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General Discussion >> Federal Politics >> Right wing refo rubbish Message started by mozzaok on Jun 28th, 2012 at 2:47pm |
Title: Right wing refo rubbish Post by mozzaok on Jun 28th, 2012 at 2:47pm
Too many threads repeating the same old garbage, so I am putting them here.
Check for the left wing version thread, if you want the other end of the idiocy argument. |
Title: Chris Bowen is an idiot Post by Armchair_Politician on Jun 28th, 2012 at 2:29pm
Bowen is currently talking in the House of Representatives saying that because the Coalition wants to send people only to countries that are signatories to the UNHCR, that this and future governments would send people to countries like Somalia, among others, which is a signatory. Does he really, for one second, think that a Coalition government would send a single person to one of those kinds of countries? The idiocy of what he just said is astounding!
Title: Re: Chris Bowen is an idiot Post by Shane B on Jun 28th, 2012 at 2:36pm
Astonishing. There are people in Somalian refugee camps wishing to be relocated to countries like Australia. Unfortunately, they get pushed out of our humanitarian intake by queue jumpers arriving here on rickety boats.
Title: Re: Chris Bowen is an idiot Post by dsmithy70 on Jun 28th, 2012 at 2:39pm Armchair_Politician wrote on Jun 28th, 2012 at 2:29pm:
Not that I'm watching or believe they would, it is a nuance thing. Surely you can see this or are you really that black & white? Here it is, The coalition will not support sending refo's to Malaysia DESPITE the swap refo's having Australia & Malaysian guaranteed protection from caning, education for children & decent accommodation(not tents in camps) because they have not signed the UN charter. Inferring that they are in danger because these countries(Malaysia) have not signed & they will be safe only in countries that have. Well this is obviously wrong as you yourself have pointed out. |
Title: Re: Chris Bowen is an idiot Post by Armchair_Politician on Jun 28th, 2012 at 2:41pm Dsmithy70 wrote on Jun 28th, 2012 at 2:39pm:
No such protection from caning exists. Even the ALP admit that. There is also no education offered in these detention facilities and they are crammed in like sardines. |
Title: Re: Right wing refo rubbish Post by progressiveslol on Jun 28th, 2012 at 2:49pm mozzaok wrote on Jun 28th, 2012 at 2:47pm:
Do you somehow think we have not got the idiocy from the other side? |
Title: ALP: no to offshore processing in UNHCR countries! Post by Armchair_Politician on Jun 27th, 2012 at 2:12pm
Tony Abbott has today attempted to introduce to Federal parliament a bill that would allow the government to utilise offshore processing (which I thought the ALP was for, not against) in any country which is a signatory to the UN convention on refugees, but would exclude Malaysia as it is not a signatory. The ALP used its numbers to deny Abbott the opportunity to introduce this bill.
Clearly, Julia Gillard has no intention of solving the problem she and Rudd created and she's content to use every death for her own narrow-minded political gain. |
Title: Re: ALP: no to offshore processing in UNHCR countries! Post by Armchair_Politician on Jun 27th, 2012 at 2:23pm
I thought that the ALP was for offshore processing. Apparently I was wrong.
Title: Re: ALP: no to offshore processing in UNHCR countries! Post by dsmithy70 on Jun 27th, 2012 at 2:30pm
Got a link??
Not that I don't believe you, but I'd feel better knowing where your information comes from. |
Title: Re: ALP: no to offshore processing in UNHCR countries! Post by Prevailing on Jun 27th, 2012 at 2:33pm
Far too much money thrown around to science research projects, AIDS research, Arts and Green Projects.... 8-)
Title: Re: ALP: no to offshore processing in UNHCR countries! Post by FriYAY on Jun 27th, 2012 at 2:37pm Dsmithy70 wrote on Jun 27th, 2012 at 2:30pm:
They were all running around like disgraceful morons an hour ago. Gillard was giving a speech in the house about pushing ahead with Oakshot’s members bill. Abbott was having a press conference about introducing his own members bill. Then the children all started yelling at each other. |
Title: Re: ALP: no to offshore processing in UNHCR countries! Post by Spot of Borg on Jun 27th, 2012 at 2:40pm Dsmithy70 wrote on Jun 27th, 2012 at 2:30pm:
He is talking about parliament its on TV now ABC24 and ABC1 i expect Its not over yet and he is jumping the gun mainly the labs are trying to debate the issue and the libs are just trashing the labs as usual, SOB |
Title: Re: ALP: no to offshore processing in UNHCR countries! Post by progressiveslol on Jun 27th, 2012 at 2:41pm
lol Gillard the hypocrit and even more so when it comes to a UNHCR country.
No, labor want people to be treated like cattle and be branded, wipped in Malaysia. |
Title: Re: ALP: no to offshore processing in UNHCR countries! Post by Phallic Baldwin on Jun 27th, 2012 at 2:47pm
Question to Labor supporters for my own awareness - is there something that I am missing that would make Malaysia a more viable option despite it not being a signatory?
I'm not trying to start a flame war here - I'm genuinely interested. |
Title: Re: ALP: no to offshore processing in UNHCR countries! Post by BlOoDy RiPpEr on Jun 27th, 2012 at 2:48pm progressiveslol wrote on Jun 27th, 2012 at 2:41pm:
Always thought Gillard looked to be in to that kinky stuff, explains her big bum, she likey the spanking. |
Title: Re: ALP: no to offshore processing in UNHCR countries! Post by BlOoDy RiPpEr on Jun 27th, 2012 at 2:52pm |
Title: Re: ALP: no to offshore processing in UNHCR countries! Post by BlOoDy RiPpEr on Jun 27th, 2012 at 2:54pm |
Title: Re: ALP: no to offshore processing in UNHCR countries! Post by Prevailing on Jun 27th, 2012 at 2:57pm BlOoDy RiPpEr wrote on Jun 27th, 2012 at 2:52pm: Type of evil lying crap that comes out of the putrid abusive minds of the atheist socialist left - and guess what all of their abuse and pontificating is all about making themselves richer...surprise surprise...cut funding to Green projects, the Arts and AIDS research - just get on with it. 8-) |
Title: Re: ALP: no to offshore processing in UNHCR countries! Post by Spot of Borg on Jun 27th, 2012 at 2:58pm
I have never understood how it was supposed to be a good deal 800 to them and 4000 to us
Title: Re: ALP: no to offshore processing in UNHCR countries! Post by BlOoDy RiPpEr on Jun 27th, 2012 at 2:58pm |
Title: Re: ALP: no to offshore processing in UNHCR countries! Post by salad in on Jun 27th, 2012 at 3:12pm
The ALP should be made to clean up its own mess.
Title: Re: ALP: no to offshore processing in UNHCR countries! Post by Armchair_Politician on Jun 27th, 2012 at 3:27pm Dsmithy70 wrote on Jun 27th, 2012 at 2:30pm:
Gillard is hellbent on her Malaysia deal. It may (will probably) pass the House of Reps, but it is dead in the Senate where the Coalition will vote against it and so will the Greens due to their opposition to any offshore proecessing. The only solution is to adopt the Coalition's policy on this issue, which is TPV's, offshore processing in UN signatory countries, turning back boats when safe to do so and not giving benefit of the doubt to those who destroy their documents. Here's the link for you... |
Title: Re: ALP: no to offshore processing in UNHCR countries! Post by Prevailing on Jun 27th, 2012 at 3:30pm
The cost of the failures and crimes of the Greens and socialist left is counted in human lives - shame on their evil politicizing... :(
Title: Re: ALP: no to offshore processing in UNHCR countries! Post by Armchair_Politician on Jun 27th, 2012 at 3:32pm
Kevin Rudd inherited a highly successful policy from his predecessor. It was known as the "Pacific Solution" and, through the utilisation of offshore processing in Nauru, temporary protection visa's and turning back boats when it was safe to do so, we all saw the number of boats decrease to absolutely zero in the policy's first full year in operation. Not one boat, not one death on the ocean between Indonesia and Australia. The business model for people smugglers was smashed, and they knew it. Everyone from Australia to Indonesia to the Middle East and South-East Asia knew that Australia was not a soft touch and this was an effective deterrent.
But now we have a Labor government headed by Kevin Rudd, who thinks he can keep the boats away, albeit with a more "humanitarian" policy. The events that have followed speak for themselves - more than 300 boats have arrived carrying more than 19,000 illegal immigrants. The deterrent that preciously existed is no more. Tragically, since Kevin Rudd scrapped the Pacific Solution, at least 1,000 people have died. Today, we see another example of Labor's failure on this policy (or lack thereof). All we have seen from Labor on this issue is one screw up after another. As I said, Rudd scrapped the Pacific Solution and Australia was again flooded with boats. Then Gillard became PM and she's been much worse. Gillard has had every position known on this issue - except a return to the policies of the Pacific Solution. She wanted to send these people to East Timor and announced as much without even informing the East Timorese, who subsequently told her to go fly her kite. Then came the Malaysia debacle, which ended in a massive slapdown by the full bench of the High Court. Gillard is determined to implement her supposed solution to this farce by sending 800 of these illegal immigrants to Malaysia in return for them sending us 4,000. This policy is doomed to fail because (a) in a couple of weeks we'd have reached our quota of 800 and then we'd be right back at square one and (b) the policy has been ruled as illegal by the full bench of the High Court. No, the problem is most certainly NOT the Coalition. That party has consistently advocated the same policy for more than a decade - a policy that has been tested and found to be extremely effective. Even people smugglers interviewed by TV programs have admitted so. The problem is Labor and the Greens. Labor because they wrecked what was a highly successful policy and the Greens supported them. The Greens because they support only onshore processing, which is a recipie for absolute disaster and would make the 1,000-1,500 arrivals per month seem like a trickle. If the ALP truly want to fix this mess, they need to either (a) talk to Christine Milne to get the Malaysia deal passed because the Coalition will not support it or (b) sit down with the Coalition to work out a policy that works and does not include sending any people to Malaysia, such as the one Tony Abbott just tried to table in parliament a few hours ago but was blocked by Gillard and Co. |
Title: Re: ALP: no to offshore processing in UNHCR countries! Post by tonegunman1 on Jun 27th, 2012 at 3:33pm Sir Spot of Borg wrote on Jun 27th, 2012 at 2:58pm:
Plus a whole bunch of money to make it fair. |
Title: Re: ALP: no to offshore processing in UNHCR countries! Post by Avram Horowitz on Jun 27th, 2012 at 3:36pm
I will say again Australia has nO obligation to process anyone at all.
Title: Re: ALP: no to offshore processing in UNHCR countries! Post by Armchair_Politician on Jun 27th, 2012 at 3:40pm
Believe me now dsmithy?
Title: Re: ALP: no to offshore processing in UNHCR countries! Post by Armchair_Politician on Jun 27th, 2012 at 3:46pm
By the way, Julia Gillard has said in the past that she would rule out sending people to countries that are not signatories to the UN convention on refugees. Why the change? Another broken promise? Another lie? Abbott is coming to the government's aid to reinstate offswhore processing by attempting to introduce a bill that would allow offshore processing in countries that are signatories to the UN convention on refugees. Why does Gillard refuse to allow that bill and why does she want to send people to Malaysia, a country that refuses to sign the UN convention on refugees?
Title: Re: ALP: no to offshore processing in UNHCR countries! Post by Armchair_Politician on Jun 27th, 2012 at 3:56pm
None of you Left-wing nut jobs have anything to say now? Your arguments are weaker than wet paper on this issue. Time to end the politics and support good policy, which is what Abbott is trying to introduce.
Title: Re: ALP: no to offshore processing in UNHCR countries! Post by Armchair_Politician on Jun 27th, 2012 at 4:00pm
Malaysia deal cannot be implemented because it strips away the human rights of people taken from our care to Malaysia and that is one reason why it was ruled illegal by the High Court - because Australia would fail in its duty of care to those people by sending them to a place like Malaysia, which is not a signatory to the UN convention on refugees.
Title: Re: ALP: no to offshore processing in UNHCR countries! Post by Phallic Baldwin on Jun 27th, 2012 at 4:04pm Phallic Baldwin wrote on Jun 27th, 2012 at 2:47pm:
Title: Re: ALP: no to offshore processing in UNHCR countries! Post by Spot of Borg on Jun 27th, 2012 at 4:06pm Phallic Baldwin wrote on Jun 27th, 2012 at 4:04pm:
I have never understood it. Like i said 800 for 4000? WTF? Its weird. Are they just not telling us what the policy is? Oh and it seems turning the boats around will send them to indonesia which isnt a signatory for human rights either. So both parties are trying to get around human rights. SOB |
Title: Re: ALP: no to offshore processing in UNHCR countries! Post by dsmithy70 on Jun 27th, 2012 at 4:13pm
Thanks for the link.
Reading the story it would seem Tony has overruled Scott Morrison & will vote with the Government if they implement the Coalitions policy in full with no amendments. A pox on both their houses. But you reap what you sow. I hope Tony never requires consensus whilst his in government. Then again they'll probably fold. >:( |
Title: Re: ALP: no to offshore processing in UNHCR countries! Post by Armchair_Politician on Jun 27th, 2012 at 4:15pm Sir Spot of Borg wrote on Jun 27th, 2012 at 4:06pm:
People smugglers currently send from Indonesia 800 people in the space of a week or two. Then what? What would the government do for the other 50 weeks in the year? Labor's position on this issue is ridiculous. Gillard said she would never send anyone to a non UN signatory country, yet now she is hellbent on sending them to one - Malaysia. She wants offshore processing, but refuses to support Coalition attempts to put forward a policy that would allow just that. Labor and the Left haven't got a leg to stand on on this issue. |
Title: Re: ALP: no to offshore processing in UNHCR countries! Post by John Smith on Jun 27th, 2012 at 4:28pm Armchair_Politician wrote on Jun 27th, 2012 at 4:00pm:
Really? what rights do the refugees have if Tony tirns the boats around and sends them back to Indonesia? ... where is his concern for the rights of refugees then? they aren't a signatory to the refugee convention either .... |
Title: Re: ALP: no to offshore processing in UNHCR countries! Post by Prevailing on Jun 27th, 2012 at 4:31pm Dsmithy70 wrote on Jun 27th, 2012 at 4:13pm:
By that time the socialist left will be quietly being moved on and having their preselections torn up.... :D |
Title: Re: ALP: no to offshore processing in UNHCR countries! Post by dsmithy70 on Jun 27th, 2012 at 4:34pm Prevailing wrote on Jun 27th, 2012 at 4:31pm:
Advocating Communism again Fruitloop. |
Title: Re: ALP: no to offshore processing in UNHCR countries! Post by Prevailing on Jun 27th, 2012 at 4:39pm
This is the day the Government died in Parliament, they will never recover from this hypocrisy... :(
Title: Re: ALP: no to offshore processing in UNHCR countries! Post by Dnarever on Jun 27th, 2012 at 5:03pm
Tnoy again caught out being a hypocrite when the Liberal preferred system ran for years without unhcr sanction.
Its all about political gain - one-upmanship - the current dishonesty from the Liberals is outstanding. The actions of weasels - it would be funny if it were not so sad. |
Title: Re: ALP: no to offshore processing in UNHCR countries! Post by Prevailing on Jun 27th, 2012 at 5:05pm
The Government still not compromise on its intractable insistence on Malaysia - they are hopeless.
Title: Re: ALP: no to offshore processing in UNHCR countries! Post by Dnarever on Jun 27th, 2012 at 5:07pm Prevailing wrote on Jun 27th, 2012 at 5:05pm:
The opposition still not compromise on its intractable insistence on Nauru - they are hopeless |
Title: Re: ALP: no to offshore processing in UNHCR countries! Post by John Smith on Jun 27th, 2012 at 5:13pm
No one answered ... why if Abbott is insistent that he won't support Malaysia because it's not a signatory of the UN refugee convention, does he say if he wins government he will turn the boats back to Indonesia? Indonesia is NOT a SIGNATORY either ... at least the ALP has negotiated certain human rights conditions with Malaysia, the libs want to send them back with no guarantee's that they'll be treated humanely
Title: Re: ALP: no to offshore processing in UNHCR countries! Post by lisa.greek on Jun 27th, 2012 at 5:17pm
I watched the whole saga. Both parties should hang their heads in shame. Neither of them were going to agree on the other parties deal - Gillard wants offshore processing including Malyasia, whilst Abbot wants offshore processing and no Malaysia. The only shining light in a political sewer was Turnbull - he spoke frankly and made sense.
He also reminded them that the Senate would probably block either deal anyway. I think that is when I realsied I had wasted an hour of my life on a bunch of petty people toeing the party lines. I wonder what both parties would do if Malaysia signed the refugee charter? That would be interesting |
Title: Re: ALP: no to offshore processing in UNHCR countries! Post by Spot of Borg on Jun 27th, 2012 at 5:20pm lisa.greek wrote on Jun 27th, 2012 at 5:17pm:
WTF? Watched? Its over? Its still going here. SPOILERS! SOB |
Title: Re: ALP: no to offshore processing in UNHCR countries! Post by Phallic Baldwin on Jun 27th, 2012 at 5:26pm Sir Spot of Borg wrote on Jun 27th, 2012 at 4:06pm:
Me and you both. Indonesia not being a signatory is contradictory as you are either sending them or turning them back to a non-signatory country. I'm not giving up on an answer with this :-) |
Title: Re: ALP: no to offshore processing in UNHCR countries! Post by Prevailing on Jun 27th, 2012 at 5:26pm
Everyone knows there is communists and criminal thugs in that Parliament like Gillard and Bandt... :(
Title: Re: ALP: no to offshore processing in UNHCR countries! Post by Phallic Baldwin on Jun 27th, 2012 at 5:32pm Phallic Baldwin wrote on Jun 27th, 2012 at 2:47pm:
Title: Re: ALP: no to offshore processing in UNHCR countries! Post by John Smith on Jun 27th, 2012 at 5:49pm Phallic Baldwin wrote on Jun 27th, 2012 at 5:32pm:
whilst they aren't a signatory the government has been able to negotiate certain human rights guarantees as part of the package .... no one will get whipped or whatever other crap the libs are claiming |
Title: Re: ALP: no to offshore processing in UNHCR countries! Post by longweekend58 on Jun 27th, 2012 at 6:21pm Dnarever wrote on Jun 27th, 2012 at 5:07pm:
so sending them to a vicous place like malaysia - but only a handful after which we have the same old problem STILL... thats ok right??? makes perfect sence after all Abbott's solution is pretty much exactly the one that WORKED previously. so on the basis of politics alone, you support a solution that we already kn ow wont work (only 800 can be sent) and will be a human right violation (whipping of refugees) in preference to one we already know works??? well it certainly exaplsin why you love gillard and hate Howard. you are a moron. |
Title: Re: ALP: no to offshore processing in UNHCR countries! Post by longweekend58 on Jun 27th, 2012 at 6:23pm John Smith wrote on Jun 27th, 2012 at 5:13pm:
there is a difference in RETURNING people to their original loccation and RELOCATING refugees. You seem to thinkt he solution isfor all 50million refugees to come and live here. then who wil lbe the refugees? US. |
Title: Re: ALP: no to offshore processing in UNHCR countries! Post by Phallic Baldwin on Jun 27th, 2012 at 6:36pm John Smith wrote on Jun 27th, 2012 at 5:49pm:
Thanks for answering. However I have to also ask from your response, how does that make Malaysia a more viable option? It appears to be, at best, no different to what the Libs are proposing? |
Title: Re: ALP: no to offshore processing in UNHCR countries! Post by Spot of Borg on Jun 27th, 2012 at 6:36pm
i thought we were taking in refugees? Why send them elsewhere?
The parliament needs to table MY proposal. Set up quantus to bring there here by plane form indonesia (and everywhere else) when they claim asylum. voila! No more treacherous sea journeys. SOB |
Title: Re: ALP: no to offshore processing in UNHCR countries! Post by longweekend58 on Jun 27th, 2012 at 6:39pm Phallic Baldwin wrote on Jun 27th, 2012 at 6:36pm:
and thats being generous. malaysia will only accept 800 after which we are right back at where we are now. so people smugglers will just writ-off the first 800 and keep selling more seats in leaky death traps. |
Title: Re: ALP: no to offshore processing in UNHCR countries! Post by longweekend58 on Jun 27th, 2012 at 6:42pm Sir Spot of Borg wrote on Jun 27th, 2012 at 6:36pm:
wow... so simple. and so so stupid. How many refugees do you think would come here is we offered the red carpet and free travel? there aer currently 50million refugees. so thats 50 million AT LEAST. you'd suddenly find another 100million suddely becoming refugees if they can leave their crap-hole countries FOR FREE and come here. dumbest idea yet. and its QANTAS!!! |
Title: Re: ALP: no to offshore processing in UNHCR countries! Post by Gist on Jun 27th, 2012 at 6:46pm Phallic Baldwin wrote on Jun 27th, 2012 at 6:36pm:
My understanding is that part of the deal is that once they are processed in Malaysia, they are not guaranteed to be sent to Australia. They could be resettled anywhere. This removes the incentive for the journey to Australia in the first place. Whereas for Nauru, the majority were resettled in Australia. Although certainly NZ took some, most of those people ended up here anyway. This is why the bureaucrats in the Dept. Immigration themselves are advising that Nauru is not a deterrent. People smugglers can point to the evidence that anyone sailing to Australia will almost certainly end up in Australia. |
Title: Re: ALP: no to offshore processing in UNHCR countries! Post by John Smith on Jun 27th, 2012 at 7:33pm longweekend58 wrote on Jun 27th, 2012 at 6:39pm:
if you were an asylum seeker, and as you claim , you were country shopping, would you risk being a part of that 800 and ending up anywhere BUT Australia? the whole point is that it stops the boats |
Title: Re: ALP: no to offshore processing in UNHCR countries! Post by John Smith on Jun 27th, 2012 at 7:35pm longweekend58 wrote on Jun 27th, 2012 at 6:23pm:
there original location is their country of origin .... the place they are trying to escape persecution from .... do the libs propose we send them back? |
Title: Re: ALP: no to offshore processing in UNHCR countries! Post by woof woof on Jun 27th, 2012 at 7:43pm
A current assylum seeker in detention is concerned about several family members who may have been on the boat that sunk.
This intrigues me, You'd not think that with the supposed costs of buying your passage on a boat that several members of a family are all making the trek, Must cost them 10s of thousands? Why is it that their are always cases of family members on different boats?? Now remember thes eppl come from countries where the average wag eis $2USD a day how do they accumulate such a large amount of money?? They are not refugees they are leaving a country that they have probably been apart of a corrupt regime and have a massive stash of cash secreted away. |
Title: Re: ALP: no to offshore processing in UNHCR countries! Post by John Smith on Jun 27th, 2012 at 7:53pm woof woof wrote on Jun 27th, 2012 at 7:43pm:
why do you assume refugees are poor? Isn't it true that in most cases of civil unrest, the rich are often the first targetted? My cousin married a former refugee ... back in his homeland his family had the sole rights to import mercedes ... every merc in the country went through their hands ... when it was time to run, they grabbed what cash they had and ran ... left behind a great lifestyle and a small fortune .... whats does that do to your stereotype now? |
Title: Re: ALP: no to offshore processing in UNHCR countries! Post by Armchair_Politician on Jun 27th, 2012 at 7:57pm Gist wrote on Jun 27th, 2012 at 6:46pm:
Not much of a disincentive, given the fact that once the 800 is reached (which is within a couple of weeks or so at the current rate) we will be right back where we are now. All we will see is people smugglers sending more people on more boats more often to wipe out that 800 quota as fast as possible. This is just wrong. You've been shown proof of this, Labor has admitted they were wrong when they claimed this. End of story. |
Title: Re: ALP: no to offshore processing in UNHCR countries! Post by Avram Horowitz on Jun 27th, 2012 at 7:58pm woof woof wrote on Jun 27th, 2012 at 7:43pm:
All of the boat people I have seen are poor and unskilled. See how they are all young men? Run away and leave behind the women. I can not believe people here want more to come! Insane people! |
Title: Re: ALP: no to offshore processing in UNHCR countries! Post by John Smith on Jun 27th, 2012 at 8:00pm Avram Horowitz wrote on Jun 27th, 2012 at 7:58pm:
why are you here? why aren't you defending your women? coward |
Title: Re: ALP: no to offshore processing in UNHCR countries! Post by Avram Horowitz on Jun 27th, 2012 at 8:01pm
Asyl policy should be to make it as difficult as possible to get in.
Not make it easier! |
Title: Re: ALP: no to offshore processing in UNHCR countries! Post by John Smith on Jun 27th, 2012 at 8:01pm Armchair_Politician wrote on Jun 27th, 2012 at 7:57pm:
where's your proof that they admitted they were wrong? |
Title: Re: ALP: no to offshore processing in UNHCR countries! Post by Avram Horowitz on Jun 27th, 2012 at 8:02pm John Smith wrote on Jun 27th, 2012 at 8:00pm:
I spent 3years defending our people thank you including a role in Operation Cast Lead in Gaza. I am a student but I am still open reservist if my county needs. |
Title: Re: ALP: no to offshore processing in UNHCR countries! Post by jalane on Jun 27th, 2012 at 8:03pm
We are a BIG COUNTRY.!!
WE have LOTS of room ..... we NEED more population, according to economic growth indicators. TURN THE BOATS AROUND.!! PROCESS THEM OFFSHORE. !! THESE IDEAS are simply grasping at straws. .. trying to preserve Australia for the old folks... that is .. their somewhat benign view of recent Australian history. THEY CANNOT WORK. We are just now BEGINNING to see the START of the influx. It really is inevitable, -- and the desperation of the pollies (both sides) is embarrassing to see, BECAUSE they fail to see the truth. THEY ACTUALLY BELIEVE they can do this crap. They're wrong. We need to take RESPONSIBLE action. knowing as we do that people are dying as we dawdle.! WE MUST allow them onto our mainland, assess them fairly, .. and DEAL with them in an appropriate positive and humane way. IT WOULD BE MUCH MORE COST EFFECTIVE... for those who think money.... That way,, they become Australians, ...with everything to protect, and work for. Rather than increasing numbers of people incarcerated and learning to hate us. We have no excuse .... but xenophobia.!! We should be actively intercepting these people, before they depart in a leaky boat. For that we need Indonesia to come on board. NOT MALAYSIA, ?? or NAURU??? ...both of which are illegal under current recent high court Law. And could never be an EFFECTIVE solution. Forget it... do the right thing.... AND HOPE for the F'N BEST.!!! We.. cannot stop this mass movement of people, and we become more and more WRONG... all of the time we try to ignore the inevitable.!! |
Title: Re: ALP: no to offshore processing in UNHCR countries! Post by John Smith on Jun 27th, 2012 at 8:05pm Avram Horowitz wrote on Jun 27th, 2012 at 8:02pm:
your a reservist who has run to where it's safe ... go home and defend your women you coward ... |
Title: Re: ALP: no to offshore processing in UNHCR countries! Post by Avram Horowitz on Jun 27th, 2012 at 8:08pm
I study for one year at invitation of exchange between governments.
Remember Australia is strong ally of Israel? I defend my people from the scum who attack us yes. |
Title: Re: ALP: no to offshore processing in UNHCR countries! Post by Dnarever on Jun 27th, 2012 at 8:47pm Armchair_Politician wrote on Jun 27th, 2012 at 7:57pm:
certainly NZ took some Yes they did which now looks like the numbers were different from what would have happened but it is worth recalling that the Kiwi’s took refugees only because they were ashamed of the disgraceful way that the Howard government had treated them. Not much of a disincentive, given the fact that once the 800 is reached Refugees will be very keen to risk their life on a leaky boat knowing up front that they will be sent to Malaysia and the end of the queue. The smugglers will not find many volunteers. |
Title: Re: ALP: no to offshore processing in UNHCR countries! Post by Gist on Jun 27th, 2012 at 8:48pm Armchair_Politician wrote on Jun 27th, 2012 at 7:57pm:
Have I? I don't recall seeing any such proof. Can you show me where I was shown? Can you show me the proof? I can certainly show you the background to my claim. It's been posted twice in the past couple of days alone! |
Title: Re: ALP: no to offshore processing in UNHCR countries! Post by progressiveslol on Jun 27th, 2012 at 8:56pm Gist wrote on Jun 27th, 2012 at 6:46pm:
All? Lets assume you are not full of shi. for once, then All of how many? |
Title: Re: ALP: no to offshore processing in UNHCR countries! Post by Gist on Jun 27th, 2012 at 9:02pm progressiveslol wrote on Jun 27th, 2012 at 8:56pm:
95% lolly, 95% many. If you want hard number then you'll have to dig it out yourself. I've done enough research for you righties that you'll just ignore. |
Title: Re: ALP: no to offshore processing in UNHCR countries! Post by progressiveslol on Jun 27th, 2012 at 9:03pm Gist wrote on Jun 27th, 2012 at 9:02pm:
lol so not ALL then. Well well well. Out of how many again lol. You know you will not answer that one. |
Title: Re: ALP: no to offshore processing in UNHCR countries! Post by Armchair_Politician on Jun 27th, 2012 at 9:05pm
Gillard has pushed through Rob Oakeshott's bill in the lower house and it will go to the Senate tomorrow. It's nothing short of disgraceful as it does nothing at all to address the core of the problem - there is no disincentive to people smugglers or their human cargo. Labor's so-called "Mayalsia Solution" is no solution at all and will, in fact, succeed only in making a bad problem much worse. Having said that, I do not see this bill passing in the Senate as the Greens have (rightly) said they will vote against it, as will the Coalition.
Another boat, another death, another policy failure by the Gillard government. Sound familiar??? |
Title: Re: ALP: no to offshore processing in UNHCR countries! Post by progressiveslol on Jun 27th, 2012 at 9:10pm Armchair_Politician wrote on Jun 27th, 2012 at 9:05pm:
Oakshot is just a partisan hack for sure if he would allow the malaysian solution to occur. |
Title: Re: ALP: no to offshore processing in UNHCR countries! Post by Armchair_Politician on Jun 27th, 2012 at 9:15pm progressiveslol wrote on Jun 27th, 2012 at 9:10pm:
It's not going to happen, and just as well... |
Title: Re: ALP: no to offshore processing in UNHCR countries! Post by John Smith on Jun 27th, 2012 at 9:17pm Armchair_Politician wrote on Jun 27th, 2012 at 9:15pm:
wow ..what a story ...all of 5 words ... I bet reporter went to Uni to learn to do that? |
Title: Re: ALP: no to offshore processing in UNHCR countries! Post by progressiveslol on Jun 27th, 2012 at 9:18pm Armchair_Politician wrote on Jun 27th, 2012 at 9:15pm:
This labor government are fwits. The Australian people see what is going on here. liberals got the UNHCR that was requested and still that is not good enough. Gillard stating that she would never send them to countries not signed up to UNHCR but now is pushing very hard for the opposite to occur. They are just pathetic and the most stupid bunch I have ever had the misfortune to watch run a country. |
Title: Re: ALP: no to offshore processing in UNHCR countries! Post by Armchair_Politician on Jun 27th, 2012 at 9:25pm progressiveslol wrote on Jun 27th, 2012 at 9:18pm:
Of course. Gillard wants to look like she is offering a compromise to the Coalition and that Abbott is saying no to it. I think the people are smarterthan that. Clearly, this is much the same bill that Gillard withdrew after Malaysia was ruled illegal by the High Court. She is only interested in playing politics and scoring cheap political points while people perish at sea needlessly. She is an absolute disgrace! Abbott offered amendments that would have given Gillard breathing room - offshore processing in any UN signatory country. She did, after all, say she would never send anyone to a non-signatory country. Now she is hellbent on doing just that by persisting on sending 4000 people to Malaysia in return for us accepting 800 from the Malaysians. Not only is she a liar, she is attempting to force upon us an inherently bad policy that is doomed to failure even if it was able to pass the Senate. All it would do would be to embolden people smugglers to send as many people as possible as quickly as possible to exceed that 800 quota and then everyone else gets processed onshore here in Australia - on top of the 4,000 we'd have to take from Malaysia no matter what. This would make the average of around 1,000 arrivals per month seem like a drop in the ocean by comparison to what we'd have to contend with under her Malaysian deal. That those on the Left cannot comprehend these simple facts is breathtaking! |
Title: Re: ALP: no to offshore processing in UNHCR countries! Post by progressiveslol on Jun 27th, 2012 at 9:36pm Armchair_Politician wrote on Jun 27th, 2012 at 9:25pm:
To make it even more pathetic to watch this government, they make some deal that no man would in their right mind make and that is an 800 for 4000 swap. Just pathetic. |
Title: Re: ALP: no to offshore processing in UNHCR countries! Post by Armchair_Politician on Jun 27th, 2012 at 9:42pm progressiveslol wrote on Jun 27th, 2012 at 9:36pm:
Gillard should call it what it is - a capitulation, not a swap. |
Title: Re: ALP: no to offshore processing in UNHCR countries! Post by jalane on Jun 27th, 2012 at 9:50pm
proves you are just a pup. :)
I've seen much worse... but I do think the govt should just forget about off-shore processing... where ever.. Its not viable.. economically..or politically, nor is it righteous in labor ethics. AMONGST OTHER THINGS. Avram has a very good point when he says the majority of these boat arrivals are young men. Likely they are escaping death / war in their countries. But not certain, by any means. :-? I would expect the aus govt to focus all local available naval units to patrol, specifically those areas likely to produce a load of boat people. Ah HA.!!! Now.. getting slightly more paranoid.! .... ... whilst the avail naval units are occuppied with these drowning boat people, how many others, NOT CONVENIENTLY CLOSE to Christmas Island, have already reached our shores, unbeknownest to us.? Yes, I'm suggesting a 'two-pronged' approach, ... to get many alien and un-assessed males onto our shores. The government conveniently ships those that are intercepted to major centres, ... as well as extremely isolated locations. Perfect ... for a subtle infiltration of subversives. Much better to take control and 'bite the bullet'. Trying to fend them off is too pathetic, and I am ashamed my govt proposes such foolishness. many have arrived,? by boat AND PLANE??? No one can possibly say. !! And that is a worry. All this political turmoil over what is essentially a misdirection is a worry. It seems our surveillance of our own territorial waters is so poor, that veritable boatloads of people appear on 'our doorstep' so to speak, un- announced, and drowning.!! ::) ::) I find this whole scenario extremely suspect. >:( 8-) And I'd suggest looking just to our nth ...for the source. |
Title: Re: ALP: no to offshore processing in UNHCR countries! Post by Armchair_Politician on Jun 27th, 2012 at 9:55pm
Christine Milne is unbelievable! She says that, "Australia wouldn't be in the mess it's now in over asylum seekers if all the money spent on the Pacific Solution had been devoted to achieving a longterm solution."
Is she really that plain stupid and uneducated? In the first full year of operation, the Pacific Solution registered zero boats and zero people. At the time the policy was dismantled by Rudd (with the backing of the Greens), there was a grand total of four people in detention. She complains about the cost of Howard's policy. Does she not know that under Howard, the cost to taxpayers was less than $100m per year, while under the ALP the cost has skyrocketed to more than $1.2bn per year??? She complains that Howard's policy was "most appalling", yet does not criticise the ALP for the hundreds (probably over one thousand) of deaths that have occurred since Rudd took over. If we follow the advice of the Greens, the 1,000 or so we see arrive per month now would very likely be two or three times higher. Grow a brain, Christine! |
Title: Re: ALP: no to offshore processing in UNHCR countries! Post by Phallic Baldwin on Jun 27th, 2012 at 10:31pm Gist wrote on Jun 27th, 2012 at 6:46pm:
Thanks for elaborating further. If people smugglers knew that if processed at Nauru it would most likely result in them being resettled in Australia, why were the numbers during these years not high though? Just seems surprising that most were resettled in Australia - doesn't appear to be much of a deterrent? |
Title: Re: ALP: no to offshore processing in UNHCR countries! Post by jalane on Jun 27th, 2012 at 10:51pm
you just don't get the picture.
'Deterrence'......... ::) --- doesn't and won't and can't have any realistic application in this matter. The people will keep coming. They aren't just embarking on this type of life.threatening adventure for a wee jaunt. Humans always find a way... and this unhealthy focus on boat arrivals being 'untouchable' is just ridiculous.! Bring them onshore. ! No overseas 'solution' exists.!!! It is simply a fantasy for all those unable to face the facts. Times change people....people change times. ( ME) :) |
Title: Re: ALP: no to offshore processing in UNHCR countries! Post by progressiveslol on Jun 27th, 2012 at 10:53pm Emma wrote on Jun 27th, 2012 at 10:51pm:
you just don't get the picture The only deterent is a stay in a camp and to be processed until their identity can be verified. |
Title: Re: ALP: no to offshore processing in UNHCR countries! Post by Prevailing on Jun 27th, 2012 at 10:56pm Emma wrote on Jun 27th, 2012 at 10:51pm:
Atheists must be stopped from ruining this country must be defeated. :( |
Title: Re: ALP: no to offshore processing in UNHCR countries! Post by jalane on Jun 27th, 2012 at 11:43pm progressiveslol wrote on Jun 27th, 2012 at 10:53pm:
NO..! Proglessness!! ::) Good grief!! A deterrent is s'posed to apply to OTHER then those caught. DOH.!!!!! Its TOO LATE to put them in a camp , as a DETERRENCE. !! DOH!!! dey's already here man.!! Such nonsense seems to be the basis of this o/s processing idea. Not rational, if you really care to think about it.!!! :D |
Title: Re: ALP: no to offshore processing in UNHCR countries! Post by progressiveslol on Jun 27th, 2012 at 11:51pm Emma wrote on Jun 27th, 2012 at 11:43pm:
No it is not too late. The deterent is for the next boat load and the next after that and so on. The word will spread and the evidence is in the liberal policy working in the past. |
Title: Re: ALP: no to offshore processing in UNHCR countries! Post by jalane on Jun 28th, 2012 at 12:11am
load of rubbish there mate. Worked in the past??
Pshawwwwpheh?? Plainly, if it had worked - no boat people would be drowning... or would have DROWNED back then. What's hard to understand? Well surprise surprise. They drowned back then too. Just weren't as many..or we never heard about it... but THAT was just a matter of time, ..and time has passed... and more and more dispossessed people are seeking a new life. NO BIG SURPRISE .!! New methods are necessary .. NOT OLD FAILED POLICY. >:( >:( get over it and adapt or become a bit of cast-off waste blowing around on the edge of the nation's highways.!!!!!!!! |
Title: Re: ALP: no to offshore processing in UNHCR countries! Post by jalane on Jun 28th, 2012 at 12:13am
AND.... its really interesting! that I have HAD NO REPLY to my Reply#75.
Are some things too hard.?? Got you thinking? :) |
Title: Re: ALP: no to offshore processing in UNHCR countries! Post by progressiveslol on Jun 28th, 2012 at 6:46am Emma wrote on Jun 28th, 2012 at 12:11am:
How many dead back then compared to now? Bet you wouldnt answer that. |
Title: Re: ALP: no to offshore processing in UNHCR countries! Post by progressiveslol on Jun 28th, 2012 at 6:47am Emma wrote on Jun 28th, 2012 at 12:13am:
There wasn't even a question in #75 |
Title: Re: ALP: no to offshore processing in UNHCR countries! Post by Armchair_Politician on Jun 28th, 2012 at 7:04am Emma wrote on Jun 27th, 2012 at 11:43pm:
I agree. That's why we need the Pacific Solution brought back. It deterred the people smugglers and their human cargo. In its first full year, no boats, no people, empty camps. Can't you halfwits understand that? |
Title: Re: ALP: no to offshore processing in UNHCR countries! Post by Prevailing on Jun 28th, 2012 at 7:13am
The ALP is captured by communists at the moment, thats why they want to reject legal protections, its part of a broader agenda to expand it here driving us down into the dirt. :P
Title: Re: ALP: no to offshore processing in UNHCR countries! Post by longweekend58 on Jun 28th, 2012 at 2:03pm Emma wrote on Jun 27th, 2012 at 8:03pm:
import masses of screwed up people from already screwed up countries and bring all their crappy traditions culture and crap here? thanks but no thanks. It australia were a muslim country in the first place it would be poor and refugees would be leaving here to got to NZ or indonesia. If they want to come here and adopt OUR culture, OUR language and OUR values then no problem. if not. stay out. |
Title: Re: ALP: no to offshore processing in UNHCR countries! Post by Gist on Jun 28th, 2012 at 2:18pm Phallic Baldwin wrote on Jun 27th, 2012 at 10:31pm:
They didn't know initially so it was a deterrent for a while. As the evidence started to come through that people were being overwhelmingly resettled in Australia and NZ then the deterrence value failed. If you look closely at the numbers of arrivals during the Pacific Solution years you'd see a marked increase towards the end. Even the architect in the Department of Immigration of the Pacific Solution agrees with this assessment and is advising the government to persue Malaysia. |
Title: Why the so-called Malaysian Solution will not work Post by Armchair_Politician on Jun 28th, 2012 at 11:02am
The policy that Julia Gillard is hellbent on legislating is known as the Malaysian Solution. It is doomed to fail for a number of reasons, some of which include:
1. It is illegal. It was ruled illegal because Australia cannot simply fob off its duty of care to these people to a country that has a deplorable history on dealing with refugees. Australia is a signatory to the UN convention on refugees and would have been acting in contravention of that convention if we sent people to Malaysia. 2. It will not deter people smugglers or their human cargo. The deal would see us take in 4,000 people from Malaysia in return for us sending Malaysia 800 for processing. It will not deter anyone because the current rate of arrivals would see 800 people arrive within a couple of weeks. Then what? What happens after those 800 people are shipped off to Malaysia? We go back to onshore processing? This policy is a bad policy that will only encourage people smugglers to further overload their boats, to send the boats more frequently to overwhelm the 800 quota so that after that, the people will be processed onshore. |
Title: Re: Why the so-called Malaysian Solution will not work Post by Gist on Jun 28th, 2012 at 11:12am Armchair_Politician wrote on Jun 28th, 2012 at 11:02am:
Point 1 is irrelevant because it is only illegal until the Parliament changes the law - which is in train as we speak. Then it will be NOT illegal. You persistently show you're too dumb to understand that simple point. Don't care about Point 2 as it's also irrelevant. Neither Malaysia OR Nauru is the solution. But you cheergirls go ahead and cheer. We realise its all you know how to do. |
Title: Re: Why the so-called Malaysian Solution will not work Post by Armchair_Politician on Jun 28th, 2012 at 11:19am Gist wrote on Jun 28th, 2012 at 11:12am:
What would you do? I assume you're all for onshore processing. That is a large part of the reason why we are seeing hundreds of people die in their attempt to reach our country by boat. It's not a deterrent, it's an encouragement to risk their lives. We need to stop these people from risking their lives and to come via legal means instead. That you cannot understand this extremely simple fact shows just how brain-dead stupid you and the rest of the Left really are. |
Title: Re: Why the so-called Malaysian Solution will not work Post by Gist on Jun 28th, 2012 at 11:36am Armchair_Politician wrote on Jun 28th, 2012 at 11:19am:
Well... to quote you (or maybe lolly) - I'm not the government. It isn't up to me to find a solution. I can tell you that any good solution is unlikely come out of our current efforts. A good solution needs ongoing bipartisan support. That's what happened from Fraser through to Howard and were we "inundated" by boat arrivals? No. But you can kiss bipartisanship goodbye whilst ever Abbott is leader of the opposition. He's been quite clear that he'll oppose anything the other side proposed - even if they propose his own policy! He seems to think it's OK to gain political points at the cost of human life. That man is lower than the slime living off slug sh!t, honestly. |
Title: Re: Why the so-called Malaysian Solution will not work Post by progressiveslol on Jun 28th, 2012 at 11:45am Gist wrote on Jun 28th, 2012 at 11:36am:
It was pure partisanship getting rid of the pacific solution by labor in the first place. It is pure partisanship to not bring back the liberal policy that worked, but instead to bring in a far worse policy when it comes to human rights, in the Malaysia solution. Labor = partisan Labor = poor policies |
Title: Re: Why the so-called Malaysian Solution will not work Post by John Smith on Jun 28th, 2012 at 11:47am progressiveslol wrote on Jun 28th, 2012 at 11:45am:
libs = no libs = no libs = no libs = no libs = no libs = no libs = no libs = no libs = no libs = no libs = no no,, no, no many times does he have to say it ... no matter what the, no no |
Title: Re: Why the so-called Malaysian Solution will not work Post by progressiveslol on Jun 28th, 2012 at 11:55am John Smith wrote on Jun 28th, 2012 at 11:47am:
Well when it comes to labor policy always being poor, then you are bound to see alot of no's, unless you are a greens supporter of course. |
Title: Re: Why the so-called Malaysian Solution will not work Post by Gist on Jun 28th, 2012 at 12:06pm progressiveslol wrote on Jun 28th, 2012 at 11:45am:
Well there ya go. Perfect example of what I was talking about. You illustrate it nicely - never mind a solution just try to score points. And then you pretend to care about asylum seekers. Yeah right. And for what it's worth, scrapping Howard's detestable offshore processing policy was not only the right thing to do, it was the inevitable thing to do. You see, for those of us who can read charts, there was a marked increase in the numbers of boat arrivals in the last years of the Pacific Solution. Your so-called "deterrent" wasn't much of a deterrent any more by then. We can see it. The Immigration Department can see it. But Lieberal cheerleaders are of course another story altogether. |
Title: Re: Why the so-called Malaysian Solution will not work Post by progressiveslol on Jun 28th, 2012 at 12:10pm Gist wrote on Jun 28th, 2012 at 12:06pm:
To replace it with the malaysian solution. lol good on ya. |
Title: Re: Why the so-called Malaysian Solution will not work Post by John Smith on Jun 28th, 2012 at 12:14pm progressiveslol wrote on Jun 28th, 2012 at 11:55am:
you only say that because no one can say the same about the libs ... in order to have even a crap policy, one must FIRST have a policy ... note, i said policy, not a slogan or an idea, or a headline ...but a fully costed policy complete with all the bells and whistles that set out costs, timelines etc..... |
Title: Re: Why the so-called Malaysian Solution will not work Post by progressiveslol on Jun 28th, 2012 at 12:18pm John Smith wrote on Jun 28th, 2012 at 12:14pm:
Ooooh the poor governing party. You know all parties have that disadvantage and all parties would still love to have that disadvantage and be in power. |
Title: Re: Why the so-called Malaysian Solution will not work Post by Gist on Jun 28th, 2012 at 12:19pm progressiveslol wrote on Jun 28th, 2012 at 12:10pm:
The malaysian solution is stupid and I've never supported it. But at least I can understand the reasoning behind it. Nauru is beyond stupid. It's a universe of stupid all of its own because there is no logic behind it at all other than Tony The Twat's perception that it'll score him points on the board. |
Title: Re: Why the so-called Malaysian Solution will not work Post by skippy. on Jun 28th, 2012 at 12:21pm Gist wrote on Jun 28th, 2012 at 11:12am:
I wonder if this f wit whined when the lying little rodent sent people to Nauru when it WAS NOT a signatory to the UN convention? |
Title: Re: Why the so-called Malaysian Solution will not work Post by progressiveslol on Jun 28th, 2012 at 12:26pm Gist wrote on Jun 28th, 2012 at 12:19pm:
It worked and even when they have gotten the UNHCR signage, it still isnt good enough. You lot are just pure partisan hacks. Malaysia solution is way more cruel than the previous liberal policy was without the UNHCR signage and now with the signage, malaysia solution is on a different planet. |
Title: Re: Why the so-called Malaysian Solution will not work Post by Armchair_Politician on Jun 28th, 2012 at 12:29pm
Julia Gillard and Rob Oakeshott's bill is dead in the Senate, that's a given. So, what do you wanna bet that Gillard will single out the Coalition and Tony Abbott for her criticism while completely leaving out any mention of the Greens whatsoever - despite them also voting against this bill?
Title: Re: Why the so-called Malaysian Solution will not work Post by Gist on Jun 28th, 2012 at 12:32pm Armchair_Politician wrote on Jun 28th, 2012 at 12:29pm:
Is it? Has there been a vote? You may want to wait for the vote... |
Title: Re: Why the so-called Malaysian Solution will not work Post by Gist on Jun 28th, 2012 at 12:35pm progressiveslol wrote on Jun 28th, 2012 at 12:26pm:
Like I say, I don't support the Malaysia solution. But YOU guys are the ones who keep talking about deterrence. Malaysia will stand a chance at deterring people from getting on boats. Nauru won't. So what is it you're after? Your choice: Deterrence? Or proper treatment of asylum seekers. You can only choose one. |
Title: Re: Why the so-called Malaysian Solution will not work Post by Grey on Jun 28th, 2012 at 12:39pm
Nauru didn't work. There were less boats because there were less refugees in that period. And once pressure was on again and everybody who ended up in Nauru ended up in Australia it would've made no difference at all. Swapping 800 queue jumpers for 4,000 genune asylum seekers is a good solution statistically, but people aren't statistics, they're people.
Neither is a good solution and the Greens solution of flying in everybody who wants to come isn't either. A good solution is possible. It requires some creative outside the box thinking. |
Title: Re: Why the so-called Malaysian Solution will not work Post by progressiveslol on Jun 28th, 2012 at 12:40pm Gist wrote on Jun 28th, 2012 at 12:35pm:
All of the above, hence the UNHCR signage |
Title: Re: Why the so-called Malaysian Solution will not work Post by Armchair_Politician on Jun 28th, 2012 at 12:54pm Gist wrote on Jun 28th, 2012 at 12:35pm:
You think the Malaysia deal will be a deterrent, eh? Okay, lets examine that deal. Each year, in return for Malaysia accepting 800 illegal immigrants from us, we will take from Malaysia 4,000 people. So, when people smugglers get wind of this deal they will realise that the first 800 people they send a flotilla of boats with people crammed in like sardines. Currently, we get on average around 1,000 people come by boat per month. Under the Malaysia deal, this number is sure to increase - probably double. That would mean we'd reach the 800 quota within weeks. Then what? After those 800 people have been sent to Malaysia, what then? I guess we'll return to onshore processing of the others who come during the other 11 months of the year. Malaysia simply won't work and will increase the cost to taxpayers. Currently, the government is spending (wasting) about $1.2bn per year. Wayne Swan has budgeted for a meagre 450 arrivals per month. We see that many people arrive in little more than a week or so. No, the so-called "Malaysian Solution" is no solution. It is, in fact, an incentive for people smugglers to send more people more quickly on their leaky boats. That Gillard, Swan, Bowen and all the other Leftards in this country cannot comprehend this (yet people smugglers certainly do) just demonstrates how comprehensively brain-dead stupid you lot all are. Unbelievable! |
Title: Re: Why the so-called Malaysian Solution will not work Post by skippy. on Jun 28th, 2012 at 12:59pm Armchair_Politician wrote on Jun 28th, 2012 at 12:29pm:
The Greens have always had onshore processing as their policy, Labor know that, why would Labor expect the GREENS to change their policy when the coalition insist their policy is off shore processing? only a moron would argue that point, I see you living up to your expectations. |
Title: Re: Why the so-called Malaysian Solution will not work Post by Armchair_Politician on Jun 28th, 2012 at 1:07pm skippy. wrote on Jun 28th, 2012 at 12:59pm:
Labor is in government with the Greens. If Gillard wants a bill passed, talk to that lot. |
Title: Re: Why the so-called Malaysian Solution will not work Post by skippy. on Jun 28th, 2012 at 1:09pm Armchair_Politician wrote on Jun 28th, 2012 at 1:07pm:
So you admit phony tony doesn't really want a solution he just wants to bitch, like you. Typical f wits. |
Title: Re: Why the so-called Malaysian Solution will not work Post by progressiveslol on Jun 28th, 2012 at 1:09pm skippy. wrote on Jun 28th, 2012 at 12:59pm:
Because labor should say they will can the carbon tax that the greens are forcing on us, if the greens do not support the malaysia policy. |
Title: Re: Why the so-called Malaysian Solution will not work Post by skippy. on Jun 28th, 2012 at 1:10pm progressiveslol wrote on Jun 28th, 2012 at 1:09pm:
What a retarded comment. |
Title: Re: Why the so-called Malaysian Solution will not work Post by progressiveslol on Jun 28th, 2012 at 1:11pm skippy. wrote on Jun 28th, 2012 at 1:10pm:
Well you are known for it. |
Title: Re: Why the so-called Malaysian Solution will not work Post by skippy. on Jun 28th, 2012 at 1:13pm progressiveslol wrote on Jun 28th, 2012 at 1:11pm:
You wrote it. Only a moron would think blackmail were the answer, you didn't let us down. |
Title: Re: Why the so-called Malaysian Solution will not work Post by progressiveslol on Jun 28th, 2012 at 1:14pm skippy. wrote on Jun 28th, 2012 at 1:13pm:
Oh, you mean the blackmailing for labor to gain power and greens offering up that blackmail in the order of the carbon tax? |
Title: Re: Why the so-called Malaysian Solution will not work Post by Gist on Jun 28th, 2012 at 1:20pm Armchair_Politician wrote on Jun 28th, 2012 at 12:54pm:
So... 800 people get sent to Malaysia after which they don't know where they will end up. Good chance it won't be Australia because our intake is piss-poor. Great incentive to pay someone to get onto a boat to Australia there? I think not. Nauru - pretty much everyone gets sent to Australia as happened before. Great incentive to pay someone to get onto a boat to Australia there? I think so. Oh.. and for the Malaysia solution after the 800 we presumably go to onshore processing and most go to Australia. So no different to Nauru - as long as you're not one of the unlucky 800. I think you need to revisit your idea of brain dead because there is a high level of deterrence in the Malaysia solution for a while at least. And virtually none ever in your much-loved Nauru solution. |
Title: Re: Why the so-called Malaysian Solution will not work Post by Gist on Jun 28th, 2012 at 1:22pm progressiveslol wrote on Jun 28th, 2012 at 12:40pm:
What the matter? Can't count to ONE? |
Title: Re: Why the so-called Malaysian Solution will not work Post by Armchair_Politician on Jun 28th, 2012 at 1:22pm skippy. wrote on Jun 28th, 2012 at 1:09pm:
Tony offered a solution yesterday. Gillard, being the partisan hack that she is, dashed to grab a six month-old piece of legislation gathering dust that was from Oakeshott instead and refused to allow Abbott to offer his bill for debate. Gillard actually dared the Coalition to vote against that very bill six months ago - but was too scared to put it up for debate at the time. Why is now a good time? She is only interested in scoring cheap political points because she knows that the Coalition will never support her toxic Malaysia non-solution. All this is fact and that just eats you up, doesn't it? You idiotic Leftards have no leg to stand on, with only arguments that are weaker than wet paper. Absolutely disgraceful and I hope that when Abbott becomes PM and reintroduces TPVs, offshore processing (the whole smash) and we see the boats stop, I hope he shoves that bill right down the throats of every Leftarded member of parliament and Senator who refused to support his bill yesterday! |
Title: Re: Why the so-called Malaysian Solution will not work Post by skippy. on Jun 28th, 2012 at 1:22pm progressiveslol wrote on Jun 28th, 2012 at 1:14pm:
Labor negotiated to gain power, something phony tony was incapable of, suck it up,princess. :'( |
Title: Re: Why the so-called Malaysian Solution will not work Post by Spot of Borg on Jun 28th, 2012 at 1:24pm Armchair_Politician wrote on Jun 28th, 2012 at 1:22pm:
His bill was to restore howards inhumane solution and add in 10k more refugees to be accepted. SOB |
Title: Re: Why the so-called Malaysian Solution will not work Post by skippy. on Jun 28th, 2012 at 1:26pm Armchair_Politician wrote on Jun 28th, 2012 at 1:22pm:
The only one getting eaten up is you, princess,as usual, we chew you up and spit you out. So suck it up, you should be used to getting screwed by now, the weak, like you always are. ;D ;D ;D |
Title: Re: Why the so-called Malaysian Solution will not work Post by progressiveslol on Jun 28th, 2012 at 1:34pm skippy. wrote on Jun 28th, 2012 at 1:22pm:
We all are. Payback is a bitc.. |
Title: Labor scrapped off-shore processing wants it back Post by Maqqa on Jun 28th, 2012 at 10:04am
That's the issue right here and now.
They want it back and they won't admit it was their fault They want it back and they want to make it look as if it was their idea They want it back and they want to score political points This is the only reason why they doggedly want Malaysia to be included |
Title: Re: Labor scrapped off-shore processing wants it back Post by Greens_Win on Jun 28th, 2012 at 10:10am
So this thread is an attempt to gain political points from humans dying.
You lowlife ... unfortunately no one would be surprised. |
Title: Re: Labor scrapped off-shore processing wants it back Post by progressiveslol on Jun 28th, 2012 at 10:11am ____ wrote on Jun 28th, 2012 at 10:10am:
Title: Re: Labor scrapped off-shore processing wants it back Post by Armchair_Politician on Jun 28th, 2012 at 10:49am ____ wrote on Jun 28th, 2012 at 10:10am:
It's a combination of Labor incompetence and Greens lunacy that is costing people their lives. |
Title: Re: Labor scrapped off-shore processing wants it back Post by Sprintcyclist on Jun 28th, 2012 at 11:02am it is a labor/greens govt. |
Title: Re: Labor scrapped off-shore processing wants it back Post by Guildford on Jun 28th, 2012 at 11:23am ____ wrote on Jun 28th, 2012 at 10:10am:
Despite repeated deflection, today will go down in history as the day The Greens failed to justify their no compromise stance. The stupid woman talking now just told a story about an assylum seeker who FLEW here. This is about stopping boats, God she is thick. |
Title: Re: Labor scrapped off-shore processing wants it back Post by progressiveslol on Jun 28th, 2012 at 11:25am Guildford wrote on Jun 28th, 2012 at 11:23am:
Yeh and Hanson-young was crying because a 15 years old was held for processing for, god forbid, 3 months. He now lives in Australia with a family. Oh heaven Hanson-young, how terrible lol |
Title: Re: Labor scrapped off-shore processing wants it back Post by Armchair_Politician on Jun 28th, 2012 at 11:30am progressiveslol wrote on Jun 28th, 2012 at 11:25am:
Honestly, that woman is thick as a brick. So are most of the Greens. |
Title: Re: Right wing refo rubbish Post by Antonio Primo de Rivera on Jun 28th, 2012 at 2:51pm
why do we need so many topics about the boat people?
Title: 270 illegal boats in 2 and a half years Post by Maqqa on Jun 26th, 2012 at 3:50pm
The Rudd Labor government celebrated 30th illegal boat arrival in September 2009 By April 2012 - Gillard celebrate 300th illegal boat arrival Well Done Labor |
Title: Re: 270 illegal boats in 2 and a half years Post by Gist on Jun 26th, 2012 at 3:51pm Maqqa wrote on Jun 26th, 2012 at 3:31pm:
THEY GOT SENT TO AUSTRALIA IN 2007. EVERY LAST FVCKIN' ONE!! What a USELESS policy THAT is! YOUR LOT demands we spend megabucks running a detention centre in Nauru to keep them there for a few years just to bring them here? WE MAY AS WELL STOP DICKING AROUND AND JUST ACCEPT THEM HERE IN THE FIRST PLACE YOU MORON! |
Title: Re: 270 illegal boats in 2 and a half years Post by Maqqa on Jun 26th, 2012 at 4:02pm
Congrats to Rudd and Gillard on their policy to increase Illegal Boat numbers - spectacular success
Title: Re: 270 illegal boats in 2 and a half years Post by adelcrow on Jun 26th, 2012 at 4:36pm
How many illegal immigrants flew in on Howards watch?
Title: Re: 270 illegal boats in 2 and a half years Post by cods on Jun 26th, 2012 at 5:41pm Gist wrote on Jun 26th, 2012 at 3:51pm:
61% ended up in Australia.. why dont you try getting some facts right..even your PM admits to getting that fact wrong. as far as I know none of them ever came up as being the actual people smugglers???????during the Libs term.. you happy to send them to MALAYSIA in exchange for 4000 where they stand a good chance of being whipped by mega maniac police..and you call that being warm and fuzzy.. no they cannot just come straight here....that means them waiting behind a lot of others.. and having the right papers and all the stuff they dont want to deal with.. this way the people smugglers way and rickety boats means they get here by hook or by crook...and when they do they can make all sorts of demands and this govt has no choice but to comply.. legal aid will see to that. if you think they will all get in a nice queue in java and wait for Qantas to pick them up then I am sure you will be disappointed. |
Title: Re: 270 illegal boats in 2 and a half years Post by Maqqa on Jun 26th, 2012 at 5:42pm adelcrow wrote on Jun 26th, 2012 at 4:36pm:
Love to discuss about your alleged illegal that flew in - please provide the appropriate stats and/or article In the meantime - these people must first pass immigration where their papers are checked. If they do not have the papers then they are on the next plane back to the port where they came from Over to you |
Title: Re: 270 illegal boats in 2 and a half years Post by Gist on Jun 26th, 2012 at 5:52pm cods wrote on Jun 26th, 2012 at 5:41pm:
You're right cods, I was using a bit of artistic license with those numbers. According to the Age: Quote:
So it was only 95% not 100% as I said. Mea culpa. I didn't want to quibble with small change. And no... I didn't say anything about Malaysia. You're putting words in my mouth. If in fact you'd been following my posts these past week, I'm pretty sure I have mentioned along the way that I don't think Malaysia is an acceptable answer either. Although if the aim is to act as a deterrent then I'm pretty damn sure that Malaysia is a far bigger deterrent than Nauru. |
Title: Re: 270 illegal boats in 2 and a half years Post by chicken_lipsforme on Jun 26th, 2012 at 7:31pm
Gross Labor incompetence doesn't come cheap.
Title: Re: 270 illegal boats in 2 and a half years Post by nairbe on Jun 26th, 2012 at 7:54pm
And if the Liberal party could accept that they lost the election and behave like adults instead of spoilt children then they would have allowed the changes to the act knowing they can change it when they ascend to power as is their right.
Title: Re: 270 illegal boats in 2 and a half years Post by Maqqa on Jun 26th, 2012 at 9:55pm nairbe wrote on Jun 26th, 2012 at 7:54pm:
We accept it And we love the way Labor is destroying the country |
Title: Re: 270 illegal boats in 2 and a half years Post by progressiveslol on Jun 26th, 2012 at 9:58pm nairbe wrote on Jun 26th, 2012 at 7:54pm:
Not according to the greens and the carbon tax. Actually not according to labor either. |
Title: Re: 270 illegal boats in 2 and a half years Post by Armchair_Politician on Jun 26th, 2012 at 10:12pm Gist wrote on Jun 26th, 2012 at 3:51pm:
Can't resist telling lies, eh? By the way, this year we passed 19,000 illegal immigrants since Rudd scrapped the Pacific Solution. That's one hell of an epic failure by Labor, and you know it! |
Title: Re: 270 illegal boats in 2 and a half years Post by Armchair_Politician on Jun 27th, 2012 at 8:30am
A poll in the Daily Telegraph shows that the overwhelming majority believe Gillard should change Labor's policy on border protection, with just under 14,000 voting yes (to change ALP policy) while only just over 1,000 voted no (don't change ALP policy). Labor got it wrong, with the help of the Greens and continues getting it wrong. So let Labor talk to the Greens and fix this mess they created, because the Coalition had a working policy and the Labor Party under Rudd and now Gillard wrecked it.
Title: Re: 270 illegal boats in 2 and a half years Post by BlOoDy RiPpEr on Jun 27th, 2012 at 8:39am
If Labor was serious about fixing the problem that would put the whole Libs Pacific Solution policy back on the table.
Title: Re: 270 illegal boats in 2 and a half years Post by Armchair_Politician on Jun 27th, 2012 at 8:42am BlOoDy RiPpEr wrote on Jun 27th, 2012 at 8:39am:
Yep, instead of an ultimatum that the Coalition support her illegal Malaysia deal. She knows Abbott would never support that no matter what (rightly so) and is trying to position herself as reasonable and to look like she wants to fix this problem. In reality, she's the one playing politics with people's lives. |
Title: Re: 270 illegal boats in 2 and a half years Post by cods on Jun 27th, 2012 at 9:05am Gist wrote on Jun 26th, 2012 at 5:52pm:
think you will find thats old news sport I would look it up but cant be bothered to be honest.. you believe whatever you want.hence my comment YOUR PM admitted getting it wrong. however who would dispute the all knowing everything left!!! |
Title: Re: 270 illegal boats in 2 and a half years Post by Gist on Jun 27th, 2012 at 9:24am Armchair_Politician wrote on Jun 27th, 2012 at 8:42am:
So... when Lieberals vowed NOT to restore the Pacific Solution you have to ask - why won't they support their own policy? Hmm?? |
Title: Re: 270 illegal boats in 2 and a half years Post by Gist on Jun 27th, 2012 at 9:26am Armchair_Politician wrote on Jun 27th, 2012 at 8:42am:
As a cheerleader, you seem to know all about what Lieberals will and will not do. Could you tell us what policy Lieberals WILL support? |
Title: Re: 270 illegal boats in 2 and a half years Post by Armchair_Politician on Jun 27th, 2012 at 1:07pm Gist wrote on Jun 27th, 2012 at 9:24am:
Where and when have the Coalition ever suggested they would not restore the Pacific Solution? |
Title: Re: 270 illegal boats in 2 and a half years Post by Elvis Wesley on Jun 27th, 2012 at 1:14pm
meanwhile, in that same 2 and a half years, close to half a million people have migrated here legally, with nary a peep from anyone.
Don't they put the same pressures on our infrastructure and society if they're legal? |
Title: Re: 270 illegal boats in 2 and a half years Post by Armchair_Politician on Jun 27th, 2012 at 1:19pm ... wrote on Jun 27th, 2012 at 1:14pm:
Clearly not, because those legal arrivals are budgeted for and have or can easily find a job instead of sponging off taxpayers, as these illegal immigrants do when they arrive by boat. |
Title: Re: 270 illegal boats in 2 and a half years Post by Elvis Wesley on Jun 27th, 2012 at 1:28pm Armchair_Politician wrote on Jun 27th, 2012 at 1:19pm:
Jobs, housing, water etc are finite resources, that are needed whether the occupnat is legal or illegal. Thers also the consideration that not all migrants are skilled, and of those that are, not all are skilled in fields that are in demand. The REAL reason is that asylum seekers are a mere distraction, while the true campaign of demographic replacement is being conducted with tacit approval. |
Title: Re: 270 illegal boats in 2 and a half years Post by Gist on Jun 27th, 2012 at 6:03pm Armchair_Politician wrote on Jun 27th, 2012 at 1:19pm:
Scott Morrison shadow minister for immigration, 7.30 on Monday night. Is that specific enough for you or should I dig out the transcript? I know how techno-challenged you righties are. Leigh was aghast. Said something like "not even if they introduce your own policy?" |
Title: Re: 270 illegal boats in 2 and a half years Post by Armchair_Politician on Jun 27th, 2012 at 9:34pm Gist wrote on Jun 27th, 2012 at 6:03pm:
I think you've quoted the wrong post because contextually, your comment makes no sense with what I wrote... |
Title: Re: 270 illegal boats in 2 and a half years Post by Gist on Jun 27th, 2012 at 10:19pm Armchair_Politician wrote on Jun 27th, 2012 at 9:34pm:
Gads! Quite right. Sorry, dunno what happened there AP... I probably had a minor brain explosion or something. I think the one I intended to reply to was this one: Armchair_Politician wrote on Jun 27th, 2012 at 1:07pm:
Title: Re: Right wing refo rubbish Post by progressiveslol on Jun 28th, 2012 at 2:55pm
Now, where were we.
Title: Re: Chris Bowen is an idiot Post by dsmithy70 on Jun 28th, 2012 at 3:12pm Dsmithy70 wrote on Jun 28th, 2012 at 2:39pm:
BY AP right at the start of the merged threads Quote: It's not hard to look things up, & before you deflect with it's Labors site. To post false information on the party website would be akin to misleading parliament. |
Title: Re: ALP: no to offshore processing in UNHCR countries! Post by FriYAY on Jun 28th, 2012 at 4:14pm John Smith wrote on Jun 27th, 2012 at 5:13pm:
Simple…. Don’t pay people smugglers to bring you to Australia. ::) |
Title: Re: ALP: no to offshore processing in UNHCR countries! Post by mozzaok on Jun 28th, 2012 at 4:54pm FriYAY wrote on Jun 28th, 2012 at 4:14pm:
Why stop there? Go even simpler, just stay in a war zone, and wait for your family to be killed. I am terrifically moved by the genuine concern for the welfare of refugees that the coalition, and it's supporters, have suddenly discovered. Great humanitarians, one and all, with nary a thought of trading upon their misery for personal political gain. I nominate Abbott for the Nobel Peace prize. Maybe it should be Piece? As in, what a piece of sh...? |
Title: Re: Right wing refo rubbish Post by corporate_whitey on Jun 28th, 2012 at 4:57pm
Julia Gillard is about as welcome as a fart in an elevator...
Title: Re: Right wing refo rubbish Post by mozzaok on Jun 28th, 2012 at 5:45pm corporate_whitey wrote on Jun 28th, 2012 at 4:57pm:
Good analogy whiner. Put in context, if this forum is the elevator, then you would be the f.rt. |
Title: Re: Right wing refo rubbish Post by corporate_whitey on Jun 28th, 2012 at 5:47pm mozzaok wrote on Jun 28th, 2012 at 5:45pm:
Stop bogarting my material...its copyrighted and not released for communist fair use. |
Title: Re: Right wing refo rubbish Post by mozzaok on Jun 28th, 2012 at 5:54pm corporate_whitey wrote on Jun 28th, 2012 at 5:47pm:
Sorry, I never considered demented ravings might be claimed to be "material". I have however found a photo of the shared accommodation used by you and your alter ego, prevailing. |
Title: Re: Why the so-called Malaysian Solution will not work Post by longweekend58 on Jun 28th, 2012 at 6:12pm Gist wrote on Jun 28th, 2012 at 12:19pm:
maybe he thinks it will work. and the reason? because it has worked in the past while labors pollicy has been an abject failure since day one with huge numbers of boats. |
Title: Re: Why the so-called Malaysian Solution will not work Post by adelcrow on Jun 28th, 2012 at 6:14pm longweekend58 wrote on Jun 28th, 2012 at 6:12pm:
Howard did nothing to stop the flood of refugees from Iraq and Afghanistan |
Title: Re: Why the so-called Malaysian Solution will not work Post by longweekend58 on Jun 28th, 2012 at 6:16pm Grey wrote on Jun 28th, 2012 at 12:39pm:
seriously, who do you expect to believe that drivel? so the day howard brought in his solution he was lucky that suddenly all the refugees dried up the same month? and miraculously the refugees suddenly became a problem again co0incidentally the monthe Rudd stopped it? yeah, if you believe that then your opinion isnt really very worthwhile. The very fact that you are trying to desperately claim that teh paciific solutino didnt work discredits your entire positiion. NO ONE can argue that it didnt work because it plainly did. |
Title: Re: Right wing refo rubbish Post by corporate_whitey on Jun 28th, 2012 at 6:23pm
Longweekend and Soren are truly examples of the morbid inhumane toxic, fatalism that has infected Australian Politics like a cancer.
Title: Re: Right wing refo rubbish Post by longweekend58 on Jun 28th, 2012 at 6:24pm
why shoult the liberal party agree toa policy they disagree with? why shouldt Gillard actually come up witha policy with a proven track record?
just another Gillard idiotic move that is doomed to fail and it is because of her refusal to negotiate that is the cause. she is a s=disgrace as a PM |
Title: Re: Right wing refo rubbish Post by adelcrow on Jun 28th, 2012 at 6:24pm
The reffo problem started when Howard, Bush and Blair bombed Iraq and Afghanistan and it didnt go away because he further abused the rights of those whos lives he helped destroy.
Title: Re: Why the so-called Malaysian Solution will not work Post by longweekend58 on Jun 28th, 2012 at 6:26pm adelcrow wrote on Jun 28th, 2012 at 6:14pm:
you can aleays tell when you lose an argument - you move the topic to something else. you deflect. this is about BOATS. try and stay on topic or admict that the labor party's policeis are a failure, the greens are simply surrender and the lbs actually had a policy that worked. AND they support increased refugee numbers, only that they come thru OFFICIALLY, not by boatas. I know it is hard for you to stay with the topic zine your side of politics is responsible for the deaths of 1000s simply thru arrogance, ignorance and blatant political grand-standing. |
Title: Re: Right wing refo rubbish Post by corporate_whitey on Jun 28th, 2012 at 6:27pm adelcrow wrote on Jun 28th, 2012 at 6:24pm:
The problem is globalization of Government and communism... |
Title: Re: Why the so-called Malaysian Solution will not work Post by nairbe on Jun 28th, 2012 at 6:29pm longweekend58 wrote on Jun 28th, 2012 at 6:16pm:
It did not quite work like that but we have all come to understand that you are not capable of understanding fact and concept only what Abbott tells you. Whether you like it or not the refugee push factors and outright numbers fell dramatically at that very time that Howard put in his solution, and yes they exploded again at that very time so suck it up. The problem was that the labor party did not formulate an alternative before they removed the status quo. this left a gap that could not be filled because the Greens have never supported it and Abbott is so power hungry he will sell human suffering to be PM. Nauru will not work again as the bluff is gone. Over 80% got here anyway and there have been two decisions made by the courts that kill it. The most important part of Nauru was that it removed the asylum seekers access to the Australian Courts, other wise you might as well have them here. This has been removed and they will have access no matter where they are if we are the custodians. Secondly without change to the legislation Nauru is illegal so either Abbott changes the legislation or he is a hypocrite. OH and don't bother with the UNHCR crap, it never mattered to Abbott and his goons when Nauru was formulated so don't pretent that you give a sh1t now. The Bali signatories will do and get the UNHCR to monitor the process. Hell thats all they do anyway. |
Title: Re: Why the so-called Malaysian Solution will not work Post by Gist on Jun 28th, 2012 at 6:33pm longweekend58 wrote on Jun 28th, 2012 at 6:12pm:
Have you been lending him your balls? |
Title: Re: Right wing refo rubbish Post by Spot of Borg on Jun 28th, 2012 at 6:36pm
Labour never got to try a policy. Nobody knows if it would work or not
Title: Re: Right wing refo rubbish Post by adelcrow on Jun 28th, 2012 at 6:40pm
I have not heard one word from any of the major parties as to how they are going to stop the millions of refugees across the globe from leaving their countries in the first place.
All Abbott and Gillard want to do is to turn the problem over to countries that were never part of the Iraq and Afghanistan invasions. The tears in parliament are nothing but crocodile tears |
Title: Re: Right wing refo rubbish Post by corporate_whitey on Jun 28th, 2012 at 6:41pm Sir Spot of Borg wrote on Jun 28th, 2012 at 6:36pm:
This is all the nutalition - Governments doing, we know their policy does not work, they are a joke, a very tragic joke in terms of human cost, but they are a joke. Julia Gillard and the Greens have the deaths of hundreds on their non existent consciences. |
Title: Re: Right wing refo rubbish Post by jalane on Jun 28th, 2012 at 6:51pm adelcrow wrote on Jun 28th, 2012 at 6:40pm:
Something I agree with... at last. Gawd, but what a divided group of posters we have here. All very sad I'm sure. I wonder if my reply #75 was censored.?? |
Title: Re: Why the so-called Malaysian Solution will not work Post by Gist on Jun 28th, 2012 at 6:56pm longweekend58 wrote on Jun 28th, 2012 at 6:16pm:
Not at all. There was some initial deterrent effect of the policy. However there were also fewer people escaping as can be seen worldwide where the numbers dropped to a minimum in 2006. This would have reduced the numbers coming to Australia. It's interesting that 2004-6 saw a small gradual overall increase in numbers in Australia while they were still falling in the rest of the world (are you paying attention lolly!!?). 2005-7 saw ever increasing numbers despite the fact that the Pacific Solution was in full swing. Why? Because the deterrent effect had eroded. The OECD chart shows this quite clearly but for the doubters it's even more clearly seen in this chart of BOAT arrivals across the Pacific Solution period: Clearly 2005-2007 saw marked increases in the number of arrivals despite the Pacific Solution. And the OECD chart shows that numbers worldwide were increasing around that time. So with numbers increasing worldwide and a dysfunctional policy in Australia, it's no surprise that numbers were increasing even before Rudd dismantled the policy. There's little doubt that dismantling the Pacific Solution without other measures in place did nothing to prevent new arrivals, especially in a climate of increased numbers worldwide. There's also no doubt that a return to the Pacific Solution would do precisely ZERO. |
Title: Re: Right wing refo rubbish Post by jalane on Jun 28th, 2012 at 7:04pm
well - currently, and hopefully, positively, they didn't get their Solution.!!
Thanks Greens.... the only 'group' which sees clearly enough to posit the only practical answer, and refuse to budge. GO GREENS. |
Title: Re: Right wing refo rubbish Post by adelcrow on Jun 28th, 2012 at 7:09pm
Thanks to Howard, Bush and Blair Iraq is now infested with terrorists and ultra hard line religious nutbags and Afghanistan is about to be handed back to the Taliban and corrupt warlords who will reap revenge on anyone that cooperated with the invading forces.
And we wonder why there is a flood of reffos from these countries! |
Title: Re: Right wing refo rubbish Post by jalane on Jun 28th, 2012 at 7:16pm
reality doesn't always suit.! when the dullards accept the facts the damage is DONE. |
Title: Re: Why the so-called Malaysian Solution will not work Post by longweekend58 on Jun 28th, 2012 at 7:31pm nairbe wrote on Jun 28th, 2012 at 6:29pm:
you actually believe the highlighted section??? you REALLY believe tat either side of the pacific solution there were huge numbers of boat arrivals that had nothing whatseover to do with howard? it is a LUDICROUS belief to think that it didnt work and anyhow, its easy to prove. implement it again and see what happens. If the boats keep coming you are right. if they stop then... well you will justclaim that suddenly there are no refugees wanting to come here. |
Title: Re: Right wing refo rubbish Post by longweekend58 on Jun 28th, 2012 at 7:33pm Emma wrote on Jun 28th, 2012 at 6:51pm:
have you ever thought that your replies are so stupid and nonsensical that people just dnt BOTHER to reply to you like they mainly ignore corporate_whitey and DRAH? |
Title: Re: Right wing refo rubbish Post by corporate_whitey on Jun 28th, 2012 at 7:33pm
Folks you are seeing the real danger of socialist left ideological communist conservatism at work here with Gillard and the Greens and how they are so conservative they would put ideology before human lives. Never again allow Gillard or her Green friends to seduce you with words like liberal, compassion, humanitarian ect, they don't know the meaning of the words they are dangerous nihilistic lunatics....
Title: Re: Why the so-called Malaysian Solution will not work Post by progressiveslol on Jun 28th, 2012 at 7:45pm Gist wrote on Jun 28th, 2012 at 6:56pm:
Did you make that graph up yourself. It looks like it, it smells like it, it is linked to only this forum site. Must be it. |
Title: Re: Why the so-called Malaysian Solution will not work Post by nairbe on Jun 28th, 2012 at 8:07pm longweekend58 wrote on Jun 28th, 2012 at 7:31pm:
OH dear it is a bit like beating one's head into a brick wall. Try doing a little research, there are many good articles about and statistical data. Cant find one of those pretty graphs for you as clearly you don't read or research at all. Yes what i said is correct. And yes what do you know the Nauru action did stop the small push that was there while they waited to see the result. now if you had read what i said you would probably not have made such odd comments. You are funny. |
Title: Re: Why the so-called Malaysian Solution will not work Post by Gist on Jun 28th, 2012 at 8:16pm progressiveslol wrote on Jun 28th, 2012 at 7:45pm:
Of course it's mine. Took all of about 5 minutes most of which was keying in the data. It's accurate. |
Title: Re: Why the so-called Malaysian Solution will not work Post by Gist on Jun 28th, 2012 at 8:18pm nairbe wrote on Jun 28th, 2012 at 8:07pm:
Sadly, longidiot believes that waving his arms around and making brazen statements without proof somehow proves that he is correct beyond question. Which is why longidiot is an idiot. |
Title: Re: Why the so-called Malaysian Solution will not work Post by progressiveslol on Jun 28th, 2012 at 8:22pm Gist wrote on Jun 28th, 2012 at 8:16pm:
lol right. Its accurate lol that is so funny. I might start doing those accurate because I said so graphs. Looks fun. ::) ::) ::) ::) Just wondering why you put a link in the image that goes to nowhere. |
Title: Re: Why the so-called Malaysian Solution will not work Post by nairbe on Jun 28th, 2012 at 8:26pm progressiveslol wrote on Jun 28th, 2012 at 8:22pm:
Poor regressive, the web link for the info would require you to look at reports over many years and compile the data. Sorry if that is hard, after all i would not do it for you so you should be grateful someone has. |
Title: Re: Why the so-called Malaysian Solution will not work Post by progressiveslol on Jun 28th, 2012 at 8:31pm nairbe wrote on Jun 28th, 2012 at 8:26pm:
I tried but it was futile. Reading the numbers 404 over and over did not seem to yield anything further than 404. Maybe you can spin your magic and help a fellow poor reader out. Ill even provide the link in an easy format for you Oh I get it now. The 404 is code for put 4 on the graph, next year put 0, next year put 4. Still a bit confused on what the graph represents compared to the fake one that was put up though. |
Title: Re: Why the so-called Malaysian Solution will not work Post by Gist on Jun 28th, 2012 at 8:32pm progressiveslol wrote on Jun 28th, 2012 at 8:22pm:
Poor sad lolly... ::) You can't put an active link in an image. The image is an image - your web browser doesn't recognise the text as text, it treats it as just a picture. Try typing that long string into the URL bar on your browser and see where it takes you. Read that report. Then try firing up MS Excel, key in the numbers and get Excel to draw a chart for you. Piece of cake. There's no hope for longstupid but you should be able to manage it, really. |
Title: Re: Why the so-called Malaysian Solution will not work Post by progressiveslol on Jun 28th, 2012 at 8:35pm Gist wrote on Jun 28th, 2012 at 8:32pm:
der Where does that go to and how do I extract your graph from the number 404 |
Title: Re: Why the so-called Malaysian Solution will not work Post by Avram Horowitz on Jun 28th, 2012 at 8:40pm longweekend58 wrote on Jun 28th, 2012 at 6:26pm:
This is very well written comment. It is very sad that people are dying in the boats and drowning because Australia has a policy which allows them to still be process and therefore to take this dangerous journey. I find it very sad and inhuman to allow this to continue. You must put down your marker and stop them. |
Title: Re: Why the so-called Malaysian Solution will not work Post by Gist on Jun 28th, 2012 at 8:44pm progressiveslol wrote on Jun 28th, 2012 at 8:35pm:
Alright.. settle down. Not my fault either - it seems the document has been updated and revised since I put that graph together so that link no longer works. The latest version seems to be here: You'll find the raw numbers towards the end. |
Title: Re: Why the so-called Malaysian Solution will not work Post by progressiveslol on Jun 28th, 2012 at 8:49pm Gist wrote on Jun 28th, 2012 at 8:44pm:
Thank you good sir. Shi. happens. |
Title: Re: Why the so-called Malaysian Solution will not work Post by progressiveslol on Jun 28th, 2012 at 9:11pm Gist wrote on Jun 28th, 2012 at 6:56pm:
I can see why you made your own. Let me help you with your excel as you purposely suck at it. BTW, it was already done for you on the page you provided. Oh labor, I cry for you as everything for you looks like bad luck, coincidental bad news. Oh labor you poor poor thing. Even the raw numbers are easy to see what is going on Column 2 is boat numbers. Boat arrivals. Read it an weap. You tried to represent people numbers as boat arrivals. Sad. |
Title: Re: Right wing refo rubbish Post by Avram Horowitz on Jun 28th, 2012 at 9:15pm
You have had bad bad numbers since 2008??
Title: Re: Why the so-called Malaysian Solution will not work Post by Gist on Jun 29th, 2012 at 9:01am progressiveslol wrote on Jun 28th, 2012 at 9:11pm:
Weap? What is that supposed to mean? And was the Pacific Solution in force in 2011? I don't think so! If you're going to talk about the Pacific Solution then by all means talk about it but don't include periods when it wasn't around and pretend that it was. Oh, and my chart was made simple so simple people could read it... ;D EDIT: Almost forgot... I misrepresented nothing. You need your extra powerful glasses. Here, let me zoom in on what I said for you: Gist wrote on Jun 28th, 2012 at 6:56pm:
Title: Re: Why the so-called Malaysian Solution will not work Post by progressiveslol on Jun 29th, 2012 at 9:04am Gist wrote on Jun 29th, 2012 at 9:01am:
Nice try gist, but you either screwed up big time or got busted big time. Pacific solution had 1 to 7 boats a year. lol look at every other year. Do you get it yet. |
Title: Re: Right wing refo rubbish Post by Gist on Jun 29th, 2012 at 9:28am
Bummer dude!
Oh well, sh!t happens. Regardless, it doesn't change the underlying argument - numbers were increasing BEFORE the Pacific Solution was dismantled. Your vaunted deterrent wasn't. Which is why Nauru won't work again. |
Title: Re: Right wing refo rubbish Post by progressiveslol on Jun 29th, 2012 at 9:33am Gist wrote on Jun 29th, 2012 at 9:28am:
by a boat or 2. That is not an increase. The next year is an increase going from the lows of less than ten (almost 5's) to 60. That is an increase. To go from 3 to 7 is not an increase when you talk in terms of an increase to 60. A growth of 1 boat per year is not a growth of concern. A growth of 50 per year for 2 years after the pacific solution is a concern. |
Title: Re: Right wing refo rubbish Post by Gist on Jun 29th, 2012 at 11:01am progressiveslol wrote on Jun 29th, 2012 at 9:33am:
So are you interested in people or boats? Seems to me that one boat the size of a cruise liner loaded with asylum seekers is a success according to you because it is only ONE boat! You claim to be concerned with drownings at sea. Do you want to save lives or boats? If there's an empty boat out there, should we go rescue it? |
Title: Re: Right wing refo rubbish Post by progressiveslol on Jun 29th, 2012 at 11:05am Gist wrote on Jun 29th, 2012 at 11:01am:
Dont know what the hell you are on about with trying sqirm out of your fakery |
Title: Re: Right wing refo rubbish Post by Gist on Jun 29th, 2012 at 11:08am progressiveslol wrote on Jun 29th, 2012 at 11:05am:
Fakery? It's a simple question! People or boats? Your chart (and mine as it turns out) both show people. And yet you blab on about boats. Which is it? |
Title: Re: Right wing refo rubbish Post by progressiveslol on Jun 29th, 2012 at 11:10am Gist wrote on Jun 29th, 2012 at 11:08am:
You tried to make out like the numbers of people were representative of the number of boats you tool. |
Title: Re: Right wing refo rubbish Post by Gist on Jun 29th, 2012 at 11:36am progressiveslol wrote on Jun 29th, 2012 at 11:10am:
Yes and I've admitted as much. It was an honest mistake based on misreading a chart that I'd hastily thrown together ages ago. In response to a question from YOU as I recall! Where you were banging on about boats just like you are now!! So... which is it? People or boats? Because if its boats, I'll laugh at you of course. If it's people then my arguments stand and both our charts show it - the increase started in 2005/2006, before the PS was demolished. Yes, the increase itself may well have increased after the PS was abolished but nevertheless, there was a trend there prior. Yours maybe doesn't show it so much because you're obsessed with the peaks but.. anyway... |
Title: Re: Right wing refo rubbish Post by progressiveslol on Jun 29th, 2012 at 11:54am Gist wrote on Jun 29th, 2012 at 11:36am:
It is boats of course because the less boats, the less deaths of PEOPLE. It is the boats that sink remember, not the people sinking first. |
Title: Re: Right wing refo rubbish Post by Gist on Jun 29th, 2012 at 11:58am progressiveslol wrote on Jun 29th, 2012 at 11:54am:
Title: Re: Right wing refo rubbish Post by progressiveslol on Jun 29th, 2012 at 11:58am Gist wrote on Jun 29th, 2012 at 11:58am:
lol because you say so So a person sinks before the boat does. come on you are laughable |
Title: Re: Right wing refo rubbish Post by Gist on Jun 29th, 2012 at 12:01pm
Also, according to you in 2003 the Pacific Solution was an abysmal failure. Look at the numbers! 2002 had ONE boat. In 2003 there were 53 boats.
53 TIMES AS MANY AS IN 2002! What a failed policy that is! By YOUR definition! In 2010 there were 134 boats. In 2011 that had been HALVED to just 69 boats! A success of the Rudd onshore processing policy!! By YOUR definition! |
Title: Re: Right wing refo rubbish Post by corporate_whitey on Jun 29th, 2012 at 12:05pm Gist wrote on Jun 29th, 2012 at 12:01pm:
You get paid to say that, thats why it does not really count, I on the other hand give the Communist Government zero productivity to steal from me. |
Title: Re: Right wing refo rubbish Post by progressiveslol on Jun 29th, 2012 at 12:07pm Gist wrote on Jun 29th, 2012 at 12:01pm:
Gist, stick with column 2 Please learn to read graphs and raw data. Column 2 You are fooling yourself by the looks. You are doing your fakery again and still. How is it that you go from reading and quoting people numbers as boat numbers for the pacific solution, but you go to reading boat numbers outside of the pacific solution. you are either completely daft or completely dishonest. Look at what you wrote and how dishonest you have been. You go from column 3 in the pacific solution timeframe, then somehow jump to column 2 outside of the pacific solution timeframe. Column2 is the boat arrival numbers for both raw data. The reason they must have split was in order to put crew numbers in. People numbers is column 3 then column 4 on bottom raw data. |
Title: Re: Right wing refo rubbish Post by Gist on Jun 29th, 2012 at 12:16pm progressiveslol wrote on Jun 29th, 2012 at 11:58am:
Well, no, it's wrong because the numbers say so. Look at the attached chart. I've based it on that latest data found yesterday which goes to 2011. I even spent a little time prettying it up for you so you won't complain. :) The blue and green lines show number of PEOPLE and number of BOATS arriving per year. People are plotted on the left axis, boats on the right. BUT! The interesting thing is the red line which shows the ratio of the two. It is showing how many people are on each boat arriving. It is pretty bloody clear that since 2005 this has been a pretty steady increase. MORE PEOPLE ARE SETTING OUT PER BOAT ALL THE TIME. The less boats, the more people will get onto the smaller pool of boats. The safety of PEOPLE is unaffected at best. At worst, it is endangering them even more since the boats setting out will be even more overcrowded. Now, if your heart bleeds for boats then great. You've done an excellent job as preventing some clapped out hulk from sinking at sea. It'll get to sink at anchor in harbour instead. If your aim was to prevent people drowning then you have failed by focussing on boats. Simple, eh? ;D;file=Asylum_Seeker_Numbers.pdf (9 KB | 41
Title: Re: Right wing refo rubbish Post by progressiveslol on Jun 29th, 2012 at 12:19pm Gist wrote on Jun 29th, 2012 at 12:16pm:
I am already using the data you provided. You just cant read the dam thing or are a complete dishonest moron. |
Title: Re: Right wing refo rubbish Post by Gist on Jun 29th, 2012 at 12:37pm progressiveslol wrote on Jun 29th, 2012 at 12:19pm:
Yes, I know you're using that data. So... was there an error in that chart? I'm fairly sure there isn't but then I am obviously having a bad day so you never know your luck. |
Title: Re: Right wing refo rubbish Post by progressiveslol on Jun 29th, 2012 at 12:47pm Gist wrote on Jun 29th, 2012 at 12:37pm:
What chart. I can see the raw data that you provided. There is no secret in the raw data that anything [list bull-blackball] inside the pacific solition was 1 - 7 boats and 1 - 161 people a year. [list bull-blackball] Try to twist it as much as you like (looking foolish) but the raw data YOU PROVIDED shows that the pacific solution was not just a success, but on compartive years, was a RAGING SUCCESS. |
Title: Re: Right wing refo rubbish Post by Gist on Jun 29th, 2012 at 12:55pm progressiveslol wrote on Jun 29th, 2012 at 12:47pm:
Click on the attachment. It's a pdf because I couldn't be bothered capturing it as an image. It shows that focussing on boats is wrong because more people are getting onto each and every boat. It's also clear that if the trend continues, pretty soon you'll have ONE boat turn up with a thousand people on it and you'll be claiming that's some kind of success because it was ONLY ONE BOAT. Also your focussing on overall numbers over the entire 6 years doesn't in any way address the point that I keep making - at the end of the Pacific Solution numbers were increasing. Any deterrence value it had was gone. |
Title: Re: Right wing refo rubbish Post by Gist on Jun 29th, 2012 at 1:05pm
Here, this chart!
After all, if you couldn't find it then what hope have some of your fellow righties? |
Title: Re: Right wing refo rubbish Post by progressiveslol on Jun 29th, 2012 at 1:15pm Gist wrote on Jun 29th, 2012 at 1:05pm:
How the hell did you get that graph from the raw data you provided. You have over 2000 on your graph for 2003. Where the hell did that come from 1000 and something for 2007 WTHell Why are you making this stuff up. Just stop being foolish. |
Title: Re: Right wing refo rubbish Post by progressiveslol on Jun 29th, 2012 at 1:23pm
Here is something your &^&%^$% eyes should be able to see, but tell the brain to get out of the way, it aint working. Look at where you see the words "Pacific solution ends". Look down your graph and see what happens with the little green and blue dotted lines. Yep, straight up.
Also, telling brain to get out of the way, the green and blue line are pretty much together all the way from 2001 - 2008. Now if the red line is suppose to represent the green and blue dotted lines togther, then ask yourself, how the hell did I (YOU) have such a divergence in my(YOUR) red line. One more thing. Go do some education PLEASE edit ok I see, you are trying to represent 2 diffent numbers on the one graph. 1 on the left and 1 on the right. Nice move. You should be a AGW climate scientist. Make sure you tell the kiddies which number the red line represents. It is very small number, not the very large number that a non-opacific solution number is. |
Title: Re: Right wing refo rubbish Post by Gist on Jun 29th, 2012 at 1:25pm progressiveslol wrote on Jun 29th, 2012 at 1:15pm:
That has been explained already. It isn't over 2,000 - there are TWO axes. You should learn to read a chart. People are plotted on the left, boats and the ratio of people to boats on the right. Here is the explanation again: Gist wrote on Jun 29th, 2012 at 12:16pm:
Title: Re: Right wing refo rubbish Post by progressiveslol on Jun 29th, 2012 at 1:30pm Gist wrote on Jun 29th, 2012 at 1:25pm:
So where does your divergence come from. I still cant see it with this AGW type quakery. You failed on the red line big time. |
Title: Re: Right wing refo rubbish Post by Gist on Jun 29th, 2012 at 1:32pm
For completeness, here's the raw data to save us both getting confued ... because your friggin' image you snapped SUCKS!
Title: Re: Right wing refo rubbish Post by progressiveslol on Jun 29th, 2012 at 1:35pm Gist wrote on Jun 29th, 2012 at 1:32pm:
That is not complete because that is the data I used. You have failed on your red line, possibly on purpose because I cantr see you being this dumb. You represent people on left, boats on right, then you have some fantasy of representing both left and right to WHAT. TO NOTHING. You are converging left representation with right representation to some fantasy number that you say nothing of. |
Title: Re: Right wing refo rubbish Post by Gist on Jun 29th, 2012 at 1:35pm progressiveslol wrote on Jun 29th, 2012 at 1:30pm:
As I said, the red line is a ratio - people per boat. It's been steadily increasing since 2005 which means that boats are steadily getting more and more people on them. ONE boat sinking in 2005 would on average have meant 3 deaths. In 2011 ONE boat sinking would have meant on average 66 deaths. EDIT: And obviously from recent experience, ONE boat sinking in 2012 can mean over 100 dead. |
Title: Re: Right wing refo rubbish Post by progressiveslol on Jun 29th, 2012 at 1:37pm Gist wrote on Jun 29th, 2012 at 1:35pm:
So where is that number represented on the graph. |
Title: Re: Right wing refo rubbish Post by Gist on Jun 29th, 2012 at 1:39pm progressiveslol wrote on Jun 29th, 2012 at 1:37pm:
For the third time - it is plotted on the right axis. |
Title: Re: Right wing refo rubbish Post by progressiveslol on Jun 29th, 2012 at 1:40pm Gist wrote on Jun 29th, 2012 at 1:35pm:
Yes so imagine 100 boats and the extra chance of that 100 people on just 1 boat. You are fooling no-one. 7 boats, if all sank, 700 people. 100 boats 10000 people. |
Title: Re: Right wing refo rubbish Post by progressiveslol on Jun 29th, 2012 at 1:40pm Gist wrote on Jun 29th, 2012 at 1:39pm:
So you somehow got the right axis to represent boats and ratio. Well done. |
Title: Re: Right wing refo rubbish Post by Gist on Jun 29th, 2012 at 1:46pm progressiveslol wrote on Jun 29th, 2012 at 1:40pm:
Are you being intentionally obtuse? Wouldn't be the first time. We're talking about a trend OVER TIME. 2005 through to 2007 to be specific. One 2005 boat is not equivalent to one 2007 boat or a 2012 boat either for that matter. That's because the trend is upwards and continuing to rise. So stopping 100 boats out of 700 doesn't mean much if the exactly the same number of people cram on to the remaining 600 boats does it? |
Title: Re: Right wing refo rubbish Post by Gist on Jun 29th, 2012 at 1:50pm progressiveslol wrote on Jun 29th, 2012 at 1:40pm:
Hardly noteworthy. It just so happens that they're a similar range - 0 to about 130 - so they can be plotted directly on the same axis. Otherwise I'd have had to use a multiplier somewhere. Of course, if you want to use a cannon like SPSS to shoot a grasshopper then it could be tricky... :) |
Title: Re: Right wing refo rubbish Post by progressiveslol on Jun 29th, 2012 at 1:54pm Gist wrote on Jun 29th, 2012 at 1:50pm:
Now for you to make it complete. How many boats sank ratio. Then trend that line with how many boats were in the pacific solution to how many there are without the pacific solution. What is the trend. 1 out of 100 boats sink/sank. 1 out of 50? |
Title: Re: Right wing refo rubbish Post by Gist on Jun 29th, 2012 at 2:04pm progressiveslol wrote on Jun 29th, 2012 at 1:54pm:
Yes, I agree, that'd be an interesting thing to examine. But as far as I know that info isn't available. Neither is the number of boats that set out and returned to Indonesia of their own accord. Both of these would give a fuller picture of how many boats/people who left Indonesia bound for Australia which is what we really should talk about. I've seen references for instance which mention sinkings AFTER the Pacific Solution was implemented. They don't get counted of course. If they did then perhaps that sudden drop in wouldn't be so sharp. |
Title: Re: Right wing refo rubbish Post by Spot of Borg on Jun 29th, 2012 at 2:10pm
Title: Re: Right wing refo rubbish Post by progressiveslol on Jun 29th, 2012 at 2:18pm Gist wrote on Jun 29th, 2012 at 1:46pm:
The numbers would be far worse outside of the pacific solution with an average persons per boat atleast double that of the worst persons per boat of the pacific solution. Getting worse in 2012 with atleast 4500 people for the half year to june. So without a doubt, the more boats, the more deaths (simple math a child could do it). Pacific solution is the only solution known to work and Gillard is being partisan to somehow save face. |
Title: Re: Right wing refo rubbish Post by Gist on Jun 29th, 2012 at 3:36pm progressiveslol wrote on Jun 29th, 2012 at 2:18pm:
Yes without a doubt more boats equals more deaths. But apparently, 10 boats with 10 people each on them is TEN TIMES WORSE than 1 boat with 100 people on it. And of course, ONE boat sinking with a 1,000 people on it is a major success... Whodathunkit? :P |
Title: Re: Right wing refo rubbish Post by bobbythebat1 on Jun 29th, 2012 at 3:53pm
This is what they do to people in Malaysia: It's barbaric & amounts to torture. |
Title: Re: Right wing refo rubbish Post by Gist on Jun 29th, 2012 at 3:58pm Bobby. wrote on Jun 29th, 2012 at 3:53pm:
I agree bobby. However it is also what they WOULDN'T be doing to the asylum seekers sent there under the Malaysia Solution. It was specifically agreed with the Malaysians that they would not cane the asylum seekers sent there. |
Title: Re: Right wing refo rubbish Post by bobbythebat1 on Jun 29th, 2012 at 4:02pm Gist wrote on Jun 29th, 2012 at 3:58pm:
But can you trust those Malaysians? |
Title: Re: Right wing refo rubbish Post by progressiveslol on Jun 29th, 2012 at 4:22pm Gist wrote on Jun 29th, 2012 at 3:36pm:
Average 29 persons per boat pacific solution. Average 46 persons per boat non-pacific solution. Math says non-pacific solution boats sinking = more deaths. |
Title: Re: Right wing refo rubbish Post by Gist on Jun 29th, 2012 at 4:38pm progressiveslol wrote on Jun 29th, 2012 at 4:22pm:
Maths also says that the Pacific Solution was failing from 2005 onwards. That's comparing PS years to PS years. Changes to legislation, elections, whatever - none of that comes into it. Which was, after all, what I set out to show - the Pacific Solution was failing. If you want to claim it would work now given that it was failing then you had best show some evidence! Or continue just waving your arms around and making brazen assertions hoping you're right. |
Title: Re: Right wing refo rubbish Post by progressiveslol on Jun 29th, 2012 at 4:39pm Gist wrote on Jun 29th, 2012 at 4:38pm:
No, maths does not at all. Cant blame the tool, just the tool using it. You. 7 boats tops. 1 boat extra per year. Maths says the tool using the tool, has failed. You again. Compare 7 boats tops with 60 boats and 134 non-pacicific solution. You fail at maths. And as stated above, the non-pacific solution had a higher rate of persons per boat. You fail at math again. Here is a little math for ya. 1 pacific solution boat sinks. 29 dead. 1 non-pacific solution boat sinks 46 dead. Which is the bigger number. Then tell us, if you have 7 boats in 1 year compared to 134 boats in 1 year, are the chances of a boat sinking higher within the 134 boats or within the 7 boats? |
Title: Re: Right wing refo rubbish Post by Gist on Jun 29th, 2012 at 4:48pm progressiveslol wrote on Jun 29th, 2012 at 4:39pm:
There ya go! Obsessing with boats again after you've just been shown precisely how stupid that is just because it is the one small thin straw that you can clutch at which has any hope of supporting your claim. You DO realise just how much that kind of thing undermines any cred you may have had? |
Title: Re: Right wing refo rubbish Post by progressiveslol on Jun 29th, 2012 at 4:49pm Gist wrote on Jun 29th, 2012 at 4:48pm:
Here is a little math for ya. 1 pacific solution boat sinks. 29 dead. 1 non-pacific solution boat sinks 46 dead. Which is the bigger number. Then tell us, if you have 7 boats in 1 year compared to 134 boats in 1 year, are the chances of a boat sinking higher within the 134 boats or within the 7 boats? |
Title: Re: Right wing refo rubbish Post by Gist on Jun 29th, 2012 at 4:54pm progressiveslol wrote on Jun 29th, 2012 at 4:39pm:
LOLLY THE BOAT RESCUER! We're so glad you SAVED ALL THEM BOATS from sinking lolly!!! Did you turn them back? We were about to be inundated with them! It's a friggin tsunami of illegal boats I tells ya! And those boats stay on welfare for YEARS! smack me the mooring and slipping costs ALONE are a nightmare! We'd spend zillions on boat maintenance. I tell ya it's getting out of hand!! |
Title: Re: Right wing refo rubbish Post by progressiveslol on Jun 29th, 2012 at 4:55pm Gist wrote on Jun 29th, 2012 at 4:54pm:
lol figured as much All that posturing and you have got nothing. Just a poor average per person that is less than a non-pacific solution situation and cant do the math. Poor effort, just like your pathetic graphing skills. |
Title: Re: Right wing refo rubbish Post by Gist on Jun 29th, 2012 at 5:04pm progressiveslol wrote on Jun 29th, 2012 at 4:55pm:
Did you boatboy? Told you I'd laugh at you! And it seems I'll have to continue. If you want to rescue BOATS then you go right ahead!! The year that ONE boat turned up with ONE person in it!! THAT WAS A POLICY DISASTER FOR LOLLY!!! What a maroon! |
Title: Re: Right wing refo rubbish Post by Gist on Jun 29th, 2012 at 5:07pm
And you still can't address the point I've made repeatedly - the Pacific Solution was failing - because it doesn't fit your pathetic little view. You can't even mention it.
No wonder you're on the conga line. |
Title: Re: Right wing refo rubbish Post by progressiveslol on Jun 29th, 2012 at 5:07pm Gist wrote on Jun 29th, 2012 at 5:04pm:
1 boat zero dead. Pretty good odds of zero dead compared to 134 boats with 46 persons average per boat. Sounds to me like yours and labors policy is to see how far you can flaunt the laws of probability and the more dead, ho humm. |
Title: Re: Right wing refo rubbish Post by Gist on Jun 29th, 2012 at 5:12pm progressiveslol wrote on Jun 29th, 2012 at 5:07pm:
One boat with one person - pretty good odds. Same boat with 100 people... not so good... ANOTHER MATH FAIL BY LOLLY! ;D ;D ;D ;D |
Title: Re: Right wing refo rubbish Post by progressiveslol on Jun 29th, 2012 at 5:28pm Gist wrote on Jun 29th, 2012 at 5:12pm:
No it is the boat that sinks, not the people sinking. People die after the boat sinks. Just out of interest. Where was the boat with 100 in it in the pacific solution timeframe? Goes back to my question that you so obviously want to avoid. 7 boats per year compared to 134 boats per year. Chances of a boat sinking is much much higher within the 134. Meanwhile the 7 boats would have an average of 29 people on board while the 134 boats would have an average of 46 people on board. Oh dear. Looking bad for you labor. |
Title: Re: Right wing refo rubbish Post by Gist on Jun 29th, 2012 at 5:49pm progressiveslol wrote on Jun 29th, 2012 at 5:28pm:
The Pacific Solution ended in 2007! This is 2012. The boat with 100 people on it was just last week. That's a trend that started in 2005. So where's YOUR proof that implementing a Pacific Solution would reverse that trend? Because MY proof shows indisputably that the trend started WHEN THE PACIFIC SOLUTION WAS IN FULL SWING. Got it? Probably not. Anything to avoid the reality eh? :D |
Title: Re: Right wing refo rubbish Post by progressiveslol on Jun 29th, 2012 at 5:56pm Gist wrote on Jun 29th, 2012 at 5:49pm:
No, you dont get a trend from 7 boats compared to 134 boats. What you get are people who are pathetic at maths think they see a trend so it must be. |
Title: Re: Right wing refo rubbish Post by Gist on Jun 29th, 2012 at 5:59pm progressiveslol wrote on Jun 29th, 2012 at 5:56pm:
Ahhh... lolly's gone on holidays to the land of denial... And still no word on my proof that the pacific solution was failing from 2005... Happy boat rescuing there in Egypt lolly!! ;D ;D ;D |
Title: Re: Right wing refo rubbish Post by progressiveslol on Jun 29th, 2012 at 6:03pm Gist wrote on Jun 29th, 2012 at 5:59pm:
The only trend you are seeing is that the smugglers want to make more money per boat so cram more onto them. |
Title: Re: Right wing refo rubbish Post by Gist on Jun 29th, 2012 at 6:08pm progressiveslol wrote on Jun 29th, 2012 at 6:03pm:
Undoubtedly that's part of it. But whatever the cause, that's something the Pacific Solution STARTED. Well done Lieberals! You've increased the risks at sea! |
Title: Re: Right wing refo rubbish Post by progressiveslol on Jun 29th, 2012 at 6:10pm Gist wrote on Jun 29th, 2012 at 6:08pm:
7 boats a year (pacific solution) compared to 134 boats a year under labor. 2012 in the half year is already more that 2011. Good onya labor. |
Title: Re: Right wing refo rubbish Post by adelcrow on Jun 29th, 2012 at 6:20pm progressiveslol wrote on Jun 29th, 2012 at 6:10pm:
Did Labor start the wars that created these refugees? was Howard, Bush and Blair |
Title: Re: Right wing refo rubbish Post by progressiveslol on Jun 29th, 2012 at 6:21pm adelcrow wrote on Jun 29th, 2012 at 6:20pm:
Yeh that'll stop'em drowning. |
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