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General Discussion >> General Board >> The Carbon Tax - Is Set To Become Law Today. Message started by imcrookonit on Nov 8th, 2011 at 6:10am |
Title: The Carbon Tax - Is Set To Become Law Today. Post by imcrookonit on Nov 8th, 2011 at 6:10am
THE carbon tax is set to become law today despite last-minute amendments pushed by the Coalition and independent senator Nick Xenophon that they said would limit electricity price rises.
In a reform that aims to transform Australia's economy and cut its greenhouse emissions, Labor's controversial carbon pricing scheme is expected to comfortably pass the Senate today with Greens support. :) Last night, Liberal senator Simon Birmingham and Senator Xenophon jointly moved an amendment that would stop electricity generators having to pay in advance for forward-dated carbon permits - a move the industry and opposition say would minimise expected power price rises. Energy Supply Association of Australia interim chief executive Clare Savage urged all parties to back the amendments, saying the advance payments would make it harder for generators to make long-term electricity contracts with retailers and customers, pushing up prices. A spokesman for the Greens said the party would not be supporting the amendments. A spokesman for Climate Change Minister Greg Combet said the government had committed $5.5 billion to help generators make a smooth transition to the carbon price and that deferred payments on permits would reduce the liquidity in the carbon market. The carbon pricing scheme will force about 500 of Australia's biggest-emitting companies to pay for each tonne of carbon they emit, although vulnerable industries will receive large numbers of free permits. :) Australians will be compensated for expected price rises for electricity and manufactured goods via tax cuts and benefits increases. The scheme will begin as a tax in July and shift to a market-based carbon trading scheme in 2015. The Coalition has vowed to repeal the scheme if it wins government. Greens deputy leader Christine Milne yesterday hit back at Coogee Chemicals after the company announced it was shelving a $1 billion expansion plan because of the carbon tax, pointing out that Coogee chairman Gordon Martin sits on opposition climate spokesman Greg Hunt's business advisory panel. :( Read more: |
Title: Re: The Carbon Tax - Is Set To Become Law Today. Post by pansi1951 on Nov 8th, 2011 at 7:31am
Although I don't totally agree with the method, it's a step in the right direction.
Title: Re: The Carbon Tax - Is Set To Become Law Today. Post by Doctor Jolly on Nov 8th, 2011 at 7:33am
Abbott has failed in his quest. Total failure.
Title: Re: The Carbon Tax - Is Set To Become Law Today. Post by Verge on Nov 8th, 2011 at 8:06am
It doesnt seem like an unreasonable amendment.
Its an amendment, not a canning. I personally would prefer to see legislation like this, as opposed to setting money aside. Setting money aside tends to lead to cost blowouts when any government is in power. |
Title: Re: The Carbon Tax - Is Set To Become Law Today. Post by Soren on Nov 8th, 2011 at 10:03am
Australia’s carbon price will start at $23 a tonne, rising to $29 by 2015, when it is scheduled to become an emissions trading scheme linked to international markets.
European firms are paying under $12.60 for carbon emissions permits after the market crashed to a four-year low amid uncertainty over the economic bailout of Greece. Elswhere in the news: German economy to 'grind to a halt next year' |
Title: Re: The Carbon Tax - Is Set To Become Law Today. Post by buzzanddidj on Nov 8th, 2011 at 10:52am
Abbott 'cutting and running' from carbon tax vote
November 08, 2011 11:06 Opposition MPs have defended an overseas trip by their leader Tony Abbott which means he will be out of the country when carbon pricing bills pass through the Senate today. Mr Abbott left Australia last night for a conservative leaders forum in London which will be chaired by his old boss and mentor, John Howard. The Opposition Leader has based a large part of his leadership on daily photo opportunities at businesses which he says will be hurt by the carbon tax, and Greens deputy leader Christine Milne has accused him of "cutting and running" ahead of the Senate vote. But Liberal Senate leader Eric Abetz blames the government for curtailing debate on the bill and bringing on the vote at a time when Mr Abbott would be absent. "Everybody believed there would be an extended hearing of the carbon tax in the Senate," he told reporters this morning. And Senator Abetz accused the Government and the Greens of "conspiracy". "Labor and the Greens conspired to cut short the debate. They guillotined it, as a result they changed the rules halfway through, and now they are somehow critical of Mr Abbott not being present for the final vote." But Senator Milne said Mr Abbott need not have left for the meeting so soon. "Tony Abbott has cut and run and left for the UK for a meeting that he doesn't have to be at until [November] the 10th," she told reporters at Parliament House. "He could have flown out tonight and still been there in time but, as I've been saying, this is the beginning of the end for Tony Abbott." |
Title: Re: The Carbon Tax - Is Set To Become Law Today. Post by pansi1951 on Nov 8th, 2011 at 10:53am
The global economy will collapse.
Dubai, The entire Middle East, Most of the European countries are all going bad, the smaller ones are doing ok, but once the bigger ones fall that will affect them, China is in big debt, Japan with the world's biggest debt bubble, South Korea has a high private debt level, The USA are a basket case , Brazil with one of the highest rates of private debt, the rest of the Central and South American countries are basket cases anyway. Argentina are doing very well with 11% GDP probably because they refused to listen to the IMF. The UK, Oceania, Africa are all basket cases. Ironically, Iraq is doing really well thanks to their oil revenue and the fact that they can't start to rebuild until America p1ss off. It is larger than one or two or even three countries. Once the first domino falls the rest will tumble too. That's why everyone is pointing at everyone else's economy because they want someone to blame. The first country to fall will get the blame for those that tumble after them. |
Title: Re: The Carbon Tax - Is Set To Become Law Today. Post by juliar on Nov 8th, 2011 at 10:55am
Prime Minister Bob Brown will be blowing smoke rings out of his ears now that his Communist Greens Socialist "CO2" tax designed to transfer money from the wealthy to the poor is going thru. Bob has successfully bulldozed poor old gormless Gillard into passing his tax.
What a shameful deception to try to mislead the voters into thinking it has anything to do with Global Warming or Global Cooling as it won't make even one tiny skerrick of difference to world CO2 emissions. A secondary aim of this Communist Socialist Greens "CO2" tax is to make Australian industry so uncompetitive that it will largely close as closure of Australian industry is a primary plank in the Communist Greens platform to return Australia to an agrarian economy. How anyone could be so uninformed and deluded as to vote for the Communist Greens is beyond comprehension. |
Title: Re: The Carbon Tax - Is Set To Become Law Today. Post by Gist on Nov 8th, 2011 at 11:34am Ex Dame Pansi wrote on Nov 8th, 2011 at 10:53am:
....and so? If it's all gone to hell in a handbasket, how do your predictions achieve anything? Will you stand there shouting "I TOLD YOU SO!" as you starve to death with the rest of us? |
Title: Re: The Carbon Tax - Is Set To Become Law Today. Post by pansi1951 on Nov 8th, 2011 at 11:50am Gist wrote on Nov 8th, 2011 at 11:34am:
Just a comment, no miracle cures, but I'm sure we will come out the other end, it's a disruption that's necessary. The growth fairy had to expire at some stage, better now than later. |
Title: Re: The Carbon Tax - Is Set To Become Law Today. Post by imcrookonit on Nov 8th, 2011 at 11:57am
The Gillard government declared victory for a "historic economic reform" today after the Senate finally passed a carbon tax - laws that have created political havoc for four years and have been debated for more than a decade. The government won the historic vote in the upper house 36 to 32. :)
Labor and the Greens combined to pass the 18 "Clean Energy Future" bills just after midday, to applause from the packed public galleries. :) Historic day ... for Julia Gillard, who lost popularity after vowing before the election there would be no carbon tax under her government. Historic day ... for Julia Gillard, who lost popularity after vowing before the election there would be no carbon tax under her Finance Minister and former climate change minister Senator Penny Wong said that, on the Labor side of politics, "we accept the science, we accept the need to act [on climate change], and, like John Howard and Malcolm Turnbull, we accept the science and the advice that putting a price on carbon is the best way to reduce emissions." ;) Senator Wong failed to secure the passage of the former Rudd government's emissions trading scheme. Coalition leader Tony Abbott was overseas when the Senate took its vote, but National Party frontbencher Senator Barnaby Joyce declared it was "a sad day when we reorganise our economy on the basis of a colourless, odourless gas ... it is the height of foolishness." He said the tax would do nothing to change the temperature of the globe "whether it is going up down or sideways" but said Australian households would definitely be poorer and the Coalition "would make certain" they hadn't forgotten the reason at the next election, when he predicted Labor would be "crucified". Greens Senator Christine Milne said Mr Abbott had "cut and run" and could have delayed his departure for a conference in Britain to be in Australia for the vote. A last minute amendment by the Coalition and independent Senator Nick Xenophon to allow electricity generators to defer payment for the purchase of billions of dollars in forward-dated pollution permits failed. A $23 a tonne carbon tax will now be paid by about 500 high-emitting companies from next July, with about half the revenue to be returned to households in the form of tax cuts and increases in pensions and family payments, to compensate them as electricity generators pass through the cost of the new tax. Another $9.2 billion over the first four years of the carbon pricing scheme will be paid to high-emitting industries with overseas competitors not subject to a tax. They will receive up to 94.5 per cent of their emission permits for free. The carbon price is designed to meet the emissions reduction target endorsed by both major parties of at least 5 per cent by 2020, compared with 2000 levels. Labor is now promising to cut Australia's emissions by 80 per cent by 2050. Mr Abbott, who took the Liberal leadership after a revolt against former leader Malcolm Turnbull's support for the Rudd Government's emissions trading scheme, has made opposition to the carbon tax a central issue of his leadership and has "pledged in blood" to repeal it. AAP reports: The opposition's joint amendment with Senator Xenophon regarding deferred payment of future permits was defeated 36 to 32 just before the final vote was held. Read more: |
Title: Re: The Carbon Tax - Is Set To Become Law Today. Post by Verge on Nov 8th, 2011 at 12:12pm buzzanddidj wrote on Nov 8th, 2011 at 10:52am:
So Abbott had a vote in the Senate did he? More diversionary tactics. |
Title: Re: The Carbon Tax - Is Set To Become Law Today. Post by Uncle on Nov 8th, 2011 at 12:23pm
D'uh ::)
Title: Re: The Carbon Tax - Is Set To Become Law Today. Post by Gist on Nov 8th, 2011 at 12:47pm Ex Dame Pansi wrote on Nov 8th, 2011 at 11:50am:
Fair nuff. :) |
Title: Re: The Carbon Tax - Is Set To Become Law Today. Post by Sprintcyclist on Nov 8th, 2011 at 12:52pm and all the little leftys cheer at a new tax. what plebs |
Title: Re: The Carbon Tax - Is Set To Become Law Today. Post by Doctor Jolly on Nov 8th, 2011 at 1:26pm Sprintcyclist wrote on Nov 8th, 2011 at 12:52pm:
We're cheering for the personal tax cuts that come from the package, and the shifting of tax to poluting big business, which is quite easy to avoid in pass-on costs they may spring on us. Empowering people by removing manditory taxes on them, to avoidable costs on them is a great for inovation. |
Title: Re: The Carbon Tax - Is Set To Become Law Today. Post by buzzanddidj on Nov 8th, 2011 at 5:11pm Prime Minister Julia Gillard has hailed the passage of the controversial clean energy bills through their final vote in the Senate as "a win for Australia's children". The legislation passed the Senate 36-32 and will become law from July 1 next year. At that time polluting industries will pay $23 per tonne of carbon emissions and households will be compensated for extra costs through tax cuts and increased benefits. "It's a win for those who would seek their fortunes and make their way by having jobs in our clean energy sector," Ms Gillard said at a press conference. "Today we have made history. After all those years of debate and division, our nation has got the job done." Deputy Prime Minister Wayne Swan heaped praise on Ms Gillard, saying the reason the legislation passed is because "the PM is as tough as nails". "Putting in place long-term reform, tough reform in this country is always hard. And this has been hard, a really tough debate," Mr Swan said. "This has been a victory for the optimists and a defeat for the naysayers." Earlier, directly following the vote, there was glee from the Government and Greens and dismay by the Opposition who were first out of the Senate doors to voice their protests. Nationals Senator Ron Boswell called independent MP Tony Windsor's support for the bill as "the greatest sell-out since Judas Iscariot took 30 pieces of silver". Country Liberal Party Senator Nigel Scullion said democracy had "faltered" They were followed closely by the Greens, when leader Bob Brown prefaced his remarks "from the grim to the grinning". Senator Brown says today is "a green letter day" that will "echo down through the ages". "The great debate on this legislation is over," he said, vowing the legislation will never be rescinded despite threats by Opposition Leader Tony Abbott to do so. "People 50 years, or 500 years, from now will thank us for doing this" . "This is a vote for Australian householders, economic planners and ecologically sound business, as well as the Great Barrier Reef, Ningaloo, the Murray-Darling Basin and 700,000 property owners on our coastal margins." Environmental crusader former US vice-president Al Gore said on his website "the voice of the people of Australia has rung out loud and clear". He praised the efforts of Ms Gillard in shepherding the legislation through, saying "as the world's leading coal exporter, there's no doubt that opposition to this legislation was fierce" Promise to repeal Mr Abbott, who is overseas and missed the historic vote, said Ms Gillard had no mandate to impose the carbon price and the Australian people had been betrayed. "Today Julia Gillard and the Labor Party have confirmed in law their betrayal of the Australian people," Mr Abbott said in a statement. Three million households will be worse off under the tax, he said. "The longer this tax is in place, the worse the consequences for the economy, jobs and families," he said. "It will drive up the cost of living, threaten jobs and do nothing for the environment." Mr Abbott repeated his promise to scrap the policy. "At the next election I will seek a mandate from the Australian people to repeal this tax." 'Huffing and puffing' But the suggestion was ridiculed by Ms Gillard, who said statements such as Mr Abbott's "signature in blood" to repeal the legislation was just "huffing and puffing". "All of that is just to disguise the fact they've got their fingers firmly crossed behind their backs. They've got no intention of repealing this," Ms Gillard said. "Every living Liberal leader, including the current Leader of the Opposition, is on the record as supporting a price on carbon." And Mr Swan said Mr Abbott had gone overseas "with his tail between his legs after all of the tough-guy talk". "What a spineless retreat," Mr Swan said. Independent MP Rob Oakeshott, whose support was vital to the bill in the Lower House, said the time had come for politicians to get out of the way and let "the market do its job". "There is a lot of investment money waiting to come into the domestic market alongside what is already happening in international carbon trading," Mr Oakeshott said in a statement. "I am excited by the enthusiasm of many people in business who are ready to hit the go button." Mr Gore said the world "has turned a pivotal corner in the collective effort to solve the climate crisis". |
Title: Re: The Carbon Tax - Is Set To Become Law Today. Post by Wesley Pipes on Nov 8th, 2011 at 5:12pm Doctor Jolly wrote on Nov 8th, 2011 at 1:26pm:
Hook, line and sinker. |
Title: Re: The Carbon Tax - Is Set To Become Law Today. Post by Gist on Nov 8th, 2011 at 5:31pm ... wrote on Nov 8th, 2011 at 5:12pm:
Suck it up princess. Next is the mining tax! |
Title: Re: The Carbon Tax - Is Set To Become Law Today. Post by Wesley Pipes on Nov 8th, 2011 at 5:37pm Gist wrote on Nov 8th, 2011 at 5:31pm:
One does wonder what strain of stockholm syndrome you'd need to suffer from to go mad with glee at a government grabbing more taxes. If it makes you feel so good, why don't you stop putting in a tax return? Ohhh of course...because it's only good when it's OTHERS paying extra taxes. Gottit. |
Title: Re: The Carbon Tax - Is Set To Become Law Today. Post by Gist on Nov 8th, 2011 at 6:02pm
;D ;D
To be really, really honest Wesley, I haven't put one in for 3 years now. Must do that this year - they owe me money! ;D ;D |
Title: Re: The Carbon Tax - Is Set To Become Law Today. Post by sutherncross on Nov 9th, 2011 at 12:51am Gist wrote on Nov 8th, 2011 at 6:02pm:
Another low income rebate ? |
Title: Re: The Carbon Tax - Is Set To Become Law Today. Post by jalane33 on Nov 9th, 2011 at 2:08am
"Tony Abbott has cut and run and left for the UK for a meeting that he doesn't have to be at until [November] the 10th," she told reporters at Parliament House.
"He could have flown out tonight and still been there in time but, as I've been saying, this is the beginning of the end for Tony Abbott." Hopefully its the ending of the END. Any more of that shite is cruel and unusual punishment.! Lets all give thanks.!! To Julia Gillard,, Prime Minister of Australia,, and the gutsiest pollie we have had for a fair while (the wait was long) ...She gives us a chance - with her strength , determination and courage, she has graced us with her ethics. ( NO ONE is perfect.) SAD NOT MANY on this forum can see it......I say, stand up for your rights, and tell the whiner losers to just shut up..We heard it already!!!! .../ yesterday, and the day before, and the day before that..and the week before, and the month BEFORE THAT .!!! We heard and WE DON'T BUY it.!! IT IS - WELL DONE AUSTRALIA!!!!!!! :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) |
Title: Re: The Carbon Tax - Is Set To Become Law Today. Post by pansi1951 on Nov 9th, 2011 at 6:45am Next is the mining tax. I wonder how many mining companies pack it in? None is my guess, they know when they've got it good. |
Title: Re: The Carbon Tax - Is Set To Become Law Today. Post by Deathridesahorse on Nov 9th, 2011 at 7:17pm Ex Dame Pansi wrote on Nov 9th, 2011 at 6:45am:
Title: Re: The Carbon Tax - Is Set To Become Law Today. Post by Kat on Nov 9th, 2011 at 8:03pm What a bloody CON-JOB! And we fell for it. Ah, well.......we have only ourselves to blame. Quote: - "People 50 years, or 500 years, from now will thank us for doing this" Bet they WON'T. |
Title: Re: The Carbon Tax - Is Set To Become Law Today. Post by jalane33 on Nov 9th, 2011 at 8:27pm
If we get lucky - we might be around to whinge for another 500 yrs.
Title: Re: The Carbon Tax - Is Set To Become Law Today. Post by Swagman on Nov 10th, 2011 at 9:33pm ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D |
Title: Re: The Carbon Tax - Is Set To Become Law Today. Post by Uncle on Nov 10th, 2011 at 10:21pm |
Title: Re: The Carbon Tax - Is Set To Become Law Today. Post by Cofgod on Nov 10th, 2011 at 11:03pm
I can't wait until this nonsense of "Global Warming" finally subsides over the next few years and become completely forgotten about, allowing people to live normal lives rather than being told that they will kill a few polar bears if they drive to work every morning.
Like all the current trendy Left Wing fads it'll pass eventually and something else will become trendy for the Left. Like, maybe, they will set up an organisation in Canada called the Canadian Society for Gay Animals which promotes gay relationships amongst anim.....oh, hang on a minute....... |
Title: Re: The Carbon Tax - Is Set To Become Law Today. Post by jalane33 on Nov 10th, 2011 at 11:20pm
Pay UNCLE!!!
Thank you.! :) : ))))) |
Title: Re: The Carbon Tax - Is Set To Become Law Today. Post by jalane33 on Nov 10th, 2011 at 11:28pm
".can't wait until this nonsense of "Global Warming" finally subsides over the next few years and become completely forgotten about, allowing people to live normal lives rather than being told that they will kill a few polar bears if they drive to work every morning." - Cofgod
Please go away you Godpeople. This is not a forum where your voice has any cred. Yeah this means you Swaggie with yor puerilepic. Try preaching to the UN - converted.!!!!!!! |
Title: Re: The Carbon Tax - Is Set To Become Law Today. Post by Deathridesahorse on Nov 11th, 2011 at 9:23pm ... wrote on Nov 8th, 2011 at 5:37pm:
Title: Re: The Carbon Tax - Is Set To Become Law Today. Post by jalane33 on Nov 11th, 2011 at 9:47pm
Somewhat over stated Death but
what was the tune? Something from Gilbert and Sullivan perhaps??? It does have a rollicking good refrain.!!! :) :) ;D |
Title: Re: The Carbon Tax - Is Set To Become Law Today. Post by Deathridesahorse on Nov 11th, 2011 at 10:55pm
Who the F&*(^ is Gilbert and Sullivan?
:o |
Title: Re: The Carbon Tax - Is Set To Become Law Today. Post by jalane33 on Nov 11th, 2011 at 11:22pm
;D ;D ;D :) :) :) ;D
That's funny! Heeeheheheee Sorry, restrain my humor - they made some rather excellent 'musical' stage productions way back when. Way back before computers existed. Can you imagine that??? Before mobile phones - why I do think even - BEFORE TELEVISION.!!!!!! :o Part of our western cultural tradition. Nevertheless, I'm sure your refrain would fit nicely to any rousing tune. Perhaps ... something from WEEN?. Love those guys. :-* But - perhaps they are before your time as well.!! If so - have a listen. :) :) ;) You might get a laugh, or something.!! :) |
Title: Re: The Carbon Tax - Is Set To Become Law Today. Post by Deathridesahorse on Nov 13th, 2011 at 9:34pm Emma wrote on Nov 11th, 2011 at 11:22pm:
If they are the 'push the little daisies' guys then I agree: not too bad at all! I always wondered what my friend saw in them until one day i went,"... yeh! THAT BE IT!!" ;) :D :D |
Title: Re: The Carbon Tax - Is Set To Become Law Today. Post by jalane33 on Nov 13th, 2011 at 10:01pm
Aye that BE it - in truth.
Push the Little Daisies is just one - their first hit here, I think. I actually bought one of their CDs -- practically unheard of for me. The Mollusk - love it. Includes the infamous 'Waving My Dick in the Wind' and 'Mutilated Lips'. Extraordinary!! :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) |
Title: Re: The Carbon Tax - Is Set To Become Law Today. Post by Deathridesahorse on Nov 14th, 2011 at 3:41pm Emma wrote on Nov 13th, 2011 at 10:01pm:
Title: Re: The Carbon Tax - Is Set To Become Law Today. Post by matty on Jul 18th, 2014 at 4:13pm
And now where is it??? Gone to Gowings! ;D
Title: Re: The Carbon Tax - Is Set To Become Law Today. Post by tickleandrose on Jul 18th, 2014 at 5:49pm
And you think you dont have to pay? Think again. :)
You just pay differently through: 1. Reduced benefits (many many cuts) 2. Increased cost (GP tax) 3. Increased tax (levies). Trust me, we WILL pay. The only difference is that: 1) Previously. The government makes the big polluters pay, and the compensate the need because the companies then pass on the cost. 2) Now, we just pay them .... directly - through Direct Action. |
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