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General Discussion >> Federal Politics >> Nuclear industry infiltrates ABC Message started by Gimme Gimme on Sep 23rd, 2011 at 2:32pm |
Title: Nuclear industry infiltrates ABC Post by Gimme Gimme on Sep 23rd, 2011 at 2:32pm
The nuclear industry is using increasingly subtle methods to promote the development of a nuclear power and radioactive waste disposal industry in Australia. Noel Wauchope reports.
In the ABC radio program Ockham’s Razor, first broadcast on Sunday 4th August, Terry Krieg enthusiastically promotes the nuclear industry. This program was remarkable for two reasons. First, Mr Krieg appeared to be not your usual expert connected with the nuclear industry. Mr Krieg, we were told, is “a retired geography and geology teacher”. Good, I thought, as it seemed that the ABC was giving an ordinary mortal a go on national radio. But was that all he was? No, alas. There was, as there always seems to be, some “astroturfing” going on. A bit of research on the Net and we soon discover that Mr Krieg is a spokesperson for the Australian Nuclear Forum. This is an organisation dedicated, it says, to “advancing peaceful aspects of nuclear science and technology”. With that aim, the ANF provides “policy papers and information papers for schools”. Its members are “professionals with wide collective experience in nuclear science and technology”. In other words, it is a false grassroots nuclear industry lobby group. Now, I really do think that the presenter, Robin Williams, should have told us that. But perhaps he didn’t know. It is in the interests of nuclear astroturfers to not have people know that the information they present, far from being unvarnished, comes straight from the nuclear industry itself. Secondly, Mr Krieg came out with what the nuclear lobby has been secretly planning for Australia — that is, to establish the full nuclear cycle in this country, including storing radioactive wastes. For these two reasons, Krieg’s promotional spruik is important. I hope that it kicks off a clearer, more “democratic’ discussion on the nuclear industry. Australia so far has had only one real speaker who puts clearly the case against nuclear power: Dr Helen Caldicott. Yes, I know that she is an “expert”. But she has an unusual ability to speak plainly. Perhaps that is why she is ignored by Australia’s media and political big boys. Anyway, Australia surely needs some plain speaking on this issue, so critical for our children and grandchildren’s future. Terry Krieg should not be ignored. His vision for a totally nuclear South Australia is scary stuff. On Climate Change and Renewable Energy Krieg, rather surprisingly, loses some scientific credibility right at the start, as he reveals himself as a climate-change denier. He moves on to state that pursuing renewable energy is unwise, saying that USA energy experts in the ’80s have been proved right in writing off solar energy. Krieg emphasises the small proportion of energy consumption from solar and wind, and doesn’t mention the statistics from other sources, such as hydro-power. And, there is more to the solar and wind story, as they are new and fast developing industries, both in centralised and in small distributed forms. From Wikipedia: “About 16% of global final energy consumption comes from renewables. Wind power is growing at the rate of 30% annually, with a worldwide installed capacity of 198 gigawatts (GW) in 2010,[3][4] and is widely used in Europe, Asia, and the United States. As of 2011, small solar PV systems provide electricity to a few million households, and micro-hydro configured into mini-grids serves many more.” From the Melbourne University ‘Renewable Energy Technology Cost Review’ (May 2011): “The installed capacity of photovoltaic has grown at rate of 40% over the last decade. As the industry has grown PV module prices declined along a well-established learning curve, which has seen cost reductions of 22% for each doubling of cumulative capacity, over the last few decades…The International Energy Agency (IEA) and the EPIA expect further cost reduction with increased production capacities, improved supply chains and economies of scale” continue |
Title: Re: Nuclear industry infiltrates ABC Post by Gimme Gimme on Sep 23rd, 2011 at 2:33pm
On Germany
Krieg limits himself to brushing this off, dismissing Germany as closing down its nuclear reactors “in a state of panic”, which is less than persuasive. On radiation Krieg dismisses any problem of radiation from Fukushima: “There have been no deaths from radiation poisoning. And when the dust of radiation has settled and safety and reactor protection measures have been reviewed and strengthened, the nuclear industry will resume the rapid building program currently in place and especially in China and India.” Really? This is a very worrying statement. Cancers from low level radiation would not be expected to appear, on average, until 25 years after irradiation. He doesn’t mention the estimated million deaths from Chernobyl. What does he mean by “when the dust of radiation has settled”? I fear that this is a metaphorical statement, by which he really means “when the nuclear lobby has convinced the population that radiation is not harmful”. And, incidentally, the rapid nuclear reactor building is not “currently in place” anywhere, not even in China or India— the former having slowed their program, and the latter now bogged down in political problems. Wind power This seems to be Terry Krieg’s main target, no doubt because wind power is going rather well in South Australia. He points out the cuts in wind power turbine production in Denmark. He doesn’t mention that Denmark lost these sales, as UK has decided to buy their turbines from rival manufacturers GE, Siemens and Gamesa. From Wikipedia: “…wind power provided 18.9% of electricity production and 24.1% of generation capacity in Denmark in 2008…in 2010 windpower accounted for 5.3% of the EU’s electricity demand.” It is true that Denmark is now stalling its wind farm development program, but this has more to do with its need to develop a smart grid that can make full use of the wind energy, most of which is now exported. With a new consortium of companies, iPower, Denmark expects wind power to supply 50 per cent of its electricity by 2025. Japanese wind lens Krieg ignores the continuing development of new wind and solar technologies. For example, the Japanese “wind lens” (see picture opposite): “Japanese breakthrough will make wind power cheaper than nuclear A surprising aerodynamic innovation in wind turbine design called the ‘wind lens’ could triple the output of a typical wind turbine, making it less costly than nuclear power.” continue |
Title: Re: Nuclear industry infiltrates ABC Post by Gimme Gimme on Sep 23rd, 2011 at 2:33pm
Krieg does try and dazzle us with a bit of science about “load” and “capacity” of wind power. But this boils down to something that we all knew anyway — that wind does not blow all the time in one area, so there is not “base load” power all the time. Ways have been devised to deal with this — from smart grids, co-operating wind farms, over wide areas, networks of grids, connections with other sources of energy, and from changes in energy use, to reduce peak demands
Krieg points out the cutbacks to renewable energy projects in European countries: the USA and Canada. This is a complex problem — and not at all simple as Krieg makes it sound. As for producing solar and wind technologies, China is now doing this so cheaply that the USA, for one, is importing Chinese technology for renewable projects, rather than making it. With the global financial problem, governments are cutting back in many areas. Renewable energy does indeed have considerable upfront costs. But it is hardly fair to compare this with other energy sources, since the fuel for renewable energy is free, so therefore the ongoing costs are negligible. Pricing mechanisms would obviously be coordinated to address this. Greenhouse gas emissions He claims that nuclear power is “emission free”. Yes, emission-free if only you don’t count the nuclear fuel cycle’s “front end” uranium mining, milling, transport and its “back end”— wastes storage and disposal, including the finished reactor itself. And, to reiterate, there is no known way to safely store deadly nuclear waste, an unavoidable by-product of the nuclear process that is poisonous for an eternity. Australia’s nuclear future Krieg then enthuses about how nuclear power alone can meet Australia’s energy needs “at the scale required”. Presumably, he means at a huge scale. I am not surprised that he ignores the movement for energy efficiency and energy conservation. The nuclear industry is dedicated to the principle of endless growth in energy consumption. He paints a glowing picture of the worldwide growth in nuclear power plant building. “Clearly, the world is going increasingly nuclear. Australia should be part of that rapid worldwide nuclear increase.” But it is not clear at all, as even the nuclear industry admits. Rob Atkinson, Australian Uranium Industry Chairman stated recently: “…events at Fukushima at the very least look certain to complicate planning for nuclear expansion for the coming years in all countries that have been looking either to expand existing nuclear programs or commence new ones” continue |
Title: Re: Nuclear industry infiltrates ABC Post by Gimme Gimme on Sep 23rd, 2011 at 2:34pm
South Australia’s future
Krieg finishes up with a swipe at the Australian Greens and the other political parties. Amazingly, Krieg states that more “Greens around the world are calling for nuclear power”. Now, where on earth did he get that from? Last of all comes the really scary bit: “Australia should now position itself to benefit to a much greater degree from its massive uranium resources through active participation in the rapidly expanding nuclear fuel cycle industry. We should not forego the opportunities it offers and simply remain a supplier of the basic raw material for this very important global industry.” A veritable cornucopia of riches will open up for South Australia, he says: “South Australia has juxtaposed in our north-west desert the biggest uranium deposit and the best nuclear waste disposal site on the planet”. Krieg has spelled out what Australia’s nuclear mandarins have been quietly planning for some time, as has been reported in this journal. Not a word, not a worry, about environmental impacts, water supply and water contamination, costs of security and permanent waste disposal, risks of terrorism. It is no mere pipedream. Australia is signed up to the International Framework for Nuclear Energy Co-operation, which includes the provision that uranium sellers would take back nuclear wastes. China has indicated that purchase of uranium might be dependent on the return of nuclear wastes to the selling country. If the Australian public is not made aware of the full meaning of the nuclear lobby’s plan, in clear “ordinary” language, Terry Krieg’s vision might well come true. |
Title: Re: Nuclear industry infiltrates ABC Post by gizmo_2655 on Sep 23rd, 2011 at 2:48pm
Perhaps the ABC has FINALLY realise that given the 'choice' between Co2 production and Nuclear power....Nuclear wins hands down???
Title: Re: Nuclear industry infiltrates ABC Post by progressiveslol on Sep 23rd, 2011 at 2:50pm
Is this your 100th thread today. Good to see you are co-operating.
Title: Re: Nuclear industry infiltrates ABC Post by Gimme Gimme on Sep 23rd, 2011 at 2:53pm
Howard installed his own men in the ABC before he was booted. They are now under the control of the right wing. Sad..very sad. But of course when Australians finally WAKE UP to the horrible LIES of the Liberal Party and their racist anti Islam hate speech advocate Cory Bernardi I'm sure we will be back on track for a clean green future. Go Julia!! ;) |
Title: Re: Nuclear industry infiltrates ABC Post by gizmo_2655 on Sep 23rd, 2011 at 3:12pm Gimme Gimme wrote on Sep 23rd, 2011 at 2:53pm:
And of course, if asked, you could prove that??? |
Title: Re: Nuclear industry infiltrates ABC Post by Gimme Gimme on Sep 23rd, 2011 at 3:21pm common knowledge.
Let your fingers do the walking. I know you are dumbed down and misinformed by the 70% Murdoch press domination of my country but if you look a little further than Andrew(Gina's boy on chanell 10) Bolt and Alan(big mining is paying me a fortune to LIE) Jones, you might be able to find some truth. It's not too hard..I'm sure you are big enough to find it if you really want to. ;) |
Title: Time for Opposition to stop just saying “No” Post by Gimme Gimme on Sep 23rd, 2011 at 1:53pm
Time for Opposition to stop just saying “No”
Posted On Thursday, 15 Sep 2011 By Admin. The Opposition should standing in the way of the Government and immerse themselves in policy creation to sell to the Australian public at the next election in 2013, says Shaun Newman. What a sad little party/parties the federal opposition are. With all the challenges in the 21st century that face this nation the Coalition focus upon a few hundred poor souls fleeing torment and torture by boat. We have a great economy, the envy of the western world; we have low unemployment around 5 per cent which is seen by most economists as being full employment. A price on carbon will raise the cost of living by 0.7 per cent, for which most families will be more than adequately compensated, yet all we get from the opposition is the continuation of a scare campaign without alternate policies of any value. Australians will be afraid for a time, but when they see and understand that the boogyman that the opposition want us to be afraid of does not materialize they will understand that Mr. Abbott is a hollow man without any decent policy direction and will be afraid of him ever becoming Prime Minister of this great nation. For far too long the Liberal National Party has used these tactics, I remember as a child it was the yellow peril (China) then it was the red menace/reds under the beds (Russia) — we now trade happily with both these nations. The time has arrived for Tony Abbott to put up or shut up and allow the government of the day to conduct its business. The Liberal National Party was not elected in the last election a year ago; they should immerse themselves in policy creation to sell to the Australian public at the next election in 2013. |
Title: Re: Time for Opposition to stop just saying “No” Post by WESLEY.PIPES on Sep 23rd, 2011 at 1:56pm
They'll probably stop saying 'no' when the government ctarts making some good decisions.
Looks like we'll be waiting a while.... |
Title: Re: Time for Opposition to stop just saying “No” Post by Gimme Gimme on Sep 23rd, 2011 at 1:59pm
Can you show Australians any policies from the Abbott party of NO? my guest. Name them? ;) |
Title: Re: Time for Opposition to stop just saying “No” Post by chicken_lipsforme on Sep 23rd, 2011 at 2:17pm Gimme Gimme wrote on Sep 23rd, 2011 at 1:59pm:
Could you name any labor policies that were out in 2005, two years before the 07 election? Thought not. |
Title: Re: Nuclear industry infiltrates ABC Post by longweekend58 on Sep 23rd, 2011 at 3:22pm
sorry, moved the wrong gmme thread in here.
Title: Re: Nuclear industry infiltrates ABC Post by gizmo_2655 on Sep 23rd, 2011 at 3:56pm Gimme Gimme wrote on Sep 23rd, 2011 at 3:21pm:
Hmmm...Well the ABC has been pretty consistant over the years....Basically Pro-Environment and pro-whatevertheleftlikesthisweek...Which IS a pity, since programs like This Day Tonight and 4Corners used to be THE pattern for 'hard-hitting impartial' current affairs programing.... |
Title: Re: Nuclear industry infiltrates ABC Post by Gimme Gimme on Sep 23rd, 2011 at 4:06pm
There are STILL good people on the ABC..I would hope they don't BOW down to the Howard installments too much..but it is a tragedy that the right wing via Howard the illegal war monger has been infiltrated by the anti climate mob.. :(
We don't need anymore LYING climate deniers bought here by Cory Bernardi..It's shocking enough that he is bringing a hate speech politician to Australia. God help us survive the ugly Liberal Party of NO. |
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