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General Discussion >> Federal Politics >> Melb. AGE editorial : vote LABOR

Message started by bobbythebat1 on Sep 6th, 2013 at 7:29am

Title: Melb. AGE editorial : vote LABOR
Post by bobbythebat1 on Sep 6th, 2013 at 7:29am

The Melbourne Age editorial recommends to vote Labor.
It is widely considered as the most balanced newspaper in Australia.

Labor's policies best reflect our values.

The Age has long held that policy, not personality, is the core of our democracy. It is on this basis that we advocate a vote for Labor in the federal election on Saturday. We do so fully acknowledging that the Coalition under Tony Abbott has run a disciplined and competent campaign, and that after six years of Labor government the electorate is wary and weary of Labor's infighting. Yet we cannot endorse a party that advocates policies with which we fundamentally disagree.

As our readers know, we support Labor's national broadband network strategy, its commitment to increasing the superannuation guarantee levy, its Gonski schools funding plan, and its shift from a carbon price to an emissions trading scheme. We also support the deal it forged between business and environmentalists that led to areas of Tasmania's western wilderness being added to the World Heritage Area. In our view, these programs are initiatives towards generational change. They are visionary, forward-thinking and nation-building, not gimmicks devised to meet a three-year election cycle.

Yet the Coalition would curb the scope of the NBN and defer the higher superannuation guarantee levy, despite the patent need to save as the population ages. The Coalition has failed to commit to the fifth and sixth years of funding on Gonski, the years of maximum investment, and it would claw back Tasmania's World Heritage wilderness listing.

We deplore both major parties' policies on asylum seekers but support Labor's plan to increase Australia's humanitarian intake. The Coalition would cut it. Underscoring the Coalition's heartless approach is its proposal to slice $4.5 billion from Australia's foreign aid budget. Importantly, the Coalition has back-tracked disgracefully on climate change. Its commitment to reducing Australia's carbon emissions is now precariously linked to budget affordability. Climate change has moved beyond being a moral question. It is a fundamental economic imperative.


Looking ahead, neither Labor nor the Coalition has seized us with a comprehensive vision for Australia's economic direction. Both have offered sound but limited strategies, targeted to different ends. The map for the longer term, though, is missing. While the Coalition would build new roads, it shies from expanding public transport networks. We are disheartened, too, by the Coalition's vaguely defined savings plans, such as cutting 12,000 jobs from the public sector. At the same time, we are bewildered by its profligate proposals, including handing $16 million to Cadbury to update a chocolate factory. The ultimate largesse, though, is its paid parental leave scheme. It beggars belief that the Coalition, which contends the budget is in a national emergency, would happily dole out parental payments of up to $75,000 without any reference to equity and absent of any means testing.

Labor has its own clutch of opportunistic, ill-conceived policies: on northern Australia and the Garden Island naval base, for instance. On economic management it rests on its laurels, pointing to its performance through the financial crisis. It is now 2013, and recent growth has been muted by weakness in the mining sector and a widespread lack of confidence among consumers and businesses. Managing the budget back to surplus is a long-term project requiring a steady hand on revenue and savings, but it is not the be-all and end-all of economic management.

Just before the 2010 election, The Age called for a vision for this nation's future, saying neither Labor nor the Coalition had inspired voters and the campaign had been hallmarked by ''diminished expectations, small targets and vapid slogans''. Sadly, it has been the same again in 2013. Fatuous and hollow sloganeering by the Coalition has been met with jib-jab policy on the run by Labor.

On the issue of trust, the Coalition's own actions leave us with significant reservations. It has obfuscated and ducked critical issues, deliberately keeping voters uninformed about its savings plans or revenue-raising initiatives. Worse has been its breathtaking arrogance in cynically delaying until the last minute its policy costings - this, from the party that drafted the charter of budget honesty. When it comes to trusting Labor, we appreciate the public's confidence may be so undone that a change of government could prove to be a circuit-breaker, injecting a short-term sense of stability. But The Age values policies above political opportunism; we do not advocate a vote simply for the sake of change.

The Age believes in economic and social progress, in liberty and justice, in equity and compassion, and openness of government. We believe the role of government is to build a strong, fair nation for future generations, and not to pander to sectional interests. It is with these values in mind that we endorse the Labor Party in this important election.

Read more:

Title: Re: Melb. AGE editorial : vote LABOR
Post by cods on Sep 6th, 2013 at 7:36am

Title: Re: Melb. AGE editorial : vote LABOR
Post by PZ547 on Sep 6th, 2013 at 7:39am
I wouldn't let a Labor voter through my gate

That's how foul that party, its members and its supporters are

rank, all of them

Title: Re: Melb. AGE editorial : vote LABOR
Post by bobbythebat1 on Sep 6th, 2013 at 7:40am
Electronics engineer says to vote labor:

Title: Re: Melb. AGE editorial : vote LABOR
Post by Greens_Win on Sep 6th, 2013 at 7:44am
Labor under Kevin Rudd in 2013 is not offering a stable, trustworthy government on which Australians can depend. The Coalition under Tony Abbott deserves the opportunity to return trust to politics.

Poll: Who will you vote for in the lower house?
Total votes: 6877.Poll closes in 14 hours.
Vote now: Election Day

Title: Re: Melb. AGE editorial : vote LABOR
Post by cods on Sep 6th, 2013 at 7:46am
you really should be encouraging them to face reality bobby... the must be doing something wrong for people to turn on them like they are doing...

so why not encourage them to change get a different leader and a different set of rules.. get rid of the corrupt and opportunists who think nothing of changing the leader just because it suits them...

get with REALITY bobby stop living in fantasy land..

what you are saying is the people are idiots dont know what they are doing if they dont vote labor...

that doesnt win friends or votes...

own it.. they are doing something WRONG....

voters have turned off them   WHY...its not hard to know why

Title: Re: Melb. AGE editorial : vote LABOR
Post by Kat on Sep 6th, 2013 at 7:48am

PZ547 wrote on Sep 6th, 2013 at 7:39am:
I wouldn't let a Labor voter through my gate

That's how foul that party, its members and its supporters are

rank, all of them

And those of us with the ability to think independently feel exactly the
same way about the con-alition and its sycophants.

The difference is, we are justified, they are not.

Title: Re: Melb. AGE editorial : vote LABOR
Post by bobbythebat1 on Sep 6th, 2013 at 7:50am

PZ547 wrote on Sep 6th, 2013 at 7:39am:
I wouldn't let a Labor voter through my gate

That's how foul that party, its members and its supporters are

rank, all of them

Yes we all know you don't like Rudd but as Dave says in his video -
consider the alternative.

Title: Re: Melb. AGE editorial : vote LABOR
Post by Kat on Sep 6th, 2013 at 7:50am

cods wrote on Sep 6th, 2013 at 7:46am:
you really should be encouraging them to face reality bobby... the must be doing something wrong for people to turn on them like they are doing...

so why not encourage them to change get a different leader and a different set of rules.. get rid of the corrupt and opportunists who think nothing of changing the leader just because it suits them...

get with REALITY bobby stop living in fantasy land..

what you are saying is the people are idiots dont know what they are doing if they dont vote labor...

that doesnt win friends or votes...

own it.. they are doing something WRONG....

voters have turned off them   WHY...its not hard to know why

Stupidity and gullibility are high on the list.

Just below greed and self-interest.

And wanton ignorance of the facts.

Title: Re: Melb. AGE editorial : vote LABOR
Post by bobbythebat1 on Sep 6th, 2013 at 7:56am
I think the editorial from the AGE is very well written & balanced.

It acknowledges Labor's faults but still sees them as better than the Liberals.

Title: Re: Melb. AGE editorial : vote LABOR
Post by Greens_Win on Sep 6th, 2013 at 7:58am

Bobby. wrote on Sep 6th, 2013 at 7:50am:

PZ547 wrote on Sep 6th, 2013 at 7:39am:
I wouldn't let a Labor voter through my gate

That's how foul that party, its members and its supporters are

rank, all of them

Yes we all know you don't like Rudd but as Dave says in his video -
consider the alternative.

Like Dave's term "sheeple"

Title: Re: Melb. AGE editorial : vote LABOR
Post by bobbythebat1 on Sep 6th, 2013 at 8:01am

____ wrote on Sep 6th, 2013 at 7:58am:

Bobby. wrote on Sep 6th, 2013 at 7:50am:

PZ547 wrote on Sep 6th, 2013 at 7:39am:
I wouldn't let a Labor voter through my gate

That's how foul that party, its members and its supporters are

rank, all of them

Yes we all know you don't like Rudd but as Dave says in his video -
consider the alternative.

Like Dave's term "sheeple"

Yes Dave is a pretty smart guy.
Technical people can see how silly fiber to the node is -
it's obvious that the Libbos don't understand technology.

Title: Re: Melb. AGE editorial : vote LABOR
Post by PZ547 on Sep 6th, 2013 at 8:01am
There needs to be a certain cut-off point before people are allowed to vote

Those with 80 IQ points or less should be eliminated from the voter pool

Which would eliminate Labor and Green voters

Title: Re: Melb. AGE editorial : vote LABOR
Post by Kat on Sep 6th, 2013 at 8:02am

____ wrote on Sep 6th, 2013 at 7:58am:

Bobby. wrote on Sep 6th, 2013 at 7:50am:

PZ547 wrote on Sep 6th, 2013 at 7:39am:
I wouldn't let a Labor voter through my gate

That's how foul that party, its members and its supporters are

rank, all of them

Yes we all know you don't like Rudd but as Dave says in his video -
consider the alternative.

Like Dave's term "sheeple"

And it fits Lib supporters to a 'T' (party?).

Title: Re: Melb. AGE editorial : vote LABOR
Post by Kat on Sep 6th, 2013 at 8:03am

PZ547 wrote on Sep 6th, 2013 at 8:01am:
There needs to be a certain cut-off point before people are allowed to vote

Those with 80 IQ points or less should be eliminated from the voter pool

Which would eliminate Labor and Green voters

See ya, well.

Title: Re: Melb. AGE editorial : vote LABOR
Post by Ahovking on Sep 6th, 2013 at 8:04am

cods wrote on Sep 6th, 2013 at 7:36am:

I cant believe they endorse a party of clowns.. the last thing we need is another 3 years of a circles.

Title: Re: Melb. AGE editorial : vote LABOR
Post by bobbythebat1 on Sep 6th, 2013 at 8:06am

Pantheon wrote on Sep 6th, 2013 at 8:04am:

cods wrote on Sep 6th, 2013 at 7:36am:

I cant believe they endorse a party of clowns.. the last thing we need is another 3 years of a circles.

Did you actually read the editorial?   :D

Title: Re: Melb. AGE editorial : vote LABOR
Post by Kat on Sep 6th, 2013 at 8:06am

Pantheon wrote on Sep 6th, 2013 at 8:04am:

cods wrote on Sep 6th, 2013 at 7:36am:

I cant believe they endorse a party of clowns.. the last thing we need is another 3 years of a circles.

I think you mean 'circus'?

Well, we will certainly be getting that, with Abbot's Rabbits.

Title: Re: Melb. AGE editorial : vote LABOR
Post by cods on Sep 6th, 2013 at 8:07am

Bobby. wrote on Sep 6th, 2013 at 7:56am:
I think the editorial from the AGE is very well written & balanced.

It acknowledges Labor's faults but still sees them as better than the Liberals.

see what I mean..... how can they be better.. two leaders..nay 3 leaders... dissent half the front bench least one left in 2010..after the back stabbing.. n o one trusts anyone...when krudd is out there and has one or two other members with him. they look down at the floor all the time..

ask yourself.. something is rotten in the state of denmark...we can feel it..

if you cannot see it or admit it then you will never change it..

Title: Re: Melb. AGE editorial : vote LABOR
Post by Kat on Sep 6th, 2013 at 8:08am

Bobby. wrote on Sep 6th, 2013 at 8:06am:

Pantheon wrote on Sep 6th, 2013 at 8:04am:

cods wrote on Sep 6th, 2013 at 7:36am:

I cant believe they endorse a party of clowns.. the last thing we need is another 3 years of a circles.

Did you actually read the editorial?   :D

Bobby, Bobby, Bobby.... (shakes head).

You know they won't read anything remotely critical of their pin-up boy.

It's one reason why they can't string a coherent argument together, relying instead
on slander, innuendo and outright abuse.

Title: Re: Melb. AGE editorial : vote LABOR
Post by PZ547 on Sep 6th, 2013 at 8:09am

Kat wrote on Sep 6th, 2013 at 8:06am:

Pantheon wrote on Sep 6th, 2013 at 8:04am:

cods wrote on Sep 6th, 2013 at 7:36am:

I cant believe they endorse a party of clowns.. the last thing we need is another 3 years of a circles.

I think you mean 'circus'?

Well, we will certainly be getting that, with Abbot's Rabbits.

You've BLINDED yourself to how much people want to be RID of the Shortens, the Wongs, the Thompsons, the Gillards, the Rudds

But you'll be forced to accept it very soon

Title: Re: Melb. AGE editorial : vote LABOR
Post by Rider on Sep 6th, 2013 at 8:09am
the enemies tanks could be grinding their way up Spencer St and The Age editors would be working on tomorrows headline "Victory to Us"....

Morons one and all. Another 12 months and they'll all be working for Rupert, selling advertising column centimetres in the Oodnadatta Express that is.

Title: Re: Melb. AGE editorial : vote LABOR
Post by bobbythebat1 on Sep 6th, 2013 at 8:12am

Kat wrote on Sep 6th, 2013 at 8:08am:

Bobby. wrote on Sep 6th, 2013 at 8:06am:

Pantheon wrote on Sep 6th, 2013 at 8:04am:

cods wrote on Sep 6th, 2013 at 7:36am:

I cant believe they endorse a party of clowns.. the last thing we need is another 3 years of a circles.

Did you actually read the editorial?   :D

Bobby, Bobby, Bobby.... (shakes head).

You know they won't read anything remotely critical of their pin-up boy.

It's one reason why they can't string a coherent argument together, relying instead
on slander, innuendo and outright abuse.

Yes it's quite a surprise.
The Libbo voters on this forum are mostly intellectual lightweights
who can't put a cogent argument together.

They remind me of Nazi thugs with half their brain missing.

Title: Re: Melb. AGE editorial : vote LABOR
Post by Kat on Sep 6th, 2013 at 8:12am

PZ547 wrote on Sep 6th, 2013 at 8:09am:

Kat wrote on Sep 6th, 2013 at 8:06am:

Pantheon wrote on Sep 6th, 2013 at 8:04am:

cods wrote on Sep 6th, 2013 at 7:36am:

I cant believe they endorse a party of clowns.. the last thing we need is another 3 years of a circles.

I think you mean 'circus'?

Well, we will certainly be getting that, with Abbot's Rabbits.

You've BLINDED yourself to how much us fools want to be RID of the Shortens, the Wongs, the Thompsons, the Gillards, the Rudds

But you'll be forced to accept it very soon


And I'm not, and won't.

Title: Re: Melb. AGE editorial : vote LABOR
Post by bobbythebat1 on Sep 6th, 2013 at 8:21am
I hope all you Libbos have a good read of the AGE editorial before you vote for Tony?

Title: Re: Melb. AGE editorial : vote LABOR
Post by PZ547 on Sep 6th, 2013 at 8:27am

Nothing written by any media whore will influence my vote

In the same way that any self-serving lie told by any Zionist pawn will persuade me there's justification in invading Syria

There are lots of us around, Bobby

We make up our own minds

We are impervious to spin

Just as we're impervious to those who post for pay in online fora

No, I will not vote Rudd/Labor.  Nor will I vote Greens because I do not believe them to have an ounce of integrity

I believe Greens are controlled-opposition

and clearly, a vote for Greens is a vote for Labor

As Labor have proved corrupt, a danger and disappointment, people will not give them a vote via their proxy party, the Greens

Greens know it.  Time for a new 'independent' party to replace the Greens.  The Greens have given their game away and people have seen it

Fool me once ---- you know the rest

Title: Re: Melb. AGE editorial : vote LABOR
Post by bobbythebat1 on Sep 6th, 2013 at 8:45am

PZ547 wrote on Sep 6th, 2013 at 8:27am:

Nothing written by any media whore will influence my vote

In the same way that any self-serving lie told by any Zionist pawn will persuade me there's justification in invading Syria

There are lots of us around, Bobby

We make up our own minds

We are impervious to spin

Just as we're impervious to those who post for pay in online fora

No, I will not vote Rudd/Labor.  Nor will I vote Greens because I do not believe them to have an ounce of integrity

I believe Greens are controlled-opposition

and clearly, a vote for Greens is a vote for Labor

As Labor have proved corrupt, a danger and disappointment, people will not give them a vote via their proxy party, the Greens

Greens know it.  Time for a new 'independent' party to replace the Greens.  The Greens have given their game away and people have seen it

Fool me once ---- you know the rest

Fair enough - the Greens & Labor have been hijacked by homosexuals but
I believe they have the best interests of our nation at heart.

Labor seems to have a vision e.g. - the NBN -
see Dave's video on the first page -

Tony has no vision at all.

Title: Re: Melb. AGE editorial : vote LABOR
Post by longweekend58 on Sep 6th, 2013 at 8:55am
Well so much for media bias....  oh I forgot.  That is only true when the media is promoting the liberals.

the Age has been stridently pro-labor all campaign but no, that's not bias.  Only Murdoch is biased.

Trouble is that Rudd is already dead in the water.

Title: Re: Melb. AGE editorial : vote LABOR
Post by PZ547 on Sep 6th, 2013 at 8:59am
Bobby, ideals are the most expensive things in life

It's something you learn to your pain on the journey

Ideals are often mistaken for 'dreams'

and dreams are something Greens indulge in

Dreams are generally worthless.  Anyone can have a dozen before breakfast.  Making them a reality is a different thing.  Most cannot achieve even three of their dreams in a lifetime

Labor indulges in dreams.  And Greens are full of it

It's proved expensive

What people need are jobs, homes, a way to pay the bills

Labor likes us to be in debt

and Greens don't have a clue.  They just spin their wheels and expect pats on the back for prattling on like five year olds

We don't need the NBN.  Fact.  We can't afford it.  It's a dinosaur.  And it was probably the result of certain Labor bods being promised brown-paper bags filled with cash for awarding contracts

I want to see jobs and manufacturing returned to this country

Labor never breathes a word.  And Greens never breathe a word unless Labor gives them permission

So, we're confronted by an idiot seeking to be PM who blabs on about 'millions for training' --- as if people are too stupid to work out that without jobs at the end, what's the point of millions spent on training

Neither of the big fake parties have breathed a word about taxing imports, yet everyone knows that if this were done, it would create work for Aussies, not Asians

Incentives are provided by asia to manufacturers - huge incentives.  This was all part of the Lima Declaration

The result has been an Australia with ever increasing unemployment.  Fundamental to Australia's recovery is job creation.  Both major parties crap on about job creation, but they're lying through their teeth.  WHAT job creation -- more kids with worthless degrees selling their virginity online or standing outside nightclubs on the Gold Coast trying to entice punters to enter and drink?  So we've become a south east Asian brothel nation now?

Look, doesn't matter which party we get or which 'leader' -- their orders come from overseas. And that overseas agenda is to fill Australia with mid easterners and Asians, use the Aussie dollar like a yo-yo, set up more USrael bases in Oz in preparation for the orchestrated war of the future and turn Australians into demoralised consumers of mass-produced Asian crap

Rudd is a new world order pawn as are the fake Greens

Abbott knows the score as do the Libs and knows all he can do is his best within the rules and orders from overseas powers

We'll never see anything close to full employment in this country again until manufacturing returns.  And neither major party even discusses that

It's depressing

I'm surprised I can even fool around in this forum or pretend to care who 'gets in'

Title: Re: Melb. AGE editorial : vote LABOR
Post by Andrei.Hicks on Sep 6th, 2013 at 9:01am
This seems a classic case of throwing your money on a horse you can clearly see is dead.

Title: Re: Melb. AGE editorial : vote LABOR
Post by bobbythebat1 on Sep 6th, 2013 at 9:04am

longweekend58 wrote on Sep 6th, 2013 at 8:55am:
Well so much for media bias....  oh I forgot.  That is only true when the media is promoting the liberals.

the Age has been stridently pro-labor all campaign but no, that's not bias.  Only Murdoch is biased.

Trouble is that Rudd is already dead in the water.

read the editorial.
It is well balanced - not biased.

Title: Re: Melb. AGE editorial : vote LABOR
Post by bobbythebat1 on Sep 6th, 2013 at 9:08am

PZ547 wrote on Sep 6th, 2013 at 8:59am:
Bobby, ideals are the most expensive things in life

It's something you learn to your pain on the journey

Ideals are often mistaken for 'dreams'

and dreams are something Greens indulge in

Dreams are generally worthless.  Anyone can have a dozen before breakfast.  Making them a reality is a different thing.  Most cannot achieve even three of their dreams in a lifetime

Labor indulges in dreams.  And Greens are full of it

It's proved expensive

What people need are jobs, homes, a way to pay the bills

Labor likes us to be in debt

and Greens don't have a clue.  They just spin their wheels and expect pats on the back for prattling on like five year olds

We don't need the NBN.  Fact.  We can't afford it.  It's a dinosaur.  And it was probably the result of certain Labor bods being promised brown-paper bags filled with cash for awarding contracts

I want to see jobs and manufacturing returned to this country

Labor never breathes a word.  And Greens never breathe a word unless Labor gives them permission

So, we're confronted by an idiot seeking to be PM who blabs on about 'millions for training' --- as if people are too stupid to work out that without jobs at the end, what's the point of millions spent on training

Neither of the big fake parties have breathed a word about taxing imports, yet everyone knows that if this were done, it would create work for Aussies, not Asians

Incentives are provided by asia to manufacturers - huge incentives.  This was all part of the Lima Declaration

The result has been an Australia with ever increasing unemployment.  Fundamental to Australia's recovery is job creation.  Both major parties crap on about job creation, but they're lying through their teeth.  WHAT job creation -- more kids with worthless degrees selling their virginity online or standing outside nightclubs on the Gold Coast trying to entice punters to enter and drink?  So we've become a south east Asian brothel nation now?

Look, doesn't matter which party we get or which 'leader' -- their orders come from overseas. And that overseas agenda is to fill Australia with mid easterners and Asians, use the Aussie dollar like a yo-yo, set up more USrael bases in Oz in preparation for the orchestrated war of the future and turn Australians into demoralised consumers of mass-produced Asian crap

Rudd is a new world order pawn as are the fake Greens

Abbott knows the score as do the Libs and knows all he can do is his best within the rules and orders from overseas powers

We'll never see anything close to full employment in this country again until manufacturing returns.  And neither major party even discusses that

It's depressing

I'm surprised I can even fool around in this forum or pretend to care who 'gets in'

PZ - you need to pick the best out of many bad choices.

That's our democracy at work.

If I had my way I would appoint administrators to run the country
as both major parties are built on lies & false propaganda.

Title: Re: Melb. AGE editorial : vote LABOR
Post by bobbythebat1 on Sep 6th, 2013 at 9:10am

Andrei.Hicks wrote on Sep 6th, 2013 at 9:01am:
This seems a classic case of throwing your money on a horse you can clearly see is dead.

Yes Rudd is dead in the water according to the polls but
Abbott will not have an easy ride.
I reckon Rudd will stay on as opposition leader &
together with the Greens will block him in the senate.

Abbott will drink from the poisoned chalice.
This is not a win for Abbott but a nightmare.

Title: Re: Melb. AGE editorial : vote LABOR
Post by PZ547 on Sep 6th, 2013 at 9:10am
We're in accord there, Bobby

More than once in this forum I've said we could dispense with the lot and put administration out to tender

Title: Re: Melb. AGE editorial : vote LABOR
Post by bobbythebat1 on Sep 6th, 2013 at 9:13am

PZ547 wrote on Sep 6th, 2013 at 9:10am:
We're in accord there, Bobby

More than once in this forum I've said we could dispense with the lot and put administration out to tender

Good - we agree.

All the parties are rotten to the core.

You only have to look at creeps like Craig Thompson - getting blo jobs
using hard earned money from poorly paid workers.

It's disgusting.

Title: Re: Melb. AGE editorial : vote LABOR
Post by PZ547 on Sep 6th, 2013 at 9:15am

Bobby. wrote on Sep 6th, 2013 at 9:10am:

Andrei.Hicks wrote on Sep 6th, 2013 at 9:01am:
This seems a classic case of throwing your money on a horse you can clearly see is dead.

Yes Rudd is dead in the water according to the polls but
Abbott will not have an easy ride.
I reckon Rudd will stay on as opposition leader &
together with the Greens will block him in the senate.

Abbott will drink from the poisoned chalice.
This is not a win for Abbott but a nightmare.

Rudd really needs to leave, win or lose

As to Rudd and Greens blocking Libs in the Senate

--- that's typical, isn't it?

Even worse this time because Rudd is a Revenge-Machine and I think it's the role he enjoys most.  Greens is comprised of individuals with chips on their shoulders.  And a whiff of power is aphrodisiac to them.  If they can't have their own way -- like Rudd -- they'll cut the people's noses off

Neither Rudd NOR Greens are keen on stability.  It would put the onus on them to come up with at least some goods instead of behaving like low-intelligence teenagers

Rudd and Greens hide their shortcomings behind chaos

People --- don't give your vote to Greens or Rudd or we'll return to the banana republic Keating foisted on us

Title: Re: Melb. AGE editorial : vote LABOR
Post by cods on Sep 6th, 2013 at 9:15am

Bobby. wrote on Sep 6th, 2013 at 9:10am:

Andrei.Hicks wrote on Sep 6th, 2013 at 9:01am:
This seems a classic case of throwing your money on a horse you can clearly see is dead.

Yes Rudd is dead in the water according to the polls but
Abbott will not have an easy ride.
I reckon Rudd will stay on as opposition leader &
together with the Greens will block him in the senate.

Abbott will drink from the poisoned chalice.
This is not a win for Abbott but a nightmare.

sadly we can all see thats what lefties are hoping for... pretty shameful really but expected...

I dont think you are right by a long way though...

labor and the greens havent a chance in  hell...they are now minnows  in a big pond......true sorry to tell you that...

and all self inflicted....jumping into bed together did neither of them any good whatever..

so live with it bobby...

Title: Re: Melb. AGE editorial : vote LABOR
Post by Dnarever on Sep 6th, 2013 at 9:17am

PZ547 wrote on Sep 6th, 2013 at 8:01am:
There needs to be a certain cut-off point before people are allowed to vote

Those with 80 IQ points or less should be eliminated from the voter pool

Which would eliminate Labor and Green voters

Of the people I know the conservative voters tend to almost always be the dumbest ????

Title: Re: Melb. AGE editorial : vote LABOR
Post by bobbythebat1 on Sep 6th, 2013 at 9:18am

cods wrote on Sep 6th, 2013 at 9:15am:

Bobby. wrote on Sep 6th, 2013 at 9:10am:

Andrei.Hicks wrote on Sep 6th, 2013 at 9:01am:
This seems a classic case of throwing your money on a horse you can clearly see is dead.

Yes Rudd is dead in the water according to the polls but
Abbott will not have an easy ride.
I reckon Rudd will stay on as opposition leader &
together with the Greens will block him in the senate.

Abbott will drink from the poisoned chalice.
This is not a win for Abbott but a nightmare.

sadly we can all see thats what lefties are hoping for... pretty shameful really but expected...

I dont think you are right by a long way though...

labor and the greens havent a chance in  hell...they are now minnows  in a big pond......true sorry to tell you that...

and all self inflicted....jumping into bed together did neither of them any good whatever..

so live with it bobby...

No way - Rudd is very vindictive - he'll block Abbott & destroy him in the Senate.

We have not seen the end of Rudd - far from it.

Rudd will hope to win the next election - maybe in 4 months time.

Title: Re: Melb. AGE editorial : vote LABOR
Post by longweekend58 on Sep 6th, 2013 at 9:20am

Andrei.Hicks wrote on Sep 6th, 2013 at 9:01am:
This seems a classic case of throwing your money on a horse you can clearly see is dead.

the Age is always pro-labor.  but that isn't bias, you see.  It is only bias when you promote Liberals.

And Victoria will still lose seats to the libs.

Title: Re: Melb. AGE editorial : vote LABOR
Post by longweekend58 on Sep 6th, 2013 at 9:21am

Bobby. wrote on Sep 6th, 2013 at 9:18am:

cods wrote on Sep 6th, 2013 at 9:15am:

Bobby. wrote on Sep 6th, 2013 at 9:10am:

Andrei.Hicks wrote on Sep 6th, 2013 at 9:01am:
This seems a classic case of throwing your money on a horse you can clearly see is dead.

Yes Rudd is dead in the water according to the polls but
Abbott will not have an easy ride.
I reckon Rudd will stay on as opposition leader &
together with the Greens will block him in the senate.

Abbott will drink from the poisoned chalice.
This is not a win for Abbott but a nightmare.

sadly we can all see thats what lefties are hoping for... pretty shameful really but expected...

I dont think you are right by a long way though...

labor and the greens havent a chance in  hell...they are now minnows  in a big pond......true sorry to tell you that...

and all self inflicted....jumping into bed together did neither of them any good whatever..

so live with it bobby...

No way - Rudd is very vindictive - he'll block Abbott & destroy him in the Senate.

We have not seen the end of Rudd - far from it.

Rudd will hope to win the next election - maybe in 4 months time.

you really are a stupid person, aren't you?

Title: Re: Melb. AGE editorial : vote LABOR
Post by cods on Sep 6th, 2013 at 9:22am

Bobby. wrote on Sep 6th, 2013 at 9:13am:

PZ547 wrote on Sep 6th, 2013 at 9:10am:
We're in accord there, Bobby

More than once in this forum I've said we could dispense with the lot and put administration out to tender

Good - we agree.

All the parties are rotten to the core.

You only have to look at creeps like Craig Thompson - getting blo jobs
using hard earned money from poorly paid workers.

It's disgusting.

sorry mate but where have the libs come down to that level??????

NSW Inc... is a disgrace and almost not a word from the ALP.....where have the Libs stooped to that level???

who in the liberal party can you compare to THOMO?

ALL rotten to the core........ how??

being bitter doesn t mean you can tarnish everyone with the labor b rush......

THOMO  is being charged with over 150 charges...he should not have been in parliament..

slipper with his record.. should never have been made speaker...

but where have the libs stooped to that????

Title: Re: Melb. AGE editorial : vote LABOR
Post by bobbythebat1 on Sep 6th, 2013 at 9:22am

longweekend58 wrote on Sep 6th, 2013 at 9:20am:

Andrei.Hicks wrote on Sep 6th, 2013 at 9:01am:
This seems a classic case of throwing your money on a horse you can clearly see is dead.

the Age is always pro-labor.  but that isn't bias, you see.  It is only bias when you promote Liberals.

And Victoria will still lose seats to the libs.

it's undisputed - the AGE is the most balanced newspaper in Australia - very intellectual.
the others are mostly Murdoch rags - not worth toilet paper.

Title: Re: Melb. AGE editorial : vote LABOR
Post by cods on Sep 6th, 2013 at 9:27am

Bobby. wrote on Sep 6th, 2013 at 9:18am:

cods wrote on Sep 6th, 2013 at 9:15am:

Bobby. wrote on Sep 6th, 2013 at 9:10am:

Andrei.Hicks wrote on Sep 6th, 2013 at 9:01am:
This seems a classic case of throwing your money on a horse you can clearly see is dead.

Yes Rudd is dead in the water according to the polls but
Abbott will not have an easy ride.
I reckon Rudd will stay on as opposition leader &
together with the Greens will block him in the senate.

Abbott will drink from the poisoned chalice.
This is not a win for Abbott but a nightmare.

sadly we can all see thats what lefties are hoping for... pretty shameful really but expected...

I dont think you are right by a long way though...

labor and the greens havent a chance in  hell...they are now minnows  in a big pond......true sorry to tell you that...

and all self inflicted....jumping into bed together did neither of them any good whatever..

so live with it bobby...

No way - Rudd is very vindictive - he'll block Abbott & destroy him in the Senate.

We have not seen the end of Rudd - far from it.

Rudd will hope to win the next election - maybe in 4 months time.

so its all about krudd might have guessed.. he has sure sucked you in bobby..

I dont think anyone on his front bench will like him...

or back bench for that matter... how does that work??

and now as we can see selfies are not that important when you realise this person is narcissistic to the core..

I bet half those pics taken cut out the other person and just had big grinning kevs in the frames.. LOL>>.

I mean  did you see him walk past that homeless man sleeping on the bench with not so much as a glance....

so caring and concerned... ::) ::)

Title: Re: Melb. AGE editorial : vote LABOR
Post by bobbythebat1 on Sep 6th, 2013 at 9:28am

cods wrote on Sep 6th, 2013 at 9:22am:

Bobby. wrote on Sep 6th, 2013 at 9:13am:

PZ547 wrote on Sep 6th, 2013 at 9:10am:
We're in accord there, Bobby

More than once in this forum I've said we could dispense with the lot and put administration out to tender

Good - we agree.

All the parties are rotten to the core.

You only have to look at creeps like Craig Thompson - getting blo jobs
using hard earned money from poorly paid workers.

It's disgusting.

sorry mate but where have the libs come down to that level??????

NSW Inc... is a disgrace and almost not a word from the ALP.....where have the Libs stooped to that level???

who in the liberal party can you compare to THOMO?

ALL rotten to the core........ how??

being bitter doesn t mean you can tarnish everyone with the labor b rush......

THOMO  is being charged with over 150 charges...he should not have been in parliament..

slipper with his record.. should never have been made speaker...

but where have the libs stooped to that????

Are you deaf & blind?

List of Australian politicians convicted of crimes

Plenty of Libbos on the list.

Title: Re: Melb. AGE editorial : vote LABOR
Post by cods on Sep 6th, 2013 at 9:28am

Bobby. wrote on Sep 6th, 2013 at 9:22am:

longweekend58 wrote on Sep 6th, 2013 at 9:20am:

Andrei.Hicks wrote on Sep 6th, 2013 at 9:01am:
This seems a classic case of throwing your money on a horse you can clearly see is dead.

the Age is always pro-labor.  but that isn't bias, you see.  It is only bias when you promote Liberals.

And Victoria will still lose seats to the libs.

it's undisputed - the AGE is the most balanced newspaper in Australia - very intellectual.
the others are mostly Murdoch rags - not worth toilet paper.

that cant be right FAIRFAX is going one buys the AGe.. or the SMH....LOLOLOLOLOL

never mind bobby nice try.

Title: Re: Melb. AGE editorial : vote LABOR
Post by Dnarever on Sep 6th, 2013 at 9:29am
The Age have got it right.

Shame that it makes no difference.

The guy in the video rant was also correct. It is amazing how many people can be persuaded to vote against their own best interests.

Title: Re: Melb. AGE editorial : vote LABOR
Post by longweekend58 on Sep 6th, 2013 at 9:32am

Bobby. wrote on Sep 6th, 2013 at 9:22am:

longweekend58 wrote on Sep 6th, 2013 at 9:20am:

Andrei.Hicks wrote on Sep 6th, 2013 at 9:01am:
This seems a classic case of throwing your money on a horse you can clearly see is dead.

the Age is always pro-labor.  but that isn't bias, you see.  It is only bias when you promote Liberals.

And Victoria will still lose seats to the libs.

it's undisputed - the AGE is the most balanced newspaper in Australia - very intellectual.
the others are mostly Murdoch rags - not worth toilet paper.

I repeat... why are you so stupid and gullible.  WHO (other than you and pro-labor people) consider the AGE the most balanced newspaper?  that's right.... pretty much no one.

you are easily the most gullible person on here.

Title: Re: Melb. AGE editorial : vote LABOR
Post by bobbythebat1 on Sep 6th, 2013 at 9:33am

Dnarever wrote on Sep 6th, 2013 at 9:29am:
The Age have got it right.

Shame that it makes no difference.

The guy in the video rant was also correct. It is amazing how many people can be persuaded to vote against their own best interests.

Thanks - The AGE is usually right & Dave speaks the truth.

Connecting up a rotten old copper network is nonsense peddled
by Malcolm Turnbull.
Did you know that many of the copper line pits are full of water
as well as asbestos?

How can we rely on that for the next 50 years?

Title: Re: Melb. AGE editorial : vote LABOR
Post by PZ547 on Sep 6th, 2013 at 9:33am
I'd put Fraser on the list

And the Libs thought likewise

So they booted him.  Rescinded his lifetime membership

Fraser must have been a very bad boy for the Zionists to have such total control over him

If he'd had an ounce of integrity, he would have killed himself, rather than sacrifice the entire population of this country

But then Fraser is so insolently CONCEITED

He looks like a roasted testicle, yet he has the hide to be conceited and to believe his vomit reputation is worth more than 23 million Aussies




Title: Re: Melb. AGE editorial : vote LABOR
Post by cods on Sep 6th, 2013 at 9:34am

Bobby. wrote on Sep 6th, 2013 at 9:28am:

cods wrote on Sep 6th, 2013 at 9:22am:

Bobby. wrote on Sep 6th, 2013 at 9:13am:

PZ547 wrote on Sep 6th, 2013 at 9:10am:
We're in accord there, Bobby

More than once in this forum I've said we could dispense with the lot and put administration out to tender

Good - we agree.

All the parties are rotten to the core.

You only have to look at creeps like Craig Thompson - getting blo jobs
using hard earned money from poorly paid workers.

It's disgusting.

sorry mate but where have the libs come down to that level??????

NSW Inc... is a disgrace and almost not a word from the ALP.....where have the Libs stooped to that level???

who in the liberal party can you compare to THOMO?

ALL rotten to the core........ how??

being bitter doesn t mean you can tarnish everyone with the labor b rush......

THOMO  is being charged with over 150 charges...he should not have been in parliament..

slipper with his record.. should never have been made speaker...

but where have the libs stooped to that????

Are you deaf & blind?

List of Australian politicians convicted of crimes

Plenty of Libbos on the list.




I do dispute that.

Title: Re: Melb. AGE editorial : vote LABOR
Post by bobbythebat1 on Sep 6th, 2013 at 9:34am

longweekend58 wrote on Sep 6th, 2013 at 9:32am:

Bobby. wrote on Sep 6th, 2013 at 9:22am:

longweekend58 wrote on Sep 6th, 2013 at 9:20am:

Andrei.Hicks wrote on Sep 6th, 2013 at 9:01am:
This seems a classic case of throwing your money on a horse you can clearly see is dead.

the Age is always pro-labor.  but that isn't bias, you see.  It is only bias when you promote Liberals.

And Victoria will still lose seats to the libs.

it's undisputed - the AGE is the most balanced newspaper in Australia - very intellectual.
the others are mostly Murdoch rags - not worth toilet paper.

I repeat... why are you so stupid and gullible.  WHO (other than you and pro-labor people) consider the AGE the most balanced newspaper?  that's right.... pretty much no one.

you are easily the most gullible person on here.

Coming from an idiot ( read Longy ) who believes Murdoch rags.

You have no credibility.

Title: Re: Melb. AGE editorial : vote LABOR
Post by Dnarever on Sep 6th, 2013 at 9:38am

longweekend58 wrote on Sep 6th, 2013 at 9:32am:

Bobby. wrote on Sep 6th, 2013 at 9:22am:

longweekend58 wrote on Sep 6th, 2013 at 9:20am:

Andrei.Hicks wrote on Sep 6th, 2013 at 9:01am:
This seems a classic case of throwing your money on a horse you can clearly see is dead.

the Age is always pro-labor.  but that isn't bias, you see.  It is only bias when you promote Liberals.

And Victoria will still lose seats to the libs.

it's undisputed - the AGE is the most balanced newspaper in Australia - very intellectual.
the others are mostly Murdoch rags - not worth toilet paper.

I repeat... why are you so stupid and gullible.  WHO (other than you and pro-labor people) consider the AGE the most balanced newspaper?  that's right.... pretty much no one.

you are easily the most gullible person on here.

Just keep on reading Murdoch - he can tell you how to think then look at the conservative shock jocks people like Bolt etc and you have to ask why do conservatives need to be told how to think ???

Title: Re: Melb. AGE editorial : vote LABOR
Post by bobbythebat1 on Sep 6th, 2013 at 9:38am
I repeat:

we haven't heard the last from Kevin Rudd.

Title: Re: Melb. AGE editorial : vote LABOR
Post by PZ547 on Sep 6th, 2013 at 9:38am
So let me get this straight ....

An attempt is being made to persuade us to vote Rudd/Labor

because he'd be more dangerous to the country in opposition (because he's insane)

than as PM

Is that right ?

I can hardly believe it.  It's so Machiavellian, so Byzantine, so Shakespearian

but is that what you're saying - threatening, Bobby

I am incredibleness   ;D

Title: Re: Melb. AGE editorial : vote LABOR
Post by John Smith on Sep 6th, 2013 at 9:40am

PZ547 wrote on Sep 6th, 2013 at 9:33am:
I'd put Fraser on the list

And the Libs thought likewise

So they booted him.  Rescinded his lifetime membership

Fraser must have been a very bad boy for the Zionists to have such total control over him

If he'd had an ounce of integrity, he would have killed himself, rather than sacrifice the entire population of this country

But then Fraser is so insolently CONCEITED

He looks like a roasted testicle, yet he has the hide to be conceited and to believe his vomit reputation is worth more than 23 million Aussies




Have you ever considered psychiatric help?

Title: Re: Melb. AGE editorial : vote LABOR
Post by bobbythebat1 on Sep 6th, 2013 at 9:41am

PZ547 wrote on Sep 6th, 2013 at 9:38am:
So let me get this straight ....

An attempt is being made to persuade us to vote Rudd/Labor

because he'd be more dangerous to the country in opposition (because he's insane)

than as PM

Is that right ?

I can hardly believe it.  It's so Machiavellian, so Byzantine, so Shakespearian

but is that what you're saying - threatening, Bobby

I am incredibleness   ;D

Rudd will have his revenge in the Senate just
like he had revenge over Gillard.

The show is not over on Saturday -
it's just the beginning.

Title: Re: Melb. AGE editorial : vote LABOR
Post by PZ547 on Sep 6th, 2013 at 9:41am

Smith --- you're so uninspired

so lacking

so .....   you know ... boring and predictable


Title: Re: Melb. AGE editorial : vote LABOR
Post by John Smith on Sep 6th, 2013 at 9:42am

PZ547 wrote on Sep 6th, 2013 at 9:38am:
I am incredibleness   

not exactly how I would have phrased it!

Title: Re: Melb. AGE editorial : vote LABOR
Post by John Smith on Sep 6th, 2013 at 9:42am

PZ547 wrote on Sep 6th, 2013 at 9:41am:

Smith --- you're so uninspired

so lacking

so .....   you know ... boring and predictable


and you're still an idiot

Title: Re: Melb. AGE editorial : vote LABOR
Post by Dnarever on Sep 6th, 2013 at 9:43am

Bobby. wrote on Sep 6th, 2013 at 9:33am:

Dnarever wrote on Sep 6th, 2013 at 9:29am:
The Age have got it right.

Shame that it makes no difference.

The guy in the video rant was also correct. It is amazing how many people can be persuaded to vote against their own best interests.

Thanks - The AGE is usually right & Dave speaks the truth.

Connecting up a rotten old copper network is nonsense peddled
by Malcolm Turnbull.
Did you know that many of the copper line pits are full of water
as well as asbestos?

How can we rely on that for the next 50 years?

Virtually all the copper put down in the 1930's and 40's - the more recent stuff was substandard quality and does not provide the quoted speeds, the older copper was better. This covers many high profile suburbs

Title: Re: Melb. AGE editorial : vote LABOR
Post by John Smith on Sep 6th, 2013 at 9:44am

Bobby. wrote on Sep 6th, 2013 at 7:29am:

Labor's policies best reflect our values.

The Age has long held that policy, not personality, is the core of our democracy. It is on this basis that we advocate a vote for Labor in the federal election on Saturday. We do so fully acknowledging that the Coalition under Tony Abbott has run a disciplined and competent campaign, and that after six years of Labor government the electorate is wary and weary of Labor's infighting. Yet we cannot endorse a party that advocates policies with which we fundamentally disagree.

As our readers know, we support Labor's national broadband network strategy, its commitment to increasing the superannuation guarantee levy, its Gonski schools funding plan, and its shift from a carbon price to an emissions trading scheme. We also support the deal it forged between business and environmentalists that led to areas of Tasmania's western wilderness being added to the World Heritage Area. In our view, these programs are initiatives towards generational change. They are visionary, forward-thinking and nation-building, not gimmicks devised to meet a three-year election cycle.

Yet the Coalition would curb the scope of the NBN and defer the higher superannuation guarantee levy, despite the patent need to save as the population ages. The Coalition has failed to commit to the fifth and sixth years of funding on Gonski, the years of maximum investment, and it would claw back Tasmania's World Heritage wilderness listing.

We deplore both major parties' policies on asylum seekers but support Labor's plan to increase Australia's humanitarian intake. The Coalition would cut it. Underscoring the Coalition's heartless approach is its proposal to slice $4.5 billion from Australia's foreign aid budget. Importantly, the Coalition has back-tracked disgracefully on climate change. Its commitment to reducing Australia's carbon emissions is now precariously linked to budget affordability. Climate change has moved beyond being a moral question. It is a fundamental economic imperative.


Looking ahead, neither Labor nor the Coalition has seized us with a comprehensive vision for Australia's economic direction. Both have offered sound but limited strategies, targeted to different ends. The map for the longer term, though, is missing. While the Coalition would build new roads, it shies from expanding public transport networks. We are disheartened, too, by the Coalition's vaguely defined savings plans, such as cutting 12,000 jobs from the public sector. At the same time, we are bewildered by its profligate proposals, including handing $16 million to Cadbury to update a chocolate factory. The ultimate largesse, though, is its paid parental leave scheme. It beggars belief that the Coalition, which contends the budget is in a national emergency, would happily dole out parental payments of up to $75,000 without any reference to equity and absent of any means testing.

Labor has its own clutch of opportunistic, ill-conceived policies: on northern Australia and the Garden Island naval base, for instance. On economic management it rests on its laurels, pointing to its performance through the financial crisis. It is now 2013, and recent growth has been muted by weakness in the mining sector and a widespread lack of confidence among consumers and businesses. Managing the budget back to surplus is a long-term project requiring a steady hand on revenue and savings, but it is not the be-all and end-all of economic management.

Just before the 2010 election, The Age called for a vision for this nation's future, saying neither Labor nor the Coalition had inspired voters and the campaign had been hallmarked by ''diminished expectations, small targets and vapid slogans''. Sadly, it has been the same again in 2013. Fatuous and hollow sloganeering by the Coalition has been met with jib-jab policy on the run by Labor.

On the issue of trust, the Coalition's own actions leave us with significant reservations. It has obfuscated and ducked critical issues, deliberately keeping voters uninformed about its savings plans or revenue-raising initiatives. Worse has been its breathtaking arrogance in cynically delaying until the last minute its policy costings - this, from the party that drafted the charter of budget honesty. When it comes to trusting Labor, we appreciate the public's confidence may be so undone that a change of government could prove to be a circuit-breaker, injecting a short-term sense of stability. But The Age values policies above political opportunism; we do not advocate a vote simply for the sake of change.

The Age believes in economic and social progress, in liberty and justice, in equity and compassion, and openness of government. We believe the role of government is to build a strong, fair nation for future generations, and not to pander to sectional interests. It is with these values in mind that we endorse the Labor Party in this important election.

Read more:

of course, all the morons who for months have been saying papers aren't biased but just reporting it as it is, will of course be crying that this paper is biased

Title: Re: Melb. AGE editorial : vote LABOR
Post by PZ547 on Sep 6th, 2013 at 9:45am
Bobby quote
Rudd will have his revenge in the Senate just
like he had revenge over Gillard.

The show is not over on Saturday -
it's just the beginning

I see, Bobby

This is your new attack ---- your Plan Z, huh ?

Having realised no-one's going to be conned into voting Rudd/Labor on their non-existent attributes

You've now realised defeat and have decided to go for the final throw

by threatening us into voting a psychopath into the office of Prime Minister ?

;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

Well, at least it's novel

But will make people all the more determined to dump Greens and Rudd cold --- end of the list

By the way, has Corporal Rudd authorised this new form of coercion?   LOL

Man -- I've heard everything now

Title: Re: Melb. AGE editorial : vote LABOR
Post by bobbythebat1 on Sep 6th, 2013 at 9:49am

PZ547 wrote on Sep 6th, 2013 at 9:45am:
Bobby quote
Rudd will have his revenge in the Senate just
like he had revenge over Gillard.

The show is not over on Saturday -
it's just the beginning

I see, Bobby

This is your new attack ---- your Plan Z, huh ?

Having realised no-one's going to be conned into voting Rudd/Labor on their non-existent attributes

You've now realised defeat and have decided to go for the final throw

by threatening us into voting a psychopath into the office of Prime Minister ?

;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

Well, at least it's novel

But will make people all the more determined to dump Greens and Rudd cold --- end of the list

By the way, has Corporal Rudd authorised this new form of coercion?   LOL

Man -- I've heard everything now

Sorry to tell you the truth.

Rudd has made sure that he can't be kicked out of the Labor leadership easily.
Why did he do it?

He knew he would lose so he's going to stuff up Tony's government.

You heard it first from Bobby.  ;)

Anyway  - gotta zip.  ;D

Title: Re: Melb. AGE editorial : vote LABOR
Post by Gianna on Sep 6th, 2013 at 9:51am
From when Rudd first became leader, and denigrated and blackened the name of a fine old farming family with his 'sad' story of being evicted, I distrusted him.   
To-day there's a story in the Courier Mail describing how some people have had their photos published on Rudd's election material, supposedly supporting him, yet they say they didn't say they support him.
Dishonest at the start, and dishonest at the end.
Dysfunctional and chaotic in between.    Yet, this supposedly 'intellectual' newspaper says we should vote for him!

Title: Re: Melb. AGE editorial : vote LABOR
Post by PZ547 on Sep 6th, 2013 at 9:51am
He'll be committed before much longer, Bobby

We'll have the distinction of having had a leader who's universally derided as insane, along with Idi Amin and Mugabe

Rudd will put us on the map

in a bad way

Will those guys in the white coats hurry up and grab him

Saw him on tv earlier looking completely mental

Actually, he looked a lot like Richard Simmons ... (edit: for those too young to remember, Richard Simmons is/was a flamingly gay exercise guru)

Title: Re: Melb. AGE editorial : vote LABOR
Post by PZ547 on Sep 6th, 2013 at 9:55am
Anyway, Bobby

It won't be as your threat attempts to portray it

Rudd's party will kick him to the kerb within five minutes after Libs are installed in government

Shorten and GG will rid Labor of Rudd

and you and he know that

but  nice try


Title: Re: Melb. AGE editorial : vote LABOR
Post by longweekend58 on Sep 6th, 2013 at 9:56am

Bobby. wrote on Sep 6th, 2013 at 9:38am:
I repeat:

we haven't heard the last from Kevin Rudd.

He will lose govt on Saturday and announce his resignation from parliament within a month.

Title: Re: Melb. AGE editorial : vote LABOR
Post by PZ547 on Sep 6th, 2013 at 9:59am
Rudd's real place in the scheme of things (except he refuses to accept it)

is playing a minor role in the Coles Down Down promotions

Title: Re: Melb. AGE editorial : vote LABOR
Post by True Colours on Sep 6th, 2013 at 10:05am

PZ547 wrote on Sep 6th, 2013 at 8:01am:
There needs to be a certain cut-off point before people are allowed to vote

Those with 80 IQ points or less should be eliminated from the voter pool...

Yeah then Tony could stop appealing to them with his 3-word slogans.

'Stop the boats' - its not aimed at PhD holders and professors is it?

Title: Re: Melb. AGE editorial : vote LABOR
Post by PZ547 on Sep 6th, 2013 at 10:07am

True Colours wrote on Sep 6th, 2013 at 10:05am:

PZ547 wrote on Sep 6th, 2013 at 8:01am:
There needs to be a certain cut-off point before people are allowed to vote

Those with 80 IQ points or less should be eliminated from the voter pool...

Yeah then Tony could stop appealing to them with his 3-word slogans.

'Stop the boats' - its not aimed at PhD holders and professors is it?

Nope.  It's aimed at people like you. Because Abbott knows even that would probably stretch the intellectual capabilities of your average Labor supporter

Title: Re: Melb. AGE editorial : vote LABOR
Post by John Smith on Sep 6th, 2013 at 10:15am

PZ547 wrote on Sep 6th, 2013 at 10:07am:

True Colours wrote on Sep 6th, 2013 at 10:05am:

PZ547 wrote on Sep 6th, 2013 at 8:01am:
There needs to be a certain cut-off point before people are allowed to vote

Those with 80 IQ points or less should be eliminated from the voter pool...

Yeah then Tony could stop appealing to them with his 3-word slogans.

'Stop the boats' - its not aimed at PhD holders and professors is it?

Nope.  It's aimed at people like you. Because Abbott knows even that would probably stretch the intellectual capabilities of your average Labor supporter

more likely that it is aimed at people like you ... and you fell for it like the dopey twit you are.

Title: Re: Melb. AGE editorial : vote LABOR
Post by PZ547 on Sep 6th, 2013 at 10:17am
Smith -- again, your response if that's what it's supposed to be

belongs in a sandpit

Title: Re: Melb. AGE editorial : vote LABOR
Post by Andrei.Hicks on Sep 6th, 2013 at 10:20am
You simply need a voluntary voting system - thats all.

It's not rocket science.

I kid you not, honest truth - I sat outside the polling booth last time and waited for my wife to come out (I had voted in the UK election so opted out) - and heard "I just kinda put anyone, this is fked, they are all c0cks"

Now you dont need an IQ test.

In the UK we have a 39% turnout. That sits mighty fine with me.

People who want to vote and who have an interest vote. The council estates and dropouts don't vote and I dont want them to.

Why you force people to go along and vote is a nonsense.

Title: Re: Melb. AGE editorial : vote LABOR
Post by John Smith on Sep 6th, 2013 at 10:25am

PZ547 wrote on Sep 6th, 2013 at 10:17am:
Smith -- again, your response if that's what it's supposed to be
belongs in a sandpit

that's probably because it's correct ..... why embellish the truth?

Title: Re: Melb. AGE editorial : vote LABOR
Post by thelastnail on Sep 6th, 2013 at 11:23am

cods wrote on Sep 6th, 2013 at 7:46am:
you really should be encouraging them to face reality bobby... the must be doing something wrong for people to turn on them like they are doing...

so why not encourage them to change get a different leader and a different set of rules.. get rid of the corrupt and opportunists who think nothing of changing the leader just because it suits them...

get with REALITY bobby stop living in fantasy land..

what you are saying is the people are idiots dont know what they are doing if they dont vote labor...

that doesnt win friends or votes...

own it.. they are doing something WRONG....

voters have turned off them   WHY...its not hard to know why

you could have applied the same reasoning when howard was kicked out in 2007 ;)

the truth of the matter is that most voters are fickle and only have the attention span of a few years. They will chop and change major parties thinking that each time it is going to save them when the astute voters know that both major parties are beholden to trans national corporations and only govern for a minority and not for the majority that vote for them.

Think about that the next time Gina Winefart twists Tony Aborts arm for some extra favours :(

Title: Re: Melb. AGE editorial : vote LABOR
Post by thelastnail on Sep 6th, 2013 at 11:34am

Andrei.Hicks wrote on Sep 6th, 2013 at 10:20am:
You simply need a voluntary voting system - thats all.

It's not rocket science.

I kid you not, honest truth - I sat outside the polling booth last time and waited for my wife to come out (I had voted in the UK election so opted out) - and heard "I just kinda put anyone, this is fked, they are all c0cks"

Now you dont need an IQ test.

In the UK we have a 39% turnout. That sits mighty fine with me.

People who want to vote and who have an interest vote. The council estates and dropouts don't vote and I dont want them to.

Why you force people to go along and vote is a nonsense.

for once I agree with you. Voting should not be compulsory but there is money involved so thats probably why it is here. Each candidate receives some money for every vote they get. I got fined for not voting in the stupid council elections and after several letters I couldn't get out of paying the fine. They would have made a killing from all of the fines. What a fricken racket and scam to have to vote for deadbeats you know absolutely nothing about and who only want to know you during election time :(

Title: Re: Melb. AGE editorial : vote LABOR
Post by longweekend58 on Sep 6th, 2013 at 12:07pm

Andrei.Hicks wrote on Sep 6th, 2013 at 10:20am:
You simply need a voluntary voting system - thats all.

It's not rocket science.

I kid you not, honest truth - I sat outside the polling booth last time and waited for my wife to come out (I had voted in the UK election so opted out) - and heard "I just kinda put anyone, this is fked, they are all c0cks"

Now you dont need an IQ test.

In the UK we have a 39% turnout. That sits mighty fine with me.

People who want to vote and who have an interest vote. The council estates and dropouts don't vote and I dont want them to.

Why you force people to go along and vote is a nonsense.

the trouble is that your argument for voluntary voting is nothing more than that is is done in the UK and USA - nothing else.  Its not much of an argument.

Title: Re: Melb. AGE editorial : vote LABOR
Post by Andrei.Hicks on Sep 6th, 2013 at 1:58pm

My argument that forcing people to vote who don't want to vote adds absolutely zero to any process.

It's not just the UK and US, pretty much nobody else in the world does it.

It's a crap system and intrinsically not that of a free society.

I should be free to not get up in the morning, spend election day in bed and not vote.
The Government should never tell me to vote.

You're the same country that doesn't allow me to bet in-game as well and fines me $150 for a simple violation on a train.

You're a bloody nanny state.

Title: Re: Melb. AGE editorial : vote LABOR
Post by longweekend58 on Sep 6th, 2013 at 2:00pm

Andrei.Hicks wrote on Sep 6th, 2013 at 1:58pm:

My argument that forcing people to vote who don't want to vote adds absolutely zero to any process.

It's not just the UK and US, pretty much nobody else in the world does it.

It's a crap system and intrinsically not that of a free society.

I should be free to not get up in the morning, spend election day in bed and not vote.
The Government should never tell me to vote.

You're the same country that doesn't allow me to bet in-game as well and fines me $150 for a simple violation on a train.

You're a bloody nanny state.

those countries you so love force you to do a whole lot of things.  voting is a minor issue once every 3 years

Title: Re: Melb. AGE editorial : vote LABOR
Post by PZ547 on Sep 6th, 2013 at 2:03pm

longweekend58 wrote on Sep 6th, 2013 at 2:00pm:

Andrei.Hicks wrote on Sep 6th, 2013 at 1:58pm:

My argument that forcing people to vote who don't want to vote adds absolutely zero to any process.

It's not just the UK and US, pretty much nobody else in the world does it.

It's a crap system and intrinsically not that of a free society.

I should be free to not get up in the morning, spend election day in bed and not vote.
The Government should never tell me to vote.

You're the same country that doesn't allow me to bet in-game as well and fines me $150 for a simple violation on a train.

You're a bloody nanny state.

those countries you so love force you to do a whole lot of things.  voting is a minor issue once every 3 years


When in Rome, etc. ....

Title: Re: Melb. AGE editorial : vote LABOR
Post by buzzanddidj on Sep 6th, 2013 at 2:27pm

PZ547 wrote on Sep 6th, 2013 at 8:27am:
Nothing written by any media whore will influence my vote

ACTUALLY, the scribblings of "any media whore" are the ONLY things that will "influence" your vote

If not "the MEDIA" - then who or what is your ORACLE ?

It sure as HELL ain't the IMF, OECD, Standard & Poor's, Moody's, Fitch's, Euromoney or the Australian Bureau of Statistics ( ... who have ALL given a great big tick to the Rudd/Gillard Governments in their management of the Australian economy in the periods covering the GFC)

Title: Re: Melb. AGE editorial : vote LABOR
Post by Andrei.Hicks on Sep 6th, 2013 at 2:28pm

longweekend58 wrote on Sep 6th, 2013 at 2:00pm:

Andrei.Hicks wrote on Sep 6th, 2013 at 1:58pm:

My argument that forcing people to vote who don't want to vote adds absolutely zero to any process.

It's not just the UK and US, pretty much nobody else in the world does it.

It's a crap system and intrinsically not that of a free society.

I should be free to not get up in the morning, spend election day in bed and not vote.
The Government should never tell me to vote.

You're the same country that doesn't allow me to bet in-game as well and fines me $150 for a simple violation on a train.

You're a bloody nanny state.

those countries you so love force you to do a whole lot of things.  voting is a minor issue once every 3 years

I shouldn't have to do it.

If I don't want to vote, I should be completely free to not bother.

Title: Re: Melb. AGE editorial : vote LABOR
Post by buzzanddidj on Sep 6th, 2013 at 2:38pm

Andrei.Hicks wrote on Sep 6th, 2013 at 1:58pm:

My argument that forcing people to vote who don't want to vote adds absolutely zero to any process.

It's not just the UK and US, pretty much nobody else in the world does it.

It's a crap system and intrinsically not that of a free society.

I should be free to not get up in the morning, spend election day in bed and not vote.
The Government should never tell me to vote.

You're the same country that ... fines me $150 for a simple violation on a train.

You're a bloody nanny state.

buzzanddidj wrote on Aug 29th, 2013 at 8:59am:

Andrei.Hicks wrote on Aug 28th, 2013 at 1:42pm:
He asked to see my ticket.

Joke of a country this is. Police state.You would not get this in London.

£50 fines for putting your feet on train seats
11 October 2007

Rail and Tube passengers who put feet on seats face £50 on-the-spot fines from British Transport Police.

Senior officers recognise that commuters often feel intimidated by low-level bad behaviour.

They believe it also leads to more serious disorder and to clashes when troublemakers are confronted.

Police are set to mount extra patrols as part of a major drive to reduce fear and cut crime on London's transport network.

The fines will vary according to the offence, rising to £80, and will double if not paid within 21 days.

Commuters today welcomed the crackdown and some called for it to be extended.

Dahlia Simms, 34, from Earl's Court, said: "The last thing you want is someone's dirty shoes on your seat but you can't say anything because you just don't know if you'll get stabbed

British Transport Police assistant chief constable Steve Thomas said: "People who put their feet on the seats are showing a lack of consideration for others.

Annalie York, 26, a business development manager, from Fulham, said: "I can't stand sitting down in your clean work clothes on a dirty seat where someone's shoes have been."

On Merseyside, local train operator Merseyrail has prosecuted 250 passengers for putting their feet on train seats

The plan also highlights the success of a similar "zero tolerance" in New York.

Title: Re: Melb. AGE editorial : vote LABOR
Post by Andrei.Hicks on Sep 6th, 2013 at 2:40pm
Buzz commenting on economics or Finance.

Wealth of experience obviously....

Still makes me laugh.

Title: Re: Melb. AGE editorial : vote LABOR
Post by buzzanddidj on Sep 6th, 2013 at 2:49pm

Andrei.Hicks wrote on Sep 6th, 2013 at 2:28pm:
I shouldn't have to do it.

If I don't want to vote, I should be completely free to not bother.


You don't HAVE to

If you CAN'T assimilate to our ways - you are welcome to drag your mouldy, blue-blood arse back to a more friendly climate

Title: Re: Melb. AGE editorial : vote LABOR
Post by Andrei.Hicks on Sep 6th, 2013 at 3:05pm
Blue blood???

It's the same colour as yours.

From a working class father and a mother from Africa.


Title: Re: Melb. AGE editorial : vote LABOR
Post by bobbythebat1 on Sep 6th, 2013 at 3:06pm

PZ547 wrote on Sep 6th, 2013 at 9:55am:
Anyway, Bobby

It won't be as your threat attempts to portray it

Rudd's party will kick him to the kerb within five minutes after Libs are installed in government

Shorten and GG will rid Labor of Rudd

and you and he know that

but  nice try


Dear PZ,
I am sorry that frightened you but it's the truth.

Rudd is not going away - that's why he made it so hard for the
Labor party to vote him out.

He will fight Tony Abbott in the house of Reps & block him in the senate.

The fight has just started.

Title: Re: Melb. AGE editorial : vote LABOR
Post by PZ547 on Sep 6th, 2013 at 3:14pm
Vote Labor ?

I   don't   think   so

And what's this about Rudd in caretaker mode, granting $38 million contracts to his Saudi mates for Manus Island accommodation ?

That's OUR $38 million by the way

Simultaneous with this generosity, Rudd's been pulling in decidedly NON 'starving' fake reffos

It's looking to me as if Rudd had a contract with the Saudis to flood Australia with future members of the Moslem Brotherhood/Jihadists/bomber type characters

They all look as if they've been military trained

All the way, Rudd was lying and claiming the 'boats had stopped' and in any case, were being sent to PNG

He lied.  His ministers lied.  There are dozens of photos online showing Rudd using OUR navy, airforce and customs and border to ferry these dangerous, unexplained foreign guys to our shores

Rudd is working for the other side

In addition, his family's fortunes rest on contracts from the very government he represented throughout several years

This isn't just conflict of interest -- it's the work of a traitor in my opinion and the opinions of many

And for those who still don't know --- the Saudis have bought up massive tracts of Australia

in addition to sending half the mid east to our country

Rudd is a Saudi biatch, by the look of it

rushing to fulfil his contract to get as many potential jihadists into this country as possible, before he's booted out

How long before Rudd's true treachery is exposed, once he's no longer able to keep it under wraps ?

Title: Re: Melb. AGE editorial : vote LABOR
Post by bobbythebat1 on Sep 6th, 2013 at 3:24pm

PZ547 wrote on Sep 6th, 2013 at 3:14pm:
Vote Labor ?

I   don't   think   so

And what's this about Rudd in caretaker mode, granting $38 million contracts to his Saudi mates for Manus Island accommodation ?

That's OUR $38 million by the way

Simultaneous with this generosity, Rudd's been pulling in decidedly NON 'starving' fake reffos

It's looking to me as if Rudd had a contract with the Saudis to flood Australia with future members of the Moslem Brotherhood/Jihadists/bomber type characters

They all look as if they've been military trained

All the way, Rudd was lying and claiming the 'boats had stopped' and in any case, were being sent to PNG

He lied.  His ministers lied.  There are dozens of photos online showing Rudd using OUR navy, airforce and customs and border to ferry these dangerous, unexplained foreign guys to our shores

Rudd is working for the other side

In addition, his family's fortunes rest on contracts from the very government he represented throughout several years

This isn't just conflict of interest -- it's the work of a traitor in my opinion and the opinions of many

And for those who still don't know --- the Saudis have bought up massive tracts of Australia

in addition to sending half the mid east to our country

Rudd is a Saudi biatch, by the look of it

rushing to fulfil his contract to get as many potential jihadists into this country as possible, before he's booted out

How long before Rudd's true treachery is exposed, once he's no longer able to keep it under wraps ?

PZ - that's utter nonsense.
Are you off your meds or something?

Title: Re: Melb. AGE editorial : vote LABOR
Post by woody2013 on Sep 6th, 2013 at 3:24pm

Bobby. wrote on Sep 6th, 2013 at 3:06pm:

PZ547 wrote on Sep 6th, 2013 at 9:55am:
Anyway, Bobby

It won't be as your threat attempts to portray it

Rudd's party will kick him to the kerb within five minutes after Libs are installed in government

Shorten and GG will rid Labor of Rudd

and you and he know that

but  nice try


Dear PZ,
I am sorry that frightened you but it's the truth.

Rudd is not going away - that's why he made it so hard for the
Labor party to vote him out.

He will fight Tony Abbott in the house of Reps & block him in the senate.

The fight has just started.

;D ;D  You really re a DUMB FOCK bobby   ;)

Title: Re: Melb. AGE editorial : vote LABOR
Post by bobbythebat1 on Sep 6th, 2013 at 3:27pm

woody2014 wrote on Sep 6th, 2013 at 3:24pm:

Bobby. wrote on Sep 6th, 2013 at 3:06pm:

PZ547 wrote on Sep 6th, 2013 at 9:55am:
Anyway, Bobby

It won't be as your threat attempts to portray it

Rudd's party will kick him to the kerb within five minutes after Libs are installed in government

Shorten and GG will rid Labor of Rudd

and you and he know that

but  nice try


Dear PZ,
I am sorry that frightened you but it's the truth.

Rudd is not going away - that's why he made it so hard for the
Labor party to vote him out.

He will fight Tony Abbott in the house of Reps & block him in the senate.

The fight has just started.

;D ;D  You really re a DUMB FOCK bobby   ;)

Dear Woody,
you are not capable of an intellectual reply.

for this you are forgiven


Title: Re: Melb. AGE editorial : vote LABOR
Post by bobbythebat1 on Sep 6th, 2013 at 3:27pm

Title: Re: Melb. AGE editorial : vote LABOR
Post by PZ547 on Sep 6th, 2013 at 3:30pm

Thursday, 05 September 2013

Red Sea Housing Services Pty Ltd and its contracts with the Australian Government

The Australian and other media today carry reports like this:

Manus locals demand asylum work

•by: Rowan Callick, Asia-Pacific editor
•From: The Australian 
•September 05, 2013 12:00AM

Ruddy and Labor have been busy little boys while our attentions' been diverted by his idiot campaign antics, hasn't he

giving away our money to his Saudi chums

Seem to be irregularities aplenty, too

Check the above

Registered to a suburban house

dollar company

$38 million of OUR money

while he was in caretaker mode

Very suss

Very, very suss

Title: Re: Melb. AGE editorial : vote LABOR
Post by bobbythebat1 on Sep 6th, 2013 at 3:45pm
Dear PZ,
Interesting link.

Canberra has signed a $38 million deal with a Saudi Arabian company, Red Sea Housing Services, to build accommodation.

I wonder if it was put out to contract & the best bid won?

This is an unknown issue & a bit late to place into the campaign.

Title: Re: Melb. AGE editorial : vote LABOR
Post by PZ547 on Sep 6th, 2013 at 3:47pm

Bobby. wrote on Sep 6th, 2013 at 3:45pm:
Dear PZ,
Interesting link.

Canberra has signed a $38 million deal with a Saudi Arabian company, Red Sea Housing Services, to build accommodation.

I wonder if it was put out to contract & the best bid won?

This is an unknown issue & a bit late to place into the campaign.

You haven't READ it, have you, Bobby ?

Obviously not

Go read it

Then you'll be able to answer your own question

It's all there.  Documented

If you plan to die in two weeks and all your family and friends with you, then sure, it won't bother you

But if you intend to live 2 or 5 or even 25 years more

then it should disturb you

and will certainly pop a lightbulb in the heads of all those who do read it

This Rudd acts the clown

but he's a cunning little bastard

and ruthless as hell

Title: Re: Melb. AGE editorial : vote LABOR
Post by bobbythebat1 on Sep 6th, 2013 at 3:49pm

This Rudd acts the clown

but he's a cunning little bastard

and ruthless as hell

Abbott might be drinking the champagne on Saturday night
but his fight has only just started.

Title: Re: Melb. AGE editorial : vote LABOR
Post by PZ547 on Sep 6th, 2013 at 3:52pm
You haven't bothered to read it, Bobby

You're just a Paid Mouth for Hire in Rudd's employ

shame on you

Title: Re: Melb. AGE editorial : vote LABOR
Post by bobbythebat1 on Sep 6th, 2013 at 3:58pm

PZ547 wrote on Sep 6th, 2013 at 3:52pm:
You haven't bothered to read it, Bobby

You're just a Paid Mouth for Hire in Rudd's employ

shame on you

I wish someone would pay me for all my posts.  :)

Title: Re: Melb. AGE editorial : vote LABOR
Post by longweekend58 on Sep 6th, 2013 at 4:12pm

buzzanddidj wrote on Sep 6th, 2013 at 2:27pm:

PZ547 wrote on Sep 6th, 2013 at 8:27am:
Nothing written by any media whore will influence my vote

ACTUALLY, the scribblings of "any media whore" are the ONLY things that will "influence" your vote

If not "the MEDIA" - then who or what is your ORACLE ?

It sure as HELL ain't the IMF, OECD, Standard & Poor's, Moody's, Fitch's, Euromoney or the Australian Bureau of Statistics ( ... who have ALL given a great big tick to the Rudd/Gillard Governments in their management of the Australian economy in the periods covering the GFC)

get over it loser.  your crap incompetent govt has 24 hours left before it is terminated.

Title: Re: Melb. AGE editorial : vote LABOR
Post by longweekend58 on Sep 6th, 2013 at 4:13pm

Andrei.Hicks wrote on Sep 6th, 2013 at 3:05pm:
Blue blood???

It's the same colour as yours.

From a working class father and a mother from Africa.


buggered if I know how an airline pilot is 'working class'.

Title: Re: Melb. AGE editorial : vote LABOR
Post by longweekend58 on Sep 6th, 2013 at 4:14pm

Bobby. wrote on Sep 6th, 2013 at 3:06pm:

PZ547 wrote on Sep 6th, 2013 at 9:55am:
Anyway, Bobby

It won't be as your threat attempts to portray it

Rudd's party will kick him to the kerb within five minutes after Libs are installed in government

Shorten and GG will rid Labor of Rudd

and you and he know that

but  nice try


Dear PZ,
I am sorry that frightened you but it's the truth.

Rudd is not going away - that's why he made it so hard for the
Labor party to vote him out.

He will fight Tony Abbott in the house of Reps & block him in the senate.

The fight has just started.

hey idiot. yes that's you.  the new rules require a ballot for leader after a losing election.  Even Rudds stilly rules cant stop him from facing the music.

Title: Re: Melb. AGE editorial : vote LABOR
Post by bobbythebat1 on Sep 6th, 2013 at 4:16pm

longweekend58 wrote on Sep 6th, 2013 at 4:14pm:

Bobby. wrote on Sep 6th, 2013 at 3:06pm:

PZ547 wrote on Sep 6th, 2013 at 9:55am:
Anyway, Bobby

It won't be as your threat attempts to portray it

Rudd's party will kick him to the kerb within five minutes after Libs are installed in government

Shorten and GG will rid Labor of Rudd

and you and he know that

but  nice try


Dear PZ,
I am sorry that frightened you but it's the truth.

Rudd is not going away - that's why he made it so hard for the
Labor party to vote him out.

He will fight Tony Abbott in the house of Reps & block him in the senate.

The fight has just started.

hey idiot. yes that's you.  the new rules require a ballot for leader after a losing election.  Even Rudds stilly rules cant stop him from facing the music.

Rudd is here to stay.

smell the fear.

Title: Re: Melb. AGE editorial : vote LABOR
Post by bobbythebat1 on Sep 6th, 2013 at 4:29pm
Kevin Rudd just phoned me but he didn't reply to my questions
& just kept on talking.

Title: Re: Melb. AGE editorial : vote LABOR
Post by longweekend58 on Sep 6th, 2013 at 4:30pm

Bobby. wrote on Sep 6th, 2013 at 4:16pm:

longweekend58 wrote on Sep 6th, 2013 at 4:14pm:

Bobby. wrote on Sep 6th, 2013 at 3:06pm:

PZ547 wrote on Sep 6th, 2013 at 9:55am:
Anyway, Bobby

It won't be as your threat attempts to portray it

Rudd's party will kick him to the kerb within five minutes after Libs are installed in government

Shorten and GG will rid Labor of Rudd

and you and he know that

but  nice try


Dear PZ,
I am sorry that frightened you but it's the truth.

Rudd is not going away - that's why he made it so hard for the
Labor party to vote him out.

He will fight Tony Abbott in the house of Reps & block him in the senate.

The fight has just started.

hey idiot. yes that's you.  the new rules require a ballot for leader after a losing election.  Even Rudds stilly rules cant stop him from facing the music.

Rudd is here to stay.

smell the fear.

he will be gone in less than 3 months.  gone from the leadership by Monday and gone from parliament not long after.

Title: Re: Melb. AGE editorial : vote LABOR
Post by bobbythebat1 on Sep 6th, 2013 at 4:33pm

he will be gone in less than 3 months.
gone from the leadership by Monday and gone from parliament not long after.

That's what you hope but it's not reality.

This thread will still be here & we will refer to it later to see who's right.

Title: Re: Melb. AGE editorial : vote LABOR
Post by bobbythebat1 on Sep 6th, 2013 at 4:33pm

Title: Re: Melb. AGE editorial : vote LABOR
Post by bobbythebat1 on Sep 6th, 2013 at 4:33pm

Title: Re: Melb. AGE editorial : vote LABOR
Post by John Smith on Sep 6th, 2013 at 4:39pm

PZ547 wrote on Sep 6th, 2013 at 3:47pm:

Bobby. wrote on Sep 6th, 2013 at 3:45pm:
Dear PZ,
Interesting link.

Canberra has signed a $38 million deal with a Saudi Arabian company, Red Sea Housing Services, to build accommodation.

I wonder if it was put out to contract & the best bid won?

This is an unknown issue & a bit late to place into the campaign.

You haven't READ it, have you, Bobby ?

Obviously not

Go read it

Then you'll be able to answer your own question

It's all there.  Documented

If you plan to die in two weeks and all your family and friends with you, then sure, it won't bother you

But if you intend to live 2 or 5 or even 25 years more

then it should disturb you

and will certainly pop a lightbulb in the heads of all those who do read it

This Rudd acts the clown

but he's a cunning little bastard

and ruthless as hell

have you ever stopped to wonder why even after M. Smith breaks the news, none of the other news services run with it?????? not how they would usually behave ....

Perhaps you should worry more about getting better and less about anything you read on Smiths blog .... do you realise they now have medication available for people like you????

Title: Re: Melb. AGE editorial : vote LABOR
Post by bobbythebat1 on Sep 6th, 2013 at 4:52pm
Hi John,
PZ is not coping very well with the election -
he's become emotional.

He'll calm down soon enough.

Title: Re: Melb. AGE editorial : vote LABOR
Post by longweekend58 on Sep 6th, 2013 at 5:06pm

Bobby. wrote on Sep 6th, 2013 at 4:52pm:
Hi John,
PZ is not coping very well with the election -
he's become emotional.

He'll calm down soon enough.

we all will.... when Abbott is PM

Title: Re: Melb. AGE editorial : vote LABOR
Post by bobbythebat1 on Sep 6th, 2013 at 5:09pm

longweekend58 wrote on Sep 6th, 2013 at 5:06pm:

Bobby. wrote on Sep 6th, 2013 at 4:52pm:
Hi John,
PZ is not coping very well with the election -
he's become emotional.

He'll calm down soon enough.

we all will.... when Abbott is PM

you'll be smiling tomorrow night.

You've earned this victory.

However think  3 years down the road & imagine the Abbott baggage.

Title: Re: Melb. AGE editorial : vote LABOR
Post by Andrei.Hicks on Sep 6th, 2013 at 5:11pm

longweekend58 wrote on Sep 6th, 2013 at 4:13pm:

Andrei.Hicks wrote on Sep 6th, 2013 at 3:05pm:
Blue blood???

It's the same colour as yours.

From a working class father and a mother from Africa.


buggered if I know how an airline pilot is 'working class'.

when he comes from a working class council estate as a childhood background.

Title: Re: Melb. AGE editorial : vote LABOR
Post by Andrei.Hicks on Sep 6th, 2013 at 5:12pm

Bobby. wrote on Sep 6th, 2013 at 3:58pm:

PZ547 wrote on Sep 6th, 2013 at 3:52pm:
You haven't bothered to read it, Bobby

You're just a Paid Mouth for Hire in Rudd's employ

shame on you

I wish someone would pay me for all my posts.  :)

Their total net value all added together is $0.03

Would you like cash or cheque?

Title: Re: Melb. AGE editorial : vote LABOR
Post by longweekend58 on Sep 6th, 2013 at 5:19pm

Andrei.Hicks wrote on Sep 6th, 2013 at 5:12pm:

Bobby. wrote on Sep 6th, 2013 at 3:58pm:

PZ547 wrote on Sep 6th, 2013 at 3:52pm:
You haven't bothered to read it, Bobby

You're just a Paid Mouth for Hire in Rudd's employ

shame on you

I wish someone would pay me for all my posts.  :)

Their total net value all added together is $0.03

Would you like cash or cheque?

you are rather generous.  most people would say he owes US money.

Title: Re: Melb. AGE editorial : vote LABOR
Post by longweekend58 on Sep 6th, 2013 at 5:20pm

Andrei.Hicks wrote on Sep 6th, 2013 at 5:11pm:

longweekend58 wrote on Sep 6th, 2013 at 4:13pm:

Andrei.Hicks wrote on Sep 6th, 2013 at 3:05pm:
Blue blood???

It's the same colour as yours.

From a working class father and a mother from Africa.


buggered if I know how an airline pilot is 'working class'.

when he comes from a working class council estate as a childhood background.

Bill Gates is working class then.

go away with your nonsense.

Title: Re: Melb. AGE editorial : vote LABOR
Post by bobbythebat1 on Sep 6th, 2013 at 5:55pm

longweekend58 wrote on Sep 6th, 2013 at 5:19pm:

Andrei.Hicks wrote on Sep 6th, 2013 at 5:12pm:

Bobby. wrote on Sep 6th, 2013 at 3:58pm:

PZ547 wrote on Sep 6th, 2013 at 3:52pm:
You haven't bothered to read it, Bobby

You're just a Paid Mouth for Hire in Rudd's employ

shame on you

I wish someone would pay me for all my posts.  :)

Their total net value all added together is $0.03

Would you like cash or cheque?

you are rather generous.  most people would say he owes US money.

my posts are to you as pearls caste before swine -
trampled underfoot their value never being recognized.



Title: Re: Melb. AGE editorial : vote LABOR
Post by John Smith on Sep 6th, 2013 at 5:59pm

Andrei.Hicks wrote on Sep 6th, 2013 at 5:11pm:

longweekend58 wrote on Sep 6th, 2013 at 4:13pm:

Andrei.Hicks wrote on Sep 6th, 2013 at 3:05pm:
Blue blood???

It's the same colour as yours.

From a working class father and a mother from Africa.


buggered if I know how an airline pilot is 'working class'.

when he comes from a working class council estate as a childhood background.

Title: Re: Melb. AGE editorial : vote LABOR
Post by Andrei.Hicks on Sep 6th, 2013 at 6:47pm
The election result is not in doubt.

What is in doubt is given that its my last Saturday in Australia, will I be sober enough to recognise who has won?

If anyone sees a group of English fellas in Richmond stumbling out of bars, come and say hello.

Title: Re: Melb. AGE editorial : vote LABOR
Post by Andrei.Hicks on Sep 6th, 2013 at 6:50pm

longweekend58 wrote on Sep 6th, 2013 at 5:20pm:

Andrei.Hicks wrote on Sep 6th, 2013 at 5:11pm:

longweekend58 wrote on Sep 6th, 2013 at 4:13pm:

Andrei.Hicks wrote on Sep 6th, 2013 at 3:05pm:
Blue blood???

It's the same colour as yours.

From a working class father and a mother from Africa.


buggered if I know how an airline pilot is 'working class'.

when he comes from a working class council estate as a childhood background.

Bill Gates is working class then.

go away with your nonsense.

I suggest you study the difference between money and class.

My old man is from Southmead, one of the roughest estates in all of the UK!

Title: Re: Melb. AGE editorial : vote LABOR
Post by John Smith on Sep 6th, 2013 at 6:51pm

Andrei.Hicks wrote on Sep 6th, 2013 at 6:47pm:
The election result is not in doubt.

What is in doubt is given that its my last Saturday in Australia, will I be sober enough to recognise who has won?

If anyone sees a group of English fellas in Richmond stumbling out of bars, come and say hello.

will you be dressed like this?

Title: Re: Melb. AGE editorial : vote LABOR
Post by Andrei.Hicks on Sep 6th, 2013 at 6:52pm
Yes obviously John.
How else would we be dressed

Title: Re: Melb. AGE editorial : vote LABOR
Post by John Smith on Sep 6th, 2013 at 6:53pm

Andrei.Hicks wrote on Sep 6th, 2013 at 6:52pm:
Yes obviously John.
How else would we be dressed

one never can tell with you Andrei .....

(by the way, they were ladyboys?)

Title: Re: Melb. AGE editorial : vote LABOR
Post by Andrei.Hicks on Sep 6th, 2013 at 6:55pm
I assumed they were.

I've spent enough time in Amsterdam to play a safety first with Asians and steer clear.

Title: Re: Melb. AGE editorial : vote LABOR
Post by John Smith on Sep 6th, 2013 at 6:58pm

Andrei.Hicks wrote on Sep 6th, 2013 at 6:55pm:
I assumed they were.

I've spent enough time in Amsterdam to play a safety first with Asians and steer clear.

got caught out did you ???

I once had a work colleague who got caught ... thought he was getting a free blow job, but after she/ it was finished he went for a grope and found more than he bargained for ...  and if you knew this guy, there is no one who deserved it more than he did.  ;D ;D

Title: Re: Melb. AGE editorial : vote LABOR
Post by Andrei.Hicks on Sep 6th, 2013 at 7:04pm
Fortunately I have not but there is one on the window in Amsterdam on the main strip who you'd really struggle to spot it.
I have been told categorically by a guy on a bucks weekend.

"That's a fella"
"Nah. I don't reckon"
"Mate there is no reckon. It is"
"How? No.... Really?"
"I've never got my pants on so quickly before. I was still putting my shoes on down the steps"

You know the authorities now make transsexuals put blue neon lights in their windows now.
Red for girls, blue for fellas and transgenders.

So it doesn't harm the sex dollar and give Holland a bad name.

Only the Dutch would do this!

Title: Re: Melb. AGE editorial : vote LABOR
Post by John Smith on Sep 6th, 2013 at 7:07pm

Andrei.Hicks wrote on Sep 6th, 2013 at 7:04pm:
Fortunately I have not but there is one on the window in Amsterdam on the main strip who you'd really struggle to spot it.
I have been told categorically by a guy on a bucks weekend.

"That's a fella"
"Nah. I don't reckon"
"Mate there is no reckon. It is"
"How? No.... Really?"
"I've never got my pants on so quickly before. I was still putting my shoes on down the steps"

You know the authorities now make transsexuals put blue neon lights in their windows now.
Red for girls, blue for fellas and transgenders.

So it doesn't harm the sex dollar and give Holland a bad name.

Only the Dutch would do this!

it's a worry when you can't tell them apart .... Seems the Dutch authorities got it right.

Title: Re: Melb. AGE editorial : vote LABOR
Post by Andrei.Hicks on Sep 6th, 2013 at 7:55pm
As with pretty much everything, the Dutch just quietly get things right.

Title: Re: Melb. AGE editorial : vote LABOR
Post by bobbythebat1 on Sep 7th, 2013 at 12:31am

John Smith wrote on Sep 6th, 2013 at 6:51pm:

Andrei.Hicks wrote on Sep 6th, 2013 at 6:47pm:
The election result is not in doubt.

What is in doubt is given that its my last Saturday in Australia, will I be sober enough to recognise who has won?

If anyone sees a group of English fellas in Richmond stumbling out of bars, come and say hello.

will you be dressed like this?

Why do homosexuals always invade my threads?
This thread is about the editorial in the AGE.

Title: Re: Melb. AGE editorial : vote LABOR
Post by buzzanddidj on Sep 7th, 2013 at 1:18am

buzzanddidj wrote on Sep 6th, 2013 at 2:49pm:

Andrei.Hicks wrote on Sep 6th, 2013 at 2:28pm:
I shouldn't have to do it.

If I don't want to vote, I should be completely free to not bother.


You don't HAVE to

If you CAN'T assimilate to our ways - you are welcome to drag your mouldy, blue-blood arse back to a more friendly climate

Andrei.Hicks wrote on Sep 6th, 2013 at 3:05pm:
Blue blood???

It's the same colour as yours.

From a working class father and a mother from Africa.


... and ONE day, I may come to the realisation my father was not a carpenter after ALL - but an international, commercial airline pilot

... and my mother, whom I'd been led to believe was a piece-work seamstress - was actually "Scarlet O'Hara" ... a product of "old money" from the British pillaging of the Transvaal

... and Clayton Tech. was really St. Pansy's Grammar

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