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Political Parties >> Australian Labor Party >> Julia Gilliard CANT DO A THING RIGHT Message started by stryder110011 on Feb 18th, 2011 at 6:17pm |
Title: Julia Gilliard CANT DO A THING RIGHT Post by stryder110011 on Feb 18th, 2011 at 6:17pm
Julia Gilliard couldnt get these right
Pink batts (4 people killed by Labor stupidty) Clash for clunkers solar rebates Resource mining tax Boat people policy climate change phoney health deals NBN I CANT FIND ONE POLICY OR ISSUE THAT JULIA GILLIARD THE TWISTED EMOTIONLESS CROW CANT GET RIGHT. So all of you Labor supporters tell me one thing Julia Gilliard has got right with any policy or issue ???? ;D ;D ;D amuse me |
Title: Re: Julia Gilliard CANT DO A THING RIGHT Post by HC on Feb 18th, 2011 at 6:19pm
Totally agree. It's like she has gone through every decent thing the Howard govt did and gone.."OK, how can we completely bugger that up?"
She's a vindictive incompetent, and apart from Tanner who left I can't think of anyone in Labor that is fit to govern. They are all self interested plebs- Gillard, Shorten, Arbib...where to stop? |
Title: Re: Julia Gilliard CANT DO A THING RIGHT Post by stryder110011 on Feb 18th, 2011 at 6:23pm Quote:
Very well said HC But you may find that these laborites would be scratching there heads trying to figure out what ISSUE or POLICY that she did right. |
Title: Re: Julia Gilliard CANT DO A THING RIGHT Post by Aussie on Feb 18th, 2011 at 6:26pm
(Makes a note......'all of the above posters sound like mellie.')
Title: Re: Julia Gilliard CANT DO A THING RIGHT Post by stryder110011 on Feb 18th, 2011 at 6:26pm Quote:
And I mean her time as Deputy PM and as PM. |
Title: Re: Julia Gilliard CANT DO A THING RIGHT Post by Aussie on Feb 18th, 2011 at 6:28pm
(makes another note.....'especially stryder110011.')
Title: Re: Julia Gilliard CANT DO A THING RIGHT Post by stryder110011 on Feb 18th, 2011 at 6:28pm
[quote(Makes a note......'all of the above posters sound like mellie.') ][/quote]
My Word, what is this thing about Mellie ???? |
Title: Re: Julia Gilliard CANT DO A THING RIGHT Post by stryder110011 on Feb 18th, 2011 at 6:29pm Quote:
what is this thing about mellie ??? lol |
Title: Re: Julia Gilliard CANT DO A THING RIGHT Post by stryder110011 on Feb 18th, 2011 at 6:31pm Quote:
?????? Must be the effect a full moon is having on some people, especially AUSSIE, ;D ;D |
Title: Re: Julia Gilliard CANT DO A THING RIGHT Post by stryder110011 on Feb 18th, 2011 at 6:33pm
Ok all you laborites out there on this board, TELL ME A POLICY OR ISSUE THAT JULIA GILLIARD HAS DONE RIGHT. ???
So that i can be amused and laugh ;D ;D ;D |
Title: Re: Julia Gilliard CANT DO A THING RIGHT Post by stryder110011 on Feb 18th, 2011 at 6:38pm Quote:
I guess that must be the hardest question for any laborite at this very moment, ;D ;D ;D ;D God, Labor is soooo utterly hopeless. |
Title: Re: Julia Gilliard CANT DO A THING RIGHT Post by philperth2010 on Feb 18th, 2011 at 6:39pm
She won Government... :)
She has delivered paid maternity leave..... :) She has all but passed the levy..... :) She has struck a deal with the States on health..... :) NBN....... :) Good enough by any standard.....Her government will also introduce a mining tax and an ETS.....Committed to increase funding for mental health.....Will return the budget to surplus by 2012 - 2013.....very productive for Australia to sustain long term prosperity and deliver better services!!! :) |
Title: Re: Julia Gilliard CANT DO A THING RIGHT Post by stryder110011 on Feb 18th, 2011 at 6:43pm Quote:
Title: Re: Julia Gilliard CANT DO A THING RIGHT Post by stryder110011 on Feb 18th, 2011 at 6:47pm Quote:
Oh she resorts to robin hood politics, out of 1.3 trillion dollar economy, she cant find 1.6 billion from it through all these typical labor pork barrelling policies, ;D ;D ;D THATS GREAT PHILPERTH |
Title: Re: Julia Gilliard CANT DO A THING RIGHT Post by stryder110011 on Feb 18th, 2011 at 6:50pm
[quoteShe has struck a deal with the States on health.....
][/quote] Oh yes Philperth gets sucked in to another phoney health policy, that with labor is made on the run and on the back of an envelope, ;D ;D ;D |
Title: Re: Julia Gilliard CANT DO A THING RIGHT Post by cods on Feb 18th, 2011 at 6:51pm stryder wrote on Feb 18th, 2011 at 6:29pm:
they all have a crush on her.. must do as they all read her avidly btw stryder she gillard has done another backflip with the greens and wilkie as we knew she would to buy their vote for her levy.. what parasites are these they sell their vote even if its to save a flood striken state much for those pointing their fingers at any Lib for saying its should be everyone and not the selected few to pay the levy. but its alright for these parasites to sell their votes.. unreal. I wonder how many in Qld will be getting solar panels at our expense? |
Title: Re: Julia Gilliard CANT DO A THING RIGHT Post by bridonta on Feb 18th, 2011 at 6:53pm
Well this is called "moving forward' .. "moving forward" .. I just wonder what slogan will these hopeless people used in the near coming election ??
Title: Re: Julia Gilliard CANT DO A THING RIGHT Post by stryder110011 on Feb 18th, 2011 at 6:55pm Quote:
Oh the emerging white elephant where they want place cable optic fibre to bring this broadband plan together while ignoring the threat of the emergence of wireless boardband technology. Good one again, PHILPERTH, gimme some more, I LOVE IT, ;D ;D ;D |
Title: Re: Julia Gilliard CANT DO A THING RIGHT Post by cods on Feb 18th, 2011 at 6:55pm philperth2010 wrote on Feb 18th, 2011 at 6:39pm:
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx she didnt win anything she bought it sold her soul.. maternity leave more baggage for the welfare to the young.paid for by the aged all but passed the levy no she sold her soul to get two votes.. lousy struck a deal on health at what cost and is it anything like what they promised in 2007? again she bends to everyone.. not what I want from a PM.. thats for sure. weak.weak.weak.weak. and you think its to be proud of.. |
Title: Re: Julia Gilliard CANT DO A THING RIGHT Post by cods on Feb 18th, 2011 at 6:56pm bridonta wrote on Feb 18th, 2011 at 6:53pm:
one things for sure she the only person I know who can move forward whilst doing backflips. |
Title: Re: Julia Gilliard CANT DO A THING RIGHT Post by Equitist on Feb 18th, 2011 at 7:00pm If Scott Morrison and Tony Abbott have their way, they'll be replacing the all-too-subtle STOP THE BOATS with STOP THE MUSLIMS! How else can they win over the lowest common denominator with their policy of 'Colour-Blind Multiculturalism'!? ::) |
Title: Re: Julia Gilliard CANT DO A THING RIGHT Post by sandysquirrel18 on Feb 18th, 2011 at 7:38pm
Stop the Muslims equitist?? Sounds like a jolly good idea to me. Muslims are incompatible with Westerners or didn't you know that Muslims, generally speaking, 'hate' Westerners. England, Holland, Germany among others now realise they made a mistake and that their respective country's identity is being lost to appease Muslims who enter their country and want to change the laws of the land to suit themselves. I can't imagine any Muslim country accommodating Westerners in the same manner.
Admittedly there are some lovely muslim people already here in Australia, but on the whole, most thinking people now realise that the Islamic agenda is to infiltrate each country and eventually change that country into an Islamic one. No thank you very much, our heroic soldiers who fought and died for Australia's freedom would be horrified. In my book, anyone who condones the Muslim beliefs condones the supression of women in nearly all forms. We don't want that here in Australia do we, though I guess some chauvanistic and weak minded men would be only too happy if that was the case. On the other hand, the Italians, Germans, Irish, Poms and various other assorted immigrants have been wonderful for this country. Compatibility is the essence of any successful multi-cultural society, and I'm afraid that Muslims don't fit the bill. You can rant and rave back at me all you like if that's your inclination, I don't really care what lefties have to say anymore. Any leftie that can condone what Labor has and is still doing to this country of ours should hang their heads in shame |
Title: Re: Julia Gilliard CANT DO A THING RIGHT Post by philperth2010 on Feb 18th, 2011 at 7:52pm
Hello Sandy....I think you are wrong about Muslims.....Extremists of every sect are dangerous and divisive....just look at Tony Abbott for instance!!!
;) Civilization is a method of living, an attitude of equal respect for all men. Jane Addams (1860 - 1935), Speech, Honolulu (1933) |
Title: Re: Julia Gilliard CANT DO A THING RIGHT Post by philperth2010 on Feb 18th, 2011 at 7:56pm sandysquirrel18 wrote on Feb 18th, 2011 at 7:38pm:
But Sandy.....Howard let just as many Muslims as Julia Gillard into Australia and so will Abbott....I fail to see any merit in your argument accept for an attempt to tap into anti Muslim are Scott Morrison aren’t you??? ;) |
Title: Re: Julia Gilliard CANT DO A THING RIGHT Post by nichy on Feb 18th, 2011 at 8:01pm sandysquirrel18 wrote on Feb 18th, 2011 at 7:38pm:
Absolutely correct sandysqirrel and if the comments on articles in the press are any indication 80% of Australians agree with you. As you say the majority of migrants to this country have integrated in a fairly short space of time and given us a richness and diversity as they have shared their cultures with us. Not so the muslims - what other migrant group has demanded we change our laws and way of life to suit them, to close public pools, or screen them, to "protect" their women from the public gaze , or to hide their faces when in public, or to demand our medical system bend ethics and perform "cultural" procedures that sexually mutilate their young girls. Not for me either. |
Title: Re: Julia Gilliard CANT DO A THING RIGHT Post by sandysquirrel18 on Feb 18th, 2011 at 8:07pm
I live in a town that is full of Muslims (Steve Bracks thought it would be good idea to send them to country towns as a multi-cultural experiment), and whilst there are a very small minority that seems to be mixing in nicely, there is a whole section of town that now seems reserved for Muslims, muslims that look the other way, Muslims that can't speak the
English language, muslim lads who are now forming or have alread formed .....'gangs'. Centrelink is full of muslims receiving their handouts or whatever and the majority of male Muslims won't let their wives work as they are not allowed near Aussie men. Make no mistake, I know of several Muslim homes that have 3 women to one male with a brood of children to complement that particular harem. I don't deem myself to be 'racist' ( a stupid word to stifle any meaningful debate regarding immigrants), but I really do think that compatibility is very important. There is an old saying........."A house divided against itself will not stand", perhaps you have heard to said once or twice. Well, for those who want to take their collective heads out of the sand, they must surely realise that Australia is becoming more and more divided every year. |
Title: Re: Julia Gilliard CANT DO A THING RIGHT Post by sandysquirrel18 on Feb 18th, 2011 at 8:11pm
But Sandy.....Howard let just as many Muslims as Julia Gillard into Australia and so will Abbott....I fail to see any merit in your argument accept for an attempt to tap into anti Muslim are Scott Morrison aren’t you???
_______________________ LOL, no, I am not Scott Morrison, Mellie or anyone else for that matter. And yes, phil, both Liberal and Labor have been guilty of pushing something on us that many, many people would like to see a referendum on. And thank you nichy, a person after my own heart |
Title: Re: Julia Gilliard CANT DO A THING RIGHT Post by philperth2010 on Feb 18th, 2011 at 8:27pm cods wrote on Feb 18th, 2011 at 6:55pm:
Hello Cods......Julia Gillard is an Atheist.....She has not sold her soul as you put it.....Her decisions are based on logic and reason.....Not by Mathew or Luke or Paul or the holy Ghost.....Her Government is actually doing quite well despite what you think Cods.....The things I mentioned are real and will have a real positive affect for Australia!!! Julia Gillard won Government because she convinced the Independents she was able to deliver what she promised....Tony Abbott was not believed and was unable to convince the Independents he could deliver what he promised!!! Condemning Paid Maternity Leave is fair enough if you also condemn the much less equitable maternity scheme proposed by Abbott!!! The levy was supported by the majority of the public and has now been accepted by parliament....I believe you oppose the levy more for political support than actual concern about economics!!! The deal on health is not historic....It will not solve all the problems in health.....State Governments must now work to see funding arrangements address there needs and the taxes from mining are used to benefit the elderly, infirmed, mentally ill and the remote communities that provide this wealth.....We have an opportunity to provide the best health system we can a rich nation we deserve better!!!! Far from being weak I see Julia Gillard as a reformer who will not hide behind God or her Macho Image.....Julia Gillard has to just continue doing what is right and her achievements will speak for themselves!!! IMO!!! :) |
Title: Re: Julia Gilliard CANT DO A THING RIGHT Post by Aussie on Feb 18th, 2011 at 8:33pm Quote:
It is like shooting dead ducks, Muso. |
Title: Re: Julia Gilliard CANT DO A THING RIGHT Post by philperth2010 on Feb 18th, 2011 at 8:38pm sandysquirrel18 wrote on Feb 18th, 2011 at 8:11pm:
Fair enough Sandy....That is why so many people want to live in such a great democratic country like Australia......Despite the cries and accusations of extremists most Australians have no problem getting on with anyone no matter what there problem is.....I think all we need to do is calm down and stop reacting to the lowest denominator!!! The great thing about democracy is that it gives every voter a chance to do something stupid. Art Spander :) |
Title: Re: Julia Gilliard CANT DO A THING RIGHT Post by sandysquirrel18 on Feb 18th, 2011 at 8:43pm
Honestly phil, how can you possibly say that Gillrudd is a reformer when everything she promises, proposes etc is either NOT implemented, or changed into an entirely different format than the original, or announced another backflip (how many is that now?).
Bob Brown and his motley crew, and to a lesser extent the Union heavies, are using Gillard as a puppet and she is letting them..............why? POWER at all costs. As I have said before, don't be surprised if there is a double dissolution around mid-year (to coincide with the Greens take over of the Senate). Gillards Labor Government will be in an untenable position then and I bet she rues the day when she formed a formal coalition with the Greens. She had no need to go that far, so why did she do it? Do you really know? Gillard and her abomination of a Government has a very short life span left to them and Australia will be well rid of them |
Title: Re: Julia Gilliard CANT DO A THING RIGHT Post by philperth2010 on Feb 18th, 2011 at 8:49pm sandysquirrel18 wrote on Feb 18th, 2011 at 8:43pm:
So far the Confetti Coalition is working wonderfully.....Don’t be surprised if Bob Brown is a blushing bride by Christmas!!! ;) |
Title: Re: Julia Gilliard CANT DO A THING RIGHT Post by alevine on Feb 18th, 2011 at 8:53pm stryder wrote on Feb 18th, 2011 at 6:47pm:
speaking of pork barrelling, your time to amuse: Who had promised more spending to individual electorates during the election, Labor or Coalition? Oh bugger... I think this is above your caliber. I think this is the time where you give up and say, "Ostrich, put head in sand." Right? ;D ;D ;D |
Title: Re: Julia Gilliard CANT DO A THING RIGHT Post by philperth2010 on Feb 18th, 2011 at 8:56pm
Kevin Rudd's government was a disappointment Sandy....Julia Gillard deserves to be condemned for some of the failings during the Rudd reign.....However Julia Gillard has shown great composure and a willingness to be different....I will make my judgments based on results and so far Julia Gillard is streaks ahead of anything I have seen for over a decade!!!
:) |
Title: Re: Julia Gilliard CANT DO A THING RIGHT Post by stryder110011 on Feb 18th, 2011 at 8:57pm Quote:
Is that your best ?? because you yourself cant figure anything that Julia Gilliard has done RIGHT ???? ;D ;D ;D ;D |
Title: Re: Julia Gilliard CANT DO A THING RIGHT Post by alevine on Feb 18th, 2011 at 9:40pm stryder wrote on Feb 18th, 2011 at 8:57pm:
You haven't read my past posts stryder, and if you did you'll know that I am not impressed with the current government at all either. But at least let's get the facts out right. It is after all the hard right that is always talking about "spin." And looking at the opposition, they are absolutely beyond doubt a dismal bunch. Here is their opportunity to reinvigorate their party and make it more appealing to the great Australian public, and yet they stick with the same duds who have nothing better to say other than racist crap and complete lies. Both parties are completely screwed. Anyway, look at coalition spending vs labor spending during the august election and work out who did more pork barreling. It doesn't add value to your argument when you are quoting things incorrectly. |
Title: Re: Julia Gilliard CANT DO A THING RIGHT Post by stryder110011 on Feb 19th, 2011 at 11:13am Quote:
Alevine is quite obvious your a leftie, so you spin facts yourself, AND ITS NO SPIN IF NONE OF YOU LABORITES CAN TELL ME ONE THING THAT JULIA GILLIARD HAS DONE RIGHT. |
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