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Message started by imcrookonit on Mar 31st, 2011 at 6:06am

Title: Who Should The People On Welfare Vote For.
Post by imcrookonit on Mar 31st, 2011 at 6:06am
TONY Abbott will today outline a tough Coalition welfare policy that would cut back the pension for people whose disabilities can be readily treated and suspend the dole for young people in areas where job vacancies have not been filled.  

Mr Abbott, declaring that ''sometimes government have to be firm to be fair'', will also propose making work-for-the-dole mandatory for those under 50 receiving unemployment benefits for more than six months.   :(

And he will say that half the welfare income of all the long-term unemployed should be quarantined for purchasing ''the necessities of life''.   :(

''Allowing people to stay on welfare when there is work they can reasonably do is the kindness that kills,'' Mr Abbott will tell the Queensland Chamber of Commerce.

''It's the misguided compassion that eventually breaks down the social fabric, as the more perceptive Aboriginal leaders have long recognised.''

The Opposition Leader's hard line comes as the government is working on welfare changes, expected to be in the budget, to encourage people into work.

Mr Abbott says the reforms he is proposing ''even this government should not shrink from''.

Labor promised to retain work-for-the-dole but allowed it to decay, Mr Abbott says in his speech. Since 2007, participation has fallen 60 per cent to less than 10,000.

''Work-for-the-dole should be the default option for everyone under 50 who has been on unemployment benefits for more than six months,'' Mr Abbott says. ''Reasonably fit working age people should be working, preferably for a wage, but if not, for the dole.''

He points out that disability numbers are set to pass 800,000 this year at an annual cost of $13 billion. This is about 220,000 more working-age people on the disability pension than on unemployment benefits. The dole is $474.90 per fortnight for a single adult with no children, compared with a disability pension of $670.90 for a single person over 21.

Mr Abbott says that with only just over 1 per cent of disability pensioners moving back into the workforce each year and nearly 60 per cent of recipients having potentially treatable mental health or muscular-skeletal conditions, it is time for reform.

''What's needed is a more sophisticated benefit structure that distinguishes between disabilities that are likely to be lasting and those that could be temporary, and that provides

more encouragement for people with some capacity for work.'' Better directing of disability payments could help to part-fund ''much greater assistance to people with very serious disabilities'', as recently proposed by the Productivity Commission.

He says the government in Britain has reformed its disability pension, with more targeted payments for people whose disabilities might not be permanent.

Mr Abbott says suspending the dole for people under 30 in areas where there are unskilled jobs ''is perhaps the strongest signal that government could give that people must take opportunities to work seriously''.

''Why should any reasonably fit person be on unemployment benefits in Karratha, for instance, when employers can't find cleaners to work even at well above award wages?''

The proposal is the stick to match the carrot of a relocation allowance the Coalition offered at the election for young people.

Long a supporter of quarantining part of people's welfare, Mr Abbott says it is a ''justified interference in people's lives because taxpayers have a right to insist that their money is not wasted''.

In the Northern Territory, people on the dole long term have half their money quarantined for spending on necessities. There are also trials of the arrangement in the Kimberley, Cape York and parts of Perth.

Mr Abbott confirms that his election policies for the relocation allowance and a job commitment bonus for young, long-term unemployed people who find and keep a job, remain Coalition policy, as does the parental leave plan ''giving most mothers six months with their babies at full pay''.

Title: Re: Who Should The People On Welfare Vote For.
Post by warrigal on Mar 31st, 2011 at 6:22am
In response Abbott calls for welfare reform MR Tony Abbott MP

Before you look at Welfare Reform (Bringing in Compulsory WFD) (I have already done WFD 3 tImes now, I am not doing any more.)
I am Skilled Australian my Occupation is Disability care worker (Personal Carer). For the last 4 years I have been unemployed, I have had 5 different Job Networks during that time and not one of them could get a Skilled, Trained, (Certificate 3 Disability Care), Disbility Care Worker (me) a Job.

So look at the Job networks first and the People running them, They DON”T care about the unemployed, They only care about themself and what they can get out of there JOB.

So before you you look at Welfare Reform, get out and make available more jobs to qualified Trained Australians : , and provide them to the people that need them not the People that don’t.

The Job Networks have FAILED :-/


I am not a labour part supporter, but this is completly ridiculous Compulsory WFD, Provide Jobs and put the People that need them in them not to the People with Wealth that Don't.

So WAKE UP Tony Abbott and see what is really going on, Australian worker being kept out of Jobs by Job Networks :-?

Title: Re: Who Should The People On Welfare Vote For.
Post by nairbe on Mar 31st, 2011 at 6:33am
The answer is simple, they need the coalition. As much as i can not stand Abbott, mostly what you have quoted him as saying i agree with.

I am a single parent, the oldest has a mental disability and i run my own business. I also have a chronic illness that will be with me for the rest of my life. I am a very strong social justice thinker and believe in small communities, hence i live in the country. This is not a whinge, quite the opposite i love my life and would go out of my mind if i was not active.

I hate dole bluggers especially those that worm their way on to disability. The disability is there for those that really need it. I have made it my mission to ensure my daughter learns enough at school so she can at least hold down a job at woolies or maccas and have some pride in herself. If someone can work no matter the restriction due to disability they should at least be trying to work and we as a community should be trying to help them.

So i support the elimination of the disability support pension and replace it with a supplement to the newstart that can be kept when they get a job as generally they will be on poor wages. Increase the requirements for eligibility and require everyone that is not totally permanently incapacitated to do something.

I know it seems harsh but after a few generations of welfare in this country we seem to have become lazy. Not just the people who waste away on these benefits but the communities we live in don't see the need to create employment for the health of their community because the government will simply hand over the doe. We only have ourselves to blame if we think we live in a nanny state, we demand it of our government then criticise them for doing what we wanted.  

Title: Re: Who Should The People On Welfare Vote For.
Post by warrigal on Mar 31st, 2011 at 6:39am

nairbe wrote on Mar 31st, 2011 at 6:33am:
The answer is simple, they need the coalition. As much as i can not stand Abbott, mostly what you have quoted him as saying i agree with.

I am a single parent, the oldest has a mental disability and i run my own business. I also have a chronic illness that will be with me for the rest of my life. I am a very strong social justice thinker and believe in small communities, hence i live in the country. This is not a whinge, quite the opposite i love my life and would go out of my mind if i was not active.

I hate dole bluggers especially those that worm their way on to disability. The disability is there for those that really need it. I have made it my mission to ensure my daughter learns enough at school so she can at least hold down a job at woolies or maccas and have some pride in herself. If someone can work no matter the restriction due to disability they should at least be trying to work and we as a community should be trying to help them.

So i support the elimination of the disability support pension and replace it with a supplement to the newstart that can be kept when they get a job as generally they will be on poor wages. Increase the requirements for eligibility and require everyone that is not totally permanently incapacitated to do something.

I know it seems harsh but after a few generations of welfare in this country we seem to have become lazy. Not just the people who waste away on these benefits but the communities we live in don't see the need to create employment for the health of their community because the government will simply hand over the doe. We only have ourselves to blame if we think we live in a nanny state, we demand it of our government then criticise them for doing what we wanted.  

In respnsponse to you Narbie The DSP is also there for people that have been pushed over the edge by the constaint dole bulger attacks, and people that have stoped them from being able to work, constainly getting on the unemployed persons case.

Eventually the Unemployed person will break and then the only option is DSP for them.

Look at at the big picture before you Dole Bash the unemployed.

The Job Networks in Australia Constaintly FAIL

Title: Re: Who Should The People On Welfare Vote For.
Post by warrigal on Mar 31st, 2011 at 6:45am
Quote: but the communities we live in don't see the need to create employment for the health of their community

Exactly the people in authority (Those will good Jobs working for the community), THEY DON"T CARE. They Only think about them selfs.

Why should a Disability Pensioner that is given and trained for a Job, be able to keep his or her government Beniefts.

Disbility Pensioners they live like Kings and they don't care about any one else. :'(

Title: Re: Who Should The People On Welfare Vote For.
Post by imcrookonit on Mar 31st, 2011 at 6:46am
I wonder why the government want to cut more people off disability?.  The answer is very simple, it is because a person on disability support pension gets more money than a person on New start (No start).  So in other words its not so much for the persons benefit at hand, its more a money thing.    :(    

Title: Re: Who Should The People On Welfare Vote For.
Post by Katanyavich on Mar 31st, 2011 at 6:46am

I am terminally disillusioned with Labor, and supported Tony in his opposition to the carbon tax.

I voted for the coalition in NSW last weekend.

But Tony has, in one fell swoop, lost ANY chance he had of me voting for him or the coalition Federally.

Bye-Bye, Tony.

Title: Re: Who Should The People On Welfare Vote For.
Post by Prevailing on Mar 31st, 2011 at 6:54am

nairbe wrote on Mar 31st, 2011 at 6:33am:
The answer is simple, they need the coalition. As much as i can not stand Abbott, mostly what you have quoted him as saying i agree with.

I am a single parent, the oldest has a mental disability and i run my own business. I also have a chronic illness that will be with me for the rest of my life. I am a very strong social justice thinker and believe in small communities, hence i live in the country. This is not a whinge, quite the opposite i love my life and would go out of my mind if i was not active.

I hate dole bluggers especially those that worm their way on to disability. The disability is there for those that really need it. I have made it my mission to ensure my daughter learns enough at school so she can at least hold down a job at woolies or maccas and have some pride in herself. If someone can work no matter the restriction due to disability they should at least be trying to work and we as a community should be trying to help them.

So i support the elimination of the disability support pension and replace it with a supplement to the newstart that can be kept when they get a job as generally they will be on poor wages. Increase the requirements for eligibility and require everyone that is not totally permanently incapacitated to do something.

I know it seems harsh but after a few generations of welfare in this country we seem to have become lazy. Not just the people who waste away on these benefits but the communities we live in don't see the need to create employment for the health of their community because the government will simply hand over the doe. We only have ourselves to blame if we think we live in a nanny state, we demand it of our government then criticise them for doing what we wanted.  

Ha ha ha what a lying socialist cannibal.  Pigs 'rse lol ;D ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re: Who Should The People On Welfare Vote For.
Post by warrigal on Mar 31st, 2011 at 6:57am

wrote on Mar 31st, 2011 at 6:46am:
I wonder why the government want to cut more people off disability?.  The answer is very simple, it is because a person on disability support pension gets more money than a person on New start (No start).  So in other words its not so much for the persons benefit at hand, its more a money thing.    :(    

Well it was supposed to be a NEW START for the Unemployed But did we get it NO.

The people providing the NEWSTART Don't Care

Title: Re: Who Should The People On Welfare Vote For.
Post by Prevailing on Mar 31st, 2011 at 6:57am
I dont care which one is in power, if they present them selves for a fight like NAZIS to try into screw Aussies out of their welfare, they will get a fight to the death - "Bring IT On". 8-) 8-)

Title: Re: Who Should The People On Welfare Vote For.
Post by Katanyavich on Mar 31st, 2011 at 7:02am

Quote - ""Long a supporter of quarantining part of people's welfare, Mr Abbott says it is a ''justified interference in people's lives because taxpayers have a right to insist that their money is not wasted''.""

Ah, so it's the long-term unemployed who waste all our money?

Funny, I'd always thought it was governments.

Tony would do better (AND be fairer) if he targetted middle-class WEALTHfare, rather than doing a Howard and sinking the slipper into the most maligned and disadvantaged groups in the community.

Thoroughly reprehensible, Tony.

Title: Re: Who Should The People On Welfare Vote For.
Post by warrigal on Mar 31st, 2011 at 7:07am
Electoral Division of Warringah (NSW) Tony Abbott's electorate

Well that makes sense the elite Suburbs of the Silver tails :-/

Title: Re: Who Should The People On Welfare Vote For.
Post by Katanyavich on Mar 31st, 2011 at 7:41am

Not really much point those on welfare (as opposed to WEALTHfare) voting for ANYONE.

They get the shaft either way.

The Macklin 'thing' wants Labor to introduce similar policy.

Some peoplle will stoop to ANYTHING to get the 'conservative' vote.

"ME, Too" politics, anyone?


Title: Re: Who Should The People On Welfare Vote For.
Post by warrigal on Mar 31st, 2011 at 7:42am
Maybe Julia G was right it is Mr Rabbit :'(

Title: Re: Who Should The People On Welfare Vote For.
Post by warrigal on Mar 31st, 2011 at 7:52am
Mr Abbott Making People do WFD dosen't provide them with a Job
(Thats a Unemployment Industry that provides Jobs to other people to Supervise them)
Get them a Job by providing them with a JOB. and Training if neccessary. :-*

Title: Re: Who Should The People On Welfare Vote For.
Post by warrigal on Mar 31st, 2011 at 8:20am
To any one that works in a Australian Job Network Today, Get off your arse, Get out of the Office. You get out their and start kicking down doors, If some Ignorant Employer/ Worker gets in your way, throw them out of the WAY. And find out WHY they Can't Employ Unemployed Australian that are or arn't Skilled for the JOB :).

Title: Re: Who Should The People On Welfare Vote For.
Post by mozzaok on Mar 31st, 2011 at 8:31am
People receiving welfare payments should support whoever is best going to either, stop them needing to receive welfare payments, or who does everything they can to help them be as productive and engaged members of our society that they are able to be.

Title: Re: Who Should The People On Welfare Vote For.
Post by muso on Mar 31st, 2011 at 8:36am

warrigal wrote on Mar 31st, 2011 at 8:20am:
To any one that works in a Australian Job Network Today, Get off your arse, Get out of the Office. You get out their and start kicking down doors, If some Ignorant Employer/ Worker gets in your way, throw them out of the WAY. And find out WHY they Can't Employ Unemployed Australian that are or arn't Skilled for the JOB :).

Anyone who acts like that is an unemployable fruitloop. To answer the Topic title..... er ... Isn't there something more important to talk about?

Title: Re: Who Should The People On Welfare Vote For.
Post by Prevailing on Mar 31st, 2011 at 8:36am

mozzaok wrote on Mar 31st, 2011 at 8:31am:
People receiving welfare payments should support whoever is best going to either, stop them needing to receive welfare payments, or who does everything they can to help them be as productive and engaged members of our society that they are able to be.

People on welfare are half of Australia who have scores to settle with both major parties, the corporate world and the banks and we will make up our own minds where the battle will be and it will be at a time of our choosing. 8-) 8-)

Title: Re: Who Should The People On Welfare Vote For.
Post by Belgarion on Mar 31st, 2011 at 8:54am
I was one of those who believed that anyone who was unemployed for any length of time was so by their own choice. Until my sons apprenticeship fell through ( employer was ripping him and other apprentices off re wages and proper training) and he began looking for other work. Thus falling into the hands of the job network.

Trying to find a full time job via these job networks is an exercise in futility. They demand endless meetings and counselling sessions but never seem to actually find a place for anyone. After more than 6 months my son eventually found a decent job via a work contact of his mothers, not with any help from these so-called experts. Add this to the fact that far too many employers  are not willing to give training but would rather employ a fully trained person even if they have to import them from overseas and it's no wonder that so many cannot find a job even in these alleged times of high employment.

That is not to say there aren't plenty of welfare bludgers out there ripping off the system. However It is very disheartening for those who want to work and can't because of incompetent, privatised job agencies and lazy employers.

Title: Re: Who Should The People On Welfare Vote For.
Post by Prevailing on Mar 31st, 2011 at 9:15am
Almost half of Australia is on welfare - and they want revenge - blood for blood - they have scores to settle - that is all. :-X :-X :-X :-X :P :P :P :P :-X :-X :-X :-X

Title: Re: Who Should The People On Welfare Vote For.
Post by imcrookonit on Mar 31st, 2011 at 9:39am
Posted Tue Feb 15, 2011 11:19am AEDT

   * Related Story: Cut disabled pensions to pay for floods: business

The Australian Human Rights Commission's disability discrimination commissioner has backed calls to get people off the disability pension and back into work.

The Business Council caused a stir yesterday when it said the Government should consider introducing cuts to disability pension spending instead of bringing in a flood levy.   :o

The proposal was condemned by Senior Australian of the Year and leading disability advocate Ron McCallum, who said: "The disability pension should not be arbitrarily cut simply because of the Queensland floods."

Disability discrimination commissioner Graeme Innes says he supports the Business Council's call but he wants to know what the group is doing about it.

"I know that there are people with disabilities who are keen to get back into the workforce rather than to sit on an unemployment or welfare benefit," he said.

"I would absolutely support the call of the Business Council of Australia to reduce the numbers of people on the disability support pension.

"My retort however would be, 'OK, what are you - one of the major employers of Australia - contributing to that reduction?'"

Mr Innes says the Government is keen to boost the budget by getting people off disability pensions.

"I know that the Government is looking to move people with a disability off the disability support pension and back into employment," he said.

"And frankly that will be the best thing for people with disability and the best thing for Australian society."

But Mr Innes says there are misconceptions among employers and government about people with disabilities.

"It's an attitude problem, and it's a problem of lack of information," he said.

"All the research shows that the vast majority of people with a disability - 75 to 80 per cent of them - employing them is at no extra cost to the employer.

"And where there is an extra cost, the Government has programs to resource or subsidise that cost."

The Business Council says businesses would employ more people with disabilities if disability pensions were structured to encourage people into work.

Title: Re: Who Should The People On Welfare Vote For.
Post by mozzaok on Mar 31st, 2011 at 9:47am

Belgarion wrote on Mar 31st, 2011 at 8:54am:
I was one of those who believed that anyone who was unemployed for any length of time was so by their own choice. Until my sons apprenticeship fell through ( employer was ripping him and other apprentices off re wages and proper training) and he began looking for other work. Thus falling into the hands of the job network.

Trying to find a full time job via these job networks is an exercise in futility. They demand endless meetings and counselling sessions but never seem to actually find a place for anyone. After more than 6 months my son eventually found a decent job via a work contact of his mothers, not with any help from these so-called experts. Add this to the fact that far too many employers  are not willing to give training but would rather employ a fully trained person even if they have to import them from overseas and it's no wonder that so many cannot find a job even in these alleged times of high employment.

That is not to say there aren't plenty of welfare bludgers out there ripping off the system. However It is very disheartening for those who want to work and can't because of incompetent, privatised job agencies and lazy employers.

I fear there is a lot of truth in what you say belgarion, and I think that placing the whole job search program into private hands has just created another ineffectual industry that is wasting taxpayers money.

I also remember back sveral years ago, under Howard's PMship, that there was a massive push to fiddle the "unemployed" statistics, and many unemployed were transitioned onto Disabilty Pensions, which saw a massive rise in that area.
The exercise was purely political to create the false impression that unemployment was far less of a problem than it really was, and the whole cynical exercise saw a great deal of money funnelled into private businesses whose results were even more disappointing than the previous efforts of the Centrelink offices.

Title: Re: Who Should The People On Welfare Vote For.
Post by Prevailing on Mar 31st, 2011 at 10:48am

wrote on Mar 31st, 2011 at 9:39am:
Posted Tue Feb 15, 2011 11:19am AEDT

   * Related Story: Cut disabled pensions to pay for floods: business

The Australian Human Rights Commission's disability discrimination commissioner has backed calls to get people off the disability pension and back into work.

The Business Council caused a stir yesterday when it said the Government should consider introducing cuts to disability pension spending instead of bringing in a flood levy.   :o

The proposal was condemned by Senior Australian of the Year and leading disability advocate Ron McCallum, who said: "The disability pension should not be arbitrarily cut simply because of the Queensland floods."

Disability discrimination commissioner Graeme Innes says he supports the Business Council's call but he wants to know what the group is doing about it.

"I know that there are people with disabilities who are keen to get back into the workforce rather than to sit on an unemployment or welfare benefit," he said.

"I would absolutely support the call of the Business Council of Australia to reduce the numbers of people on the disability support pension.

"My retort however would be, 'OK, what are you - one of the major employers of Australia - contributing to that reduction?'"

Mr Innes says the Government is keen to boost the budget by getting people off disability pensions.

"I know that the Government is looking to move people with a disability off the disability support pension and back into employment," he said.

"And frankly that will be the best thing for people with disability and the best thing for Australian society."

But Mr Innes says there are misconceptions among employers and government about people with disabilities.

"It's an attitude problem, and it's a problem of lack of information," he said.

"All the research shows that the vast majority of people with a disability - 75 to 80 per cent of them - employing them is at no extra cost to the employer.

"And where there is an extra cost, the Government has programs to resource or subsidise that cost."

The Business Council says businesses would employ more people with disabilities if disability pensions were structured to encourage people into work.
They have not had the guts to repeat this crap sice I threatened them with leagal action in writing and initiated action in the appropriate channels - this is old news and just makes you look weak,  ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re: Who Should The People On Welfare Vote For.
Post by Prevailing on Mar 31st, 2011 at 11:46am
The people on welfare should vote for the Coalition - we all have unfinished business with them and the corporate world and no scores are going to be settled with them out of power - I am voting for the coalition because I want to chew on their 'rse for my last meal - Bring IT On! 8-) 8-) :) :)

Title: Re: Who Should The People On Welfare Vote For.
Post by imcrookonit on Mar 31st, 2011 at 12:24pm
Almost 800,000 people receive the disability support pension, costing $13 billion a year.

Mr Abbott says 60 per cent have a potentially treatable condition and they should be on a different, targeted payment that would not be as generous. This would ensure there would be more for those with severe and permanent disabilities.

The measures would not be without cost. Last year the Herald revealed Mr Abbott, before he became Opposition Leader, submitted similar proposals to the shadow cabinet.

He recommended mandatory work for the dole for under-50s who had been unemployed for three months, at a cost of $10.5 billion.  :(

He also recommended the welfare quarantining as well as mandatory medical checks and annual interviews for disability pension recipients ''to encourage them into employment''.   :(

Mr Abbott has previously accused the government of stealing ideas, including assistance payments to help long-term unemployed to move to areas of demand.

The government has started the budget softening-up process. Yesterday the Treasurer, Wayne Swan, focused on extending the workforce contribution of older Australians. In a speech to business leaders in Sydney, Mr Swan announced the establishment of an Advisory Panel on the Economic Potential of Senior Australians to further the cause.

Title: Re: Who Should The People On Welfare Vote For.
Post by imcrookonit on Mar 31st, 2011 at 12:29pm
Mr Abbott, who will do these medical tests?.  Will people be able to go to their own doctor?.  Or will it be some kind of government witch doctor Mr Abbott?.  You don't have to worry old chap, you lost your leg but no matter the other ones a good one.  Yes, I will pass you.  NEXT-   :(

Title: Re: Who Should The People On Welfare Vote For.
Post by longweekend58 on Mar 31st, 2011 at 12:40pm
Maybe people who are entirely on welfare for the past 10 years shouldnt be allowed to vote?

Title: Re: Who Should The People On Welfare Vote For.
Post by Prevailing on Mar 31st, 2011 at 12:59pm
I think anyone who seeks to subvert universal man-suffrage guaranteed under our inherited law forfeits their right to live in Australia and should be immediately stripped of citizenship, all assets and deported without redress. :)

Title: Re: Who Should The People On Welfare Vote For.
Post by Prevailing on Mar 31st, 2011 at 1:01pm

wrote on Mar 31st, 2011 at 12:29pm:
Mr Abbott, who will do these medical tests?.  Will people be able to go to their own doctor?.  Or will it be some kind of government witch doctor Mr Abbott?.  You don't have to worry old chap, you lost your leg but no matter the other ones a good one.  Yes, I will pass you.  NEXT-   :(

No quack will be getting access to my medical records and that is the bottom line - I will sue the commonwealth for millions if they even try to go their and play semantics. :)

Title: Re: Who Should The People On Welfare Vote For.
Post by imcrookonit on Mar 31st, 2011 at 6:30pm
Welfare groups criticise Abbott plan

Advocacy groups have savaged Opposition Leader Tony Abbott's slated welfare reforms as a new pinnacle in the era of "welfare bashing".   >:(

They say his vision does nothing but "take the stick" to vulnerable Australians and rehash policies that have already tried but failed to improve the welfare system.

At a business lunch in Brisbane on Thursday, Mr Abbott outlined a plan for welfare reform, which includes a call to expand income management across Australia.

Predictably, the government joined in the chorus of criticism, questioning whether Mr Abbott's "reheated, recycled" ideas were properly funded.

Under the measures, Mr Abbott has urged compulsory "work for the dole" for the long-term unemployed and welfare benefits scrapped in places wherever there's a shortage of unskilled labour.

Mr Abbott also wants the disability pension to be tweaked to get people back into the workforce faster.

Advocacy groups quickly rejected Mr Abbott's draft plan, saying it tapped into the old idea that people on welfare are solely to blame for their situation.

St Vincent de Paul Society CEO John Falzon said both the major parties are playing off people's concerns about "dole bludgers" and the like to save a few pennies.

"It is the people that we deal with ... that have become a political football," Mr Falzon told reporters in Canberra.

"This is not genuine policy innovation, this is politicising poverty.

"They're playing off people's emotions."

The coalition is not alone in its bid to get tough on welfare, with the government announcing plans in August to suspend payments should job-seekers not meet certain compliance measures.

Further crackdowns are expected when the budget is delivered in May.

UnitingCare's Lin Hatfield Dodds said it was disturbing to see welfare recipients continually targeted.  

"Both the Liberal Party and the Labor Party have really gotten into welfare bashing," she told AAP.   >:(

"The theme emerging seems to be, `If you're on welfare, it's your fault.'  >:(

"There is an element of truism to that, but the bigger story is people are unemployed because of structural reasons."

Injuries and changes in the labour market which causes demand in certain jobs to shift were common reasons behind long-term unemployment in Australia, Ms Hatfield Dodds said.

But she did offer support for Mr Abbott's proposal to provide cash incentives for those willing to move for work, which has also been adopted by the government.

Mr Abbott defended his ideas to ABC Radio.

"What I don't want to see is people who might be participants in the economy just parked forever on welfare," he said.

"And some people aren't very good at managing their affairs and that's why this quarantining makes sense.

"(It's) not a kind of radical right-wing prescription."

Finance Minister Penny Wong said Mr Abbott had merely released another uncosted policy, labelling it "typically reckless economic management".   :(

Title: Re: Who Should The People On Welfare Vote For.
Post by Prevailing on Mar 31st, 2011 at 7:33pm
Abbott is only moving into line with JuLIAR - do you have more difficulty calling labor people Nazi scumbags than Liberals? :)

Title: Re: Who Should The People On Welfare Vote For.
Post by djrbfm on Mar 31st, 2011 at 8:18pm

sick ppl?


you and Joe - Hock my Knee - are C*NTS of the royal order.

walk a mile in a disabled persons shoes - (C*NT FACES both.)

you two wouldn't last a minute.

the true heroes in Australia ARE the disabled, because they suffer two punishments:
1) their sickness.
2) Centre - smacking - link.

btw, i'm in a good mood.

if i were not, i'd be saying something like:

"Abbott, if i ever see you skulking around the suburbs, i'd break both your legs
and then we'd see how you go on DSP.

of course, Abbott wouldn't feel the pain - as he was born without ANY FEELINGS at all.


Title: Re: Who Should The People On Welfare Vote For.
Post by Katanyavich on Mar 31st, 2011 at 8:51pm

longweekend58 wrote on Mar 31st, 2011 at 12:40pm:
Maybe people who are entirely on welfare for the past 10 years shouldnt be allowed to vote?

I think you'll find that the overwhelming majority of
unemployment recipients have most certainly worked
and NOT relied on welfare for the last ten years.

The old 'Never have worked and never will work' mantra of the
Howard years wasn't true then, and isn't true now.

Title: Re: Who Should The People On Welfare Vote For.
Post by Katanyavich on Mar 31st, 2011 at 8:58pm

QUOTE: - ""Mr Abbott defended his ideas to ABC Radio.

"What I don't want to see is people who might be participants in the economy just parked forever on welfare," he said.

"And some people aren't very good at managing their affairs and that's why this quarantining makes sense.""

Yeah, right.

So, penalising everyone for the mistakes or bad decisions
of a few is fair, and makes sense?

Sorry, Tony, but I don't buy it.

Quarantining is only EVER acceptable if it is applied
to those who are KNOWN to be risking children, OR for
the chronically homeless, to get them into some kind
of accommodation.

It is NOT acceptable when applied as a blanket 'solution' to
a largely non-existent problem.

Unemployed-bashing at its right-wing worst.

Title: Re: Who Should The People On Welfare Vote For.
Post by Soren on Mar 31st, 2011 at 9:33pm
Being unemployed in a booming economy with labour shortages to the extent that they have to get migrant workers to pick apples is a disgrace on every able bodies person on the dole.
The government offered a few thousand dollars for the 6 months + unemployed to go to WA or QLD where the mining jobs are. How many took up the offer?

Title: Re: Who Should The People On Welfare Vote For.
Post by Prevailing on Mar 31st, 2011 at 10:06pm
The unemployed should be patriots and not comply with people we are at war with for the future of our nation. :)

Title: Re: Who Should The People On Welfare Vote For.
Post by Prevailing on Mar 31st, 2011 at 10:13pm
We cannot settle for anything less than regime change in Australia and charges laid against all living politicians who have subverted the economic legal rights of Australians through globalization - no negotiation or bargain is possible. :)

Title: Re: Who Should The People On Welfare Vote For.
Post by Soren on Mar 31st, 2011 at 10:15pm
:) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)

Title: Re: Who Should The People On Welfare Vote For.
Post by nairbe on Apr 1st, 2011 at 6:55am

Prevailing wrote on Mar 31st, 2011 at 6:54am:

nairbe wrote on Mar 31st, 2011 at 6:33am:
The answer is simple, they need the coalition. As much as i can not stand Abbott, mostly what you have quoted him as saying i agree with.

I am a single parent, the oldest has a mental disability and i run my own business. I also have a chronic illness that will be with me for the rest of my life. I am a very strong social justice thinker and believe in small communities, hence i live in the country. This is not a whinge, quite the opposite i love my life and would go out of my mind if i was not active.

I hate dole bluggers especially those that worm their way on to disability. The disability is there for those that really need it. I have made it my mission to ensure my daughter learns enough at school so she can at least hold down a job at woolies or maccas and have some pride in herself. If someone can work no matter the restriction due to disability they should at least be trying to work and we as a community should be trying to help them.

So i support the elimination of the disability support pension and replace it with a supplement to the newstart that can be kept when they get a job as generally they will be on poor wages. Increase the requirements for eligibility and require everyone that is not totally permanently incapacitated to do something.

I know it seems harsh but after a few generations of welfare in this country we seem to have become lazy. Not just the people who waste away on these benefits but the communities we live in don't see the need to create employment for the health of their community because the government will simply hand over the doe. We only have ourselves to blame if we think we live in a nanny state, we demand it of our government then criticise them for doing what we wanted.  

Ha ha ha what a lying socialist cannibal.  Pigs 'rse lol ;D ;D ;D ;D

Care to explain?

Title: Re: Who Should The People On Welfare Vote For.
Post by nairbe on Apr 1st, 2011 at 7:01am

warrigal wrote on Mar 31st, 2011 at 6:45am:
Quote: but the communities we live in don't see the need to create employment for the health of their community

Exactly the people in authority (Those will good Jobs working for the community), THEY DON"T CARE. They Only think about them selfs.

Why should a Disability Pensioner that is given and trained for a Job, be able to keep his or her government Beniefts.

Disbility Pensioners they live like Kings and they don't care about any one else. :'(

You attack me for saying we need to change and then write this?

Yes communities need to create more work for the local youth. It used to be a tradesman would have an apprentice as a duty to the community to pass on the skills.

Don't dream pensioners don't live like kings they do it hard and the genuine cases need more help than they get now. The others i spoke of are generally low socio and need help to get to work as they see no reason to do so. I have heard enough people on work for the dole crews talking about how they are going to get on the pension and won't have to do anything then. It is a mentality we have created by our welfare society thinking.

Title: Re: Who Should The People On Welfare Vote For.
Post by Yadda on Apr 1st, 2011 at 7:01am

"Who Should The People On Welfare Vote For?"

They shouldn't.

People on welfare, are the 'clients', of the state.

Welfare recipients, are 'dependants' , they are not 'independents'.


Would you put Dracula in charge of the blood bank ???

Would you put lunatics, in charge of the asylum ???

[Oh silly me!!!
Ignore those last two Q's.
How foolish of me, expecting a rational intelligent response from you lot !!!! ]

IMO, only people who contribute to the state in some way [materially [taxes], or with some tangible service to the state] should be given the vote.

IMO, voting should not be a universal, unearned right.

IMO, in a democracy, voting should be a continually earned right.

IMO, both welfare recipients, and criminals, are two obvious groups, who should NOT have the right to vote to elect those who will make laws.

If people want the right to vote.

Let them earn the right to become bona fide citizens [who have earned the right to vote to elect those who will govern them].

Yadda, the  :D

Title: Re: Who Should The People On Welfare Vote For.
Post by imcrookonit on Apr 1st, 2011 at 7:19am
But it must be remembered, people on welfare DO VOTE, don't they?.  :)

Title: Re: Who Should The People On Welfare Vote For.
Post by pansi1951 on Apr 1st, 2011 at 7:22am
Yadda yadda yadda.................................................

You forgot to mention sick people, of course they can't vote because they are a stain on society. Sick people don't contribute anything, they suck the funds with all their stupid expensive medication and time wasting care they need.

Only the strong and healthy can vote for they are the backbone of the country. And only those strong and healthy that are employed full time with at least 8 hours overtime chucked in. If they're not putting in overtime they are lazy and they don't deserve to vote.

Women who stay home to raise their family should not be able to vote, they can work just like any one else.....having babies doesn't stop them from working and they can do the overtime too fair is fair.

I'm sick of everyone thinking they have the right to vote, it makes me sick. As a matter of fact only those earning over $200,000 a year should get to vote, anyone earning less than that surely can't pay enough tax to give them the right to vote.

Those people who have worked for 30 years and paid taxes think they should get the freedom to vote, just because they get vote until they get the job and the overtime back.

I wonder why we have compulsory voting?

Title: Re: Who Should The People On Welfare Vote For.
Post by Katanyavich on Apr 1st, 2011 at 7:26am

nairbe wrote on Apr 1st, 2011 at 7:01am:

warrigal wrote on Mar 31st, 2011 at 6:45am:
Quote: but the communities we live in don't see the need to create employment for the health of their community

Exactly the people in authority (Those will good Jobs working for the community), THEY DON"T CARE. They Only think about them selfs.

Why should a Disability Pensioner that is given and trained for a Job, be able to keep his or her government Beniefts.

Disbility Pensioners they live like Kings and they don't care about any one else. :'(

You attack me for saying we need to change and then write this?

Yes communities need to create more work for the local youth. It used to be a tradesman would have an apprentice as a duty to the community to pass on the skills.

Don't dream pensioners don't live like kings they do it hard and the genuine cases need more help than they get now. The others i spoke of are generally low socio and need help to get to work as they see no reason to do so. I have heard enough people on work for the dole crews talking about how they are going to get on the pension and won't have to do anything then. It is a mentality we have created by our welfare society thinking.

Until and unless NoStart is raised to a realistic amount, then personally I don't blame them, if they can get away with it.

This is NOT their fault, it is the fault of the Govt, and the obscenely low NoStart rate.

Title: Re: Who Should The People On Welfare Vote For.
Post by Katanyavich on Apr 1st, 2011 at 7:29am

Yadda wrote on Apr 1st, 2011 at 7:01am:

"Who Should The People On Welfare Vote For?"

They shouldn't.

People on welfare, are the 'clients', of the state.

Welfare recipients, are 'dependants' , they are not 'independents'.

Would you put Dracula in charge of the blood bank ???

Would you put lunatics, in charge of the asylum ???

[Oh silly me!!!
Ignore those last two Q's.
How foolish of me, expecting a rational intelligent response from you lot !!!! ]

IMO, only people who contribute to the state in some way [materially [taxes], or with some tangible service to the state] should be given the vote.

IMO, voting should not be a universal, unearned right.

IMO, in a democracy, voting should be a continually earned right.

IMO, both welfare recipients, and criminals, are two obvious groups, who should NOT have the right to vote to elect those who will make laws.

If people want the right to vote.

Let them earn the right to become bona fide citizens [who have earned the right to vote to elect those who will govern them].

Yadda, the  :D

What a load of absolute, unmitigated crap. Get back to Nazi Germany, such attitudes were acceptable there and then, NOT here and now.

Anyone, ANYONE who wants to take away MY right to vote because they
perceive me as somehow 'inferior' to them had better have a gun in their
hands, AND be prepared to use it.

Because you can make book on the fact that I will.

Title: Re: Who Should The People On Welfare Vote For.
Post by pansi1951 on Apr 1st, 2011 at 7:33am
Another haired vote for them.....they always vote for Gillard or Hanson.

Title: Re: Who Should The People On Welfare Vote For.
Post by Baronvonrort on Apr 1st, 2011 at 11:23am

wrote on Apr 1st, 2011 at 7:19am:
But it must be remembered, people on welfare DO VOTE, don't they?.  :)

With unemployment at 5% i dont think any political party has to fear a backlash from these bludgers.

Title: Re: Who Should The People On Welfare Vote For.
Post by djrbfm on Apr 1st, 2011 at 11:35am

Kat wrote on Apr 1st, 2011 at 7:29am:

Yadda wrote on Apr 1st, 2011 at 7:01am:

"Who Should The People On Welfare Vote For?"

They shouldn't.

People on welfare, are the 'clients', of the state.

Welfare recipients, are 'dependants' , they are not 'independents'.

Would you put Dracula in charge of the blood bank ???

Would you put lunatics, in charge of the asylum ???

[Oh silly me!!!
Ignore those last two Q's.
How foolish of me, expecting a rational intelligent response from you lot !!!! ]

IMO, only people who contribute to the state in some way [materially [taxes], or with some tangible service to the state] should be given the vote.

IMO, voting should not be a universal, unearned right.

IMO, in a democracy, voting should be a continually earned right.

IMO, both welfare recipients, and criminals, are two obvious groups, who should NOT have the right to vote to elect those who will make laws.

If people want the right to vote.

Let them earn the right to become bona fide citizens [who have earned the right to vote to elect those who will govern them].

Yadda, the  :D

What a load of absolute, unmitigated crap. Get back to Nazi Germany, such attitudes were acceptable there and then, NOT here and now.

Anyone, ANYONE who wants to take away MY right to vote because they
perceive me as somehow 'inferior' to them had better have a gun in their
hands, AND be prepared to use it.

Because you can make book on the fact that I will.

Yes - a person with real blood running thru them (which is a rarity in australia, nowadays.)

if you need your back watched, i'm there. and i'm a marksman.


Title: Re: Who Should The People On Welfare Vote For.
Post by Yadda on Apr 1st, 2011 at 11:53am

djrbfm wrote on Apr 1st, 2011 at 11:35am:

Kat wrote on Apr 1st, 2011 at 7:29am:
What a load of absolute, unmitigated crap. Get back to Nazi Germany, such attitudes were acceptable there and then, NOT here and now.

Anyone, ANYONE who wants to take away MY right to vote because they
perceive me as somehow 'inferior' to them had better have a gun in their
hands, AND be prepared to use it.

Because you can make book on the fact that I will.

Yes - a person with real blood running thru them (which is a rarity in australia, nowadays.)

if you need your back watched, i'm there. and i'm a marksman.



Thank you.

Not for your offer.      ;)

But for your expressed support, and for your obvious common sense, in a wholly 'senseless' modern world.     ;)

Title: Re: Who Should The People On Welfare Vote For.
Post by Prevailing on Apr 1st, 2011 at 7:24pm
I have had enough of Politics and corporations, from now on they get legal letters from me not votes. :)

Title: Re: Who Should The People On Welfare Vote For.
Post by warrigal on May 12th, 2011 at 8:11am

muso wrote on Mar 31st, 2011 at 8:36am:

warrigal wrote on Mar 31st, 2011 at 8:20am:
To any one that works in a Australian Job Network Today, Get off your arse, Get out of the Office. You get out their and start kicking down doors, If some Ignorant Employer/ Worker gets in your way, throw them out of the WAY. And find out WHY they Can't Employ Unemployed Australian that are or arn't Skilled for the JOB :).

Anyone who acts like that is an unemployable fruitloop. To answer the Topic title..... er ... Isn't there something more important to talk about?

In response to your Comment whoever you are,

I have had 5 different JOB networks in the pass 4 years ( I am a fully Qualified Disability Care Worker , Study took 4 years to Complete I have then Volunteered in the Disability industry for a further 4 Years)

Not one of these 5 different Australian Job network in my City could find me employment In the Disability care industy, Dispite The Fact that in my Local City the Disbility Care agencys are screaming for workers.

So that is the situation I Face The Job Network refuse to help ME

IN Short , No Job Network or person that works at a Job network Has the right to Destroy peoples lives

Unemployment only has One purpose [b]IT DESTROYS PEOPLES LIVE

If you don't know what that is like then try living on $462 per ft/night

Thats living on $10 per day

Title: Re: Who Should The People On Welfare Vote For.
Post by warrigal on May 12th, 2011 at 8:17am

You attack me for saying we need to change and then write this?

Yes communities need to create more work for the local youth. It used to be a tradesman would have an apprentice as a duty to the community to pass on the skills.

Don't dream pensioners don't live like kings they do it hard and the genuine cases need more help than they get now. The others i spoke of are generally low socio and need help to get to work as they see no reason to do so. I have heard enough people on work for the dole crews talking about how they are going to get on the pension and won't have to do anything then. It is a mentality we have created by our welfare society thinking.[/quote]

Until and unless NoStart is raised to a realistic amount, then personally I don't blame them, if they can get away with it.

This is NOT their fault, it is the fault of the Govt, and the obscenely low NoStart rate.[/quote]

In Response
The Disability Pensioners I have known and worked for over the pass 4 years Do live like Kings and they do nothing except cruise around and talk to people

Title: Re: Who Should The People On Welfare Vote For.
Post by warrigal on May 12th, 2011 at 9:03am

Soren wrote on Mar 31st, 2011 at 9:33pm:
Being unemployed in a booming economy with labour shortages to the extent that they have to get migrant workers to pick apples is a disgrace on every able bodies person on the dole.
The government offered a few thousand dollars for the 6 months + unemployed to go to WA or QLD where the mining jobs are. How many took up the offer?

Well Here is the Solution Soren

Provide the Jobs in Australia and the training needed for those JOBS to the people that need Jobs, are that must be the Unemployed People  of AUSTRALIA.
Then We won't have to import 12000 Skilled Workers into Australia

Funny that offer wasn't given to the Queensland Unemployed Workers

Title: Re: Who Should The People On Welfare Vote For.
Post by warrigal on Feb 19th, 2012 at 5:20pm

Soren wrote on Mar 31st, 2011 at 9:33pm:
Being unemployed in a booming economy with labour shortages to the extent that they have to get migrant workers to pick apples is a disgrace on every able bodies person on the dole.
The government offered a few thousand dollars for the 6 months + unemployed to go to WA or QLD where the mining jobs are. How many took up the offer?

NO buggerN IDE this person has

Title: Re: Who Should The People On Welfare Vote For.
Post by Kat on Feb 19th, 2012 at 5:30pm

Doesn't really matter WHO they vote for.

No-one gives a flying smack about them.

Or so it would seem.

Title: Re: Who Should The People On Welfare Vote For.
Post by corporate_whitey on Feb 19th, 2012 at 5:55pm
These are all Abbott aspirations, none of which the "Political class" has a hope in hell of ever implementing - their days of playing god with our lives are over - I am the sovereign Lord of my own mind.  Besides, the political class has not got the Sand for a fight any more...their corruption is far too odious, far to deep and far to rotten for them to do anything but hope and pray it does not all come crashing down on their watch...
;D :D ;D

Title: Re: Who Should The People On Welfare Vote For.
Post by imcrookonit on Feb 19th, 2012 at 6:19pm
Who should the people on welfare vote for?.  For a fair go for the unemployed.                                              Vote 1 Australian Greens, the fair and sensible people. :)   

Title: Re: Who Should The People On Welfare Vote For.
Post by corporate_whitey on Feb 19th, 2012 at 6:24pm
Yeh - we really want the red Greens in as the Government - of course we do....why settle for a nutjob like Abbott when we can have the real thing - the complete crackpots with a god complex who are the Greens... :o :o :o

Title: Re: Who Should The People On Welfare Vote For.
Post by imcrookonit on Feb 19th, 2012 at 6:33pm
As far as I know I think the Australian Greens, support a fair and just increase in benefits for the unemployed.     Liberal - ??????   :(    Labor - ??????   :(

Title: Re: Who Should The People On Welfare Vote For.
Post by corporate_whitey on Feb 19th, 2012 at 6:56pm

wrote on Feb 19th, 2012 at 6:33pm:
As far as I know I think the Australian Greens, support a fair and just increase in benefits for the unemployed.     Liberal - ??????   :(    Labor - ??????   :(

And "Voluntary" Euthanasia conducted by the state for the Elderly, the sick, disabled and other unproductive farm animals...not to mention forced relocation into the peoples countryside to till the earth...   Never trust any government with an ideological doctrine, zealotry and a conviction they have all the answers and know whats best for you. 8-)

Title: Re: Who Should The People On Welfare Vote For.
Post by longweekend58 on Feb 19th, 2012 at 6:57pm

wrote on Feb 19th, 2012 at 6:33pm:
As far as I know I think the Australian Greens, support a fair and just increase in benefits for the unemployed.     Liberal - ??????   :(    Labor - ??????   :(

maybe there shouldnt be any welfare for people who wont work.

Title: Re: Who Should The People On Welfare Vote For.
Post by corporate_whitey on Feb 19th, 2012 at 7:03pm
Like work for the Government, Corporate wealthfare and their welfare while we starve on a bowl of rice per day - Longweakend and his hero Abbott are outrageous communists........ 8-)

Title: Re: Who Should The People On Welfare Vote For.
Post by corporate_whitey on Feb 19th, 2012 at 7:05pm
Maybe if we have a Government who cannot ensure stability, security, freedom and justice without creating a corrupt police state - its time that Government was brought down. 8-)

Title: Re: Who Should The People On Welfare Vote For.
Post by imcrookonit on Feb 19th, 2012 at 7:14pm
maybe there shouldnt be any welfare for people who wont work.

There isn't, its for people that cant get work.   ;)

Title: Re: Who Should The People On Welfare Vote For.
Post by corporate_whitey on Feb 19th, 2012 at 7:33pm
I still say if the Government cannot ensure stability, security and economic justice and avoid corruption - they have no right to Govern, no right to use force and need to be pushed out of power. 8-)

Title: Re: Who Should The People On Welfare Vote For.
Post by life_goes_on on Feb 19th, 2012 at 7:41pm

longweekend58 wrote on Feb 19th, 2012 at 6:57pm:

wrote on Feb 19th, 2012 at 6:33pm:
As far as I know I think the Australian Greens, support a fair and just increase in benefits for the unemployed.     Liberal - ??????   :(    Labor - ??????   :(

maybe there shouldnt be any welfare for people who wont work.

Yeah, great idea. Perhaps as one last gesture they should be given a basic guide to burglary and then let loose on the community. Most of them will get busted and end up in the big house - but the extra extra expense of that will surely be worth the result of not paying them the dole if only to make a point out of the goodness of your christian heart.

As for forcing them into the workforce - no thanks - I don't want to work with - or be around - anybody that doesn't want to be there. That's counterproductive and in many cases, dangerous.

Title: Re: Who Should The People On Welfare Vote For.
Post by Imperium on Feb 19th, 2012 at 7:45pm
because people who tend towards criminality are going to be dissuaded by recieving government handouts

Title: Re: Who Should The People On Welfare Vote For.
Post by life_goes_on on Feb 19th, 2012 at 7:52pm

barnaby joe wrote on Feb 19th, 2012 at 7:45pm:
because people who tend towards criminality are dissasuaded by recieving government handouts

Not at all. I've tended towards (wallowed in) criminality since my mid teens despite spending most of my adult life on well above the average wage. I couldn't help myself. I didn't do it for the money (although that was a huge bonus), I did it because I enjoyed it.

But when people are desperate they do desperate things. All you're doing by cutting off the dole to some people (and they are a small minority of welfare recipients) is turning them into virtual junkies.

Title: Re: Who Should The People On Welfare Vote For.
Post by Dnarever on Feb 19th, 2012 at 8:36pm

longweekend58 wrote on Feb 19th, 2012 at 6:57pm:

wrote on Feb 19th, 2012 at 6:33pm:
As far as I know I think the Australian Greens, support a fair and just increase in benefits for the unemployed.     Liberal - ??????   :(    Labor - ??????   :(

maybe there shouldnt be any welfare for people who wont work.

This attitude probably shows why anyone unlucky enough to find themself unemployed can not affort to vote conservative - ever.

I remember standing in unemployment queues in the late 90's talking to ex conservative voters who had swallowed all the Liberal rhetoric about the unemployed bludgers who didn't want to work.

They were surprised by how difficult it could be to find employment and how few dole bludgers they could find.

The queues were filled with people just like them.

Title: Re: Who Should The People On Welfare Vote For.
Post by corporate_whitey on Feb 19th, 2012 at 8:48pm
Get rid of corporate welfare and start a peoples bank if you want our support.  We owe no allegiance to any party but screw with us and we will turn you out of power. 8-)

Title: Re: Who Should The People On Welfare Vote For.
Post by dsmithy70 on Feb 19th, 2012 at 8:54pm

'Allowing people to stay on welfare when there is work they can reasonably do is the kindness that kills,'' Mr Abbott will tell the Queensland Chamber of Commerce.

''It's the misguided compassion that eventually breaks down the social fabric, as the more perceptive Aboriginal leaders have long recognised.''

Read those words then compare them to his words on continuing welfare for the high income earners and the health rebate.

Title: Re: Who Should The People On Welfare Vote For.
Post by corporate_whitey on Feb 19th, 2012 at 9:08pm
Abbott can shove his misguided compassion up his Red Communist 'rse... 8-)

Title: Re: Who Should The People On Welfare Vote For.
Post by Kat on Feb 19th, 2012 at 9:48pm

Dnarever wrote on Feb 19th, 2012 at 8:36pm:

longweekend58 wrote on Feb 19th, 2012 at 6:57pm:

wrote on Feb 19th, 2012 at 6:33pm:
As far as I know I think the Australian Greens, support a fair and just increase in benefits for the unemployed.     Liberal - ??????   :(    Labor - ??????   :(

maybe there shouldnt be any welfare for people who wont work.

This attitude probably shows why anyone unlucky enough to find themself unemployed can not affort to vote conservative - ever.

I remember standing in unemployment queues in the late 90's talking to ex conservative voters who had swallowed all the Liberal rhetoric about the unemployed bludgers who didn't want to work.

They were surprised by how difficult it could be to find employment and how few dole bludgers they could find.

The queues were filled with people just like them.


Until they've been there themselves, they haven't a clue....

I can remember the same sort of thing.

Title: Re: Who Should The People On Welfare Vote For.
Post by longweekend58 on Feb 20th, 2012 at 8:07am

Dnarever wrote on Feb 19th, 2012 at 8:36pm:

longweekend58 wrote on Feb 19th, 2012 at 6:57pm:

wrote on Feb 19th, 2012 at 6:33pm:
As far as I know I think the Australian Greens, support a fair and just increase in benefits for the unemployed.     Liberal - ??????   :(    Labor - ??????   :(

maybe there shouldnt be any welfare for people who wont work.

This attitude probably shows why anyone unlucky enough to find themself unemployed can not affort to vote conservative - ever.

I remember standing in unemployment queues in the late 90's talking to ex conservative voters who had swallowed all the Liberal rhetoric about the unemployed bludgers who didn't want to work.

They were surprised by how difficult it could be to find employment and how few dole bludgers they could find.

The queues were filled with people just like them.

the comment was directed to IMFULLOF IT who by his OWN ADMISSION has refused to work.

Title: Re: Who Should The People On Welfare Vote For.
Post by blackadder on Feb 20th, 2012 at 8:12am
maybe there shouldnt be any welfare for people who wont work.

Kat and dna you missed a word in the above. A very important word. Lets see if either of you can find it.

Title: Re: Who Should The People On Welfare Vote For.
Post by Dnarever on Feb 20th, 2012 at 8:24am

blackadder wrote on Feb 20th, 2012 at 8:12am:
maybe there shouldnt be any welfare for people who wont work.

Kat and dna you missed a word in the above. A very important word. Lets see if either of you can find it.

I think it was intentionally ignored as it is dependant on an arbitrary ability of to correctly identify those in the category.

We have seen for decades that the conservative definition implies that those on unemployment benefits are dole bludgers who will not work.

The tag is liberally applied to all of them by many.

Title: Re: Who Should The People On Welfare Vote For.
Post by longweekend58 on Feb 20th, 2012 at 8:38am

Dnarever wrote on Feb 20th, 2012 at 8:24am:

blackadder wrote on Feb 20th, 2012 at 8:12am:
maybe there shouldnt be any welfare for people who wont work.

Kat and dna you missed a word in the above. A very important word. Lets see if either of you can find it.

I think it was intentionally ignored as it is dependant on an arbitrary ability of to correctly identify those in the category.

We have seen for decades that the conservative definition implies that those on unemployment benefits are dole bludgers who will not work.

The tag is liberally applied to all of them by many.

and despite your silly rhetoric, it has been the conservative parties that have maintained and exptedned the dole along with other welfare. or do you wish to pretend that dole bludgers such as IMFULLOFIT dont exist?

Title: Re: Who Should The People On Welfare Vote For.
Post by Dnarever on Feb 20th, 2012 at 8:46am

longweekend58 wrote on Feb 20th, 2012 at 8:38am:

Dnarever wrote on Feb 20th, 2012 at 8:24am:

blackadder wrote on Feb 20th, 2012 at 8:12am:
maybe there shouldnt be any welfare for people who wont work.

Kat and dna you missed a word in the above. A very important word. Lets see if either of you can find it.

I think it was intentionally ignored as it is dependant on an arbitrary ability to correctly identify those in the category.

We have seen for decades that the conservative definition implies that those on unemployment benefits are dole bludgers who will not work.

The tag is liberally applied to all of them by many.

and despite your silly rhetoric, it has been the conservative parties that have maintained and exptedned the dole along with other welfare. or do you wish to pretend that dole bludgers such as IMFULLOFIT dont exist?

It would cost a hundred times the paltry amount saved to incorrectly identify the few who will not work.

it has been the conservative parties that have maintained and extedned the dole along with other welfare

I would think there is little to no substance in that claim.

Title: Re: Who Should The People On Welfare Vote For.
Post by blackadder on Feb 20th, 2012 at 8:52am
It would cost a hundred times the poultry amount saved to incorrectly identify the few who will not work.

n.      1.      Domestic fowls reared for the table, or for their eggs or feathers, such as cocks and hens, capons, turkeys, ducks, and geese.

Title: Re: Who Should The People On Welfare Vote For.
Post by Dnarever on Feb 20th, 2012 at 9:20am

blackadder wrote on Feb 20th, 2012 at 8:52am:
It would cost a hundred times the poultry amount saved to incorrectly identify the few who will not work.

n.      1.      Domestic fowls reared for the table, or for their eggs or feathers, such as cocks and hens, capons, turkeys, ducks, and geese.

No reference to you necessarily intended.

Title: Re: Who Should The People On Welfare Vote For.
Post by warrigal on May 20th, 2012 at 5:43am
[quote author=7D737E7C747E7B7B7A6D1F0 link=1301515595/75#75 date=1329689543]maybe there shouldnt be any welfare for people who wont work.

bumped, but I don't care

and who exactly WHO are these people that supposedly don't want to work.

if you are the unfortunate person that is unemployed, you need to have work, therefore they have to be able to work, and allowed by society to work.

The only people that beileive that unemployed people don't want to work, are these university educated drop kicks working as client managers in JOB networks in this great country of Australia.

What gives them the Right to have thoughts like that.

Title: Re: Who Should The People On Welfare Vote For.
Post by warrigal on May 20th, 2012 at 6:55am
As for forcing them into the workforce - no thanks - I don't want to work with - or be around - anybody that doesn't want to be there. That's counterproductive and in many cases, dangerous.

Another person here that thinks they are above everyone else in society.

sorry you don't get a choice, you get people that need to work.

I look forward to taking you on in the work place, you ignorant prick

A baseball bat wrapped around your head will soon sort you out.

Title: Re: Who Should The People On Welfare Vote For.
Post by pansi1951 on May 20th, 2012 at 6:59am
What percentage of those on unemployment benefits are bludgers? It's neither here nor there. It's not a big deal considering the waste of money by those in power.

So what if a very minimal percent of peoples don't want to work, but choose to live on poverty level income. Let them. It's no skin off my nose, and if the governments, both state and federal were doing more to ensure jobs for everyone that wants one, these people would come unstuck. They get away with it because the government allows the unemployment situation to get out of control.

I won't be voting for libs or labs in their current state. I will vote for the senate only, because I can choose who I vote for without preferences being awarded to incompetent parties.

People on benefits should not vote for libs or labs, they will screw you!

Send a message.....Vote invalid!

Title: Re: Who Should The People On Welfare Vote For.
Post by warrigal on May 20th, 2012 at 7:06am
So what if a very minimal percent of peoples don't want to work, but choose to live on poverty level income. Let them. It's no skin off my nose, and if the governments, both state and federal were doing more to ensure jobs for everyone that wants one, these people would come unstuck. They get away with it because the government allows the unemployment situation to get out of control.

NO one chooses to Live in poverty, it is what they get from a Uncaring society, depite that fact that we have great support in our welfare help organization etc.
salvation army, vinnies, st vincent de paul etc
there just can't archive enough to help people.

Title: Re: Who Should The People On Welfare Vote For.
Post by Peter Freedman on May 20th, 2012 at 11:48pm
This mirrors the Abbott style of thinking. People on the dole are bludgers, people on disability pensions aren't really sick and if you grant parents money to help their school costs they'll go and spend it on the pokies. Abbott's contempt for low income people couldn't be better spelled out.

Meanwhile the conservatives, who claim to believe in small government and not interfering in people's lives, make plans to be more and more intrusive.

Rightwing governments do little of value except to put the boot into the people they hate.

Title: Re: Who Should The People On Welfare Vote For.
Post by warrigal on May 21st, 2012 at 7:02am
its not just one man Tony Abbott attitude.

It is everyone attitude from the worker in the lowest paid job in the factory ,right up to the bank manager and the CEO of a company.

they just want this stigma of the dole bludger

and why do we, have this stigma, because our government won't do anything about it, they won't train people for the job /Employment.

They have no respect in the value of people, or even finding out what the people are capable of doing in society.

its easier to say we have a unemployment problem, but we also have a skills shortage, but we call our people DOLE BLUDGERS

and WORK for the DOLE is a useless solution to the problem, they gain nothing by forcing the unemployed person to do WFD

would be better to provide them with a JOB.

Title: Re: Who Should The People On Welfare Vote For.
Post by pansi1951 on May 21st, 2012 at 8:44am
<<would be better to provide them with a JOB.>>

That would be the ideal situation, but if the government can convince the masses that there are millions of dole bludgers out there it takes the heat off their incompetence.

Title: Re: Who Should The People On Welfare Vote For.
Post by corporate_whitey on May 21st, 2012 at 9:11am
What are the ALP & the Green going to do about the Pokie venues, the fast food chains and the whorehouses they put in our suburbs?  Nothing?  Then why should people on welfare vote for a party that wants to kill them?

Title: Re: Who Should The People On Welfare Vote For.
Post by pansi1951 on May 21st, 2012 at 9:21am

corporate_whitey wrote on May 21st, 2012 at 9:11am:
What are the ALP & the Green going to do about the Pokie venues, the fast food chains and the whorehouses they put in our suburbs?  Nothing?  Then why should people on welfare vote for a party that wants to kill them?

The same thing the Libs will do, make revenue from them.

Title: Re: Who Should The People On Welfare Vote For.
Post by corporate_whitey on May 21st, 2012 at 9:39am
Only true Australians should be allowed to stand for parliament and vote.

Title: Re: Who Should The People On Welfare Vote For.
Post by pansi1951 on May 21st, 2012 at 9:56am

corporate_whitey wrote on May 21st, 2012 at 9:39am:
Only true Australians should be allowed to stand for parliament and vote.

Does that include John Howard who couldn't bring himself to say sorry to the first Australians?

Title: Re: Who Should The People On Welfare Vote For.
Post by corporate_whitey on May 21st, 2012 at 10:11am

Ex Dame Pansi wrote on May 21st, 2012 at 9:56am:

corporate_whitey wrote on May 21st, 2012 at 9:39am:
Only true Australians should be allowed to stand for parliament and vote.

Does that include John Howard who couldn't bring himself to say sorry to the first Australians?

It doesn't 'include JuLIAR who only right now is delivering on heart felt pledges to massively increase the aid to Afghan's even while her government is responsible for a massive humanitarian health crises of its making on Native Australians.  While Howard was/is an 'rsewipe - he at least wasn't feigning compassion for the worlds victims of injustice while his own were perishing - he treated us all equally as scum.

Title: Re: Who Should The People On Welfare Vote For.
Post by corporate_whitey on May 21st, 2012 at 10:55am

Who Should The People On Welfare Vote For.

racist immigrant propaganda.

Title: Re: Who Should The People On Welfare Vote For.
Post by Kat on May 21st, 2012 at 11:22am

Ex Dame Pansi wrote on May 21st, 2012 at 8:44am:
<<would be better to provide them with a JOB.>>

That would be the ideal situation, but if the government can convince the masses that there are millions of dole bludgers out there it takes the heat off their incompetence.

Trouble is, it worked.

The brain-dead masses DO believe that is the case.

I believe that vilifying ANYONE for being unemployed should carry the
SAME penalties as vilifying someone for racial or sexual reasons.

AND it should be enforceable, even on politicians.

Title: Re: Who Should The People On Welfare Vote For.
Post by Baronvonrort on May 21st, 2012 at 3:06pm

corporate_whitey wrote on May 21st, 2012 at 10:11am:
JuLIAR who only right now is delivering on heart felt pledges to massively increase the aid to Afghan's even while her government is responsible for a massive humanitarian health crises of its making on Native Australians.

The dole bludgers are usually leftist losers so what does labor do for them?

Not many from the centre-right complaining about being unemployed and demanding a handout every week it is just the leftist losers who whinge about their situation.

If i did become unemployed i would not qualify for the dole, i have shares and money in the bank they only give the dole to losers.

Title: Re: Who Should The People On Welfare Vote For.
Post by corporate_whitey on May 21st, 2012 at 3:11pm

Baronvonrort wrote on May 21st, 2012 at 3:06pm:

corporate_whitey wrote on May 21st, 2012 at 10:11am:
JuLIAR who only right now is delivering on heart felt pledges to massively increase the aid to Afghan's even while her government is responsible for a massive humanitarian health crises of its making on Native Australians.

The dole bludgers are usually leftist losers so what does labor do for them?

Not many from the centre-right complaining about being unemployed and demanding a handout every week it is just the leftist losers who whinge about their situation.

If i did become unemployed i would not qualify for the dole, i have shares and money in the bank they only give the dole to losers.

Even more racist immigrant & corporate propaganda aganst the traditional custodial owners of this continent.

Title: Re: Who Should The People On Welfare Vote For.
Post by Kat on May 22nd, 2012 at 10:34am

Baronvonrort wrote on May 21st, 2012 at 3:06pm:

corporate_whitey wrote on May 21st, 2012 at 10:11am:
JuLIAR who only right now is delivering on heart felt pledges to massively increase the aid to Afghan's even while her government is responsible for a massive humanitarian health crises of its making on Native Australians.

The dole bludgers are usually leftist losers so what does labor do for them?

Not many from the centre-right complaining about being unemployed and demanding a handout every week it is just the leftist losers who whinge about their situation.
If i did become unemployed i would not qualify for the dole, i have shares and money in the bank they only give the dole to losers.

That's just dumb.

Unemployment doesn't care which side of politics you support.

Nor does poverty.

Title: Re: Who Should The People On Welfare Vote For.
Post by warrigal on Jun 4th, 2012 at 11:46am

Baronvonrort wrote on May 21st, 2012 at 3:06pm:

corporate_whitey wrote on May 21st, 2012 at 10:11am:
JuLIAR who only right now is delivering on heart felt pledges to massively increase the aid to Afghan's even while her government is responsible for a massive humanitarian health crises of its making on Native Australians.

The dole bludgers are usually leftist losers so what does labor do for them?

Not many from the centre-right complaining about being unemployed and demanding a handout every week it is just the leftist losers who whinge about their situation.

If i did become unemployed i would not qualify for the dole, i have shares and money in the bank they only give the dole to losers.

what a IGNORANT FN arshole

Title: Re: Who Should The People On Welfare Vote For.
Post by Andrei.Hicks on Jun 4th, 2012 at 11:48am
People on welfare are best placed concentrating on getting the skills to get a job to help themselves.

Worry about other things when you've nailed that one down?

Title: Re: Who Should The People On Welfare Vote For.
Post by warrigal on Jun 4th, 2012 at 11:50am
Pathetic people this topic now has no substance at all
What was it about.

Title: Re: Who Should The People On Welfare Vote For.
Post by warrigal on Jun 4th, 2012 at 11:52am

Andrei.Hicks wrote on Jun 4th, 2012 at 11:48am:
People on welfare are best placed concentrating on getting the skills to get a job to help themselves.

Worry about other things when you've nailed that one down?

And what do we do Andrei when University educated people like yourself REFUSE to beleive what a person is trained in.

Whats the solution then andrei , more useless training for carreers that don't exsiist

Title: Re: Who Should The People On Welfare Vote For.
Post by Andrei.Hicks on Jun 4th, 2012 at 11:56am
The supply and demand curve operates in market economies.

You have the skills for "in demand" roles - you are more likely to get a job.

You get yourself a skill in a role which is not in demand, you are likely to sit on your arse.

EG - Getting a qualification in book-binding may have been good in the 1960s or as a machinist - probably isn't good now.
Unless you fancy moving to Bangalore.

Look at the high in-demand roles and choose your career wisely.

PS - what has me going to university have to do with anything??

Title: Re: Who Should The People On Welfare Vote For.
Post by Spot of Borg on Jun 4th, 2012 at 12:15pm

warrigal wrote on Jun 4th, 2012 at 11:50am:
Pathetic people this topic now has no substance at all
What was it about.

Why dont you go back and read? you strike me as a whinger. Nobody likes whingers.


Title: Re: Who Should The People On Welfare Vote For.
Post by warrigal on Jun 4th, 2012 at 12:35pm

Andrei.Hicks wrote on Jun 4th, 2012 at 11:56am:
The supply and demand curve operates in market economies.

You have the skills for "in demand" roles - you are more likely to get a job.

You get yourself a skill in a role which is not in demand, you are likely to sit on your arse.

EG - Getting a qualification in book-binding may have been good in the 1960s or as a machinist - probably isn't good now.
Unless you fancy moving to Bangalore.

Look at the high in-demand roles and choose your career wisely.

PS - what has me going to university have to do with anything??

That is the opinion of most in the employment industry

If they are university educated , that makes them think that they supreme to others out there, and the can't see the truth or facts.

Title: Re: Who Should The People On Welfare Vote For.
Post by angeleyes on Jun 4th, 2012 at 12:42pm

warrigal wrote on Jun 4th, 2012 at 11:52am:

Andrei.Hicks wrote on Jun 4th, 2012 at 11:48am:
People on welfare are best placed concentrating on getting the skills to get a job to help themselves.

Worry about other things when you've nailed that one down?

And what do we do Andrei when University educated people like yourself REFUSE to beleive what a person is trained in.

Whats the solution then andrei , more useless training for carreers that don't exsiist

Oh dear!

Title: Re: Who Should The People On Welfare Vote For.
Post by angeleyes on Jun 4th, 2012 at 12:43pm

warrigal wrote on Jun 4th, 2012 at 12:35pm:

Andrei.Hicks wrote on Jun 4th, 2012 at 11:56am:
The supply and demand curve operates in market economies.

You have the skills for "in demand" roles - you are more likely to get a job.

You get yourself a skill in a role which is not in demand, you are likely to sit on your arse.

EG - Getting a qualification in book-binding may have been good in the 1960s or as a machinist - probably isn't good now.
Unless you fancy moving to Bangalore.

Look at the high in-demand roles and choose your career wisely.

PS - what has me going to university have to do with anything??

That is the opinion of most in the employment industry

If they are university educated , that makes them think that they supreme to others out there, and the can't see the truth or facts.

I give up.

Title: Re: Who Should The People On Welfare Vote For.
Post by Andrei.Hicks on Jun 4th, 2012 at 12:48pm

angeleyes wrote on Jun 4th, 2012 at 12:42pm:

warrigal wrote on Jun 4th, 2012 at 11:52am:

Andrei.Hicks wrote on Jun 4th, 2012 at 11:48am:
People on welfare are best placed concentrating on getting the skills to get a job to help themselves.

Worry about other things when you've nailed that one down?

And what do we do Andrei when University educated people like yourself REFUSE to beleive what a person is trained in.

Whats the solution then andrei , more useless training for carreers that don't exsiist

Oh dear!

This isn't our mate the Professor in his 3rd ID is it?

Title: Re: Who Should The People On Welfare Vote For.
Post by Andrei.Hicks on Jun 4th, 2012 at 12:51pm

warrigal wrote on Jun 4th, 2012 at 12:35pm:

Andrei.Hicks wrote on Jun 4th, 2012 at 11:56am:
The supply and demand curve operates in market economies.

You have the skills for "in demand" roles - you are more likely to get a job.

You get yourself a skill in a role which is not in demand, you are likely to sit on your arse.

EG - Getting a qualification in book-binding may have been good in the 1960s or as a machinist - probably isn't good now.
Unless you fancy moving to Bangalore.

Look at the high in-demand roles and choose your career wisely.

PS - what has me going to university have to do with anything??

That is the opinion of most in the employment industry

If they are university educated , that makes them think that they supreme to others out there, and the can't see the truth or facts.

Hardly, if someone walks through my door for an interview, I will look at WHAT they studied first, then I will look at their University and level of education and I will couple this with the experience they have to date in their employment for best fit.

For example if I want a Senior Finance Analyst (the last role I recruited) - I am obviously going to want someone who has a CA/CPA, Accounting/Economics degree and relevant experience to date.

So just saying "he went to university, he has the job" is not how I roll.

What use will an incredibly smart guy who has a BSc in BioChemisty be to me????

Title: Re: Who Should The People On Welfare Vote For.
Post by warrigal on Jun 6th, 2012 at 3:03pm

Andrei.Hicks wrote on Jun 4th, 2012 at 12:48pm:

angeleyes wrote on Jun 4th, 2012 at 12:42pm:

warrigal wrote on Jun 4th, 2012 at 11:52am:

Andrei.Hicks wrote on Jun 4th, 2012 at 11:48am:
People on welfare are best placed concentrating on getting the skills to get a job to help themselves.

Worry about other things when you've nailed that one down?

And what do we do Andrei when University educated people like yourself REFUSE to beleive what a person is trained in.

Whats the solution then andrei , more useless training for carreers that don't exsiist

Oh dear!

This isn't our mate the Professor in his 3rd ID is it?

NO just a trained qualified person that needs to work

Title: Re: Who Should The People On Welfare Vote For.
Post by warrigal on Jun 6th, 2012 at 3:08pm
So every one here thinks it alright for a person that is not Disabled to told by centrelink to sign the forms and go on a disbility pension.

there fore take government money and not look for work in this country, when their a able bodied person.
trained and qualified.

Title: Re: Who Should The People On Welfare Vote For.
Post by djrbfm on Jun 6th, 2012 at 7:42pm
   gonna b called and part of the dept of human services........
ANY gov't that advertises punitive action on the media like the howard gov't did in it's last years deserves this.
very bad publicity in the long run.
for australia.

anglos saxons here.
get some gutz.
u r being bribed to look the other way.
STOP all immigration here.
STOP it now.


Title: Re: Who Should The People On Welfare Vote For.
Post by Mnemonic on Jun 6th, 2012 at 10:19pm

corporate_whitey wrote on Feb 19th, 2012 at 7:33pm:
I still say if the Government cannot ensure stability, security and economic justice and avoid corruption - they have no right to Govern, no right to use force and need to be pushed out of power. 8-)

but then we'd be orphans with no nanny and no babysitter

who's going to look after the child after the babysitter has been fired?

Title: Re: Who Should The People On Welfare Vote For.
Post by Mnemonic on Jun 6th, 2012 at 10:20pm

Andrei.Hicks wrote on Jun 4th, 2012 at 11:56am:
The supply and demand curve operates in market economies.

You have the skills for "in demand" roles - you are more likely to get a job.

You get yourself a skill in a role which is not in demand, you are likely to sit on your arse.

Look at the high in-demand roles and choose your career wisely.

How are you supposed to get the required skills if you can only acquire those skills from being employed and having a job? It's like a Catch-22 situation.

1. You need a job.

2. To get a job you need skills.

3. You can't get skills without previously being employed.

4. To get skills you need a job. Back to Square One!!!!!

Choose your career wisely? Basically what you're saying is, if a person makes the wrong choices in life, they end up in a dead-end and are doomed forever.

Title: Re: Who Should The People On Welfare Vote For.
Post by warrigal on Jun 7th, 2012 at 1:55pm

Mnemonic wrote on Jun 6th, 2012 at 10:20pm:

Andrei.Hicks wrote on Jun 4th, 2012 at 11:56am:
The supply and demand curve operates in market economies.

You have the skills for "in demand" roles - you are more likely to get a job.

You get yourself a skill in a role which is not in demand, you are likely to sit on your arse.

Look at the high in-demand roles and choose your career wisely.

How are you supposed to get the required skills if you can only acquire those skills from being employed and having a job? It's like a Catch-22 situation.

1. You need a job.

2. To get a job you need skills.

3. You can't get skills without previously being employed.

4. To get skills you need a job. Back to Square One!!!!!

Choose your career wisely? Basically what you're saying is, if a person makes the wrong choices in life, they end up in a dead-end and are doomed forever.

I haven't made the wrong choices in life.

I have got the Skills and been Trained for and Qualified in the JOB.
Just need the Job placement.
Something the Job Network (The Job placement agency) Refuses to do for ME.
easier to just keep people unemployed, that protects there JOBS.

Title: Re: Who Should The People On Welfare Vote For.
Post by Spot of Borg on Jun 7th, 2012 at 2:08pm
This isnt anything new either. I remember back in the 70s my dad was unemployed for about 6 months. I was a bit young to know the circumstances except for what I heard him and mum arguing about but apparently he wasnt on the dole and we used all our savings. He was sent for "unsuitable" jobs by the job office of the time (jobs he didnt have the training to do and wouldn't anyway cause he was too good for that). He was a lawyer and he actually went to harvard law school in america as well as australian law school so you wouldn't think he would be unemployed that long. He eventually got a job but not through the job office.


Title: Re: Who Should The People On Welfare Vote For.
Post by Andrei.Hicks on Jun 7th, 2012 at 2:13pm
Ah the good old 1970's eh?

I wasn't born.

Title: Re: Who Should The People On Welfare Vote For.
Post by The Grappler on Jun 7th, 2012 at 5:24pm
Right on, Tony - get those dogs out again on those who can't afford to oppose or stand up against them, and are too afraid to do so anyway - just to make a bunch of dim-witted rednecks who believe that pensioners and dole recipients just sit around all day on unearned money, surf, drink, gamble on pokies, and whatever.

I ad one of those from Queersland as a neighbour - ex dairy farmer - he reckoned that dole bludgers were scum and that most of the disability pensioners were con merchants.

I posed the question to him - where you came from, was there zero unemployment and heaps of jobs lying around?


Went through all the major towns and pointed out the true unemployment levels in the big ones - and he went quiet..

As for disability pensioners - I had thirteen disabilities including spinal fractures - courtesy of flogging my guts out for a now de-registered on the stock exchange company plus a number of other things including deafness due to combat - who paid me not one cent of compo - in fact, having paid for doctors and stuff myself - I'm out of pocket!

I had a casual seasonal job to supplement my disability pension - two weeks before restart date, I had a heart attack.

Good luck, Tony!  You're facing an army of one here - and you can sit on it!

Now - how about that 32% increase in pensions to match yours, Tone?  I've done my bit many times over - and not sitting on my arse, either!

Frankly - that style of attack on those who have suffered most from  successive idiotic economic running of my once-great country is nothing short of disgusting.

Who's up for a new political party to replace our current Ronald MacDonald imitators :D?

Title: Re: Who Should The People On Welfare Vote For.
Post by longweekend58 on Jun 7th, 2012 at 6:09pm

warrigal wrote on Jun 7th, 2012 at 1:55pm:

Mnemonic wrote on Jun 6th, 2012 at 10:20pm:

Andrei.Hicks wrote on Jun 4th, 2012 at 11:56am:
The supply and demand curve operates in market economies.

You have the skills for "in demand" roles - you are more likely to get a job.

You get yourself a skill in a role which is not in demand, you are likely to sit on your arse.

Look at the high in-demand roles and choose your career wisely.

How are you supposed to get the required skills if you can only acquire those skills from being employed and having a job? It's like a Catch-22 situation.

1. You need a job.

2. To get a job you need skills.

3. You can't get skills without previously being employed.

4. To get skills you need a job. Back to Square One!!!!!

Choose your career wisely? Basically what you're saying is, if a person makes the wrong choices in life, they end up in a dead-end and are doomed forever.

I haven't made the wrong choices in life.

I have got the Skills and been Trained for and Qualified in the JOB.
Just need the Job placement.
Something the Job Network (The Job placement agency) Refuses to do for ME.
easier to just keep people unemployed, that protects there JOBS.

trained in what field?

Title: Re: Who Should The People On Welfare Vote For.
Post by warrigal on Jun 8th, 2012 at 6:39am
a lot of quoting multible posts here just makes the topic not make sense now.

trained and qualified Disability Care worker, and yet these Job networks I have had have deceided that I am unemployable and have deceided and arranged it with Centrelink that I should be put on a Disability support pension. I will NOT go On a DSP

Title: Re: Who Should The People On Welfare Vote For.
Post by pansi1951 on Jun 8th, 2012 at 7:05am

warrigal wrote on Jun 8th, 2012 at 6:39am:
a lot of quoting multible posts here just makes the topic not make sense now.

trained and qualified Disability Care worker, and yet these Job networks I have had have deceided that I am unemployable and have deceided and arranged it with Centrelink that I should be put on a Disability support pension. I will NOT go On a DSP

That's weird, surely they can get you a job in that industry. Every second car on the road is from some DS service or another. It's a huge industry and growing. Stick to your guns, if you can and want to work, it's up to them to find you work, they get paid to do just that.

The government mangled the system by putting in a middle man or two (job agents and training companies) let them work for you. There used to be a time when you could go and talk to the employer and convince him that you were the person he was looking for. Don't back down. Unemployable ha! that's their cop out, not yours, don't wear it. longweekend, he's a nosy little parker, he'll have your name and address if you keep answering his questions.

Title: Re: Who Should The People On Welfare Vote For.
Post by warrigal on Jun 8th, 2012 at 10:15am
thats the problem they refuse to help me and have arranged with Centrelink and their Phycologists to shove me on a DSP pension.
virtually telling me to be quite and sit on a pension.
I already have a pension concession card and yet I am unemployed, not a pensioner.

Title: Re: Who Should The People On Welfare Vote For.
Post by pansi1951 on Jun 8th, 2012 at 11:32am

warrigal wrote on Jun 8th, 2012 at 10:15am:
thats the problem they refuse to help me and have arranged with Centrelink and their Phycologists to shove me on a DSP pension.
virtually telling me to be quite and sit on a pension.
I already have a pension concession card and yet I am unemployed, not a pensioner.

Yet the govt. were having a song and dance about getting people on a disability pension to go out to work.

So they want to put a non-disabled person on a disability pension but at the same time they want a person who is disabled to get a job.

It must make sense to someone but not me, but then again, I'm from the real world.

Can they actually force you to go on a pension? I suppose they can take your dole off you, that would do it.

You could try the ombudsman, they are like real world angels from what I've heard.

Title: Re: Who Should The People On Welfare Vote For.
Post by thelastnail on Jun 8th, 2012 at 12:04pm

Ex Dame Pansi wrote on Jun 8th, 2012 at 7:05am:

warrigal wrote on Jun 8th, 2012 at 6:39am:
a lot of quoting multible posts here just makes the topic not make sense now.

trained and qualified Disability Care worker, and yet these Job networks I have had have deceided that I am unemployable and have deceided and arranged it with Centrelink that I should be put on a Disability support pension. I will NOT go On a DSP

That's weird, surely they can get you a job in that industry. Every second car on the road is from some DS service or another. It's a huge industry and growing. Stick to your guns, if you can and want to work, it's up to them to find you work, they get paid to do just that.

The government mangled the system by putting in a middle man or two (job agents and training companies) let them work for you. There used to be a time when you could go and talk to the employer and convince him that you were the person he was looking for. Don't back down. Unemployable ha! that's their cop out, not yours, don't wear it. longweekend, he's a nosy little parker, he'll have your name and address if you keep answering his questions.

yes tell him noithing. He is a spy who works for the liberal party and gets paid 20 cents per post and another 20 cents if he can identify any communists ;)

Title: Re: Who Should The People On Welfare Vote For.
Post by thelastnail on Jun 8th, 2012 at 12:12pm

Andrei.Hicks wrote on Jun 4th, 2012 at 12:51pm:

warrigal wrote on Jun 4th, 2012 at 12:35pm:

Andrei.Hicks wrote on Jun 4th, 2012 at 11:56am:
The supply and demand curve operates in market economies.

You have the skills for "in demand" roles - you are more likely to get a job.

You get yourself a skill in a role which is not in demand, you are likely to sit on your arse.

EG - Getting a qualification in book-binding may have been good in the 1960s or as a machinist - probably isn't good now.
Unless you fancy moving to Bangalore.

Look at the high in-demand roles and choose your career wisely.

PS - what has me going to university have to do with anything??

That is the opinion of most in the employment industry

If they are university educated , that makes them think that they supreme to others out there, and the can't see the truth or facts.

Hardly, if someone walks through my door for an interview, I will look at WHAT they studied first, then I will look at their University and level of education and I will couple this with the experience they have to date in their employment for best fit.

For example if I want a Senior Finance Analyst (the last role I recruited) - I am obviously going to want someone who has a CA/CPA, Accounting/Economics degree and relevant experience to date.

So just saying "he went to university, he has the job" is not how I roll.

What use will an incredibly smart guy who has a BSc in BioChemisty be to me????

In Germany they wouldn't employ you because you don't have a science or engineering background. You are only useful in countries that don't make anything and rip people off on home loans !!

Title: Re: Who Should The People On Welfare Vote For.
Post by warrigal on Jun 8th, 2012 at 3:35pm

Put it this way with this situation that is just continuing for I will fight back , I will tear this Governememt and there welfare assistance providers apart.

So if long wkd end wants report me a a so called dole bludger, he can and then something will be done by centrelink to give me my life back, at present I stuck in limbo stuck between unemployment ( looking for Work) and a disability pension, with NO Job search services made available to me.

So back to the topic, Who should unemployed people vote for.
Well I was uemployed under the hawke/ keating labour governments, I was unemployed under the Howard liberal/ national government, I was unemployed under the Rudd/ julia governments.

so what is the solution, if governments do nothing to stop unemployment, unemployment will rare it ugly head and DESTROY more peoples lives, and it will even start to Destroy the lives of people with JOBS.

it has destroyed my parents lives as well as mine.

So as a country Australia we have high unemployment, but at the same time we have a skills shortage, but we won't train our people for the JOBS out there. And there are JOBs out their, their are employers screaming for workers. and yet their are JOB networks that refuse to help people, and put able bodied people like me onto a dsp pension.

if our country trained its workers, maybe the Gina Reinhardt mine development in WA wouldn't have to import overseas workers for it construction.

Just on the mining industry jobs boom, their is a small mine going to be built in my area of Maryborough QLD. so everyone here thinks their going to be able to get a good well paid mine job.

well I've been told by Job networks here in maryborough , that the only jobs that will go to locals are jobs in support and services (domestic cleaning of the mine accomodation building) and we've had training programs for the unemployed for that. All the mine workers for this local mine will be transfered in from another mine in central queensland.

so this hardly go's well for employment success in my area.

time for action Australia

Title: Re: Who Should The People On Welfare Vote For.
Post by bludger on Jun 9th, 2012 at 11:34am

When I turned 50 I moved interstate and never had another job for 15 years until retirement except a 3 month stint for a council.  I turned myself inside out to get a job. I think of the three quarters of a million wages I lost and curse Howard and his Ilk. People told me I wouldn't get a job after 50 but I didn't believe them, I do now.

Title: Re: Who Should The People On Welfare Vote For.
Post by pansi1951 on Jun 9th, 2012 at 12:18pm

bludger wrote on Jun 9th, 2012 at 11:34am:
When I turned 50 I moved interstate and never had another job for 15 years until retirement except a 3 month stint for a council.  I turned myself inside out to get a job. I think of the three quarters of a million wages I lost and curse Howard and his Ilk. People told me I wouldn't get a job after 50 but I didn't believe them, I do now.

Most unemployed people don't. The age could have even dropped in the last couple of years. I've heard people that are just over 40 saying they're on the job scrapheap. What's more unfathomable is that it's their own generation that is closing them out.

The govt. need to get a good quality re-training program up and running. I don't mean the job agents/training shysters that run the show at the moment. It will cost, but hey! a busy population is a happy population. They might even miss a lot of the govt. inadequacies if they're out at work.

Title: Re: Who Should The People On Welfare Vote For.
Post by bobbythebat1 on Jun 9th, 2012 at 4:41pm

bludger wrote on Jun 9th, 2012 at 11:34am:
When I turned 50 I moved interstate and never had another job for 15 years until retirement except a 3 month stint for a council.  I turned myself inside out to get a job. I think of the three quarters of a million wages I lost and curse Howard and his Ilk. People told me I wouldn't get a job after 50 but I didn't believe them, I do now.

That's terrible -
makes me worry about quitting my job.

Title: Re: Who Should The People On Welfare Vote For.
Post by warrigal on Jun 10th, 2012 at 6:40am

Soren wrote on Mar 31st, 2011 at 10:15pm:

Title: Re: Who Should The People On Welfare Vote For.
Post by warrigal on Jun 10th, 2012 at 6:44am

Ex Dame Pansi wrote on Apr 1st, 2011 at 7:22am:
Yadda yadda yadda.................................................

You forgot to mention sick people, of course they can't vote because they are a stain on society. Sick people don't contribute anything, they suck the funds with all their stupid expensive medication and time wasting care they need.

Only the strong and healthy can vote for they are the backbone of the country. And only those strong and healthy that are employed full time with at least 8 hours overtime chucked in. If they're not putting in overtime they are lazy and they don't deserve to vote.

Women who stay home to raise their family should not be able to vote, they can work just like any one else.....having babies doesn't stop them from working and they can do the overtime too fair is fair.

I'm sick of everyone thinking they have the right to vote, it makes me sick. As a matter of fact only those earning over $200,000 a year should get to vote, anyone earning less than that surely can't pay enough tax to give them the right to vote.

Those people who have worked for 30 years and paid taxes think they should get the freedom to vote, just because they get vote until they get the job and the overtime back.

I wonder why we have compulsory voting?

what a IGNORANT PIG you are with comments like this.

Title: Re: Who Should The People On Welfare Vote For.
Post by warrigal on Jun 10th, 2012 at 6:50am

You have the skills for "in demand" roles - you are more likely to get a job.

You get yourself a skill in a role which is not in demand, you are likely to sit on your arse.

Look at the high in-demand roles and choose your career wisely.[/quote]

How are you supposed to get the required skills if you can only acquire those skills from being employed and having a job? It's like a Catch-22 situation.

1. You need a job.

2. To get a job you need skills.

3. You can't get skills without previously being employed.

4. To get skills you need a job. Back to Square One!!!!!

Choose your career wisely? Basically what you're saying is, if a person makes the wrong choices in life, they end up in a dead-end and are doomed forever.[/quote]

said by a person with well paid employment. you really have no idea.

Title: Re: Who Should The People On Welfare Vote For.
Post by Spot of Borg on Jun 10th, 2012 at 7:01am
Look @ this idiot. He is blaming the victims for their plight. Says they get "just as much" on the dole as they would working. Well if that were only true who would work? Another lying politician trying to save face by blaming the victims. Guess he wont be voted in again.

I dont think it has anything to do with racism. If he is right about the money then why should anyone work for jobs that pay not even enough to pay your rent? If hes wrong (which he most prolly is) then he should address the issues - why is there no work in the area? Have all the businesses been closing down or something?

THE deputy mayor of Bankstown has attacked his own constituents for being too lazy to find work, blaming "cultural traits" for having the highest unemployment rate of all Sydney council areas.

Allan Winterbottom believes the "demographic" and "nationality" in the suburbs of Greenacre, Punchbowl and Villawood showed residents there were more willing to accept government handouts than find employment.

"There are jobs out there but people have to want to work," Mr Winterbottom said. "I don't want to tell you what sort of people or nationality they are. But the culture is they get enough money to survive without working.

"We all know the problem - it's too easy on the dole. How do you encourage them to work when they get just as much on social security?"

According to the latest ABS data, people of Lebanese background made up the largest cultural group in Punchbowl (31.5 per cent) and Greenacre (27.8 per cent), while Villawood has a high proportion of people of Vietnamese background (13.8 per cent) as well as Lebanese (11.7 per cent).

The north-east of Bankstown has - at 11.6 per cent - the worst unemployment rates of all Sydney local areas.

But unemployment varies widely across the local government area, with some suburbs such as Padstow Heights enjoying low unemployment at 2.7 per cent compared to Villawood at 18.8 per cent.

Mr Winterbottom said a lack of English skills among people of migrant background, as well as fewer education opportunities among those communities, were also factors.

"I'm not anti different people. They certainly need more help, and the (unemployment) figures are terrible - more than triple the average."

Bankstown was closely followed by the south-west of Blacktown and east Fairfield, which both had unemployment levels above 11 per cent as of December.

Bankstown Mayor Khal Asfour said he was "happy" unemployment had dropped 0.5 per cent since the same period last year, even if it had been rising steadily from June when it was 10.8 per cent.

Blacktown Mayor Alan Pendleton said access to public transport was an issue, but motivation to find work was also an issue in his area.

"I'm not saying that everyone out here would take a job if they could get one tomorrow," Mr Pendleton said. "There are pockets of people there, families who have never worked, and it goes into generations."

In Fairfield, Mayor Frank Carbone said: "I believe that most people want to better themselves. I don't think anybody wants to stay at home earning $180 a week unemployment benefits."

Islamic Friendship Association chairman Keysar Trad said Mr Winterbottom should not be tarnishing an entire community with a "very, very narrow view."

Mr Trad said Muslims suffered from discrimination when it came to applying for jobs.

"I wonder if this gentleman has ever experienced discrimination in the workplace himself," he said.

"Certainly, people with a Muslim-sounding name are not given the same opportunities ... as people with an Anglo-sounding name."

Is the deputy mayor of Bankstown being racist? Or has he got it right? 


Title: Re: Who Should The People On Welfare Vote For.
Post by warrigal on Jun 10th, 2012 at 7:13am

Ex Dame Pansi wrote on Jun 9th, 2012 at 12:18pm:

bludger wrote on Jun 9th, 2012 at 11:34am:
When I turned 50 I moved interstate and never had another job for 15 years until retirement except a 3 month stint for a council.  I turned myself inside out to get a job. I think of the three quarters of a million wages I lost and curse Howard and his Ilk. People told me I wouldn't get a job after 50 but I didn't believe them, I do now.

Most unemployed people don't. The age could have even dropped in the last couple of years. I've heard people that are just over 40 saying they're on the job scrapheap. What's more unfathomable is that it's their own generation that is closing them out.

The govt. need to get a good quality re-training program up and running. I don't mean the job agents/training shysters that run the show at the moment. It will cost, but hey! a busy population is a happy population. They might even miss a lot of the govt. inadequacies if they're out at work.

Its Not one political party or the other politcal party, Labour or Liberral nats, Its the people of Australia that create this Dole bludger mentallity towards the unemployed person.
From the hardest working lowest paid factory right up to the bank manager and the company CEO.
Your one of these people that only beleive that the unemployed are DOLE BLUDGERs.
this in cludes you adrei

Title: Re: Who Should The People On Welfare Vote For.
Post by warrigal on Jun 10th, 2012 at 7:14am
From the telgraph aticle

Mr Winterbottom said a lack of English skills among people of migrant background, as well as fewer education opportunities among those communities, were also factors.

So Why isn't the Australian goverment , and the community of this deputy mayor, providing education programs, so there people can learn ENGLISH thus intergrating into society.
But what we see is these Migrant people comming into Australia and setting up ther own buisnesses and NOT intergrating into society.

Title: Re: Who Should The People On Welfare Vote For.
Post by it_is_the_light on Jun 10th, 2012 at 7:24am
i do not consent to labor liberal collusion,

both funded by private corporations,military,pharma

vaccines,oil,toll roads,ports,rail,mining GM food,law,

property,religion,water resources against humanity.

i do not consent and do not vote for these satanic

freemasons because of the spiritual knowingness i have

come to realize for i am a sovereign being of this planet.

an immortal soul residing in a human physical body.

as soon as they can prove that everyone of you

are not as much then they have an argument,

yet this is illusion and mind control by them

governments only exist by permission of the individual

so i do not vote for scum.

i do not judge merely observe with forgiveness as these

criminals become arrested for their collective crimes

against humanity.


you may be the change you desire



Title: Re: Who Should The People On Welfare Vote For.
Post by pansi1951 on Jun 10th, 2012 at 7:26am

warrigal wrote on Jun 10th, 2012 at 6:44am:

Ex Dame Pansi wrote on Apr 1st, 2011 at 7:22am:
Yadda yadda yadda.................................................

You forgot to mention sick people, of course they can't vote because they are a stain on society. Sick people don't contribute anything, they suck the funds with all their stupid expensive medication and time wasting care they need.

Only the strong and healthy can vote for they are the backbone of the country. And only those strong and healthy that are employed full time with at least 8 hours overtime chucked in. If they're not putting in overtime they are lazy and they don't deserve to vote.

Women who stay home to raise their family should not be able to vote, they can work just like any one else.....having babies doesn't stop them from working and they can do the overtime too fair is fair.

I'm sick of everyone thinking they have the right to vote, it makes me sick. As a matter of fact only those earning over $200,000 a year should get to vote, anyone earning less than that surely can't pay enough tax to give them the right to vote.

Those people who have worked for 30 years and paid taxes think they should get the freedom to vote, just because they get vote until they get the job and the overtime back.

I wonder why we have compulsory voting?

what a IGNORANT PIG you are with comments like this.

Excuse me Warrigal, I was taking the piss out of the "dole bludger brigade". If you read my posts you will know I have the opposite view to this little piece of work.

I have much sympathy with the unemployed and have worked with homeless people who have become this way through extended periods of unemployment, which eventually leads to mental health issues.

I'm really not an ignorant pig.

Title: Re: Who Should The People On Welfare Vote For.
Post by warrigal on Jun 11th, 2012 at 8:25am
well it look as you  pansi, social alliance and me are the only one left here now on this topic that have got anything usefull to say.

THE post above your last here page 10 make no sense at all.
when we start talking the facts about this matter  all these idiots here SENIOR members of the Forum come on here and just talk crap.

Title: Re: Who Should The People On Welfare Vote For.
Post by pansi1951 on Jun 11th, 2012 at 9:04am

warrigal wrote on Jun 11th, 2012 at 8:25am:
well it look as you  pansi, social alliance and me are the only one left here now on this topic that have got anything usefull to say.

THE post above your last here page 10 make no sense at all.
when we start talking the facts about this matter  all these idiots here SENIOR members of the Forum come on here and just talk crap.

it_is_the_light, yeah he's on our side, he speaks another language which is light years from our understanding. He has great insight into the system that renders us unemployed, mentally ill and homeless.

The unemployed are stuck between a rock and a hard place so to speak. They are prevented from finding work by the very system that was put in place to help them get back into the workforce.

If there is a way to make an easy method complicated, the government will find a way to do it.

People are begging for work, the government are saying we have a skills shortage. Now if in fact we do have a skills shortage, is there any way the government can get the unemployed skilled to fill the shortage? There must be. Can they give incentives for people to get trained? They can, but do they want to?

No they don't want to train our people. Do you know why? I'll tell you. Because both this govt. and the opposition want a BIG Australia and they will grow the population the sneaky way, because most Aussies don't want a big Australia.

They import workers while our people are crying out for a job, they have no choice they say.

We have over 15% youth unemployment and we have to import workers. Sad indeed. Some regional areas have near 50% youth unemployment, but sadly these young people end up giving up on even looking for a job.

Do you think the government should have put the training programs in place by now? Will we need skilled workers in four or five years time? I suppose so, unless the mining boom goes bust.

Take your case for example Warrigal, a trained man, healthy and eager to work in a fast growing industry and they'd rather put you out to graze. I can't work it out.

If Abbott gets in things for the unemployed will deteriorate, he will set groups up to go against each other, divide and conquer will be the game.

You do realise that most of the jobless haters on this forum are unemployed themselves. 

Title: Re: Who Should The People On Welfare Vote For.
Post by Kat on Jun 11th, 2012 at 10:55am

Most of you here are well aware of my attitude towards the way the unemployed are treated.

And, sadly, there are some of you who will simply never get the message.

Title: Re: Who Should The People On Welfare Vote For.
Post by warrigal on Jun 11th, 2012 at 11:15am
what is that message Kat

whats your opinion

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