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Message started by Spot of Borg on Jan 21st, 2013 at 5:24am

Title: More Dobbing
Post by Spot of Borg on Jan 21st, 2013 at 5:24am
Dob in ppl you think might have $2 more than you.

Call to dob in unauthorised tenants

Published 8:35 AM, 20 Jan 2013


    The NSW government is urging people to "dob in" unauthorised public housing occupants.

    The move is designed to ensure tenants are paying the rent they should, which is based on household income, Family and Community Services Minster Pru Goward says.

    Legitimate tenants will also have a two-month amnesty to declare unauthorised occupants.

    Those who don't face eviction or will have to make back-payments on rent.

    "Tenants who do the right thing and declare additional occupants will have their rent adjusted from the date of declaration, and will not be charged back rent," Ms Goward said in a statement on Sunday.

    "However, tenants with undeclared occupants who do not take advantage of the amnesty will forfeit protection offered under the amnesty and risk being charged back rent."

    She said random checks of 106 Housing NSW properties last year found evidence of undeclared occupants in 14 cases.

    Tenants can submit declarations at or make an anonymous report to the dob in line on 1300 468 746.

    The amnesty will run from January 21 to March 17, 2013

Isnt it 2/3rd of your income or something like that you have to pay?


Title: Re: More Dobbing
Post by Baronvonrort on Jan 21st, 2013 at 1:02pm

Sir Spot of Borg wrote on Jan 21st, 2013 at 5:24am:
Dob in ppl you think might have $2 more than you.

Isnt it 2/3rd of your income or something like that you have to pay?


Those on centrelink only pay 25% of their welfare on rent in taxpayer subsidised public housing, someone on the dole will pay around $61 per week in rent to live in public housing regardless of whether it is a bedsit or 5 bedroom house the rent is capped at 25%..

Undeclared tennants means you are defrauding the department of housing and these people should be dobbed in.

Title: Re: More Dobbing
Post by John Smith on Jan 21st, 2013 at 2:38pm

Sir Spot of Borg wrote on Jan 21st, 2013 at 5:24am:
Isnt it 2/3rd of your income or something like that you have to pay?

It's 25% of your income or market rates, whichever is the lessor of the two figures. I've been in hundreds of houso houses where they only had the 'dads' income on the books, but mum and the two 20 and 19 yr old kids were also working ......

it used to amaze me that in one area, some single mums were paying $50 - $75 week (used to be 20%) to rent a 3 bedroom townhouse and would bitch about 'all the rent i pay constantly and every single one of them had an Austar dish on the roof

Title: Re: More Dobbing
Post by Spot of Borg on Jan 21st, 2013 at 2:59pm
Heh well i dunno. I havent ever had the dole although i did claim austudy for a few moths once. It didnt even cover my rent. Someone dobbed my mother in once. They were just arseholes. Her pension was cut off while they investigated. Turns out she owns her house. Wasnt housing commission. Was prolly dad did the dobbing. Thing is this encouraging ppl to dob each other in is 1984ish. Ppl will do it vindictively.


Title: Re: More Dobbing
Post by Kat on Jan 21st, 2013 at 4:30pm
I have no problem with something being done about public housing tenants
who misrepresent their income, or who trash their tenancies.

Title: Re: More Dobbing
Post by Sappho on Feb 5th, 2013 at 8:04pm

Sir Spot of Borg wrote on Jan 21st, 2013 at 2:59pm:
Ppl will do it vindictively.


Some do, but most do it because they are disgusted with the idea of economically viable people stealing welfare from those who are truly in need.

Quite frankly, if they could remove rorting from the system, the money saved could be used to increase the unemployment benefit.

The biggest rorters are the self employed and multiple home owners.

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