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General Discussion >> General Board >> We don't need goat herders.

Message started by salad in on May 5th, 2011 at 5:43pm

Title: We don't need goat herders.
Post by salad in on May 5th, 2011 at 5:43pm

A world of long-term welfare for refugees

MORE than 60 per cent of refugees to Australia have failed to get a job after five years, according to a damning Federal Government report into the humanitarian settlement program.

And 83 per cent of those households now rely on welfare payments for income.

The greatest unemployment rate was recorded among new arrivals from Iraq and Afghanistan, with less than one in 10 finding full-time work and 93.7 per cent of households receiving Centrelink payments.

The statistics are contained in a Department of Immigration and Citizenship report released last Friday under the cover of the royal wedding.


How rewarding for the Australain taxpayer. Up at 5:30am and into the shower. Breakfast at 5:50am and you have to rush it down because the bus leaves at 6:06am. A slow trip to the city on the train as the pungent sour melange of garlic, BO, musty woolen coat, and beer breath assaults your nose. All for what? To get ahead? No. Your rushing around to prop up one of the most unproductive sections of Australian society. I wonder if those Centrelink payments are acting as a magnet.

What a joy it is to be a slave.

Title: Re: We don't need goat herders.
Post by Grey on May 5th, 2011 at 6:03pm
I was just wondering, before coming online, what with the high cost of a dead sheep, whether I should get into goats. They eat anything y'know and put on weight so well. And then there's this ready availability of goat herders a syou point out. Best roast I ever had was goat, a feral one at that.

Title: Re: We don't need goat herders.
Post by Soren on May 5th, 2011 at 10:58pm
There should be zero welfare for new arrivals until they have clocked up some taxed income of their own. Until then their 'community' can look after them. God knows, there are plenty of them.

Title: Re: We don't need goat herders.
Post by bobbythebat1 on May 5th, 2011 at 11:25pm
I wish they'd stop bringing rubbish here.
I don't want to pay for it out of my taxes.

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