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General Discussion >> Federal Politics >> Well done labor, you know how to back + be a loser

Message started by progressiveslol on Jan 3rd, 2013 at 9:20am

Title: Well done labor, you know how to back + be a loser
Post by progressiveslol on Jan 3rd, 2013 at 9:20am
Russia decided to discontinue its participation in the Kyoto Protocol

Moscow won’t join the second phase of the Kyoto Protocol, which starts on January 1st 2013.

Russia decided to discontinue its participation in the protocol because the world’s major producers of greenhouse gases – the United States, China and India – are still refusing to commit themselves to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

Because of that, Russian leaders say, the Kyoto Protocol, which came into force seven years ago, had no impact on the rate of global warming.



So when does this labor government believe they will start influencing other countries with their carbon tax lie.

Kyoto is dead

Title: Re: Well done labor, you know how to back + be a loser
Post by John Smith on Jan 3rd, 2013 at 9:23am

progressiveslol wrote on Jan 3rd, 2013 at 9:20am:
So when does this labor government believe they will start influencing other countries with their carbon tax lie.

please show me a quote where labor has ever said it wanted to influence other countries? making things up again tweedle dum?

Title: Re: Well done labor, you know how to back + be a loser
Post by MOTR on Jan 3rd, 2013 at 9:29am

John Smith wrote on Jan 3rd, 2013 at 9:23am:

progressiveslol wrote on Jan 3rd, 2013 at 9:20am:
So when does this labor government believe they will start influencing other countries with their carbon tax lie.

please show me a quote where labor has ever said it wanted to influence other countries? making things up again tweedle dum?

Now I'm confused. I thought Maqqa was tweedle dum.

Title: Re: Well done labor, you know how to back + be a loser
Post by Andrei.Hicks on Jan 3rd, 2013 at 9:32am

John Smith wrote on Jan 3rd, 2013 at 9:23am:

progressiveslol wrote on Jan 3rd, 2013 at 9:20am:
So when does this labor government believe they will start influencing other countries with their carbon tax lie.

please show me a quote where labor has ever said it wanted to influence other countries? making things up again tweedle dum?

If I recall correctly Julia Gillard said one of the reasons to implement a carbon tax policy was that China would in time follow suit, ergo this is Australia influencing Chinese policy.....

The fact that the Chinese have ordered their airlines to not pay any fines to the EU for not having a carbon pricing system obviously seems to show their view on the matter and the ol flame haired chick seems to have missed that one, but anyway....

Title: Re: Well done labor, you know how to back + be a loser
Post by progressiveslol on Jan 3rd, 2013 at 9:36am
Could be just from this pissant

Australia is no pissant, says Garnaut

The Government’s key climate change adviser
Professor Garnaut also has hit back at critics of the carbon tax who argue Australia is getting ahead of the world.     ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

He says Australia’s decisions on climate change influence other countries.

“I don’t accept that my country is a pissant country. All the evidence is against it,” he said.

“We matter even on climate change, even though our emissions are only 1.5 per cent of the world’s, just like the UK matters with its 1.7 per cent.”

Everyone but labor knew they were being idiots.

Title: Re: Well done labor, you know how to back + be a loser
Post by Andrei.Hicks on Jan 3rd, 2013 at 9:41am
How much does it matter?

Well how about this fact....

In 2010, the Chinese emissions GROWTH was FIVE TIMES that of the Kyoto countries REDUCTIONS combined.

Now tell us again how we need to allow China to keep polluting more whilst the rest of us reduce.

The per capita argument would us thinking it was more important to reduce the emissions of the Falkland Islands, Gibraltar and the Dutch Antilles before the world's worst polluter.

Title: Re: Well done labor, you know how to back + be a loser
Post by aquascoot on Jan 3rd, 2013 at 9:54am
russia, china, taiwan, korea, japan and the phillipines are nearly coming to blows over a few bits of rock in the china sea.

other countries understand nationalism is the new future.

kyoto is dea
the UN is dead

and it would appear common sense from our current global socialists(labor and the greens)  has been deceased for some time. ;) ;) ;)

still i'm sure ross garnaud and kevvy and bob carr can all get together and puff out their chests about how australia is "punching above its weight'

considering most of the world think we are a central european country whose capital is vienna :D :D

Title: Re: Well done labor, you know how to back + be a loser
Post by Innocent bystander on Jan 3rd, 2013 at 9:56am
I think Russia wants the thermostat turned up a bit anyway, its cold up there.  ;D

Title: Re: Well done labor, you know how to back + be a loser
Post by Innocent bystander on Jan 3rd, 2013 at 9:58am

aquascoot wrote on Jan 3rd, 2013 at 9:54am:
russia, china, taiwan, korea, japan and the phillipines are nearly coming to blows over a few bits of rock in the china sea.

other countries understand nationalism is the new future.

kyoto is dea
the UN is dead

and it would appear common sense from our current global socialists(labor and the greens)  has been deceased for some time. ;) ;) ;)

still i'm sure ross garnaud and kevvy and bob carr can all get together and puff out their chests about how australia is "punching above its weight'

considering most of the world think we are a central european country whose capital is vienna :D :D

Just shows what complete dills the labor party really are, they get on the global warming bandwagon ten years too late, just when everyone else is getting off of it  ;D

Title: Re: Well done labor, you know how to back + be a loser
Post by MOTR on Jan 3rd, 2013 at 9:59am
Maybe we can take credit for Mexico's global warming legislation which includes a mandate to reduce emissions of carbon dioxide by 30% below business-as-usual levels by 2020, and by 50% below 2000 levels by 2050.

Or South Korea's carbon trading system, which like Mexico's was passed with broad bipartisan support earlier this year.

We can't take credit for California's new cap and trade system, because that has been in the pipeline for sometime.

However, according to progs' logic we can take credit for South Africa's planned carbon tax, which begins in 2013, and Japan's planned carbon tax, which will be phased in between 2013 and 2016.

Although perhaps we should step back and allow the real pioneers, British Colombia, NZ and the EU to take the credit.

What progs' post clearly shows us is that those countries that stall will clearly create ammunition for other countries to stall. If we want a global agreement we can't afford to be half assed.

Abbott's threat to dismantle the our carbon pricing scheme is a threat to us all.

Title: Re: Well done labor, you know how to back + be a loser
Post by Andrei.Hicks on Jan 3rd, 2013 at 10:09am
How does Chinas emissions growth look MOTR?

Looking alright for you is it?

Title: Re: Well done labor, you know how to back + be a loser
Post by MOTR on Jan 3rd, 2013 at 10:27am

Andrei.Hicks wrote on Jan 3rd, 2013 at 10:09am:
How does Chinas emissions growth look MOTR?

Looking alright for you is it?

It's very concerning. But as we can see we need to develop a critical mass to get this ball really rolling. It's inevitable, but will it be too late. If we vote down our carbon tax we'll be working against this critical mass. Just as progs and Maqqa are using Russia as a reason to delay action in Australia, other similar minded people will use our actions to delay action in their own country.

Vested interests understand this. That's why Australia is of interests to the Heartland Institute. It's why Heartland Institute helps fund our anti carbon price lobby.

Title: Re: Well done labor, you know how to back + be a loser
Post by olde.sault on Jan 3rd, 2013 at 10:41am

progressiveslol wrote on Jan 3rd, 2013 at 9:20am:
Russia decided to discontinue its participation in the Kyoto Protocol

Moscow won’t join the second phase of the Kyoto Protocol, which starts on January 1st 2013.

Russia decided to discontinue its participation in the protocol because the world’s major producers of greenhouse gases – the United States, China and India – are still refusing to commit themselves to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

Because of that, Russian leaders say, the Kyoto Protocol, which came into force seven years ago, had no impact on the rate of global warming.



So when does this labor government believe they will start influencing other countries with their carbon tax lie.

When did they have this influence, anyway?
Kyoto is dead

Title: Re: Well done labor, you know how to back + be a loser
Post by John Smith on Jan 3rd, 2013 at 11:06am

MOTR wrote on Jan 3rd, 2013 at 9:29am:

John Smith wrote on Jan 3rd, 2013 at 9:23am:

progressiveslol wrote on Jan 3rd, 2013 at 9:20am:
So when does this labor government believe they will start influencing other countries with their carbon tax lie.

please show me a quote where labor has ever said it wanted to influence other countries? making things up again tweedle dum?

Now I'm confused. I thought Maqqa was tweedle dum.

Noo... Maqqa is Forrest Gump (or Gumpy), progs and armpit are tweedle dee and tweedle dum (not necessarily in that order) .

Title: Re: Well done labor, you know how to back + be a loser
Post by John Smith on Jan 3rd, 2013 at 11:08am

Andrei.Hicks wrote on Jan 3rd, 2013 at 9:32am:

John Smith wrote on Jan 3rd, 2013 at 9:23am:

progressiveslol wrote on Jan 3rd, 2013 at 9:20am:
So when does this labor government believe they will start influencing other countries with their carbon tax lie.

please show me a quote where labor has ever said it wanted to influence other countries? making things up again tweedle dum?

If I recall correctly Julia Gillard said one of the reasons to implement a carbon tax policy was that China would in time follow suit, ergo this is Australia influencing Chinese policy.....

The fact that the Chinese have ordered their airlines to not pay any fines to the EU for not having a carbon pricing system obviously seems to show their view on the matter and the ol flame haired chick seems to have missed that one, but anyway....

and China will one day follow suit ... that does not mean the govt. said it wanted to influence other countries decisions

Title: Re: Well done labor, you know how to back + be a loser
Post by gold_medal on Jan 3rd, 2013 at 11:12am

MOTR wrote on Jan 3rd, 2013 at 10:27am:

Andrei.Hicks wrote on Jan 3rd, 2013 at 10:09am:
How does Chinas emissions growth look MOTR?

Looking alright for you is it?

It's very concerning. But as we can see we need to develop a critical mass to get this ball really rolling. It's inevitable, but will it be too late. If we vote down our carbon tax we'll be working against this critical mass. Just as progs and Maqqa are using Russia as a reason to delay action in Australia, other similar minded people will use our actions to delay action in their own country.

Vested interests understand this. That's why Australia is of interests to the Heartland Institute. It's why Heartland Institute helps fund our anti carbon price lobby.

ah... 'vested interests'. a convenient term used by well-funded climate hysterics to lamblast their opponents who are usually not funded at all and when they are are suddenly evil.

the entire ACC religion is a 'vested interest'.

yay critical thinking...

Title: Re: Well done labor, you know how to back + be a loser
Post by progressiveslol on Jan 3rd, 2013 at 9:45pm
This could be directed toward Rudd/Gillard/labor in almost all ways

Nigel Lawson Wins Climate Policy Bet

Oliver Letwin is one of the nicest people in politics, and one of the cleverest. It is, however, disconcerting that UK climate change policy - which makes no conceivable sense in the absence of a binding global agreement – has been based on the advice of someone so totally divorced from any understanding of practical realities.”

Lord Lawson comments:

“I made the bet because I knew I would win. It has always been blindingly obvious that the positions of Europe, the United States and China were much too far apart for a truly global successor to Kyoto to be negotiable.”

Title: Re: Well done labor, you know how to back + be a loser
Post by Maqqa on Jan 4th, 2013 at 1:09am

John Smith wrote on Jan 3rd, 2013 at 9:23am:

progressiveslol wrote on Jan 3rd, 2013 at 9:20am:
So when does this labor government believe they will start influencing other countries with their carbon tax lie.

please show me a quote where labor has ever said it wanted to influence other countries? making things up again tweedle dum?

Example 1

30th May 2007 - Kevin Rudd

Labor’s Framework for Climate Change
This is why Labor has developed a comprehensive framework to tackle climate change. This is a framework for government – it shows that we are serious about climate change and serious about the business of government.

Labor’s framework for climate change recognises that dealing with climate change is not easy – it requires strategies, plans and programs based on practical action. Labor’s Framework for Climate Change identifies ten key areas for action.

First, restore Australia’s international leadership on climate change. Australia used to be a leader on international environmental diplomacy – today we are seen as a spoiler.

We must immediately ratify the Kyoto Protocol to show we are serious and want to help forge a global solution. It is why we will establish a diplomatic initiative with China.

Example 2

I can unite world on climate, says Rudd
December 5, 2007

The Climate Change Minister, Penny Wong, will play the key role as "principal negotiator" in Mr Rudd's vision for Australia as the world's new climate change broker, further underscoring her rapid rise in the new government.

Title: Re: Well done labor, you know how to back + be a loser
Post by MOTR on Jan 4th, 2013 at 6:37am

gold_medal wrote on Jan 3rd, 2013 at 11:12am:

MOTR wrote on Jan 3rd, 2013 at 10:27am:

Andrei.Hicks wrote on Jan 3rd, 2013 at 10:09am:
How does Chinas emissions growth look MOTR?

Looking alright for you is it?

It's very concerning. But as we can see we need to develop a critical mass to get this ball really rolling. It's inevitable, but will it be too late. If we vote down our carbon tax we'll be working against this critical mass. Just as progs and Maqqa are using Russia as a reason to delay action in Australia, other similar minded people will use our actions to delay action in their own country.

Vested interests understand this. That's why Australia is of interests to the Heartland Institute. It's why Heartland Institute helps fund our anti carbon price lobby.

ah... 'vested interests'. a convenient term used by well-funded climate hysterics to lamblast their opponents who are usually not funded at all and when they are are suddenly evil.

the entire ACC religion is a 'vested interest'.

yay critical thinking...

goldie, you are one of the most naive people I've ever come across. Are you going to tell me you are completely oblivious to the influence of the fossil fuel lobby. They should cryogenically preserve you so that future generation can stare in wonder at your dodo like innocence. It wouldn't surprise me if you still believe there is no link between smoking and cancer.

At least progs and Maqqa seem to know that are being disingenuous.

How's that for critical thinking, sport.  ;)

Title: Re: Well done labor, you know how to back + be a loser
Post by Andrei.Hicks on Jan 4th, 2013 at 6:47am
This industry has done more for production and research into cleaner energy supply than all of the Gvernment actions added together.

Dont pander to ill-informed hysteria.

Title: Re: Well done labor, you know how to back + be a loser
Post by MOTR on Jan 4th, 2013 at 6:51am

Andrei.Hicks wrote on Jan 4th, 2013 at 6:47am:
This industry has done more for production and research into cleaner energy supply than all of the Gvernment actions added together.

Dont pander to ill-informed hysteria.

Cleaner is a relative term, Andrei.

Title: Re: Well done labor, you know how to back + be a loser
Post by aquascoot on Jan 4th, 2013 at 7:00am

Andrei.Hicks wrote on Jan 4th, 2013 at 6:47am:
This industry has done more for production and research into cleaner energy supply than all of the Gvernment actions added together.

Dont pander to ill-informed hysteria.

quite true andrei, the emissions from the latest volvo trucks are cleaner to breathe than the air in mexico city.

Title: Re: Well done labor, you know how to back + be a loser
Post by adelcrow on Jan 4th, 2013 at 7:28am

MOTR wrote on Jan 3rd, 2013 at 9:29am:

John Smith wrote on Jan 3rd, 2013 at 9:23am:

progressiveslol wrote on Jan 3rd, 2013 at 9:20am:
So when does this labor government believe they will start influencing other countries with their carbon tax lie.

please show me a quote where labor has ever said it wanted to influence other countries? making things up again tweedle dum?

Now I'm confused. I thought Maqqa was tweedle dum.

Na..your thinking of tweedle dumber

Title: Re: Well done labor, you know how to back + be a loser
Post by adelcrow on Jan 4th, 2013 at 7:31am

aquascoot wrote on Jan 4th, 2013 at 7:00am:

Andrei.Hicks wrote on Jan 4th, 2013 at 6:47am:
This industry has done more for production and research into cleaner energy supply than all of the Gvernment actions added together.

Dont pander to ill-informed hysteria.

quite true andrei, the emissions from the latest volvo trucks are cleaner to breathe than the air in mexico city.

So the truck engines in volvo trucks in Mexico city actually cleans the air  ;D'll have to seal up your house and run the exhaust from one of these trucks into your house and let us know how that works out for you  :D

Title: Re: Well done labor, you know how to back + be a loser
Post by John Smith on Jan 4th, 2013 at 1:08pm

Maqqa wrote on Jan 4th, 2013 at 1:09am:

John Smith wrote on Jan 3rd, 2013 at 9:23am:

progressiveslol wrote on Jan 3rd, 2013 at 9:20am:
So when does this labor government believe they will start influencing other countries with their carbon tax lie.

please show me a quote where labor has ever said it wanted to influence other countries? making things up again tweedle dum?

Example 1

30th May 2007 - Kevin Rudd

Labor’s Framework for Climate Change
This is why Labor has developed a comprehensive framework to tackle climate change. This is a framework for government – it shows that we are serious about climate change and serious about the business of government.

Labor’s framework for climate change recognises that dealing with climate change is not easy – it requires strategies, plans and programs based on practical action. Labor’s Framework for Climate Change identifies ten key areas for action.

First, restore Australia’s international leadership on climate change. Australia used to be a leader on international environmental diplomacy – today we are seen as a spoiler.

We must immediately ratify the Kyoto Protocol to show we are serious and want to help forge a global solution. It is why we will establish a diplomatic initiative with China.

Example 2
I can unite world on climate, says Rudd
December 5, 2007

The Climate Change Minister, Penny Wong, will play the key role as "principal negotiator" in Mr Rudd's vision for Australia as the world's new climate change broker, further underscoring her rapid rise in the new government.

I see no reference on trying to influence anyone ... did you forget your glasses Gumpy ????

Title: Re: Well done labor, you know how to back + be a loser
Post by progressiveslol on Jan 4th, 2013 at 1:33pm

John Smith wrote on Jan 4th, 2013 at 1:08pm:

Maqqa wrote on Jan 4th, 2013 at 1:09am:

John Smith wrote on Jan 3rd, 2013 at 9:23am:

progressiveslol wrote on Jan 3rd, 2013 at 9:20am:
So when does this labor government believe they will start influencing other countries with their carbon tax lie.

please show me a quote where labor has ever said it wanted to influence other countries? making things up again tweedle dum?

Example 1

30th May 2007 - Kevin Rudd

Labor’s Framework for Climate Change
This is why Labor has developed a comprehensive framework to tackle climate change. This is a framework for government – it shows that we are serious about climate change and serious about the business of government.

Labor’s framework for climate change recognises that dealing with climate change is not easy – it requires strategies, plans and programs based on practical action. Labor’s Framework for Climate Change identifies ten key areas for action.

First, restore Australia’s international leadership on climate change. Australia used to be a leader on international environmental diplomacy – today we are seen as a spoiler.

We must immediately ratify the Kyoto Protocol to show we are serious and want to help forge a global solution. It is why we will establish a diplomatic initiative with China.

Example 2
I can unite world on climate, says Rudd
December 5, 2007

The Climate Change Minister, Penny Wong, will play the key role as "principal negotiator" in Mr Rudd's vision for Australia as the world's new climate change broker, further underscoring her rapid rise in the new government.

I see no reference on trying to influence anyone ... did you forget your glasses Gumpy ???? [/quote]
I already put up the direct quote from pissant himself.

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