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General Discussion >> Thinking Globally >> The Palestinian Gandhi?

Message started by Annie Anthrax on Feb 19th, 2012 at 10:33am

Title: The Palestinian Gandhi?
Post by Annie Anthrax on Feb 19th, 2012 at 10:33am
Today, Khader Adnan will begin the 63rd day of his hunger strike. Bobby Sands died on day 66 of his own protest. Adnan has not been charged with any crime, but is being held in 'administrative detention'.

The 33-year-old Palestinian was taken from his home in Arrabeh village near Jenin in the occupied West Bank at 3:30am on December 17. One day later he began his hunger strike to protest against the "humiliation and policy of administrative detention". Adnan, like hundreds of other Palestinians, was arrested under a military order that Israel has named "administrative detention", which allows prisoners to be held without charge or trial for periods of up to six months, spells that can be renewed indefinitely.

Mr Adnan's family insists that he has never been involved in violence; nor has he been charged with it. Indeed, on this occasion, he has not been charged with any crime. His hunger strike has focused growing attention on the practice of administrative detention, in which Palestinians can be held without trial and on the basis of secret intelligence dossiers which are not shown to the defendant or his lawyers.

With international groups like Human Rights Watch demanding his release, and almost daily demonstrations in his support outside the Ofer military court near Ramallah, his case is fast taking on some of the political resonances of Bobby Sands, the most famous of the 10 IRA prisoners who died on hunger strike in prison in Northern Ireland in the early 1980s. Sands, an elected MP, died after 66 days without food.

Sitting with her older daughter, Maali, in front of a poster of her husband proclaiming "I reject administrative detention and I will continue the hunger strike until I am released", Mrs Adnan said that he is determined to continue his fast. His resolve has been hardened, she said, not only by his summary arrest and its circumstances (he was seized while in the lavatory) but by his treatment during interrogation. She claimed her husband had been held for seven-hour periods – interspersed with one-hour breaks – on a short chair with his hands tied behind its back, causing him intense discomfort, and that parts of his beard had been torn out by interrogators.

She said he had also been subject to psychological pressure, which his lawyers told her he raised in one of his several military court appearances. "They told him bad words about me. They said 'your wife is not pure'. They told him 'now you have been arrested she is free to do anything.'" She says he told the military court that one interrogator later admitted to him: "We know you love your wife and that she loves you. That's why we said things against her."

Mrs Adnan, who said that her husband had repeatedly declared that "my honour is more precious than food", added that her only hope now is that Israel will decide "to whiten its face in the world by releasing him".

Title: Re: The Palestinian Gandhi?
Post by freediver on Feb 19th, 2012 at 11:36am
If he were to die as a result of this hunger strike, would he have committed a sin?

Title: Re: The Palestinian Gandhi?
Post by Annie Anthrax on Feb 19th, 2012 at 12:05pm
In my personal opinion, obviously not. Was Mohamed Boazizi committing a sin when he self-immolated?

It's difficult to say what the general Islamic ruling would be. I know he is regarded as a hero in most of the Muslim world.

Title: Re: The Palestinian Gandhi?
Post by falah on Feb 19th, 2012 at 2:21pm

freediver wrote on Feb 19th, 2012 at 11:36am:
If he were to die as a result of this hunger strike, would he have committed a sin?

Not necessarily. If Israeli oppression drove someone to the point of losing their mind then they would not be considered sinful.

Stuidies have shown that indefinite detention of asylum seekers has caused mental illness in detainees.

The conditions in Israeli prisons are much worse than in Australia or Nauru, and Israelis are notorious torturers.

Title: Re: The Palestinian Gandhi?
Post by Yadda on Feb 19th, 2012 at 3:41pm

Annie Anthrax wrote on Feb 19th, 2012 at 10:33am:
Today, Khader Adnan will begin the 63rd day of his hunger strike. Bobby Sands died on day 66 of his own protest. Adnan has not been charged with any crime, but is being held in 'administrative detention'.

The 33-year-old Palestinian was taken from his home in Arrabeh village near Jenin in the occupied West Bank at 3:30am on December 17. One day later he began his hunger strike to protest against the "humiliation and policy of administrative detention". Adnan, like hundreds of other Palestinians, was arrested under a military order that Israel has named "administrative detention", which allows prisoners to be held without charge or trial for periods of up to six months, spells that can be renewed indefinitely.


Mr Adnan's family insists that he has never been involved in violence; nor has he been charged with it..............


"Mr Adnan's family insists that he has never been involved in violence...."

Everything, which a good moslem does is 'lawful'.

A good moslem never, ever, commits a 'crime'.

Because moslem violence, engaging in 'Jihad operations', and killing enemies of Allah, are given 'lawful' sanction of ISLAM.

Khader Adnan, a leader of the Palestinian group "Islamic Jihad"

"Islamic Jihad", ideology of violence

Khader Adnan runs with 'wolves', but it is wrong to characterise Khader Adnan as a 'wolf'.
/sarc off

If Khader Adnan is an innocent man, is his 'nation' frightened for him to die as a TRUE martyr ?

Surely if Khader Adnan is an innocent man [and should he die], God will accept him ?

Don't moslems really believe that ?

All of these English words have been debased [corrupted] in their use, by moslems;

martyr - - a moslem who sacrifices his own life so as to kill the greatest number of non-believers possible
crime - - resisting Allah's will
innocent - - all moslems
lawful - - all things which are permitted by Sharia law
guilty - - the state of a person rejecting ISLAM
peace - - the state experienced, in accepting ISLAM
terrorism - - those who resist dawa

Islam is a lie, and truth is killing it.

martyr = = a person who is killed, murdered, because of their religious or other beliefs.


ISLAMIC 'holy' texts declare that Allah despises those men, those moslems, who refuse to embrace WARFARE, in his 'cause'...

"O ye who believe! what is the matter with you, that, when ye are asked to go forth in the cause of Allah, ye cling heavily to the earth? Do ye prefer the life of this world to the Hereafter? But little is the comfort of this life, as compared with the Hereafter.
Unless ye go forth, He will punish you with a grievous penalty, and put others in your place; but Him ye would not harm in the least. For Allah hath power over all things."
Koran 9.38, 39

"Allah's Apostle was asked, "What is the best deed?" He replied, "To believe in Allah and His Apostle (Muhammad). The questioner then asked, "What is the next (in goodness)? He replied, "To participate in Jihad (religious fighting) in Allah's Cause." "
hadithsunnah/bukhari/ #001.002.026

Title: Re: The Palestinian Gandhi?
Post by falah on Feb 19th, 2012 at 4:18pm

Yadda wrote on Feb 19th, 2012 at 3:41pm:
Islam is a lie, and truth is killing it.

Actually, Christianity is a blasphemous polytheistic lie against God. God does not have children. Yet the Christian blasphemers continue to insist that people should worship "God's son". However there is no mention of Old Testament prophets worshipping Jesus.

Jesus worshippors are blasphemors!

Title: Re: The Palestinian Gandhi?
Post by Yadda on Feb 19th, 2012 at 5:06pm

falah wrote on Feb 19th, 2012 at 4:18pm:

Yadda wrote on Feb 19th, 2012 at 3:41pm:
Islam is a lie, and truth is killing it.

Actually, Christianity is a blasphemous polytheistic lie against God. God does not have children. Yet the Christian blasphemers continue to insist that people should worship "God's son". However there is no mention of Old Testament prophets worshipping Jesus.

Jesus worshippors are blasphemors!


That is your erroneous opinion.

And you are entitled to it.


falah, here is more of your error, and in this particular example [link below], it was easy to expose as error......

Bible verses you like

Title: Re: The Palestinian Gandhi?
Post by Soren on Feb 19th, 2012 at 8:00pm

Annie Anthrax wrote on Feb 19th, 2012 at 12:05pm:
It's difficult to say what the general Islamic ruling would be. 

Make that you motto.

Alos Abu, galah, lestat and the rest of you 1.3 billion confused ones: It's hard for you to know what to think until someone tells you.

Title: Re: The Palestinian Gandhi?
Post by Annie Anthrax on Feb 19th, 2012 at 8:04pm

"Mr Adnan's family insists that he has never been involved in violence...."

He has been arrested before and never charged with a violent crime - can you prove that is wrong?  He has not been charged with anything at all now. Are you comfortable with that?

Amnesty and HRW have both called for his immediate release. Do they support terrorists?

Title: Re: The Palestinian Gandhi?
Post by Soren on Feb 19th, 2012 at 8:27pm

Annie Anthrax wrote on Feb 19th, 2012 at 8:04pm:

"Mr Adnan's family insists that he has never been involved in violence...."

He has been arrested before and never charged with a violent crime - can you prove that is wrong?  He has not been charged with anything at all now. Are you comfortable with that?

Amnesty and HRW have both called for his immediate release. Do they support terrorists?

Abu Qatada is an evil bastard but he hasn't been charged with anything in the UK.

These buggers exploit the Western sense of fair play and the rule of law in a way that they themselves would never, ever, apply if the slipper was on the other foot.

Abu Qatada has been detained for many years. And I am very comfortable with that. We don't want to be Pharisees, do we, stuck on the black letter of the law. We must consider the circumstances, no?

Title: Re: The Palestinian Gandhi?
Post by Annie Anthrax on Feb 19th, 2012 at 8:38pm
Cute. You act like you still expect me to acknowledge and seriously consider anything you write.

Title: Re: The Palestinian Gandhi?
Post by Soren on Feb 19th, 2012 at 8:48pm

Annie Anthrax wrote on Feb 19th, 2012 at 8:38pm:
Cute. You act like you still expect me to acknowledge and seriously consider anything you write.

You married a Leb. You converted to Islam, then left Islam. You still suck up to Islamists in the most cringeworthy manner. You listen to a great variety of inane pop music. 

Of course you will ignore me. You have ignored every sensible advice in all your life. You are not going to change that on an internet forum.

Ignore away. Be true to yourself.

Title: Re: The Palestinian Gandhi?
Post by Yadda on Feb 19th, 2012 at 9:11pm

Annie Anthrax wrote on Feb 19th, 2012 at 8:04pm:

"Mr Adnan's family insists that he has never been involved in violence...."

He has been arrested before and never charged with a violent crime - can you prove that is wrong?  He has not been charged with anything at all now. Are you comfortable with that?


As i noted in my post above.....



Khader Adnan runs with 'wolves', but it is wrong to characterise Khader Adnan as a 'wolf'.
/sarc off


If Khader Adnan runs with 'wolves', but is not a 'wolf' himself, then tell me what sort of 'creature' is he, that he is able to move safely among wolves ?

Annie Anthrax wrote on Feb 19th, 2012 at 8:04pm:

Amnesty and HRW have both called for his immediate release. Do they support terrorists?

IMO, yes.

IMO, Amnesty and HRW, like the UNHRC, are all corrupted, and corrupt agencies.

They have all been infiltrated by ISLAMISTs, and have become corrupt apologists for ISLAMIC extremists, imo.

All you need do, is look at a list of those who are the principle members of these agencies.

human rights abuse, unhcr members, China, Libya, Sudan, Syria, Saudi Arabia, Zimbabwe, Cuba

Title: Re: The Palestinian Gandhi?
Post by falah on Feb 19th, 2012 at 9:15pm

Soren wrote on Feb 19th, 2012 at 8:27pm:
Abu Qatada is an evil bastard but he hasn't been charged with anything in the UK.

If he is so evil, how come he has not been charged by UK police?

Because he doesn't rape kids like a priest or traffic human organs like a rabbi.

Title: Re: The Palestinian Gandhi?
Post by Soren on Feb 19th, 2012 at 9:23pm

falah wrote on Feb 19th, 2012 at 9:15pm:

Soren wrote on Feb 19th, 2012 at 8:27pm:
Abu Qatada is an evil bastard but he hasn't been charged with anything in the UK.

If he is so evil, how come he has not been charged by UK police?

Because he doesn't rape kids like a priest or traffic human organs like a rabbi.

Because you exploit a legal system.
Under comparable circumstances, if such a bastard was in your powers, you would have cut his throat 7 years ago. In public.
But you buggers are exploiting our scruples.

Title: Re: The Palestinian Gandhi?
Post by Annie Anthrax on Feb 19th, 2012 at 10:56pm

Soren wrote on Feb 19th, 2012 at 8:48pm:

Annie Anthrax wrote on Feb 19th, 2012 at 8:38pm:
Cute. You act like you still expect me to acknowledge and seriously consider anything you write.

You married a Leb. You converted to Islam, then left Islam. You still suck up to Islamists in the most cringeworthy manner. You listen to a great variety of inane pop music. 

Of course you will ignore me. You have ignored every sensible advice in all your life. You are not going to change that on an internet forum.

Ignore away. Be true to yourself.

You throw those things at me like they're bad. They're all true (except the sucking up part) and I'm not ashamed of any of them. Certainly, if you disapprove I must be on the right track. Call it...validation.

Now go away, would you? I've made it quite clear I'm not interested in interacting with you.

Title: Re: The Palestinian Gandhi?
Post by chicken_lipsforme on Feb 20th, 2012 at 12:12pm

Annie Anthrax wrote on Feb 19th, 2012 at 8:04pm:

"Mr Adnan's family insists that he has never been involved in violence...."

He has been arrested before and never charged with a violent crime - can you prove that is wrong?  He has not been charged with anything at all now. Are you comfortable with that?

Amnesty and HRW have both called for his immediate release. Do they support terrorists?

Given which side of the fence they firmly sat on during Operation Cast Lead and their one eyed reporting, and again degraced themselves during Mavi Marmara saga one could conclude a resounding yes to that question Annie.

Title: Re: The Palestinian Gandhi?
Post by Annie Anthrax on Feb 20th, 2012 at 2:24pm
You've got to be joking. For a usually intellgent human being, you are unbelievably/wilfully blind when it comes to Israeli atrocities committed against Palestinians. NGOs had every right to condemn Operation Cast Lead.

Let me guess - Rachel Corrie was a terrorist too? Or was her murder an accident?

Title: Re: The Palestinian Gandhi?
Post by falah on Feb 20th, 2012 at 5:03pm

Soren wrote on Feb 19th, 2012 at 9:23pm:

falah wrote on Feb 19th, 2012 at 9:15pm:

Soren wrote on Feb 19th, 2012 at 8:27pm:
Abu Qatada is an evil bastard but he hasn't been charged with anything in the UK.

If he is so evil, how come he has not been charged by UK police?

Because he doesn't rape kids like a priest or traffic human organs like a rabbi.

Because you exploit a legal system.
Under comparable circumstances, if such a bastard was in your powers, you would have cut his throat 7 years ago. In public.
But you buggers are exploiting our scruples.

You are such a hypocrite. You believe in "freedom of speech" as long as people say what you want them to.

Title: Re: The Palestinian Gandhi?
Post by Soren on Feb 20th, 2012 at 5:06pm

falah wrote on Feb 20th, 2012 at 5:03pm:

Soren wrote on Feb 19th, 2012 at 9:23pm:

falah wrote on Feb 19th, 2012 at 9:15pm:

Soren wrote on Feb 19th, 2012 at 8:27pm:
Abu Qatada is an evil bastard but he hasn't been charged with anything in the UK.

If he is so evil, how come he has not been charged by UK police?

Because he doesn't rape kids like a priest or traffic human organs like a rabbi.

Because you exploit a legal system.
Under comparable circumstances, if such a bastard was in your powers, you would have cut his throat 7 years ago. In public.
But you buggers are exploiting our scruples.

You are such a hypocrite. You believe in "freedom of speech" as long as people say what you want them to.

Entering a country on a false passport is not freedom of speech. Not even for Muslim clerics.

Title: Re: The Palestinian Gandhi?
Post by falah on Feb 20th, 2012 at 7:14pm

Soren wrote on Feb 20th, 2012 at 5:06pm:
Entering a country on a false passport is not freedom of speech.

It's what refugees do.

You would probably praise Jews escaping religious persecution in Nazi Germany.

This guy has escaped religious persecution from both the oppressive Israelis and the the dictatorial Jordanian government.

An Australian PM called this guy a hero for smuggling people:

Rudd's hero, the people smuggler

Kevin Rudd's hero, Dietrich Bonhoeffer, was a people smuggler. And our prime minister knows it.

Dietrich Bonhoeffer, the German theologian put to death for his complicity with those who attempted to assassinate Adolf Hitler, was ''a theologian, pastor and peace activist ... a man of faith ... a man of reason''  -  and a people-smuggler. As Rudd himself wrote further in the October 2006 edition of The Monthly, Bonhoeffer ''organised the secret evacuation of a number of German Jews to Switzerland''...

Title: Re: The Palestinian Gandhi?
Post by Soren on Feb 20th, 2012 at 7:21pm
You'd die if you couldn't talk about a Jew, no matter what the topic.
You guys are barking mad.

Anyway, Abu Qatada is no hero.

Abu Qatada al-Filistini (Arabic: أبو قتادة الفلسطيني‎, 'Abū Qatāda al-Filisṭīnī; born 1959/60), sometimes called Abu Omar (ابو عمر Abū 'Umar), is a Palestinian Islamist militant of Jordanian citizenship. Under the name Omar Mahmoud Othman (عمر محمود عثمان 'Umar Mamūd 'Uthmān), he is under worldwide embargo by the United Nations Security Council Committee 1267 for his affiliation with al-Qaeda.[1][2] Although imprisoned in the UK since 2005, he has not been prosecuted for any criminal or conspiracy offences.[3] He is wanted on terrorism charges in Algeria,[4] the United States, Belgium, Spain, France, Germany, Italy, and his native Jordan.[5]

Title: Re: The Palestinian Gandhi?
Post by falah on Feb 20th, 2012 at 8:27pm

Soren wrote on Feb 20th, 2012 at 7:21pm:
You'd die if you couldn't talk about a Jew, no matter what the topic.

Sounds more like you would die if you couldn't defend your Jew buddies.

Soren wrote on Feb 20th, 2012 at 7:21pm:
You guys are barking mad.


Soren wrote on Feb 20th, 2012 at 7:21pm:
Anyway, Abu Qatada is no hero.

Never said he was. Although you have to respect someone who will speak out against powerful governments, when they face likelihood of death and torture for doing so.

Soren wrote on Feb 20th, 2012 at 7:21pm:
Abu Qatada al-Filistini (Arabic: أبو قتادة الفلسطيني‎, 'Abū Qatāda al-Filisṭīnī; born 1959/60), sometimes called Abu Omar (ابو عمر Abū 'Umar), is a Palestinian Islamist militant of Jordanian citizenship. Under the name Omar Mahmoud Othman (عمر محمود عثمان 'Umar Mamūd 'Uthmān), he is under worldwide embargo by the United Nations Security Council Committee 1267 for his affiliation with al-Qaeda.[1][2] Although imprisoned in the UK since 2005, he has not been prosecuted for any criminal or conspiracy offences.[3] He is wanted on terrorism charges in Algeria,[4] the United States, Belgium, Spain, France, Germany, Italy, and his native Jordan.[5]

If he has done something wrong, then why doesn't the UK charge him?

Title: Re: The Palestinian Gandhi?
Post by Annie Anthrax on Feb 23rd, 2012 at 7:40pm


The Palestinian prisoner Khader Adnan ended his 66 day hunger strike yesterday after Israel agreed to release him in mid-April provided that no “significant” new evidence is found against him.

Under a deal struck by the Israeli authorities and signed by one of his lawyers, Mr Adnan, a member of Islamic Jihad, stands to be freed three weeks earlier than planned after conducting the longest ever hunger strike by a Palestinian prisoner.

The deal was struck shortly before Mr Adnan’s case was due for an emergency hearing by the Israeli Supreme Court, which had been brought forward from Thursday because of deepening concerns about the critical condition of the detainee being held under guard in an Israeli hospital.

Mr Adnan’s case had triggered protest demonstrations in the West Bank and Gaza, and token hunger strikes by Palestinian prisoners in Israeli gaols. It had also prompted mounting international concern.

Under the deal, Israeli authorities promised not to issue a new order to extend his four month administrative detention unless additional “new significant and substantive material” is found against him. And they have agreed to include the 21 days he initially spent under investigation within the four month detention period. This means the detention period will end on April 17 instead of May 8.

Mr Adnan’s fast has focused fresh attention on the practice of administrative detention under which Palestinians are held without charge or trial and on the basis of secret  evidence which can be  shown to a military court but not to the defendant or his lawyers.

Obviously he's not a threat then and the whole detention is just another example of Israel's persecution of innocent Palestinians.

Title: Re: The Palestinian Gandhi?
Post by chicken_lipsforme on Feb 24th, 2012 at 12:09pm

Annie Anthrax wrote on Feb 20th, 2012 at 2:24pm:
You've got to be joking. For a usually intellgent human being, you are unbelievably/wilfully blind when it comes to Israeli atrocities committed against Palestinians. NGOs had every right to condemn Operation Cast Lead.

Those same NGO's stayed silent whilst terrorists missiles were landing on the streets of Sderot eh, and have done so for years.
And they also failed to see children being held by terrorists around missile firing points, but managed to report on Israeli return fire instead.
They failed to see school and hospital grounds being used to attack Israel from, but still managed to report on Israeli return fire.
The real question is how many missiles are to explode in Israeli towns and streets before Israel is allowed to defend itself according to an NGO.
Because 12,000 isn't the magic figure Annie.
The NGO's failed to see the children being used by Hamas as forward spotters in the combat zone.
The NGO's failed to report that much intelligence was provided by Gaza citizens to the IDF who were sick of having their property used as missile launch pads by Hamas.
The NGO's just failed.
And the NGO's only saw what they wanted to see.

Title: Re: The Palestinian Gandhi?
Post by Soren on Feb 24th, 2012 at 8:07pm

Title: Re: The Palestinian Gandhi?
Post by falah on Feb 24th, 2012 at 8:33pm

Title: Re: The Palestinian Gandhi?
Post by Soren on Feb 24th, 2012 at 8:48pm
I stand with Israel.

You should, too.

Title: Re: The Palestinian Gandhi?
Post by falah on Feb 24th, 2012 at 9:04pm
American Jew Shown Israeli Human Rights By Israeli Police

Would You Like These Jewish Settlers For Neighbours?

Title: Re: The Palestinian Gandhi?
Post by chicken_lipsforme on Feb 27th, 2012 at 11:56am

falah wrote on Feb 24th, 2012 at 8:33pm:

Nice left wing tripe falah.
But tripe none the less. :)

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