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Member Run Boards >> Islam >> is halal default? Message started by freediver on Aug 22nd, 2013 at 10:35pm |
Title: is halal default? Post by freediver on Aug 22nd, 2013 at 10:35pm
I am having trouble getting a straight answer on this one. In one post Gandalf insists that things are legal in Islam unless specifically forbidden. Yet in another he sends me on a wild goose chase to find the verse in the Koran that specifically permits rape. Then when he finds a verse to prove that rape is forbidden, it does not even use the word rape, and appears to reinforce the view that Islam punishes rape and consensual sex equally - ie any punishment meted out is for having sex, and whether the woman consented is pretty much irrelevant to the punishment.
polite_gandalf wrote on Jul 2nd, 2013 at 6:42pm:
freediver wrote on Aug 21st, 2013 at 7:03pm:
polite_gandalf wrote on Aug 22nd, 2013 at 5:28pm:
Title: Re: is halal default? Post by True Colours on Aug 22nd, 2013 at 10:36pm
Is Freediver an obsessed Zionist?
Title: Re: is halal default? Post by freediver on Aug 22nd, 2013 at 10:38pm
Ironically enough, the topic came up in a discussion about whether halal was barbaric.
Title: Re: is halal default? Post by gandalf on Aug 23rd, 2013 at 3:05am
yes its very confusing.
Rape - as in forcing a woman into sex against her will - is specifically forbidden in the Dawoud hadith I quoted. This is a general proscription - backed up by the numerous references in the quran (as well as hadith) to treat women with equality and respect. Therefore, saying rape is permitted is obviously contradictory. Therefore to have any shred of credibility, such a claim would have to be supported by an "exception to the rule" - as it were - in islamic doctrine. No such exception exists, therefore the default position that ALL rape is strictly forbidden stands. |
Title: Re: is halal default? Post by freediver on Aug 23rd, 2013 at 12:31pm
But it is not contradictory Gandalf. The point I was making about rape is not contradicted in any way by Dawood's verse. If anything it is supported by it. Other Muslims have made statements about Islamic law regarding rape that support my position. I think even you concede it was the orthodox view.
And the Koran is full of contradictions when it comes to the treatment of women. When it says to treat women with respect and equality, you are projecting onto it modern concepts of respect and equality which are contradicted at every step of Muhammed's journey. Islamic concepts of respect and equality are obviously very different to what these words mean in English. |
Title: Re: is halal default? Post by gandalf on Aug 23rd, 2013 at 4:20pm
If your only point is that rape and adultery are unjustly considered an equal crime, then thats fine. Thats your subjective position, I can't refute it. But I thought we were talking about whether or not rape is haram or halal - based on the (wrong) idea that rape is not specifically condemned and outlawed in islamic doctrine. It is.
Title: Re: is halal default? Post by freediver on Aug 23rd, 2013 at 7:21pm Quote:
It is punished equally. This is an objective statement. The only subjective bit is to conclude from this that Islam considers them equal. Quote:
Actually the point was whether or not halal is the default. Quote:
Can you find the verse that specifically prohibits raping one of your slaves? Can you find the verse that specifically prohibits raping one of your wives? Given that the verse you insist prohibits rape in all contexts does not distinguish between rape and consensual sex and does not even mention rape, you appear to be violating Allah's command not to make illegal what Allah has permitted for you. What is specifically outlawed in Islam is having consensual sex with women you are not permitted to. Where Islam permits sex, it considers it a man's right and a woman's duty. This, combined with the permissibility of slavery and domestic violence makes a general prohibition on rape non-sensical. That is why you are at a loss to explain how the concept of consent works in the context of slavery. |
Title: Re: is halal default? Post by gandalf on Aug 23rd, 2013 at 8:39pm
Whats interesting is that the hadith describes the rape of a woman who is not identified as any specific type of woman - not a wife, not a slave, not a free woman. I interpret the generic description of this case as outlawing rape of all women. Why make a separate ruling for every type of woman, when you can simply say "don't rape any women?"
freediver wrote on Aug 23rd, 2013 at 7:21pm:
The relevant hadith on rape can refer to any rape - raping of a slave, raping a free woman by another man, or raping by the husband. How can you say that ruling doesn't apply to slaves? You can't - since that woman could have been a slave - there is nothing that indicates she wasn't. freediver wrote on Aug 23rd, 2013 at 7:21pm:
No. The relevant hadith describes a situation in which a woman is taken against her will and forced to have sex - very clearly. Would you object to a non-islamic law that stated that any man who forces a woman to have sex with him, against her will, shall be severely punished - as somehow wrong because the word "rape" is not mentioned? That would make no sense. It makes even less sense to describe such a decree as only punishing the man for unlawful sex - not rape. Also, while I previously said the quran says nothing specific on rape, I have since found verse 4:19: Quote:
'inherit' = marriage = lawful sex. freediver wrote on Aug 23rd, 2013 at 7:21pm:
This is simply not true. Quran verse 2:187 states in relation to husband-wife relations - "They are garments for you and you are garments for them". This, backed up by the hadith that states "and your wife has a right over you " is universally recognised by scholars as referring to both the husband and wife's sexual needs. As Qurtubi states: "She has over him the same right of sexual cohabitation he has over her", and Yusuf Ali: Quote:
and the North American Islamic Society: Quote: |
Title: Re: is halal default? Post by Soren on Aug 23rd, 2013 at 9:23pm freediver wrote on Aug 22nd, 2013 at 10:35pm:
Lemme guess - you are having a conversation wiv da bruvvers. Yes? |
Title: Re: is halal default? Post by freediver on Aug 23rd, 2013 at 9:55pm Quote:
Well obviously you are not allowed to rape other people's wives. Or sex slaves. Quote:
Why indeed. It is Islam that has different rules for your wives, for your sex slaves, and for the women you are not allowed to rape. Quote:
Again you are missing the point completely. You are not allowed to rape other people's slaves. Only your own. Quote:
And the man is punished - very clearly - for having sexual intercourse with her. The hadith says nothing at all about the issue of consent, except to point out that in this case the illegal sexual intercourse also happened to be rape. Quote:
My objection is that this is the closest thing you can find in all of Islam to a rule against rape. Quote:
I am not claiming that either. What I am claiming is that this verse does not contradict the orthodox interpretation of Islam - that raping your wife or sex slave is not a punishable offence. polite_gandalf wrote on Aug 23rd, 2013 at 8:39pm:
:o This does not say that it is illegal to rape your wife. Islam permits slavery. Does that count as compulsion? Quote:
Great. Thanks for clearing that up Gandalf. |
Title: Re: is halal default? Post by gandalf on Aug 23rd, 2013 at 10:36pm
FD, three simple questions:
1. Prove to me that the hadith refers only to punishing the man for unlawful marriage outside marriage - as opposed to assault and rape. 2. If your objection to this piece of evidence is that it is not specific enough to rape - explain to me how the hadith could have been more clear that what was happening was the rape of a woman 3. Please provide evidence for your claim that raping one's slave is permitted - and that this legal precedent does not apply for the rape of slaves by their owners. |
Title: Re: is halal default? Post by adamant on Aug 23rd, 2013 at 10:51pm True Colours wrote on Aug 22nd, 2013 at 10:36pm:
Title: Re: is halal default? Post by freediver on Aug 24th, 2013 at 8:09am Quote:
It could mean he was killed for having sex on the road, blocking traffic. It is your example, not mine. You are the only one claiming that it proves anything. Quote:
I am also not claiming that there is any confusion about what happened. Quote:
The orthodox view is that rape in these contexts is not a punishable offence, and this precedent simply does not contradict that. Islam permits the beating of slaves. Muslims consider sex with slaves to be the owner's right. No Muslim can explain how the concept of consent even works in the context of slavery. The reason no Muslim can ever explain this is that during Muhammed's entire reign of rape and pillage, he never felt the need to clarify that after you chop a man's head off and take his wife home with you, you must get her consent before having sex with her. The precedent does not apply to the rape of slaves by their owners because it is not an example of the rape of a slave by their owner. Only delusion could lead a Muslim to believe that the absence of a specific precedent is due to Muhammed never needing to clarify the issue. After all, Muhammed himself took women as sex slaves after killing their husband. Your position fails the common sense test and is a rejection of your own principle that halal is the default. Islam specifically permits sex in this context, and never (ever) mentions consent. |
Title: Re: is halal default? Post by gandalf on Aug 24th, 2013 at 12:40pm freediver wrote on Aug 24th, 2013 at 8:09am:
You are the one claiming he was stoned for no other reason than having sex outside marriage. Heres a tip - if you're gonna playthe burden of proof game, suggest you don't make stupid claims of your own that you can't support. freediver wrote on Aug 24th, 2013 at 8:09am:
No, you're just saying the assault and rape part - clearly described in the hadith - had nothing to do with the sentencing :P |
Title: Re: is halal default? Post by freediver on Aug 24th, 2013 at 7:21pm Quote:
Are you now claiming that you do not know whether he was punished for rape or non-permitted sex? Quote:
It is your evidence Gandalf. It does not say what you claim it says. It's a bit rich for you to turn common sense on it's head and demand that I prove that it says what it says. Quote:
Are you claiming any different? This is your evidence Gandalf. |
Title: Re: is halal default? Post by gandalf on Aug 24th, 2013 at 8:59pm freediver wrote on Aug 24th, 2013 at 7:21pm:
lol no. freediver wrote on Aug 24th, 2013 at 7:21pm:
Of course not ::) A story about a woman being assaulted and forced to have sex with a man against her will, and the prophet ruling that the man be punished for that isn't a story about rape being a punishable offense. You can keep playing this childish game, but I'm done with this bullshit |
Title: Re: is halal default? Post by freediver on Aug 24th, 2013 at 9:27pm
You are saying that it is a general prohibition on rape in all contexts and also that it contradicts the orthodox Islamic view that rape is not a punishable offence wherever sex is a man's right.
It does neither of these things. It conforms entirely with the orthodox Islamic view on sex and rape. I am not disagreeing with you about the details of the incident described. I am pointing out that your extrapolation is completely unfounded. |
Title: Re: is halal default? Post by gandalf on Aug 25th, 2013 at 11:50am freediver wrote on Aug 24th, 2013 at 9:27pm:
rubbish. Whose your source - lemme guess Falah? Rape is listed under the category of violent crime in islamic fiqh. As far as I'm concerned marital rape falls under this. There is no reason to think otherwise. |
Title: Re: is halal default? Post by freediver on Aug 25th, 2013 at 7:22pm
There are plenty of reasons to think otherwise. Here are just a few:
Muslims who actually know about Islamic law claim that it is not a punishable offence. Muslims claim that where sex is permitted, Islam considers it a man's right and a woman's duty. They also believe that the only consent required is God's - ie not the woman's. Despite building an empire through a process of rape and pillage, and even taking female slaves himself after beheading their treacherous husbands, Muhammed never felt it necessary to explain that you have to obtain their consent before having sex with them. Muhammed even explained some situations where you were not to have sex with your wife. Absence of consent was not among them. There is not a single known case, in all of Islam's history, of someone being convicted under Islamic law of raping a woman he was permitted to have sex with (ie a slave or wife). There is not one verse in the Koran or hadith specifically forbidding rape where sex is permitted. There is not one verse in the Koran that even distinguishes rape and consensual sex in te context of sex that is permitted. There are plenty of verses that imply it is only natural for a Muslim man to chop of a non-Muslim man's head then have sex with his wife shortly after. Again, none of these verses even mention consent. The one verse you have given as evidence of rape being forbidden in other contexts does not even use the word rape to describe the crime that was committed or the crime that was punished. The man was stoned to death for having sexual intercourse. The fact that the woman was raped appears to be inconsequential. Other than not punishing the victim, there is nothing at all in Islamic law that recognises the consent of the woman involved as having any relevance at all. Rape and pillage was the culture of the time. It is absurd to claim that Muhammed suddenly changed that culture without uttering a single word about it or punishing a single person, or breaking down the cultural beliefs that facilitate rape - eg that sex is a man's right and a woman's duty. No Muslim has ever been able to explain to me how the concept of consent can be applied theoretically or enforced practically in the context of slavery - it simply does not make sense. By your own admission, halal is the default, and you must not forbid what God has permitted you. Those are all the reasons to think rape is permitted where sex is permitted. The only reason to think it is not permitted is that Gandalf desperately wants to believe that an example of Muhammed punishing a man for raping a woman he was obviously not permitted to have sex with must be interpreted as broadly as possible, despite all the reasons not to. |
Title: Re: is halal default? Post by gandalf on Aug 25th, 2013 at 10:30pm
Yes I've read it all before FD. You're just rehashing the same nonsense you've been spouting for about 5 years.
Oh by the way... freediver wrote on Aug 25th, 2013 at 7:22pm:
muslim FD - singular. This claim comes from a single muslim you talked to on the internet. Amrite? |
Title: Re: is halal default? Post by True Colours on Aug 26th, 2013 at 11:22am polite_gandalf wrote on Aug 25th, 2013 at 10:30pm:
Perhaps the forum name should be changed from "Islam" to "Is spam" |
Title: Re: is halal default? Post by freediver on Aug 26th, 2013 at 8:40pm Quote:
Apparently it is necessary. This is what you posted: Quote:
That is hardly true is it? The truth is there are very few reasons to accept your interpretation of that hadith, and none that are based on Islamic doctrine. There are many reasons to accept the orthodox (and bleeding obvious) interpretation. Here they are again for you: Muslims who actually know about Islamic law claim that it is not a punishable offence. Muslims claim that where sex is permitted, Islam considers it a man's right and a woman's duty. They also believe that the only consent required is God's - ie not the woman's. Despite building an empire through a process of rape and pillage, and even taking female slaves himself after beheading their treacherous husbands, Muhammed never felt it necessary to explain that you have to obtain their consent before having sex with them. Muhammed even explained some situations where you were not to have sex with your wife. Absence of consent was not among them. There is not a single known case, in all of Islam's history, of someone being convicted under Islamic law of raping a woman he was permitted to have sex with (ie a slave or wife). There is not one verse in the Koran or hadith specifically forbidding rape where sex is permitted. There is not one verse in the Koran that even distinguishes rape and consensual sex in te context of sex that is permitted. There are plenty of verses that imply it is only natural for a Muslim man to chop of a non-Muslim man's head then have sex with his wife shortly after. Again, none of these verses even mention consent. The one verse you have given as evidence of rape being forbidden in other contexts does not even use the word rape to describe the crime that was committed or the crime that was punished. The man was stoned to death for having sexual intercourse. The fact that the woman was raped appears to be inconsequential. Other than not punishing the victim, there is nothing at all in Islamic law that recognises the consent of the woman involved as having any relevance at all. Rape and pillage was the culture of the time. It is absurd to claim that Muhammed suddenly changed that culture without uttering a single word about it or punishing a single person, or breaking down the cultural beliefs that facilitate rape - eg that sex is a man's right and a woman's duty. No Muslim has ever been able to explain to me how the concept of consent can be applied theoretically or enforced practically in the context of slavery - it simply does not make sense. By your own admission, halal is the default, and you must not forbid what God has permitted you. Those are all the reasons to think rape is permitted where sex is permitted. The only reason to think it is not permitted is that Gandalf desperately wants to believe that an example of Muhammed punishing a man for raping a woman he was obviously not permitted to have sex with must be interpreted as broadly as possible, despite all the reasons not to. |
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