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General Discussion >> Federal Politics >> Gillards refugeee Muslim hit squads

Message started by adelcrow on Mar 29th, 2013 at 8:55am

Title: Gillards refugeee Muslim hit squads
Post by adelcrow on Mar 29th, 2013 at 8:55am
I assume these kids are Muslims that arrived in this country by boat care of Gillards "open borders" policy.

Title: Re: Gillards refugeee Muslim hit squads
Post by chicken_lipsforme on Mar 29th, 2013 at 9:02am
Your link does not state ethnicity, so I assume you are pulling the chain.

Title: Re: Gillards refugeee Muslim hit squads
Post by KJT1981 on Mar 29th, 2013 at 9:05am
They are abos.

Title: Re: Gillards refugeee Muslim hit squads
Post by Herbert on Mar 29th, 2013 at 12:10pm
Some sort of coloured Third World people would be my guess. Probably Abos.

And needless to say, the VIPs (victimhood industry professionals) comprising legions of Sob Sisters, wet-nurses, nannies, pro bono leftwing lawyers, handwringing clerics, closet homosexual paedophiles, political opportunists, and sundry bedwetters will rally to the cause of defending these little bastards for no other reason than that they're not white or mainstream.

Title: Re: Gillards refugeee Muslim hit squads
Post by Big Dave on Mar 29th, 2013 at 1:18pm
If  three white kids killed an abo it would be world news and the militant abos around australia would be rioting. The soft cocked do-gooders  in the media kept that one quiet.

Title: Re: Gillards refugeee Muslim hit squads
Post by salad in on Mar 29th, 2013 at 3:22pm
I think the lads in question are Baptists who were on an organised 'those of the faith' gathering.

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