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Member Run Boards >> Philosophy >> PRIDE Message started by The honky tonk man on Jan 10th, 2012 at 6:17pm |
Title: PRIDE Post by The honky tonk man on Jan 10th, 2012 at 6:17pm
Is a word used too often these days. We have people claiming to be 'proud' of their specific brand of disability, from deaf pride to fat pride.
It is one thing to be 'not ashamed' of her body, I can understand that, but to be 'proud' of it is another entirely. Doesn't, or shouldn't, one usually feel pride -genuine pride - at ones achievements, rather than ones weaknesses? |
Title: Re: PRIDE Post by Soren on Jan 10th, 2012 at 9:54pm
This is another way of saying that 'all shall have prizes'.
And if everyone is proud, no-one is ashamed. Bring Back Stigma Roger Scruton It is now orthodox to regard social stigma as a form of oppression, to be discarded on our collective quest for inner freedom. But the political philosophers and novelists of former times would have been horrified by such a view. In almost all matters that touched upon the core requirements of social order, they believed that the genial pressure of manners, morals, and customs—enforced by the various forms of disapproval, stigma, shame, and reproach—was a more powerful guarantor of civilized and lawful behavior than the laws themselves. Inner sanctions, they argued, more dependably maintain society than such external ones as policemen and courts. That is why the moralists of the eighteenth century, for example, rarely touched upon murder, theft, rape, or criminal deception; instead, they were passionately interested in the small-scale mores on which social order depends and which, properly adhered to, make such crimes unthinkable. Stigma has evaporated in our era, and along with it much of the constant, small-scale self-regulation of the community, which depends on each individual's respect for, and fear of, other people's judgment. Read on at |
Title: Re: PRIDE Post by The honky tonk man on Jan 11th, 2012 at 10:18am
That's it - bring back stigma.
I know that these 'pride' organistaions aren't really filled with 'proud' people, but rather ashamed people who want support from those who share their affliction, and I can respect that. But when they start using their collective as a means to bludgeon society into accepting their favourable orthodoxy when do you say enough is enough? When do you quit tiptoeing around their flaws in the name of sensitivity and give em a bit of 'tough love'? Quote:
and it is precisely this 'social fragmentation' that allows relatively small bands of whine-mongers to impose their will on a divided public. |
Title: Re: PRIDE Post by Yadda on Jan 12th, 2012 at 5:21am Soren wrote on Jan 10th, 2012 at 9:54pm:
LOL And there is much to be ashamed of, methinks. But that is a thought that should never be uttered today, it seems. So much wrong. And so much denial [of any wrong]. ......and when the chooks come home to roost? No accountability. That is the [false] morality which this generation has been encouraged to embrace, imo. It is sad. |
Title: Re: PRIDE Post by Karnal on Jan 12th, 2012 at 2:32pm
I agree with your sentiments, Honky, but I think what the Masterchef lady's getting at is that fat ladies are UNFAILY stigmatised.
In most other cultures they're high status fertility godesses, just as they were here until the 1930s or so. When do you quit tiptoeing around people's flaws? Yadda should be able to answer that one. When you've removed your own. Only Dr Phil is allowed to dispense Tough Love. It gets good ratings, you see. People seem to have this unquenchable thirst for the blood of others. It used to be gladiators, now it's Dr Phil and public housing tenants getting their comeuppance on Today Tonight. You think stigma doesn't exist? Today you're stigmatised for not wearing the right brands or not having a marketable body. The goalposts have changed to suit the economy. In the past you'd get stigmatised for getting yourself knocked up or not getting yourself killed in the trenches. Stigmas have always been used as a form of social control. Stigmas are the weapons of bitter old gossips with nothing better to do than meddle in other people's lives. Yadda and I prefer to follow the teachings of Jesus, thank you. |
Title: Re: PRIDE Post by The honky tonk man on Jan 12th, 2012 at 3:29pm Karnal wrote on Jan 12th, 2012 at 2:32pm:
Whats unfair about it? She eats too much and doesn't move enough. There's no "glandular problems". She's not "big boned" She's fat and unhealthy. Her caloric intake exceeds her output. Greed AND sloth. 2 out of 7 deadly sins right there. We've all got out faults, but usually we know that they are faults, and not something to be proud of. They are something to be worked on, to be overcome. But if you have enough people telling you it's "normal" or even "good" what reason is there to work on it? I know stigma still exists, it's just been redirected. It's in that Scruton essay - To stigmatise is the greatest stigma there is. |
Title: Re: PRIDE Post by Imperium IV on Jan 12th, 2012 at 7:58pm Quote:
not really. is it a stigma to stigmatise against a racist? a homophobe? a 'bigot'? a sexist? a reactionary? a 'fascist'? a right wing authoritarian? etc. no. is it a stigma to stigmatise against smokers? no. i even think the taboo against stigmatising the obese is largely exaggerated and fabricated - fat people do get the occasional loser defending them (usually beta males flying air cover for fat chicks they want to get with) but really most of the time they get a lot of sh1t. |
Title: Re: PRIDE Post by Imperium IV on Jan 12th, 2012 at 8:04pm
oh, and people saying that obesity is caused by poverty, but that only happens whenever the correlation between obesity and poverty is broached. personally i think the prevailing nutritional dogmas (carbohydrates overemphasised as good, for you 'low fat' obession etc) needs to be heavily scrutinised if we want to get anywhere with the obesity issue.
Title: Re: PRIDE Post by Karnal on Jan 12th, 2012 at 8:50pm barnaby joe wrote on Jan 12th, 2012 at 8:04pm:
Obesity is not caused by poverty. It's just that in the West, more obese people come from lower socio-economic backgrounds. In places like India, the poor are generally thin. Why? Our economies are different. Ours is a deskbound service economy geared towards processed fast food. Theirs is based on manual labour and fresh, unprocessed, vegetarian food. It's a good diet if you can afford it, and most can. In India, the poor eat rice and lentils. In Australia and the US, the poor eat McDonalds. This is the way our respective economies work. Sure, those on the dole in Australia could eat rice and lentils too, but the products competing for your eyeline on Coles and Woolworths shelves are mainly full of sugar. The biggest winners to come out of Masterchef are Dominos and KFC. Yes, it's all about values, but more than anything else, values have economic causes. |
Title: Re: PRIDE Post by The honky tonk man on Jan 12th, 2012 at 8:50pm barnaby joe wrote on Jan 12th, 2012 at 7:58pm:
yeah, but being a sexist/racist is to stigamtise the opposite sex/race. Aparrently. It's overlooked when it's against these 'approved' targets becasue they are the chosen scapegoats of the present ruling class ie pc/multiculti/lefty elites. They're pretty good at overlooking or ignoring things that threaten their ideology. |
Title: Re: PRIDE Post by Soren on Jan 12th, 2012 at 9:01pm
The point about shame and stigma, as Scruton makes it, is that it is now near-verboten to stigmatise things that valorise social fregmentation. What is hissed down with vehemence are things that are pushing towards social cohesion.
Title: Re: PRIDE Post by Imperium IV on Jan 12th, 2012 at 9:06pm Karnal wrote on Jan 12th, 2012 at 8:50pm:
there are some good documentary films you should check out - one is called king corn, it's an american film but it has some relevance here too. the other is called fat-head, which is sort of a reverse super size me. |
Title: Re: PRIDE Post by Imperium IV on Jan 12th, 2012 at 9:07pm
Title: Re: PRIDE Post by muso on Jan 13th, 2012 at 10:04am Karnal wrote on Jan 12th, 2012 at 8:50pm:
True, but on the other hand, heart disease in India is disproportionately high. Many doctors in India are promoting the use of Olive Oil and mustard oil rather than ghee. The use of coconut milk, which largely contains unsaturated fats is another major factor. The ironic thing is that if you buy mustard oil that's marketed in the US, there is a health hazard. It says "For external use only". I only use it outdoors at barbecues, so I'm good. ;D On the other hand, the US has no such warnings on butter, and that's a crazy state of affairs from a risk perspective. The same goes for sugar and artificial sweeteners. The risk imposed by the calorific intake of sugars, particularly corn syrup vastly outweighs the very minor cancer risk imposed by phenylalanine. By the way, I actively discriminate against lard arses (my profuse apologies, I mean beauty fuglies). In most cases, it's caused by a lazy lifestyle or eating crap. The only problem is that a person can still be fat even after 6 months of a balanced diet, so it's probably best not to comment ;D |
Title: Re: PRIDE Post by The honky tonk man on Jan 13th, 2012 at 10:21am
Artifical sweeteners? I wouldn't touch 'em.
They 'trick' the body into needing sweetness. You might 'save' a few calories by having a tablet in your coffee instead of a teaspoon of sugar, but you'll make that up 10 fold in everything else. Diet foods are a trap. It is perhaps a little unfair on fatties who are trying to get in hsape - so many conflicting messages. Most of the stuff I learnt at uni 10 years ago, as well as what I've found through trial and error, now goes exactly opposite to the 'accepted wisdom' of today. But, it's a problem of their own making. |
Title: Re: PRIDE Post by muso on Jan 13th, 2012 at 2:14pm ... wrote on Jan 13th, 2012 at 10:21am:
That may be the case, but now that I've researched it, the reason for the warning is because of those individuals who suffer from PKU and can't metabolise it. It's probably more reasonable to do that, but the risk is still higher with sugar. Not everyone who takes artificial sweeteners ends up being overweight. I don't mind a Pepsi Max now and again, but probably more because Pepsi and Coke are stashed full of sugar, and I find it quite a pleasant alternative. I think there are probably a few vulnerable individuals who might crave sweet foods as a result of drinking it, but my feeling is that they are probably in the minority. Actually I've seen some people have an icecream and then they immediately have another, because they are hooked on the sugar, so I think that sugar dependancy can also be produced by eating sugar, and probably to the same or greater extent. You're right in saying that the medical consensus on food today is totally different on what it used to be. The argument that sugar is "natural" wears quite thin. Sucrose is a highly refined chemical extract from plants. Phenylalanine is also a naturally occurring chemical that's found in breast milk. |
Title: Re: PRIDE Post by Karnal on Jan 13th, 2012 at 6:34pm Soren wrote on Jan 12th, 2012 at 9:01pm:
I wish I was smart enough to understand your post, old chap, but I'll stick to Rog if I may. The laws that have arisen to replace stigmas are largely civil laws, intended to protect what Enlightenment thinkers saw as human rights. Only a few years ago in Australian cities, vagrants were routinely collected and locked up each night by the police. You could be institutionalised for life on the whim of a psychiatrist. Subnormals, morons and even the deaf were hid away from public view, and many of them "sanitised" to prevent offspring. Lunatics were not allowed to travel on the King's roads, requiring canal systems to transport them to assylums. Unmarried mothers were sent away to give birth and often had their babies taken away for their own good. Blacks who looked a bit white were forceably removed from their families. Epileptics and homosexuals were locked away in asylums. Even disabled veterans whose wounds were too distasteful for public view were kept out of society, often voluntarily based on their disfigurement, their stigma internalised. Many of these practices were not technically legal, of course. The police didn't charge the homeless when they put them in jail for the night. Why bother with the paperwork? They knew most of their prisoners by name - many of them veterans - and believed they were doing them a favour. In all these cases, laws were created - or existing laws were applied - to protect people. And what purpose did such stigmas serve? When the economy and technologies changed, the stigmas went with them. Women's participation in the workforce and the inventon of the pill put an end to the unmarried slut mother stigma. The post-war boom and the resulting civil rights movement empowered blacks. New medications changed the way madness was treated. The rise of social gaze on sex saw gays fight their stigmas (and through performances like drag, parodied the stigmas to do it). In all these cases, stigmas were a form of social control which could not have functioned without a willing population. Likewise, when institutional and popular will changed, the stigmas were undermined, but this did not come without a great deal of resistance against institutional powers and ideas; the old boys. Which is why it makes perfect sense that an old boy like Roger Scruton would argue to bring back internalised forms of social control. In itself, of course, this is no bad thing. But the past was no rosy utopia of benevolent fraternity. In many cases it was corrupt, callous and so indifferent to cruelty that it had to be kept behind closed doors. The beauty of stigmas for ideologues is that, like ideology, they are accepted as part of the natural order. This is how honour killings happen: someone spreads a rumour - true or false - and the shame must be addressed. Basically, it's how how caste systems are maintained. So sure, bring it back, but know exactly what it is you're defending. |
Title: Re: PRIDE Post by Soren on Jan 15th, 2012 at 9:25pm
A load of gibberish and waffle. Being a silly PB with a Cert II in Social Work, you wash together, unsurprisingly, things people have and do not have control over.
Embarking on single motherhood at 18, or any age for that mater, is still a bad idea, to be discouraged and regarded as self-indulgent and irresponsible. Homosexuality, like any sexual preference, is not to be flaunted. It is still pretty ridiculous that grown men have an urge to stick thinks, including other blokes, up heir arses. And wanting to get 'married'. How goddam crazy is that? What happened to 'disgreet'? That's the word homos should have approriated, instead of 'gay'. Sleeping rough, begging, sitting around on the public thoroughfare dirty and disoriented are not valid 'lifestyole choices'. If you are sick, you should be takn to a pl;ace where they can look after you. If you are a bum, shape up. Being a drug addict, a violent thug, a gambler, a lazy fat slob - in short, being unable to exreciseself-control - are bad things to be stigmatised. Being an epiletic is not the same as being unable to take resonsibility for your own actions and conduct. Afflictions have no moral dimension. Decisions do. |
Title: Re: PRIDE Post by Karnal on Jan 16th, 2012 at 12:30pm
Either you're playing the usual old boy debating game and are merely arguing the case for the negative (Cert II in Negative Studies), or you really are an unreformed, old school Nazi. You know, the Ernst Rohm type: an obsession with moral hygeine and dirty linen while you enjoy a bit of scatting and S&M on the sly.
Still, I'm going for the former. We teach hyperbole and shock tactics in Advanced Pakistani Rhetoric, so I should know. You are, of course, entitled to your convictions, old boy. But I ask you this: are they really YOUR beliefs? |
Title: Re: PRIDE Post by Bolshevik Destroyer on Jan 16th, 2012 at 3:21pm
It would have been good to see some of the leftists or protectors of all things weak and feeble here to justify their "pride."
Title: Re: PRIDE Post by The honky tonk man on Jan 16th, 2012 at 6:01pm Postmodern Trendoid III wrote on Jan 16th, 2012 at 3:21pm:
According to them there are no 'weak' or 'feeble' people, only people O-pressed by da (white) man. |
Title: Re: PRIDE Post by Karnal on Jan 16th, 2012 at 7:48pm Postmodern Trendoid III wrote on Jan 16th, 2012 at 3:21pm:
You mean Christians? But, my dear good fellow, Yadda and I are always here. |
Title: Re: PRIDE Post by Imperium IV on Jan 16th, 2012 at 7:56pm
Title: Re: PRIDE Post by Karnal on Jan 17th, 2012 at 12:33am ... wrote on Jan 16th, 2012 at 6:01pm:
Oh, there's weak and feeble people alright. The sick, old people, babies. We're all used to getting our arses wiped. We'd better be prepared for it too. Those Pakistani nurses aids can be a bit rough. Old boys quite enjoy it, I'm told. So we should too. Being weak and frail is part of the rich tapestry of life. He who was first shall be last, after all. |
Title: Re: PRIDE Post by Soren on Jan 17th, 2012 at 2:31pm Karnal wrote on Jan 16th, 2012 at 12:30pm:
Typical pissweak PB nonsense. With this kind of crap, PB, you are stuck in the stupid corner where you have painted yourself with the endless, reflex 'yeah but, no but, yeah but, no but' of 'new' school humanities thinking (aka Cert II in Social Work). Actions have moral dimensions, affliction don't. Calling that nazi is wanting to be stupid - an action, not a mere affliction. |
Title: Re: PRIDE Post by Imperium IV on Jan 17th, 2012 at 2:38pm
what do you do in a Cert II in social work anyway
Title: Re: PRIDE Post by Karnal on Jan 17th, 2012 at 2:43pm Soren wrote on Jan 17th, 2012 at 2:31pm:
Yes, I noticed you avoided epilepsy, leprosy and madness, the more traditonal stigmas. I see you are seeking to modernise shame. You're right though. I am a very "yeah but, no but" kind of guy. Things are not so black and white to me. Lo! How I wish they were! |
Title: Re: PRIDE Post by Soren on Jan 17th, 2012 at 2:47pm barnaby joe wrote on Jan 17th, 2012 at 2:38pm:
You acquire practical competencies in wiping, and get an intro, via powerpoint, to their socio-philosophical underpinnings. |
Title: Re: PRIDE Post by Imperium IV on Jan 17th, 2012 at 2:49pm
3+ year course
Title: Re: PRIDE Post by Soren on Jan 17th, 2012 at 2:55pm Karnal wrote on Jan 17th, 2012 at 2:43pm:
I see. Every deviance and criminality and stupidity and irresponsibility and anti-social behaviour is waiting for the correct deconstructive normalisation. Hey, leprosy used to be stigmatised, madness, epilepsy! look at them now! So nothing should be stigmatised. it's all good, we just don't get it. There are no shameful acts and tendencies, only nice people whose grievances we haven't accommodated and internalised yet. Got it. |
Title: Re: PRIDE Post by Imperium IV on Jan 17th, 2012 at 2:57pm
epileptic people suck
Title: Re: PRIDE Post by Imperium IV on Jan 17th, 2012 at 2:58pm
people with peanut allergies too, they are losers
Title: Re: PRIDE Post by Soren on Jan 17th, 2012 at 3:03pm barnaby joe wrote on Jan 17th, 2012 at 2:57pm:
Er... they froth. actually. |
Title: Re: PRIDE Post by The honky tonk man on Jan 17th, 2012 at 3:16pm
What about supposed afflcitions, where the root cause is softness of the cock? Things like ADD, some allergies, food intolerances etc. They need to have 'bullshit' called on them, as there isn't anything that can't be overcome - they just say they've got some disease to be "special"....and if some phony pseudo-doctor somewhere gives it a name, we all have to fall over ourselves to show 'sensitivity' to whatever bogus condition they claim to have.
I realise it's probably more their parents fault. But it's sad that we've come to the point where weakness and failure are so acceptable, that parents are consciously burdening their children with them. |
Title: Re: PRIDE Post by Karnal on Jan 17th, 2012 at 5:47pm Soren wrote on Jan 17th, 2012 at 2:55pm:
Good. After all, you're a fan of the Enlightenment, no? And from Descartes on, its whole point was to erradicate superstition. Now us PBs know you can't do this. New ones just pop up in their place. Our great leader, Foucault, made this all too clear, as did our lesser hero and sometimes villain, Freud. So I'm glad you understand. Some old boys, you see, want the superstitions, stigmas, and idols of the marketplace carefully vetted and selected - presumably by philosopher kings or the superior intellects of the tabloid media. Perhaps a committee should be formed. Mike Munro and Alan Jones would make marvellous members, not to mention arch old boys, Piers and Gerard Henderson. Still, the way things are these days you'd need a token PB to to be all PC and spoil everybody's fun. Yes, Abu's right. The West has become a moral cess pit, hasn't it? |
Title: Re: PRIDE Post by Imperium IV on Jan 17th, 2012 at 6:56pm
stop prattling on with pretentious arcane crap
shut up |
Title: Re: PRIDE Post by Karnal on Jan 17th, 2012 at 7:11pm barnaby joe wrote on Jan 17th, 2012 at 6:56pm:
Your posts are on the up and up, Imperium - words! Good work. You'll be in the faculty next. Interested in social work? |
Title: Re: PRIDE Post by Imperium IV on Jan 17th, 2012 at 7:12pm
only if i don't have to wipe 8-)
Title: Re: PRIDE Post by Karnal on Jan 17th, 2012 at 9:30pm
You've got be joking. We teach others to wipe us. It helps if you're a hideously deformed cripple like most in the faculty. The so-called "able bodied" among us have to bung on a bit of a limp or fake the odd spasm.
Still, thanks to our kind government, I haven't had to cut up food or wipe my arse in years, so there are definately benefits. |
Title: Re: PRIDE Post by Soren on Jan 18th, 2012 at 8:33pm Karnal wrote on Jan 17th, 2012 at 9:30pm:
You and Corpulent Whiney. Progress, innit, especially considering how full of shite you are. |
Title: Re: PRIDE Post by Imperium IV on Jan 18th, 2012 at 8:43pm
in all fairness corporate whitey is probably a schizophrenic or something. if you've been following his posts from the beginning you would have noticed how he changes the target of his vitriol and rhetoric every few months or so. once he was babbling about the 'celts', then 'whites' then 'communists', now 'nazis'. i probably got that order somewhat wrong.
Title: Re: PRIDE Post by Soren on Jan 19th, 2012 at 1:19pm
Great, so we have a schizophrenic fatso and a Paki Bugger holding up the 'progressive side'. Between them they almost cover all PC pieties. We need a black feminist Green and we have all bases covered.
Title: Re: PRIDE Post by The honky tonk man on Jan 19th, 2012 at 1:21pm Soren wrote on Jan 19th, 2012 at 1:19pm:
Greens_win is a gay coconut. That's close enough isn't it? |
Title: Re: PRIDE Post by Soren on Jan 19th, 2012 at 1:47pm ... wrote on Jan 19th, 2012 at 1:21pm:
Very good but not quite enough. We need a nutty woman, otherwise 'progressive' nuttery would be another all-male domain and we would be accused of being, as usual, over-privileged and smug... |
Title: Re: PRIDE Post by The honky tonk man on Jan 19th, 2012 at 1:55pm
You can only afford to be smug when you're right, so it's that, and not the smugness that 'progressives' dislike.
Title: Re: PRIDE Post by Karnal on Jan 19th, 2012 at 3:03pm Soren wrote on Jan 18th, 2012 at 8:33pm:
Exactly. Which is why we need good people to assist us. Unfortunately, my dear boy, you're more of a smearer. We need good wipers at the faculty. |
Title: Re: PRIDE Post by Karnal on Jan 20th, 2012 at 3:58am
Sorry to be a bore and post twice, but I simply must clarify that I have nothing against smearers. Some of my keenest workers are smearers.
Give me a well-deformed leper over a so-called "painter" any day. The best painter I can think of invaded Poland. Very average watercolours, and nothing to write home about. Besides, lepers do marvellous things with their teeth and toes. Wonderful Christmas cards. Just think: a roomful of lepers, a few bottles of metholated spirits, and that's the rent paid for a year, thank you very much. The best thing about smearers, of course, is their sheer tenacity. It's so hard to find good workers these days. And one who can spit a few sentences onto a page - they're becoming so rare. So, yes, I do have a great deal of respect for the smearing classes. Wipers might be more prized these days, but as I always say to my wiper students, be prepared to start at the bottom. The last thing you want to go and do is mix your smearers with your wipers. I tried it once. Never again. |
Title: Re: PRIDE Post by Soren on Jan 20th, 2012 at 8:51am Karnal wrote on Jan 20th, 2012 at 3:58am:
Pathetic, PB, just pathetic. |
Title: Re: PRIDE Post by Imperium IV on Jan 20th, 2012 at 12:26pm
i thought it was funny come on man
Title: Re: PRIDE Post by Soren on Jan 20th, 2012 at 12:30pm
Just the same old pointless drivel.
Title: Re: PRIDE Post by Karnal on Jan 20th, 2012 at 1:41pm Soren wrote on Jan 20th, 2012 at 12:30pm:
Oh, I know, dear. |
Title: Re: PRIDE Post by Annie Anthrax on Jan 20th, 2012 at 7:51pm Soren wrote on Jan 19th, 2012 at 1:47pm:
Oh bite me. |
Title: Re: PRIDE Post by Soren on Jan 20th, 2012 at 7:58pm
You are checking my posts, you flatterer.
;) |
Title: Re: PRIDE Post by Annie Anthrax on Jan 20th, 2012 at 8:04pm
Oh you poor delusional man.
I was checking the thread because of Karnal, not you. The thread has descended into drivel now, but Karnal's posts at the beginning were sock knocking. But keep dreaming, honey. |
Title: Re: PRIDE Post by Soren on Jan 20th, 2012 at 8:06pm
Title: Re: PRIDE Post by Annie Anthrax on Jan 20th, 2012 at 8:16pm
You're right, you know. I only sign in so I can search countless threads in hope of spotting that familiar [picture of a] pipe and when I do, oh boy. My heart skips a beat and I get that funny feeling in my tummy...
What do they call that? Oh yes. Nausea. ;) |
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