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Message started by mellie on Feb 14th, 2011 at 4:32am

Title: Extremist heretic sites/rants reviewed
Post by mellie on Feb 14th, 2011 at 4:32am
In my travels, I stumbled across the following article written by a tax-funded academic from my own university, USYD, (gasps)... who claims Kevin Rudd was politically assassinated along with JFK not Julia Gillard, but by Jews.

CONSPIRACY THEORY: Jake Lynch blames the Jews for Rudd’s demise

A Sydney University taxpayer-funded academic, Jake Lynch, a UK national operating in Australia, has argued that Jews were responsible for the removal of Kevin Rudd as Prime Minister and his replacement by Julia Gillard.

Lynch, the director of the Centre for Peace and Conflict Studies at the University of Sydney, wrote in the ailing online publication New Matilda that Rudd had somehow morphed into being an opponent of Israel and that when he stopped being, “the pro-Israel lobby, the US embassy, the mining industry and the ALP Right” decided to bring him down.

It’s an absurdly cobbled together jackboot of an argument that would do even the most storm-trooperish of online Nazi websites proud.

supposedly progressive, well-paid and pampered academics who’d be horrified at being racists could possibly indulge in such vile hate-mongering. Lynch is clearly not often called to account for his obnoxious views and racial vilification. It’s time he was.

Lynch’s conspiracy theory can be summarised along the lines that as PM Rudd had decided to distance himself from Israel in order to get Australia elected on the Security Council. But before this policy could be enacted, the evil Gillard, a supporter of Israel, made it clear she could be counted on as a true supporter and that then – with the US embassy all the while being briefed – executive action could be taken.

Perhaps with a view to protecting his job, Lynch ultimately frames his fruitcake theory as a question:

So, was there an elaborate plot, involving the active connivance of pro-Israel groups, the US embassy, the mining industry and the Right faction of the ALP, and kept successfully secret, to bring Rudd down and install Gillard in his place? To pose the question in those terms is to stretch credulity, but of course there is a way to answer it, which resonates with abundant life experience, and is encapsulated in another question: cui bono? (VEXNEWS: Who benefits?) Or perhaps we could simply say: Go Figure.

Who benefits from publicly-funded anti-Semites positing absurd conspiracy theories unsupported by anything like evidence or common sense? Certainly not the public.

These sort of stupid, vile conspiracy theories have been used to vilify the Jewish people for many centuries. They were intellectual framework – such as there was – for the Holocaust.

It’s hard to imagine how supposedly progressive, well-paid and pampered academics who’d be horrified at being racists could possibly indulge in such vile hate-mongering. Lynch is clearly not often called to account for his obnoxious views and racial vilification. It’s time he was.
-Said Vex

VEXNEWS understands that Lynch had peddled around this opinion piece to a number of websites before the embarrassingly bad New Matilda agreed to publish it. It recently raised a large sum of money in donations to fund its activities. Money wasted.

Peace studies sounds to those who nothing of it like it could only be a good thing and yet with people like Jake Lynch involved, it’s clearly a force for evil, just as he is. Taxpayer-funding for his “Peace” outfit at Sydney Uni needs to be urgently reviewed.


One of his supporters (possibly himself) then chased this up with the following link, as though this were confirmation of some sort.

And whilst it's true, quite a lot of the information contained within it's pages is indeed factual, the conclusions he arrives at in the process of connecting the dots are baseless, unsubstantiated, subjective at best, leaving little to the reader to ascertain for themselves.

I put this here for some of you to see a worked example of what true heretics write, and sadly whilst so much of what they say can in some cases be factually correct, it's almost always washed out by their inherent need to seemingly destroy themselves in the process of reporting the ultimate truth.

What a shame  :-/

Title: Re: Extremist heretic sites/rants reviewed
Post by mellie on Feb 14th, 2011 at 5:35am
I will just add, the individual appears somewhat disenchanted with both the left and right side of politics, (albeit he likes the Greens), and whilst I think he goes over the top, I do believe he is entitled to express his views, without having yet another of his sites hacked/pulled from the web.

I think he's definitely "out-there" and somewhat hooked on the fixed-notion that Jews are the only religion/race powerful enough to influence today's political landscape here in Australia, (our media also by the looks of it), he lacks insight into other religions, groups, organisations, (ones so exclusive, he's unlikely to have even heard of) and their capacity to throw their weight around also, as powerful groups do.


I did however enjoy his take on Bill (Showbag) Shorten, my not being a fan of his as a few of you might already know, this and wonder if this guy has at some stage been involved in the AWU himself, because, he knows a few nick-names, terms of endearment, Beaconsfield and the internal workings of the AWU it seems, some of which even I didn't know....

I had no idea that Bill Shorten borrowed a friends private jet to get to the Beaconsfield mine disaster, my god, is it even possible he was there before Chan 7's David Koch?

I'm going to contact him and ask if they tried to recruit him they did me, I was a naive USYD student at the time, and recall quite a few of us getting involved in one union or another, ...  lol, they may have even tried to give him a bomber jacket (union organiser) , because he seems pretty well rehearsed on a few things there.

Poor bugger, what did they do to him, hmmm....*wince*


Please note: If you have trouble clicking onto the link, just cut and paste it directly into your browser.

Title: Re: Extremist heretic sites/rants reviewed
Post by mellie on Feb 14th, 2011 at 5:42am
Victorian human rights act

15. Freedom of expression

(1) Every person has the right to hold an opinion without interference.
(2) Every person has the right to freedom of expression which includes the freedom to seek, receive and impart information and ideas of all kinds, whether within or outside Victoria and whether
(a) orally; or (b) in writing; or (c) in print; or (d) by way of art; or (e) in another medium chosen by him or her.

Title: Re: Extremist heretic sites/rants reviewed
Post by Timothy John Anderson on Feb 15th, 2011 at 12:59am
Thanks Mellie,

Firstly I have nothing to do with Jake Lynch, never heard of him until I saw this page link in my web server logs. I have no funding from anyone to publish my website which has over 300 pages and 2,000,000 words, too much to be judged on a single page in progress created on the 4th February. I can see that you understand html as per your offer to host, but no matter how simple, it is geeky to many people. So my page is only 10 days old and is not finished yet. I write large pages, validated html all indexed and search engine optimised. For a more mature page try this one which includes the Christian lobby as another group of concern as well as China Inc.

Your forum rules  state I cannot post messages with active links until I have posted five ties, why? What sort of rule is that when it is so tedious to register?

I do not believe my work is "baseless, unsubstantiated, subjective at best" I believe I am connecting information others are not publishing. If the premise is correct, if the facts are as stated, any conclusion drawn from them can be valid. Where did my valid facts come to make false conclusions? I have yet to add other information on the mining lobby Rudd also upset, there is more than one reason why Rudd became chopped liver, but the Jewish lobby being outraged at the expulsion of a diplomat is still a factor, I never said it was the only factor, Greg Sheridan said it did Rudd the most harm and he may be right?

Yes I am disenchanted with Liberal and Labor, they have no values and are pandering to interest groups for electoral support and funding and Yes I know of other authors whose sites have been closed down. was closed down by Joe Hockey for making a parody of Centrelink. Conroy will want to close down many more sites, perhaps ozpolitic as well.

Jewish lobby groups are powerful enough to influence Australian politicians, they work at it with lots of fellowships and free trips for many MPs who have taken the Israel tour, Gillard will never "over react" to anything Israel does, what is so "fixed" about that notion? She said it herself, she is a big supporter of Israel. Yes I have done some work on the Christian lobby as well which you may have missed and yes I have heard of other groups, but this webpage was on the Jewish lobby giving free trips to Australian MPs and questions why Australia does not speak up about Palestine, why the word "Gaza" never passes Gillard's lips.

I am also not a supporter of Islam either and have content on the fatwah against Salmon Rushdie and the Dutch Cartoonist murdered by Muslim extremists. I am not a member of any group, just a concerned individual asking for openness transparency, a secular state and the teaching of evolution in schools which would disarm a lot of hostility in the world. Evolution explains the distribution and diversity of life on earth, the Bible does not.

I am glad you liked something about my work on Bill Shorten, he is determined to be PM and he has cultivated all the right contacts. I had family working for ex Premier Bracks, they never offered me a jacket or a job, they tried to hack my site and close me down for exposing Labor party corruption in Victoria.

Traditional media is in decay Mellie, they do not investigate links between people and free gifts taken, you think I am subjective, I think you are being too harsh and ignoring connections and circumstantial evidence which explains the motivation of some politicians. You also appear to be biased against someone who does not have faith in religion.

Yours Faithfully
Tim Anderson

Title: Re: Extremist heretic sites/rants reviewed
Post by Timothy John Anderson on Feb 15th, 2011 at 1:16am
One more thing please Millie, it is a great insult to be called an "extremist" site, what do you mean exactly?

My site was selected to be preserved by the national Library of Australia and has a lot of unique Australian history content on The Eureka Stockade. I also have novels written in many languages by an ex Professor at Rome University as well as science texts written by Dr Masreliez. I have also written pages for award winning Australian metal sculpturer Andrew Whitehead. Extremist! You are using language too loosely Millie, without researching your case, I from your quick to judge tone that your viewpoint is biased from a religious point-of-view. Do you think all heretic are extremists? Was Galileo an extremist? What I actually get the most hits for are animations of earth. What please exactly is extremist about my site?

Title: Re: Extremist heretic sites/rants reviewed
Post by 5000 on Feb 15th, 2011 at 1:23am

Timothy John Anderson wrote on Feb 15th, 2011 at 12:59am:
Your forum rules  state I cannot post messages with active links until I have posted five ties, why? What sort of rule is that when it is so tedious to register?

That's to stop spam isn't it? That's quite good. Does it work? Why 5 though?

Anyway, don't mind me.

Title: Re: Extremist heretic sites/rants reviewed
Post by Timothy John Anderson on Feb 15th, 2011 at 1:36am
No it is not to stop spam, as you have to register and put in a CAPTCHA before you can post anything, so that stops all automated spam, a determined spammer could join and put five one words posts and then their account would be deleted, so what is the use of this rule?

I have never seen a rule like this anywhere. It prevents me defending myself properly with links to articles Millie has criticised me for being fixed and extremist, do I have to reply five times before I can post an adequate reply to what Millie is allowed to do that I cannot. A very stupid rule biased against new members which prevents a right of reply

Title: Re: Extremist heretic sites/rants reviewed
Post by Timothy John Anderson on Feb 15th, 2011 at 1:42am
Fifth post

Title: Re: Extremist heretic sites/rants reviewed
Post by 5000 on Feb 15th, 2011 at 1:45am
Uh, I believe a CAPTCHA is a deterrent - it doesn't stop all. I could be wrong. Why don't we wait and hear from them?

No, you just have to give direction. Google so-and-so, find the article on X in Home. If you become more involved then you can post the link on the forum. I am new and I do not see a problem (mind you I did not try to post an active link).

Stupid is your opinion and I don't know about your reasoning because I do not know the reason myself.

Sometimes things are just better accepted; sometimes they are not.

Title: Re: Extremist heretic sites/rants reviewed
Post by Timothy John Anderson on Feb 15th, 2011 at 1:49am
Dear Moderator,

I am the author and webmaster at I regard it to be defamatory to be called an "extremist" site or to be said to be "ranting" when Millie has not checked the facts. Her claims are without any merit and are defamatory of my work and many others which was selected for preservation by the National Library of Australia. There is a lot of original research on my site, one example a web review of Australian University webpages

Millie picked on one webpage in progress 10 days old and ignored 300 other pages. I am not extreme in my views and I am not ranting and I would like you to please make this point to Millie that she professes to judge people very quickly with a half baked notion of psychology. I actually have post graduate Psychology qualifications.

Yours Faithfully
Tim Anderson

Title: Re: Extremist heretic sites/rants reviewed
Post by 5000 on Feb 15th, 2011 at 2:08am
Te-he. I'm going to go over here --> .

(No comment.) ::)

Title: Re: Extremist heretic sites/rants reviewed
Post by mellie on Feb 16th, 2011 at 12:16pm

Timothy John Anderson wrote on Feb 15th, 2011 at 12:59am:
Thanks Mellie,

Firstly I have nothing to do with Jake Lynch, never heard of him until I saw this page link in my web server logs. I have no funding from anyone to publish my website which has over 300

I am quite sure I advised one of his supporters/himself chased his own contribution up over on Vex with the hereticpress link, so in all fairness, I did not state that you had.

pages and 2,000,000 words, too much to be judged on a single page in progress created on the 4th February. I can see that you understand html as per your offer to host,
I have never offered to host yours or anyones site, given I do not understand html myself, I'm a writer, not a techy, and this is not my site. Did someone contact you from this site?  If so, please notify this sites owner "freediver" via personal message, the way you contacted me just now, and forward on their expression of interest to host your site, to see whether or not this was a genuine offer, or someone here is causing trouble, pulling your leg.

but no matter how simple, it is geeky to many people. So my page is only 10 days old and is not finished yet. I write large pages, validated html all indexed and search engine optimised. For a more mature page try this one which includes the Christian lobby as another group of concern as well as China Inc.

Your forum rules  state I cannot post messages with active links until I have posted five ties, why? What sort of rule is that when it is so tedious to register?

Again, this is not my forum, I only post here.

I do not believe my work is "baseless, unsubstantiated, subjective at best" I believe I am connecting information others are not publishing.

As advised, I agree with much of what you wrote, just I think you did not leave much to the readers own imagination, this and could have put it out there better, ie, even the name of your site suggests it's off the wall to begin with, which frustrated me because much of what you wrote is quite factual, I believe you let yourself down a little suggesting otherwise, could captions, and fonts create the illusion of 'extremist' views, at which point, centurists, moderates, the more conservative generally switch-off.

If the premise is correct, if the facts are as stated, any conclusion drawn from them can be valid. Where did my valid facts come to make false conclusions? I have yet to add other information on the mining lobby Rudd also upset, there is more than one reason why Rudd became chopped liver, but the Jewish lobby being outraged at the expulsion of a diplomat is still a factor, I never said it was the only factor, Greg Sheridan said it did Rudd the most harm and he may be right?
I agree with a number of your views, just would have liked them  to be less sensationalist, present more credible, even if in basic html, thus more or less used your page as an example of how good information can be presented badly, this and appear as though it was cooked up over-night in a crack-lab.

Yes I am disenchanted with Liberal and Labor, they have no values and are pandering to interest groups for electoral support and funding and Yes I know of other authors whose sites have been closed down. was closed down by Joe Hockey for making a parody of Centrelink. Conroy will want to close down many more sites, perhaps ozpolitic as well.

Jewish lobby groups are powerful enough to influence Australian politicians, they work at it with lots of fellowships and free trips for many MPs who have taken the Israel tour, Gillard will never "over react" to anything Israel does, what is so "fixed" about that notion? She said it herself, she is a big supporter of Israel. Yes I have done some work on the Christian lobby as well which you may have missed and yes I have heard of other groups, but this webpage was on the Jewish lobby giving free trips to Australian MPs and questions why Australia does not speak up about Palestine, why the word "Gaza" never passes Gillard's lips.

I am also not a supporter of Islam either and have content on the fatwah against Salmon Rushdie and the Dutch Cartoonist murdered by Muslim extremists. I am not a member of any group, just a concerned individual asking for openness transparency, a secular state and the teaching of evolution in schools which would disarm a lot of hostility in the world. Evolution explains the distribution and diversity of life on earth, the Bible does not.

I am glad you liked something about my work on Bill Shorten, he is determined to be PM and he has cultivated all the right contacts. I had family working for ex Premier Bracks, they never offered me a jacket or a job, they tried to hack my site and close me down for exposing Labor party corruption in Victoria.

Traditional media is in decay Mellie, they do not investigate links between people and free gifts taken, you think I am subjective, I think you are being too harsh and ignoring connections and circumstantial evidence which explains the motivation of some politicians. You also appear to be biased against someone who does not have faith in religion.

Yours Faithfully
Tim Anderson

Title: Re: Extremist heretic sites/rants reviewed
Post by mellie on Feb 16th, 2011 at 12:22pm
I'm agnostic, and centerist with a slightly conservative lean, and again, whilst I agree with much of your content, I would like to see it presented better.

Thank you for your contribution, and again, if someone here has offered to host your page, I'd strongly advise against it unless you are related to them.

I should imagine there would be quite a few Zionists who might want to see your page erased, so, be careful, and don't trust anyone who makes you an offer like this.

You have too much credible information on your page to risk it being compromised, by anyone.

Thank you,

I wish you all the very best.


Title: Re: Extremist heretic sites/rants reviewed
Post by Timothy John Anderson on Feb 16th, 2011 at 12:58pm
Thank you Millie for your reply, yes heretics can annoy religious people, but this is my aim and my Raison D'etre. I host my own site with mirror servers elsewhere so I am ready for any Zionists who want to close me down, I am not anti Jew, just anti Zionist expansion policy in Gaza and running over human rights of Goyim.

Thanks for your criticism, I could have called my site angelpress and been loved by many :-) but this is not my aim, search engine ranking for search terms is more important to present information that mainstream media will not give air time to. A big issue for me is political donations and free trips to China and Israel as well as Jim Wallace and the Christian lobby supporting Conroy's internet filtering plans.

Good luck Millie.

Tm Anderson
billshortenSm.jpg (46 KB | 240 )

Title: Re: Extremist heretic sites/rants reviewed
Post by mellie on Feb 16th, 2011 at 1:19pm
Also, I wanted people to read your site... so, having discussed it's weaker points here, achieved my objective somewhat, given as I said, I know you have some great information there.

I hope you weren't too offended, offending you was not my intention, not what so ever.

And I love the Showbag-shorten pic btw...


Again, all the best,would love to see you become a regular about these traps you seem to have a good head on your shoulders.


Title: Re: Extremist heretic sites/rants reviewed
Post by Timothy John Anderson on Feb 16th, 2011 at 1:27pm
I admit I was a bit offended Millie and wanted to tar and feather you, sorry if I was aggressively defending myself, I don't want to be considered extremist which in my view is much more extreme than I am :-) I am really very moderate, my uncle was a Catholic Priest so I am steeped in Biblical verse, but these days Richard Dawkins perhaps is my only role model and he has a talent for annoying people with facts on evolution.

Yes thank you Millie for your thoughts and considered reply

Title: Re: Extremist heretic sites/rants reviewed
Post by Soren on Feb 16th, 2011 at 8:02pm

Title: Re: Extremist heretic sites/rants reviewed
Post by Timothy John Anderson on Feb 16th, 2011 at 8:16pm
Personal abuse is not a helpful perspective, it is also off topic to Australian politicians taking gifts from foreign governments. My perspective is that you are a judgmental abusive person so rats to you.

Title: Re: Extremist heretic sites/rants reviewed
Post by Soren on Feb 16th, 2011 at 8:25pm

Timothy John Anderson wrote on Feb 16th, 2011 at 8:16pm:
Personal abuse is not a helpful perspective, it is also off topic to Australian politicians taking gifts from foreign governments. My perspective is that you are a judgmental abusive person so rats to you.

Asking a question is abuse? Free trips financed by governments is a subject YOU brought up, so if it's off topic, it's your fault.

BTW - labelling me a judgemental abusive person is not a judgement, is it?

Title: Re: Extremist heretic sites/rants reviewed
Post by Timothy John Anderson on Feb 16th, 2011 at 8:31pm
You are very thick, Australian politicians represent us, people given trips by our govt. do not represent us, can you see that distinction? It does not matter what a foreigner gets from us, they are not our parliamentarians, they do not make our laws. You didn't ask a question you said sarcastically that a perspective was no use to me.

Title: Re: Extremist heretic sites/rants reviewed
Post by Soren on Feb 17th, 2011 at 7:36am

Timothy John Anderson wrote on Feb 16th, 2011 at 12:58pm:
A big issue for me is political donations and free trips to China and Israel
Tm Anderson

What about free trips to Belgium? Or what about free trips TO Australia from all sorts of places?  If trips to Israel and China are big issues for you then you should be able to show how they are big issues in the context of all the free trips parliamentrians and journalists receive all over the world. That would be context. If you could then show disproportion, you would have an interesting case worth pursuing.
Without the context, however, you are just one more guy with a bee in his bonnet who can do no better than get shirty when it is pointed out to him.

Title: Re: Extremist heretic sites/rants reviewed
Post by Timothy John Anderson on Feb 17th, 2011 at 7:58am
No time to trifle with trash comments like yours. I must be about my business in Australia about Australian politicians taking gifts from foreign governments, go to Belgium and complain there. This is Australia Soren, not the whole world, one free trip taken by an Australia parliamentarian could be enough to compromise them, you want to take the opposite view, you research the whole world if you want, you miss the point here and cannot see the gravy boat to China and Israel and how it compromises AUSTRALIAN politicians mate, this is AUSTRALIA not the entire world, so go to Belgium or wherever SOREN is from and do your own research. I am Not replying anymore to you SOREN I have work to do and you cannot see the point of it.

Title: Re: Extremist heretic sites/rants reviewed
Post by Soren on Feb 17th, 2011 at 8:04pm

Timothy John Anderson wrote on Feb 17th, 2011 at 7:58am:
This is Australia Soren, not the whole world, one free trip taken by an Australia parliamentarian could be enough to compromise them,

Look how many countries' parliamentarians come and go on visits!
Run for the hills, everybody! It's a conspiracy!

Parliamentary Organisations
ICRO also provides the Secretariat for the Commonwealth of Australia Branch of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CPA), the Australian and Pacific Regions of the CPA, and the Australian National Groups of the Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU) and the Asia Pacific Parliamentary Forum (APPF).

Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU)
The Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU) aims to promote personal contacts among parliamentarians. It also aims to unite them in common action to secure and maintain the full participation of their respective states in the firm establishment and development of democratic institutions, and in the advancement of international peace and cooperation, particularly by supporting the work of the United Nations. Established in 1889, the IPU is an international organisation composed of National Groups established in national legislatures. Over 140 national parliaments are currently members of IPU. Five regional parliamentary assemblies are associate Members.
The Australian National Group was established in 1956. The Speaker of the House of Representatives and the President of the Senate are the Joint Presidents, the Clerk of the Senate is the Honorary Secretary, and Mr Andrew Templeton is the Executive Officer.

Parliamentary groups
Parliamentary Groups are formed under the auspices of the Australian National Group of the IPU. The aim of Parliamentary Groups is to foster and maintain friendship with, and understanding of, particular countries through links with national legislatures. The Groups meet with members of visiting parliamentary delegations and other distinguished visitors of relevance to the groups, as well as with diplomatic representatives in Australia of the countries concerned. Members of the Groups may also take the opportunity to meet with their counterparts when travelling overseas.The Parliamentary Groups for the 42nd Parliament are:

Baltic States
Bosnia and Herzegovina
Czech Republic
European Parliament
Former Yugoslav
New Zealand
Papua New Guinea
Republic of Korea
Republic of Macedonia
Saudi Arabia
South Africa
Sri Lanka
Timor Leste
United Arab Emirates
United Kingdom
United States of America

Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CPA)
The Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CPA) provides the means for regular communication between members of Commonwealth Parliaments. It seeks to promote understanding and cooperation among countries, and the study of and respect for parliamentary institutions. The Association pursues these objectives through annual general conferences, regional conferences and seminars, the interchange of delegations, and through publications and the Association's quarterly magazine The Parliamentarian.
The President of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives are Joint Presidents of the Commonwealth of Australia CPA Branch, the Clerk of the House is the Honorary Secretary, and Ms Lyn Witheridge is the Executive Officer. The ICRO also provides the Regional Secretariat to the Australian Region of the CPA.

Asia Pacific Parliamentary Forum (APPF)
The Asia Pacific Parliamentary Forum (APPF) was established in Tokyo in 1993. Its objective is to promote greater regional identification and cooperation among national parliamentarians in the Asia Pacific region, especially those from ASEAN, APEC group nations and the South Pacific Forum. The APPF seeks to further the advancement of peace, freedom, democracy and prosperity.
The Australian National Group of the APPF was established in 1995. The Presiding Officers are the Joint Presidents and the Clerk of the House is the Honorary Secretary. The Executive Officer is Mr Andrew Templeton.

Title: Re: Extremist heretic sites/rants reviewed
Post by Timothy John Anderson on Feb 17th, 2011 at 8:17pm
Pretty irrevelant to the issue Soren, each country pays it's own way, that is not an issue, the problem is when lobby groups give free gifts to MPs they expect quid pro quo, have another look Soren, I just updated my webpage with some info on the USA and the UK and discovered that the two major Jewish lobby groups are not even registered with the Registrar of lobby groups and therefore parliamentarians should have no contact with them.

The Australian Lobbying Code of Conduct specifies there should be No Contact between government representatives and unregistered Lobbyists.

Title: Re: Extremist heretic sites/rants reviewed
Post by Cockney Doll on Feb 17th, 2011 at 8:40pm

Timothy John Anderson wrote on Feb 16th, 2011 at 8:16pm:
Personal abuse is not a helpful perspective, it is also off topic to Australian politicians taking gifts from foreign governments. My perspective is that you are a judgmental abusive person so rats to you.

Pot calling the kettle black I see

Title: Re: Extremist heretic sites/rants reviewed
Post by Soren on Feb 17th, 2011 at 8:51pm

Timothy John Anderson wrote on Feb 17th, 2011 at 8:17pm:
discovered that the two major Jewish lobby groups are not even registered with the Registrar of lobby groups and therefore parliamentarians should have no contact with them.

You are saying that parliamentarians should have contact only with registered lobbyists.
That's nuts.

Title: Re: Extremist heretic sites/rants reviewed
Post by Timothy John Anderson on Feb 17th, 2011 at 8:51pm
Rats to you as well Cockney Doll, you did not read all the posts correctly. Never mind there might be time for you to make an intelligent contribution, maybe try addressing the topic of free gifts from unregistered lobby groups. I expect some trolls here, lots of them, you are number two.

Title: Re: Extremist heretic sites/rants reviewed
Post by Soren on Feb 17th, 2011 at 9:31pm

Timothy John Anderson wrote on Feb 17th, 2011 at 8:51pm:
Rats to you as well Cockney Doll, you did not read all the posts correctly. Never mind there might be time for you to make an intelligent contribution, maybe try addressing the topic of free gifts from unregistered lobby groups. I expect some trolls here, lots of them, you are number two.

yadda yadda yadda.
You have no idea - the moment you are asked a simple qustion you are off, banging on about trolls and idiots. But you just make it all up as you go, bung it on your website and bingo! it's on the internetz, it must be so. When you say read more, you man read more of your website.

So what was the free gift again? Free yarmulkes? Or a job for the the Prime Minister's hairdresser? What?
It is the policy of both Labor and the Coalition to recognise and support democratic Israel. WHat did the jews give 'em to ensnare them and hold them in their clutches?

Title: Re: Extremist heretic sites/rants reviewed
Post by Timothy John Anderson on Feb 17th, 2011 at 9:43pm
Oh Dear Soren, I will stop replying to you soon you cannot see the wood for the trees. The answer is free trips to Israel and donations to political parties or the use of Richard Pratts jet for Bill Shorten, indoctrination tours which leave out Gaza, misrepresentations.

Title: Re: Extremist heretic sites/rants reviewed
Post by Soren on Feb 17th, 2011 at 9:57pm

Timothy John Anderson wrote on Feb 17th, 2011 at 9:43pm:
Oh Dear Soren, I will stop replying to you soon you cannot see the wood for the trees. The answer is free trips to Israel and donations to political parties or the use of Richard Pratts jet for Bill Shorten, indoctrination tours which leave out Gaza, misrepresentations.

free trips to Israel - get back to me when there are no free trip to any other country.

donations to political parties - check the donation list and you will see that not only lobbyists donate. For exampl, the ACTU donates to the Labor Party but it is not registered as a lobbyist organisation.

use of Richard Pratts jet for Bill Shorten - get back to me whan you can show that no other rich guy has lent his jet/limo/beach house whathaveyou to a politician

indoctrination tours which leave out Gaza, - Gaza is administered  by Hamas, not the jews. You must be an idiot if you expect the jews to finance trips to Gaza.  Hamas gets enough foreign aid, they should be able to manage without the help of the Cancerous Zionist Entity

misrepresentations - of what?

Title: Re: Extremist heretic sites/rants reviewed
Post by abo_rashid on Feb 18th, 2011 at 12:34am
dis is muscular liberalism right here brah

Title: Re: Extremist heretic sites/rants reviewed
Post by Sprintcyclist on Feb 18th, 2011 at 12:44am

dis is mohs 8th squeeze right here brah

Title: Re: Extremist heretic sites/rants reviewed
Post by abo_rashid on Feb 18th, 2011 at 12:45am
shes one hot noongah lady

Title: Re: Extremist heretic sites/rants reviewed
Post by Lestat on Feb 18th, 2011 at 7:23am

Timothy John Anderson wrote on Feb 17th, 2011 at 8:51pm:
Rats to you as well Cockney Doll, you did not read all the posts correctly. Never mind there might be time for you to make an intelligent contribution, maybe try addressing the topic of free gifts from unregistered lobby groups. I expect some trolls here, lots of them, you are number two.

hehe, as I am sure you are discovering, the whole site is full of trolls. Its the reason why hardly anyone posts here, and when they do, they often last only a couple of weeks before they realise what a bunch of red neck drop kicks those that regularly post here are.

Honestly mate, they aren't worth the effort....walk away...slowly, and don't look back.


Title: Re: Extremist heretic sites/rants reviewed
Post by Timothy John Anderson on Feb 18th, 2011 at 11:41am
Yes thanks for your pearls of wisdom, people who post pictures in reply to an issue, well they are just idiots with nothing to say,  I publish on my own site well edited material and do not allow others to place spam on it, I expect from experience that about 30% of people in these groups are absolute mindless swine, like these two monkeys, dumb as dog poo with nothing to contribute to the country. Yes I will not be here long and these two dickheads can send each other pictures of their close relations, they can't write so they will try and spoil any intelligent conversation by those who can. Good on you Lestat.

Title: Re: Extremist heretic sites/rants reviewed
Post by Soren on Feb 23rd, 2011 at 10:18am

Timothy John Anderson wrote on Feb 16th, 2011 at 1:27pm:
I am really very moderate, my uncle was a Catholic Priest

That's gold, Jerry! Gold!

;D ;D ;D

Title: Re: Extremist heretic sites/rants reviewed
Post by Timothy John Anderson on Feb 23rd, 2011 at 10:26am
Nothing but morons here Mellie why would you bother with the deadshits here, it like trying to talk to monkeys boys with no brains. Forget it you can all play in your own poo

Title: Re: Extremist heretic sites/rants reviewed
Post by Soren on Mar 3rd, 2011 at 11:04pm

Timothy John Anderson wrote on Feb 23rd, 2011 at 10:26am:
Nothing but morons here Mellie why would you bother with the deadshits here, it like trying to talk to monkeys boys with no brains. Forget it you can all play in your own poo

That's not very nice from the very moderate nephew of a Catholic priest, is it?

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