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Member Run Boards >> Extremism Exposed >> 80 die in Pakistan bombing and raids Message started by Cockney Doll on Dec 27th, 2010 at 9:32am |
Title: 80 die in Pakistan bombing and raids Post by Cockney Doll on Dec 27th, 2010 at 9:32am
Here we have your standard Muslim suicide mission
A burka clad person and suicide bomber all rolled into one, OVER 80 people were killed in a suicide bombing on a World Food Program project and military attacks against militant camps in Pakistan. A suicide bomber wearing a burka, who some officials said was a woman, killed at least 43 people at a World Food Program distribution point in a tribal area bordering Afghanistan. The blast occurred on Saturday in Khar, the main town of lawless Bajaur tribal district, once a stronghold of Taliban militants who have carried out several bombings and suicide attacks in the area. Most of the victims belonged to the Salarzai tribe, which supported military action against the militants and formed a militia to force them from Bajaur. "At least 43 people were killed and more than 100 wounded in the suicide bombing," senior tribal administration official Zakir Hussain said. Separately, 40 militants were killed in Mohmand, a lawless tribal district, in a series of helicopter raids, officials said. US President Barack Obama condemned the Khar bombing as an "outrageous terrorist attack" and said the US stood with the people of Pakistan. "Killing innocent civilians outside a World Food Program distribution point is an affront to the people of Pakistan, and to all humanity," he said. There were conflicting reports about the identity of the bomber in Khar, with some officials saying the attacker was a woman, while others claimed a man disguised in a burka was responsible for the blast. Salarzai tribespeople had set up a vigilante force to evict militants from their area, but officials declined to comment when asked if they were the bomber's intended target. A spokesman for Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistan claimed responsibility for the bombing. "We carried out the suicide attack in Khar because these people had made a lashkar (tribal vigilante force) against us," he said. Security officials said they had been warned that two suicide bombers had entered Bajaur and would carry out attacks on December 22, but had changed their plans. In Mohmand, another tribal area, at least 40 militants were killed when helicopter gunships pounded their hideouts. "Since yesterday, Pakistani security forces helped by helicopter gunships carried out raids on suspected militant hideouts and killed 40 militants," said Mohmand's top administration official Amjad Ali Khan. Security forces had launched an operation in Baizai and Lakro villages following co-ordinated attacks on five checkposts on Friday in which 11 paramilitary soldiers and 24 militants were killed, he said. Pakistan's military first conducted operations in Bajaur in August 2008 and have repeatedly claimed to have eliminated the Islamist militant threat. |
Title: Re: 80 die in Pakistan bombing and raids Post by abu_rashid on Dec 27th, 2010 at 11:23am Quote:
So in other words they were traitors who'd helped foreign terrorist armies to enter their country to kill their fellow countrymen. Pretty nasty business to be involved in... isn't it? Quote:
Yeh right. More like 40 innocent civilians who just don't happen to agree with the government's traiterous acquiescence to foreign terrorist armies were murdered. Probably half of them kids. Amazing how propaganda from the media can twist something like this completely upside down to try and serve the agenda of the West. |
Title: Re: 80 die in Pakistan bombing and raids Post by Jasignature on Dec 27th, 2010 at 11:52am
With pathetic crap like this of men dressed as women to kill innocent people ...I have no doubt that Moslem Australians will stand up soon and say "Enough is enough !" (you Nuff Nuffs!).
Moslem Australians to give the rest of Islam a real reality check soon. |
Title: Re: 80 die in Pakistan bombing and raids Post by Coccoon on Dec 27th, 2010 at 12:29pm Quote:
I do. |
Title: Re: 80 die in Pakistan bombing and raids Post by mozzaok on Dec 27th, 2010 at 12:35pm It_is_the_Darkness wrote on Dec 27th, 2010 at 11:52am:
I would love to think you were right JA, but the evidence of the attitude displayed by Abu, right here in this thread, does not fill me with optimism about that happening. He rejects any reports of militant violence as western propaganda, and assumes that any terrorist/militant casualties will actually be the wholesale slaughter of unarmed women and children by blood thirsty western agencies. I hope he is not representative of the mindset of average aussie muslims, but I would not bet my own, or anbody elses life on it. |
Title: Re: 80 die in Pakistan bombing and raids Post by Jasignature on Dec 28th, 2010 at 12:13am
Yes I know what you mean.
I'm kinda hopeing that Moslem Australians will embrace a more constructive form of 'sacrifice' from Middle-Eastern Moslems, rather than just blow themselves up. Blowing themselves up is a pathetic example of a Religion unable to commit a cultural 'suicide' on behalf if 'individualism'. ...and its this 'individualism', that I reckon Australian Moslems will have to stand up for in the face of their Middle-Eastern adversity. Its inevitable though. When is the big question? |
Title: Re: 80 die in Pakistan bombing and raids Post by abu_rashid on Dec 28th, 2010 at 10:05am
Honestly, you people have absolutely no ability to put yourselves in the shoes of others. If foreign powers had invaded Australia, and some collaborators were aiding them, imagine how the average Aussie would react to those traitors....
Title: Re: 80 die in Pakistan bombing and raids Post by Karnal on Dec 28th, 2010 at 2:51pm abu_rashid wrote on Dec 28th, 2010 at 10:05am:
Depends how Today Tonight reported it. It could go either way. |
Title: Re: 80 die in Pakistan bombing and raids Post by Yadda on Dec 28th, 2010 at 3:35pm abu_rashid wrote on Dec 28th, 2010 at 10:05am:
We would not spare any Australian woman, or any Australian child, until we had repulsed the last of those evil foreign occupiers!!!! Spit! Spit! "Just walk up to those nice Kuffar soldiers, and press this button." June 24, 2007 The Taliban's 6-year-old suicide bomber The boy was spotted after appearing confused at a checkpoint. The vest was defused and no one was hurt. "They placed explosives on a six-year-old boy and told him to walk up to the Afghan police or army and push the button," on OzPol; Christian terrorists will carry out Xmas Massacres |
Title: Re: 80 die in Pakistan bombing and raids Post by Jasignature on Dec 28th, 2010 at 4:39pm
Trust me Abu - Australians would react in the very same way if a 'Terminator'-like Military force like the USA invaded to bring about more of a political stability to my country because of my country's inability to carry books instead of guns in the name of Religion.
USA and the United Nations WILL bring Political justice to the entire planet. ...its just a shame that the Middle-East can't get its crap together to bring 'literacy' to the world via the international language of English. Not only that. It seems that although the Jews are the best at it compared to Christians and Moslems ...Religion has yet to express a state of being equivalent to 'individualism' which it needs to 'survive here in the Southern Hemisphere (Religion being a Northern Hemisphere cultural and racial conception). So hopefully you 'Australian' Moslems (along with Jewish and Christian on behalf of Africa, Asia and Europe respectively ;) theme wise) get your crap together and "sound up as if you have got a pair" to punish your fellow Moslems for such pathetic displays of behaviour bordering upon cowardice beyond the strength of women out-breeding the enemy. Must be scary for a brown-skinned boy like yourself to stand alone amongst an enemy not associated with Religion at all so far from the Middle-East. |
Title: Re: 80 die in Pakistan bombing and raids Post by sprintcyclist on Dec 28th, 2010 at 5:24pm one muslim kills 80 other muslims its a promising start |
Title: Re: 80 die in Pakistan bombing and raids Post by Jasignature on Dec 28th, 2010 at 6:12pm
yeah - kinda defeats the purpose of what I'm getting at, don't it. ::) |
Title: Re: 80 die in Pakistan bombing and raids Post by abu_rashid on Dec 28th, 2010 at 8:42pm Quote:
I'm brown-skinned??? First I've been informed of this. |
Title: Re: 80 die in Pakistan bombing and raids Post by Jasignature on Dec 29th, 2010 at 12:32pm
Don't get offended Abu.
There are a lot of 'connections' out there to descibe the world. Think of it this way. Religion was created in a Region called the Middle-East by a people whose distinctive skin trait was 'brown-skin' compared to other peoples in other regions of the world. Now the trick is... Should Religion remain in the Middle-East? Should 'Brown' people remain in the Middle-East? ...and everyone/everything else remain in their 'original'/selective Regions of the world. ie: Should Yellow people who invented Citi(zens)es and Sport remain in Asia? OF COURSE NOT !!! I mean, some people dissagree and think all Brown people should remain in the Middle-East and practice Religion only. General Macarthur based his Korean War upon the belief of kicking the "Mongol horde out of Asia" to make the entire Northern Hemisphere all-white via a subtefuge with the Soviets. Ironically he probably got this from the Asian Ying/Yang. ::) You will be surprised at what else is out there. But the gist of the matter is that every Region (there are 8) should have both a Racial and Cultural representation of each of the other. So Australia should have a good representation of Brown people and Religion too as should the Middle-East have a good Racial/Cultural expression from Australia (I'm not telling ;)). Basically, EVERYTHING EQUALS or EVERYONE HAS EQUALITY So its win win for everyone. Sure Brown skinned Religious people from the Middle-East 'generating' in Australia will be 'different' than the North American versions or the South American versions - be it for family orientated reasons of individualism reasons, for masculine reasons, for feminine reasons, etc. the end, we might be lucky and consider that the Middle-East was never 'just' Brown-skinned, or Asia was 'yellow'. We might even be lucky and say that Religion is no longer just a 'Brown' thing, or Politics is just a 'White' thing, or Art is no longer a 'Ranga' thing. Because I know there is an Aboriginal child who although been born in Australia to a group of people who a re very 'Land' orientated with the expectation of that child to become a Farmer, Ranger, Environmentalist and anything else associated with 'the Land'. The aboriginal child may grow up and become an Astronaut and say "I am no longer Aboriginal and with the Land ....I am an Astronaut and with the Stars." Colour of the skin no longer living the stereo-typical/traditional/racial/original ...myth. ((((There you have it ABU ...whattaya think my Mozzie-Aussie-Mate ;)))) |
Title: Re: 80 die in Pakistan bombing and raids Post by abu_rashid on Dec 29th, 2010 at 9:35pm
Can you now translate it into comprehensible English? |
Title: Re: 80 die in Pakistan bombing and raids Post by sprintcyclist on Dec 29th, 2010 at 10:08pm translation : if one muslim can off 80 others, most of you are just slackers |
Title: Re: 80 die in Pakistan bombing and raids Post by Jasignature on Dec 30th, 2010 at 1:36am
Well look at it this way Abu.
Take Lakemba, a place where the McDonalds doesn't serve 'bacon' and serves in accordance with all things pertaining to Moslem culture. Now is this to say that 'Lakemba' is a Moslem suburb? Quite possibly so. I lived in Petersham/Leichhardt for about 3 years - I loved how the Italians spuced up Leichhardt with a very 'italian' style. Not only this, they made 'their' suburb and OPEN suburb. In other words, they made the suburb appealing to people from other suburbs and people who were not Italian. They made Leichhardt like a 'taste' of Italy that I'm sure made people going to Italy itself for more. When I left, the President of Portugal had just visited Petersham and as far as I know, Petersham has lifted its game too. As far as I know about Lakemba is that it is a 'closed' suburb. People not of Lakemba or who aren't Moslem don't feel safe, let alone "welcomed" there. There is no attempt by Lakembans to promote the suburb via the International Language of English with any true sincerity and acceptance. Gangs roam with a bad attitude towards non-moslems, etc, etc, etc. Does it make you wonder why Moslems can't be accepted into other suburbs when they don't make the people of Sydney welcome in their little suburb. How can you expect to walk beyond your frontyard when you can't even get your sh it together in your backyard. Pathetic displays of human behavior to anyone beyond the understanding of your Religion also hampers the future of Moslems in Australia. Moslems in Australia obviously don't know how to leave the 'teet' of Mummy Middle-East and strike out alone like a man unto himself at one with everyone else in the world so to speak. Moslems lack an official representation of Individualism ...still acting in group mentality like a bunch of women at a fabric party. Well I must say that the above mentioned probably pertains to you Abu as I have met a 'few' Moslems who aren't afraid to express an acceptance of a future this country offers instead of the Middle-East. Islam must be a very unadaptable and achaic Religion if it can't change to meet the demands of the rest of the world you know. ...and we all know that Religion has a 'gun' problem as if it were the 'Military'. Just like Music has a 'drug' problem as if it were the 'Medical'. "Don't you just love Denial" or is that still too much Pychobabble for you? ;) |
Title: Re: 80 die in Pakistan bombing and raids Post by codswal on Dec 30th, 2010 at 3:18am
well said jas.. well said..
it has accured to me that if I was living say, in this province of Pakistan.. where everyone was of a different religion.culture. and I hated it and them.. like some appear to do on here.. then I would most certainly leave and find a place that was compatable with my me its bizarre to move to a foreign country and then try to live exactly as I did in the old country... what is the point?. some seem riddled with hate. disbelieve all they dont want to believe.. cant we all do that?.. whilst expecting everyone else to understand and accept whatever they choose to spit at us. I am all for freedom of speech but when its full of hatred and venum I scratch my head a bit..go where its peacefull if we are as bad as is claimed. |
Title: Re: 80 die in Pakistan bombing and raids Post by Yadda on Dec 30th, 2010 at 7:52am codswal wrote on Dec 30th, 2010 at 3:18am:
"...what is the point?" Parasitism, is the point. ISLAM is a cancer, it needs something which is alive, to feed upon, and so, to flourish. When it has killed the vibrancy of its host [and killed its host], ISLAM shrivels up. e.g. Q. Where would Saudi Arabia be without oil under the ground??? A. Look at Afghanistan, look at Algeria, Bangladesh, Chechnya, Dagestan, Egypt, Gaza, Jordan, Morocco, Nigeria, Pakistan, Somalia, Sudan, Syria, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, West Bank, Yemen. Economic basket cases. Where does Allah want moslems to go? Go to the Kuffar countries and bring Allah there, with you, as your gift to non-moslem humanity. Get the idea? ++++ e.g. An Australian ISLAMIC leader, a lover of Sharia, explains the Jihad, and explains why he has come to Australia; IMAGE ".....Abu Bakr says he does not accept other religions. "I am telling you that my religion doesn't tolerate other religion. It doesn't tolerate," he said. "The only one law which needs to spread, it can be here or anywhere else, is Islam." " |
Title: Re: 80 die in Pakistan bombing and raids Post by Yadda on Dec 30th, 2010 at 8:49am Yadda wrote on Dec 30th, 2010 at 7:52am:
Quote: "...During his hearings he told the Tribunal of his "love of the Australian lifestyle." I believe that. Don't you believe that Mr Abu Bakr loves of the Australian lifestyle??? /sarc off |
Title: Re: 80 die in Pakistan bombing and raids Post by Jasignature on Dec 30th, 2010 at 10:08am
What is just as bad is how the Jewish, Moslem and Christian Religions 'feed' off one another.
Take Camden. Opposes any intrusion by the Religion of Islam due to its 'closed' mentality (much like an ignorant Bully) amongst other bad traits. Now the Christians deem to exploit the situation as a "No" to Islam meaning a "yes" to Christianity. The Farming communities are being disempowered in their own region by Christian organisations like the Brethren infiltrating council mentality. Even McDonalds is getting in on the act. :-? No offence Christianity - but Camden has always taken proud cultural integrity in its Farming, more than its Religion ...especially a Religion that motivated Macquarie to massacre many Aboriginals over the edge of a cliff. Just like Fisher ...the 'Ghosts still linger'. :( |
Title: Re: 80 die in Pakistan bombing and raids Post by abu_rashid on Dec 30th, 2010 at 9:53pm Quote:
It's pronounced Lebkembanon. Quote:
Big business does not kowtow to anyone except the dollar bill. They make their food halal, to get Muslim customers in, simple as that. It's a pretty tried and tested method. Quote:
Well I lived there for 6 months once, and didn't have any problems. Quote:
That whole area is plagued by gangs and the like, and it's not just Lebos who are in it. The Vietnamese, Assyrians, Islanders and others have been running amok like this for decades. Singling out the Lebos, and even then trying to pin the behaviour of some of them on Islam & Muslims is just ludicrous. You wouldn't know the difference between a Muslim or a Christian Lebo if they smacked you over the head with a crucifix. The vast majority of Muslims in Australia are NOT Lebanese, and do NOT live in the Bankstown/Lakemba area, contrary to your little delusion. |
Title: Re: 80 die in Pakistan bombing and raids Post by Jasignature on Dec 30th, 2010 at 10:49pm
Don't worry Abu.
I think Sydney in general is a lost cause and I don't lay blame upon any race or culture ...I just think its a violent behaviour that slowly turning Sydney into a shi thole. I live as far from Sydney as I can and I advise you and everyone to do so too. On the contrary - I probably know more about Islam than most Moslems do, especially in the grander scheme of things the World. |
Title: Re: 80 die in Pakistan bombing and raids Post by chicken_lipsforme on Dec 31st, 2010 at 8:41am abu_rashid wrote on Dec 30th, 2010 at 9:53pm:
I understand most of the Lebanese immigrants to Australia from the eighties and early nineties were Lebanese Christians who were being persecuted in Lebanon for being of the wrong religion. |
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