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Political Parties >> Australian Labor Party >> Labor leadership divides over Rio Tinto

Message started by mellie on Feb 18th, 2011 at 1:45pm

Title: Labor leadership divides over Rio Tinto
Post by mellie on Feb 18th, 2011 at 1:45pm
Wayne Swan refuses to condemn union leaders over their war on Rio and Craig Emerson.

The Prime Minister and senior ministers Kevin Rudd and Martin Ferguson have reacted sharply to the Australian Workers Union's threat to “take on” Rio Tinto.

Ms Gillard has also condemned Labor faction heavyweights and AWU leaders Paul Howes and Bill Ludwig for branding Dr Emerson a dishonourable rat, after he urged them to tone down their rhetoric.

But Mr Swan, the Deputy Prime Minister and Treasurer, has baulked at condemning the union, which is his long-standing factional base in the Queensland Labor Party.

Instead Mr Swan, an AWU member who this week lauded the union at its annual conference as Australia's “best and strongest union”, dismissed the attacks on Dr Emerson and Rio's management as signs of healthy public debate.

Title: Re: Labor leadership divides over Rio Tinto
Post by cods on Feb 18th, 2011 at 6:00pm
I see in today paper.Bob Carr Steve Bracks John Faulkner have said  Labor need to break the back of the union hold in

well probably with a feather and not the slegehammer one woud actually remove them or at least their influence..

and just in Time for the NSW election as well.. ho hum

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