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Member Run Boards >> Extremism Exposed >> Abbott Lets Atheists Brainwash Our Children Message started by Greens_Win on May 24th, 2012 at 9:20am |
Title: Abbott Lets Atheists Brainwash Our Children Post by Greens_Win on May 24th, 2012 at 9:20am
Atheists have a right to have their own schools. But why should they be supported by taxpayers
The Ten Commandments can be read and studied in the Christian and Jewish schools but are forbidden in the atheist schools. Indeed, the atheist schools have become quite intolerant of any activities related to religion. Bible reading is forbidden. Some schools have banned the singing of Christmas carols during the Christmas season. The takeover of the public schools by the atheists was so gradual and unrelenting, that many Americans have no idea how it all took place. They sense that there is something wrong when the God who created Australia is not permitted in its government schools. It doesn’t make sense because we know that belief in the God of the Bible is at the very foundation of our nation’s being. How could judges, who ruled on these cases, not be aware of this foundation? The idea that the Ten Commandments, which are the very basis of our legal system, cannot be exhibited on public grounds boggles the mind. With the publication in 2007 of Antony Flew’s momentous book, There is a God: How the World’s Most Notorious Atheist Changed His Mind, the debate among scientists on the issue of the existence or nonexistence of God reached a new level of excitement. The fact that Flew became a theist has added a great deal of support to the belief that the universe is governed by an Intelligent Design, and that with such design there must be a designer: God. Intelligent Design answers questions about the universe that the atheists have been unable to answer. How could matter become living matter if not through the work of God? How could the incredibly complex code of the DNA come about without God? How could human beings experience language, dreams, and purpose unless God had breathed into their lives all these immaterial manifestations? How could a planet so beautifully conceived as ours be formed to accommodate human life without the creative power of God? Although astronomers have searched the galaxies to find a planet as hospitable as ours, nothing comparable has so far been found. It was at a symposium at New York University in May 2004 that Flew gave up his 50-year belief in atheism and announced that he now accepted the existence of a God. He writes: What I think the DNA material has done is that it has shown by the almost unbelievable complexity of the arrangements which are needed to produce (life), that intelligence must have been involved in getting these extraordinary diverse elements to work together.... I now believe that the universe was brought into existence by an infinite Intelligence. I believe that this universe’s intricate laws manifest what scientists have called the Mind of God. I believe that life and reproduction originate in a divine Source. . . . Science spotlights three dimensions of nature that point to God. The first is the fact that nature obeys laws. The second is the dimension of life, of intelligently organized and purpose-driven beings, which arose from matter. The third is the very existence of nature. Flew’s migration from atheism to theism was not a sudden change of mind. It was the result of a long life of inquiry that simply led him to conclude that there had to be a God to explain all that exists. He writes (p. 89): My departure from atheism was not occasioned by any new phenomenon or argument. Over the last two decades, my whole framework of thought has been in a state of migration. This was a consequence of my continuing assessment of the evidence of nature. When I finally came to recognize the existence of God, it was not a paradigm shift, because my paradigm remains, as Plato in his Republic scripted his Socrates to insist: “We must follow the argument wherever it leads.” . . . In short, my discovery of the Divine has been a pilgrimage of reason and not of faith. Flew also refers to similar beliefs among some of the world’s most eminent scientists. He quotes Einstein, who said (p. 102): Certain it is that a conviction, akin to religious feeling, of the rationality or intelligibility of the world lies behind all scientific work of a higher order. . . . This firm belief, a belief bound up with deep feeling, in a superior mind that reveals itself in the world of experience, represents my conception of God. Quantum scientists like Max Planck, Werner Heisenberg, and Erwin Schrodinger have felt the same as Einstein in confronting the intelligence behind the universe’s natural order. Schrodinger described the experience in these words: “The most popular name for it in our time is God, with a capital ‘G’.” Scientist Paul Davies has said: “science can proceed only if the scientist adopts an essentially theological worldview.” How did atheism gain its privileged status in the public schools? This decision put the Supreme Court on a collision course with U.S. District Judge W. Brevard Hand, who had ruled in March 1987 that secular humanism is a religion. Evolution, of course, is at the very heart of secular humanism, which rejects the existence of God and regards “the universe as self-existing and not created,” and that “man is part of nature and that he has emerged as the result of a continuous process.” (Humanist Manifesto I) In other words, the humanist “faith” is based on a belief that the theory of evolution is not a theory but truth. But the fact is that evolution is even less than a scientific theory. It’s a fairy tale. Yet, Justice Brennan spoke of “the factual basis of evolution.” There is no factual basis to evolution. First, there is no scientific evidence that the universe spontaneously came into existence out of nothing. Second, there is no scientific evidence that living matter arose spontaneously out of non-living matter. Third, no scientific evidence has been found indicating that higher organisms evolved from lower organisms, nor that one species evolves into another. But what about fossils, you might ask. The fossil record is simply a series of still pictures of species that existed at one time. They do not show how one species evolves into another. Transitional fossils have not been found. The fossil record shows new species appearing suddenly without any ancestors.The late evolutionary biologist Stephen Jay Gould called this phenomenon, “punctuated equilibrium.” What scientific investigation indicates is that the species are immutable and that when mutations occur they do not become new species. For example, evolutionists have been experimenting with fruit flies for years in the hope of demonstrating evolution at work. But the fruit flies have stubbornly refused to develop into anything but more fruit flies, despite all sorts of stimuli, including radiation. Some mutations have occurred, but nothing to suggest the beginning of a new species. Why? Because a new species would require its own special DNA arrangement, which requires the hand of the Creator to be viable. In other words, lions have remained lions, monkeys have remained monkeys, elephants have remained elephants, and cats have remained cats. Different breeds and varieties may exist within a species, but nature places built-in genetic obstacles to evolutionary change. (Of course, genetic engineers may create intra-species monsters by tampering with genes and chromosomes, but this could hardly be called a natural process.) When you consider that our museums are now filled with over 100 million fossils of 250,000 different species and not a single series of transitional forms has been found among them, one begins to suspect that a gigantic hoax is being perpetrated by the evolutionists. In fact, gaps between major groups of organisms have been growing wider and more undeniable. And so it is hard to understand how scientists can assert that evolution is fact and still call themselves scientists. Even Dr. Stephen Jay Gould was forced to write: “The fossil record with its abrupt transitions offers no support for gradual change.” Considering how much more we now know about life and the universe, and how the scientific evidence has led a hard-core humanist atheist like Antony Flew to finally acknowledge that there is a God, is it not time now for us to confront the atheist schools and force them to let their students read Flew’s book and the books of many other scientists who are theists? It is ridiculous to pretend that the public schools are neutral and scientific when the world’s greatest scientists believe that all of reality is the creation of an intelligent mind. |
Title: Re: Abbott Lets Atheists Brainwash Our Children Post by Greens_Win on May 24th, 2012 at 9:23am
Time for Abbott to stand up and be counted
Does he support the christian education system were god is centre ... or the atheist secular humanist religious system where god is excluded. Why should one religion be funded fully and the other not? |
Title: Re: Abbott Lets Atheists Brainwash Our Children Post by progressiveslol on May 24th, 2012 at 9:26am
you are getting even worse as a propagandist. You could atleast try and make it fit but you are just so blatant it makes you look like a fool.
Title: Re: Abbott Lets Atheists Brainwash Our Children Post by Greens_Win on May 24th, 2012 at 9:30am progressiveslol wrote on May 24th, 2012 at 9:26am:
In what way. Atheism is a religion and Abbott lets it control our schools while god believers fund these schools via their taxes. Meanwhile atheists fight to stop any funding of christian schools. Abbott must brake his silence and either support his religion or the atheism religion. |
Title: Re: Abbott Lets Atheists Brainwash Our Children Post by angeleyes on May 24th, 2012 at 9:30am
you are getting even worse as a propagandist. You could atleast try and make it fit but you are just so blatant . it makes you look like a fool
Looks like a fool??? |
Title: Re: Abbott Lets Atheists Brainwash Our Children Post by BigOl64 on May 24th, 2012 at 9:32am progressiveslol wrote on May 24th, 2012 at 9:26am:
All I can say is What the bugger was that Sh1t? Nothing more than a half arsed attempt to tie abbott into what is an american issue and nothing what-so-ever to do with our country. Friggen loser |
Title: Re: Abbott Lets Atheists Brainwash Our Children Post by angeleyes on May 24th, 2012 at 9:33am ____ wrote on May 24th, 2012 at 9:30am:
Greens_win wants homosexuality taught in schools with full on demonstrations with him and Bob Brown showing how it is done. |
Title: Re: Abbott Lets Atheists Brainwash Our Children Post by angeleyes on May 24th, 2012 at 9:34am BigOl64 wrote on May 24th, 2012 at 9:32am:
What would you expect from a Greenie? |
Title: Re: Abbott Lets Atheists Brainwash Our Children Post by Greens_Win on May 24th, 2012 at 9:34am angeleyes wrote on May 24th, 2012 at 9:30am:
Abbott does look the fool. Why does he support taxes from christians funding the atheists belief system in evolution, when intelligent design should be taught side by side. Why is Abbott letting down christians and wasting their taxes. |
Title: Re: Abbott Lets Atheists Brainwash Our Children Post by progressiveslol on May 24th, 2012 at 9:34am angeleyes wrote on May 24th, 2012 at 9:30am:
Well he is in the territory of being able to state he is a fool outright, but I am giving him some leeway. He is almost level pegged with deadhorse. |
Title: Re: Abbott Lets Atheists Brainwash Our Children Post by Greens_Win on May 24th, 2012 at 9:37am BigOl64 wrote on May 24th, 2012 at 9:32am:
Why isn't intelligent design taught along side evolution. Why are christians paying for the growth of this atheism religion belief being taught to christian children And why is Abbott silent. |
Title: Re: Abbott Lets Atheists Brainwash Our Children Post by Greens_Win on May 24th, 2012 at 9:40am angeleyes wrote on May 24th, 2012 at 9:33am:
You joke while christianity is under threat in Australia by the atheist religion. And christians are paying for this attack by letting their taxes fund this propaganda in atheist schools. Christian schools must be funded fully otherwise Abbott is a supporter of atheism. |
Title: Re: Abbott Lets Atheists Brainwash Our Children Post by BigOl64 on May 24th, 2012 at 9:42am ____ wrote on May 24th, 2012 at 9:37am:
This is not the US and abbott doesn't do anything about it because this is NOT the US and we don't care because THIS IS NOT THE US. So to recap my answer to your petulant demand; this is not the USA. |
Title: Re: Abbott Lets Atheists Brainwash Our Children Post by angeleyes on May 24th, 2012 at 9:42am
And why is Abbott silent.
Jesus wept you sound like my ex husbsnd. You aren't I hope. Have you ever been married to a woman? |
Title: Re: Abbott Lets Atheists Brainwash Our Children Post by Greens_Win on May 24th, 2012 at 9:43am progressiveslol wrote on May 24th, 2012 at 9:34am:
Attacking the messenger ... why? Is it because Abbott supports the Atheism over Christians by supporting free expression to atheist beliefs in evolution while blocking exposure of the concept of intelligent design because in backs christian religion. Shame on Abbott and shame on Christians who support Abbott's attack on Christianity in Australia. |
Title: Re: Abbott Lets Atheists Brainwash Our Children Post by progressiveslol on May 24th, 2012 at 9:45am ____ wrote on May 24th, 2012 at 9:43am:
Yep. Deadhorses love child |
Title: Re: Abbott Lets Atheists Brainwash Our Children Post by Greens_Win on May 24th, 2012 at 9:48am BigOl64 wrote on May 24th, 2012 at 9:42am:
The fight between the brainwashing of Atheistic religion of evolution via tax money, paid by christian, is occurring in Australia. Abbott must make a stand. Why does he support the teaching of Atheist belief in tax payer funded schools, while opposing Intelligent Design being taught alongside. Christianity is in decline in Australia because of the years of brainwashing, by the Atheist Religionists in public schools, funded by Christian Tax Payers. Abbott must now fight for Intelligent Design being taught in these Atheist Schools, or make these schools pay their own way. |
Title: Re: Abbott Lets Atheists Brainwash Our Children Post by angeleyes on May 24th, 2012 at 9:49am
Attacking the messenger ... why?
Because you are pain in the @rse. :D :D :D :D |
Title: Re: Abbott Lets Atheists Brainwash Our Children Post by Greens_Win on May 24th, 2012 at 9:50am angeleyes wrote on May 24th, 2012 at 9:42am:
Try and stay on topic ... or take it to the chat section. |
Title: Re: Abbott Lets Atheists Brainwash Our Children Post by progressiveslol on May 24th, 2012 at 9:52am ____ wrote on May 24th, 2012 at 9:50am:
How about you or the mods take this to "THINKING GLOBALLY" as you have no evidence of Australian links, just the USA. |
Title: Re: Abbott Lets Atheists Brainwash Our Children Post by mozzaok on May 24th, 2012 at 9:52am
This Topic was moved here from Politicians Suck by mozzaok.
Incredibly pathetic post Greens, nothing to do with Abbott, nothing to do with us, who cares what loony American evangelists say? Not me. |
Title: Re: Abbott Lets Atheists Brainwash Our Children Post by progressiveslol on May 24th, 2012 at 9:53am
lol even better, extremist exposed lol
Title: Re: Abbott Lets Atheists Brainwash Our Children Post by Greens_Win on May 24th, 2012 at 10:01am progressiveslol wrote on May 24th, 2012 at 9:52am:
Abbott must state, why he supports the brainwashing of Australia children with Atheist ideas. Evolution must be taught next to Intelligent Design in the Science classes of Australian Atheist Schools. If not, make these Atheist Religion Schools pay their own way. Is Abbott an agent for the Atheist religion takeover in Australia. |
Title: Re: Abbott Lets Atheists Brainwash Our Children Post by Greens_Win on May 24th, 2012 at 10:07am Quote:
Doesn't stop twitter readers reading. Christian Australians who support Intelligent Design being taught next to Atheist belief, i.e evolution. |
Title: Re: Abbott Lets Atheists Brainwash Our Children Post by Spot of Borg on May 24th, 2012 at 11:10am
Atheism is a lack of belief. It cant be "brainwashed" because theres nothing there to teach. Keep your religious nuttery out of schools. Also there is no way to safely determine WHICH religion has the REAL god is there?
Title: Re: Abbott Lets Atheists Brainwash Our Children Post by Greens_Win on May 24th, 2012 at 2:11pm
For atheism to exist, it requires a god, so to oppose it.
This makes atheism a religion. How can Australian school be secular when it pushes an atheist religion agenda, so to turn christian children against their god. Abbott has to side for atheist evolution or christian intelligent design. |
Title: Re: Abbott Lets Atheists Brainwash Our Children Post by Spot of Borg on May 24th, 2012 at 2:38pm ____ wrote on May 24th, 2012 at 2:11pm:
That is silly. Atheism is a lack of belief. There is a name for it because religious ppl for some reason wanted to label non believers. There is no name for non stamp collectors but its the same thing. I dont collect stamps or believe in a god. There is no "atheist agenda". There is nothing to push. We just want to get rid of the religious agenda. If schools were not secular which religion would you have them be? SOB |
Title: Re: Abbott Lets Atheists Brainwash Our Children Post by bludger on May 25th, 2012 at 9:05am
Atheism is not a religion. It is the antithesis of religion.
Atheism is not even an ism, it is a convenient hook to differentiate from the other isms. Atheists don't give a stuff about religion and it's moronic archaic 'beliefs' Only the facts will do. |
Title: Re: Abbott Lets Atheists Brainwash Our Children Post by Greens_Win on May 25th, 2012 at 9:58am bludger wrote on May 25th, 2012 at 9:05am:
If it isn't a religion, then it's a cult. It is out to win the hearts of minds of the slow witted, and use these growing numbers to increase it's power. Would an atheist family crucify a child, if it turned around and said it believed in god? |
Title: Re: Abbott Lets Atheists Brainwash Our Children Post by Greens_Win on May 25th, 2012 at 10:00am Sir Spot of Borg wrote on May 24th, 2012 at 2:38pm:
That is an agenda ... by opposing, you make yourself something. If you don't like being called a religion, would you prefer being called a Cult. |
Title: Re: Abbott Lets Atheists Brainwash Our Children Post by Greens_Win on May 25th, 2012 at 10:04am
If Atheist are out to secularise Australia, then would they vote for a religious candidate, like Abbott, who fence sits to make himself a small target before the election ... in the mean time has a religious agenda.
If Atheists are serious about political change, when will atheists get political and form a political party to stand up to secret groups like Opus Dei members within the old parties. |
Title: Re: Abbott Lets Atheists Brainwash Our Children Post by Spot of Borg on May 25th, 2012 at 10:06am ____ wrote on May 25th, 2012 at 9:58am:
Do you know what a cult is? Atheism is a lack of belief in a deity. As for the child - who knows every atheist is different. SOB |
Title: Re: Abbott Lets Atheists Brainwash Our Children Post by Spot of Borg on May 25th, 2012 at 10:10am ____ wrote on May 25th, 2012 at 10:00am:
I oppose. There is no atheist agenda because atheism isnt a group. It is a lack of belief in a deity. I do not speak for all atheists because all atheists are different. the ONLY thing in common is the lack of belief in a deity. the "we" that wants to get rid of religion out of schools is a bunch of ppl - some religious and some not - that dont believe it is secular to have religion in schools. When are you going to answer my question? If schools were not secular which religion would you have them be? You know I have seen your posts around but I never realised you were so off the wall. Huh. There ya go. Do you yet understand what an atheist is? Someone who does not believe in a god. SOB |
Title: Re: Abbott Lets Atheists Brainwash Our Children Post by Spot of Borg on May 25th, 2012 at 10:12am ____ wrote on May 25th, 2012 at 10:04am:
It is not atheists that are out to secularise australia. I think you will find its religious ppl as well. Ppl from all walks believers and non believers. Perhaps its time you answered my question. If things were not secular which religion would you have them be? SOB |
Title: Re: Abbott Lets Atheists Brainwash Our Children Post by Greens_Win on May 25th, 2012 at 10:35am Sir Spot of Borg wrote on May 25th, 2012 at 10:12am:
The religion of Free Thinkers |
Title: Re: Abbott Lets Atheists Brainwash Our Children Post by Spot of Borg on May 25th, 2012 at 10:51am ____ wrote on May 25th, 2012 at 10:35am:
I dont know of any religion of free thinkers. Do they have a church? SOB |
Title: Re: Abbott Lets Atheists Brainwash Our Children Post by bludger on May 26th, 2012 at 11:11pm
They are not a cult. You said that to start an argument.
Killing is illegal. Tell that to the religious adherents. All religions are swimming in the blood of their past. |
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