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General Discussion >> Federal Politics >> The Great ALP SCAM

Message started by Jasignature on Jun 30th, 2013 at 11:54pm

Title: The Great ALP SCAM
Post by Jasignature on Jun 30th, 2013 at 11:54pm
I used to be a fan of Rudd, even if I didn't vote for him. I used to admire ALP in a way too.

But these days -
I see the ALP for what it really is = a SCAM

Besides the now 'officially obvious' fact that the ALP is in league with the Union(ism)s and the USA DEMOCRATS (wonder if they side with the Tories too?).
The way that the ALP disengaged Rudd for Gillard and then brought Rudd back (via much denial) in an effort to 'con' the public once again with much 'publicity'.


...its so pathetically obvious it almost seems like those pencil marked ticks of ours are being erased even before they are made. Seems the 'MEDIA' maketh the decision ...specifically the Murdoch run MEDIA known as TELEVISION.

I admired Rudd for his 'people' personality of putting the public before his fellow polititians. I was very impressed!
But ! :o
It seems the only 'TYPE' of Public he is supporting are akin to those bloody HOUSOS that expect everything on a silver platter!  >:(

How stupid and foolish a REPUBLICAN I am/was. :-[

I can hear the DIVISION BELL ringing (for whom the bell tolls) and the 'difference' becoming blatantly obvious.

I spit on Waltzing Mathilda and its ALP/Unionism/Colonialism bull-faeces. they are telling us to learn ASIAN languages (as if the International Language of English isn't hard enough) via Peter Garrett and that our entire educational system should be more 'asianified' to meet the 'economic' need.

Hold on! I thought CHINA is the 'Great Red Herring' of Economics that stole the 'money' from India and its 'Black Market'? :-? it stole 'population' from China  ;)

I think these coming elections will be rigged.
I think we are about to experience a SCAM.
I think we should vote in PEN for starters!  >:(
I think we should vote in a law that prevents a party from CHANGING political leaders!

Now you all know my first ever entry into this FORUM was MUTINY ON THE BOUNTY regarding seeing Gillard replace Rudd (I didn't even vote for Rudd :P) and how the WINDSOR SYSTEM 'allows' this !

...well as a COMMON man of the COMMONwealth of COMMON sense via this here .COM Internet
says: Its about time we 'THE PEOPLE' of OZ say NO to such !!! >:(

Politics in OZ is to serve the people.
The Family Man and not the (Houso) Redneck, like the ALP seem to be doing.
Serving the 'Individual' empowerment (President) is USA style. Something the ALP seem to think they can do of their 'own' accord too! ::)


Where does RUDD get off making a decision based upon the view of his 'daughter', rather than that of WE, THE PEOPLE  >:(? :-?

As a former Medic, who watch operations on 'that' part of the body, because of 'that' sexual practice of 'un-hygenic' proportions.
GROW UP RUDD ...know wonder you are nicknamed the 'Milky Bar Kid'.

F.ederation (of)
...for all Austr-Aliens ;)

Title: Re: The Great ALP SCAM
Post by Karnal on Jul 1st, 2013 at 12:24am
Gee, Jai, why would anyone be a fan of a boring bureaucrat like Rudd?

Secondly, how could anyone admire the ALP?

I can understand tolerating them to keep the Tories out, but admire?

I’m impressed.

Title: Re: The Great ALP SCAM
Post by Jasignature on Jul 1st, 2013 at 12:33am
I know  :-[

Title: Re: The Great ALP SCAM
Post by Karnal on Jul 1st, 2013 at 1:28am
I knew members of the ALP at uni. They were bizarre. It was like a cult - always tactics, getting this one elected to the SRC, getting that one out, rallying numbers, plotting coups.

Absolutely no different to any other brand of politics (not that I’d know). They could have been Nationals, but they had these strange factional wars going on between themselves. Most of them were in the same factions as their parents. It was the family business.

Their only saving grace was they liked a drink. They even sometimes shouted.

The Young Liberals wore ties and hung out solely with business and engineering students - no one else wanted to know them.

They never shouted and never gave you the time of day.

Title: Re: The Great ALP SCAM
Post by RightSadFred on Jul 1st, 2013 at 7:30am

Rudd is purely a product of the political system we have, he is a very effective campaigner but even as the left wing media say it ..... a very poor PM.

Title: Re: The Great ALP SCAM
Post by Sprintcyclist on Jul 1st, 2013 at 7:59am

Karnal wrote on Jul 1st, 2013 at 1:28am:
I knew members of the ALP at uni. They were bizarre. It was like a cult - always tactics, getting this one elected to the SRC, getting that one out, rallying numbers, plotting coups.

Absolutely no different to any other brand of politics (not that I’d know). They could have been Nationals, but they had these strange factional wars going on between themselves. Most of them were in the same factions as their parents. It was the family business.

Their only saving grace was they liked a drink. They even sometimes shouted.

The Young Liberals wore ties and hung out solely with business and engineering students - no one else wanted to know them.

They never shouted and never gave you the time of day.

tx karnal.
I'ld rather business and engineering degree holders ran the country than bred factional manipulators.

Title: Re: The Great ALP SCAM
Post by cods on Jul 1st, 2013 at 8:11am

Karnal wrote on Jul 1st, 2013 at 1:28am:
I knew members of the ALP at uni. They were bizarre. It was like a cult - always tactics, getting this one elected to the SRC, getting that one out, rallying numbers, plotting coups.

Absolutely no different to any other brand of politics (not that I’d know). They could have been Nationals, but they had these strange factional wars going on between themselves. Most of them were in the same factions as their parents. It was the family business.

Their only saving grace was they liked a drink. They even sometimes shouted.

The Young Liberals wore ties and hung out solely with business and engineering students - no one else wanted to know them.

They never shouted and never gave you the time of day.

so who did you hang out with karnal... or should that be who hung out with you??? a fencesitter. a very judgemental one at that.. you dont exactly tell us where you sat....and what colour tie you wore.

pinko perhaps..they too sit on the fence pigeon holing people... then finding a way to divide them

Title: Re: The Great ALP SCAM
Post by cods on Jul 1st, 2013 at 8:19am

RightSadFred wrote on Jul 1st, 2013 at 7:30am:

Rudd is purely a product of the political system we have, he is a very effective campaigner but even as the left wing media say it ..... a very poor PM.

you know Justin Bieber draws a crowd wherever he goes....but behind the scenes he is nothing like his public persona...

watching rudd on sunrise this morning.. he was so was painful to watch I dont find anything sincere about this man.. I dont know why!! have you noticed how he answers a question .. for instance he was asked about his boat people policies.. and he answered with Abbott boat people policies...not a word on his own.and I think we all know he has already decided what his policies are.[hes had 3 years].. all he has to do now it tell his ministers what they have to agree consult with.

Title: Re: The Great ALP SCAM
Post by red baron on Jul 1st, 2013 at 8:23am
If by some accident and miracle of stupidity the public were to vote this Government in.....

Then the floodgates up north, already open would become a tidal wave of bludgers, all seeking an early retirement on the public tit Australia.

We would literally be buried in Muslims and as that mufti recently said, "the Muslim flag would fly over Canberra."

Rudd would continue to borrow from China increasing our ever burgeoning debt which stands atb350 billion dollars. He would just keep borrowing and borrowing until China owns our sorry arses and we became another Fiji..Owned by outsiders.

If ever there was an election  where people need to wake up to their bloody selves this is the one.

That is of course if you don't mind your future education system worshipping Islam...your choice...look at your grandkids and do the right bloody thing and stop taking notice of that little show pony sideshow that KRudd is putting on.

Title: Re: The Great ALP SCAM
Post by cods on Jul 1st, 2013 at 8:33am

red baron wrote on Jul 1st, 2013 at 8:23am:
If by some accident and miracle of stupidity the public were to vote this Government in.....

Then the floodgates up north, already open would become a tidal wave of bludgers, all seeking an early retirement on the public tit Australia.

We would literally be buried in Muslims and as that mufti recently said, "the Muslim flag would fly over Canberra."

Rudd would continue to borrow from China increasing our ever burgeoning debt which stands atb350 billion dollars. He would just keep borrowing and borrowing until China owns our sorry arses and we became another Fiji..Owned by outsiders.

If ever there was an election  where people need to wake up to their bloody selves this is the one.

That is of course if you don't mind your future education system worshipping Islam...your choice...look at your grandkids and do the right bloody thing and stop taking notice of that little show pony sideshow that KRudd is putting on.

did you watch 60 minutes last night... where China has built these huge townships..shops offices.. houses or apartments..looked like New York.. yet no one lives there...the people cannot afford to live like the end of the world. they are sitting empty.. at the same time China is making inroads into the habitat of the Panda Bear to build yes even more townships that people cannot afford to live that BIZARRE?

now like it or not.. thats what our economy has been relying on....thats even more BIZARRE!

Title: Re: The Great ALP SCAM
Post by John Smith on Jul 1st, 2013 at 8:54am

It_is_the_Darkness wrote on Jun 30th, 2013 at 11:54pm:
Besides the now 'officially obvious' fact that the ALP is in league with the Union

'Now'?? You've just figured this out? Quick aren't you ......  You do realise the ALP was started by the unions don't you? Every party is in league with 'someone' ... they need these 'someones' for funding etc. ....  the libs are in league with Murdoch amongst others .... I don't see you complaining about that. 

Title: Re: The Great ALP SCAM
Post by buzzanddidj on Jul 1st, 2013 at 12:17pm

red baron wrote on Jul 1st, 2013 at 8:23am:
Rudd would continue to borrow from China increasing our ever burgeoning debt which stands atb350 billion dollars. He would just keep borrowing and borrowing until China owns our sorry arses and we became another Fiji..Owned by outsiders.


buzzanddidj wrote on May 18th, 2013 at 10:32pm:
Former prime minister John Howard gave the economy a big tick before Treasurer Wayne Swan delivered his sixth budget on Tuesday night.

Mr Howard told a mortgage and finance industry convention in Sydney the economy was resilient despite the belief that it was ''running on empty''.

In an off-the-cuff speech on Friday, reported by trade website The Adviser, Mr Howard was upbeat about the economy.

''When the Prime Minister and the Treasurer and others tell you that the Australian economy is doing better than most - they are right,'' Mr Howard said.

The low unemployment rate had surprised him, he said.

''We are still fortunate that we have an unemployment rate with a five in front of it. I wouldn't have thought that was going to be possible a few years ago, and I don't think many people would. Our unemployment has remained pleasingly quite low,'' Mr Howard said.

''And our debt to GDP ratio, the amount of money we owe, to the strength of our economy, is still a lot better than most other countries,'' he said.

He said Australia's economy was better than the economies of Japan, the US and most European countries.

This is in stark contrast to his protege and Opposition Leader Tony Abbott's assessment of doom and gloom on Monday.

Title: Re: The Great ALP SCAM
Post by red baron on Jul 1st, 2013 at 12:33pm
Buzz and Didj, we also have a burgeoning 350 billion dollar foreign debt, that's a lot of money for a Country with a population our size. It didn't take long for this shambles of a Government to rack that debt up, 4 little years.

They are so f....d with their economics it scares me that they might even have a skerrick of a chance of getting in, blinded by the Halo of that useless article class one KRudd.

Never mind, he has already had his first big f.... up on day one where he tried to put us at odds with Indonesia, keep going Kevin, there's f... all talent in that little bag of yours only Yoda mind tricks.

Title: Re: The Great ALP SCAM
Post by RightSadFred on Jul 1st, 2013 at 3:24pm

Sprintcyclist wrote on Jul 1st, 2013 at 7:59am:

Karnal wrote on Jul 1st, 2013 at 1:28am:
I knew members of the ALP at uni. They were bizarre. It was like a cult - always tactics, getting this one elected to the SRC, getting that one out, rallying numbers, plotting coups.

Absolutely no different to any other brand of politics (not that I’d know). They could have been Nationals, but they had these strange factional wars going on between themselves. Most of them were in the same factions as their parents. It was the family business.

Their only saving grace was they liked a drink. They even sometimes shouted.

The Young Liberals wore ties and hung out solely with business and engineering students - no one else wanted to know them.

They never shouted and never gave you the time of day.

tx karnal.
I'ld rather business and engineering degree holders ran the country than bred factional manipulators.


It takes a certain type of ego maniac personality to get into politics, well educated smarter business people seem to only reluctantly go into it. To be an effective politician (not a union plant) its a full time job, if you look at the part time ones they don't go very far or like Obied inc they totally corrupt.

Title: Re: The Great ALP SCAM
Post by greggerypeccary on Jul 1st, 2013 at 3:39pm

John Smith wrote on Jul 1st, 2013 at 8:54am:

It_is_the_Darkness wrote on Jun 30th, 2013 at 11:54pm:
Besides the now 'officially obvious' fact that the ALP is in league with the Union

'Now'?? You've just figured this out? Quick aren't you ......  You do realise the ALP was started by the unions don't you? Every party is in league with 'someone' ... they need these 'someones' for funding etc. .... 

Yes, that was a strange comment.

" ... the now 'officially obvious' fact that the ALP is in league with the Union".

That's the way it's always been.  Always

It's no secret.  Never has been.

Quite the opposite: Unions willingly announce that they are affiliated with the ALP, and the ALP have always openly and proudly declared their affiliation with Unions.


It surprises me that some people are surprised by the ALP/Union affiliation.

Title: Re: The Great ALP SCAM
Post by froggie on Jul 1st, 2013 at 4:19pm

red baron wrote on Jul 1st, 2013 at 12:33pm:
Buzz and Didj, we also have a burgeoning 350 billion dollar foreign debt, that's a lot of money for a Country with a population our size. It didn't take long for this shambles of a Government to rack that debt up, 4 little years.

They are so f....d with their economics it scares me that they might even have a skerrick of a chance of getting in, blinded by the Halo of that useless article class one KRudd.

Never mind, he has already had his first big f.... up on day one where he tried to put us at odds with Indonesia, keep going Kevin, there's f... all talent in that little bag of yours only Yoda mind tricks.


Moody's Investors Service has given the Australian economy an upbeat assessment and says the local currency's rating remains stable.

"Australia's Aaa ratings are based on the country's very high economic resiliency, very high government financial strength, and very low susceptibility to event risk," Moody's said in a statement on Monday.

The stable currency rating comes even though the Australian dollar has fallen more than 10 US cents in the past two months.

Moody's acknowledged that the currency's fall was due to a rally in the US dollar after Federal Reserve chairman Ben Bernanke said the US central bank could soon start to scale back its economic stimulus program.

Australia has avoided a recession in recent years despite the global financial crisis (GFC) hitting its major trading partners hard.

One of reasons for the continued economic growth is the mining and resources boom, driven by exports to China.

Moody's also said the economy's diverse nature was one of its strengths.

"As one of the world's most advanced economies, the country has not only a significant natural resources sector - including minerals, hydrocarbons, and agriculture - but also well-developed manufacturing and service sectors," Moody's said.

"While volatilities in commodity prices and exchange rates affect the economy, the most important risk remains the economy's reliance on external capital inflows to finance the country's high level of investment, lately dominated by the resources sector, but including residential construction."

The ratings agency said the federal government's strong financial position enabled it to give the economy some help during the GFC.

"Moody's assesses the government's financial strength as very high. Among the advanced economies, Australia has one of the lowest general government debt levels, although its debt has risen in the past several years," Moody's said.

Australia has not had a recession in almost 22 years, figures from the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) show.

A recession is defined as two quarters of economic contraction.

© 2013 AAP


Title: Re: The Great ALP SCAM
Post by froggie on Jul 1st, 2013 at 4:27pm

red baron wrote on Jul 1st, 2013 at 12:33pm:
Buzz and Didj, we also have a burgeoning 350 billion dollar foreign debt, that's a lot of money for a Country with a population our size. It didn't take long for this shambles of a Government to rack that debt up, 4 little years.

They are so f....d with their economics it scares me that they might even have a skerrick of a chance of getting in, blinded by the Halo of that useless article class one KRudd.

Never mind, he has already had his first big f.... up on day one where he tried to put us at odds with Indonesia, keep going Kevin, there's f... all talent in that little bag of yours only Yoda mind tricks.

And yet, the only person to mention 'going to war' is your boy, Scott Morrison.

"Well you can only go on the incredible rate of arrivals and others as you have done today make that judgement. But this government has given up on it. There is no sense of urgency about this and what will be required if there is a change of government later this year is a very, very stark contrast not just in policy which there of course will be but where the stark contrast will be is in the sense of resolve. It was the resolve of the Howard Government that stopped this last time, not just the policies. We will need to go to war on this thing and we will."


Title: Re: The Great ALP SCAM
Post by froggie on Jul 1st, 2013 at 4:33pm
Not just once........
And both on his own site.

We’re going to have to go to war on this. It’s as simple as that.  We’ve got to bring every resource and every agency that works in this space together to focus on tackling this problem.  The government has given up on it.  They gave up on it a long, long, long time ago.  They think you can’t do things and they...

;) ;)

Title: Re: The Great ALP SCAM
Post by John Smith on Jul 1st, 2013 at 4:39pm

greggerypeccary wrote on Jul 1st, 2013 at 3:39pm:

John Smith wrote on Jul 1st, 2013 at 8:54am:

It_is_the_Darkness wrote on Jun 30th, 2013 at 11:54pm:
Besides the now 'officially obvious' fact that the ALP is in league with the Union

'Now'?? You've just figured this out? Quick aren't you ......  You do realise the ALP was started by the unions don't you? Every party is in league with 'someone' ... they need these 'someones' for funding etc. .... 

Yes, that was a strange comment.

" ... the now 'officially obvious' fact that the ALP is in league with the Union".

That's the way it's always been.  Always

It's no secret.  Never has been.

Quite the opposite: Unions willingly announce that they are affiliated with the ALP, and the ALP have always openly and proudly declared their affiliation with Unions.


It surprises me that some people are surprised by the ALP/Union affiliation.

It's like being surprised to discover that Clive Palmer is affiliated with the United Australia Party .....

who'd ever thought it? It's like, WOW man.

Title: Re: The Great ALP SCAM
Post by Karnal on Jul 1st, 2013 at 4:44pm

red baron wrote on Jul 1st, 2013 at 12:33pm:
Buzz and Didj, we also have a burgeoning 350 billion dollar foreign debt, that's a lot of money for a Country with a population our size.

Population? What's it got to do with population?

It's bugger all for a country with an economy our size.

If that money wasn't spent, Australia would have gone into recession, lost its AAA credit rating, and most likely ended up on a self-fulfilling spiral into further unemployment and low business confidence.

How do I know? Peter Costello's old head of Treasury, Ken Henry, came out to make it clear. The stimulus was Treasury policy, and the Libs would have done exactly the same, or similar.

The economy is in perfect shape for where we are. However, tax revenues will tank as the mining boom tapers off. Now the dollar's dropping, we might get exports happening again, but I'm not holding my breath.

JuLiar blew our chances when she lowered the mining tax - a mad idea. Mind you, the Libs want to do away with altogether.

So where are their savings coming from?

A Liberal government will be dangerous to the economy. The very idea that conservatives are better economic managers can be seen all too well in the US. Bush gave the rich tax cuts, paid top dollar for senior's medication, started two wars, and nearly bankrupted the place.

Hockey and Abbott are saying nothing about how they'll make cuts, but they're saying a lot about how they'll spend more.

And to cover that up, they're saying, trust us. We had Peter Costello.

It doesn't wash. Labor are in a much better position right now to manage the economy. The defecit is no problem whatsoever. 

Until the Libs suggest their plans, I'm ignoring them.

Title: Re: The Great ALP SCAM
Post by froggie on Jul 1st, 2013 at 4:52pm
Lib plans......

abbotts_plans_001.jpg (114 KB | 23 )

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