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Message started by Amadd on Jul 5th, 2012 at 2:48am

Title: I am retired from work
Post by Amadd on Jul 5th, 2012 at 2:48am
Is that a problem with you?

Why do I get such daggers for achieving a personal goal?

I tell you now, you have absolutely nothing over me you pathetic worker.

Everybody to me now is a pathetic worker. It's a little bit funny.

Why aren't you happy for me now? Because you've never been happy for me, and I've realised that at a young age.

It's all control, But I ain't about to control anybody else. I'm all about self-control, and that's why I've worked so hard to get myself into this position.

I believe in democratic control where one positions one's self into a dominant position over one's self.

Now you buggerers have no control over me at all.
You can wait 'til you're 67 you idiot.

Title: Re: I am retired from work
Post by wonderwoman on Jul 5th, 2012 at 2:54am
Congrats to you!

Just remember that those who ARE working, are also continuing to provide the necessary human resource power which in turn provides YOU with the goods and services upon which you will rely on, until your dying day.

In addition, they are also supplying 3 tiers of government with income - thanks to the different types of taxes each level of government charges.

Title: Re: I am retired from work
Post by Amadd on Jul 5th, 2012 at 2:55am
And then there is this realization.

The realization is that they are still working (probably 'til age 67 ) and I am not.

When they/you realise this, you are pretty pissed 'cause you've been played.

Title: Re: I am retired from work
Post by Amadd on Jul 5th, 2012 at 3:02am

Congrats to you!

Just remember that those who ARE working, are also providing the necessary human resource power to provide YOU with the goods and services upon which you will rely on, until your dying day.

Did you take any notice of who were granted the free money? It was the banks.

I don't require any "dole". I've looked forward and have funded myself.
I provide to you.

Title: Re: I am retired from work
Post by Amadd on Jul 5th, 2012 at 3:06am
Keep the machine rolling on.

I'll keep placing winning bets.

Title: Re: I am retired from work
Post by Amadd on Jul 5th, 2012 at 3:14am
And yes, it is a bad thing for 100% of people I know.

I thought that they may be happy for me for accomplishing my task of freedom, ...but nope, they are not. They hate me.

Is that such a problem??

Title: Re: I am retired from work
Post by Amadd on Jul 5th, 2012 at 3:56am
This has been my aim for the past yrs.
Why cannot I achieve a gold medal?
Why can't I get some gratitude?

Throughout my "poor life", I've donated regularly to the needy, and I'll continue to do so.

Why am I not congratulated for achieving personal freedom?

'Cause all of a sudden, you are scared that I am not a part of societal control.
That seems mean to some that I am by default in charge of them.

I say suck it down.
They should donate some of their hard earned cash and stop telling me that they are working for my benefit. 'cause the truth be known, they don't give a rat's rosy ringhole about me or anybody else.

Title: Re: I am retired from work
Post by Amadd on Jul 5th, 2012 at 4:04am
You'll never win when the ultimate goal is to suck on smelly shite.

Title: Re: I am retired from work
Post by pansi1951 on Jul 5th, 2012 at 4:13am

I couldn't find a gold medal. Will a pocket watch do?

Welcome to the club dude!

Title: Re: I am retired from work
Post by Spot of Borg on Jul 5th, 2012 at 5:48am
Well like avram you cant see why ppl dont like you. It has nothing to do with your achieving your goals it has to do with your pretty much american attitude towards it.


Title: Re: I am retired from work
Post by Sprintcyclist on Jul 5th, 2012 at 9:08am

Well done Amadd   :-)

I'll be lucky to retire by 67, make it more 76...

Title: Re: I am retired from work
Post by perceptions_now on Jul 5th, 2012 at 9:11am

Amadd wrote on Jul 5th, 2012 at 3:56am:
This has been my aim for the past 46 yrs.
Why cannot I achieve a gold medal?
Why can't I get some gratitude?

Throughout my "poor life", I've donated regular contributions to "Care Australia", and I continue to do so.

Why am I not congratulated for achieving personal freedom?

'Cause all of a sudden, you are scared that I am not a part of societal control.
That means that I am by default in charge of you.

I say suck it down, 'cause I would never lower my mind in order to try to understand your meagre existence.

What are you on about, Amadd?

If you are happy in retirement, then enjoy it!

But, there is no reason to dump on those still working!

Title: Re: I am retired from work
Post by Doctor Jolly on Jul 5th, 2012 at 9:58am
Someone needs a hug

Title: Re: I am retired from work
Post by Elvis Wesley on Jul 5th, 2012 at 10:22am
Thats the way.

Fuggem.  Fuggemall.

Title: Re: I am retired from work
Post by FriYAY on Jul 5th, 2012 at 12:40pm
Who gives a crap.

Retired and on PF boasting about it. :-[

I recon you are full of crap. ;)

Title: Re: I am retired from work
Post by Frances on Jul 5th, 2012 at 1:06pm

FriYAY wrote on Jul 5th, 2012 at 12:40pm:
Retired and on PF boasting about it.

He must be running out of things to do....

Title: Re: I am retired from work
Post by Amadd on Jul 5th, 2012 at 2:02pm

What are you on about, Amadd?

If you are happy in retirement, then enjoy it!

But, there is no reason to dump on those still working!

Yes you are right, an uncalled for rant it was.
But better that I realize that I am feeling a little contempt before telling people in the real world to go to buggery. A diplomatic solution to that little problem is in order, ..and it is only a little problem  :)

But y'know..merely a week and a half out of work and I'm already getting flooded with job offers.
What part of "work is optional" do they not understand?
Ok, so I cannot say that I don't really intend to work again, 'cause that doesn't go down very well.

Maybe I'm just being a little paranoid about it, but it sure seems that they are already trying to push me back into work before I've even had a chance to catch my breath.
Or maybe it's just the mentality out there that you cannot consider giving up work under normal circumstances.
You can dream it...but not actually do it.i

Title: Re: I am retired from work
Post by Amadd on Jul 5th, 2012 at 2:14pm

Ex Dame Pansi wrote on Jul 5th, 2012 at 4:13am:

I couldn't find a gold medal. Will a pocket watch do?

Welcome to the club dude!

Thanks to all the well-wishers  :)

Title: Re: I am retired from work
Post by chicken_lipsforme on Jul 5th, 2012 at 7:34pm

Amadd wrote on Jul 5th, 2012 at 2:55am:
And then there is this realization.

The realization is that they are still working (probably 'til age 67 ) and I am not.
When they/you realise this, you are pretty pissed 'cause you've been played.

Plus the realisation that you'll be pushing up daisies long before anyone else eh pops.

Title: Re: I am retired from work
Post by NBNMyths on Jul 5th, 2012 at 8:17pm
I enjoy going to work.

I've been off on leave for 9 weeks now, and can't wait to get back next week.

If I retired now I'd go crazy, or my wife would!

Title: Re: I am retired from work
Post by Amadd on Jul 5th, 2012 at 11:24pm

Plus the realisation that you'll be pushing up daisies long before anyone else eh pops.

I can't say that I've ever been called "pops" before...and it'll probably be a long time before I ever will.

I think it's a pity that a lot of people have trouble finding things of interest outside of work. Personally, I've found work to be

Title: Re: I am retired from work
Post by perceptions_now on Jul 5th, 2012 at 11:47pm

Amadd wrote on Jul 5th, 2012 at 11:24pm:

Plus the realisation that you'll be pushing up daisies long before anyone else eh pops.

I can't say that I've ever been called "pops" before...and it'll probably be a long time before I ever will.

I think it's a pity that a lot of people have trouble finding things of interest outside of work. Personally, I've found work to be

So long as you are comfortable within yourself, retirement is simply another stage of life.

I retired nearly 4 years ago, at 57 & I am happy with how things have gone & how I am today, although I can see more difficult Economic times ahead.

That said, there are those who seem uncomfortable with the thought of retirement, at any age & many delay or simply continue until they drop.

Personally, I can't see the point, in the work till you drop syndrome, but each to their own!

Title: Re: I am retired from work
Post by Spot of Borg on Jul 6th, 2012 at 4:32am
My mother is 84 and still working - though its part time now and the salvos sacker her when she turned 80 because apparently their insurance doesnt cover ppl over 80. Ageism.


Title: Re: I am retired from work
Post by MOTR on Jul 6th, 2012 at 4:44am

Sir Spot of Borg wrote on Jul 6th, 2012 at 4:32am:
My mother is 84 and still working - though its part time now and the salvos sacker her when she turned 80 because apparently their insurance doesnt cover ppl over 80. Ageism.


That's what she told you. I heard she was slacking off and nicking Black Sabbath cassettes.

Talking to a mate last night who retired at 60 and after coming back from overseas has been trying to get back in the workforce for several years. Just got a 6 month contract as a temp, and it's the happiest I've seen him in ages.

Title: Re: I am retired from work
Post by MOTR on Jul 6th, 2012 at 4:48am

Amadd wrote on Jul 5th, 2012 at 11:24pm:

Plus the realisation that you'll be pushing up daisies long before anyone else eh pops.

I can't say that I've ever been called "pops" before...and it'll probably be a long time before I ever will.

I think it's a pity that a lot of people have trouble finding things of interest outside of work. Personally, I've found work to be

My advice is to find a job you love before one that pays well. You're a long time working and a short time retired. Unfortunately, not everyone gets a choice.

Bit late for you Amadd.

Title: Re: I am retired from work
Post by warrigal on Jul 6th, 2012 at 7:26am
I would like to retire now, I am tired.

being stuck unemployed is not retired despite what so people hear think.

Title: Re: I am retired from work
Post by thelastnail on Jul 6th, 2012 at 12:31pm

Amadd wrote on Jul 5th, 2012 at 2:48am:
Is that a problem with you?

Why do I get such daggers for achieving a personal goal?

I tell you now, you have absolutely nothing over me you pathetic worker.

Everybody to me now is a pathetic worker. It's a little bit funny.

Why aren't you happy for me now? Because you've never been happy for me, and I've realised that at a young age.

It's all control, But I ain't about to control anybody else. I'm all about self-control, and that's why I've worked so hard to get myself into this position.

I believe in democratic control where one positions one's self into a dominant position over one's self.

Now you buggerers have no control over me at all.
You can wait 'til you're 67 you idiot.

what are you talking about !!

everyone who is on the dole is retired ;)

No need to wait for 67 ;)

Who's the idiot now ?? :D LOL

Title: Re: I am retired from work
Post by Amadd on Jul 7th, 2012 at 12:47am

My advice is to find a job you love before one that pays well. You're a long time working and a short time retired. Unfortunately, not everyone gets a choice.

Bit late for you Amadd.

Gee, I've never heard that advice before  :D
Ahh yesss...find a job that you love and you'll never work another day in your life.
Found one yet? 99% of the workforce hasn't.
Ahhh yess...what a crock!

The workplace these days is an evil demeaning parasitic animal with no absolutely no respect for human rights, despite the front that is put forward.
Behind the scenes, they are scheming to suck every last drop out of you and entrap you into voluntary enslavement.
Workers are just like krill to a blue whale. They need to be gobbled up and pood out in very large numbers.

Anyway, mid 40's isn't too late to do something else employment-wise if I so choose, but 67 (still a long way off) is probably too late to do the things that I love doing most today.
Trail bike riding through the mountains, decompression diving, flying planes..etc. may be beyond me even if I happen to make it to 67 in good health.

Yes I can make a few more bucks on the side from various things that are enjoyable enough (100 times more than working for an employer), but even those can get to be too much like work at times.

My advice to you is to remember fondly that child who had dreams of adventure.

Title: Re: I am retired from work
Post by wonderwoman on Jul 7th, 2012 at 3:51am

Frances wrote on Jul 5th, 2012 at 1:06pm:

FriYAY wrote on Jul 5th, 2012 at 12:40pm:
Retired and on PF boasting about it.

He must be running out of things to do....

;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re: I am retired from work
Post by Amadd on Jul 7th, 2012 at 7:52am

MissFixItOrElse wrote on Jul 7th, 2012 at 3:51am:

Frances wrote on Jul 5th, 2012 at 1:06pm:

FriYAY wrote on Jul 5th, 2012 at 12:40pm:
Retired and on PF boasting about it.

He must be running out of things to do....

;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

;D ;D ;D they say in the classics...not bloody likely!

Title: Re: I am retired from work
Post by Amadd on Jul 7th, 2012 at 11:37pm
Like I said, I think that there is some particular grievance about somebody declaring retirement at a relatively young age, and I think that I have an idea of what it is...I have a bit of time to think about these things now y'know  ;)

Some may call it jealousy, but I think that it runs deeper than that.
This forum absolutely reflects the feeling that I'm mostly getting in real life, and that is "No! you are not allowed to retire until you come of age!
It's rather pathetic really  ;D

All of a sudden, I am on the outer with my friends, and even with my family, all because I never wanted to be enslaved 'til old age.

Yes it is true that your debts pay for my option to work or not, but I've worked for other people's retirement funds also.

I don't ever intend to receive government money, although I could very easily work it out to "spend it up", and then rely on government money down the track. Would that be a good thing to do?

I think that I'm entitled to live by my own rules as long as they are within the bounds of the general law.

The social "norm" is rather obnoxious, egotistical, and unforgiving IMO.
Most of those who think that they are bucking the social trend are actually complying to an accepted boundary. That has nothing to do with their personal dreams or personal selves.

Not that I am saying that my life is any better or worse than that of anybody else, but often there turns out to be reason within a particular path that one has chosen, ..or has gravitated towards.
I'm happy to wait for that reason (if any), and I don't appreciate being told that I must know it in advance.

..and I don't even need to believe in God  ;D

Title: Re: I am retired from work
Post by wonderwoman on Jul 7th, 2012 at 11:41pm

Amadd wrote on Jul 7th, 2012 at 11:37pm:
All of a sudden, I am on the outer with my friends, and even with my family, all because I never wanted to be enslaved 'til old age.

Are you sure that is the reason?

Title: Re: I am retired from work
Post by Amadd on Jul 7th, 2012 at 11:44pm

Because I had the ability to make it happen with my non-conformist ol' man.
Most people never get to know what a trusting partnership is all about. It brings about an advantage.

Title: Re: I am retired from work
Post by Spot of Borg on Jul 8th, 2012 at 4:51am

This forum absolutely reflects the feeling that I'm mostly getting in real life, and that is "No! you are not allowed to retire until you come of age!
It's rather pathetic really 

You are seeing what you want to see. If you opened your eyes you would see that most of the ppl in this forum post throughout the day. Some may be @ work and most i expect are retired. How many are retired @ a young age? YOU DONT KNOW.

Drop the attitude.

The "attitude" you have adopted though is going to get you in trouble if you are acting like this in real-life. Nobody likes a skiter mate. Cut it out is my advice. Its one thing to tell us what you are doing but its another to act as you are acting.


Title: Re: I am retired from work
Post by Amadd on Jul 8th, 2012 at 10:14am
Ok. I'll take that on board.

Obviously some of the luxuries need to be cut down when considering living off investment income, but I've never been a big fan of luxuries anyway.

Plenty of other people have far more to skite about than me; the large house, the high paying job..etc., and they do so constantly whilst simultaneously complaining about this, that and the other.

I can see how I come across as skiting, but it's more of a relief. I've worked bloody hard for years in the hope that I could one day chuck it all in. And at this moment in time, it's bliss just to be starting to get to sleep at a normal time and waking when the light hits.

So I'm saying, "Yeah baby! this is kinda nice  :)", and others are trying to say to me, "No way Hose', you get back to work and chase the Jones'  >:( ".

Whoever has the most money when he dies wins
~ Danny Devito

Title: Re: I am retired from work
Post by Spot of Borg on Jul 8th, 2012 at 10:42am

Amadd wrote on Jul 8th, 2012 at 10:14am:
Ok. I'll take that on board.

Obviously some of the luxuries need to be cut down when considering living off investment income, but I've never been a big fan of luxuries anyway.

Plenty of other people have far more to skite about than me; the large house, the high paying job..etc., and they do so constantly whilst simultaneously complaining about this, that and the other.

I can see how I come across as skiting, but it's more of a relief. I've worked bloody hard for years in the hope that I could one day chuck it all in. And at this moment in time, it's bliss just to be starting to get to sleep at a normal time and waking when the light hits.

So I'm saying, "Yeah baby! this is kinda nice  :)", and others are trying to say to me, "No way Hose', you get back to work and chase the Jones'  >:( ".

Whoever has the most money when he dies wins
~ Danny Devito

Haha yeah @ other ppl. Nobody liked them either when they skite.

1 word of advice though. From what you have been saying you have it pretty well planned and you have investments etc to live on. You just dont know what the government is going to do next. The next government might put a horrible tax on investments or something. They are bastards. When the GST came in I know several ppl that had to come out of retirement and get jobs again because the cost of living went up too much.

Anyway good luck to ya - what are you going to do? Hobbies? Grey nomad (except not grey)? Go back to school and learn something actually interesting?


Title: Re: I am retired from work
Post by Amadd on Jul 9th, 2012 at 9:51am
Yes of course the economic climate and so many other variables could quite easily change my plans, or at least put the pressure on.
It would be very beneficial tax-wise to do a couple of months work per year, but for the moment, I'm not thinking in that direction.
I have a couple of other methods for making a few bucks on the side which I consider to be hobbies, so I'll see what I end up making there before thinking about that "W" word.

As for things to do, I probably won't get around to them all, but I'll give it a crack.
First and foremost has been to get my sleeping pattern back to normal. Next will be a routine of a little exercise every morning and better eating habits.

I'm enjoying getting stuck back into my pilot's licence atm. So far, it has been very interrupted because of time constraints and circumstances.
I've set aside enough cash to complete it, but realistically, I'm going to need more of an income if I plan on flying regularly. Ditto with decompression diving in exotic locations.
Regardless, it costs nothing to learn more about those disciplines. There's all I need to know and more right at my fingertips.

As well, I need to help out my mum more with my grandmother who still lives by herself and flat out refuses a nursing home  ;D
Then there's doing things around the home, catching up with friends, maybe rent out my place and travel for a year, ..etc etc.
I can't see myself getting bored, and I hope that I can dig up this post someday and say "Yep, that's what I've been doing". Or maybe a completely different path will have grabbed me..who knows?
One thing I know for sure is that the further I take my mind from the week in week out drudgery of PAYG work, the more I detest the thought.i

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