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General Discussion >> Federal Politics >> should Winsor call for another election?

Message started by culldav on Mar 11th, 2011 at 8:37am

Title: should Winsor call for another election?
Post by culldav on Mar 11th, 2011 at 8:37am
Should Tony Winsor do the right thing by all the Australian people by crossing the floor and say he has lost confidence in the Government, and call for another election?

Gillard lied about the carbon tax and has no mandate to pursue this.

She is a contemptible deceitful liar and Tony Winsor should now do the right thing.

Title: Re: should Winsor call for another election?
Post by kanga on Mar 11th, 2011 at 8:39am

culldav wrote on Mar 11th, 2011 at 8:37am:
Should Tony Winsor do the right thing by all the Australian people by crossing the floor and say he has lost confidence in the Government, and call for another election?

Gillard lied about the carbon tax and has no mandate to pursue this.

She is a contemptible deceitful liar and Tony Winsor should now do the right thing.

Well without a doubt, but would he?

Title: Re: should Winsor call for another election?
Post by vegitamite on Mar 11th, 2011 at 8:48am
Why SHOULD Tony Windsor-  after all he is working with the aka Liberals ( some of them ) Maybe you should sack Turnbull and the other half of the Liberal s( but you will be sorry oneday if you did so)

Miranda Devine on Malcolm Turnbull’s push for policies that most voters now treat as poison:

IF you ever wondered who is advising Tony Windsor to support a carbon tax, well, now you know: moles within the Coalition, the kamikaze ever-shrinking pro-carbon tax faction, aka Team Turnbull.

Windsor is keeping their identities secret, but he says, “A lot of people within the Coalition would like to engage in that work (pricing carbon). They’ve been ruled out by the opportunism of Tony Abbott, but that doesn’t mean they can’t speak to others,” he told ABC radio yesterday.

Ah ha! So that’s why Malcolm Turnbull was having a deep and meaningful conversation over dinner in Canberra with that other ruminating country independent, Rob Oakeshott, last week. '

Title: Re: should Winsor call for another election?
Post by vegitamite on Mar 11th, 2011 at 8:51am

I think Abbott supporters need to realise YOU will pay a price on carbon under either party.



Title: Re: should Winsor call for another election?
Post by GrandPaPa on Mar 11th, 2011 at 8:52am
So interesting that the other "amigo" Bob Katter has been virtually silent.
C'mon Bob, get amongst the pigeons.......

Title: Re: should Winsor call for another election?
Post by vegitamite on Mar 11th, 2011 at 8:53am
Oh and BTW I am listen to Bill Heffernan on the ABC radio RIGHT NOW in an interview saying he thinks there will be a price on carbon...

Title: Re: should Winsor call for another election?
Post by buzzanddidj on Mar 11th, 2011 at 8:55am


Just ONE of the reasons he backed Labor was for STABILITY
He suspected Abbott would call an early election - and try for an absolute majority

ANOTHER reason he went with Labor, is his STRONG support for internet service in rural areas - equal to those in the big cities

Pretty LAME thread, by the way

Title: Re: should Winsor call for another election?
Post by vegitamite on Mar 11th, 2011 at 8:56am

wrote on Mar 11th, 2011 at 8:53am:
Oh and BTW I am listen to Bill Heffernan on the ABC radio RIGHT NOW in an interview saying he thinks there will be a price on carbon...

'but but but...wait wait wait...'

Bill has changed his mind...oh god where do the oposition stand...

oh thats it- grown Lucerne (?) instead of trees says Hefferan.

Title: Re: should Winsor call for another election?
Post by culldav on Mar 11th, 2011 at 9:34am

buzzanddidj wrote on Mar 11th, 2011 at 8:55am:


Just ONE of the reasons he backed Labor was for STABILITY
He suspected Abbott would call an early election - and try for an absolute majority

ANOTHER reason he went with Labor, is his STRONG support for internet service in rural areas - equal to those in the big cities

Pretty LAME thread, by the way

You seriously call this bunch of incompetent clowns jumping from one scheme to another without even releasing policy details to the public STABLE?    :o :o :o

Title: Re: should Winsor call for another election?
Post by Verge on Mar 11th, 2011 at 9:34am
I love this new government, Gillard is in training for the 2012 Olympic games in highdiving with all her backflips.

I love watching her squirm and roll over while Bob points and makes his commands.

Title: Re: should Winsor call for another election?
Post by culldav on Mar 11th, 2011 at 9:39am
I think whats "lame" is an incompetent Rudd/Gillard Government thats squandered $billions of tax payer money on failed schemes.

Don't you rememebr Ju-liar saying she would not introduce a carbon tax or do you need your ears tested?

Title: Re: should Winsor call for another election?
Post by nichy on Mar 11th, 2011 at 9:49am

Title: Re: should Winsor call for another election?
Post by cods on Mar 11th, 2011 at 10:00am

wrote on Mar 11th, 2011 at 8:56am:

wrote on Mar 11th, 2011 at 8:53am:
Oh and BTW I am listen to Bill Heffernan on the ABC radio RIGHT NOW in an interview saying he thinks there will be a price on carbon...

'but but but...wait wait wait...'

Bill has changed his mind...oh god where do the oposition stand...

oh thats it- grown Lucerne (?) instead of trees says Hefferan.

morning veg

hey veg.. I havent seen one thing you have written about gillards lies and deceit before and after the election.. yet you are concerned about Bill.. a bit of a laugh really..

you are condeming anything that the Libs say..

yet not a word on what Labor DOES'NT SAY.

and as for the we will give the tax to consumers... as has already been said.. isnt that going to defeat the point of the TAX!!!!!

we already have combet giving us lessons on how to save power.. he suggests we turn lights off.. and wall switches off.never thought of doing that!

so if gillard is going to compensate us for the extras this Tax will cost us... why would we do so??????????????????????????

no darl I think the greens will put their great big foot down about that one..yes we wil get a little of it back.. but like everything else it wont be like winning the lottery like some would have us believe... well you anyway.

Title: Re: should Winsor call for another election?
Post by Equitist on Mar 11th, 2011 at 10:15am

Encore: -

wrote on Mar 11th, 2011 at 8:51am:
I think Abbott supporters need to realise YOU will pay a price on carbon under either party.



Title: Re: should Winsor call for another election?
Post by nichy on Mar 11th, 2011 at 10:23am
Labor and Greens supporters are basing their opinions on the writings of one of the biggest hypocrites in Aus.

[size=14]"An inconvenient truth

Australia’s climate-warming guru, Professor Ross Garnaut, joined the ranks of the celebrity-discredited, such as America’s Al Gore, India’s Dr Pachauri and Britain’s Professor Phil Jones when a hockey stick came out of nowhere this week and whacked him in his money-purse. His credibility also got a hit.

A dirty little story, exposed by Australia’s national broadcaster, the ABC, revealed that the good professor, instead of helping to save the planet, was in fact busy with his company, Lihir Gold, creating a nasty big environmental catastrophe all of its own. And that was helping to destroy the planet.

Read the rest here :

Title: Re: should Winsor call for another election?
Post by culldav on Mar 11th, 2011 at 11:47am

Equitist wrote on Mar 11th, 2011 at 10:15am:
Encore: -

wrote on Mar 11th, 2011 at 8:51am:
I think Abbott supporters need to realise YOU will pay a price on carbon under either party.



Point taken, but there is no evidence to suggest Ju-liar won’t subsidise the polluters with tax payer dollars to keep them operating in Australia if they threaten to pack up and leave.

This maggot wants this passed without telling the Australian people any of the details.

I cannot believe so many Aussies are so stupid to trust a politician and fall for this ruse.    

Title: Re: should Winsor call for another election?
Post by frenchyjen70 on Mar 11th, 2011 at 12:22pm
The three independents know at the next election that they will be voted out by their constituents, so none will be wanting an early election at all.

Title: Re: should Winsor call for another election?
Post by bridonta on Mar 11th, 2011 at 12:30pm
yeah he would do that .. if he goes down in the early election but with dignity and respect .. but will be in shame if kept on tailing the Green/Lab ..

Title: Re: should Winsor call for another election?
Post by kanga on Mar 11th, 2011 at 2:48pm

bridonta wrote on Mar 11th, 2011 at 12:30pm:
yeah he would do that .. if he goes down in the early election but with dignity and respect .. but will be in shame if kept on tailing the Green/Lab ..

I would have to agree. If he trips a new election, he will be seen as a winner. A winner that made a big big mistake but came through in the end. If he keeps with the greens and labor, he will be seen as the biggest loser independant of our era.

Title: Re: should Winsor call for another election?
Post by stryder110011 on Mar 11th, 2011 at 4:21pm



Just ONE of the reasons he backed Labor was for STABILITY
He suspected Abbott would call an early election - and try for an absolute majority

ANOTHER reason he went with Labor, is his STRONG support for internet service in rural areas - equal to those in the big cities

Pretty LAME thread, by the way

Yep, Buzzanddidj certainly loves those incompetent clowns in the Labor party.

And certainly loves to pay the carbon tax, even though there is no measurement to know if its having an affect on global temperatures or not.


Get used to it.

Title: Re: should Winsor call for another election?
Post by Wattle Grove on Mar 11th, 2011 at 4:26pm

stryder wrote on Mar 11th, 2011 at 4:21pm:



Just ONE of the reasons he backed Labor was for STABILITY
He suspected Abbott would call an early election - and try for an absolute majority

ANOTHER reason he went with Labor, is his STRONG support for internet service in rural areas - equal to those in the big cities

Pretty LAME thread, by the way

Yep, Buzzanddidj certainly loves those incompetent clowns in the Labor party.

And certainly loves to pay the carbon tax, even though there is no measurement to know if its having an affect on global temperatures or not.


Get used to it.

I got a good idea, everytime labor wins a election why don't we have another election 6 months later and if the liberals win the next election could be 10 years time.

Title: Re: should Winsor call for another election?
Post by hawil on Mar 11th, 2011 at 7:07pm
Why waste millions of dollars on another election, with more politicians being voted out and after enjoying big parliamentary super pensions, often at a very young age; remember all the Democrats; "Keep the bastards honest".
There is hardly any difference in who is in power, as this excerpts from some books point out.
And another ex-politician, whose book I can't remember wrote, "The parliamentary debates are nothing but a Circus".

Have the politicians of Australia the know-how and will to change the tax and social system to be more egalitarian, or was the late Professor A.J.Marshall right when he wrote, as quoted in the book “Equality and Authority” by S Encel on page212: “Most Australian politicians, he wrote, aspire to parliamentary seats ‘to better their salary, to inflate their egos and feather their nests’.
John Pilger in his book “The new rulers of the world” wrote on page 175: Like Britain and the US, Australia is a single ideology state with two competing factions, discernible largely by the personalities of their politicians. The difference between Howard’s conservative coalition and the opposition Labor Party is that Howards policies are not veiled. The Labor governments of the 1980s and early 1990s oversaw the greatest distribution of wealth in the country’s history: from bottom to top. They were Thatcherite and Reganite in all but name. Indeed, Tony Blair described then Prime Minister Paul Keating as his

Title: Re: should Winsor call for another election?
Post by bridonta on Mar 11th, 2011 at 11:25pm
if these Lab supporters kept on support those ALP recent incompetent clowns in Canberra .. this only makes the situation worsen for the ALP .. and who will be benefit .. Not the Lib .. but those loonies Green ..

Title: Re: should Winsor call for another election?
Post by Sprintcyclist on Mar 11th, 2011 at 11:50pm

yes, he should

aussie has lost confidance in judas.

Title: Re: should Winsor call for another election?
Post by Dnarever on Mar 12th, 2011 at 1:18am
WOW a topic on the most unlikley option.

He would be an absolute nutter to go that way.

Title: Re: should Winsor call for another election?
Post by frenchyjen70 on Mar 12th, 2011 at 6:28am

hawil wrote on Mar 11th, 2011 at 7:07pm:
Why waste millions of dollars on another election,

As opposed to all Australians having to waste mega-millions from being taxed on a ridiculous notion that Australia can control world temperatures.
Wonder which would be the more viable choice?

Title: Re: should Winsor call for another election?
Post by kanga on Mar 12th, 2011 at 6:33am

frenchyjen70 wrote on Mar 12th, 2011 at 6:28am:

hawil wrote on Mar 11th, 2011 at 7:07pm:
Why waste millions of dollars on another election,

As opposed to all Australians having to waste mega-millions from being taxed on a ridiculous notion that Australia can control world temperatures.
Wonder which would be the more viable choice?

You can add the rediculous amounts of billions that labor always manage to get us into debt.

Title: Re: should Winsor call for another election?
Post by Sprintcyclist on Mar 12th, 2011 at 11:57am

and the billions on fibre to the backward illiterate idiots

Title: Re: should Winsor call for another election?
Post by skippy. on Mar 12th, 2011 at 12:06pm

kanga wrote on Mar 12th, 2011 at 6:33am:

frenchyjen70 wrote on Mar 12th, 2011 at 6:28am:

hawil wrote on Mar 11th, 2011 at 7:07pm:
Why waste millions of dollars on another election,

As opposed to all Australians having to waste mega-millions from being taxed on a ridiculous notion that Australia can control world temperatures.
Wonder which would be the more viable choice?

You can add the rediculous amounts of billions that labor always manage to get us into debt.

Yes RIDICULOUS, now who do I know that spells RIDICULOUS REDICULOUS?

Title: Re: should Winsor call for another election?
Post by kanga on Mar 12th, 2011 at 12:07pm

Sprintcyclist wrote on Mar 12th, 2011 at 11:57am:
and the billions on fibre to the backward illiterate idiots

I would have worded that a little different. You cant be that mean to the left, they know not what they say nor do.

Title: Re: should Winsor call for another election?
Post by Sprintcyclist on Mar 12th, 2011 at 12:08pm

always the sign of a losing poster, when they resort to typos.

suck it up skippy

Title: Re: should Winsor call for another election?
Post by kanga on Mar 12th, 2011 at 12:10pm

skippy. wrote on Mar 12th, 2011 at 12:06pm:

kanga wrote on Mar 12th, 2011 at 6:33am:

frenchyjen70 wrote on Mar 12th, 2011 at 6:28am:

hawil wrote on Mar 11th, 2011 at 7:07pm:
Why waste millions of dollars on another election,

As opposed to all Australians having to waste mega-millions from being taxed on a ridiculous notion that Australia can control world temperatures.
Wonder which would be the more viable choice?

You can add the rediculous amounts of billions that labor always manage to get us into debt.

Yes RIDICULOUS, now who do I know that spells RIDICULOUS REDICULOUS?

Der, it is right in front of you. Hello Kanga, meet Skippy.

Title: Re: should Winsor call for another election?
Post by skippy. on Mar 12th, 2011 at 12:12pm

Sprintcyclist wrote on Mar 12th, 2011 at 12:08pm:
always the sign of a losing poster, when they resort to typos.

suck it up skippy

You must have an interesting keyboard sprinty, my I and E have 4 letters in between them, hardly a typo. :-rtyu

Title: Re: should Winsor call for another election?
Post by kanga on Mar 12th, 2011 at 12:15pm

skippy. wrote on Mar 12th, 2011 at 12:12pm:

Sprintcyclist wrote on Mar 12th, 2011 at 12:08pm:
always the sign of a losing poster, when they resort to typos.

suck it up skippy

You must have an interesting keyboard sprinty, my I and E have 4 letters in between them, hardly a typo. :-rtyu

Could be what they call a ring in.

Title: Re: should Winsor call for another election?
Post by frenchyjen70 on Mar 12th, 2011 at 12:16pm

Sprintcyclist wrote on Mar 12th, 2011 at 12:08pm:
always the sign of a losing poster, when they resort to typos.

suck it up skippy

Known as pedants!
1. a person who makes an excessive or inappropriate display of learning.
2. a person who overemphasizes rules or minor details.
3. a person who adheres rigidly to book knowledge without regard to common sense.

Title: Re: should Winsor call for another election?
Post by frenchyjen70 on Mar 12th, 2011 at 12:18pm

kanga wrote on Mar 12th, 2011 at 6:33am:

frenchyjen70 wrote on Mar 12th, 2011 at 6:28am:

hawil wrote on Mar 11th, 2011 at 7:07pm:
Why waste millions of dollars on another election,

As opposed to all Australians having to waste mega-millions from being taxed on a ridiculous notion that Australia can control world temperatures.
Wonder which would be the more viable choice?

You can add the rediculous amounts of billions that labor always manage to get us into debt.

Thought that that was making a very subtle and impressive play on words about the ALP (being the red party).

Title: Re: should Winsor call for another election?
Post by Dnarever on Mar 12th, 2011 at 8:53pm

frenchyjen70 wrote on Mar 12th, 2011 at 12:18pm:
Thought that that was making a very subtle and impressive play on words about the ALP (being the red party).

Is that in comparison to the Liberals being the red neck party?

Title: Re: should Winsor call for another election?
Post by frenchyjen70 on Mar 12th, 2011 at 8:55pm

Dnarever wrote on Mar 12th, 2011 at 8:53pm:

frenchyjen70 wrote on Mar 12th, 2011 at 12:18pm:
Thought that that was making a very subtle and impressive play on words about the ALP (being the red party).

Is that in comparison to the Liberals being the red neck party?

You need to put down your bottle
the ALP are rednecks or the red party, the Liberals are whitecollars or the blue party.

Title: Re: should Winsor call for another election?
Post by Dnarever on Mar 12th, 2011 at 8:57pm

frenchyjen70 wrote on Mar 12th, 2011 at 8:55pm:

Dnarever wrote on Mar 12th, 2011 at 8:53pm:

frenchyjen70 wrote on Mar 12th, 2011 at 12:18pm:
Thought that that was making a very subtle and impressive play on words about the ALP (being the red party).

Is that in comparison to the Liberals being the red neck party?

You need to put down your bottle
the ALP are rednecks or the red party, the Liberals are whitecollars or the blue party.

I was refering to the manner in which the Libs seek and appeal to the red neck vote.

Title: Re: should Winsor call for another election?
Post by frenchyjen70 on Mar 12th, 2011 at 9:01pm

Dnarever wrote on Mar 12th, 2011 at 8:57pm:

frenchyjen70 wrote on Mar 12th, 2011 at 8:55pm:

Dnarever wrote on Mar 12th, 2011 at 8:53pm:

frenchyjen70 wrote on Mar 12th, 2011 at 12:18pm:
Thought that that was making a very subtle and impressive play on words about the ALP (being the red party).

Is that in comparison to the Liberals being the red neck party?

You need to put down your bottle
the ALP are rednecks or the red party, the Liberals are whitecollars or the blue party.

I was refering to the manner in which the Libs seek and appeal to the red neck vote.

do they?
or is it that the heart of the labor voters (red necks) are simply fed up with the ALP?

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