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General Discussion >> Thinking Globally >> Lebanon crisis a test for the US Message started by riverina.jack on Jan 22nd, 2011 at 8:45pm |
Title: Lebanon crisis a test for the US Post by riverina.jack on Jan 22nd, 2011 at 8:45pm Quote: |
Title: Re: Lebanon crisis a test for the US Post by Yadda on Jan 22nd, 2011 at 11:11pm John S wrote on Jan 22nd, 2011 at 8:45pm:
The Turkish 'democratic' alternative ??? The current Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan is not an advocate for democracy. Current Turkish PM Erdogan is an ISLAMIST. In past public statements, Erdogan has revealed what he is, really... "Sovereignty Belongs Unconditionally and Always To Allah" "One Cannot Be a Muslim, and Secular" Google it. Two other news stories, with some relevance to the story above... Quote: Quote: Q. Why does the concept of multiculturalism 'totally fail', whenever it involves the 'participation' of good moslems, and moslem communities, within non-moslem host jurisdictions ??? A. ISLAM, and good moslems, promote 'multiculturalism' as a one way street, within non-moslem host jurisdictions. i.e. From an ISLAMIC/moslem perspective, it is the obligation of non-moslems [within non-moslem host jurisdictions] to be tolerant of ISLAMIC culture, BUT NOT VISE VERSA. And Turkey ??? Turkey is morphing into a ISLAMIST state before our eyes. So too, Lebanon. All of the states surrounding Israel, all of the states in the M.E., are morphing into militant ISLAMIST states. And, many moslems residing within Europeans host nations, are becoming increasingly 'militant', and 'radicalised'. What i ask, is; Q. Why are Europeans, US administrations, Western bureaucrats and Western politicians at all surprised at these political developments? Western bureaucrats and politicians have shown themselves to be both ignorant and naive, in their trying to 'accommodate' good moslems and moslem communities, coming to and living within non-moslem host nations. The migration in the last few decades, of masses of moslem peoples, into non-moslem host nations, has been colossal 'political' mistake. And even today, Western bureaucrats and politicians are still refusing to acknowledge that 'political' mistake. THE TRUTH IS, that all good moslems *deceitfully* *pretend* to be liberal [tolerant], in all of those [non-moslem] jurisdictions where they are still politically weak. BUT; In those places where good moslems become politically strong, good moslems always begin to reveal the real ISLAM, and openly begin to reveal ISLAM's intolerance of everything which is deemed to be un-ISLAMIC. And within those jurisdictions, moslems commonly act violently against those who do not believe, as they believe. THE TRUTH IS, that ISLAM, the real ISLAM, is, a violently supremacist, intolerant, MONO-CULTURE. |
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