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Member Run Boards >> The Tavern >> Equality a Casualty of GFC Fallout Message started by Annie Anthrax on Nov 5th, 2011 at 12:35pm |
Title: Equality a Casualty of GFC Fallout Post by Annie Anthrax on Nov 5th, 2011 at 12:35pm The article is from the UK, but it's still pertinent for Australian women. Quote: |
Title: Re: Equality a Casualty of GFC Fallout Post by Soren on Nov 5th, 2011 at 2:08pm
The Fawcett Society is in the business of talking up inequality. It will interpret everything as a cause of its increase otherwise what is the point of the Fawcett Society if inequality is gradully decreasing? It is one of many Continuing Crisis Societies.
Title: Re: Equality a Casualty of GFC Fallout Post by Annie Anthrax on Nov 5th, 2011 at 2:56pm Quote:
Yes, but it's still something to think about. There's also been a big jump in domestic violence in the US because of financial stress. I am fully aware that equality is an illusion. A fragile illusion. But's worth fighting for. |
Title: Re: Equality a Casualty of GFC Fallout Post by Amadd on Nov 8th, 2011 at 6:28am
Domestic violence has nothing to do with equality, nor has any other type of violence. That's just morality - of the simplest kind for most humans.
Yes equality is an illusion. In other words, it's BS. It doesn't (and shouldn't) happen in the real world. I don't get a gold medal for running the 100m in 14.8 seconds, nor would I want it in the the name of "equality" due to my particular circumstance of not being good enough. When a company is demanded to employ a certain amount of Asians, blacks, women, etc. to satisfy "political correctness", the talent pool then becomes somewhat limited. Unfortunately, the prejudice card gets played all too often for the good of all, and the white male caucasian becomes a victim of it's own generosity. An illusion is never worth fighting for. |
Title: Re: Equality a Casualty of GFC Fallout Post by Annie Anthrax on Nov 8th, 2011 at 10:03am Quote:
Of course domestic violence has to do with equality. Part of equality is legal rights for women - it wasn't too long ago that a man had a right to beat his woman if she didn't listen to him. But anyway, that's not what I meant. I was pointing out that women are suffering violence as a result of the GFC in addition to the threat to equality. Quote:
Try running the race barefoot. Quote:
I agree. I don't believe those sort of quotas really benefit anyone anymore. Positions should be filled by whoever is best suited for the role; we just need to make sure that women and minorities have the opportunity to acquire the skills they need to be competitive. Quote:
Yes it is. When I say it's an illusion, I mean if anything ever causes a breakdown in society as we know it, women will be right back where they were hundreds of years ago. Look at how quick the Taliban managed to take women back to the dark ages. Afghani women were doing comparitively well before they came to power. In difficult times, it is always the women and children that suffer the most. Always. We become the pawns of war. The 'equality' we have now can be stripped from us very easily and that's frightening. Quote:
Please. ::) |
Title: Re: Equality a Casualty of GFC Fallout Post by Wesley Pipes on Nov 8th, 2011 at 10:11am
Only in prosperous times can we devote so much time and effort chasing rainbows. When the downturn comes, people are more concerned about survival than pipedreams.
Title: Re: Equality a Casualty of GFC Fallout Post by Annie Anthrax on Nov 8th, 2011 at 10:20am
Do you have daughters?
Title: Re: Equality a Casualty of GFC Fallout Post by Wesley Pipes on Nov 8th, 2011 at 10:23am Annie Anthrax wrote on Nov 8th, 2011 at 10:20am:
I have a daughter. The apple of my eye she is. Likes dressing up as a princess, singing, dancing and playing with dollies. It's almost as if her gender influences her preferences....fancy that. |
Title: Re: Equality a Casualty of GFC Fallout Post by Annie Anthrax on Nov 8th, 2011 at 10:34am I have one too and mine is the same. My son is very rough and tumble - very much a boy's boy. Aren't you glad that your daughter won't become the property of her husband? You can thank feminists for that. Equality doesn't mean that men and women cease to become masculine and feminine. Of course, some men are feminine and some women are masculine and that's okay too. Feminists don't automatically reject femininity. I revel in mine and so do most women I know. |
Title: Re: Equality a Casualty of GFC Fallout Post by Wesley Pipes on Nov 8th, 2011 at 10:43am Annie Anthrax wrote on Nov 8th, 2011 at 10:34am:
I will not thank 'feminists' for anything, because feminism itself is a toxic movement. Can you imagine any other grounds where it would be acceptable, or even celebrated for half of the population to lobby to promote themselves, thus by extension, demote the other half? We are simply 2 sides of the same coin, so why create a 'battle of the sexes' that can never be 'won' by either side? |
Title: Re: Equality a Casualty of GFC Fallout Post by Annie Anthrax on Nov 8th, 2011 at 10:48am Quote:
If the empowerment of women to a status equal to that of their male counterparts threatens men so much that they feel like they're losing, too bad. Women are not sub-human. We deserve the same rights as men. |
Title: Re: Equality a Casualty of GFC Fallout Post by Wesley Pipes on Nov 8th, 2011 at 10:53am Annie Anthrax wrote on Nov 8th, 2011 at 10:48am:
And you have the same rights as men.* The only difference is the tools at your disposal to assert them...and I'm afraid ol' *unless of course, you live in a black or muslim community. But of course, specifically targetting them would be racist, so why not keep pushing your luck with the whites who have always held women in high regard anyway. |
Title: Re: Equality a Casualty of GFC Fallout Post by Annie Anthrax on Nov 8th, 2011 at 11:07am
Refer to the original post, Mr Pipes.
Title: Re: Equality a Casualty of GFC Fallout Post by Wesley Pipes on Nov 8th, 2011 at 11:13am Annie Anthrax wrote on Nov 8th, 2011 at 11:07am:
I don't much care for the tone or content of the article, as it is exclusive to women, as though men are doing great while women are the only ones to suffer. Don't you get it? Men and women should not be adversaries - We are all in this together. What affects women affects men just as much, and vice versa. |
Title: Re: Equality a Casualty of GFC Fallout Post by Annie Anthrax on Nov 8th, 2011 at 11:24am Quote:
Nobody is saying this doesn't affect men, but women are the first to suffer and they suffer in a way unique to them. Just as men do. Quote:
You're the one that seems to believe that any advancement for women must come at a cost to men. |
Title: Re: Equality a Casualty of GFC Fallout Post by Wesley Pipes on Nov 8th, 2011 at 11:33am Quote:
You're the one that seems to believe that any advancement for women must come at a cost to men. [/quote] Yes. promotion of any one half of any dichotomy is to the detriment of the other half. Is this another 'if you're not with us you're against us' moment? |
Title: Re: Equality a Casualty of GFC Fallout Post by Annie Anthrax on Nov 8th, 2011 at 11:36am Quote:
Only if you make it one. |
Title: Re: Equality a Casualty of GFC Fallout Post by Wesley Pipes on Nov 8th, 2011 at 11:46am Annie Anthrax wrote on Nov 8th, 2011 at 11:36am:
Well, I'm afraid only an idiot would support a movement that openly seeks to promote others at your expense. That's also the reason I don't support multiculturalism. Oh well, sooner or later you'll realize that the fate and fortunes of men and women are inextricably linked and the feminist movement has made a false enemy out of it's own shadow. |
Title: Re: Equality a Casualty of GFC Fallout Post by Annie Anthrax on Nov 8th, 2011 at 12:37pm
Men are not my enemy.
Title: Re: Equality a Casualty of GFC Fallout Post by Bolshevik Destroyer on Nov 8th, 2011 at 12:57pm
The aims of feminism have been achieved - equality of oppotunity - (in the West anyway). To maintain its relevance it must now create problems.
However, I deny the feminist (re)interpretation of the past that women were deemed as low. Women and children were fiercly protected by men. Men died by the millions protecting women and children, they worked their hide off everyday to supply food, shelter, and clothing for women and children. If the war was lost or if food was failed to be provided, the man takes sole responsibility. See, this is the thing feminists don't understand; being responsible means you take the fall for any failings. It wasn't the fault of the woman or child that they weren't protected sufficiently, it was the man's. Responsibility is something modern feminists decided not to teach when they were demanding rights. This is why we have fools like Melinda Tankard Reist who blame men for the sexualization of culture, all the while ignoring that women readily agree to engage in porn and sexualized advertising. Feminism was good up to a point, that of when they got equality of oppotunity (1960s?), but from then it has been a purely destructive force in the West. It has abdicated responsibility and played the perpetual-victim card. This is, with the help of academics and other socialists and anarchists, turning the greatest culture the world has ever produced into an anarchic cesspool of philistines and slaves. And I mean "slaves" in the Nietzschean sense of a "slave-morality;" a weak, childish, resentful, uncreative, and stiffling type of character. |
Title: Re: Equality a Casualty of GFC Fallout Post by Amadd on Nov 8th, 2011 at 4:36pm
If some of those comments aren't deserving of a bit of an introspective reality check, then I don't know what is. ;D
Title: Re: Equality a Casualty of GFC Fallout Post by Annie Anthrax on Nov 8th, 2011 at 4:45pm Quote:
They may have been valued, but they were still the property of their husbands with no legal recourse if they were mistreated. Quote:
So was livestock and other property. I understand what you're saying and I agree to a certain extent. My husband is very much a 'man's man' and I know he feels the responsibility of providing for us, even though we could survive off what I earn alone. Quote:
While women were relaxing with a cup of tea? No, they were baking and cooking, cleaning, sewing and birthing. Quote:
I'm not a fan of the porn industry, because I do believe that many of the women are exploited. If you want to see inequality in action, porn is a good example. |
Title: Re: Equality a Casualty of GFC Fallout Post by Annie Anthrax on Nov 8th, 2011 at 4:45pm Amadd wrote on Nov 8th, 2011 at 4:36pm:
Show me? |
Title: Re: Equality a Casualty of GFC Fallout Post by Amadd on Nov 9th, 2011 at 6:43am
Well you know..
You can lead a horse to water... ;) I see an attitude of, "OK, you've spilled your guts all over the place to provide freedom and independence, you've accepted a shorter lifespan, you've invented practically everything that we find of use, you've sacrificed free time to provide more money for the family and so we call you a lazy sh!t for not mowing the lawn often enough, etc. etc. , and now it's time for you to relinquish control to the more deserving owners, ie: women. Because us women would've done it better. Now hear us squawk (that's Helen Reddy) and follow our demands to the letter, lest you will not get to cover us with flour and pounce our right to be fat and unattractive. ...And if you don't desire our new-age shape, then there will be hell to pay there too sunshine!" I could most definitely go on, but I might be accused of rambling and whinging ;D And now we have this thread, where men are at fault for sacrificing the "so-called gains" of women's libbers who just don't get the point that men are generally far better money earners for a company. With women at the helm, the GFC shouldn't have happened at all. We should all be living, loving, travelling at some exotic new rose garden every week shouldn't we? |
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