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Message started by imcrookonit on Jun 13th, 2013 at 8:11pm

Title: The Pattern Of Liberal Government Job Cuts.
Post by imcrookonit on Jun 13th, 2013 at 8:11pm
PM worried by WA public sector job cuts

    The Australian.
    June 13, 2013

PM Julia Gillard is concerned about the public sector job cuts announced by the WA government. Source: AAP

THE loss of more than 1000 jobs from Western Australia's public sector follows a national pattern of Liberal government job cuts, according to Prime Minister Julia Gillard.     :(

Jobs are set to be lost in West Australian schools, hospitals and police stations, as Premier Colin Barnett announced that voluntary and involuntary redundancies could save up $2 billion in the next four years.

Plunging resources royalties, a reduced GST share and rising state debt has prompted the re-elected Liberal government to slash government advertising and spending on consultants, followed by Thursday's job cuts.

Speaking in Perth, Ms Gillard said she felt for the families of those affected.

"I'm very concerned about what that means for those working people and their families," Ms Gillard said.

"It follows a pattern right around the country where state Liberal governments have cut jobs.     :(

"We take a different approach. We want to see jobs around our nation. We will continue to focus on economic growth and jobs."

Department heads have been ordered to find at least 1000 voluntary redundancies in the next financial year, while legislation will be brought in before Christmas to allow WA public sector employees to be sacked for the first time.      :(

The job cuts will cost $100 million, as redundancy packages are beefed up, but will save more than $75 million a year, and up to $2 billion by 2016/17, according to Treasurer Troy Buswell.

Mr Barnett said he expected some of those job losses would come in health, education and policing, but did not expect a big impact on front line services.

"There will be some people that decide they wish to leave the profession, there will be some teachers that want to leave - but the focus will be on administrative areas, not the front line services," Mr Barnett said.

But Opposition Leader Mark McGowan said the announcement was hypocritical after Barnett staffers were given pay rises of up to 52 per cent after the March 9 election.

"This premier is setting the worst example I have ever seen," Mr McGowan said.      :(

Toni Walkington, branch secretary of WA's public sector union, said reduction in service quality was inevitable.

"Front line services such as child protection, offender management and crime prevention will be further run down," Ms Walkington said.

Title: Re: The Pattern Of Liberal Government Job Cuts.
Post by imcrookonit on Jun 13th, 2013 at 8:13pm
It follows a pattern right around the country where state Liberal governments have cut jobs.      :(

Title: Re: The Pattern Of Liberal Government Job Cuts.
Post by Swagman on Jun 13th, 2013 at 8:51pm
Yes it follows a pattern of Labor Governments overspending and not managing the public service competently.

Title: Re: The Pattern Of Liberal Government Job Cuts.
Post by imcrookonit on Jun 13th, 2013 at 8:57pm
How many more jobs gone, if Mr Abbott wins government?.      :( 

Title: Re: The Pattern Of Liberal Government Job Cuts.
Post by Swagman on Jun 13th, 2013 at 9:14pm
Well the Gillard Govt has succeeded in justabout killing off the manufacturing and mining industries.

Ford, Target just a tip of the ice berg.

Title: Re: The Pattern Of Liberal Government Job Cuts.
Post by imcrookonit on Jun 13th, 2013 at 9:19pm
What about that guy in Queensland.  How many was it 14,000 and still going.      :(   

Title: Re: The Pattern Of Liberal Government Job Cuts.
Post by Swagman on Jun 13th, 2013 at 9:51pm
..Again a direct result of a previous incompetent and overspending Labor state government

Title: Re: The Pattern Of Liberal Government Job Cuts.
Post by BlOoDy RiPpEr on Jun 14th, 2013 at 7:33am
Labor has a habit of inventing unnecessary jobs so they can go to the media claiming they created so many jobs, the problem is most of these jobs could be done with a lot less people. The private sector can not afford to over employ so why should the Government have the right to over employ, its not their money they are spending, its the tax payers money, and most tax payers would agree that they would like government departments to be efficient as possible and if savings can be made with cut backs to government jobs, then it should. Maybe those who are so concerned about losing their job should open their eyes and look at the big picture and realize who put them in the position in the first place by over employing.

Title: Re: The Pattern Of Liberal Government Job Cuts.
Post by imcrookonit on Jun 14th, 2013 at 7:39am
Build more Centrelink offices.      :(

Title: Re: The Pattern Of Liberal Government Job Cuts.
Post by progressiveslol on Jun 14th, 2013 at 7:49am
It follows the pattern of labors hidden union tax where they over bloat the public service with jobs in order to pay back the unions with union fees for their spending and support to get them elected

Title: Re: The Pattern Of Liberal Government Job Cuts.
Post by philperth2010 on Jun 14th, 2013 at 8:03am

Swagman wrote on Jun 13th, 2013 at 9:51pm:
..Again a direct result of a previous incompetent and overspending Labor state government

The WA State Liberal Govwernment was left with a budget surplus and no debt.....It has taken over 4 years for the Liberals to do nothing and run the budget into deficit.....How do you justify this???

:-? :-? :-?

Title: Re: The Pattern Of Liberal Government Job Cuts.
Post by chicken_lipsforme on Jun 14th, 2013 at 9:19pm

Swagman wrote on Jun 13th, 2013 at 9:14pm:
Well the Gillard Govt has succeeded in justabout killing off the manufacturing and mining industries.

Ford, Target just a tip of the ice berg.

That balances off nicely with the amount of jobs Labor has created in the foreign criminal people smuggler industry.
You will find 99% of people smuggler kingpins would vote Labor, if they could vote that is.

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