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Message started by froggie on Aug 1st, 2013 at 10:54pm

Title: Talk about Taxes
Post by froggie on Aug 1st, 2013 at 10:54pm
Newman Government Lifts Insurance Costs From Today
Today (Thursday 1 August) is the day Queenslanders start paying more for their vehicle and household insurance cover thanks to the Newman Government.
Shadow Treasurer Curtis Pitt said from today Queenslanders would face increases in insurance duty on their motor vehicles and homes.
“The increase will even apply to householders in disaster-prone areas who have already seen their premiums rise dramatically,” Mr Pitt said.
“The 2013 State Budget delivered in June outlined increases in insurance taxes that will generate an extra $990 million for the Newman Government over four years.
“This was after the Treasurer previously said that there would be no tax increases in the Budget.

“This increase is particular unfair because GST is already charged on insurance, so the Newman Government is imposing a tax increase on top of an existing tax which only compounds the cost to householders.

“When he was on the Opposition benches the Treasurer Tim Nicholls called insurance duty a ‘windfall on misery’.

Now in Government he is using it as a windfall for himself.”,30863

Title: Re: Talk about Taxes
Post by buzzanddidj on Aug 2nd, 2013 at 8:53am


... there would be no tax increases in the Budget.

Ring a BELL ?

Think of Tony ( ... there will be NO NEW TAXES under my government) Abbott

Now Tony Abbott's got a great big new tax 
Samantha Maiden
The Sunday Telegraph 
March 11, 2012

HERE'S a surprising fact: Tony Abbott's paid parental leave plan will hit more companies than the carbon tax.
Surprised? Consider the numbers.

Julia Gillard's carbon tax will be paid by 500 of the nation's biggest polluters. Abbott's maternity leave tax levy of 1.5 per cent would hit an estimated 3300 businesses.

Isn't that a great big new tax coincidence?

Labor has rushed to slam Abbott's "Richie Rich" program for wealthy working mums, who'd get a taxpayer-funded "wage" for six months, up to an eye-watering $75,000 for women on $150,000 a year.

Less attention, however, has been paid to the size of the Abbott scheme and the potential cost impacts for consumers.

Would a 1.5 per cent paid parental leave tax on electricity generators, for example, drive up power bills? By how much? Would Woolworths and Coles lift the price of milk and bread?

Is it possible that some low-emission, high-profit companies such as banks and retailers could actually pay more up front under Abbott's parental leave plan than the carbon tax? Wouldn't that be a hoot.

If the Coalition argues it's a modest impact, how does that stack up with their claims the carbon tax will be catastrophic? And what if Abbott is elected but a hostile Greens-dominated Senate blocks him from axing the carbon tax?

Would companies be forced to pay both the $5 billion carbon tax and the $3 billion paid parental leave levy?

The carbon tax is estimated to raise $25 billion over three years, including about $7.6 billion in year one.

Bear in mind Abbott's $3 billion parental scheme contains no cost-of-living compensation, whereas the carbon tax is set to compensate Australians with $5 billion in tax cuts and welfare payments.

The Coalition plan would see taxpayers spend $4.5 billion per year on parental leave, covered by a 1.5 per cent levy on businesses with taxable incomes over $5 million a year.

There are also savings from rolling in the baby bonus scheme and family tax payments and replacing Labor's scheme.

Don't get me wrong. It was high time low and middle income women had access to a paid maternity scheme.

Abbott's scheme is more generous for many families than Labor's 18-week minimum wage scheme _ and there are great arguments for parental leave being a workplace entitlement, not a welfare cheque.

But if you think it's cheeky for Abbott to slag the carbon tax while introducing his very own $3 billion parental leave levy on business, you are not Robinson Crusoe.

(... but should we bear in MIND, it's a Parental "LEVY" - not a Parental "TAX" )i

Title: Re: Talk about Taxes
Post by froggie on Aug 2nd, 2013 at 2:29pm

It must be AOK when Coalition Govts introduce a BIG NEW TAX.....


Title: Re: Talk about Taxes
Post by salad in on Aug 2nd, 2013 at 5:14pm
They have to find the money to pay for the bludgers arriving by boat. I hope you aren't deluded enough to think these people are self-funded.

Asylum seekers: it's 'no holiday'

Asylum seekers may be living in the comfort of a four-star motel on Brisbane's northside, but they are "canaries in a golden cage", a refugee advocate says.

Frederika Steen said 79 asylum seekers housed in the Virginia Palms Motel live as detainees not holidaymakers.

"Anyone who is being detained and waiting for a decision, no matter how well they are fed, how warm they are at night, or how safe they feel, are unwell because of their lack of freedom," Ms Steen said.

The four-star Virginia Palms Motel in Boondall has reportedly been awarded a $1.2 million government contact for at least six months to accommodate the group of asylum seekers, understood to be from Afghanistan.

I thought you would rejoice in the knowledge that we are paying more to look after these 'desperate' people.

Title: Re: Talk about Taxes
Post by John Smith on Aug 2nd, 2013 at 5:23pm
but it's different when Tony does it .... with Tony's taxes Whyalla isn't going anywhere and a leg of lamb will only ever go up to $99, not the $100 proposed under labors taxes.

Title: Re: Talk about Taxes
Post by froggie on Aug 2nd, 2013 at 5:27pm

salad in wrote on Aug 2nd, 2013 at 5:14pm:
They have to find the money to pay for the bludgers arriving by boat. I hope you aren't deluded enough to think these people are self-funded.

Asylum seekers: it's 'no holiday'

Asylum seekers may be living in the comfort of a four-star motel on Brisbane's northside, but they are "canaries in a golden cage", a refugee advocate says.

Frederika Steen said 79 asylum seekers housed in the Virginia Palms Motel live as detainees not holidaymakers.

"Anyone who is being detained and waiting for a decision, no matter how well they are fed, how warm they are at night, or how safe they feel, are unwell because of their lack of freedom," Ms Steen said.

The four-star Virginia Palms Motel in Boondall has reportedly been awarded a $1.2 million government contact for at least six months to accommodate the group of asylum seekers, understood to be from Afghanistan.

I thought you would rejoice in the knowledge that we are paying more to look after these 'desperate' people.

I don't think these State taxes are being used for asylum seekers.


Title: Re: Talk about Taxes
Post by froggie on Aug 2nd, 2013 at 5:29pm
At least you had the balls to comment on this thread.

None of your mates did....

Good on ya.....


Title: Re: Talk about Taxes
Post by corporate_whitey on Aug 2nd, 2013 at 7:48pm
When socialism comes in we will be building the progressive tax base you can count on it...

Title: Re: Talk about Taxes
Post by salad in on Aug 2nd, 2013 at 7:50pm

Lobo wrote on Aug 2nd, 2013 at 5:29pm:
At least you had the balls to comment on this thread.

None of your mates did....

Good on ya.....


Not only did I not ban myself from this topic but I also know a little more than you do about 'who pays' for these bludgers.

Row over asylum health costs as Victoria leads revolt

    by: John Ferguson, Victorian political editor
    From: The Australian
    June 12, 2013 12:00AM

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THE Gillard government is facing a states' revolt over the soaring cost of healthcare for asylum-seekers and refugees, with the influx costing tens of millions of dollars and straining an already overloaded system.

The three most populous states want the commonwealth to be held accountable for fast-rising health costs incurred, due to the rising tide of community-based asylum-seekers and refugees since the Rudd government dumped the Pacific Solution five years ago.

The ministerial Standing Council on Health is set to demand the Gillard government share the burden of increased costs for basic services, including immunisations for asylum-seekers, mental health and dental services, interpreters and stronger support for foreigners seeking access to the primary care system.

Victoria - with the backing of NSW and Queensland - will on Friday demand a better funding deal for the states to eliminate cost-shifting and for Canberra to accept responsibility for the surge in asylum-seekers.


The above is meant to serve as a vignette. The various costs borne by the states can be hidden as well. ;)

Title: Re: Talk about Taxes
Post by froggie on Aug 2nd, 2013 at 8:21pm
Fair enough....

And here's me thinking his biggest worry was his new office block.
Newman’s new office tower, new casino the LNP’s top priorities

Shadow Treasurer Curtis Pitt slammed the LNP’s infrastructure priorities, with Treasurer Tim Nicholls refusing to release financial modelling proving his claims that savings were being made by constructing Campbell Newman’s new office tower in the Brisbane CBD.

“It’s clear the Newman Government has been determined to build itself a new riverfront office block at any cost,” Mr Pitt said.

“The new Executive Building is the Neman Government’s one and only major infrastructure project and the government continues to starve regional Queensland of projects that could generate local jobs and stimulate regional economies.”
But I stand corrected.


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