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Member Run Boards >> Spirituality >> A meditation.

Message started by Yadda on Sep 24th, 2013 at 12:18am

Title: A meditation.
Post by Yadda on Sep 24th, 2013 at 12:18am
A meditation.

Is the promise of [spiritual] perfection, 'like' a narcotic drug ?

And is to pursue perfection [does it become] an addiction ?

It would seem so, at times.

To pursue perfection, is a difficult path [and often crushing].

It feels frustrating, to pursue perfection.

My flesh and my carnal mind continually challenge the meditation [which is, to pursue perfection].

And i am continually cast down [again and again], by my flesh.

And i know, that [while in this flesh] the perfection which i so earnestly and persistently seek, will must always remain, unachievable and untouchable.

But that consideration/realisation is [or seems] altogether unimportant to my spirit.

Because i am happy to be such a fool [as i am].

I am happy to be a fool, seeking, and continuing to seek.

Persistent ?

The changing vista [as i travel along the path] is not 'the' reward, nor is it the reason i travel the path.

But the vista i experience is certainly an encouraging 'element', to my spirit.

In my flesh, i have never experienced addiction to a narcotic drug, but i do feel that i am 'addicted' to that purity which did touch my being.

[Why did that purity touch me?]

And i do want and deeply desire, to feel the touch of my lover [the purity] again.

The path is a difficult one, but the joy [of spirit] is sustaining.

I trust the promise.

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