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General Discussion >> Federal Politics >> How does Rudd attack Abbott next 100 days

Message started by Maqqa on Jun 10th, 2013 at 1:58pm

Title: How does Rudd attack Abbott next 100 days
Post by Maqqa on Jun 10th, 2013 at 1:58pm
I've said this before and I'll say it again - Gillard's hit Abbott with everything. Nothing's worked. She's even hit him with Swannie's handbag

No one is listening

Rudd is another matter.

People are still listening

So what will they hit Abbott with this time?

(1) Direct Action - who cares because everyone is focused on the Carbon Tax
(2) Gonski? - about the only shining light here
(3) NDIS? - Gillard's already claimed dibs
(4) Illegals - Rudd would be brave yo go here given he got rid-off the Pacific Solution
(5) The old chestnut - Workchoices
(6) The economy? - with $300B debt and 6 record deficits he's got to be stupid to go here
(7) Swan's handbag

Title: Re: How does Rudd attack Abbott next 100 days
Post by alevine on Jun 10th, 2013 at 2:02pm

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