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Political Parties >> Australian Labor Party >> Aussey Farmers furious over Gillards apple deal Message started by mellie on Feb 17th, 2011 at 12:02pm |
Title: Aussey Farmers furious over Gillards apple deal Post by mellie on Feb 17th, 2011 at 12:02pm An announcement that Australia has accepted a World Trade Organisation order to drop restrictions on New Zealand apples and pears has angered fruit growers. Prime Minister Julia Gillard was applauded by MPs as she confirmed the decision during a speech to the New Zealand parliament yesterday. Growers have been resisting the imports, saying they could bring in the bacterial disease fireblight and ruin Australian orchards. Fruit Growers Victoria head John Wilson says Ms Gillard should have waited for an import risk assessment to be completed. "The industry is upset. I've had a few phone calls already," he said. "I can't believe the Prime Minister would use something that's been very, very sensitive to a lot of people who have gone through hard times, for such a simple kudos in New Zealand and get such applause." |
Title: Re: Aussey Farmers furious over Gillards apple deal Post by mellie on Feb 17th, 2011 at 12:06pm
Whilst over there, she apologised for her "dreadful Australian accent" to the people of New Zealand. :-/ Wow, she must be so proud to be an Australian. |
Title: Re: Aussey Farmers furious over Gillards apple deal Post by dsmithy70 on Feb 17th, 2011 at 12:10pm
You know all the Liberals have to do is get rid of Abbott & power will more than likely be yours.
Instead of investing SO MUCH TIME defending the idiot boover boy & his knucklehead mates why not get rid of them? Things like the above will not go down well with the indies but the display of Abbott & Morrison over the last week would prevent them from even considering a change. |
Title: Re: Aussey Farmers furious over Gillards apple deal Post by mellie on Feb 17th, 2011 at 12:17pm Dsmithy70 wrote on Feb 17th, 2011 at 12:10pm:
Abbott will win the next election, and with flying colours, the party has never been better, he pulled it from stalemate after Turncoat sat on his hands for months nodding his head obediently whenever Rudd spoke. Turnbull lacked balls and panache. He's already toppled one Labor Leader... he'll make quick work of Gillard, guaranteed. Tony is Grass roots Liberal... he's the one! Recall how long it took for the public to take a shine to Howard...he didn't really gloss up until late in his second term. At this stage...when Howard was leading the party, he was further down the polls than Abbott, Howard was only on about 38...and look how well he did. Australia want Labor out, their minds are already made up. 8-) |
Title: Re: Aussey Farmers furious over Gillards apple deal Post by dsmithy70 on Feb 17th, 2011 at 12:18pm mellie wrote on Feb 17th, 2011 at 12:17pm:
Yeah good luck with that |
Title: Re: Aussey Farmers furious over Gillards apple deal Post by mellie on Feb 17th, 2011 at 12:21pm Dsmithy70 wrote on Feb 17th, 2011 at 12:18pm:
I'll bet you here and now, I'm right on the mark! 8-) |
Title: Re: Aussey Farmers furious over Gillards apple deal Post by mellie on Feb 17th, 2011 at 12:25pm
I mean, how xenophobic is that, she even despises her own race by the sounds of it. ;D
Cant even stand the sound of her own voice. What PM apologises for their "dreadful Australian accent" when addressing other peoples nations in parliament? All class Our Joolz ;) |
Title: Re: Aussey Farmers furious over Gillards apple deal Post by skippy. on Feb 17th, 2011 at 12:25pm
Who is Aussey?
Title: Re: Aussey Farmers furious over Gillards apple deal Post by mellie on Feb 17th, 2011 at 12:26pm skippy. wrote on Feb 17th, 2011 at 12:25pm:
Oi Oi Oi.... ::) |
Title: Re: Aussey Farmers furious over Gillards apple deal Post by dsmithy70 on Feb 17th, 2011 at 12:30pm mellie wrote on Feb 17th, 2011 at 12:21pm:
$50? |
Title: Re: Aussey Farmers furious over Gillards apple deal Post by skippy. on Feb 17th, 2011 at 12:30pm mellie wrote on Feb 17th, 2011 at 12:26pm:
Oh I see, I never realised with that atrocious excuse for spelling. Maybe you do need to take up Alevines offer for his mother to give you some lessons. :D |
Title: Re: Aussey Farmers furious over Gillards apple deal Post by mellie on Feb 17th, 2011 at 12:31pm Dsmithy70 wrote on Feb 17th, 2011 at 12:30pm:
It's a deal!!! You're on!!! :D |
Title: Re: Aussey Farmers furious over Gillards apple deal Post by skippy. on Feb 17th, 2011 at 12:34pm Dsmithy70 wrote on Feb 17th, 2011 at 12:30pm:
That's a little conservative, 50 bucks? you could clean her out. |
Title: Re: Aussey Farmers furious over Gillards apple deal Post by dsmithy70 on Feb 17th, 2011 at 12:35pm mellie wrote on Feb 17th, 2011 at 12:31pm:
$50 it is That Tony Abbott will lead the Liberals to Victory over Julia Gillard Saved page I'll let you know where to send my money when its over ;) |
Title: Re: Aussey Farmers furious over Gillards apple deal Post by skippy. on Feb 17th, 2011 at 12:37pm Dsmithy70 wrote on Feb 17th, 2011 at 12:35pm:
Maybe you could donate it to the refugee action group ,Smithy ;D ;D |
Title: Re: Aussey Farmers furious over Gillards apple deal Post by mellie on Feb 17th, 2011 at 12:42pm Dsmithy70 wrote on Feb 17th, 2011 at 12:35pm:
No, that Tony Abbott will be our next PM, because I think a cross bencher might cross the floor before she gets to the election Smithy. So...$50 for Abbott to be our next PM!! Oh, and I take cheque, money order or cash... :D And I bet you Bill Shorten will be Labors next leader in opposition. 8-)... ($10) |
Title: Re: Aussey Farmers furious over Gillards apple deal Post by dsmithy70 on Feb 17th, 2011 at 12:48pm mellie wrote on Feb 17th, 2011 at 12:42pm:
Oh so now you want to change the bet?????? It's not even 10 minutes OLD He's already toppled one Labor Leader... he'll make quick work of Gillard, guaranteed. Scared if it goes full term Abbott won't be there???? Keep your 10ner Shorten or Combet will be next Labor leader |
Title: Re: Aussey Farmers furious over Gillards apple deal Post by mellie on Feb 17th, 2011 at 12:54pm
No, not at all.... Abbott will be our next PM guaranteed, .. I'm just thinking there's a possibility of Bill Shorten trying to sneak into poll position and take Labors leadership before the election.
Not that it will do him any good, because voters are so disenchanted with Labor even their die hard supporters have had their fill...., because voters will see this as yet another leadership change, this and don't really know Bill Shorten too well, which is why he's trying to get himself out there lately. This said, he would do it just to get in poll position for the following election after next anyway, even if he knew he didn't stand a hope in hell given half a chance. Gillard was always transient, girl Friday as far as he was concerned, and mummy GG will make sure of it. 8-) |
Title: Re: Aussey Farmers furious over Gillards apple deal Post by mellie on Feb 17th, 2011 at 12:56pm
Either way, Tony will be our next PM... no doubt Abbott it ;)
Now, I'm not normally a betting girl, at all, what so ever, but this is how sure I am about this. It's bullet proof, he cant lose...the only thing that will stop him is poor health if Gillard poisons him or something....*wince* Like she did Lathams pancreas....and Rudds pancreas also, (Gallbladder & bile duct...all the same thing)... Funny how they all end up with bile sickness when leading the Labor party...she's the angel of death. ;D No, it's that Altona fish-wife voice, it's enough to strip paint off your car. I'd be keeping as far away from her as possible. |
Title: Re: Aussey Farmers furious over Gillards apple deal Post by dsmithy70 on Feb 17th, 2011 at 1:00pm mellie wrote on Feb 17th, 2011 at 12:54pm:
Ok I'll let you modify it as such, $50 Tony Abbott will Lead the the Liberals to Victory or LABOR(no matter the leader) at the next election. Bet is void if Indies cross floor between now & 2013 Fair??? |
Title: Re: Aussey Farmers furious over Gillards apple deal Post by mellie on Feb 17th, 2011 at 1:06pm
Tony Will lead the party to Victory, this and will be our next PM.
Either before or after the coming general election. $50 it is.... ;D It's set Smithy, no backing out now. :D |
Title: Re: Aussey Farmers furious over Gillards apple deal Post by dsmithy70 on Feb 17th, 2011 at 1:09pm mellie wrote on Feb 17th, 2011 at 1:06pm:
You sure you understand the terms?? Because this Either before or after the coming general election. Doesn't go with this Bet is void if Indies cross floor between now & 2013 To clarify Tony Abbott will win the next general election that is the bet. |
Title: Re: Aussey Farmers furious over Gillards apple deal Post by mellie on Feb 17th, 2011 at 1:10pm
Ok, fair... I'll let you off with the indies, because just quietly, I think one may cross the floor myself.
;D You sneak!! The only way he will become PM before next election is if an indi crosses the floor....or if Gillard is forced to resign, and then hand over to the coalition...which I doubt. Bill wants this satisfaction himself I think....... ;D Ok...So basically, I have to hope Gillard stays in until the next election....which I strongly doubt. I reckon one indis almost ready to cross..... |
Title: Re: Aussey Farmers furious over Gillards apple deal Post by dsmithy70 on Feb 17th, 2011 at 1:14pm mellie wrote on Feb 17th, 2011 at 1:10pm:
Not at all The bet is Abbott will win the next general election I don't care who it against & whether or not his PM already is irrelvent also. |
Title: Re: Aussey Farmers furious over Gillards apple deal Post by mellie on Feb 17th, 2011 at 1:15pm
Yes, I understand.... basically, Abbott has to actually win the election before I win the bet.
lol.... it's about 70/30...70% chance he will be PM before the next election, because as soon as he gets in, the sooner Bill gets poll position himself, so wouldn't surprise me if Shorten pays Oakeshott to cross the floor himself just to get her out of there quicker.... Oakeshott will do anything for $20 ;D |
Title: Re: Aussey Farmers furious over Gillards apple deal Post by mellie on Feb 17th, 2011 at 1:17pm
And likewise with you Smithy... the deals off as soon as an indi crosses the floor.... so basically, we are betting on the 2013 election outcome.
8-) hahah I feel $50 richer already...$Ka-Ching$ |
Title: Re: Aussey Farmers furious over Gillards apple deal Post by dsmithy70 on Feb 17th, 2011 at 1:18pm mellie wrote on Feb 17th, 2011 at 1:15pm:
There's an EXTREMELY racist line there but I wont cross it ;) |
Title: Re: Aussey Farmers furious over Gillards apple deal Post by mellie on Feb 17th, 2011 at 1:20pm Dsmithy70 wrote on Feb 17th, 2011 at 1:18pm:
pmsl... Katoomba handbag? ;D |
Title: Re: Aussey Farmers furious over Gillards apple deal Post by mellie on Feb 17th, 2011 at 1:27pm
Oakeshotts a grot, I think he lives in his car.
A weasely little slimeball, the classic inter-party spy/mole....has that used-car salesman look about him. ...And whats with Gillards black and white pin striped suit? I think it's a secret sect/club.... PM Key was wearing what looked to be her jacket on TV the other night in NZ... ;D She doesn't wear the same suit, it's a different black and white pin-striped suit all the time. But it's still a pin striped suit none the less... CIA? ;) |
Title: Re: Aussey Farmers furious over Gillards apple deal Post by imcrookonit on Feb 17th, 2011 at 1:35pm
Great Wall Economy exports Chinese apples to Australia. :(
After two years of waiting, Great Wall Economy of China is able to export apples to Australia. "We worked so hard to obtain this certificate and the procedure was tough. We prepared for two years and made sure we met all the requirements. Representatives from Australia visited our company for inspection in October last year. And then on Dec. 25 Australia signed the certificate," says Great Wall's Celia Kong. :( Hebei Jinzhou Great Wall Economy is the flagship packer and exporter of pears and apples from Hebei Province, China. This is the first season since the 1920s that China has been allowed to export apples to Australia. Of the 900 tons of apples permitted, Great Wall will export only 400 tons. They are now exporting Fuji, sizes 72# to 125#. The first shipment was one container consisting of 2.1 tons. The first container was followed by 6 more. Canada is the other destination for their products. :( "Our Fuji apples passed thorough inspection. Australia has a very strict rules in allowing fruit and vegetables to enter their country. We submitted and passed the requirements and this is a chance for Australian people to taste Fuji apples from Hebei province. Our apples are fresh and of good quality. We are confident with the quality, Australian inspectors came here to inspect the Fuji apples from our country and they would not have given us certificates or permission if they had doubts with the quality," added Celia. Importing apples from China is a big challenge to Australian growers. It was even reported that there is a campaign going on to ignore the imported Fuji apples. Big retailers are also sympathizing with the local growers and agreed not to purchase the Fuji apples imported from China. Meanwhile, Great Wall has remained positive despite reports that their apples are "illegal" for not showing the origin of the apples. On every sticker, you will only find Great Wall and not "China" but on every box you will find China as the origin. Though this is not an issue at all for Great Wall, who say they are open to changes if necessary. Great Wall will continue exporting Fuji apples to Australia despite the accusations. They believe that having this opportunity will serve as an inspiration in expanding their market and perhaps, introduce other varieties in the coming years. :( |
Title: Re: Aussey Farmers furious over Gillards apple deal Post by imcrookonit on Feb 17th, 2011 at 1:39pm
As for me, I will only buy the Australian grown apples. :)
Title: Re: Aussey Farmers furious over Gillards apple deal Post by mellie on Feb 17th, 2011 at 1:44pm
Gillard bobbing for Kiwi Apples
TASMANIAN growers are outraged that New Zealand apples may soon be allowed into Tasmanian markets. Australian apple growers face an influx of cheap imports from across the Tasman after Prime Minister Julia Gillard confirmed yesterday that she would no longer fight international demands for looser quarantine rules. Ms Gillard was greeted by loud applause in the New Zealand Parliament yesterday when she confirmed that she had accepted a World Trade Organisation order for Australia to drop tough restrictions on imported apples. "Let me be clear that Australia accepts the verdict of the global umpire and will implement the WTO rulings on the importation of New Zealand apples into Australia," she told NZ parliamentarians. The trans-Tasman neighbours have battled over apple imports since 1921. Fruit Growers Tasmania spokeswoman Lucy Gregg said the arrival of New Zealand apples could devastate local orchards if the risk analysis assessment by Biosecurity Australia wasn't tight. "These protocols need to ensure our industry is protected, seeing that the imports will be on the way," Ms Gregg said. Apple growers across the country have been warning that diseases like fire blight could be spread from NZ imports. Trade Minister Craig Emerson last year ordered Biosecurity Australia to conduct a scientific review of quarantine rules. Ms Gillard yesterday defended Australia's appeals against the WTO ruling. "You would expect that in a rules-based trading system, which is what our world trade system is through the WTO, that as a nation we would use those rules and use appeal rights as they were made available," she said. "But the umpire has now spoken, we will abide by the decision." "But the umpire has now spoken, we will abide by the decision." ________________________________________ The umpire ? She's full of herself, has basically said, appeal it if you like, but I'm impressing my NZ mate here so tough luck, the decisions already made. Is she right there? If I didn't know any better, I'd say she's trying to commit political suicide, why on earth would she want to p1ss the farmers off like this? ::) |
Title: Re: Aussey Farmers furious over Gillards apple deal Post by mellie on Feb 17th, 2011 at 1:45pm wrote on Feb 17th, 2011 at 1:39pm:
Likewise...just in protest to this, and I don't care if they are 50c a kilo, I'm not buying NZ apples when we have our own farmers to take care of. |
Title: Re: Aussey Farmers furious over Gillards apple deal Post by mellie on Feb 17th, 2011 at 1:49pm Quote:
This is sounding a tad Orwellian, what an 'odd fellow' she is. ::) Global umpire? |
Title: Re: Aussey Farmers furious over Gillards apple deal Post by chicken_lipsforme on Feb 17th, 2011 at 2:02pm
You will find most Australians are price prostitutes mellie, and will seize a bargain whenever they find one.
The ban on NZ apples hasn't made sense for some years now considering how long it's been since the last case of fire blight in NZ. And also that NZ has been routinely exporting apples into Asia now for more than two decades without issue only further erodes any case to ban them from our shelves. We are supposed to be having a free trade agreement with NZ. Then let it be a free trade agreement. As it is the Chinese will soon have their apples here for sale with their silly 'Great Wall' sticker on them, so why not our kiwi brothers. I've eaten their fruit many a time in Asia, and there's nothing wrong with it. At least we should be given the choice on the shelves, so why not let the market decide. |
Title: Re: Aussey Farmers furious over Gillards apple deal Post by culldav on Feb 17th, 2011 at 2:07pm
Gillard would have to be the dopiest bitch I have ever came across, and the sooner someone displaces here the better for ALL Australians before she has us in a black hole we can never get out of.
If anyone ran their business the way she is running the Australian economy, they would be out backwards in 6 months. This stupid skank wouldn’t be able to run a brothel next to a pub! NZ will only let Australia invest $500million in their country, but Australia will let NZ invest $1billion in ours. What’s wrong with this picture? I really don’t know why she just doesn’t put Australia for sale on Ebay and be done with it. |
Title: Re: Aussey Farmers furious over Gillards apple deal Post by dsmithy70 on Feb 17th, 2011 at 2:16pm culldav wrote on Feb 17th, 2011 at 2:07pm:
Australia has been at the arse end of EVERY free trade deal we've struck. This is just the latest on a long list by both sides. |
Title: Re: Aussey Farmers furious over Gillards apple deal Post by Equitist on Feb 17th, 2011 at 2:23pm I'm guessing that this may have something to do with exchange rates - see: - New Zealand Dollar 1.32753 0.753276 |
Title: Re: Aussey Farmers furious over Gillards apple deal Post by culldav on Feb 17th, 2011 at 2:28pm
Pauline Hanson’s words are ringing in my ears when Howard excluded Australian pig farmers from his FTA with the USA. I know Pauline had her faults, but her words are ringing true right now
FMD, who are these morons that are getting elected into powerful positions, and what’s even worse, what’s the bloody matter with the Australian people that keep voting this cretins into power. |
Title: Re: Aussey Farmers furious over Gillards apple deal Post by culldav on Feb 17th, 2011 at 2:31pm
I would like to believe the exchange rates are a true indication of this difference, but we all know they are just fantasy, and that NZ would just increase the price of their business or product to match the AUD, so Australia wouldn't really be getting value for money would we.
Title: Re: Aussey Farmers furious over Gillards apple deal Post by imcrookonit on Feb 17th, 2011 at 2:34pm
Australia has been at the arse end of EVERY free trade deal we've struck.
This is just the latest on a long list by both sides. This is one of the reasons why I don't vote for Labor or Liberal. ;) |
Title: Re: Aussey Farmers furious over Gillards apple deal Post by culldav on Feb 17th, 2011 at 2:34pm
Lets just hope Mel this political suicide is fast and not slow, I want this nut-case bitch gone ASAP
Title: Re: Aussey Farmers furious over Gillards apple deal Post by culldav on Feb 17th, 2011 at 2:41pm
This skank is not happy being an anal mole and taking up the ring from every “tree ape” country she comes in contact with north of Australia, now she’s bending over again and taking up the arse from New Zealand. Surely that pillow biting handbag she carries around with her give her enough anal sex.
Title: Re: Aussey Farmers furious over Gillards apple deal Post by mellie on Feb 17th, 2011 at 2:47pm
I've looked into it, Gillard had no say in the matter...we had banned apples coming in from New Zealand for the past 90 years, but now, a rather Orwellian WTO (World Trade Authority) calls the shots it seems and tells us who we trade with, like it or not.
I knew what the WTO was, and it's association with WHO, though didn't realise they had this much power over governments, they really are the umpire, Gillard called it like it was, for once. New Zealand apples are known to be infested with a disease called fire Blight, and once it's in, it's turning back...bit like our fruit fly...only this attacks pears and your lovely garden roses also. Happy Valentines! :) They will more than likely introduce them to Tas first, to see what happens, so if it catches on, then it's contained, and not allowed to spread on the mainland at least...mean hu.. :-/ Poor Tasmanians, if we aren't grafting limbs onto the backs of their necks for spare parts, we are contaminating their produce with fire blight. Anyway... Our government cut scientific research/testing funding to screen produce some years ago, and now we lack the scientists required to test this produce properly ourselves it seems, though I dare say we will import a team, we will have to. This or give our own horticulturists a crash-course. Anyway, read up on it at your discretion if you are interested in it...I for one am, and am not overly keen on some Owellian-like WTO telling our nation who we must trade with, like it or not. You guys really need to read 1984, by George Orwell, if you haven't already... ;) Fire Blight is a bacteria btw... in case you were wondering! :) |
Title: Re: Aussey Farmers furious over Gillards apple deal Post by culldav on Feb 17th, 2011 at 3:09pm
The Tasmanians always reminds me of seeing those rats with human ears growing from their backs. LOL
They just have to rent the movie 1984, cost 2 bucks. As I have said, Australia is becoming the planets toilet. Here’s food for thought: Have you ever considered that the puppet masters just might be setting Australia up to become one big prison for the planets population considering its geographical location? Lets face it, take away Australia’s natural resources and it doesn’t have that much to offer does it? |
Title: Re: Aussey Farmers furious over Gillards apple deal Post by mellie on Feb 17th, 2011 at 3:11pm wrote on Feb 17th, 2011 at 1:39pm:
You may not have a choice... if I'm right, then it's likely this trade-deal will be huge, this and will basically end our own apple growing industry, eventually, to make the trade-deal worth NZ's while...because WTO dictates who produces, this and who sells to who...unless you live close to a local grower, who may end up burning his own orchard down anyway, because commercially, watering them to keep the supply up will be pointless and an expensive exercise in the long run if we are forced to compete with another coming in from NZ. Naturally, Woolworths and Coles will stock the Apples in question, this and probably wont tell you given our labelling standards have relaxed since Rudd made a few changes so we couldn't identify foreign produce as readily, to give foreign trade partners a commercial consumer-based advantage. Howard was big on Australian made, Australian owned, etc etc but things have now changed globally. It may only be one species, ie, Granny Smith to start with...but as our orchards become increasingly diseased less resistant, how will we be able to compete with large commercial NZ growers spraying their trees with copper sulphate and bactericidal agents? Anyway, now might be time to plant a few apple trees around your house if you can. :) |
Title: Re: Aussey Farmers furious over Gillards apple deal Post by mellie on Feb 17th, 2011 at 3:13pm culldav wrote on Feb 17th, 2011 at 3:09pm:
Yes, it's apparent they already have, we are dumping other nations toxic waste in the middle of Australia. Not good. ::) |
Title: Re: Aussey Farmers furious over Gillards apple deal Post by mellie on Feb 17th, 2011 at 3:21pm
See, where as Howard was more considered, Rudd and Gillard just sign along the dotted line, whenever the UN say jump!
And silly us really thought we were paying these idiots to run the country, when it's clear, globally, they are becoming increasingly powerless and more dependent on these global organisations themselves. One thing worries me, if a nations produce becomes contaminated for whatever reason, will all be as honest as they should be, if it means devastating losses to their primary industries? Ie...melamine in infant formula, and many milk products ie lollies which found their way to our supermarket shelves....passed our 'said' stringent testing which I doubt exists. If it did, how did these products find their way to our shelves to begin with in order to be recalled? Thus I'm not so keen on foreign reliance! Especially when it comes to food. |
Title: Re: Aussey Farmers furious over Gillards apple deal Post by mellie on Feb 17th, 2011 at 3:24pm
Take a look at this site... |
Title: Re: Aussey Farmers furious over Gillards apple deal Post by mellie on Feb 17th, 2011 at 9:24pm
All is not Apples with Gillard, she speaks of a global empire, our having formed part of it...listen to this audio, to the left of the audio-bar you will see a white triangle, just click on it , it should start.
Let me know what you think. |
Title: Re: Aussey Farmers furious over Gillards apple deal Post by cods on Feb 17th, 2011 at 9:41pm wrote on Feb 17th, 2011 at 1:39pm:
you wont after you taste the NZ fruit... it actually has taste crunch smell. not like ours bland bland soft and bland. |
Title: Re: Aussey Farmers furious over Gillards apple deal Post by cods on Feb 17th, 2011 at 9:43pm mellie wrote on Feb 17th, 2011 at 1:45pm:
I think you will find they will all be about the same price Fruit is not exactly cheap over there.. its the fruit from China I will avoid. |
Title: Re: Aussey Farmers furious over Gillards apple deal Post by cods on Feb 17th, 2011 at 9:44pm chicken_lipsforme wrote on Feb 17th, 2011 at 2:02pm:
I thought the kiwis were second cousins....No! |
Title: Re: Aussey Farmers furious over Gillards apple deal Post by cods on Feb 17th, 2011 at 9:54pm Dsmithy70 wrote on Feb 17th, 2011 at 2:16pm:
XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX we shouldnt have any problems dealing with NZ..and smithy between you and me we need to upgrade our products.. to be quite honest since I first came here in 59 I have seen a huge deterioration in our produce. now that could all be what we are left with its to be hoped so... if we export anything like what we have to put up with it isnt any wonder.. when you put everything in perspective like weather like abundance of pasture. even rain. we should do better heaps better you and I should be eating first class all the way but we are not. and this saddens me.. bring back the taste and the smell dont you remember walking in to a greengrocers and smelling the fruit.. the pinapples and bananas.. now its nothing.. we pick everything before it ripens and thats when the taste a smell is developing.time to tell the food emporiums to get lost. as for our meat again its lost its flavour |
Title: Re: Aussey Farmers furious over Gillards apple deal Post by philperth2010 on Feb 17th, 2011 at 10:34pm
I agree with you Cods!!!
:) |
Title: Re: Aussey Farmers furious over Gillards apple deal Post by mellie on Feb 17th, 2011 at 10:52pm
Australian growers have said imports of New Zealand apples could cost the major pip-fruit areas in New South Wales $30 million a year.
Think about rural communities, their livelihoods, their jobs. All Gillard cares about is the NBN, now she's trying to flog the product to them. ::) |
Title: Re: Aussey Farmers furious over Gillards apple deal Post by mellie on Feb 17th, 2011 at 10:58pm
If this Fire plight takes hold in Australia, and it's highly likely it will, say goodbye to our pear industry, because it wont prevail.
Sure, we can spray our apples with toxic chemicals and antibiotics as do NZ, but like NZ, we will no longer be able to grow pears, so will then have to import them the way they do. What's our pear industry worth? Again, think about Australian jobs, our farmers, our capacity to sustain ourselves. What did Gillard say about a sustainable Australia? Oh, she meant us sustaining the industry of her choosing. She'll probably go buy a few acres of land in PNG and grow pears over there, knowing ours will be all but wiped out by the time hers are ready to export to Australia. 8-) |
Title: Re: Aussey Farmers furious over Gillards apple deal Post by mellie on Feb 17th, 2011 at 11:03pm
eg: Pome fruit production (apples, pears and nashi pears) are Australia's largest fruit industry and had a gross value of $514 mil in 1996/97....I assume it would be much more now, but am off to bed, so will leave you this to think about.
Gillard doesn't think of the long term outcomes of her decisions, all she cares about is the round of applause she receives today. Her children aren't what will be part of the future afterall. So, why would she care? ::) |
Title: Re: Aussey Farmers furious over Gillards apple deal Post by mantra on Feb 18th, 2011 at 4:10am mellie wrote on Feb 17th, 2011 at 3:21pm:
Howard was not more considered. He almost finished off the dairy industry by deregulating it and many other industries. He signed an FTA with the US which immediately disadvantaged us and is so lopsided in their favour it's laughable. We are in deficit to them for billions. He also set up the FTA with China. How do we compete with 1.4 billion people? They are our biggest threat. Most of our manufacturing headed overseas under Howard. Rather a trade agreement with NZ than China. At least we share the same food authority, which is more than we do with the Asian countries. Yes our fruit and agriculture industries are in decline - more is the pity - but it's not just this government which is responsible. Both parties have been chipping away at our produce industries for decades - but the Coalition was far from being a protectionist government - just the opposite. You wanted to get rid of Howard too and voted for Labor. Try and remember why you did so. Don't spout his praises now - it just confirms your hypocrisy and your lack of credibility. |
Title: Re: Aussey Farmers furious over Gillards apple deal Post by Amadd on Feb 18th, 2011 at 4:27am Quote:
Yes, Howard's main uselfulness to this country was a lesson in not licking sour assholes. His ultimate failure to our nation should have been a blessing if we read it right. If we haven't learnt from Howard's drawn out failures, then his existence is ultimately worthless. Atm, Hitler has far more realistic worth than Howard. |
Title: Re: Aussey Farmers furious over Gillards apple deal Post by cods on Feb 18th, 2011 at 4:38am philperth2010 wrote on Feb 17th, 2011 at 10:34pm:
wow phil I am honored a first...yippee... just joking I really think mellie is overreacting.. I really do I bet we export more to them than they do to us.. mellie we have just finished off a book store.. Angus Robertson /borders. because of the internet.. what the hell is the difference..??? we cant be so pious to think because we support a farmer whilst killing off another business at the same time. makes what we do okay... I am and I will buy Australian but only if its better than they others.I buy greenish bananas only to find them going brown after a day or so.. all bananas in England are inported and they dont go like that. |
Title: Re: Aussey Farmers furious over Gillards apple deal Post by mantra on Feb 18th, 2011 at 8:03am mellie wrote on Feb 17th, 2011 at 3:11pm:
If you know the WTO dictates globally as to who produces what and sells to who - why did you put such a false topic name up? You really haven't a clue what you're talking about or you're deliberately lying. How about more fact less bulldust? Quote:
Refer to my earlier post. Howard sold us out. Stop spreading propaganda. The National Food Authority became FSANZ in 2002 under the Coalition. Amadd wrote on Feb 18th, 2011 at 4:27am:
Howard was a dictator and Abbott will attempt to follow in his footsteps without a doubt - that's if he gets his act together for long enough to win an election. |
Title: Re: Aussey Farmers furious over Gillards apple deal Post by mellie on Feb 18th, 2011 at 11:31am
Australians were a lot better off under a Liberal government, this and still had enough money in their pockets to pay their bills at least.
Can low income earners and pensioners say the same under a Green-Labor government who continue increasing electricity, the cost of living, housing costs, and taxes to cover their own tracks? Labor have squandered money, this and now are passing this expense onto the the public. End of story. :) |
Title: Re: Aussey Farmers furious over Gillards apple deal Post by mellie on Feb 18th, 2011 at 11:37am mellie wrote on Feb 17th, 2011 at 10:58pm:
We are looking at compromising a Billion dollar Australian pip-fruit industry, so Gillard can big note herself and appear to be getting something done on the international stage. Is it worth the risk? As much as they play this risk down...there was a very good reason why we wouldn't let NZ apples into our country to begin with...because once it gets in... we wont be able to grow other fruits, ie pears, nashi pears... NZ import all their pears for this reason. Australian farmers first! :) |
Title: Re: Aussey Farmers furious over Gillards apple deal Post by adelcrow on Feb 18th, 2011 at 11:44am
Fruit is sprayed for fire blight before it leaves New Zealand.
If our fruit growers feel they are an exception to the rule when it come to free trade they are wrong. This whole thing has always been about protecting inefficient producers from competition, just like the hoo ha that the banana growers carry on with when Fillipina producers want to export here. Its amazing what lame excuses some of our producers come up with to avoid competition and I for one hope this govt puts an end to it. |
Title: Re: Aussey Farmers furious over Gillards apple deal Post by mellie on Feb 18th, 2011 at 11:52am adelcrow wrote on Feb 18th, 2011 at 11:44am:
Our fruit growers have a right to protect their own livelihoods, particularly if it stands to damage a billion dollar industry, which could n turn not only harm farmers and the industry itself....but will cost Australian jobs. What do the Greens have to say about this? And furthermore, do we want our fruit laced with harsh patricides and antibiotics , the way NZ apples are? They can only manage the disease, and it will eventually compromise our fruit industry if it gets past. Personally, I think Gillard knows she will be out on her ass by 2012, so isn't too worried about the deal she's struck with NZ... ;D She's more into flogging her own product, NBN co to them. ;D Australian farmers first! Not Julia Gillards global reputation. Sorry! ::) |
Title: Re: Aussey Farmers furious over Gillards apple deal Post by adelcrow on Feb 18th, 2011 at 11:59am
Australias businesses that are making headway on the international markets are the ones that shed the yoke of protectionism years ago.
Protectionist policies are short sighted and in the end lead to high prices, a large bill for taxpayers and inefficient industries. As for the Greens, they believe in protectionist policies..I dont :) |
Title: Re: Aussey Farmers furious over Gillards apple deal Post by mellie on Feb 18th, 2011 at 12:01pm
Ie.....Gillard wants NZ to sign up to our NBN, in exchange for their diseased apple trade.
But the thing is, .....they have to agree to the NBN before the first apple arrives to Australia anyway...2012, by which stage, she will have been turfed. ;D Not velly blight are they :D |
Title: Re: Aussey Farmers furious over Gillards apple deal Post by mellie on Feb 18th, 2011 at 12:03pm
Well, if Greens believe in environmentally protectionist policies, what have they said about Gillard diseased NZ apples?
Or will they stay quiet if Gillard pays Bob's rent? 8-) |
Title: Re: Aussey Farmers furious over Gillards apple deal Post by adelcrow on Feb 18th, 2011 at 12:04pm
In all my posts I have always declared myself to be a fervent supporter of free trade.
The origional Conservative Party in Australia (which eventually morphed into the Liberal Party) was called the Freetraders The origional left wing party that morphed in the Labor Party was called the Protectionists. Free trade goes hand in hand with a nations wealth and prosperity where as protectionism leads to a dead end. |
Title: Re: Aussey Farmers furious over Gillards apple deal Post by mellie on Feb 18th, 2011 at 12:06pm
FACT, if we can demonstrate how this diseased NZ apple trade will devastate our own fruit industry, (and roses too)... then we may appeal it again.
This and have these diseased apples banned for another 90 years. 8-) |
Title: Re: Aussey Farmers furious over Gillards apple deal Post by alevine on Feb 18th, 2011 at 12:08pm mellie wrote on Feb 18th, 2011 at 12:06pm:
off you go then, cods. |
Title: Re: Aussey Farmers furious over Gillards apple deal Post by mellie on Feb 18th, 2011 at 12:09pm
Our fruit growers have a right to protect their own livelihoods, particularly if it stands to damage a billion dollar industry, which could in turn not only harm farmers at the gate, but a billion dollar Australian pip industry itself costing Australian jobs in the process.
So... would you put your pro-free trade ideals before the well being of our nations primary industries? This and have the hide to call Australia home? |
Title: Re: Aussey Farmers furious over Gillards apple deal Post by alevine on Feb 18th, 2011 at 12:10pm mellie wrote on Feb 18th, 2011 at 12:09pm:
you should do the testing, cods |
Title: Re: Aussey Farmers furious over Gillards apple deal Post by mellie on Feb 18th, 2011 at 12:12pm
The first apples aren't due to arrive until 2012 anyway, and i'm sure our farmers will have much to say about it between now and then.
The deal is hardly done! Typical of Gillard though, claiming victory before having gained success. ;D She must have caught it off Bill Shorten, he's a bit that way. |
Title: Re: Aussey Farmers furious over Gillards apple deal Post by mellie on Feb 18th, 2011 at 12:15pm
So , if Kiwis catch onto her trying to suck them into an NBN with the promise of an apple trade... (that's likely to be appealed and knocked back)... should we get the right government in to defend their farmers, (Libs)....
Could it be said that Gillard would be bitter apples? ;D |
Title: Re: Aussey Farmers furious over Gillards apple deal Post by adelcrow on Feb 18th, 2011 at 12:15pm
I have no idea what Bob Brown will do, I dont agree with all the policies of any of our parties.
I would like to think the majority of Australians do not form their opinions based purely on the manifesto of any political parties. Back to the apple growers, lets face facts, the apples grown in this country are bloody awfull and most of them have been in cold storage for months or even over a year before they get to consumers. The producers know they will have to lift their game or they will lose most of their market to better tasting, fresher and cheaper apples from across the ditch. I never feel sorry for industries that take their markets for granted and deliver a third rate product at a first class price. |
Title: Re: Aussey Farmers furious over Gillards apple deal Post by mellie on Feb 18th, 2011 at 12:22pm adelcrow wrote on Feb 18th, 2011 at 12:15pm:
Oh you mean apples raised on antibiotics and pesticides, to combat their rampant Fire Blight diseased apple industry? lol ;D.... Gillard is Like Eve, in the garden of eden tempting Key with her promise of an Apple trade in exchange for his willingness to back her NBN co. :D Just Gold! Once Kiwis find out about a NBN, then observe their already low employment slump even further due to jobs going off shore to telecommunication centrers with lighting fast internet....they might have second thoughts. 8-) And remember....there's always a hitch across the ditch! Gillard has absolutely no regard for either NZ or Australia. |
Title: Re: Aussey Farmers furious over Gillards apple deal Post by mellie on Feb 18th, 2011 at 12:23pm
Perhaps someone should warn them?
::) |
Title: Re: Aussey Farmers furious over Gillards apple deal Post by adelcrow on Feb 18th, 2011 at 12:25pm
mellie, our apple industry will only be decimated if the producers continue selling over priced and shoddy products to consumers.
Like all other industries that have no protectionist veil to shield them from international competition they will soon learn to lift their game and in fact the truth is new businesses always start up and grow rapidly when protectionist policies are lifted. If our present growers wont compete on the international market there is a line up of new talent just waiting to take over from them, this is true of every industry in this country. |
Title: Re: Aussey Farmers furious over Gillards apple deal Post by adelcrow on Feb 18th, 2011 at 12:32pm
Frankly I am always amazed that so many self proclaimed conservatives on this forum seem to support the out dated socialist doctorin of Protectionism.
For the long term growth of a countries wealth and economy it does not work, it has never worked and it never will work. All it is, is an expensive way to assure mediocrity. |
Title: Re: Aussey Farmers furious over Gillards apple deal Post by adelcrow on Feb 18th, 2011 at 12:40pm
What do our fruit producers already do?
They export their best fruit overseas and sell their third rate leftovers into the Australian market at the same prices they get for the first rate export quality produce that we never see. The apple growers do not want this cosy little arrangment to end and fire blight is just one of the many lame excuses our producers have used for years. It is easy to treat fruit for fire blight and the producers know that to be a fact. |
Title: Re: Aussey Farmers furious over Gillards apple deal Post by adelcrow on Feb 18th, 2011 at 12:45pm
Its quite simple, apples that come from New Zealand will be marked as such and so consumers will have a choice.
If consumers do not want to buy fruit that has been treated for fire blight given that Australian grown fruit has also been sprayed with pesticides, fungicides etc then they can make that decision when they are confronted with the choice at their greengrocers If that is the case then the Australian producers have nothing to worry about. |
Title: Re: Aussey Farmers furious over Gillards apple deal Post by nichy on Feb 18th, 2011 at 12:47pm
90% of Australian grown apples are for the domestic market adele.
I was looking to see what effect the apple industry was having on the Aussie economy, all I could find in limited time was that in 2001/2002 it contributed $328 million to the Australian economy. I would think that figure would have increased by now. I will support the Aussie growers, they are being ripped off by the wholesalers and supermarkets. If you are getting shoddy fruit, I suggest you try another supplier/shop. We buy ours from a dedicated fruit and veg shop and they are always very nice. |
Title: Re: Aussey Farmers furious over Gillards apple deal Post by adelcrow on Feb 18th, 2011 at 12:48pm
Im not to sure what the NBN has to do with New Zealand apples or free trade for that matter.
I consider free trade much to important to play politics with, it should be bi partisan |
Title: Re: Aussey Farmers furious over Gillards apple deal Post by mellie on Feb 18th, 2011 at 1:17pm
Paging Dr Bob Brown....
::) ____________________________ Listen to what she said.... Click the little white arrow on the left of this Mp3 audio bar... It should start playing. Make sure you listen to it right to the end. I love technology... 8-) |
Title: Re: Aussey Farmers furious over Gillards apple deal Post by alevine on Feb 18th, 2011 at 1:21pm mellie wrote on Feb 18th, 2011 at 12:23pm:
you should do those tests, cods! |
Title: Re: Aussey Farmers furious over Gillards apple deal Post by Sprintcyclist on Feb 18th, 2011 at 1:24pm here is the left, destroying another industry we |
Title: Re: Aussey Farmers furious over Gillards apple deal Post by alevine on Feb 18th, 2011 at 1:30pm Sprintcyclist wrote on Feb 18th, 2011 at 1:24pm:
This from the guy who loves the party that wants to rip money out of the car industry? |
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