old "tells us how he/she sees it" then that seems good enough for you, which, by default, utterly destroys any supposed superiority in Bolt's arguments.



hes a journalist he is paid as a journalist... if thats your take on it.. then that goes for every journalist that ever was..

get over yourself... do as I do.. dont read the ones you dont like...

he will never say what you lwant to hear...

that everything this govt does and has done is fantastic.isgreat. is showing great leadership..blah.blah.blah.

infact right now you will fin d it bloody hard to find one journalist on your side of the fence saying anything worthy of you will find it hard to find someone to read..

The very fact that Bolt is masquerading as a journalist is the problem. Bolt is subverting the chain of cause and effect to suit his political ends. To claim Gillard "has blood on her hands" is to make Gillard responsible for the weather, rough seas, rocks, crappy boats, the people on the aforementioned boat, and the smugglers. Where is the responsibility of those on the boat? and the smugglers? How can anyone be blamed for bad weather? Miss Anne Dryst couldn't answer this question and departed from this discussion once she had to contemplate using logic, rather than an aversion for someone (gillard).
Logic 101: having an aversion for something does not make that something responsible for the act in question. Are you intellectually honest? Or are you, like many others here, passing off your hatred for Gillard as if that amounts to any to anything when one epistemologically examines the chain of cause and effect?
If Gillard is responsible for this incident, then, using Bolt's own unique brand of "logic", Bolt is responsible for the deaths of innocents in the Iraq war.

AB warned the government some years ago regarding the potential ramifications of their reckless policy fiddling.
This has nothing whatsoever to do with Gillard being responsible for bad weather or bad boats etc, but it's EVERYTHING to do with the governments removal of a working policy only then to install a failed one.
And then stupidly wait until the problem is well out of hand before recognising that the problem has gotten away from them.
As if their weakening of the policy was ever going to have a different result.
So yes, this government because of it's inept incompetent handling of our border protection system now does have 'blood on it's hands'.
Because that boat would not have been there had the former governments border protection laws still been in force.

chicken I dont know how many times that has been spelt out on this forum and others.. they just dont comprehend couldnt possibly have ANYTHING to do with rudd/gillards change of policy...we are dumb for imagining it???.. now we are told that a thriving people smuggling business has errupted overseas.. but again got nothing to do with our govts policies..

wish I knew who was to blame... cant be Howard this time round, can it??.... and its not rudd/gillard.. so WHO????  did cause this influx of over over 100 boats a year..

do you think it was that.. "Where the bloody hell are you"??? ad???

must have been!

Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by sprintcyclist on Dec 20th, 2010 at 12:40pm

the vote is soundly in favour of Bolt the champ

Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by Time on Dec 20th, 2010 at 12:41pm

chicken_lipsforme wrote on Dec 20th, 2010 at 11:24am:

Postmodern Trendoid III wrote on Dec 18th, 2010 at 5:40pm:

codswal wrote on Dec 18th, 2010 at 4:32pm:
As for your own "reasoning", you say he is "telling it how he sees it". Well, that counts for zero. Anyone capable of putting a couple sentences together can "tell it how he sees it".  If a 4 year old "tells us how he/she sees it" then that seems good enough for you, which, by default, utterly destroys any supposed superiority in Bolt's arguments.



hes a journalist he is paid as a journalist... if thats your take on it.. then that goes for every journalist that ever was..

get over yourself... do as I do.. dont read the ones you dont like...

he will never say what you lwant to hear...

that everything this govt does and has done is fantastic.isgreat. is showing great leadership..blah.blah.blah.

infact right now you will fin d it bloody hard to find one journalist on your side of the fence saying anything worthy of you will find it hard to find someone to read..

The very fact that Bolt is masquerading as a journalist is the problem. Bolt is subverting the chain of cause and effect to suit his political ends. To claim Gillard "has blood on her hands" is to make Gillard responsible for the weather, rough seas, rocks, crappy boats, the people on the aforementioned boat, and the smugglers. Where is the responsibility of those on the boat? and the smugglers? How can anyone be blamed for bad weather? Miss Anne Dryst couldn't answer this question and departed from this discussion once she had to contemplate using logic, rather than an aversion for someone (gillard).
Logic 101: having an aversion for something does not make that something responsible for the act in question. Are you intellectually honest? Or are you, like many others here, passing off your hatred for Gillard as if that amounts to any to anything when one epistemologically examines the chain of cause and effect?
If Gillard is responsible for this incident, then, using Bolt's own unique brand of "logic", Bolt is responsible for the deaths of innocents in the Iraq war.

AB warned the government some years ago regarding the potential ramifications of their reckless policy fiddling.
This has nothing whatsoever to do with Gillard being responsible for bad weather or bad boats etc, but it's EVERYTHING to do with the governments removal of a working policy only then to install a failed one.
And then stupidly wait until the problem is well out of hand before recognising that the problem has gotten away from them.
As if their weakening of the policy was ever going to have a different result.
So yes, this government because of it's inept incompetent handling of our border protection system now does have 'blood on it's hands'.
Because that boat would not have been there had the former governments border protection laws still been in force.

Why do you dissolve the responsibility of those on the boat and the smugglers?
Why doesn't Bolt use this particular brand of "reasoning" - blaming people 100 times removed from the act in question - for Liberal politicians and himself?
If Bolt cannot consistently apply this "logic" for all arguments that assign blame, then he has no credibility.
The argument of those claiming Gillard has "blood on her hands" is simple: Their hatred of Gillard is primary, only then do they look around and search for evidence to assign her with blame.

Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by Time on Dec 20th, 2010 at 12:43pm

codswal wrote on Dec 20th, 2010 at 12:39pm:

chicken_lipsforme wrote on Dec 20th, 2010 at 11:24am:

Postmodern Trendoid III wrote on Dec 18th, 2010 at 5:40pm:

codswal wrote on Dec 18th, 2010 at 4:32pm:
As for your own "reasoning", you say he is "telling it how he sees it". Well, that counts for zero. Anyone capable of putting a couple sentences together can "tell it how he sees it".  If a 4 year old "tells us how he/she sees it" then that seems good enough for you, which, by default, utterly destroys any supposed superiority in Bolt's arguments.



hes a journalist he is paid as a journalist... if thats your take on it.. then that goes for every journalist that ever was..

get over yourself... do as I do.. dont read the ones you dont like...

he will never say what you lwant to hear...

that everything this govt does and has done is fantastic.isgreat. is showing great leadership..blah.blah.blah.

infact right now you will fin d it bloody hard to find one journalist on your side of the fence saying anything worthy of you will find it hard to find someone to read..

The very fact that Bolt is masquerading as a journalist is the problem. Bolt is subverting the chain of cause and effect to suit his political ends. To claim Gillard "has blood on her hands" is to make Gillard responsible for the weather, rough seas, rocks, crappy boats, the people on the aforementioned boat, and the smugglers. Where is the responsibility of those on the boat? and the smugglers? How can anyone be blamed for bad weather? Miss Anne Dryst couldn't answer this question and departed from this discussion once she had to contemplate using logic, rather than an aversion for someone (gillard).
Logic 101: having an aversion for something does not make that something responsible for the act in question. Are you intellectually honest? Or are you, like many others here, passing off your hatred for Gillard as if that amounts to any to anything when one epistemologically examines the chain of cause and effect?
If Gillard is responsible for this incident, then, using Bolt's own unique brand of "logic", Bolt is responsible for the deaths of innocents in the Iraq war.

AB warned the government some years ago regarding the potential ramifications of their reckless policy fiddling.
This has nothing whatsoever to do with Gillard being responsible for bad weather or bad boats etc, but it's EVERYTHING to do with the governments removal of a working policy only then to install a failed one.
And then stupidly wait until the problem is well out of hand before recognising that the problem has gotten away from them.
As if their weakening of the policy was ever going to have a different result.
So yes, this government because of it's inept incompetent handling of our border protection system now does have 'blood on it's hands'.
Because that boat would not have been there had the former governments border protection laws still been in force.

chicken I dont know how many times that has been spelt out on this forum and others.. they just dont comprehend couldnt possibly have ANYTHING to do with rudd/gillards change of policy...we are dumb for imagining it???.. now we are told that a thriving people smuggling business has errupted overseas.. but again got nothing to do with our govts policies..

wish I knew who was to blame... cant be Howard this time round, can it??.... and its not rudd/gillard.. so WHO????  did cause this influx of over over 100 boats a year..

do you think it was that.. "Where the bloody hell are you"??? ad???

must have been!

And you keep ignoring the responsibility of those on the boat and the smugglers.
You've ingored answering this several times now.
Once people start dodging questions you know they are on the ropes.

Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by Time on Dec 20th, 2010 at 12:44pm

Sprintcyclist wrote on Dec 20th, 2010 at 12:40pm:
the vote is soundly in favour of Bolt the champ

Yeah, 'cause voting on a debate forum has everything to do with epistemology.  ::)

Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by chicken_lipsforme on Dec 20th, 2010 at 12:45pm

Postmodern Trendoid III wrote on Dec 20th, 2010 at 12:41pm:

chicken_lipsforme wrote on Dec 20th, 2010 at 11:24am:

Postmodern Trendoid III wrote on Dec 18th, 2010 at 5:40pm:

codswal wrote on Dec 18th, 2010 at 4:32pm:
As for your own "reasoning", you say he is "telling it how he sees it". Well, that counts for zero. Anyone capable of putting a couple sentences together can "tell it how he sees it".  If a 4 year old "tells us how he/she sees it" then that seems good enough for you, which, by default, utterly destroys any supposed superiority in Bolt's arguments.



hes a journalist he is paid as a journalist... if thats your take on it.. then that goes for every journalist that ever was..

get over yourself... do as I do.. dont read the ones you dont like...

he will never say what you lwant to hear...

that everything this govt does and has done is fantastic.isgreat. is showing great leadership..blah.blah.blah.

infact right now you will fin d it bloody hard to find one journalist on your side of the fence saying anything worthy of you will find it hard to find someone to read..

The very fact that Bolt is masquerading as a journalist is the problem. Bolt is subverting the chain of cause and effect to suit his political ends. To claim Gillard "has blood on her hands" is to make Gillard responsible for the weather, rough seas, rocks, crappy boats, the people on the aforementioned boat, and the smugglers. Where is the responsibility of those on the boat? and the smugglers? How can anyone be blamed for bad weather? Miss Anne Dryst couldn't answer this question and departed from this discussion once she had to contemplate using logic, rather than an aversion for someone (gillard).
Logic 101: having an aversion for something does not make that something responsible for the act in question. Are you intellectually honest? Or are you, like many others here, passing off your hatred for Gillard as if that amounts to any to anything when one epistemologically examines the chain of cause and effect?
If Gillard is responsible for this incident, then, using Bolt's own unique brand of "logic", Bolt is responsible for the deaths of innocents in the Iraq war.

AB warned the government some years ago regarding the potential ramifications of their reckless policy fiddling.
This has nothing whatsoever to do with Gillard being responsible for bad weather or bad boats etc, but it's EVERYTHING to do with the governments removal of a working policy only then to install a failed one.
And then stupidly wait until the problem is well out of hand before recognising that the problem has gotten away from them.
As if their weakening of the policy was ever going to have a different result.
So yes, this government because of it's inept incompetent handling of our border protection system now does have 'blood on it's hands'.
Because that boat would not have been there had the former governments border protection laws still been in force.

Why do you dissolve the responsibility of those on the boat and the smugglers?
Why doesn't Bolt use this particular brand of "reasoning" - blaming people 100 times removed from the act in question - for Liberal politicians and himself?
If Bolt cannot consistently apply this "logic" for all arguments that assign blame, then he has no credibility.
The argument of those claiming Gillard has "blood on her hands" is simple: Their hatred of Gillard is primary, only then do they look around and search for evidence to assign her with blame.

Because the smugglers will continue to choose Australia as their destination of choice whilst we have a weak government in.

Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by Time on Dec 20th, 2010 at 12:48pm

chicken_lipsforme wrote on Dec 20th, 2010 at 12:45pm:

Postmodern Trendoid III wrote on Dec 20th, 2010 at 12:41pm:

chicken_lipsforme wrote on Dec 20th, 2010 at 11:24am:

Postmodern Trendoid III wrote on Dec 18th, 2010 at 5:40pm:

codswal wrote on Dec 18th, 2010 at 4:32pm:
As for your own "reasoning", you say he is "telling it how he sees it". Well, that counts for zero. Anyone capable of putting a couple sentences together can "tell it how he sees it".  If a 4 year old "tells us how he/she sees it" then that seems good enough for you, which, by default, utterly destroys any supposed superiority in Bolt's arguments.



hes a journalist he is paid as a journalist... if thats your take on it.. then that goes for every journalist that ever was..

get over yourself... do as I do.. dont read the ones you dont like...

he will never say what you lwant to hear...

that everything this govt does and has done is fantastic.isgreat. is showing great leadership..blah.blah.blah.

infact right now you will fin d it bloody hard to find one journalist on your side of the fence saying anything worthy of you will find it hard to find someone to read..

The very fact that Bolt is masquerading as a journalist is the problem. Bolt is subverting the chain of cause and effect to suit his political ends. To claim Gillard "has blood on her hands" is to make Gillard responsible for the weather, rough seas, rocks, crappy boats, the people on the aforementioned boat, and the smugglers. Where is the responsibility of those on the boat? and the smugglers? How can anyone be blamed for bad weather? Miss Anne Dryst couldn't answer this question and departed from this discussion once she had to contemplate using logic, rather than an aversion for someone (gillard).
Logic 101: having an aversion for something does not make that something responsible for the act in question. Are you intellectually honest? Or are you, like many others here, passing off your hatred for Gillard as if that amounts to any to anything when one epistemologically examines the chain of cause and effect?
If Gillard is responsible for this incident, then, using Bolt's own unique brand of "logic", Bolt is responsible for the deaths of innocents in the Iraq war.

AB warned the government some years ago regarding the potential ramifications of their reckless policy fiddling.
This has nothing whatsoever to do with Gillard being responsible for bad weather or bad boats etc, but it's EVERYTHING to do with the governments removal of a working policy only then to install a failed one.
And then stupidly wait until the problem is well out of hand before recognising that the problem has gotten away from them.
As if their weakening of the policy was ever going to have a different result.
So yes, this government because of it's inept incompetent handling of our border protection system now does have 'blood on it's hands'.
Because that boat would not have been there had the former governments border protection laws still been in force.

Why do you dissolve the responsibility of those on the boat and the smugglers?
Why doesn't Bolt use this particular brand of "reasoning" - blaming people 100 times removed from the act in question - for Liberal politicians and himself?
If Bolt cannot consistently apply this "logic" for all arguments that assign blame, then he has no credibility.
The argument of those claiming Gillard has "blood on her hands" is simple: Their hatred of Gillard is primary, only then do they look around and search for evidence to assign her with blame.

Because the smugglers will continue to choose Australia as their destination of choice whilst we have a weak government in.

So they're effectively not responsible for what they do?
Wrong, they must take responsibility for their actions.

Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by gizmo_2655 on Dec 20th, 2010 at 1:05pm

"And you keep ignoring the responsibility of those on the boat and the smugglers.
You've ingored answering this several times now.
Once people start dodging questions you know they are on the ropes.[/quote]"

There is responsibilty on behalf of the smugglers and their clients, yes that's true....

However, the NUMBER of boat people means a shortage of seaworthy boats for the smugglers to use, which lead to the dreadful accident ...

And the NUMBER of people trying to reach Australia via the 'backdoor'
IS a direct result of the Labor policy and therefore Labor must share the blame equally with the smugglers...

Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by Jaykaye_09 on Dec 20th, 2010 at 1:16pm

gizmo_2655 wrote on Dec 20th, 2010 at 1:05pm:
And the NUMBER of people trying to reach Australia via the 'backdoor'
IS a direct result of the Labor policy and therefore Labor must share the blame equally with the smugglers...

Could you not also argue then, that the policies which led to both the conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan - which have had a SIGNIFICANT impact on the heightened number of people fleeing those countries - can also be partially blamed...

I get the arguments here, they're pretty simple i.e. the more boats that arrive, the more likely there is to be a serious accident.

However, the conclusions that some have been able to draw concerning a direct, and almost singular reason behind this tragedy really does boggle the mind.

Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by gizmo_2655 on Dec 20th, 2010 at 1:25pm
Sure you could, providing all or even most of the boat people were from one of those two countries.

The fairly relaxed immigration policy has more to do with the number of boats than the wars in those countries though, given that the fighting in those places has been going on for far longer than the spike in boat numbers..

Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by Jaykaye_09 on Dec 20th, 2010 at 1:33pm

gizmo_2655 wrote on Dec 20th, 2010 at 1:25pm:
Sure you could, providing all or even most of the boat people were from one of those two countries.

The fairly relaxed immigration policy has more to do with the number of boats than the wars in those countries though, given that the fighting in those places has been going on for far longer than the spike in boat numbers..

Seems the boat had Iraqi's, Kurds and Iranians on board.

I would question your second point too, if only due to similar rises being seen in other countries since the respective conflicts began.

Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by gizmo_2655 on Dec 20th, 2010 at 2:04pm
Yes, there've been more 'applications' for refugee status since the conflicts began....but how many have been 'sneak over the border illegally' and how many 'through channels'???

Because THAT is what the boats are..."sneak in under the radar", not legitimate requests...

Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by chicken_lipsforme on Dec 20th, 2010 at 2:06pm

Postmodern Trendoid III wrote on Dec 20th, 2010 at 12:48pm:

chicken_lipsforme wrote on Dec 20th, 2010 at 12:45pm:

Postmodern Trendoid III wrote on Dec 20th, 2010 at 12:41pm:

chicken_lipsforme wrote on Dec 20th, 2010 at 11:24am:

Postmodern Trendoid III wrote on Dec 18th, 2010 at 5:40pm:

codswal wrote on Dec 18th, 2010 at 4:32pm:
As for your own "reasoning", you say he is "telling it how he sees it". Well, that counts for zero. Anyone capable of putting a couple sentences together can "tell it how he sees it".  If a 4 year old "tells us how he/she sees it" then that seems good enough for you, which, by default, utterly destroys any supposed superiority in Bolt's arguments.



hes a journalist he is paid as a journalist... if thats your take on it.. then that goes for every journalist that ever was..

get over yourself... do as I do.. dont read the ones you dont like...

he will never say what you lwant to hear...

that everything this govt does and has done is fantastic.isgreat. is showing great leadership..blah.blah.blah.

infact right now you will fin d it bloody hard to find one journalist on your side of the fence saying anything worthy of you will find it hard to find someone to read..

The very fact that Bolt is masquerading as a journalist is the problem. Bolt is subverting the chain of cause and effect to suit his political ends. To claim Gillard "has blood on her hands" is to make Gillard responsible for the weather, rough seas, rocks, crappy boats, the people on the aforementioned boat, and the smugglers. Where is the responsibility of those on the boat? and the smugglers? How can anyone be blamed for bad weather? Miss Anne Dryst couldn't answer this question and departed from this discussion once she had to contemplate using logic, rather than an aversion for someone (gillard).
Logic 101: having an aversion for something does not make that something responsible for the act in question. Are you intellectually honest? Or are you, like many others here, passing off your hatred for Gillard as if that amounts to any to anything when one epistemologically examines the chain of cause and effect?
If Gillard is responsible for this incident, then, using Bolt's own unique brand of "logic", Bolt is responsible for the deaths of innocents in the Iraq war.

AB warned the government some years ago regarding the potential ramifications of their reckless policy fiddling.
This has nothing whatsoever to do with Gillard being responsible for bad weather or bad boats etc, but it's EVERYTHING to do with the governments removal of a working policy only then to install a failed one.
And then stupidly wait until the problem is well out of hand before recognising that the problem has gotten away from them.
As if their weakening of the policy was ever going to have a different result.
So yes, this government because of it's inept incompetent handling of our border protection system now does have 'blood on it's hands'.
Because that boat would not have been there had the former governments border protection laws still been in force.

Why do you dissolve the responsibility of those on the boat and the smugglers?
Why doesn't Bolt use this particular brand of "reasoning" - blaming people 100 times removed from the act in question - for Liberal politicians and himself?
If Bolt cannot consistently apply this "logic" for all arguments that assign blame, then he has no credibility.
The argument of those claiming Gillard has "blood on her hands" is simple: Their hatred of Gillard is primary, only then do they look around and search for evidence to assign her with blame.

Because the smugglers will continue to choose Australia as their destination of choice whilst we have a weak government in.

So they're effectively not responsible for what they do?
Wrong, they must take responsibility for their actions.

I couldn't agree more.
And Abbott calling for 10 year mandatory detention for the smugglers is something I have been calling for many years now.
This will certainly be one way the smugglers will take responsibilty for their actions and make them think twice about smuggling people into this country.
But make no mistake, the government by their incompetent actions have given the criminal gangs the green light to 'come on down'.
If the previous governments policy was not diluted, this tragedy would have been avoided.

Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by Jaykaye_09 on Dec 20th, 2010 at 2:10pm

gizmo_2655 wrote on Dec 20th, 2010 at 2:04pm:
Yes, there've been more 'applications' for refugee status since the conflicts began....but how many have been 'sneak over the border illegally' and how many 'through channels'???

Because THAT is what the boats are..."sneak in under the radar", not legitimate requests...

There are no legitimate channels if one wants to leave Iraq and/or Afghanistan.

Don't get me wrong, I'm no supporter of the ALP approach to supposedly illegal immigration, I just think the fervor with which some are approaching this, and the manner in which they are necessarily attributing blame, is a tad off balance.

Statements such as those above i.e. "If the previous governments policy was not diluted, this tragedy would have been avoided", really are borderline ridiculous and do no justice to the actual complexities of the issue.

Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by skippy. on Dec 20th, 2010 at 2:15pm

Because the smugglers will continue to choose Australia as their destination of choice whilst we have a weak government in.

If your assertion were correct why do Europe and the USA and Canada have so many more refugees than Australia? under your logic the whole western world is governed by weak government?

If Australia was invaded, the whingers would be the first ones out of here trying to get to a "safe" country, and I'd bet they wouldn't stop at PNG, that being our closest neighbour.

Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by sprintcyclist on Dec 20th, 2010 at 2:15pm
i'ld doubt a 10 year mandatory sentence would stop crims.

fly the illegal boat people back to where they came back the same day they arrive.
that'ld stop the customers coming to the crims.

make landing illegally in auss a bad thing.

Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by Jaykaye_09 on Dec 20th, 2010 at 2:18pm

skippy. wrote on Dec 20th, 2010 at 2:15pm:
[quote]under your logic the whole western world is governed by weak government?

You realise what you've just done, don't you?

Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by gizmo_2655 on Dec 20th, 2010 at 2:20pm
There are, however, a number of legitimate options for applying for residence in Australia AFTER you leave Iraq or Afghanistan, none of which involve 'people smugglers'...

Sorry Jaykaye,but once a person or family have managed to leave their country, any embassy that has an Australian mission wil accept applications for refugee status in Australia , which DOES include Indonesia and well as a number of countries between Iraq/Afghanistan and Indonesia...

Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by Jaykaye_09 on Dec 20th, 2010 at 2:29pm

gizmo_2655 wrote on Dec 20th, 2010 at 2:20pm:
There are, however, a number of legitimate options for applying for residence in Australia AFTER you leave Iraq or Afghanistan, none of which involve 'people smugglers'...

Sorry Jaykaye,but once a person or family have managed to leave their country, any embassy that has an Australian mission wil accept applications for refugee status in Australia , which DOES include Indonesia and well as a number of countries between Iraq/Afghanistan and Indonesia...

I think you're overestimating their patience (or quiet simply, their willingness to wait in unknown conditions) and means.

I mean, there's a huge discrepancy between what they're told to do, what presents itself as the best option, and what they should do.

Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by chicken_lipsforme on Dec 20th, 2010 at 2:42pm

Jaykaye_09 wrote on Dec 20th, 2010 at 2:10pm:

gizmo_2655 wrote on Dec 20th, 2010 at 2:04pm:
Yes, there've been more 'applications' for refugee status since the conflicts began....but how many have been 'sneak over the border illegally' and how many 'through channels'???

Because THAT is what the boats are..."sneak in under the radar", not legitimate requests...

There are no legitimate channels if one wants to leave Iraq and/or Afghanistan.

Don't get me wrong, I'm no supporter of the ALP approach to supposedly illegal immigration, I just think the fervor with which some are approaching this, and the manner in which they are necessarily attributing blame, is a tad off balance.

Statements such as those above i.e. "If the previous governments policy was not diluted, this tragedy would have been avoided", really are borderline ridiculous and do no justice to the actual complexities of the issue.

Do you find the thought that had only one boat only arrived this year as opposed to hundreds, then this tragedy would have been avoided too difficult a concept to understand then.
You really don't have to add complexity where their is none I'm afraid.
Because we have come from the high water mark of 1 boat arrival in a year, 5 detainees on Nauru with closed down detention centres on the Mainland.
The problem was Solved! Gone! History!
No more protests, sewing of lips nor the wailing of asylum seekers about being locked up for months because THEIR taxpayer funded lawyers have launched yet ANOTHER appeal because they didn't like the courts determination the last time around but they still have the balls to protest because of THEIR actions.
And how far have we sunk because of this governments gross incompetence, and you talk about complexities.

Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by chicken_lipsforme on Dec 20th, 2010 at 2:45pm

skippy. wrote on Dec 20th, 2010 at 2:15pm:

Because the smugglers will continue to choose Australia as their destination of choice whilst we have a weak government in.

If your assertion were correct why do Europe and the USA and Canada have so many more refugees than Australia? under your logic the whole western world is governed by weak government?

If Australia was invaded, the whingers would be the first ones out of here trying to get to a "safe" country, and I'd bet they wouldn't stop at PNG, that being our closest neighbour.

Because the USA & Europe accept more refugees than we do is why they have more.

Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by gizmo_2655 on Dec 20th, 2010 at 2:48pm

Jaykaye_09 wrote on Dec 20th, 2010 at 2:29pm:

gizmo_2655 wrote on Dec 20th, 2010 at 2:20pm:
There are, however, a number of legitimate options for applying for residence in Australia AFTER you leave Iraq or Afghanistan, none of which involve 'people smugglers'...

Sorry Jaykaye,but once a person or family have managed to leave their country, any embassy that has an Australian mission wil accept applications for refugee status in Australia , which DOES include Indonesia and well as a number of countries between Iraq/Afghanistan and Indonesia...

I think you're overestimating their patience (or quiet simply, their willingness to wait in unknown conditions) and means.

I mean, there's a huge discrepancy between what they're told to do, what presents itself as the best option, and what they should do.

Perhaps I am, but there is still a choice between obeying the rules, and breaking the rules..

Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by chicken_lipsforme on Dec 20th, 2010 at 2:49pm

Sprintcyclist wrote on Dec 20th, 2010 at 2:15pm:
i'ld doubt a 10 year mandatory sentence would stop crims.

fly the illegal boat people back to where they came back the same day they arrive.
that'ld stop the customers coming to the crims.

make landing illegally in auss a bad thing.

Well sure as hell a two year stint eating three square meals a day, free Pay TV, gymnasium, Internet and free English lessons isn't doing it.
Some of these boats crews are back here for a second stint according to a 60 minutes report early last year.
The people interviewed stated that our justice system provided no deterrent.

Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by skippy. on Dec 20th, 2010 at 2:58pm

chicken_lipsforme wrote on Dec 20th, 2010 at 2:45pm:

skippy. wrote on Dec 20th, 2010 at 2:15pm:

Because the smugglers will continue to choose Australia as their destination of choice whilst we have a weak government in.

If your assertion were correct why do Europe and the USA and Canada have so many more refugees than Australia? under your logic the whole western world is governed by weak government?

If Australia was invaded, the whingers would be the first ones out of here trying to get to a "safe" country, and I'd bet they wouldn't stop at PNG, that being our closest neighbour.

Because the USA & Europe accept more refugees than we do is why they have more.

Why is that? why do we accept so few?

Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by codswal on Dec 20th, 2010 at 3:07pm
So they're effectively not responsible for what they do?
Wrong, they must take responsibility for their actions.  
Back to top  

so time what do you think we australia should do about criminals in other peoples countries?????...

aka the people smugglers...we agree these people have a lot to answer! I am not in agreement they are the soul responsibility for this tragedy. but I am at a loss as to see what on earth we a s a country can do about them... we are paying Indonesia huge sums some disguised. as education funding.. and so forth...but in fact it is supposed to put a stop to this business once and for all..

so tell me if you can what should we be doing???????????????????

as you are very insistent gillard cant do anything.. and by the sound of things shouldnt have too

Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by codswal on Dec 20th, 2010 at 3:10pm

Dnarever wrote on Dec 20th, 2010 at 11:46am:

codswal wrote on Dec 19th, 2010 at 7:07am:
he is also on TV quite a bit dnare.. so his opinions must count for something... objectivity... do you really know anyone that is THAT objective?. well to the standards that you believe in anyway.

Nobody is fully objective.

But few show so little objectivity either.

I journalist is meant to by trying to show as balanced a view as possible if they want to maintain that status.

Over a decade of deliberate biased writing fails to meet the required standard in my view.

Its no big deal really but this does undermine credability.

When I read a few of these guys I often identify articals which could easily have been writen critical of Labor before the event
and then tailored to meet the story of the day.

The intent to write something critical of labor is present before the story or event which will make up the story.

With these articles the question is not if the writer is going to critisise Labor today but how is he going to critisise Labor today.

A pretty grubby form of artivcle writing I would say.

trouble is dnare there


it might be grubby from your standing I can understand that... I mean hardly anything they have done has been a raging success has it?

Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by aussiefree2ride on Dec 20th, 2010 at 3:11pm

skippy. wrote on Dec 20th, 2010 at 2:58pm:

chicken_lipsforme wrote on Dec 20th, 2010 at 2:45pm:

skippy. wrote on Dec 20th, 2010 at 2:15pm:

Because the smugglers will continue to choose Australia as their destination of choice whilst we have a weak government in.

If your assertion were correct why do Europe and the USA and Canada have so many more refugees than Australia? under your logic the whole western world is governed by weak government?

If Australia was invaded, the whingers would be the first ones out of here trying to get to a "safe" country, and I'd bet they wouldn't stop at PNG, that being our closest neighbour.

Because the USA & Europe accept more refugees than we do is why they have more.

Why is that? why do we accept so few?

How many people do you suppose would love to come to Australia?  Two billion? Three billion?

Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by skippy. on Dec 20th, 2010 at 3:13pm
Why doesn't Australia take its "fair share" of these people, considering our actions in invading their countries are one of the major reasons they need to flee their homes.

Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by bwood1946 on Dec 20th, 2010 at 3:16pm

skippy. wrote on Dec 20th, 2010 at 3:13pm:
Why doesn't Australia take its "fair share" of these people, considering our actions in invading their countries are one of the major reasons they need to flee their homes.

Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by aussiefree2ride on Dec 20th, 2010 at 3:18pm

skippy. wrote on Dec 20th, 2010 at 3:13pm:
Why doesn't Australia take its "fair share" of these people, considering our actions in invading their countries are one of the major reasons they need to flee their homes.

Ahhh, so they`re all Iraqi terrorists, or Taliban killers that were displaced by our action against them?  That being the case, you needn`t wonder why they`re not wanted here.

Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by skippy. on Dec 20th, 2010 at 3:19pm
We're a rich country, the international monetary fund has us at 6th in the world per capita, the world bank has us at 9th.
Why dont we do our share?

Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by bwood1946 on Dec 20th, 2010 at 3:20pm

skippy. wrote on Dec 20th, 2010 at 3:19pm:
We're a rich country, the international monetary fund has us at 6th in the world per capita, the world bank has us at 9th.
Why dont we do our share?

Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by Soren on Dec 20th, 2010 at 3:21pm

skippy. wrote on Dec 20th, 2010 at 3:13pm:
Why doesn't Australia take its "fair share" of these people, considering our actions in invading their countries are one of the major reasons they need to flee their homes.

There were a lot even before the shooting started in October 2001 in Afghanista and March 2003 in Iraq.
Here's the graph from the Parliament House library:

Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by skippy. on Dec 20th, 2010 at 3:22pm

aussiefree2ride wrote on Dec 20th, 2010 at 3:18pm:

skippy. wrote on Dec 20th, 2010 at 3:13pm:
Why doesn't Australia take its "fair share" of these people, considering our actions in invading their countries are one of the major reasons they need to flee their homes.

Ahhh, so they`re all Iraqi terrorists, or Taliban killers that were displaced by our action against them?  That being the case, you needn`t wonder why they`re not wanted here.

So according to YOU, everyone from Iraq is a terrorist and everyone from Afghanistan is a member of the Taliban. You need to get out more, pops.

Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by aussiefree2ride on Dec 20th, 2010 at 3:26pm

skippy. wrote on Dec 20th, 2010 at 3:22pm:

aussiefree2ride wrote on Dec 20th, 2010 at 3:18pm:

skippy. wrote on Dec 20th, 2010 at 3:13pm:
Why doesn't Australia take its "fair share" of these people, considering our actions in invading their countries are one of the major reasons they need to flee their homes.

Ahhh, so they`re all Iraqi terrorists, or Taliban killers that were displaced by our action against them?  That being the case, you needn`t wonder why they`re not wanted here.

So according to YOU, everyone from Iraq is a terrorist and everyone from Afghanistan is a member of the Taliban. You need to get out more, pops.

I said nothing of the sort. Your feeble marsupial mind has once again misconstrued, and totally ballsed up the simplest of notions.  The wiring in your head must be strikingly similar to that of a trip hammer.

Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by skippy. on Dec 20th, 2010 at 3:28pm

Soren wrote on Dec 20th, 2010 at 3:21pm:

skippy. wrote on Dec 20th, 2010 at 3:13pm:
Why doesn't Australia take its "fair share" of these people, considering our actions in invading their countries are one of the major reasons they need to flee their homes.

There were a lot even before the shooting started in October 2001 in Afghanista and March 2003 in Iraq.
Here's the graph from the Parliament House library:

and your point? we take way less than our fair share compered to Europe and the USA or even Canada, why?
We are the 6th richest nation in the world, per capita,according to the international monetary fund, but come in at 77th in terms of refugees per gross domestic product per capita. In real terms, this is 1.1 refugee per 1000 inhabitants and 0.6 refugees per GDP per capita.

Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by skippy. on Dec 20th, 2010 at 3:30pm

aussiefree2ride wrote on Dec 20th, 2010 at 3:26pm:

skippy. wrote on Dec 20th, 2010 at 3:22pm:

aussiefree2ride wrote on Dec 20th, 2010 at 3:18pm:

skippy. wrote on Dec 20th, 2010 at 3:13pm:
Why doesn't Australia take its "fair share" of these people, considering our actions in invading their countries are one of the major reasons they need to flee their homes.

Ahhh, so they`re all Iraqi terrorists, or Taliban killers that were displaced by our action against them?  That being the case, you needn`t wonder why they`re not wanted here.

So according to YOU, everyone from Iraq is a terrorist and everyone from Afghanistan is a member of the Taliban. You need to get out more, pops.

I said nothing of the sort. Your feeble marsupial mind has once again misconstrued, and totally ballsed up the simplest of notions.  The wiring in your head must be strikingly similar to that of a trip hammer.

fcck off troll, your grandpa spittle is dribbling out of the side of your mouth again, not a good look ,gramps.

Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by aussiefree2ride on Dec 20th, 2010 at 3:32pm

skippy. wrote on Dec 20th, 2010 at 3:30pm:

aussiefree2ride wrote on Dec 20th, 2010 at 3:26pm:

skippy. wrote on Dec 20th, 2010 at 3:22pm:

aussiefree2ride wrote on Dec 20th, 2010 at 3:18pm:

skippy. wrote on Dec 20th, 2010 at 3:13pm:
Why doesn't Australia take its "fair share" of these people, considering our actions in invading their countries are one of the major reasons they need to flee their homes.

Ahhh, so they`re all Iraqi terrorists, or Taliban killers that were displaced by our action against them?  That being the case, you needn`t wonder why they`re not wanted here.

So according to YOU, everyone from Iraq is a terrorist and everyone from Afghanistan is a member of the Taliban. You need to get out more, pops.

I said nothing of the sort. Your feeble marsupial mind has once again misconstrued, and totally ballsed up the simplest of notions.  The wiring in your head must be strikingly similar to that of a trip hammer.

fcck off troll, your grandpa spittle is dribbling out of the side of your mouth again, not a good look ,gramps.

I hate the school holidays. Dippy you are a very bad example for the little kids.  Now they`re going to think that all wallabies are ferkwits!

Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by gizmo_2655 on Dec 20th, 2010 at 3:33pm

skippy. wrote on Dec 20th, 2010 at 3:13pm:
Why doesn't Australia take its "fair share" of these people, considering our actions in invading their countries are one of the major reasons they need to flee their homes.

What exactly IS our 'share'??

We take 13,770 per many are we supposed to take per year??

Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by skippy. on Dec 20th, 2010 at 3:34pm

aussiefree2ride wrote on Dec 20th, 2010 at 3:32pm:

skippy. wrote on Dec 20th, 2010 at 3:30pm:

aussiefree2ride wrote on Dec 20th, 2010 at 3:26pm:

skippy. wrote on Dec 20th, 2010 at 3:22pm:

aussiefree2ride wrote on Dec 20th, 2010 at 3:18pm:

skippy. wrote on Dec 20th, 2010 at 3:13pm:
Why doesn't Australia take its "fair share" of these people, considering our actions in invading their countries are one of the major reasons they need to flee their homes.

Ahhh, so they`re all Iraqi terrorists, or Taliban killers that were displaced by our action against them?  That being the case, you needn`t wonder why they`re not wanted here.

So according to YOU, everyone from Iraq is a terrorist and everyone from Afghanistan is a member of the Taliban. You need to get out more, pops.

I said nothing of the sort. Your feeble marsupial mind has once again misconstrued, and totally ballsed up the simplest of notions.  The wiring in your head must be strikingly similar to that of a trip hammer.

fcck off troll, your grandpa spittle is dribbling out of the side of your mouth again, not a good look ,gramps.

I hate the school holidays.

At your age you wont have to endure to many more, sucked in.

Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by sprintcyclist on Dec 20th, 2010 at 3:37pm

andrew bolt surges ahead on the biased leftard poll

go suck

Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by aussiefree2ride on Dec 20th, 2010 at 3:39pm

Sprintcyclist wrote on Dec 20th, 2010 at 3:37pm:
andrew bolt surges ahead on the biased leftard poll

go suck

Is it possible to post a more deadshit poll?

Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by skippy. on Dec 20th, 2010 at 3:39pm

gizmo_2655 wrote on Dec 20th, 2010 at 3:33pm:

skippy. wrote on Dec 20th, 2010 at 3:13pm:
Why doesn't Australia take its "fair share" of these people, considering our actions in invading their countries are one of the major reasons they need to flee their homes.

What exactly IS our 'share'??

We take 13,770 per many are we supposed to take per year??

The Department of Immigration website indicates that as at June 26, there were 4116 people in immigration detention. In terms of global rankings, Australia comes in at 68th in terms of refugees per 1000 inhabitants and 77th in terms of refugees per gross domestic product per capita. In real terms, this is 1.1 refugee per 1000 inhabitants and 0.6 refugees per GDP per capita.

Hardly our fair share at 68th in terms of refugees per 1000 inhabitants ,when we are the 6th richest per capita.

Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by Soren on Dec 20th, 2010 at 3:40pm

skippy. wrote on Dec 20th, 2010 at 3:28pm:

Soren wrote on Dec 20th, 2010 at 3:21pm:

skippy. wrote on Dec 20th, 2010 at 3:13pm:
Why doesn't Australia take its "fair share" of these people, considering our actions in invading their countries are one of the major reasons they need to flee their homes.

There were a lot even before the shooting started in October 2001 in Afghanista and March 2003 in Iraq.
Here's the graph from the Parliament House library:

and your point? we take way less than our fair share compered to Europe and the USA or even Canada, why?
We are the 6th richest nation in the world, per capita,according to the international monetary fund, but come in at 77th in terms of refugees per gross domestic product per capita. In real terms, this is 1.1 refugee per 1000 inhabitants and 0.6 refugees per GDP per capita.

ANd my point? We do not have a 'fair share' of illegal arrivals,  we do not have to take any. They are not here as a conseqence of AUstralia's participation in the wars. We have not invaded Sri Lanka or Iran but half the dead off Christmas Island were Iranians.

There is no link between being a rich nation and being a destination for boats. Kuwait, Singapore, Brunai, Japan, the UAE are not taking refugees even though they are richer than us.

Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by aussiefree2ride on Dec 20th, 2010 at 3:42pm

skippy. wrote on Dec 20th, 2010 at 3:39pm:

gizmo_2655 wrote on Dec 20th, 2010 at 3:33pm:

skippy. wrote on Dec 20th, 2010 at 3:13pm:
Why doesn't Australia take its "fair share" of these people, considering our actions in invading their countries are one of the major reasons they need to flee their homes.

What exactly IS our 'share'??

We take 13,770 per many are we supposed to take per year??

The Department of Immigration website indicates that as at June 26, there were 4116 people in immigration detention. In terms of global rankings, Australia comes in at 68th in terms of refugees per 1000 inhabitants and 77th in terms of refugees per gross domestic product per capita. In real terms, this is 1.1 refugee per 1000 inhabitants and 0.6 refugees per GDP per capita.

Hardly our fair share at 68th per 1000 refos ,when we are the 6th richest per capita.

Wallabys never specialise in maths, now I can see why.

Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by aussiefree2ride on Dec 20th, 2010 at 3:44pm

Soren wrote on Dec 20th, 2010 at 3:40pm:

skippy. wrote on Dec 20th, 2010 at 3:28pm:

Soren wrote on Dec 20th, 2010 at 3:21pm:

skippy. wrote on Dec 20th, 2010 at 3:13pm:
Why doesn't Australia take its "fair share" of these people, considering our actions in invading their countries are one of the major reasons they need to flee their homes.

There were a lot even before the shooting started in October 2001 in Afghanista and March 2003 in Iraq.
Here's the graph from the Parliament House library:

and your point? we take way less than our fair share compered to Europe and the USA or even Canada, why?
We are the 6th richest nation in the world, per capita,according to the international monetary fund, but come in at 77th in terms of refugees per gross domestic product per capita. In real terms, this is 1.1 refugee per 1000 inhabitants and 0.6 refugees per GDP per capita.

ANd my point? We do not have a 'fair share' of illegal arrivals,  we do not have to take any. They are not here as a conseqence of AUstralia's participation in the wars. We have not invaded Sri Lanka or Iran but half the dead off Christmas Island were Iranians.

There is no link between being a rich nation and being a destination for boats. Kuwait, Singapore, Brunai, Japan, the UAE are not taking refugees even though they are richer than us.

Please don`t confuse the wobbly wallaby. It hops around in circles & drives everyone nuts. Belongs in a crab pot.

Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by skippy. on Dec 20th, 2010 at 3:51pm

Soren wrote on Dec 20th, 2010 at 3:40pm:

skippy. wrote on Dec 20th, 2010 at 3:28pm:

Soren wrote on Dec 20th, 2010 at 3:21pm:

skippy. wrote on Dec 20th, 2010 at 3:13pm:
Why doesn't Australia take its "fair share" of these people, considering our actions in invading their countries are one of the major reasons they need to flee their homes.

There were a lot even before the shooting started in October 2001 in Afghanista and March 2003 in Iraq.
Here's the graph from the Parliament House library:

and your point? we take way less than our fair share compered to Europe and the USA or even Canada, why?
We are the 6th richest nation in the world, per capita,according to the international monetary fund, but come in at 77th in terms of refugees per gross domestic product per capita. In real terms, this is 1.1 refugee per 1000 inhabitants and 0.6 refugees per GDP per capita.

ANd my point? We do not have a 'fair share' of illegal arrivals,  we do not have to take any. They are not here as a conseqence of AUstralia's participation in the wars. We have not invaded Sri Lanka or Iran but half the dead off Christmas Island were Iranians.

There is no link between being a rich nation and being a destination for boats. Kuwait, Singapore, Brunai, Japan, the UAE are not taking refugees even though they are richer than us.

International Monetary Fund (2010)[1] World Bank (2009)[2] CIA World Factbook[3]
Rank Country US$
1  Luxembourg 104,390
2  Norway 84,543
3  Qatar[4] 74,422
4  Switzerland 67,074
5  Denmark 55,113
6  Australia 54,869
7  Sweden 47,667

Wrong again ,swallow, none of those countries are richer than Aus per capita.Not according to the international monetary fund.

Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by gizmo_2655 on Dec 20th, 2010 at 3:56pm

skippy. wrote on Dec 20th, 2010 at 3:39pm:

gizmo_2655 wrote on Dec 20th, 2010 at 3:33pm:

skippy. wrote on Dec 20th, 2010 at 3:13pm:
Why doesn't Australia take its "fair share" of these people, considering our actions in invading their countries are one of the major reasons they need to flee their homes.

What exactly IS our 'share'??

We take 13,770 per many are we supposed to take per year??

The Department of Immigration website indicates that as at June 26, there were 4116 people in immigration detention. In terms of global rankings, Australia comes in at 68th in terms of refugees per 1000 inhabitants and 77th in terms of refugees per gross domestic product per capita. In real terms, this is 1.1 refugee per 1000 inhabitants and 0.6 refugees per GDP per capita.

Hardly our fair share at 68th in terms of refugees per 1000 inhabitants ,when we are the 6th richest per capita.

And per head of population, NOT by dollars per capita?...

Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by skippy. on Dec 20th, 2010 at 4:38pm

gizmo_2655 wrote on Dec 20th, 2010 at 3:56pm:

skippy. wrote on Dec 20th, 2010 at 3:39pm:

gizmo_2655 wrote on Dec 20th, 2010 at 3:33pm:

skippy. wrote on Dec 20th, 2010 at 3:13pm:
Why doesn't Australia take its "fair share" of these people, considering our actions in invading their countries are one of the major reasons they need to flee their homes.

What exactly IS our 'share'??

We take 13,770 per many are we supposed to take per year??

The Department of Immigration website indicates that as at June 26, there were 4116 people in immigration detention. In terms of global rankings, Australia comes in at 68th in terms of refugees per 1000 inhabitants and 77th in terms of refugees per gross domestic product per capita. In real terms, this is 1.1 refugee per 1000 inhabitants and 0.6 refugees per GDP per capita.

Hardly our fair share at 68th in terms of refugees per 1000 inhabitants ,when we are the 6th richest per capita.

And per head of population, NOT by dollars per capita?...

not much better ,we come in at 42nd.

Immigration Statistics > Refugees (per capita) (most recent) by country
VIEW DATA:    Totals     Per capita  
Definition     Source      Printable version    

    Bar Graph     Map  

Showing latest available data. Rank   Countries    Amount    
# 42    Australia: 3.19064 per 1,000 people  

#3 plus a baby bump per 1000. 42nd in the world, and most of the countries ahead of us are much poorer.
Kinda kills the idea of refugees trying to hunt out a rich nation.

Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by Soren on Dec 20th, 2010 at 4:50pm

skippy. wrote on Dec 20th, 2010 at 3:51pm:

Soren wrote on Dec 20th, 2010 at 3:40pm:

skippy. wrote on Dec 20th, 2010 at 3:28pm:

Soren wrote on Dec 20th, 2010 at 3:21pm:

skippy. wrote on Dec 20th, 2010 at 3:13pm:
Why doesn't Australia take its "fair share" of these people, considering our actions in invading their countries are one of the major reasons they need to flee their homes.

There were a lot even before the shooting started in October 2001 in Afghanista and March 2003 in Iraq.
Here's the graph from the Parliament House library:

and your point? we take way less than our fair share compered to Europe and the USA or even Canada, why?
We are the 6th richest nation in the world, per capita,according to the international monetary fund, but come in at 77th in terms of refugees per gross domestic product per capita. In real terms, this is 1.1 refugee per 1000 inhabitants and 0.6 refugees per GDP per capita.

ANd my point? We do not have a 'fair share' of illegal arrivals,  we do not have to take any. They are not here as a conseqence of AUstralia's participation in the wars. We have not invaded Sri Lanka or Iran but half the dead off Christmas Island were Iranians.

There is no link between being a rich nation and being a destination for boats. Kuwait, Singapore, Brunai, Japan, the UAE are not taking refugees even though they are richer than us.

International Monetary Fund (2010)[1] World Bank (2009)[2] CIA World Factbook[3]
Rank Country US$
1  Luxembourg 104,390
2  Norway 84,543
3  Qatar[4] 74,422
4  Switzerland 67,074
5  Denmark 55,113
6  Australia 54,869
7  Sweden 47,667

Wrong again ,swallow, none of those countries are richer than Aus per capita.Not according to the international monetary fund.

Don't be autistic with your lists. The point is that there is no link between being a rich nation and being a destination for boats, you little red cock-fantasist devil.  Big numbers may meshmerise you but it DOESN'T matter how rich a country is, it does not have to take anybody entering illegally.

BTW, CIA factbook you quote actually shows Australia as the 17th. But the point is that it is irrelevant. By your stupid reckoning, Bermuda, for example, should take a LOT MORE of those boats... Maybe they do, we just never hear from them again.

Rank Country Intl. $ Year
1  Liechtenstein 122,100 2007 est.
2  Qatar 121,700 2009 est.
3  Luxembourg 78,000 2009 est.
—  Bermuda 69,900 2004 est.
4  Norway 58,600 2009 est.
—  Jersey 57,000 2005 est.
5  Kuwait 54,100 2009 est.
6  Singapore 50,300 2009 est.
7  Brunei 50,100 2009 est.
—  Faroe Islands 48,200 2008 est.
8  United States 46,400 2009 est.
9  Andorra 44,900 2008
—  Guernsey 44,600 2005
—  Cayman Islands 43,800 2004 est.
—  Hong Kong 42,700 2009 est.
10  Ireland 42,200 2009 est.
11  United Arab Emirates 42,000 2009 est.
12  San Marino 41,900 2007
13  Switzerland 41,700 2009 est.
14  Iceland 39,600 2009 est.
15  Austria 39,400 2009 est.
16  Netherlands 39,200 2009 est.
17  Australia 38,800 2009 est

Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by caterpillar on Dec 20th, 2010 at 4:57pm
I've got a feeling the Japanese don't take in many refugees.

Ethnic groups        98.5% Japanese, 0.5% Korean, 0.4% Chinese, 0.6% other

According to the UNHCR, in 2007 Japan accepted just 41 refugees for resettlement, while the United States took in 50,000

How are those pricks doing these days anyway? I mean without the wonderful enrichment that Sudanese, Pakistanis and Tamils bring, their country must be an absolute MESS. :o

I'm so glad our government is looking out for our welfare. I'm always thinking, every single day, that we have an absolutely awful problem with Dubbo. We just don't have enough Somalis in our town! Come to think of it, we don't have enough Cambodians or Guatemalans either. We really need somebody to correct this problem. I'm glad our government is taking the initative.

Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by skippy. on Dec 20th, 2010 at 5:04pm

Soren wrote on Dec 20th, 2010 at 4:50pm:

skippy. wrote on Dec 20th, 2010 at 3:51pm:

Soren wrote on Dec 20th, 2010 at 3:40pm:

skippy. wrote on Dec 20th, 2010 at 3:28pm:

Soren wrote on Dec 20th, 2010 at 3:21pm:

skippy. wrote on Dec 20th, 2010 at 3:13pm:
Why doesn't Australia take its "fair share" of these people, considering our actions in invading their countries are one of the major reasons they need to flee their homes.

There were a lot even before the shooting started in October 2001 in Afghanista and March 2003 in Iraq.
Here's the graph from the Parliament House library:

and your point? we take way less than our fair share compered to Europe and the USA or even Canada, why?
We are the 6th richest nation in the world, per capita,according to the international monetary fund, but come in at 77th in terms of refugees per gross domestic product per capita. In real terms, this is 1.1 refugee per 1000 inhabitants and 0.6 refugees per GDP per capita.

ANd my point? We do not have a 'fair share' of illegal arrivals,  we do not have to take any. They are not here as a conseqence of AUstralia's participation in the wars. We have not invaded Sri Lanka or Iran but half the dead off Christmas Island were Iranians.

There is no link between being a rich nation and being a destination for boats. Kuwait, Singapore, Brunai, Japan, the UAE are not taking refugees even though they are richer than us.

International Monetary Fund (2010)[1] World Bank (2009)[2] CIA World Factbook[3]
Rank Country US$
1  Luxembourg 104,390
2  Norway 84,543
3  Qatar[4] 74,422
4  Switzerland 67,074
5  Denmark 55,113
6  Australia 54,869
7  Sweden 47,667

Wrong again ,swallow, none of those countries are richer than Aus per capita.Not according to the international monetary fund.

Don't be autistic with your lists. The point is that there is no link between being a rich nation and being a destination for boats, you little red cock-fantasist devil.  Big numbers may meshmerise you but it DOESN'T matter how rich a country is, it does not have to take anybody entering illegally.

BTW, CIA factbook you quote actually shows Australia as the 17th. But the point is that it is irrelevant. By your stupid reckoning, Bermuda, for example, should take a LOT MORE of those boats... Maybe they do, we just never hear from them again.

Rank Country Intl. $ Year
1  Liechtenstein 122,100 2007 est.
2  Qatar 121,700 2009 est.
3  Luxembourg 78,000 2009 est.
—  Bermuda 69,900 2004 est.
4  Norway 58,600 2009 est.
—  Jersey 57,000 2005 est.
5  Kuwait 54,100 2009 est.
6  Singapore 50,300 2009 est.
7  Brunei 50,100 2009 est.
—  Faroe Islands 48,200 2008 est.
8  United States 46,400 2009 est.
9  Andorra 44,900 2008
—  Guernsey 44,600 2005
—  Cayman Islands 43,800 2004 est.
—  Hong Kong 42,700 2009 est.
10  Ireland 42,200 2009 est.
11  United Arab Emirates 42,000 2009 est.
12  San Marino 41,900 2007
13  Switzerland 41,700 2009 est.
14  Iceland 39,600 2009 est.
15  Austria 39,400 2009 est.
16  Netherlands 39,200 2009 est.
17  Australia 38,800 2009 est

Wrong again swallow, I was quoting the international monetary fund, but if you want to quote CIA fact book, Aus is 10th on the list of wealth per capita, which is the stat I have been quoting all afternoon, You really need to stop swallowing.

Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by caterpillar on Dec 20th, 2010 at 5:06pm
Did the thought ever occur to you that maybe having a small refugee intake is probably a way better thing than having a large one?

Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by codswal on Dec 20th, 2010 at 5:51pm

JC Denton wrote on Dec 20th, 2010 at 5:06pm:
Did the thought ever occur to you that maybe having a small refugee intake is probably a way better thing than having a large one?

one of the things that went through my mind... is what about the countries these folks are leaving... what is going on there..are they becoming empty? or being left to the criminals?. or the armies.. I mean thats a lot of refugees every year leaving.

I am almost sure not too many migrants are pouring into these countries. but this regugee movement, seems to be a growing one getting bigger by the day.. so is anything being done to make it better for these folks to remain in their own countries..instead of begging other countries to take in more and more.wont there be a huge imbalance eventually

Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by Soren on Dec 20th, 2010 at 8:56pm

skippy. wrote on Dec 20th, 2010 at 5:04pm:
the list of wealth per capita, which is the stat I have been quoting all afternoon, You really need to stop swallowing.

Dreaming of d!cks is what you have been spending your afternoon with, as usual. You stopped fantasising just long enough to search Wiki and banged in the fisrt table you found without thinking (no surprise there) or understanding what you were looking at.

Have a look at the statistics, you semi-literate prole. Warning - it's not Wiki and you may have to let go of your d!ck for a little while to scratch your head.

Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by Miss Anne Dryst on Dec 20th, 2010 at 9:19pm

Soren wrote on Dec 20th, 2010 at 8:56pm:

skippy. wrote on Dec 20th, 2010 at 5:04pm:
the list of wealth per capita, which is the stat I have been quoting all afternoon, You really need to stop swallowing.

Dreaming of d!cks is what you have been spending your afternoon with, as usual. You stopped fantasising just long enough to search Wiki and banged in the fisrt table you found without thinking (no surprise there) or understanding what you were looking at.

Have a look at the statistics, you semi-literate prole. Warning - it's not Wiki and you may have to let go of your d!ck for a little while to scratch your head.

LOL very good Soren.

Maybe he was trying to "stretch" his point - just a tad.

little-finger-pinkie-hand-gesture_005.jpg (16 KB | 37 )

Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by skippy. on Dec 21st, 2010 at 7:54am

Miss Anne Dryst wrote on Dec 20th, 2010 at 9:19pm:

Soren wrote on Dec 20th, 2010 at 8:56pm:

skippy. wrote on Dec 20th, 2010 at 5:04pm:
the list of wealth per capita, which is the stat I have been quoting all afternoon, You really need to stop swallowing.

Dreaming of d!cks is what you have been spending your afternoon with, as usual. You stopped fantasising just long enough to search Wiki and banged in the fisrt table you found without thinking (no surprise there) or understanding what you were looking at.

Have a look at the statistics, you semi-literate prole. Warning - it's not Wiki and you may have to let go of your d!ck for a little while to scratch your head.

LOL very good Soren.

Maybe he was trying to "stretch" his point - just a tad.

Thanks for your input mellie, but I told you I don't do slappers, find someone else to haunt.

Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by skippy. on Dec 21st, 2010 at 7:58am

Soren wrote on Dec 20th, 2010 at 8:56pm:

skippy. wrote on Dec 20th, 2010 at 5:04pm:
the list of wealth per capita, which is the stat I have been quoting all afternoon, You really need to stop swallowing.

Dreaming of d!cks is what you have been spending your afternoon with, as usual. You stopped fantasising just long enough to search Wiki and banged in the fisrt table you found without thinking (no surprise there) or understanding what you were looking at.

Have a look at the statistics, you semi-literate prole. Warning - it's not Wiki and you may have to let go of your d!ck for a little while to scratch your head.

Hey thanks for your links swallower, In fact  I used nationmaster as my source that shows Australia at 42 on the list I provided for gizmo of refugees per capita. You always were a bit slow though.

Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by chicken_lipsforme on Dec 21st, 2010 at 8:20am

skippy. wrote on Dec 20th, 2010 at 3:39pm:

gizmo_2655 wrote on Dec 20th, 2010 at 3:33pm:

skippy. wrote on Dec 20th, 2010 at 3:13pm:
Why doesn't Australia take its "fair share" of these people, considering our actions in invading their countries are one of the major reasons they need to flee their homes.

What exactly IS our 'share'??

We take 13,770 per many are we supposed to take per year??

The Department of Immigration website indicates that as at June 26, there were 4116 people in immigration detention. In terms of global rankings, Australia comes in at 68th in terms of refugees per 1000 inhabitants and 77th in terms of refugees per gross domestic product per capita. In real terms, this is 1.1 refugee per 1000 inhabitants and 0.6 refugees per GDP per capita.

Hardly our fair share at 68th in terms of refugees per 1000 inhabitants ,when we are the 6th richest per capita.

The numbers mean little when most countries in our region with the obvious exception of NZ take in zero eh.

Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by aussiefree2ride on Dec 21st, 2010 at 8:27am

Soren wrote on Dec 20th, 2010 at 8:56pm:

skippy. wrote on Dec 20th, 2010 at 5:04pm:
the list of wealth per capita, which is the stat I have been quoting all afternoon, You really need to stop swallowing.

Dreaming of d!cks is what you have been spending your afternoon with, as usual. You stopped fantasising just long enough to search Wiki and banged in the fisrt table you found without thinking (no surprise there) or understanding what you were looking at.

Have a look at the statistics, you semi-literate prole. Warning - it's not Wiki and you may have to let go of your d!ck for a little while to scratch your head.

Yep it`s a dick dreaming Wiki tripper alright. That naughty Andrew Bolt doesn`t publish enough cartoons for the dip shitster either.

Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by skippy. on Dec 21st, 2010 at 8:31am

chicken_lipsforme wrote on Dec 21st, 2010 at 8:20am:

skippy. wrote on Dec 20th, 2010 at 3:39pm:

gizmo_2655 wrote on Dec 20th, 2010 at 3:33pm:

skippy. wrote on Dec 20th, 2010 at 3:13pm:
Why doesn't Australia take its "fair share" of these people, considering our actions in invading their countries are one of the major reasons they need to flee their homes.

What exactly IS our 'share'??

We take 13,770 per many are we supposed to take per year??

The Department of Immigration website indicates that as at June 26, there were 4116 people in immigration detention. In terms of global rankings, Australia comes in at 68th in terms of refugees per 1000 inhabitants and 77th in terms of refugees per gross domestic product per capita. In real terms, this is 1.1 refugee per 1000 inhabitants and 0.6 refugees per GDP per capita.

Hardly our fair share at 68th in terms of refugees per 1000 inhabitants ,when we are the 6th richest per capita.

The numbers mean little when most countries in our region with the obvious exception of NZ take in zero eh.

Thats because  we are the only country in this region to have promised to protect refugees; we signed the United Nations 1951 Convention relating to the Status of Refugees and the 1967 Protocol.
You are a little slow, I explained this to you yesterday.

Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by chicken_lipsforme on Dec 21st, 2010 at 8:32am

skippy. wrote on Dec 20th, 2010 at 2:58pm:

chicken_lipsforme wrote on Dec 20th, 2010 at 2:45pm:

skippy. wrote on Dec 20th, 2010 at 2:15pm:

Because the smugglers will continue to choose Australia as their destination of choice whilst we have a weak government in.

If your assertion were correct why do Europe and the USA and Canada have so many more refugees than Australia? under your logic the whole western world is governed by weak government?

If Australia was invaded, the whingers would be the first ones out of here trying to get to a "safe" country, and I'd bet they wouldn't stop at PNG, that being our closest neighbour.

Because the USA & Europe accept more refugees than we do is why they have more.

Why is that? why do we accept so few?

Possibly because flooding our country with 3rd world people isn't in our best interest Skip.
If the government has determined that 13,000 is the magic figure that still allows this nation to grow without placing too much of a burden on our finite resources, then why is this such a bad thing.
Accepting levels that drag our economy down whilst placing intolerable burdens on our health, education, water & housing situations doesn't do any favours for anyone.

Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by chicken_lipsforme on Dec 21st, 2010 at 8:36am

skippy. wrote on Dec 21st, 2010 at 8:31am:

chicken_lipsforme wrote on Dec 21st, 2010 at 8:20am:

skippy. wrote on Dec 20th, 2010 at 3:39pm:

gizmo_2655 wrote on Dec 20th, 2010 at 3:33pm:

skippy. wrote on Dec 20th, 2010 at 3:13pm:
Why doesn't Australia take its "fair share" of these people, considering our actions in invading their countries are one of the major reasons they need to flee their homes.

What exactly IS our 'share'??

We take 13,770 per many are we supposed to take per year??

The Department of Immigration website indicates that as at June 26, there were 4116 people in immigration detention. In terms of global rankings, Australia comes in at 68th in terms of refugees per 1000 inhabitants and 77th in terms of refugees per gross domestic product per capita. In real terms, this is 1.1 refugee per 1000 inhabitants and 0.6 refugees per GDP per capita.

Hardly our fair share at 68th in terms of refugees per 1000 inhabitants ,when we are the 6th richest per capita.

The numbers mean little when most countries in our region with the obvious exception of NZ take in zero eh.

Thats because  we are the only country in this region to have promised to protect refugees; we signed the United Nations 1951 Convention relating to the Status of Refugees and the 1967 Protocol.
You are a little slow, I explained this to you yesterday.

You explained nothing skip.
Yes, we are the only one apart from NZ to do this.
It doesn't mean then we are required to make up the numbers for all those that take in none.
It don't work that way.

Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by skippy. on Dec 21st, 2010 at 8:45am

chicken_lipsforme wrote on Dec 21st, 2010 at 8:36am:

skippy. wrote on Dec 21st, 2010 at 8:31am:

chicken_lipsforme wrote on Dec 21st, 2010 at 8:20am:

skippy. wrote on Dec 20th, 2010 at 3:39pm:

gizmo_2655 wrote on Dec 20th, 2010 at 3:33pm:

skippy. wrote on Dec 20th, 2010 at 3:13pm:
Why doesn't Australia take its "fair share" of these people, considering our actions in invading their countries are one of the major reasons they need to flee their homes.

What exactly IS our 'share'??

We take 13,770 per many are we supposed to take per year??

The Department of Immigration website indicates that as at June 26, there were 4116 people in immigration detention. In terms of global rankings, Australia comes in at 68th in terms of refugees per 1000 inhabitants and 77th in terms of refugees per gross domestic product per capita. In real terms, this is 1.1 refugee per 1000 inhabitants and 0.6 refugees per GDP per capita.

Hardly our fair share at 68th in terms of refugees per 1000 inhabitants ,when we are the 6th richest per capita.

The numbers mean little when most countries in our region with the obvious exception of NZ take in zero eh.

Thats because  we are the only country in this region to have promised to protect refugees; we signed the United Nations 1951 Convention relating to the Status of Refugees and the 1967 Protocol.
You are a little slow, I explained this to you yesterday.

You explained nothing skip.
Yes, we are the only one apart from NZ to do this.
It doesn't mean then we are required to make up the numbers for all those that take in none.
It don't work that way.

The Department of Immigration website indicates that as at June 26, there were 4116, people in immigration detention. In terms of global rankings, Australia comes in at 68th in terms of refugees per 1000 inhabitants and 77th in terms of refugees per gross domestic product per capita. In real terms, this is 1.1 refugee per 1000 inhabitants and 0.6 refugees per GDP per capita.

Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by codswal on Dec 21st, 2010 at 8:58am
it strikes me that we can barely take care of the 21million we already have here.. hospitals still have long queues... our court room are fully booked.some towns have no doctors. we have dwindling water supplies..
just to name a few.

and those that do have to pay tax and utilitites are fed up with them going up and up.

Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by chicken_lipsforme on Dec 21st, 2010 at 9:47am

skippy. wrote on Dec 21st, 2010 at 8:45am:

chicken_lipsforme wrote on Dec 21st, 2010 at 8:36am:

skippy. wrote on Dec 21st, 2010 at 8:31am:

chicken_lipsforme wrote on Dec 21st, 2010 at 8:20am:

skippy. wrote on Dec 20th, 2010 at 3:39pm:

gizmo_2655 wrote on Dec 20th, 2010 at 3:33pm:

skippy. wrote on Dec 20th, 2010 at 3:13pm:
Why doesn't Australia take its "fair share" of these people, considering our actions in invading their countries are one of the major reasons they need to flee their homes.

What exactly IS our 'share'??

We take 13,770 per many are we supposed to take per year??

The Department of Immigration website indicates that as at June 26, there were 4116 people in immigration detention. In terms of global rankings, Australia comes in at 68th in terms of refugees per 1000 inhabitants and 77th in terms of refugees per gross domestic product per capita. In real terms, this is 1.1 refugee per 1000 inhabitants and 0.6 refugees per GDP per capita.

Hardly our fair share at 68th in terms of refugees per 1000 inhabitants ,when we are the 6th richest per capita.

The numbers mean little when most countries in our region with the obvious exception of NZ take in zero eh.

Thats because  we are the only country in this region to have promised to protect refugees; we signed the United Nations 1951 Convention relating to the Status of Refugees and the 1967 Protocol.
You are a little slow, I explained this to you yesterday.

You explained nothing skip.
Yes, we are the only one apart from NZ to do this.
It doesn't mean then we are required to make up the numbers for all those that take in none.
It don't work that way.

The Department of Immigration website indicates that as at June 26, there were 4116, people in immigration detention. In terms of global rankings, Australia comes in at 68th in terms of refugees per 1000 inhabitants and 77th in terms of refugees per gross domestic product per capita. In real terms, this is 1.1 refugee per 1000 inhabitants and 0.6 refugees per GDP per capita.

That's outstanding Skip.
I'm sure those 4116 people will be processed in due course with some being accepted for resettlement and some not.
All other considerations aside, it's still 4116 people more than our northern neighbours.
It's also about 4000 more than Japan.

Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by skippy. on Dec 21st, 2010 at 12:41pm

chicken_lipsforme wrote on Dec 21st, 2010 at 9:47am:

skippy. wrote on Dec 21st, 2010 at 8:45am:

chicken_lipsforme wrote on Dec 21st, 2010 at 8:36am:

skippy. wrote on Dec 21st, 2010 at 8:31am:

chicken_lipsforme wrote on Dec 21st, 2010 at 8:20am:

skippy. wrote on Dec 20th, 2010 at 3:39pm:

gizmo_2655 wrote on Dec 20th, 2010 at 3:33pm:

skippy. wrote on Dec 20th, 2010 at 3:13pm:
Why doesn't Australia take its "fair share" of these people, considering our actions in invading their countries are one of the major reasons they need to flee their homes.

What exactly IS our 'share'??

We take 13,770 per many are we supposed to take per year??

The Department of Immigration website indicates that as at June 26, there were 4116 people in immigration detention. In terms of global rankings, Australia comes in at 68th in terms of refugees per 1000 inhabitants and 77th in terms of refugees per gross domestic product per capita. In real terms, this is 1.1 refugee per 1000 inhabitants and 0.6 refugees per GDP per capita.

Hardly our fair share at 68th in terms of refugees per 1000 inhabitants ,when we are the 6th richest per capita.

The numbers mean little when most countries in our region with the obvious exception of NZ take in zero eh.

Thats because  we are the only country in this region to have promised to protect refugees; we signed the United Nations 1951 Convention relating to the Status of Refugees and the 1967 Protocol.
You are a little slow, I explained this to you yesterday.

You explained nothing skip.
Yes, we are the only one apart from NZ to do this.
It doesn't mean then we are required to make up the numbers for all those that take in none.
It don't work that way.

The Department of Immigration website indicates that as at June 26, there were 4116, people in immigration detention. In terms of global rankings, Australia comes in at 68th in terms of refugees per 1000 inhabitants and 77th in terms of refugees per gross domestic product per capita. In real terms, this is 1.1 refugee per 1000 inhabitants and 0.6 refugees per GDP per capita.

That's outstanding Skip.
I'm sure those 4116 people will be processed in due course with some being accepted for resettlement and some not.
All other considerations aside, it's still 4116 people more than our northern neighbours.
It's also about 4000 more than Japan.

;D Yes and Japan is critised world wide for its homogeneous attitude.
I'd like to think Australia is better than Japan like that, though the likes of you make us sound just as xenophobic as Japan.

Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by darkhall67 on Dec 21st, 2010 at 12:44pm

And isnt japan 20 times smaller than australia?

With 130 million people?

Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by skippy. on Dec 21st, 2010 at 12:46pm

codswal wrote on Dec 21st, 2010 at 8:58am:
it strikes me that we can barely take care of the 21million we already have here.. hospitals still have long queues... our court room are fully booked.some towns have no doctors. we have dwindling water supplies..
just to name a few.

and those that do have to pay tax and utilitites are fed up with them going up and up.

If we are already soooooooo full of people why did the Howard government offer people money via the baby bonus to have more kids?
Why did Peter Costello say have one baby for yourself and one for the country?
Why did the Howard government think we needed to boost our population so much?
Isn't it true, according to the Howard government, that Australia is facing a negative population growth?
Were the Liberal party wrong on their assessments? and if so how do you know better?

Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by gizmo_2655 on Dec 21st, 2010 at 2:05pm

skippy. wrote on Dec 21st, 2010 at 12:46pm:

codswal wrote on Dec 21st, 2010 at 8:58am:
it strikes me that we can barely take care of the 21million we already have here.. hospitals still have long queues... our court room are fully booked.some towns have no doctors. we have dwindling water supplies..
just to name a few.

and those that do have to pay tax and utilitites are fed up with them going up and up.

If we are already soooooooo full of people why did the Howard government offer people money via the baby bonus to have more kids?
Why did Peter Costello say have one baby for yourself and one for the country?
Why did the Howard government think we needed to boost our population so much?

"If we are already soooooooo full of people why did the Howard government offer people money via the baby bonus to have more kids?"
Because our population is/was aging fast than children were being born and would eventually lead to ONE worker having to support FIVE retirees.

"Isn't it true, according to the Howard government, that Australia is facing a negative population growth?
Were the Liberal party wrong on their assessments? and if so how do you know better?"

Yes it is true we may have negative population growth, but it doesn't neccessarily mean that immigration is a better answer than having babies. If we have more children, there is an opportunity for them to learn the job skills we will be short of in the future.
But with wholesale immigration, there is no guarantee that the people arriving will have the required skills or even the ability to learn those skills...

There's not much point in importing a dozen, 55 yr old olive farmers, when we're short of the time you retrain them, they'd be wanting to retire...

We have an obligation to accept and care for legitimate refugees, but that doesn't mean everyone who turns up looking for a new life and a beach front villa...

Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by caterpillar on Dec 21st, 2010 at 2:12pm

skippy. wrote on Dec 21st, 2010 at 12:41pm:

chicken_lipsforme wrote on Dec 21st, 2010 at 9:47am:

skippy. wrote on Dec 21st, 2010 at 8:45am:

chicken_lipsforme wrote on Dec 21st, 2010 at 8:36am:

skippy. wrote on Dec 21st, 2010 at 8:31am:

chicken_lipsforme wrote on Dec 21st, 2010 at 8:20am:

skippy. wrote on Dec 20th, 2010 at 3:39pm:

gizmo_2655 wrote on Dec 20th, 2010 at 3:33pm:

skippy. wrote on Dec 20th, 2010 at 3:13pm:
Why doesn't Australia take its "fair share" of these people, considering our actions in invading their countries are one of the major reasons they need to flee their homes.

What exactly IS our 'share'??

We take 13,770 per many are we supposed to take per year??

The Department of Immigration website indicates that as at June 26, there were 4116 people in immigration detention. In terms of global rankings, Australia comes in at 68th in terms of refugees per 1000 inhabitants and 77th in terms of refugees per gross domestic product per capita. In real terms, this is 1.1 refugee per 1000 inhabitants and 0.6 refugees per GDP per capita.

Hardly our fair share at 68th in terms of refugees per 1000 inhabitants ,when we are the 6th richest per capita.

The numbers mean little when most countries in our region with the obvious exception of NZ take in zero eh.

Thats because  we are the only country in this region to have promised to protect refugees; we signed the United Nations 1951 Convention relating to the Status of Refugees and the 1967 Protocol.
You are a little slow, I explained this to you yesterday.

You explained nothing skip.
Yes, we are the only one apart from NZ to do this.
It doesn't mean then we are required to make up the numbers for all those that take in none.
It don't work that way.

The Department of Immigration website indicates that as at June 26, there were 4116, people in immigration detention. In terms of global rankings, Australia comes in at 68th in terms of refugees per 1000 inhabitants and 77th in terms of refugees per gross domestic product per capita. In real terms, this is 1.1 refugee per 1000 inhabitants and 0.6 refugees per GDP per capita.

That's outstanding Skip.
I'm sure those 4116 people will be processed in due course with some being accepted for resettlement and some not.
All other considerations aside, it's still 4116 people more than our northern neighbours.
It's also about 4000 more than Japan.

;D Yes and Japan is critised world wide for its homogeneous attitude.
I'd like to think Australia is better than Japan like that, though the likes of you make us sound just as xenophobic as Japan.

By whom? The business press? Who gives a sh*t what they think?

rofl, criticised for their "homogeneous attitude". How dare the Japanese want to be an ethnic majority in their own country! How dare they not desire to roll over the welcome mat to every Pakistani, Afghan and Sri Lankan with an advanced "education"! How dare they fundamentally prefer to be around people who look and are like them, and share the same ancestral roots as themselves! More like; how dare they be honest about it. We all just have to pretend over here.

Japan's attitudes towards immigration are worthy of imitation. We're worse than them in that respect.

Do you sincerely believe that a few thousand Pakistanis or Sudanese would somehow be a boon for Japan? :-/ Do you believe the Japanese are wrong for thinking otherwise?

Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by chicken_lipsforme on Dec 21st, 2010 at 2:19pm

skippy. wrote on Dec 21st, 2010 at 12:41pm:

chicken_lipsforme wrote on Dec 21st, 2010 at 9:47am:

skippy. wrote on Dec 21st, 2010 at 8:45am:

chicken_lipsforme wrote on Dec 21st, 2010 at 8:36am:

skippy. wrote on Dec 21st, 2010 at 8:31am:

chicken_lipsforme wrote on Dec 21st, 2010 at 8:20am:

skippy. wrote on Dec 20th, 2010 at 3:39pm:

gizmo_2655 wrote on Dec 20th, 2010 at 3:33pm:

skippy. wrote on Dec 20th, 2010 at 3:13pm:
Why doesn't Australia take its "fair share" of these people, considering our actions in invading their countries are one of the major reasons they need to flee their homes.

What exactly IS our 'share'??

We take 13,770 per many are we supposed to take per year??

The Department of Immigration website indicates that as at June 26, there were 4116 people in immigration detention. In terms of global rankings, Australia comes in at 68th in terms of refugees per 1000 inhabitants and 77th in terms of refugees per gross domestic product per capita. In real terms, this is 1.1 refugee per 1000 inhabitants and 0.6 refugees per GDP per capita.

Hardly our fair share at 68th in terms of refugees per 1000 inhabitants ,when we are the 6th richest per capita.

The numbers mean little when most countries in our region with the obvious exception of NZ take in zero eh.

Thats because  we are the only country in this region to have promised to protect refugees; we signed the United Nations 1951 Convention relating to the Status of Refugees and the 1967 Protocol.
You are a little slow, I explained this to you yesterday.

You explained nothing skip.
Yes, we are the only one apart from NZ to do this.
It doesn't mean then we are required to make up the numbers for all those that take in none.
It don't work that way.

The Department of Immigration website indicates that as at June 26, there were 4116, people in immigration detention. In terms of global rankings, Australia comes in at 68th in terms of refugees per 1000 inhabitants and 77th in terms of refugees per gross domestic product per capita. In real terms, this is 1.1 refugee per 1000 inhabitants and 0.6 refugees per GDP per capita.

That's outstanding Skip.
I'm sure those 4116 people will be processed in due course with some being accepted for resettlement and some not.
All other considerations aside, it's still 4116 people more than our northern neighbours.
It's also about 4000 more than Japan.

;D Yes and Japan is critised world wide for its homogeneous attitude.
I'd like to think Australia is better than Japan like that, though the likes of you make us sound just as xenophobic as Japan.

But Japan aren't the only ones Skip.
Try buying a piece of real estate in Mexico as a non Mexican or a house in Hong Kong today.
And the world wide critisism of Japan means what exactly.
It's all about being a 0.75 out of 10 on the Giveafrackometer World Opinion Scale.
The sun will still rise over Mt Fuji in the morning Skip whether they accept more refugees or not.
Japan has their policy, and are entitled to determine their future as all individual nations are.
But that includes us too.
These countries aren't xenophobic, but they do have a vested interest in their future.

Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by caterpillar on Dec 21st, 2010 at 2:20pm
Lips, the Japanese are xenophobic. You obviously aren't very familiar with their attitudes on immigration. They don't like foreigners very much and strongly want Japan to remain Japanese.

I am in regular contact with Japanese people and they have very healthy notions of their own peoplehood. I have lived in Japan for several months and could never be Japanese, and I understood this and respected them a great deal for this.

Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by caterpillar on Dec 21st, 2010 at 2:23pm

Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by caterpillar on Dec 21st, 2010 at 2:24pm

Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by caterpillar on Dec 21st, 2010 at 2:25pm

Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by caterpillar on Dec 21st, 2010 at 2:25pm

Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by caterpillar on Dec 21st, 2010 at 2:26pm

Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by caterpillar on Dec 21st, 2010 at 2:26pm

Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by gizmo_2655 on Dec 21st, 2010 at 2:33pm

JC Denton wrote on Dec 21st, 2010 at 2:26pm:

That is one reason Japan invests so heavily in mechanization and robotics; machines are cheaper than people. Japanese are already one of the oldest populations in the world, and will only get older. Who will run the retirement homes? Some already have special robots that lift people in and out of wheelchairs and baths. Japanese would rather pay for machinery than depend on foreigners. This is another reason for vending machines: they free people for other jobs.

This is not to say that there are no illegal immigrants. Men work on construction sites and women in the prostitution/entertainment business. Labor is too tight for even the Japanese to keep out everyone who wants to come, but the problem is nothing like that in the United States, and shows little sign of getting worse.

The Japanese government is also trying to persuade people to have more children, though not with much success. Every tiny uptick in birthrates gets enthusiastic press coverage, but Japan’s young people want to have fun, not babies. This leads to high wages for young workers, delayed retirements, and attractive salaries for older people who return to work. Shrinking school districts are consolidating, and rural villages that can no longer support their own government services are merging. Universities compete for students in surprising ways. Fukuoka University in southern Japan advertises the spa-like baths and karaoke rooms in its dormitories.

No nation has yet learned how to revive flagging birthrates, so for the foreseeable future Japan’s population may be destined to shrink, but if any nation can figure out how to decline gracefully, it will be the Japanese. Black humorists like to calculate how many centuries it will take before Japan’s declining population will drop to zero — when the Japanese people finally go extinct — but Japan is determined to stay Japanese as long as it possibly can.

I recently stumbled onto a one-man show of lacquer products made for the tea ceremony. The artist was there, and we fell into conversation. There was a corner of the gallery set aside for making the bitter, frothy, bright green tea for the ceremony, and he called for two servings. We turned the bowls the ritual three times in our hands to admire the workmanship — my host had made them, after all — and drank our tea. A smile played across the man’s face. “When I drink tea like this,” he said, “I can’t help but think how lucky I am to have been born Japanese.”

It has probably never occurred to this man to wonder whether his great-grandchildren will be anything but pure-bred Japanese. I’m sure he is confident that whatever happens, his descendants — and his country — will be unmistakably his. He has every reason to be confident that many generations from now, his people will taste that bitter green tea and fell lucky they were born Japanese.

Very nice caterpillar, but not all that different to what every other cultural or racial group in the world thinks, it's just the Japanese are prepared to say it out loud..

Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by chicken_lipsforme on Dec 21st, 2010 at 2:34pm

JC Denton wrote on Dec 21st, 2010 at 2:20pm:
Lips, the Japanese are xenophobic. You obviously aren't very familiar with their attitudes on immigration. They don't like foreigners very much and strongly want Japan to remain Japanese.

I am in regular contact with Japanese people and they have very healthy notions of their own peoplehood. Japan is not a propostional nation. It is a nation for the Japanese, and only the Japanese, to the Japanese, can be the Japanese. I have lived in Japan for several months and could never be Japanese, and I understood this and respected them a great deal for this. Here is a wonderful article about Japan:

I too have been to Japan, and I am quite familiar with their immigration policy which hasnt changed in living memory.
And I did find the young ones had an unhealthy appetite for anything American though, but I did not feel they resented our presence there.
But I do respect their desire and determination to remain true to their ancestors and cultural heritage.

Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by caterpillar on Dec 21st, 2010 at 2:37pm
I found them to be pretty racist at times, but generally polite and respectful. I could never live there though and they wouldn't want me there permanently anyway. The feeling is mutual in that regard, but I love Japan a lot.

The fact that they give non-Japanese people the middle-finger is great though. I love how it infuriates people like Skippy so much. HOW CAN THEY.. NOT LOVE.. BROWN PEOPLE?!?!!? GRRRRR!!!!

Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by skippy. on Dec 21st, 2010 at 2:41pm
The Japanese culture is thousands of years old and as Caterpillar has put it ,quite pure, we on the other hand are made up of many different races and are far from pure anything, Australia is a country of bitsa's.

Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by caterpillar on Dec 21st, 2010 at 2:44pm
Australia is actually extremely homogenous in comparison to most Western countries. We're basically a white nation and most of us even derive from the same subset of white people, which cannot be said about the United States. At any rate, I'm sure you wouldn't be making exceptions for European people in their own nations, which are similiar in the conditions you describe to the Japanese. If a Swede or a Finn said he only wanted to live in a country with Swedes or Finns, you would be hopping up and down and yelling racist. You only make an exception for the Japanese because they aren't white.

Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by nichy on Dec 21st, 2010 at 2:44pm
Skippy dear -  you are not calling us "mongrels" are you ?   :)

Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by caterpillar on Dec 21st, 2010 at 2:45pm
The mongrel argument doesn't even wash anyway.

Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by gizmo_2655 on Dec 21st, 2010 at 2:45pm
True skippy, we are somewhat mixed 'racially' and indeed is America, England and most of Europe...

Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by skippy. on Dec 21st, 2010 at 2:46pm

The fact that they give non-Japanese people the middle-finger is great though. I love how it infuriates people like Skippy so much

LOL, it doesn't infuriate me, I dont give a bugger, I was pointing out we dont have a thousand year old culture to protect, but even if we did, variety is a good thing.
I also think some Japanese babes are hot, much hotter than most Asians, keep breeding pure Jap babes. :P

Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by caterpillar on Dec 21st, 2010 at 2:51pm
Oriental women have a high average level of attractiveness IMO, but their distribution of attractiveness is narrower so they are blown out at the peaks by white beauty. A lot of it is environmental as well, as Asian women tend to take better care of themselves and their bodies and complexions. I think the most attractive white women cannot be rivaled by the most attractive women of any other group in the world.

We have an ancient culture. Just not on this continent. But our history here is merely part of a long stretching biological and cultural continuity that goes back thousands of years.

Non-Oriental/White women are barely attractive at all. If they are usually it is because they are mixed.

Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by nichy on Dec 21st, 2010 at 2:57pm
The Australian continent does have an ancient culture - that of the Aboriginal People.  

Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by skippy. on Dec 21st, 2010 at 3:02pm

nichy wrote on Dec 21st, 2010 at 2:57pm:
The Australian continent does have an ancient culture - that of the Aboriginal People.  

I agree, but how much of that culture is mainstream Australian?

Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by darkhall67 on Dec 21st, 2010 at 3:03pm

Japan are going to have to increase their migrant intake dramatically over the next decade or so to counteract the rapidly aging population.

A few of their deeply held beliefs about japanese nationality and what constitutes a "japanese" person is going to be questioned and abandoned.

Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by caterpillar on Dec 21st, 2010 at 3:03pm
Claudia Schiffer  :)

Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by Soren on Dec 21st, 2010 at 3:05pm

JC Denton wrote on Dec 21st, 2010 at 2:51pm:
Non-Oriental/White women are barely attractive at all. If they are usually it is because they are mixed.

Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by Soren on Dec 21st, 2010 at 3:06pm

skippy. wrote on Dec 21st, 2010 at 3:02pm:

nichy wrote on Dec 21st, 2010 at 2:57pm:
The Australian continent does have an ancient culture - that of the Aboriginal People.  

I agree, but how much of that culture is mainstream Australian?

Or how much of it is culture?

Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by caterpillar on Dec 21st, 2010 at 3:07pm

Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by skippy. on Dec 21st, 2010 at 3:08pm

Soren wrote on Dec 21st, 2010 at 3:06pm:

skippy. wrote on Dec 21st, 2010 at 3:02pm:

nichy wrote on Dec 21st, 2010 at 2:57pm:
The Australian continent does have an ancient culture - that of the Aboriginal People.  

I agree, but how much of that culture is mainstream Australian?

Or how much of it is culture?

Dont think Aboriginals have a culture?

Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by caterpillar on Dec 21st, 2010 at 3:10pm
Not a particularly interesting one, at least in my view.

Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by skippy. on Dec 21st, 2010 at 3:10pm
God look what I've started.
Anyone got a pic of Oprah?  ;D ;D

Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by caterpillar on Dec 21st, 2010 at 3:11pm

Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by nichy on Dec 21st, 2010 at 3:13pm
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures are complex and diverse. The Indigenous cultures of Australia are the oldest living cultural history in the world - they go back at least 50,000 years and some argue closer to 65,000 years. One of the reasons Aboriginal cultures have survived for so long is their ability to adapt and change over time. It was this affinity with their surroundings that goes a long way to explaining how Aboriginal people survived for so many millennia.

Cultural heritage is seen as 'the total ways of living built up by a group of human beings, which is passed from one generation to the next', given to them by reason of their birth.

In Australia, Indigenous communities keep their cultural heritage alive by passing their knowledge, arts, rituals and performances from one generation to another, speaking and teaching languages, protecting cultural materials, sacred and significant sites, and objects.

Land - at the core of belief

APY Lands, Ku Arts Tours. Courtesy of Ananguku Arts.
Land is fundamental to the wellbeing of Aboriginal people. The land is not just soil or rocks or minerals, but a whole environment that sustains and is sustained by people and culture. For Indigenous Australians, the land is the core of all spirituality and this relationship and the spirit of 'country' is central to the issues that are important to Indigenous people today.

All of Australia's Aboriginals were semi-nomadic hunters and gatherers, with each clan having its own territory from which they 'made their living'. These territories or 'traditional lands' were defined by geographic boundaries such as rivers, lakes and mountains. They understood and cared for their different environments, and adapted to them.

We cultivated our land, but in a way different from the white man. We endeavoured to live with the land; they seemed to live off it. I was taught to preserve, never to destroy.
Aborigine Tom Dystra

Indigenous knowledge of the land is linked to their exceptional tracking skills based on their hunter and gather life. This includes the ability to track down animals, to identify and locate edible plants, to find sources of water and fish.

Diversity - location and languages
Aborigines and Torres Strait Islanders identify themselves through their land areas, their relationship to others and their language and stories - which may be expressed through ceremony, the arts, family, religion, and sports. Cultural heritage is passed on from one generation to the next.

There were about 600 different clan groups or 'nations' around the continent when Europeans arrived, many with distinctive cultures and beliefs. Their 'territories' ranged from lush woodland areas to harsh desert surroundings. Different groups developed different skills and built a unique body of knowledge based on their particular environment.  

The system of kinship put everybody in a specific relationship to each other as well special relationships with land areas based on their clan or kin. These relationships have roles and responsibilities attached to them.

Kinship influences marriage decisions and governs much of everyday behaviour. By adulthood people know exactly how to behave, and in what manner, to all other people around them as well as in respect to specific land areas. Kinship is about meeting the obligations of one's clan, and forms part of Aboriginal Law, sometimes known as the Dreaming.

Language is vitally important in understanding Indigenous heritage as much of their history is an oral history. Hundreds of languages and dialects existed (although many are now extinct), and language meaning, as well as geographic location, is used today to identify different groups.

Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by Miss Anne Dryst on Dec 22nd, 2010 at 6:43am
The bodies in the ocean have proved that the GALP's go soft policy is not working.
The GALP trying to be seen as being the gods of goodness have in fact achieved the exact opposite. With more than 200 deaths that we know of and with more to come, what's the response to Julia Gillard having blood on her hands? To have Bob Brown attack the messenger.
That ploy will always fix the problem won't it Bob!

I wonder if Santa will be bringing wreaths & pine boxes within the next week.

Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by buzzanddidj on Dec 22nd, 2010 at 7:10am

The bodies in the ocean have proved that the GALP's go soft policy is not working.
The GALP trying to be seen as being the gods of goodness have in fact achieved the exact opposite. With more than 200 deaths that we know of

Forget these ?

The SIEV-X incident occurred during the 2001 Australian Federal election campaign. The Tampa affair had focused national media's attention on the issue of asylum seekers. Prime Minister John Howard claimed his policy would prevent people smuggling and stop the boats of asylum seekers from arriving in Australia.

The area was legally international waters but within both Indonesia's EEZ and Indonesia's internationally designated zone of search and rescue responsibility. It also fell inside a temporary Australian border protection surveillance area around the Australian external territory of Christmas Island

Approximately 146 children, 142 women and 65 men died.

Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by Miss Anne Dryst on Dec 22nd, 2010 at 7:12am
It is 2010 at the moment.
Shortly it will be 2011.
Please adjust your calendar.

Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by Time on Dec 22nd, 2010 at 8:16am

buzzanddidj wrote on Dec 22nd, 2010 at 7:10am:

The bodies in the ocean have proved that the GALP's go soft policy is not working.
The GALP trying to be seen as being the gods of goodness have in fact achieved the exact opposite. With more than 200 deaths that we know of

Forget these ?

The SIEV-X incident occurred during the 2001 Australian Federal election campaign. The Tampa affair had focused national media's attention on the issue of asylum seekers. Prime Minister John Howard claimed his policy would prevent people smuggling and stop the boats of asylum seekers from arriving in Australia.

The area was legally international waters but within both Indonesia's EEZ and Indonesia's internationally designated zone of search and rescue responsibility. It also fell inside a temporary Australian border protection surveillance area around the Australian external territory of Christmas Island

Approximately 146 children, 142 women and 65 men died.

Asking Miss Anne Dryst and some others here to acknowledge something like this occured under Howard's watch is beyond them. That would require for them to be honest and use the same criteria and cast blame on Howard.

I rarely get involved in the politics section on Ozpolitic. Too much excrement that tries to pass itself off as informative discussion.

Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by Miss Anne Dryst on Dec 22nd, 2010 at 12:16pm
Guess you must be on Daylight savings time from many years ago, and simply haven't adjusted your watch still.

Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by Soren on Dec 22nd, 2010 at 1:08pm

Postmodern Trendoid III wrote on Dec 22nd, 2010 at 8:16am:
Asking Miss Anne Dryst and some others here to acknowledge something like this occured under Howard's watch is beyond them. That would require for them to be honest and use the same criteria and cast blame on Howard.

It happened under Howard's watch while he operated under the policy he inherited from Keating. But then he changed the policy. Any change in the number of deaths atsea?  
If people dying at sea while attempting to get here is a BAD THING, then Howard did away with that bad thing. If you do not like the way he did it, the answer is NOT to revert to the policy before the solution but to come up with a different solution.

You can blame Howard for HOW he did it (be a HOWard hater) but you can't blame him for doing away with a BAD THING.

I hope this is not too subtle a distinction for most.

Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by Time on Dec 22nd, 2010 at 1:46pm

Soren wrote on Dec 22nd, 2010 at 1:08pm:

Postmodern Trendoid III wrote on Dec 22nd, 2010 at 8:16am:
Asking Miss Anne Dryst and some others here to acknowledge something like this occured under Howard's watch is beyond them. That would require for them to be honest and use the same criteria and cast blame on Howard.

It happened under Howard's watch while he operated under the policy he inherited from Keating. But then he changed the policy. Any change in the number of deaths atsea?  
If people dying at sea while attempting to get here is a BAD THING, then Howard did away with that bad thing. If you do not like the way he did it, the answer is NOT to revert to the policy before the solution but to come up with a different solution.

You can blame Howard for HOW he did it (be a HOWard hater) but you can't blame him for doing away with a BAD THING.

I hope this is not too subtle a distiction for most.

Yet it still occurred under his watch. If those on the boat and the smugglers aren't responsible for their actions under Gillard's watch, niether should they be under Howard's.
I merely apply the logic being used by the anti-Gillard crowd.

Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by Miss Anne Dryst on Dec 22nd, 2010 at 5:38pm

Soren wrote on Dec 22nd, 2010 at 1:08pm:

Postmodern Trendoid III wrote on Dec 22nd, 2010 at 8:16am:
Asking Miss Anne Dryst and some others here to acknowledge something like this occured under Howard's watch is beyond them. That would require for them to be honest and use the same criteria and cast blame on Howard.

It happened under Howard's watch while he operated under the policy he inherited from Keating. But then he changed the policy. Any change in the number of deaths atsea?  
If people dying at sea while attempting to get here is a BAD THING, then Howard did away with that bad thing. If you do not like the way he did it, the answer is NOT to revert to the policy before the solution but to come up with a different solution.

You can blame Howard for HOW he did it (be a HOWard hater) but you can't blame him for doing away with a BAD THING.

I hope this is not too subtle a distinction for most.

It probably is Soren.
Some of them really do need to be spoon fed, and even then they just can't accept facts.

Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by Miss Anne Dryst on Dec 22nd, 2010 at 6:00pm
Try to simplify it for them.
Howard had Keatings solution and then Howard had to change it.
Resulting in the implementation of the Pacific Solution in 2001/02.
This resulted in the best solution.

Gillard has Rudd's solution.
And, this has resulted in over 200 deaths.
BoatArrivals.gif (18 KB | 41 )

Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by Miss Anne Dryst on Dec 22nd, 2010 at 6:03pm

buzzanddidj wrote on Dec 22nd, 2010 at 7:10am:

The bodies in the ocean have proved that the GALP's go soft policy is not working.
The GALP trying to be seen as being the gods of goodness have in fact achieved the exact opposite. With more than 200 deaths that we know of

Forget these ?

The SIEV-X incident occurred during the 2001 Australian Federal election campaign. The Tampa affair had focused national media's attention on the issue of asylum seekers. Prime Minister John Howard claimed his policy would prevent people smuggling and stop the boats of asylum seekers from arriving in Australia.

The area was legally international waters but within both Indonesia's EEZ and Indonesia's internationally designated zone of search and rescue responsibility. It also fell inside a temporary Australian border protection surveillance area around the Australian external territory of Christmas Island

Approximately 146 children, 142 women and 65 men died.

You do realise that the Pacific Solution most likely prevented more SIEV X incidents?  

Do you know when the Pacific Solution came into force?

Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by Equitist on Dec 22nd, 2010 at 6:10pm

Sometimes, Miss A, methinks your style is too creative for you to be a rusted-on right whinger...


Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by laborfornever on Dec 22nd, 2010 at 8:33pm
That graph really sums it up in a nutshell, 100os of arrivalls each year pacific solution introduced, minimal arrivals after that, UNTIL Rudd changed it.

As he was told it would lead to an explosion which has occurred, how will they stop it, after all we've been in Afghanistan for 9 years why did they stop coming here you say they come cause we are at war in their country but during the course of the war the arrivals mysteriously stopped during the pacific solution period??? Did the war stop during that time aswell????

Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by Miss Anne Dryst on Dec 22nd, 2010 at 8:40pm

laborfornever wrote on Dec 22nd, 2010 at 8:33pm:
That graph really sums it up in a nutshell, 100os of arrivalls each year pacific solution introduced, minimal arrivals after that, UNTIL Rudd changed it.

As he was told it would lead to an explosion which has occurred, how will they stop it, after all we've been in Afghanistan for 9 years why did they stop coming here you say they come cause we are at war in their country but during the course of the war the arrivals mysteriously stopped during the pacific solution period??? Did the war stop during that time aswell????

Yes, under the Pacific Solution we were getting on average 3 boats per year.
Under Kevin Rudd's & Julia Gillard's go soft open door policy we are getting 3-4 boats per week.

And, still the vocal anit-Pacific Solution advocates are deafening silent about the Christmas Island tragedy.
I wonder why.

How many more people must die before Julia Gillard realises that her policies have failed?

It will take a long time for Julia Gillard to cleanse that blood on her hands.

Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by Deathridesahorse on Feb 18th, 2011 at 2:27pm

mellie wrote on Dec 16th, 2010 at 5:53pm:
Whilst I don't agree with Andrew Bolt on everything, (particularly his rather off-putting stance re- Wikileaks)...I think he's entitled to an opinion, as should be anyone in this country.

I am pro-Wikileaks, and also pro-Andrew Bolt.

8-) Politics doesn't have to be black or white.

No one cares what you are!

Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by unbiased_view on Feb 18th, 2011 at 2:37pm

BatteriesNotIncluded wrote on Feb 18th, 2011 at 2:27pm:

mellie wrote on Dec 16th, 2010 at 5:53pm:
Whilst I don't agree with Andrew Bolt on everything, (particularly his rather off-putting stance re- Wikileaks)...I think he's entitled to an opinion, as should be anyone in this country.

I am pro-Wikileaks, and also pro-Andrew Bolt.

8-) Politics doesn't have to be black or white.

No one cares what you are!

And FYI Deathisanarse, nobody gives a flying bugger what you are!

joooooooooLIAR resign you ugly cow........ ;D

Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by Vanessa on Feb 18th, 2011 at 2:38pm
Bolt is a right wing idiot, he is a loser and I can't stand him and nor do I agree with his idiotic opinions. However I like reading his crap, it makes me laugh.

He should become a comedian.

Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by mellie on Feb 18th, 2011 at 2:42pm
Bolts a truth writer, and a good one at that.

Tell me, how many more resignations will Gillard call for?

We are starting a bit of a tally board here.

She's been in how long again?

And already she expects the world to fall at her feet?

She can dream on!


Title: Re: Calls for Bolt to resign re call for PM to resign
Post by unbiased_view on Feb 18th, 2011 at 2:45pm

Vanessa wrote on Feb 18th, 2011 at 2:38pm:
Bolt is a right wing idiot, he is a loser and I can't stand him and nor do I agree with his idiotic opinions. However I like reading his crap, it makes me laugh.

He should become a comedian.

The "comedians" are already in government..............for the time being!

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