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Message started by Earle Qaeda on Apr 23rd, 2011 at 9:08am

Title: It's Time! It's On! Let's have some wedding chat.
Post by Earle Qaeda on Apr 23rd, 2011 at 9:08am
Oh the excitement... the tension! I don't know who is more out of their head this week; the ABC or the toasting bones of the dear old Queen Mother. And blimey, there is a whole week of it isn't there. Arr well, better than Doctor bloody Who I reckon. And less offensive than the old man in the funny car who brought us youth day.

We should all be quite spent, bent & bedazzled by week's end. I mean, kicking the wedding off with Easter & then Anzac Day. Gawd luv us. If it wern't for the brave diggers sacrificing the Easter Bunny at Gallipolli we'd all be scratching around the garden Sunday morning searching for hidden Turkish Delight.

I expect EQ will watch a bit of the glory.  I see Aunty is digging up the Chasers for a bit of spoof commentary. I can no longer expect much from them. Would be more fun listening to a feed from an Indian broadcaster.

The greatest realization I think though is that if the government & media can whip up this much... [gee, is excitement the right word?] excitement over a royal wedding then I guess Australians don't actually deserve a republic.

Title: Re: It's Time! It's On! Let's have some wedding chat.
Post by Grey on Apr 23rd, 2011 at 4:58pm
It's bigger than the pore on the end of my little finger... that's a depression actually.

Title: Re: It's Time! It's On! Let's have some wedding chat.
Post by Max Headroom on Apr 26th, 2011 at 6:43am
Remember the ghost of Kennedy and the grassy knoll. As they say in Texas, open carriage, closed casket.....

Title: Re: It's Time! It's On! Let's have some wedding chat.
Post by Earle Qaeda on Apr 26th, 2011 at 12:36pm
All this claptrap about William being our king... jeez you'd think at least we could get a pretty one.

Title: Re: It's Time! It's On! Let's have some wedding chat.
Post by Max Headroom on Apr 28th, 2011 at 10:08pm
I say chaps, what sort of alcohol should one serve during the wedding broadcast? Beer sounds awfully crass. Gin and Tonic perhaps?  :)

Title: Re: It's Time! It's On! Let's have some wedding chat.
Post by Equitist on Apr 28th, 2011 at 10:18pm

Dunno about anyone else, but I was planning on a Chaser...


Title: Re: It's Time! It's On! Let's have some wedding chat.
Post by Grey on Apr 29th, 2011 at 12:46am
Is a wedding broadcast when you hold auditions for a fiance?

I'm bloody furious about the chaser fiasco.

Title: Re: It's Time! It's On! Let's have some wedding chat.
Post by dsmithy70 on Apr 29th, 2011 at 3:16pm

Title: Re: It's Time! It's On! Let's have some wedding chat.
Post by Max Headroom on Apr 29th, 2011 at 5:18pm
Crikey, looks like a security nightmare,- the exact route is shown on television, the exact time, the exact place, a huge crowd for a terrorist to blend in with. I'm just sayin'....

Title: Re: It's Time! It's On! Let's have some wedding chat.
Post by KatusMaximus on Apr 29th, 2011 at 11:04pm

Dsmithy70 wrote on Apr 29th, 2011 at 3:16pm:

;D My thoughts exactly!  Hoorah, tally ho, pip-pip it's over!

Title: Re: It's Time! It's On! Let's have some wedding chat.
Post by Belgarion on Apr 30th, 2011 at 12:38am
I eagerly await the first claim by some despicable rotter that he shagged young Katie after the sixth form school dance or some other youthful festivity and is selling his story for a motza! (Or else keeping quiet in return for a knighthood ;) )

Title: Re: It's Time! It's On! Let's have some wedding chat.
Post by Grey on Apr 30th, 2011 at 8:26am
Very good Belgarion ;D

My first reaction today at the headline on my Global Research email, ( Britain’s Royal Wedding: A Big Day For The Global Oligarchy
A Celebration of the Dictatorship of Global Capital over Democracy) was an uncharacteristic one, 'Give it a break' I thought. And for one fleeting moment I was in sympathy with those RW's of my acquaintance who aren't too careing of facts and simply react to a left they see as steeped in a marinade of unrelenting doom and gloom.

It's not that I'm in the least a monarchist. I didn't see much of the wedding. I waited until I thought it safe to turn the box on. It wasn't! But thankfully all I caught was the hitching at the altar and what kept me watching for half an hour was the architecture, (and what a magnificent old building the Abbey is).

So, anyway, it was a critical eye that I ran over the GR article. By  Finian Cunningham I saw first off, 'yeah right, he sounds Irishly gloomy'. But I have to say he was on the money. Of course 'Pomp and Circumstance' is what the Brits do well, but there was a sense they were pulling out all the stops this time around, including the Chaser ban. Bread and circuses ran Finian, last days of the Roman empire.

Title: Re: It's Time! It's On! Let's have some wedding chat.
Post by KatusMaximus on Apr 30th, 2011 at 8:26am
WOW!  Belgarion!  What a shock  :o  I am reading your biography right now (for about the 20th time!)  ;D

Title: Re: It's Time! It's On! Let's have some wedding chat.
Post by Earle Qaeda on Apr 30th, 2011 at 8:35am
Well they screwed us out of the Chasers but EQ found himself muttering his own commentary through the bits he wandered in on. And quite impressive it was, especially as he was sober at the time. His observations...

- for one supposedly bred to this B/S Will looked quite nervous. Wandering down the aisle his eyes were mostly towards the floor, hardly looked at anyone. In such global circumstances EQ would have been secretly [he would hope] soiling himself but would have  made a much better show of it.

- all the commentators remarked how "in love " the sweet kids looked. EQ didn't see it that way. In the church thing Will looked like he was about to drop off. His gal looked like she was at least trying.

- the trees.. What was with all the bloody trees? At least they could have filled them with pigeons.

- dressing HM as a banana was a brilliant stroke. A nice nod to the Antipodes seeing how their ridiculous price these days has elevated them to monarchial exclusivity.

Title: Re: It's Time! It's On! Let's have some wedding chat.
Post by muso on Apr 30th, 2011 at 8:39am

My observation is that there is obviously no effective cure for baldness in British royal males.

Yeh but, not much of Charles to be seen in either of those boys, not much of Diana either. Maybe it's time we had the buggers DNA tested before they cop the life of luxury.

Title: Re: It's Time! It's On! Let's have some wedding chat.
Post by muso on Apr 30th, 2011 at 9:10pm

muso wrote on Apr 30th, 2011 at 8:39am:

My observation is that there is obviously no effective cure for baldness in British royal males.

Yeh but, not much of Charles to be seen in either of those boys, not much of Diana either. Maybe it's time we had the buggers DNA tested before they cop the life of luxury.

You edited my post, you bounder!  (easily done) ;D

Title: Re: It's Time! It's On! Let's have some wedding chat.
Post by Grey on May 2nd, 2011 at 10:34am
Blimey your right Muso, terribly sorry, I'll be more careful in future, don't know quite how it happened but I guess i punched the wrong button.  :-[

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