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Member Run Boards >> Islam >> Islam and having sex with babies, animals,children

Message started by Lucas The Innkeeper on Oct 19th, 2013 at 1:14am

Title: Islam and having sex with babies, animals,children
Post by Lucas The Innkeeper on Oct 19th, 2013 at 1:14am
Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, wrote extensively on Islamic Jurisprudence. A two-volume book, which was published originally in Arabic, was called ‘Tahrir al Wasilah’. Translated into Farsi, the book is called “Tahrirolvasyleh.” (read entire text here.) Khomeini also had another treatise on Islamic rules for living, called in English, “The Little Green Book.” (see entire text here.)
It is useful to understand what an esteemed Islamic leader such as the Ayatollah teaches his followers. Here are some excerpts from “Tahrirolvasyleh” which Muslims probably don’t want you to know about Islam:

A man can have intimate pleasure from a child as young as a baby. However, he should not penetrate vaginally, but sodomising the child is acceptable. If a man does penetrate and damage the child then, he should be responsible for her subsistence all her life. This girl will not count as one of his four permanent wives and the man will not be eligible to marry the girl’s sister… It is better for a girl to marry at such a time when she would begin menstruation at her husband’s house, rather than her father’s home. Any father marrying his daughter so young will have a permanent place in heaven.

["Tahrirolvasyleh", fourth edition, Qom, Iran, 1990]

A man can have sex with animals such as sheep, cows, camels and so on. However, he should kill the animal after he has his heavenly feeling.He should not sell the meat to the people in his own village, but selling the meat to a neighbouring village is reasonable.

If one commits the act of sodomy with a cow, a ewe, or a camel, their urine and their excrement become impure and even their milkmay no longer be consumed. The animal must then be killed as quickly as possible and burned.
Wine and all intoxicating beverages are impure, but opium and hashish are not.

If a man sodomises the son, brother, or father of his wife after their marriage, the marriage remains valid.
During intimate intercourse, if the joystick enters a woman’s womanliness or a man’s anus, fully or only as far as the circumcision ring, both partners become impure, even if they have not reached puberty; they must consequently perform ablutions.

A woman who has contracted a continuing marriage does not have the right to go out of the house without her husband’s permission; she must remain at his disposal for the fulfilment of any one of his desires, and may not refuse herself to him except for a religiously valid reason. If she is totally submissive to him, the husband must provide her with her food, clothing, and lodging, whether or not he has the means to do so. A woman who refuses herself to her husband is guilty, and may not demand from him food, clothing, lodging, or any later intimate relations; however, she retains the right to bepaid damages if she is repudiated.

It is not illegal for an adult male to ‘thigh’ or enjoy a young girl who is still in the age of weaning; meaning to place his joystick between her thighs, and to kiss her. ["The Little Green Book"]

Paedophilia legal in Iran

In June, 2002 Iranian authorities approved a law raising the age at which girls can marry without parental consent from 9 to 13. The elected legislature actually passed the bill in 2000, but the “Guardian Council”, a 12-man body of conservative clerics, vetoed it as contradicting Islamic Sharia law. Iran’s clericalestablishment insists that the marriage of young girls is a means to combat immorality. The Expediency Council, which arbitrates between the elected parliament and the theocratic Guardian Council, timidly passed the measure. The law however does not change the age at which children can get married (nine for girls and 14 for boys), but says that girls below the age of 13 and boys younger than 15 need their parents’ permission and the approval of a “Righteous Court.” Reformists state that the new law does not protect children, since most of those who marry at such a young age do so by force.

A religious decree by Khomeini ordered that girl prisoners who are virgins must be Molested before execution, to prevent them from entering heaven. A Guard conducts the molestation the night before execution. The next day, a marriage certificate is issued by a mullah, who sends it to the girl’s family, along with a box of chocolates as a wedding gift.

It is quite common in Iran for older men to marry children, as long as they pay the appropriate bride-price to the girl’s family. This basically means that a father can sell his daughter to whomever he wants, whilst the mad mullahs see this as a means of maintaining purity. We prefer to call this child prostitution and molestation, especially given that Iran’s clerics approve of the ‘tradition’ of ‘temporary marriage’ (Mut’a) , which can last less than 24 hours and may be repeated as many times as desired. This form of exploitation is widespread and legitimises sexwith young children. The man may even visit his temporary wife every weekend at her father’s house, for about $10 per visit.

Khomeini on prostitution and Mut’a (temporary marriage)

“It is permissible to do Mut’a with an adulteress, but with aversion, particularly if she is a well-known prostitute. If Mut’a is done with her, she should be told to give-up her profession.”


Now this is an Islamic Imam the supreme Leader of Iran.

Lucky there are such upstanding Islamic leaders to instruct entire Nations on how to live.

Title: Re: Islam and having sex with babies, animals,children
Post by True Colours on Oct 19th, 2013 at 1:25am
Yeah great story - except that most Muslims do not regard Khomeini as a Muslim but rather as a heretical maniac.

Ayatollah Khomeini was not a Muslim.

Title: Re: Islam and having sex with babies, animals,children
Post by Lucas The Innkeeper on Oct 19th, 2013 at 1:49am

Title: Re: Islam and having sex with babies, animals,children
Post by True Colours on Oct 19th, 2013 at 1:57am

Numerous religious authorities have issued their judicial rulings respecting the blasphemy and apostasy of Khomeini. Those authorities include the Muslim World League which gave a deliverance on the subject on the 9th of Ramadan 1400 h (1980), and another at its 3rd annual conference in Safar, 1408/1987; the Ministry of Endowment and Religious Affairs in Morroco, 1400h., ash-Shaikh al-Habib Bal-Khojah, the Jurist consult of the Tunisian Republic; his eminence, ash-Shaikh Abdul-Aziz bin Baz, ash-Shaikh Nasirud-Deen al-Albani, the leading authority in the science of the Prophetic tradition; and many other scholars in the Muslim world.

Title: Re: Islam and having sex with babies, animals,children
Post by Lucas The Innkeeper on Oct 19th, 2013 at 2:08am
6 or 7 groups and so called many others in the muslim world.


He was an Islamic teacher whether you like it or not the head of one of the most Islamic nations on earth.

Title: Re: Islam and having sex with babies, animals,children
Post by Winston Smith on Oct 19th, 2013 at 2:24am
I am sick of reading this trash on the recent posts page.

Grow up you morons.

Title: Re: Islam and having sex with babies, animals,children
Post by wally1 on Oct 19th, 2013 at 6:43am

Winston Smith wrote on Oct 19th, 2013 at 2:24am:
I am sick of reading this trash on the recent posts page.

Grow up you morons.

What do the mods do on this forum?

Title: Re: Islam and having sex with babies, animals,children
Post by wally1 on Oct 19th, 2013 at 6:48am
Khomeini is a lunatic trying to hid under islam, similar to how hitler was a lunatic who tried to hid under Christianity.

Title: Re: Islam and having sex with babies, animals,children
Post by gandalf on Oct 19th, 2013 at 1:51pm

wally1 wrote on Oct 19th, 2013 at 6:43am:
What do the mods do on this forum?

There are none. The last one left about a year ago, and FD refuses to appoint a new one.

I wouldn't mind so much if FD took over the role himself and took action against some of the personal abuse and outright trolling that plagues this forum. Its not as if he's not across everything that goes on here given the time he dedicates to this forum.

Title: Re: Islam and having sex with babies, animals,children
Post by freediver on Oct 19th, 2013 at 2:09pm
I did suggest you get in touch with Abu about it. Or the other one.

Title: Re: Islam and having sex with babies, animals,children
Post by Lisa Jones on Oct 19th, 2013 at 2:31pm

polite_gandalf wrote on Oct 19th, 2013 at 1:51pm:

wally1 wrote on Oct 19th, 2013 at 6:43am:
What do the mods do on this forum?

There are none. The last one left about a year ago, and FD refuses to appoint a new one.

I wouldn't mind so much if FD took over the role himself and took action against some of the personal abuse and outright trolling that plagues this forum. Its not as if he's not across everything that goes on here given the time he dedicates to this forum.

Totally agree with you there.

The trolling is out of control.

Title: Re: Islam and having sex with babies, animals,children
Post by wally1 on Oct 19th, 2013 at 4:46pm

polite_gandalf wrote on Oct 19th, 2013 at 1:51pm:

wally1 wrote on Oct 19th, 2013 at 6:43am:
What do the mods do on this forum?

There are none. The last one left about a year ago, and FD refuses to appoint a new one.

I wouldn't mind so much if FD took over the role himself and took action against some of the personal abuse and outright trolling that plagues this forum. Its not as if he's not across everything that goes on here given the time he dedicates to this forum.

Maybe there to busy counting the revenue muslims give to this board to advertise.

Title: Re: Islam and having sex with babies, animals,children
Post by gandalf on Oct 19th, 2013 at 5:40pm

freediver wrote on Oct 19th, 2013 at 2:09pm:
I did suggest you get in touch with Abu about it. Or the other one.

Did it every occur for you to do that? It is after all your forum.

Title: Re: Islam and having sex with babies, animals,children
Post by Avram Horowitz on Oct 19th, 2013 at 5:55pm

True Colours wrote on Oct 19th, 2013 at 1:25am:
Yeah great story - except that most Muslims do not regard Khomeini as a Muslim but rather as a heretical maniac.

Ayatollah Khomeini was not a Muslim.

Khomeini was a pig.
He deserved to die much more young than he did and was lucky this didn't happen.

Title: Re: Islam and having sex with babies, animals,children
Post by adamant on Oct 19th, 2013 at 6:09pm

polite_gandalf wrote on Oct 19th, 2013 at 1:51pm:
I wouldn't mind so much if FD took over the role himself and took action against some of the personal abuse and outright trolling that plagues this forum. Its not as if he's not across everything that goes on here given the time he dedicates to this forum.

Ill take the onerous task on. I guarantee the trolls Gandalf, TC ,Wally 1, Sorr Brain and others would be punished relentlessly for the incessant claptrap the bigots are so well renowned for.

Oh, and Bad Breath not a smile in sight.

Winston Smith wrote on Oct 19th, 2013 at 2:24am:
I am sick of reading this trash on the recent posts page.

If you are that disturbed you can always leave, just like you don't have to watch the TV if something upsets you. 

Title: Re: Islam and having sex with babies, animals,children
Post by freediver on Oct 19th, 2013 at 6:10pm

polite_gandalf wrote on Oct 19th, 2013 at 5:40pm:

freediver wrote on Oct 19th, 2013 at 2:09pm:
I did suggest you get in touch with Abu about it. Or the other one.

Did it every occur for you to do that? It is after all your forum.

Oh yes it occurred to me. But then I was like, whatever.

We have been fortunate so far to not have Muslim moderators here who insist on imposing Islamic standards of acceptable thoughts and opinions. I'm not exactly motivated to try to undo that.

Title: Re: Islam and having sex with babies, animals,children
Post by adamant on Oct 19th, 2013 at 6:32pm
Hello Avram welcome back!

Avram Horowitz wrote on Oct 19th, 2013 at 5:55pm:
Khomeini was a pig

That's not Kosher, is it?

Title: Re: Islam and having sex with babies, animals,children
Post by Lucas The Innkeeper on Oct 19th, 2013 at 7:19pm
I agree he was a pig and worse.

Not only do you have the call to intimidate and kill people in the Quaran
unlike the New Covenant in the Bible which preaches love. Here you have
a WORLD WIDE accepted Islamic Imam which teaches it is ok to fondle
babies and pork Animals.

People can cry out that he really isn't a muslim as much as they want.
In Iran you would be religiously shot.

Most of the crying is done from other Islamic factions at the usual war
with themselves or the bleeding heart lefttards that are in the need of
a cause they know absolutely nothing about.

As a leader of Islam and you follow hallah and you think hallah will be happy with
what you are saying, and a whole nation. Iran the nation is calling you the supreme leader
and loving every word you say. I'd say there are a lot of sick things wrong with

Imagine being part of a religion that promoted sex with goats and fondling
little children and pedophilia. You would have to be seriously mentally damaged.

The fact remains this pig did write and teach these things and he was a muslim
leader of an entire nation. There is no sense in bleeding hearts hiding the fact
this Islamic leader is very sick and Islam in Iran is very sick as well because that
is what the Imam of Iran teaches. The world should see and understand how
sick those people are.

Title: Re: Islam and having sex with babies, animals,children
Post by adamant on Oct 19th, 2013 at 7:36pm

Lucas The Innkeeper wrote on Oct 19th, 2013 at 7:19pm:
I agree he was a pig and worse.

Yes he was a disgusting person. You are new here. Avram, whom I like and agree with the majority of the time is a Jew, does my comment make sense now?

Title: Re: Islam and having sex with babies, animals,children
Post by greggerypeccary on Oct 19th, 2013 at 7:39pm

Lucas The Innkeeper wrote on Oct 19th, 2013 at 7:19pm:
The world should see and understand how
sick those people are.

And now we do.

Thank you.

Was there anything else?

(A link, perhaps?)

Title: Re: Islam and having sex with babies, animals,children
Post by Lucas The Innkeeper on Oct 19th, 2013 at 7:52pm

greggerypeccary wrote on Oct 19th, 2013 at 7:39pm:

Lucas The Innkeeper wrote on Oct 19th, 2013 at 7:19pm:
The world should see and understand how
sick those people are.

And now we do.

Thank you.

Was there anything else?

(A link, perhaps?)



Title: Re: Islam and having sex with babies, animals,children
Post by greggerypeccary on Oct 19th, 2013 at 7:56pm

Lucas The Innkeeper wrote on Oct 19th, 2013 at 7:52pm:

greggerypeccary wrote on Oct 19th, 2013 at 7:39pm:

Lucas The Innkeeper wrote on Oct 19th, 2013 at 7:19pm:
The world should see and understand how
sick those people are.

And now we do.

Thank you.

Was there anything else?

(A link, perhaps?)



Thank you.

Certainly some kooky bastards on that site.

So, what are you ultimately trying to achieve here?

Title: Re: Islam and having sex with babies, animals,children
Post by True Colours on Oct 19th, 2013 at 9:10pm

polite_gandalf wrote on Oct 19th, 2013 at 5:40pm:

freediver wrote on Oct 19th, 2013 at 2:09pm:
I did suggest you get in touch with Abu about it. Or the other one.

Did it every occur for you to do that? It is after all your forum.

Moderate his own sock puppets?  ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re: Islam and having sex with babies, animals,children
Post by ian on Oct 19th, 2013 at 9:14pm
I much prefer no moderation, its just censorship. Let someones arguments stand or fall on their own.

Title: Re: Islam and having sex with babies, animals,children
Post by Lucas The Innkeeper on Oct 19th, 2013 at 9:18pm

greggerypeccary wrote on Oct 19th, 2013 at 7:56pm:

Lucas The Innkeeper wrote on Oct 19th, 2013 at 7:52pm:

greggerypeccary wrote on Oct 19th, 2013 at 7:39pm:

Lucas The Innkeeper wrote on Oct 19th, 2013 at 7:19pm:
The world should see and understand how
sick those people are.

And now we do.

Thank you.

Was there anything else?

(A link, perhaps?)



Thank you.

Certainly some kooky bastards on that site.

So, what are you ultimately trying to achieve here?

You're not wrong and they are all muslims.

I am letting people know what Islamic Teachings there are out there and
hopefully that will open some muslim and leftard eyes to the farce it really is.

Islam was born from the quarish clan (moon god worshippers) of which modammered
was an upstanding member.

Title: Re: Islam and having sex with babies, animals,children
Post by Brian Ross on Oct 20th, 2013 at 12:14am

freediver wrote on Oct 19th, 2013 at 6:10pm:

polite_gandalf wrote on Oct 19th, 2013 at 5:40pm:

freediver wrote on Oct 19th, 2013 at 2:09pm:
I did suggest you get in touch with Abu about it. Or the other one.

Did it every occur for you to do that? It is after all your forum.

Oh yes it occurred to me. But then I was like, whatever.

We have been fortunate so far to not have Muslim moderators here who insist on imposing Islamic standards of acceptable thoughts and opinions. I'm not exactly motivated to try to undo that.

How...convenient, shall we say?   Very convenient indeed, for you, FD.

Tell you what, appoint me moderator and I will be scrupulously fair in making sure that unpleasant behaviour on all sides will be curbed.

Title: Re: Islam and having sex with babies, animals,children
Post by Brian Ross on Oct 20th, 2013 at 12:16am

ian wrote on Oct 19th, 2013 at 9:14pm:
I much prefer no moderation, its just censorship. Let someones arguments stand or fall on their own.

Problem is, there are no arguments, just squabbling like small children from most of the contributors.   ::)

Title: Re: Islam and having sex with babies, animals,children
Post by Lucas The Innkeeper on Oct 20th, 2013 at 12:24am

Brian Ross wrote on Oct 20th, 2013 at 12:16am:

ian wrote on Oct 19th, 2013 at 9:14pm:
I much prefer no moderation, its just censorship. Let someones arguments stand or fall on their own.

Problem is, there are no arguments, just squabbling like small children from most of the contributors.   ::)

Yes it seems once an unlikable truth is posted it is just too hard to discuss why Islam or the faction of Islam accepts such filth and degradation along with the generally accepted pedophilia of Mohammed. Is it a customary thing from some dark era left over engrossed in threats or perhaps a mental condition in that particular strain of the Arab community a DNA trait so to speak that effects the mental capacity of the incumbent. IE. are they just all backward and violent and scared of the threats if they leave Islam.

Title: Re: Islam and having sex with babies, animals,children
Post by Yadda on Oct 20th, 2013 at 2:27am

Adamant wrote on Oct 19th, 2013 at 6:32pm:
Hello Avram welcome back!

Avram Horowitz wrote on Oct 19th, 2013 at 5:55pm:
Khomeini was a pig

That's not Kosher, is it?

ISLAM is not Kosher, either.

Though it [ISLAM] may be halal.

But then, so is pulling a knife blade across the throat of a disbeliever!

And how many Armenian's did the Turks 'righteously' murder ?

> 1 million souls ?


Hi Avram.

Title: Re: Islam and having sex with babies, animals,children
Post by freediver on Oct 20th, 2013 at 8:09am

Brian Ross wrote on Oct 20th, 2013 at 12:14am:

freediver wrote on Oct 19th, 2013 at 6:10pm:

polite_gandalf wrote on Oct 19th, 2013 at 5:40pm:

freediver wrote on Oct 19th, 2013 at 2:09pm:
I did suggest you get in touch with Abu about it. Or the other one.

Did it every occur for you to do that? It is after all your forum.

Oh yes it occurred to me. But then I was like, whatever.

We have been fortunate so far to not have Muslim moderators here who insist on imposing Islamic standards of acceptable thoughts and opinions. I'm not exactly motivated to try to undo that.

How...convenient, shall we say?   Very convenient indeed, for you, FD.

Tell you what, appoint me moderator and I will be scrupulously fair in making sure that unpleasant behaviour on all sides will be curbed.

That sounds like it could get inconvenient for me.

Title: Re: Islam and having sex with babies, animals,children
Post by Datalife on Oct 20th, 2013 at 8:19am

Brian Ross wrote on Oct 20th, 2013 at 12:14am:
Tell you what, appoint me moderator and I will be scrupulously fair in making sure that unpleasant behaviour on all sides will be curbed.

God no.  You are a typical lefty censor who cannot tolerate difference of opinion and will supress it.

Title: Re: Islam and having sex with babies, animals,children
Post by Brian Ross on Oct 20th, 2013 at 11:36am

freediver wrote on Oct 20th, 2013 at 8:09am:

Brian Ross wrote on Oct 20th, 2013 at 12:14am:

freediver wrote on Oct 19th, 2013 at 6:10pm:

polite_gandalf wrote on Oct 19th, 2013 at 5:40pm:

freediver wrote on Oct 19th, 2013 at 2:09pm:
I did suggest you get in touch with Abu about it. Or the other one.

Did it every occur for you to do that? It is after all your forum.

Oh yes it occurred to me. But then I was like, whatever.

We have been fortunate so far to not have Muslim moderators here who insist on imposing Islamic standards of acceptable thoughts and opinions. I'm not exactly motivated to try to undo that.

How...convenient, shall we say?   Very convenient indeed, for you, FD.

Tell you what, appoint me moderator and I will be scrupulously fair in making sure that unpleasant behaviour on all sides will be curbed.

That sounds like it could get inconvenient for me.

It might, if you are rude and abusive and engage in pointless ad hom, FD.   Do you?

You lay out a set of rules and we'll negotiate them and come up with something sensible which promotes good debate and then we'll see if you can adhere to them.  If you can't then whose fault is that?

Or could it be, as I suggested, you find it convenient to have no moderator?  Are you afraid that you couldn't engage in polite debate?  I've thrown down the gauntlet, will you accept the challenge?  ::)

Title: Re: Islam and having sex with babies, animals,children
Post by Postmodern Trendoid on Oct 20th, 2013 at 11:44am
lol. The D&R you now moderate is a ghost town. No one goes there. Why?

Title: Re: Islam and having sex with babies, animals,children
Post by Datalife on Oct 20th, 2013 at 12:07pm
Always pays to be wary of the tiny minds who seek to be censors. 

PS Brian, do you include constantly accusing people of being racist as abusive and rude or would you just roll your eyes and say it is accurate allowing the insult to stand whilst you censor others?  Methinks you would. 

And yeah, why the mass exodus from D&R under your fair and even hand?  How many posts daily now?  If that is a guide you have demonstrated yourself inept as a censor and manager of a forum. 

Title: Re: Islam and having sex with babies, animals,children
Post by freediver on Oct 20th, 2013 at 6:27pm
Brian do you have any experience in moderating? Any references?

Title: Re: Islam and having sex with babies, animals,children
Post by Brian Ross on Oct 20th, 2013 at 7:03pm

Postmodern Trendoid wrote on Oct 20th, 2013 at 11:44am:
lol. The D&R you now moderate is a ghost town. No one goes there. Why?

Perhaps the correct question you should be asking is why do some people find it hard to accept rules designed to create civilised discourse?   You appear well qualified to answer that one...   ::)

Title: Re: Islam and having sex with babies, animals,children
Post by Brian Ross on Oct 20th, 2013 at 7:04pm

freediver wrote on Oct 20th, 2013 at 6:27pm:
Brian do you have any experience in moderating? Any references?

Does it matter?   Did you have any experience when you started Ozpolitic?   Did any of the previous moderators?   I've moderated on other forums over the decades.

Title: Re: Islam and having sex with babies, animals,children
Post by Datalife on Oct 20th, 2013 at 7:22pm

Brian Ross wrote on Oct 20th, 2013 at 7:04pm:

freediver wrote on Oct 20th, 2013 at 6:27pm:
Brian do you have any experience in moderating? Any references?

Does it matter?   Did you have any experience when you started Ozpolitic?   Did any of the previous moderators?   I've moderated on other forums over the decades.

Were they as deserted as your present forum?   A forum that used to be populated and vibrant? 

Title: Re: Islam and having sex with babies, animals,children
Post by freediver on Oct 20th, 2013 at 7:23pm

Brian Ross wrote on Oct 20th, 2013 at 7:04pm:

freediver wrote on Oct 20th, 2013 at 6:27pm:
Brian do you have any experience in moderating? Any references?

Does it matter?   Did you have any experience when you started Ozpolitic?   Did any of the previous moderators?   I've moderated on other forums over the decades.

Yes I had some experience. So did many of the other mods. Is anyone willing to offer a reference for your skills?

If not, perhaps you have some academic qualifications you can offer in lieu?

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