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General Discussion >> Federal Politics >> 403 boats - 403 policy failures Message started by Maqqa on Dec 30th, 2012 at 4:27pm |
Title: 403 boats - 403 policy failures Post by Maqqa on Dec 30th, 2012 at 4:27pm
Laurie Oakes questions Julia Gillard on the Nine Network's Today program on Sunday about a press release I'VE got here a shadow minister's press release headed, "Another boat on the way. Another policy failure." Do you agree that every boat of asylum-seekers that arrives represents a policy failure by the government? Gillard: Well, what I believe, Laurie, and what I think we can see from the conduct of the opposition, is they're all about playing politics with this issue. They say a lot of inconsistent things. Some days they're in favour of temporary protection visas. Some days they're against them. Some days they're in favour of the Howard Pacific solution. Some days they're against it. Each and every day they're playing politics. Oakes: But what about you? What about you? "Another boat on the way. Another policy failure." Is that right? Gillard: Oh well Laurie, I think what Australians know and what the government knows is that we live in a world where people get displaced from their home countries for a variety of reasons. We're seeing the aftermath of a civil war in Sri Lanka, for example, so people move because of that kind of violence. What, obviously, the world wants is for people, if they have to flee their homes, to then stop when they can get in contact with responsible authorities, like the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, and have their claims processed. What we don't want is we don't want people risking long anddangerous journeys overseas where they might get into distress and get into real difficulty. Oakes: You see, that press statement is dated April 23, 2003, and it's issued by then shadow minister Julia Gillard. So why is one boat arrival then a failure of government policy, but 30-plus arrivals this year is not a failure of government policy? Gillard: Well, Laurie, I think what we know is we live in a world where people do end up displaced for a variety of reasons. |
Title: Re: 403 boats - 403 policy failures Post by adelcrow on Dec 30th, 2012 at 4:30pm
Remind us Maqqa..what did Labor do to create the refugee crises enveloping the world?
Title: Re: 403 boats - 403 policy failures Post by Maqqa on Dec 30th, 2012 at 4:37pm adelcrow wrote on Dec 30th, 2012 at 4:30pm:
Of course you need reminding given the amount of time you spend on the dole queue or in brothels You agreed and voted to go to war |
Title: Re: 403 boats - 403 policy failures Post by woof woof on Dec 30th, 2012 at 4:53pm
Thats sneaky Mr Oaks, insinuating the press release he had was from a "coalition backbencher" when in fact is was Gillards press release when she wa sshadow immigration minister.
She automatically goes on the attack against the opposition, then when Oaks shows her the document its date and its author, she goes down a duifferent path. Hillarious. has Oaks turned against her?? seems like it?????? |
Title: Re: 403 boats - 403 policy failures Post by adelcrow on Dec 30th, 2012 at 4:58pm Maqqa wrote on Dec 30th, 2012 at 4:37pm:'re blaming Labor for the refugee problem sweeping the globe so it should be easy for you to fill us in on how they are to blame for it. |
Title: Re: 403 boats - 403 policy failures Post by Innocent bystander on Dec 30th, 2012 at 7:54pm
Labor policy failure created the latest boat fiasco and hundreds of deaths, the graph reflects this and when the Libs get in next year and sanity is restored the graph will flat line again and all the excuses that have been made for the past fives years as to why the boats have returned will be proved BS.
Title: Re: 403 boats - 403 policy failures Post by corporate_whitey on Dec 30th, 2012 at 7:56pm
Bogan haters gotta hate and victimize.... :P
Title: Re: 403 boats - 403 policy failures Post by Innocent bystander on Dec 30th, 2012 at 8:32pm
The real forgotten victims in all of this are working tax payers ;)
Title: Re: 403 boats - 403 policy failures Post by progressiveslol on Dec 30th, 2012 at 8:43pm Innocent bystander wrote on Dec 30th, 2012 at 7:54pm:
That, amongst some pretty poor policies just for this labor, has to be the worst policy I have EVER seen from any party at any time. |
Title: Re: 403 boats - 403 policy failures Post by Armchair_Politician on Dec 30th, 2012 at 8:49pm adelcrow wrote on Dec 30th, 2012 at 4:30pm:
They (the ALP government) dismantled the Pacific Solution under Rudd and replaced disincentives with incentives under Gillard, in the form of free housing, free furniture, free computers, free phoens and welfare payments while their applications are processed. It takes stupidity of epic proportions, a complete and total lack of intelligence, to continually refuse to accept two simple and undeniable facts: 1. The Pacific Solution worked, and 2. Labor created this fiasco when Rudd dismantled the Pacific Solution More than 30,000 people have arrived since Rudd dismantled the Pacific Solution, on more than 400 boats. At least 1,000 are believed dead at sea and that is a conservative estimate. All this on Labor's watch. Oh and by the way, the crack Gillard made about Sri Lanka is wrong. It's been over for a long time. |
Title: Re: 403 boats - 403 policy failures Post by Innocent bystander on Dec 30th, 2012 at 9:09pm
Worse still Gillards own department of immigration states that 95% will still be on welfare after five years, they come here to sponge pure and simple and the labor party arseholes roll out the red carpet for them to do so.
Title: Re: 403 boats - 403 policy failures Post by progressiveslol on Dec 30th, 2012 at 9:23pm Innocent bystander wrote on Dec 30th, 2012 at 9:09pm:
Why wouldn't you. It would be like winning lotto, like you have your own personal money tree compared to living as if short term disaster is around the corner. Labor are di heads. |
Title: Re: 403 boats - 403 policy failures Post by Armchair_Politician on Dec 30th, 2012 at 9:32pm progressiveslol wrote on Dec 30th, 2012 at 9:23pm:
Exactly. Push factors are long gone. It's all about pull factors now... |
Title: Re: 403 boats - 403 policy failures Post by Innocent bystander on Dec 30th, 2012 at 9:34pm
Look who could blame them, I'd do the same, the worst of it is they are met at the gate by hordes of greeny do gooder wankers that encourage them to get straight on disability, they should be met at the gates by farmers needing fruit pickers instead.
Title: Re: 403 boats - 403 policy failures Post by the wise one on Dec 31st, 2012 at 4:12am Armchair_Politician wrote on Dec 30th, 2012 at 9:32pm:
All these are push factors Jews seeking refuge from war-torn Europe in the 1930s. That is way the UN Refugee Convention brought into force. Tutsis seeking refuge from Rwanda, Kurds seeking refuge from Iraq, and still going on. Hazaras seeking refuge from the Taliban in Afghanistan here is another push factor that is still happen to this day, and many others. Now before you post your bullshyte do a little bit of research. |
Title: Re: 403 boats - 403 policy failures Post by Spot of Borg on Dec 31st, 2012 at 5:19am Innocent bystander wrote on Dec 30th, 2012 at 7:54pm:
Nope.Labour removed the former govts inhumane policies then the opposition wouldn't let her install her own. Bow we are back to inhumane. SOB |
Title: Re: 403 boats - 403 policy failures Post by Spot of Borg on Dec 31st, 2012 at 5:20am Innocent bystander wrote on Dec 30th, 2012 at 8:32pm:
No. you arent the victim. The refugees are. SOB |
Title: Re: 403 boats - 403 policy failures Post by Spot of Borg on Dec 31st, 2012 at 5:22am Innocent bystander wrote on Dec 30th, 2012 at 9:34pm:
Yeah. Wouldn't want to do good now would we. Let them all die in the conditions they fled from. If the dole is so good why arent you on it? Or are you? Can you cover the rent? SOB |
Title: Re: 403 boats - 403 policy failures Post by Armchair_Politician on Dec 31st, 2012 at 6:21am Sir Spot of Borg wrote on Dec 31st, 2012 at 5:19am:
You got alzheimer's or something, SOB? I ask, cos you seem to always forget that the Greens also voted against Malaysia, yet we never hear any criticism of them for that. Also, lets take a proper look at which was the more humane policy. Under the ALP, at least 1000 people have died at sea attempting to come here due to the incentives provided by this government and for those fortunate enough to survive the journey, they are packed in like sardines in detention centres built to hold one-third of their current population. Under the Coalition, I don't recall people dying at sea and certainly those few who did come here weren't crammed into over-crowded detention centres. I'm sure you'll disagree, but clearly the more inhumane of the two governments is the ALP by a wide margin! |
Title: Re: 403 boats - 403 policy failures Post by Innocent bystander on Dec 31st, 2012 at 6:39am
Amazing coincidence that refugees only seem to flee persecution when labor governments are in office here, if we get rid of labor government we may get world peace
Title: Re: 403 boats - 403 policy failures Post by adelcrow on Dec 31st, 2012 at 7:03am
According to Abbott its far better for these people to die in their country of origion. According to the Libbos its far better for the women and children to be raped and the men to be tortured and murdered than to attempt to get to a country where they are safe and have a future for themselves and their children.
The only way is onshore processing, for refugees to live in the community while their claims are being processes and for us to set up systems in Malaysia and Indonesia where we can fly genuine refugees into this country before they jump on boats and further risk their lives. These refugees have no future in Malaysia and Indonesia where they cannot legally earn an income, they get no health care, where their kids get no schooling and where even getting a roof over their heads is close to impossible unless they deal in the black market. If Julia Gillard is responsible for every refugee that risks getting on a boat then Tony Abbott is responsible for every death and rape and every traumatised child in the refugees country of origin and transfer countries. |
Title: Re: 403 boats - 403 policy failures Post by Armchair_Politician on Dec 31st, 2012 at 7:05am adelcrow wrote on Dec 31st, 2012 at 7:03am:
No one's stopping them fleeing a war zone. They'd just be better off stopping at the first safe country they come to instead of trying to come here. By transiting through a safe country, they are voiding their claim to be a genuine refugee. Even the UNHCR says so. Your argument is as weak as wet paper... |
Title: Re: 403 boats - 403 policy failures Post by the wise one on Dec 31st, 2012 at 7:13am Armchair_Politician wrote on Dec 31st, 2012 at 7:05am:
And what is the first safe country they come to armpit? |
Title: Re: 403 boats - 403 policy failures Post by adelcrow on Dec 31st, 2012 at 7:25am Armchair_Politician wrote on Dec 31st, 2012 at 7:05am:
Give me a list of safe countries you would move your wife and kids to if you were in the same position these refugees are in. We know Pakistan, Malaysia and Indonesia are not safe countries for refugees to be in for anymore than a few weeks so is your stance really just "anywhere but here" |
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