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General Discussion >> Federal Politics >> Why Labor cannot be trusted with national security

Message started by Armchair_Politician on Dec 6th, 2013 at 1:34pm

Title: Why Labor cannot be trusted with national security
Post by Armchair_Politician on Dec 6th, 2013 at 1:34pm
History would indicate the Left cannot be trusted with our security. 
From the almost forgotten opposition leader H.V. "Doc" Evatt, who had a blind faith in the Soviet Union and almost certainly employed members of the Petrov Soviet spy ring on his staff in the early 50s, to Labor attorney-general Lionel Murphy, who with Commonwealth Police raided ASIO's Melbourne office and searched its files 40 years ago, the ALP has been blind to the national interest.

Evatt brought the House down in October 1954 when he revealed he wrote to Soviet Foreign Minister Vyacheslav Molotov asking if allegations of Soviet espionage in Australia were true and then proceeded to read Molotov's assurance there was no such spying.

Murphy's ASIO raid was driven by the paranoia and insecurity of the Labor Left at the highest level within the fatally flawed Whitlam government. No report or finding on the raid was ever released.

Before his dismissal in 1975, former prime minister Gough Whitlam appointed Murphy to the High Court.

Whitlam was crushingly rejected by voters at two subsequent federal elections, though he remains an icon in Labor's pantheon of failed leaders.

Murphy's trajectory was equally defective.

He was convicted of attempting to pervert the course of justice in 1985, during the Hawke Labor government, but the conviction was later quashed. Following a second trial in 1986 Murphy was found not guilty.

Labor attorney-general Lionel Bowen then instituted a parliamentary commission of inquiry, constituted by three retired judges, to examine "whether any conduct of the Honourable Lionel Keith Murphy has been such as to amount, in its opinion, to proved misbehaviour within the meaning of section 72 of the Constitution".

(Section 72 specifies that a High Court judge may be removed only by the governor-general and both houses of parliament "on the ground of proved misbehaviour or incapacity".)

The terms of this inquiry specifically excluded the issues for which Murphy had already been tried and acquitted.

Two months after the commission was established, Murphy announced he had terminal cancer and the commission was repealed. Murphy died on October 21, 1986.

The documents collected by the commission remain sealed under the authority of the Speaker of the House of Representatives and the President of the Senate to this day, 27 years on.


Title: Re: Why Labor cannot be trusted with national security
Post by Armchair_Politician on Dec 6th, 2013 at 1:35pm

On Tuesday, ASIO officers raided the home of a former ASIS officer. The names of ASIS officers, serving or retired, cannot be revealed. The Opposition was briefed on Wednesday and Attorney-General George Brandis made a statement in the Senate.

Brandis said he issued the warrant, at the request of ASIO, on the grounds that the documents and electronic data collected contained intelligence relating to security matters.

Under section 39 of the Intelligence Services Act 2001, it is a criminal offence for a current or former officer of ASIS to communicate "any information or matter that was prepared by or on behalf of ASIS in connection with its functions or relates to the performance by ASIS of its functions", where the information has come into his possession by reason of his being or having been an officer of ASIS.

To no-one's surprise, the raid, initiated by ASIO, was loudly condemned by Greens leader Christine Milne, Green Senator Scott Ludlum and that reliable warhorse of the Left, Father Frank Brennan, and given expansive coverage by the Left's media allies at the ABC and Fairfax Media.

Barely had the Senate convened before Milne was demanding that the Attorney-General provide reasons for the raid.

Not that she had not made her own mind up.

She said it was to prevent the unnamed ASIS officer travelling to The Hague to give evidence in a dispute between Australia and East Timor about maritime boundaries which could affect the resource-sharing deal struck between former foreign minister Alexander Downer and the East Timorese government.

"It is a shocking thing that, as this negotiation is going on in The Hague, the Attorney-General in Australia authorises the raid," she said.

"There is no suggestion here that the whistleblower who was going to attend to give evidence in The Hague was in any way a threat to national security."

But if the so-called "whistleblower" is, as the issuance of the warrant would suggest, a rogue former intelligence officer much like the US defector Edward Snowden, now in the arms of his Soviet handlers while The Guardian and the ABC collaborate to distribute information from his stolen cache of secret files, surely it is the duty of the Australian government to act.

Further, as the Attorney-General painstakingly pointed out to Ludlum, when the director-general of ASIO requests such a warrant, it may only be issued if the Attorney-General is satisfied that it is necessary to protect the Commonwealth and its people from espionage, sabotage, politically-motivated violence, attacks on Australia's defence system, or acts of foreign interference; and the protection of Australia's territorial and border integrity from serious threats.

Unfortunately, there is little any nation can do to prevent rogue agents like the convicted former US marine Bradley Manning, who provided stolen information to fugitive WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange, or Snowden, or the former ASIS officer, as we may find when ASIO concludes its investigation.

Their actions are heinous, particularly so when they lead to the identification of those who work in the field of intelligence and guard our national interest. Those from the Left, like the Greens and their media friends at The Guardian and the ABC and elsewhere, who glorify the Assanges, the Mannings, the Snowdens and those who leak sensitive national intelligence material and endanger lives, betray the national interest and deserve nothing but utter contempt.

Title: Re: Why Labor cannot be trusted with national security
Post by dsmithy70 on Dec 6th, 2013 at 1:39pm
Peirs Akermans defence of the current attorney General organising raids on the Lawyer & witness for East Timor.


& teaspoon is hooked.

Great Casting Piers

Title: Re: Why Labor cannot be trusted with national security
Post by Armchair_Politician on Dec 6th, 2013 at 1:44pm

Dsmithy70 wrote on Dec 6th, 2013 at 1:39pm:
Peirs Akermans defence of the current attorney General organising raids on the Lawyer & witness for East Timor.


& teaspoon is hooked.

Great Casting Piers

Nothing there to refute, is there? It's all fact, in plain text. So you resort to calling me teaspoon. Is that what passes for wit among you lefties? ;D

Title: Re: Why Labor cannot be trusted with national security
Post by bigvicfella on Dec 6th, 2013 at 1:47pm
So how much was Australia going to rip out of East Timor by DISHONESTLY spying on them and bugging them for financial gain?      And when Brandis found out that the results of that was going to become VERY public he sh@t his pants and organised a raid

It will all come out soon enough though - the good evidence is all in the Hague - where Downer and Howard should be

Title: Re: Why Labor cannot be trusted with national security
Post by Armchair_Politician on Dec 6th, 2013 at 1:54pm

Vic wrote on Dec 6th, 2013 at 1:47pm:
So how much was Australia going to rip out of East Timor by DISHONESTLY spying on them and bugging them for financial gain?      And when Brandis found out that the results of that was going to become VERY public he sh@t his pants and organised a raid

It will all come out soon enough though - the good evidence is all in the Hague - where Downer and Howard should be

What about the times when former PM Rudd sent 31-year-old chief of staff, Alister Jordan in his place to national security council meetings, or when Gillard - as DPM - sent her former bodyguard and junior staff member Andrew Stark instead of attending herself? That doesn't seem to me like Labor takes our security seriously in the least.

Title: Re: Why Labor cannot be trusted with national security
Post by dsmithy70 on Dec 6th, 2013 at 2:13pm

Armchair_Politician wrote on Dec 6th, 2013 at 1:44pm:

Dsmithy70 wrote on Dec 6th, 2013 at 1:39pm:
Peirs Akermans defence of the current attorney General organising raids on the Lawyer & witness for East Timor.


& teaspoon is hooked.

Great Casting Piers

Nothing there to refute, is there? It's all fact, in plain text. So you resort to calling me teaspoon. Is that what passes for wit among you lefties? ;D

Ive called you teaspoon since I realised puddle was too deep.
But whilst what is written is true its history many decades old being used to justify raids earlier this week.

Are you in favour of justice being subverted for political purposes?

Do you think Australia the regions richest nation should be stealing oil & gas from the regions poorest?

If the normal procedure for drawing borders was adhered to these field would have been in Timor Territory

Do you think it was right to listen in on Timor's delegation?

And this is not the 1st time a Liberal Government has used ASIS/ASIO for political purposes, remember the raids on Black Inc publishing & the subsequent destroying of Hard drives by ASIO because they published Wilkies book.

But hey you wrap yourself in Piers words & thoughts I'm sure they'll never target you or anyone you might know.

Title: Re: Why Labor cannot be trusted with national security
Post by Armchair_Politician on Dec 6th, 2013 at 2:20pm

Dsmithy70 wrote on Dec 6th, 2013 at 2:13pm:

Armchair_Politician wrote on Dec 6th, 2013 at 1:44pm:

Dsmithy70 wrote on Dec 6th, 2013 at 1:39pm:
Peirs Akermans defence of the current attorney General organising raids on the Lawyer & witness for East Timor.


& teaspoon is hooked.

Great Casting Piers

Nothing there to refute, is there? It's all fact, in plain text. So you resort to calling me teaspoon. Is that what passes for wit among you lefties? ;D

But whilst what is written is true its history many decades old being used to justify raids earlier this week.

If that's how you justify things, then you cannot possibly justify the continued attacks by your merry band of leftards on Abbott over wrongful allegations of assault when he was a University student - allegations for which there is no proof, no witness willing to sign a stat dec and for which he served no time in prison or was fined. Piers' article is well-documented, these allegations against Abbott are as weak as wet paper.

Title: Re: Why Labor cannot be trusted with national security
Post by GeorgeH on Dec 6th, 2013 at 2:26pm
Piers Akerman is a grubby hack and none of his scribblings are worth taking seriously.

FFS one of the idiots who worship him wrote that Gillard was associated with the (non-existent) Heiner Affair! Heiner started his enquiry in Qld and Gillard was in Vic but Piers just let that idiot ramble on.

Title: Re: Why Labor cannot be trusted with national security
Post by dsmithy70 on Dec 6th, 2013 at 2:28pm

Armchair_Politician wrote on Dec 6th, 2013 at 2:20pm:

Dsmithy70 wrote on Dec 6th, 2013 at 2:13pm:

Armchair_Politician wrote on Dec 6th, 2013 at 1:44pm:

Dsmithy70 wrote on Dec 6th, 2013 at 1:39pm:
Peirs Akermans defence of the current attorney General organising raids on the Lawyer & witness for East Timor.


& teaspoon is hooked.

Great Casting Piers

Nothing there to refute, is there? It's all fact, in plain text. So you resort to calling me teaspoon. Is that what passes for wit among you lefties? ;D

But whilst what is written is true its history many decades old being used to justify raids earlier this week.

If that's how you justify things, then you cannot possibly justify the continued attacks by your merry band of leftards on Abbott over wrongful allegations of assault when he was a University student - allegations for which there is no proof, no witness willing to sign a stat dec and for which he served no time in prison or was fined. Piers' article is well-documented, these allegations against Abbott are as weak as wet paper.

Well I've never mention your said allegations except whilst they where topical ie being reported in the paper.
So now that that excuse for Piers & his revision of history is out of the way,
What are YOUR thoughts on the issue being discussed?

(East Timor/Raids by spies upon Lawyers & Witnesses)

Title: Re: Why Labor cannot be trusted with national security
Post by adelcrow on Dec 6th, 2013 at 2:30pm
John Curtain...WW 2..need I say more about national security?

Title: Re: Why Labor cannot be trusted with national security
Post by Karnal on Dec 6th, 2013 at 2:31pm

Title: Re: Why Labor cannot be trusted with national security
Post by GeorgeH on Dec 6th, 2013 at 2:57pm
John Curtin managing the fight against the Japs, army short of everything thanks to PM Robert Menzies spending 6 months in the UK taking home movies. Curtin also set out the vision that created prosperity for Australia in the postwar years: the postwar immigration, the Snowy Mts scheme to give migrants work, set in motion what was part of the C/wealth Bank that became the RBA. So despite the 17 year torpor under Menzies II the country grew stronger and wealthier.

Yup, pretty good looking after the national interest and security. Menzies II played games like trying to ban the Communist Party and create 20% inflation. For the rest Libs have just hitched a ride with Uncle Sam.

Title: Re: Why Labor cannot be trusted with national security
Post by adelcrow on Dec 6th, 2013 at 6:12pm
I say it again just so the Neo Cons can refer to their history books...John Curtain and World War Two...while they are at it they should look up Robert Menzies and World War Two  :D

Title: Re: Why Labor cannot be trusted with national security
Post by John Smith on Dec 6th, 2013 at 6:16pm

Armchair_Politician wrote on Dec 6th, 2013 at 1:54pm:

Vic wrote on Dec 6th, 2013 at 1:47pm:
So how much was Australia going to rip out of East Timor by DISHONESTLY spying on them and bugging them for financial gain?      And when Brandis found out that the results of that was going to become VERY public he sh@t his pants and organised a raid

It will all come out soon enough though - the good evidence is all in the Hague - where Downer and Howard should be

What about the times when former PM Rudd sent 31-year-old chief of staff, Alister Jordan in his place to national security council meetings, or when Gillard - as DPM - sent her former bodyguard and junior staff member Andrew Stark instead of attending herself? That doesn't seem to me like Labor takes our security seriously in the least.

Prime ministers get called to attend many meeting, each of them important for various reasons. There is nothing wrong with sending a representative in their place.

Title: Re: Why Labor cannot be trusted with national security
Post by John Smith on Dec 6th, 2013 at 6:17pm
Why Labor cannot be trusted with national security

Did someone forget to tell armpitt that the libs are in government, and therefore they are responsible for natioanl security now??????

Title: Re: Why Labor cannot be trusted with national security
Post by adelcrow on Dec 6th, 2013 at 6:50pm

John Smith wrote on Dec 6th, 2013 at 6:17pm:
Why Labor cannot be trusted with national security

Did someone forget to tell armpitt that the libs are in government, and therefore they are responsible for natioanl security now??????

I dont know what the Libs are doing but it in no way resembles a government  ;D

Title: Re: Why Labor cannot be trusted with national security
Post by Dnarever on Dec 6th, 2013 at 7:23pm
When in doubt just re post some of Peirs Akermans meaningless dribble.

Title: Re: Why Labor cannot be trusted with national security
Post by bigvicfella on Dec 6th, 2013 at 7:39pm

Dnarever wrote on Dec 6th, 2013 at 7:23pm:
When in doubt just re post some of Peirs Akermans meaningless dribble.

Actually, Piers is a woman basher as well.  Just read his profile on the net.  Belted his staff up.   It's good to see the Coalition put so much adoration in him

In 2006, former director of NRMA Richard James Talbot was awarded a $200,000 defamation payout plus costs. In regards to one point the judgment read "The inaccuracies of fact by the defendant [Akerman] on this topic are gross".[9]["

So we have:


Wow..... Fonts of Knowledge and most discredited

Title: Re: Why Labor cannot be trusted with national security
Post by adelcrow on Dec 6th, 2013 at 7:44pm

Dnarever wrote on Dec 6th, 2013 at 7:23pm:
When in doubt just re post some of Peirs Akermans meaningless dribble.

Is that obese loathsome pig still alive? I thought he would've died of an STD caught from a 12 yr old boy by now.

Title: Re: Why Labor cannot be trusted with national security
Post by skippy. on Dec 6th, 2013 at 8:18pm
Piers Ackerman, another fat turd that likes to assault women,after assaulting the mother of Natasha Stot Despoia. armpit certainly knows how to pick his role models.

Title: Re: Why Labor cannot be trusted with national security
Post by bias_2012 on Dec 6th, 2013 at 9:24pm
Labor is finished, psychologically defunct ... finito

They're proving it themselves now with their crazy proposal to raise the debt ceiling by $400 billion, a number plucked out of the air ... and guess who pays it back ! your children .... any one awake yet ?

Title: Re: Why Labor cannot be trusted with national security
Post by John Smith on Dec 6th, 2013 at 9:31pm
Why libs cannot be trusted with national security ....

asylum seekers arrive undetected and spend days on Christmas Island without anyone noticing  ... yep, the libs have got national security covered ... aren't all asylum seekers terrorists? ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re: Why Labor cannot be trusted with national security
Post by Karnal on Dec 6th, 2013 at 11:06pm

St George of the Garden wrote on Dec 6th, 2013 at 2:57pm:
John Curtin managing the fight against the Japs, army short of everything thanks to PM Robert Menzies spending 6 months in the UK taking home movies. Curtin also set out the vision that created prosperity for Australia in the postwar years: the postwar immigration, the Snowy Mts scheme to give migrants work, set in motion what was part of the C/wealth Bank that became the RBA. So despite the 17 year torpor under Menzies II the country grew stronger and wealthier.

Yup, pretty good looking after the national interest and security. Menzies II played games like trying to ban the Communist Party and create 20% inflation. For the rest Libs have just hitched a ride with Uncle Sam.

Excellent post. You got it.

Read it, leftards.

Title: Re: Why Labor cannot be trusted with national security
Post by Karnal on Dec 6th, 2013 at 11:08pm

Vic wrote on Dec 6th, 2013 at 7:39pm:

Dnarever wrote on Dec 6th, 2013 at 7:23pm:
When in doubt just re post some of Peirs Akermans meaningless dribble.

Actually, Piers is a woman basher as well.  Just read his profile on the net.  Belted his staff up.   It's good to see the Coalition put so much adoration in him

In 2006, former director of NRMA Richard James Talbot was awarded a $200,000 defamation payout plus costs. In regards to one point the judgment read "The inaccuracies of fact by the defendant [Akerman] on this topic are gross".[9]["

So we have:


Wow..... Fonts of Knowledge and most discredited

Thank heavens the grown-ups are back in charge.

Title: Re: Why Labor cannot be trusted with national security
Post by Armchair_Politician on Dec 7th, 2013 at 6:19am

Vic wrote on Dec 6th, 2013 at 7:39pm:

Dnarever wrote on Dec 6th, 2013 at 7:23pm:
When in doubt just re post some of Peirs Akermans meaningless dribble.

Actually, Piers is a woman basher as well.  Just read his profile on the net.  Belted his staff up.   It's good to see the Coalition put so much adoration in him

In 2006, former director of NRMA Richard James Talbot was awarded a $200,000 defamation payout plus costs. In regards to one point the judgment read "The inaccuracies of fact by the defendant [Akerman] on this topic are gross".[9]["

So we have:


Wow..... Fonts of Knowledge and most discredited


Title: Re: Why Labor cannot be trusted with national security
Post by pansi1951 on Dec 7th, 2013 at 6:29am

Bias_2012 wrote on Dec 6th, 2013 at 9:24pm:
Labor is finished, psychologically defunct ... finito

They're proving it themselves now with their crazy proposal to raise the debt ceiling by $400 billion, a number plucked out of the air ... and guess who pays it back ! your children .... any one awake yet ?

The debt ceiling has been removed.

The debt can go to infinity, no more begging for money.....makes life easier for the treasurer.

Don't laugh, with these economic vandals in charge, it might even reach $1trillion by the end of their three year term.

Title: Re: Why Labor cannot be trusted with national security
Post by Armchair_Politician on Dec 7th, 2013 at 6:34am

Ex Dame Pansi wrote on Dec 7th, 2013 at 6:29am:

Bias_2012 wrote on Dec 6th, 2013 at 9:24pm:
Labor is finished, psychologically defunct ... finito

They're proving it themselves now with their crazy proposal to raise the debt ceiling by $400 billion, a number plucked out of the air ... and guess who pays it back ! your children .... any one awake yet ?

The debt ceiling has been removed.

The debt can go to infinity, no more begging for money.....makes life easier for the treasurer.

Don't laugh, with these economic vandals in charge, it might even reach $1trillion by the end of their three year term.

Relax, the economic vandals were kicked out in September and are now lead by Electricity Bill, the same guy who backs up whatever his leader says even if he doesn't know what it is!

Title: Re: Why Labor cannot be trusted with national security
Post by Kat on Dec 7th, 2013 at 6:39am

Armchair_Politician wrote on Dec 7th, 2013 at 6:34am:

Ex Dame Pansi wrote on Dec 7th, 2013 at 6:29am:

Bias_2012 wrote on Dec 6th, 2013 at 9:24pm:
Labor is finished, psychologically defunct ... finito

They're proving it themselves now with their crazy proposal to raise the debt ceiling by $400 billion, a number plucked out of the air ... and guess who pays it back ! your children .... any one awake yet ?

The debt ceiling has been removed.

The debt can go to infinity, no more begging for money.....makes life easier for the treasurer.

Don't laugh, with these economic vandals in charge, it might even reach $1trillion by the end of their three year term.

Relax, the economic vandals were kicked out in September and are now lead by Electricity Bill, the same guy who backs up whatever his leader says even if he doesn't know what it is!

And everyone in the world (apart from Aussie racists fascists and xenoes) says otherwise, as will history.

The vandals were voted IN last September, not out, and the country will suffer because of it (and already is).

Shame you fools who voted this shower of shtyt into power will get off scot-free.

Title: Re: Why Labor cannot be trusted with national security
Post by Peter Freedman on Dec 7th, 2013 at 7:01am
In order to divert attention from current events, Akerman dredges up old history.

Not sure whether he is in Abbott's right pocket or his left, but he's there somewhere.

Title: Re: Why Labor cannot be trusted with national security
Post by True Blue... on Dec 7th, 2013 at 7:08am
Labor Stooges love their Criminal FAILED leaders.

They worship them.

Even that Egotistical nincompoop Keating. They'd do a Monica Lewinski on him if he asked them to.

Title: Re: Why Labor cannot be trusted with national security
Post by Armchair_Politician on Dec 7th, 2013 at 9:09am

Peter Freedman wrote on Dec 7th, 2013 at 7:01am:
In order to divert attention from current events, Akerman dredges up old history.

Not sure whether he is in Abbott's right pocket or his left, but he's there somewhere.

What Piers is doing is looking at the form guide. Labor's is dreadful on this subject, and most others. The only things they seem to do well is knifing their leaders, internal warfare and accumulating debt.

Title: Re: Why Labor cannot be trusted with national security
Post by buzzanddidj on Dec 7th, 2013 at 10:00am

Armchair_Politician wrote on Dec 6th, 2013 at 1:44pm:

Dsmithy70 wrote on Dec 6th, 2013 at 1:39pm:
Peirs Akermans defence of the current attorney General organising raids on the Lawyer & witness for East Timor.


& teaspoon is hooked.

Great Casting Piers

So you resort to calling me teaspoon. Is that what passes for wit among you lefties? ;D

I was thinking, more, COCAINE spoon ?

Title: Re: Why Labor cannot be trusted with national security
Post by Armchair_Politician on Dec 7th, 2013 at 10:09am

buzzanddidj wrote on Dec 7th, 2013 at 10:00am:

Armchair_Politician wrote on Dec 6th, 2013 at 1:44pm:

Dsmithy70 wrote on Dec 6th, 2013 at 1:39pm:
Peirs Akermans defence of the current attorney General organising raids on the Lawyer & witness for East Timor.


& teaspoon is hooked.

Great Casting Piers

So you resort to calling me teaspoon. Is that what passes for wit among you lefties? ;D

I was thinking, more, COCAINE spoon ?

Not content to show us you got nothing, now you're showing us pictures of your disturbing cutlery? I think nut-kat has some competition for loony of the forum! :o

Title: Re: Why Labor cannot be trusted with national security
Post by buzzanddidj on Dec 7th, 2013 at 10:16am

Armchair_Politician wrote on Dec 7th, 2013 at 9:09am:

Peter Freedman wrote on Dec 7th, 2013 at 7:01am:
In order to divert attention from current events, Akerman dredges up old history.

Not sure whether he is in Abbott's right pocket or his left, but he's there somewhere.

What Piers is doing is looking at the form guide. Labor's is dreadful on this subject, and most others. The only things they seem to do well is knifing their leaders, internal warfare and accumulating debt.


Even John Howard is capable of coming clean with the TRUTH - occasionally - and giving credit, where credit is DUE

Former prime minister John Howard gave the economy a big tick before Treasurer Wayne Swan delivered his sixth budget on Tuesday night.

''And our debt to GDP ratio, the amount of money we owe, to the strength of our economy, is still a lot better than most other countries,'' he said.

He said Australia's economy was better than the economies of Japan, the US and most European countries.

This is in stark contrast to his protege and Opposition Leader Tony Abbott's assessment of doom and gloom on Monday.

Australia’s GFC stimulus debt is the second lowest in the OECD.
Gross debt stands at 28.9% of GDP.

This compares to Japan at 224%,
Greece at 193.2%,
Portugal at 133.1%,
Italy at 129.6%,
Ireland at 127.7%,
United States at 113%,
France at 108.2%,
UK at 110.4%,
Canada at 85.5%,
Spain at 100.2%
Germany at 86.2%.

The BIG ticks of APPROVAL come from ...

Standard & Poor's
The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)
EuroMoney (Finance Minister of the Year Honours)
The International Monetary Fund (IMF)
The Reserve Bank of Australia (RBA)
The Australian Bureau of Statistics ( ... by stealth)
The Butcher
The Baker
The Candlestick Maker

... and NOW - a few days back - the former member for Bennelong

The ONLY talking down of the economy and the Federal Treasurer is coming from the Opposition, NEWS Ltd - and Sydney shock-jocks

Title: Re: Why Labor cannot be trusted with national security
Post by Morning Mist on Dec 7th, 2013 at 11:33am
Thank you for posting, Buzz.

Title: Re: Why Labor cannot be trusted with national security
Post by viewpoint on Dec 7th, 2013 at 1:03pm

buzzanddidj wrote on Dec 7th, 2013 at 10:00am:

Armchair_Politician wrote on Dec 6th, 2013 at 1:44pm:

Dsmithy70 wrote on Dec 6th, 2013 at 1:39pm:
Peirs Akermans defence of the current attorney General organising raids on the Lawyer & witness for East Timor.


& teaspoon is hooked.

Great Casting Piers

So you resort to calling me teaspoon. Is that what passes for wit among you lefties? ;D

I was thinking, more, COCAINE spoon ?

Wouldn't that be Michael Coutts-Trotter .......Tanya's "better-half"......he knows all about that stuff Buz. ;D  ;D

Title: Re: Why Labor cannot be trusted with national security
Post by buzzanddidj on Dec 7th, 2013 at 3:46pm

viewpoint wrote on Dec 7th, 2013 at 1:03pm:

buzzanddidj wrote on Dec 7th, 2013 at 10:00am:

Armchair_Politician wrote on Dec 6th, 2013 at 1:44pm:

Dsmithy70 wrote on Dec 6th, 2013 at 1:39pm:
Peirs Akermans defence of the current attorney General organising raids on the Lawyer & witness for East Timor.


& teaspoon is hooked.

Great Casting Piers

So you resort to calling me teaspoon. Is that what passes for wit among you lefties? ;D

I was thinking, more, COCAINE spoon ?

Wouldn't that be Michael Coutts-Trotter .......Tanya's "better-half"......he knows all about that stuff Buz. ;D  ;D

As a 19 year old addict
DECADES before he and Plibersek even crossed paths

( ... it hasn't stopped Fatty O'Barrell singing his praises)

Title: Re: Why Labor cannot be trusted with national security
Post by buzzanddidj on Dec 7th, 2013 at 4:30pm

Labor cannot be trusted with national security

- Piers Akerman

Does any one know whether Akerman wrote this piece BEFORE or AFTER the Abbott/Bishop initiated BOTCHED break-in by ASIO on a solicitor's office in Timor-Leste ?

Title: Re: Why Labor cannot be trusted with national security
Post by Frank on Mar 20th, 2024 at 8:04am

Albanese government had decided to dump the ASIO and ASIS chiefs from permanent positions on the National Security Committee while keeping Australia’s most senior climate change bureaucrat at the table.

Mr Shoebridge scolded the decision as going against what the government has been claiming is the most dangerous strategic environment since the Second World War.

“They clearly don’t believe their own words,” Mr Shoebridge said.

“I think it fits with a pattern where the Albanese government has a view of the world as they would like it to be, and they don't like inconvenient truths.

“You would not know that the Chinese state and its military is threatening peace in our region from the happy snaps and handshakes, with this visit over the rest of the week.”

Mr Shoebridge said the decision was a “disturbing downplaying” of the real national security threats and challenges Australia faces.

“So not wanting advice from our intelligence chiefs is an indicator that they don't want to listen to the advice, so don't have them in the room to give it,” he said.

“It's a disturbing, downplaying of real national security challenges and threats and an attempt to just put them in the background and hope they go away.

“You can't stick your fingers in your ears and silence the world. So it shows the government is determined on a policy approach, regardless of what the world actually looks like.”

The senior security analyst said it was “disturbing” there had been no explanation or clarification for the decision as the Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet refused to comment on national security matters.

“The disturbing thing is this idea that if we don't hear the analysis, it isn't happening,” Mr Shoebridge said.

Albo is fighting Tories, don't you know. Oh, yes. Tsk, tsk  ::) ::)

Title: Re: Why Labor cannot be trusted with national security
Post by Jasin on Mar 20th, 2024 at 8:07am
Madness!!! >:(

Title: Re: Why Labor cannot be trusted with national security
Post by Gnads on Mar 20th, 2024 at 10:21am

Frank wrote on Mar 20th, 2024 at 8:04am:
Albanese government had decided to dump the ASIO and ASIS chiefs from permanent positions on the National Security Committee while keeping Australia’s most senior climate change bureaucrat at the table.

Mr Shoebridge scolded the decision as going against what the government has been claiming is the most dangerous strategic environment since the Second World War.

“They clearly don’t believe their own words,” Mr Shoebridge said.

“I think it fits with a pattern where the Albanese government has a view of the world as they would like it to be, and they don't like inconvenient truths.

“You would not know that the Chinese state and its military is threatening peace in our region from the happy snaps and handshakes, with this visit over the rest of the week.”

Mr Shoebridge said the decision was a “disturbing downplaying” of the real national security threats and challenges Australia faces.

“So not wanting advice from our intelligence chiefs is an indicator that they don't want to listen to the advice, so don't have them in the room to give it,” he said.

“It's a disturbing, downplaying of real national security challenges and threats and an attempt to just put them in the background and hope they go away.

“You can't stick your fingers in your ears and silence the world. So it shows the government is determined on a policy approach, regardless of what the world actually looks like.”

The senior security analyst said it was “disturbing” there had been no explanation or clarification for the decision as the Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet refused to comment on national security matters.

“The disturbing thing is this idea that if we don't hear the analysis, it isn't happening,” Mr Shoebridge said.

Albo is fighting Tories, don't you know. Oh, yes. Tsk, tsk  ::) ::)

A Climate Change Bureaucrat on our National Security Committee .... & the unrealistic renewables & net zero emissions zealot Chris Bowen?  ;D We're phukked.

There's a couple of others listed there that would be as useless as a hip pocket on a singlet as well.

WTF is wrong with this Labor Govt?

Title: Re: Why Labor cannot be trusted with national security
Post by Frank on Mar 20th, 2024 at 11:14am
They want to refashion Australia in their own Left Labor Green image.
Albo is of the Left. Ideology is everything. He is 'fighting Tories', whether they exist or not.
Hawke, Keating were of the Right. They grew up. Albo never grew up.

Title: Re: Why Labor cannot be trusted with national security
Post by Grappler Truth Teller Feller on Mar 20th, 2024 at 11:49am
National security involves a lot more than keeping secrets... it includes retaining the stability and relative open-ness of government and its ways in concerns that are not of high security.....

We have been undergoing a phase in killing of democracy that has involved replacing long-serving people as heads of departments with those of the old school tie, school pinafore, bum-chums,  tongue-chums, drinking mates, and whoever else comes along - such being slotted into massively paid 'contract' positions as department heads etc.

That was a start towards the demolition of democracy here, and allows the increasing use of decree by like-minded politicos and thei equally like-minded bum chums etc, about salient issues such as the theft of public Open Range land and its conversions into private hunting preserves for the New Lairds (but unfortunately not Aborassic Parks) while the New Jews are progressively excluded from portion after portion of life.

When they came for the men uni students as patriarchal oppressors,
You said nothing...
When they came for the hardened unionists and labour actuals,
You said nothing....
When they came for the straight people and called them all gay bashers,
You said nothing...
When they came for the legal gun owners in their own homes and called them wife killers
You said nothing
When they came for the men teachers as rapists and potential paedophiles and patriarchal oppressors,
You said nothing ...
When they came for the White people as racists and Black killers
You said nothing...
When they replaced the long gone White Australia policy with the Black Australia policy
You said nothing...
When they replaced the divisions of power with appointed mates as heads of departments so they could operate in lock-step
You said nothing....
When these groups of 'old school tie' mates began to rule by decree in your own country over the will of the people
You said nothing.......
When they come for you...
There will be nobody left to say anything....

Title: Re: Why Labor cannot be trusted with national security
Post by Brian Ross on Mar 20th, 2024 at 1:30pm
Crown drops allegation businessman Alexander Csergo prejudiced Australia's national security - guess who Alexander Csergo is?

Title: Re: Why Labor cannot be trusted with national security
Post by Frank on Mar 20th, 2024 at 1:37pm

Brian Ross wrote on Mar 20th, 2024 at 1:30pm:
Crown drops allegation businessman Alexander Csergo prejudiced Australia's national security - guess who Alexander Csergo is?

Your Muslim friend?

Title: Re: Why Labor cannot be trusted with national security
Post by Brian Ross on Mar 20th, 2024 at 3:45pm

Frank wrote on Mar 20th, 2024 at 1:37pm:

Brian Ross wrote on Mar 20th, 2024 at 1:30pm:
Crown drops allegation businessman Alexander Csergo prejudiced Australia's national security - guess who Alexander Csergo is?

Your Muslim friend?

Title: Re: Why Labor cannot be trusted with national security
Post by Frank on Jan 10th, 2025 at 10:43am
Albanese made big promises on national security. Almost everything he promised has come to nothing. One of his commitments was to Australia having a commercial fleet, a merchant navy. In emergencies governments can requisition ships that carry their national flag.

When Labor came to office there were two Australian-flagged international merchant ships. Now, at the end of a full term, there are none. There has of course been a review. There are of course future plans.

But more important than what governments say is what they do, and here we have nothing. There are a few modest vessels that chunter between mainland Australia and Tasmania but none that work internationally. Union power means we’ll never have such a fleet. In the contest of union power versus national security, the Albanese government abandons national security.
The government decided to give Palestinians from Gaza wishing to come to Australia visitor visas. It should have announced this, and told the public what it was doing and why. Instead the information had to be dragged out of it piecemeal. When the government was talking to a national security audience the subtext was: we’re doing almost nothing, so there’s nothing to see here.

When it was talking to its own activist base, or Muslim voters in southwest Sydney and elsewhere unhappy that the government has shown even a schmick of sympathy for Israel, its message was: look, we’re rapidly advancing visas categories for Gaza Palestinians, so much more generously than the other guys would.
The government made things a million times worse by verballing Burgess in his description of the security checks applied to Palestinians wanting to come to Australia. The government claimed Burgess said ASIO was involved in the processing of every applicant. In fact Burgess had said that if certain triggers were established, then ASIO got involved.

That’s a huge difference. For the Prime Minister to claim otherwise is just absurd.

However, Burgess has also created a very big problem for the government. On the Insiders program, Burgess said some moderate degree of support for the Hamas terror group would not be The government made things a million times worse by verballing Burgess in his description of the security checks applied to Palestinians wanting to come to Australia. The government claimed Burgess said ASIO was involved in the processing of every applicant. In fact Burgess had said that if certain triggers were established, then ASIO got involved.

That’s a huge difference. For the Prime Minister to claim otherwise is just absurd.

However, Burgess has also created a very big problem for the government. On the Insiders program, Burgess said some moderate degree of support for the Hamas terror group would not be an obstacle to someone wanting to come to Australia, so long as that person did not share the Hamas ideology.

In 45 years of professional journalism I can never remember any previous minister or official saying it was OK to support a terrorist group, provided that support was just verbal or some such. Even less is this all right for someone seeking to come to Australia. Is it OK to give verbal support to al-Qa’ida, or Islamic State, or even the Ku Klux Klan?


Moral and political leadership is the province of government, and the political process more generally. It’s not the province of security chiefs.

It’s a sign that a government is bankrupt of moral authority when it tries to conscript the apolitical authority of an institution such as ASIO to serve its political cause.

Hamas is not only a terrorist organisation. Its charter contains the most foul and vicious traditional anti-Semitism. The government must clarify what it means to say some degree of support for Hamas is no problem. The opposition would be failing its duty to the nation to leave this matter unresolved.
Greg Sheridan

Title: Re: Why Labor cannot be trusted with national security
Post by Brian Ross on Jan 10th, 2025 at 2:38pm

Frank wrote on Jan 10th, 2025 at 10:43am:
In 45 years of professional journalism I can never remember any previous minister or official saying it was OK to support a terrorist group, provided that support was just verbal or some such. Even less is this all right for someone seeking to come to Australia. Is it OK to give verbal support to al-Qa’ida, or Islamic State, or even the Ku Klux Klan?

So, you're claiming to be a Journalist now, Soren?  What a shame Greg Sheridan didn't mention support for Dictators 'cause he'd be out on his ear. toute sweet.  Back in the 1980s he used to wax lyrical about his friendships with various Asian dictators such as Chiang Kai Shek, Lee Kwan Yew, Mahathir Mohamad, Prem Tinsulanonda, amogst others.  He claimed he used to hob-nob with them all the time.  Tsk, tsk, tsk...  ::) ::)

Title: Re: Why Labor cannot be trusted with national security
Post by Frank on Jan 10th, 2025 at 2:50pm

Brian Ross wrote on Jan 10th, 2025 at 2:38pm:

Frank wrote on Jan 10th, 2025 at 10:43am:
In 45 years of professional journalism I can never remember any previous minister or official saying it was OK to support a terrorist group, provided that support was just verbal or some such. Even less is this all right for someone seeking to come to Australia. Is it OK to give verbal support to al-Qa’ida, or Islamic State, or even the Ku Klux Klan?

So, you're claiming to be a Journalist now, Soren?  What a shame Greg Sheridan didn't mention support for Dictators 'cause he'd be out on his ear. toute sweet.  Back in the 1980s he used to wax lyrical about his friendships with various Asian dictators such as Chiang Kai Shek, Lee Kwan Yew, Mahathir Mohamad, Prem Tinsulanonda, amogst others.  He claimed he used to hob-nob with them all the time.  Tsk, tsk, tsk...  ::) ::)

How is that relevant (if true) to the quote you picked out? He is talking about Australian Ministers, Australian national security, Australian policy.

Title: Re: Why Labor cannot be trusted with national security
Post by Brian Ross on Jan 10th, 2025 at 3:49pm

Frank wrote on Jan 10th, 2025 at 2:50pm:

Brian Ross wrote on Jan 10th, 2025 at 2:38pm:

Frank wrote on Jan 10th, 2025 at 10:43am:
In 45 years of professional journalism I can never remember any previous minister or official saying it was OK to support a terrorist group, provided that support was just verbal or some such. Even less is this all right for someone seeking to come to Australia. Is it OK to give verbal support to al-Qa’ida, or Islamic State, or even the Ku Klux Klan?

So, you're claiming to be a Journalist now, Soren?  What a shame Greg Sheridan didn't mention support for Dictators 'cause he'd be out on his ear. toute sweet.  Back in the 1980s he used to wax lyrical about his friendships with various Asian dictators such as Chiang Kai Shek, Lee Kwan Yew, Mahathir Mohamad, Prem Tinsulanonda, amogst others.  He claimed he used to hob-nob with them all the time.  Tsk, tsk, tsk...  ::) ::)

How is that relevant (if true) to the quote you picked out? He is talking about Australian Ministers, Australian national security, Australian policy.

What it illustrates is that only, "he who is without sin should cast the first stone," Soren.  Greg Sheridan is just as prone to making mistakes as anyone else, despite his claims to the contrary.  Something you should think about in your endless quoting from The Australian, hey?  Tsk, tsk, tsk...  ::) ::)

Title: Re: Why Labor cannot be trusted with national security
Post by Dnarever on Jan 10th, 2025 at 4:18pm

Frank wrote on Jan 10th, 2025 at 10:43am:
In 45 years of professional journalism I can never remember any previous minister or official saying it was OK to support a terrorist group

You don't remember Trump saying ‘very fine people on both sides’ ?

Title: Re: Why Labor cannot be trusted with national security
Post by Frank on Jan 10th, 2025 at 4:39pm

Dnarever wrote on Jan 10th, 2025 at 4:18pm:

Frank wrote on Jan 10th, 2025 at 10:43am:
In 45 years of professional journalism I can never remember any previous minister or official saying it was OK to support a terrorist group

You don't remember Trump saying ‘very fine people on both sides’ ?

We are talking about Australian government ministers, Australian national security.
No need to parade your fowl stupidity, duckwit.

Title: Re: Why Labor cannot be trusted with national security
Post by philperth2010 on Jan 10th, 2025 at 5:03pm

Frank wrote on Jan 10th, 2025 at 4:39pm:

Dnarever wrote on Jan 10th, 2025 at 4:18pm:

Frank wrote on Jan 10th, 2025 at 10:43am:
In 45 years of professional journalism I can never remember any previous minister or official saying it was OK to support a terrorist group

You don't remember Trump saying ‘very fine people on both sides’ ?

We are talking about Australian government ministers, Australian national security.
No need to parade your fowl stupidity, duckwit.

Mike Burgess has proven your a dickhead Fwank....No Palastinians are coming to Australia!!!

Asio chief says person who likes tweet supporting 7 October attacks on Israel could fail visa security test

In wake of Coalition criticism, Mike Burgess says support for Palestine not a problem but support for Hamas could rule out ability to come to Australia

A person who likes a tweet supporting the 7 October Hamas attacks on Israel will not pass a security assessment for an Australian visa, the head of the Asio spy agency has said.

Mike Burgess used an interview with the ABC’s 7.30 program on Tuesday to hit back at people who had “distorted” what he had previously said about the security vetting process for Palestinians seeking to come to Australia.

The question of support for Hamas was elevated as a major political issue by the Coalition, which chose to make Gaza visa security checks its main topic of attention during the most recent parliamentary sitting fortnight.

The Coalition elevated the issue despite figures showing the government had rejected significantly more visa applications than it had approved and that no one was coming now because the Rafah crossing out of Gaza had been closed since May.

::) ::) ::)

Title: Re: Why Labor cannot be trusted with national security
Post by Dnarever on Jan 10th, 2025 at 7:07pm

Frank wrote on Jan 10th, 2025 at 4:39pm:

Dnarever wrote on Jan 10th, 2025 at 4:18pm:

Frank wrote on Jan 10th, 2025 at 10:43am:
In 45 years of professional journalism I can never remember any previous minister or official saying it was OK to support a terrorist group

You don't remember Trump saying ‘very fine people on both sides’ ?

We are talking about Australian government ministers, Australian national security.
No need to parade your fowl stupidity, duckwit.

Is this what you meant to say?

In 45 years of professional journalism I can never remember any previous Australian minister or Australian official saying it was OK to support a terrorist group

You seemed to have said ANY.

In 45 years of professional journalism I can never remember any previous minister or official saying it was OK to support a terrorist group

Title: Re: Why Labor cannot be trusted with national security
Post by Frank on Jan 10th, 2025 at 7:21pm

Dnarever wrote on Jan 10th, 2025 at 7:07pm:

Frank wrote on Jan 10th, 2025 at 4:39pm:

Dnarever wrote on Jan 10th, 2025 at 4:18pm:

Frank wrote on Jan 10th, 2025 at 10:43am:
In 45 years of professional journalism I can never remember any previous minister or official saying it was OK to support a terrorist group

You don't remember Trump saying ‘very fine people on both sides’ ?

We are talking about Australian government ministers, Australian national security.
No need to parade your fowl stupidity, duckwit.

Is this what you meant to say?

In 45 years of professional journalism I can never remember any previous Australian minister or Australian official saying it was OK to support a terrorist group

You seemed to have said ANY.

In 45 years of professional journalism I can never remember any previous minister or official saying it was OK to support a terrorist group

Read the post, fvkcwit.

I know, it's not short, so it's trying for you.

What is about you mongs? You can't comprehend anything beyond short, intemperate lefty slogans? You all live in a curtailed, limited echo chamber of fvkcwittery and stunted emotions.

Title: Re: Why Labor cannot be trusted with national security
Post by Grappler Truth Teller Feller on Jan 10th, 2025 at 7:33pm

Frank wrote on Jan 10th, 2025 at 10:43am:
Albanese made big promises on national security. Almost everything he promised has come to nothing. One of his commitments was to Australia having a commercial fleet, a merchant navy. In emergencies governments can requisition ships that carry their national flag.

When Labor came to office there were two Australian-flagged international merchant ships. Now, at the end of a full term, there are none. There has of course been a review. There are of course future plans.

But more important than what governments say is what they do, and here we have nothing. There are a few modest vessels that chunter between mainland Australia and Tasmania but none that work internationally. Union power means we’ll never have such a fleet. In the contest of union power versus national security, the Albanese government abandons national security.
The government decided to give Palestinians from Gaza wishing to come to Australia visitor visas. It should have announced this, and told the public what it was doing and why. Instead the information had to be dragged out of it piecemeal. When the government was talking to a national security audience the subtext was: we’re doing almost nothing, so there’s nothing to see here.

When it was talking to its own activist base, or Muslim voters in southwest Sydney and elsewhere unhappy that the government has shown even a schmick of sympathy for Israel, its message was: look, we’re rapidly advancing visas categories for Gaza Palestinians, so much more generously than the other guys would.
The government made things a million times worse by verballing Burgess in his description of the security checks applied to Palestinians wanting to come to Australia. The government claimed Burgess said ASIO was involved in the processing of every applicant. In fact Burgess had said that if certain triggers were established, then ASIO got involved.

That’s a huge difference. For the Prime Minister to claim otherwise is just absurd.

However, Burgess has also created a very big problem for the government. On the Insiders program, Burgess said some moderate degree of support for the Hamas terror group would not be The government made things a million times worse by verballing Burgess in his description of the security checks applied to Palestinians wanting to come to Australia. The government claimed Burgess said ASIO was involved in the processing of every applicant. In fact Burgess had said that if certain triggers were established, then ASIO got involved.

That’s a huge difference. For the Prime Minister to claim otherwise is just absurd.

However, Burgess has also created a very big problem for the government. On the Insiders program, Burgess said some moderate degree of support for the Hamas terror group would not be an obstacle to someone wanting to come to Australia, so long as that person did not share the Hamas ideology.

In 45 years of professional journalism I can never remember any previous minister or official saying it was OK to support a terrorist group, provided that support was just verbal or some such. Even less is this all right for someone seeking to come to Australia. Is it OK to give verbal support to al-Qa’ida, or Islamic State, or even the Ku Klux Klan?


Moral and political leadership is the province of government, and the political process more generally. It’s not the province of security chiefs.

It’s a sign that a government is bankrupt of moral authority when it tries to conscript the apolitical authority of an institution such as ASIO to serve its political cause.

Hamas is not only a terrorist organisation. Its charter contains the most foul and vicious traditional anti-Semitism. The government must clarify what it means to say some degree of support for Hamas is no problem. The opposition would be failing its duty to the nation to leave this matter unresolved.
Greg Sheridan

Well - Burgess is not an 'insider', you understand - nobody really pays much attention to him, being as he is an anointed mouth-piece for the government and not a true national security functionary.  He is there to provide mis and dis information and obfuscation... squid's ink to cloud the realities.

**now you know why I was on the road to 'being there' when I fell gravely ill with heart trouble... they simply don't have the staff to properly scrutinise applicants - which is a worry - and immigration etc VERY often 'out-source' such things to 'tame' co-countrypeople of those seeking to get in.

You work that one out for yourself... who guards the immigration guy while the immigration guy guards you and your borders?  It was bad enough with affirmative action to 'speak-a da lingo', and divided loyalties and dual+ citizenships - now it is worse ... much worse.... and Australia is in dire need of good people and true to come to the party and defend the realm.

It's one thing to employ a Musso to do the rounds AS a Musso amongst the Mussos - it's another to be able to fully trust him/her. When you play that game, the lines can become blurred, and never more so than with a fanatical religion involved.

Title: Re: Why Labor cannot be trusted with national security
Post by Brian Ross on Jan 10th, 2025 at 8:40pm

Grappler Deep State Feller wrote on Jan 10th, 2025 at 7:33pm:
It's one thing to employ a Musso to do the rounds AS a Musso amongst the Mussos - it's another to be able to fully trust him/her. When you play that game, the lines can become blurred, and never more so than with a fanatical religion

How many Muslims do you know, Grappler?  Any at all?  No, I didn't think so.  Yet you decide you can pronounce on their loyalty without talking to any of them?  What a silly bozo you are.  Typical Islamophobic pronouncements.  When you actually talk to some you'll realise they are as loyal as any Australia.  Tsk, tsk, tsk...  ::) ::)

Title: Re: Why Labor cannot be trusted with national security
Post by Frank on Jan 10th, 2025 at 10:04pm

Brian Ross wrote on Jan 10th, 2025 at 8:40pm:

Grappler Deep State Feller wrote on Jan 10th, 2025 at 7:33pm:
It's one thing to employ a Musso to do the rounds AS a Musso amongst the Mussos - it's another to be able to fully trust him/her. When you play that game, the lines can become blurred, and never more so than with a fanatical religion

How many Muslims do you know, Grappler? 

Oh, just fuck off with this idiotic b.s, moron.

You don't need to personally know Americans or Chinese to be critical of America or China.
Your moronic 'how many Muslims do you know' tick is indicative of your stupidity, Bbwian, nothing else.

You ARE a mindless moron and spiteful troll, incapable of basic honesty.

Title: Re: Why Labor cannot be trusted with national security
Post by Brian Ross on Jan 11th, 2025 at 12:05pm

Frank wrote on Jan 10th, 2025 at 10:04pm:

Brian Ross wrote on Jan 10th, 2025 at 8:40pm:

Grappler Deep State Feller wrote on Jan 10th, 2025 at 7:33pm:
It's one thing to employ a Musso to do the rounds AS a Musso amongst the Mussos - it's another to be able to fully trust him/her. When you play that game, the lines can become blurred, and never more so than with a fanatical religion

How many Muslims do you know, Grappler? 

Oh, just fuck off with this idiotic b.s, moron.

You don't need to personally know Americans or Chinese to be critical of America or China.
Your moronic 'how many Muslims do you know' tick is indicative of your stupidity, Bbwian, nothing else.

You ARE a mindless moron and spiteful troll, incapable of basic honesty.

You seem to be assuming that Muslims constitute a uniform mass of opinion in most things, Soren.  What a foolish thing to believe.  Typical of an Islamophobe though who has never discussed anything with Muslims, who'd cross a street rather than walk on the same footpath with a Muslim, hey?  When you know some Muslims and you have discussed matters with them, then you can comment.  Like Grappler you are talking out of your arse, Soren.  Grow up.  Tsk, tsk, tsk...  ::) ::)

Title: Re: Why Labor cannot be trusted with national security
Post by Frank on Jan 11th, 2025 at 12:19pm

Brian Ross wrote on Jan 11th, 2025 at 12:05pm:

Frank wrote on Jan 10th, 2025 at 10:04pm:

Brian Ross wrote on Jan 10th, 2025 at 8:40pm:

Grappler Deep State Feller wrote on Jan 10th, 2025 at 7:33pm:
It's one thing to employ a Musso to do the rounds AS a Musso amongst the Mussos - it's another to be able to fully trust him/her. When you play that game, the lines can become blurred, and never more so than with a fanatical religion

How many Muslims do you know, Grappler? 

Oh, just fuck off with this idiotic b.s, moron.

You don't need to personally know Americans or Chinese to be critical of America or China.
Your moronic 'how many Muslims do you know' tick is indicative of your stupidity, Bbwian, nothing else.

You ARE a mindless moron and spiteful troll, incapable of basic honesty.

You seem to be assuming that Muslims constitute a uniform mass of opinion in most things, Soren.  What a foolish thing to believe.  Typical of an Islamophobe though who has never discussed anything with Muslims, who'd cross a street rather than walk on the same footpath with a Muslim, hey?  When you know some Muslims and you have discussed matters with them, then you can comment.  Like Grappler you are talking out of your arse, Soren.  Grow up.  Tsk, tsk, tsk...  ::) ::)

We know Muslims by their Islam-motivated actions.
From gang rapes, terrorism, vandalism, jihad rhetoric, violence, threat of violence, segregation, misogyny,  humorless inability to self-reflect, hostility to reason and enlightenment, their treatment of 'infidels' and apostates.

Title: Re: Why Labor cannot be trusted with national security
Post by Brian Ross on Jan 11th, 2025 at 12:32pm

Frank wrote on Jan 11th, 2025 at 12:19pm:

Brian Ross wrote on Jan 11th, 2025 at 12:05pm:

Frank wrote on Jan 10th, 2025 at 10:04pm:

Brian Ross wrote on Jan 10th, 2025 at 8:40pm:

Grappler Deep State Feller wrote on Jan 10th, 2025 at 7:33pm:
It's one thing to employ a Musso to do the rounds AS a Musso amongst the Mussos - it's another to be able to fully trust him/her. When you play that game, the lines can become blurred, and never more so than with a fanatical religion

How many Muslims do you know, Grappler? 

Oh, just fuck off with this idiotic b.s, moron.

You don't need to personally know Americans or Chinese to be critical of America or China.
Your moronic 'how many Muslims do you know' tick is indicative of your stupidity, Bbwian, nothing else.

You ARE a mindless moron and spiteful troll, incapable of basic honesty.

You seem to be assuming that Muslims constitute a uniform mass of opinion in most things, Soren.  What a foolish thing to believe.  Typical of an Islamophobe though who has never discussed anything with Muslims, who'd cross a street rather than walk on the same footpath with a Muslim, hey?  When you know some Muslims and you have discussed matters with them, then you can comment.  Like Grappler you are talking out of your arse, Soren.  Grow up.  Tsk, tsk, tsk...  ::) ::)

We know Muslims by their Islam-motivated actions.
From gang rapes, terrorism, vandalism, jihad rhetoric, violence, threat of violence, segregation, misogyny,  humorless inability to self-reflect, hostility to reason and enlightenment, their treatment of 'infidels' and apostates.

We know Australians because of their massacres, their misogyny, vandalism, rapes, threats of violence, drunkenness, hostility to reason and enlightenment, atheism, antisemitism, Soren, etc.  We should treat all Australians the same, hey?  God, you're a fool, Soren.  A gigantic WOFTAM.  Tsk, tsk, tsk...  ::) ::)

Title: Re: Why Labor cannot be trusted with national security
Post by Frank on Jan 11th, 2025 at 12:38pm

Brian Ross wrote on Jan 11th, 2025 at 12:32pm:

Frank wrote on Jan 11th, 2025 at 12:19pm:

Brian Ross wrote on Jan 11th, 2025 at 12:05pm:

Frank wrote on Jan 10th, 2025 at 10:04pm:

Brian Ross wrote on Jan 10th, 2025 at 8:40pm:

Grappler Deep State Feller wrote on Jan 10th, 2025 at 7:33pm:
It's one thing to employ a Musso to do the rounds AS a Musso amongst the Mussos - it's another to be able to fully trust him/her. When you play that game, the lines can become blurred, and never more so than with a fanatical religion

How many Muslims do you know, Grappler? 

Oh, just fuck off with this idiotic b.s, moron.

You don't need to personally know Americans or Chinese to be critical of America or China.
Your moronic 'how many Muslims do you know' tick is indicative of your stupidity, Bbwian, nothing else.

You ARE a mindless moron and spiteful troll, incapable of basic honesty.

You seem to be assuming that Muslims constitute a uniform mass of opinion in most things, Soren.  What a foolish thing to believe.  Typical of an Islamophobe though who has never discussed anything with Muslims, who'd cross a street rather than walk on the same footpath with a Muslim, hey?  When you know some Muslims and you have discussed matters with them, then you can comment.  Like Grappler you are talking out of your arse, Soren.  Grow up.  Tsk, tsk, tsk...  ::) ::)

We know Muslims by their Islam-motivated actions.
From gang rapes, terrorism, vandalism, jihad rhetoric, violence, threat of violence, segregation, misogyny,  humorless inability to self-reflect, hostility to reason and enlightenment, their treatment of 'infidels' and apostates.

We know Australians because of their massacres, their misogyny, vandalism, rapes, threats of violence, drunkenness, hostility to reason and enlightenment, atheism, antisemitism, Soren, etc.  We should treat all Australians the same, hey?  God, you're a fool, Soren.  A gigantic WOFTAM.  Tsk, tsk, tsk...  ::) ::)

Islam-motivated actions. Look, I highlighted it for you.

Wakey, wakey, duffer. Focus those rheumatic eyes and befogged mind.

Title: Re: Why Labor cannot be trusted with national security
Post by Brian Ross on Jan 11th, 2025 at 12:51pm

::) ::)

Title: Re: Why Labor cannot be trusted with national security
Post by Grappler Truth Teller Feller on Jan 11th, 2025 at 7:19pm
Because they are tied to some set of myths about global/international unity etc, when nothing could be further from the truth.  As a result they choose all the wrong sides to support while betraying their traditional friends and allies, just so they can posture and pretend to be all-caring and all-understanding and omnipotent.

Nobody believes it.

Got Mussos up the road... they are good Mussos.... but let's be honest - do you REALLY, really, really trust that Musso to work for ASIO and not be compromised in any way?  Not need to be closely watched at all times?

How many times do I have to tell you - EVERY traitor of the greatest sort was a fully trusted insider.... Every Single One!

Donny Brasco - how close did he become to BEING what he was pursuing?  Frank Serpico?  Cruising?

Title: Re: Why Labor cannot be trusted with national security
Post by Frank on Jan 14th, 2025 at 8:52pm
The Albanese government has emerged as an unmitigated failure, if not outright disaster, in foreign affairs, defence and national security. It’s one of the worst governments we’ve had.

The Australian military is weaker and feebler than when Labor took office. Anthony Albanese and Defence Minister Richard Marles talk big about the future but deliver nothing. Australia’s regional standing has declined sharply. Once we were seen as a powerful country getting stronger; now we’re seen as weak, confused, living off past riches.

Australia has little influence in the Middle East. But the Albanese government, led by Foreign Minister Penny Wong, has failed to identify principles or national interest, so policy is incoherent and ineffective. It has alienated our oldest regional friend, Israel, and joined the opposition to the US at the UN.

The government provides no rationale or narrative for its disconnected actions. Everything is spin, frequently designed to appease Greens voters and the Labor Left. As a result of the government’s moral confusion and lack of political leadership, Australia is gripped by an anti-Semitism crisis the likes of which we’ve never seen before. The government is not remotely anti-Semitic. Its failure in leadership has allowed anti-Semitism to flourish.

For the first time since the Vietnam War, foreign policy is bitterly dividing the community, this time along sectarian, religious and ethnic lines.

The Albanese government is not the worst since World War II. You can’t take the title from the Whitlam government. It nearly destroyed the US alliance. The US, Britain and Canada all cut off intelligence sharing with Australia for a time under Gough Whitlam. Whitlam had a shocking and ugly prejudice against Vietnamese refugees, famously telling his cabinet ministers: “I’m not having those f..king Vietnamese Balts coming into this country with their religious and political prejudices against us.” Whitlam, for no benefit, extended de jure recognition of Soviet sovereignty over the Baltic states. Whitlam was regarded as a fool regionally. Lee Kuan Yew is devastating in his treatment of Whitlam in his memoirs, describing him as an arrogant sham. And Whitlam ended his time in office by commissioning Bill Hartley to seek secret electoral funding for the ALP from Saddam Hussein’s Baath Socialist Party in Iraq.

Albanese is not as bad as that. Lest you feel these harsh judgments of mine are excessive, consider the following testimonials. Bilahari Kausikan, former head of the Singapore Foreign Ministry, wrote in Foreign Affairs recently: “Today, the three most important US allies (in Asia) – Australia, Japan and South Korea – all have weak leaders.”

Title: Re: Why Labor cannot be trusted with national security
Post by Grappler Truth Teller Feller on Jan 15th, 2025 at 5:57am
No party extant in this once proud nation can be trusted with the basics of national security, while ever they persist in creating of this once proud nation a Double Banana Republic - wherein firstly all it does is export resources (including 'education' etc in the modern vernacular of our alleged intellectual supremacy, though we then import doctors and such from the True Third World - you work that one out) - and then, rather than establishing for our own once proud nation independence and thus 'neutrality' in terms of having resources such as gas, petroleum, ores of various kinds available for production of finished goods (value adding) - we import back 'value added finished goods'...

-  wherein secondly we destroy, in the pursuit by our 'governments elect and appoint', our own capacity to self feed our own people in terms of jobs and all the way down the chain to basic agriculture, thus creating the situation where we import our fruit etc from distant foreign lands after it's spent six months in a leaky boat etc, while our fruit growers etc increasingly plough their crops under, our wheat and meat farmers sell their produce into some 'global market' and we buy back the finished products or the dregs at inflated prices, and jobs become increasingly scarcer in a 'booming' economy in a 'prosperous' nation ....and we thus IMPORT increasingly every last single thing needed for national survival -apart from - say our natural water resources - already and historically 'scarce' and subject to the vagaries of weather etc which are sold off to the highest bidder who uses them to feed a separate national economy etc....

How could anyone trust any government apparatus - both elected and appointed - that deliberately reduces its own people to Double Third World Status (Sixth World) status and then enforces growing division and discontent and disadvantage pushed on them generationally (see dividie's limited non-reasoning)?

We have the resources here... we have the personpower languishing on the beach in Tent Cities enjoying their enforced impoverished new leisure time due to fabulous economic results over the past half century or more, developing a generational viewpoint of grasping poverty instead of family prosperity, while the parasites buy and rent houses, and home ownership and every social issue that goes with it (family stability, consequent prosperity of family unit leading to national prosperity more evenly shared etc) declines as a result while the adverse social conditions rise and rise .............. WTF is wrong with this once great country?

Its 'leadership'!!!  Worship that?  NEVER!

Title: Re: Why Labor cannot be trusted with national security
Post by Frank on Jan 17th, 2025 at 9:45am
A Sydney home targeted in another anti-Semitic attack overnight recently belonged to high-profile Jewish leader Alex Ryvchin as cars were torched, vandalised with “f..k Jews” graffiti, and that property doused with red paint in another sharp escalation of the crisis engulfing the country.

Vision of flames billowing from two cars destroyed in the attack in Sydney’s eastern suburbs has also emerged, with the property doused in red paint recently belonging to Mr Ryvchin, who is co-chief executive of the Executive Council of Australian Jewry and one of the community’s most prominent leaders.

The incident likely adds more pressure on Anthony Albanese to convene a national cabinet to tackle the escalating crisis, something he has so far ruled out, despite an urgent call from his hand-picked envoy to combat anti-Semitism to do so.

It’s unclear if – and not suggested that – the perpetrators targeted the home knowing it used to belong to Mr Ryvchin, who has been lauded across the last 15 months for his community leadership against anti-Semitism and support for Israel.

Police and emergency services were called to Military Rd in Dover Heights about 4am following reports “a number of vehicles were sprayed with graffiti, two vehicles were set alight, and a house was splashed with paint”.

One of the cars destroyed by fire, a Mercedes, has “f..k Jews” sprayed on the side and a Honda has “f..k Israel” vandalised on its rear windscreen and trunk. Both vehicles have been towed as police continued to investigate the scene and source CCTV of the perpetrators.

Violent antisemitism increases in direct correlation with increased Islamic immigration.
In Australia, Europe,  UK, Canada.

Title: Re: Why Labor cannot be trusted with national security
Post by Brian Ross on Jan 17th, 2025 at 2:37pm

Title: Re: Why Labor cannot be trusted with national security
Post by John Smith on Jan 17th, 2025 at 3:53pm
Thats funny, I've never once seen frank cry when a mosque is targetted with graffiti  ... but target a car belonging to a jew and frank screams like a little bitch :D :D

Title: Re: Why Labor cannot be trusted with national security
Post by Jasin on Jan 17th, 2025 at 4:02pm
Lefty France, Democrats and ALP turning a blind eye to a global threat and doing nothing but telling everyone else they're racists and Islamaphobes if they adopt self preservation attitudes.

It's the Amityville Mayor folks. There is no shark! Get back in the water.

Title: Re: Why Labor cannot be trusted with national security
Post by Frank on Jan 22nd, 2025 at 6:47am

A western Sydney woman accused of being part of an anti-Semitic attack in Sydney’s eastern suburbs where three buildings were graffitied and a stolen car was set alight allegedly posted on social media seeking jerry cans prior to the attack.

Tammie Farrugia, 34, had her Liverpool home raided by police on Monday morning for her alleged involvement in the December 11 attack in which a the words “kill Israiel” (sic) and “death 2 Israiel” (sic) were scrawled across multiple buildings.

Social media posts made on December 10 – the day before the attack – by the mother of five will be relied upon in court, where she allegedly asked if anyone had jerry cans she could use.

“Anyone got any plastic Jerry cans plz let me know thanks in advance,” she allegedly posted in a local Facebook group.

According to a social media profile in her name, Ms Farrugia wrote that she had been “raided” on Christmas Eve and her partner had been “locked up” and that “our phones got seized”.

Exclusive CCTV footage obtained by The Australian on the day of the attack showed a dramatic explosion on a backstreet of the prominent Jewish suburb, before a grainy figure runs away from the blaze. It was the second attack within a month in the area.

In late November, two men were arrested and charged following another attack in Woollahra, in which “f..k Israel” was smeared across nine cars, as well as apartment buildings and Matt Moran’s Chiswick restaurant.

Farrugia = cock in Maltese, apparently. Apt.

Title: Re: Why Labor cannot be trusted with national security
Post by Grappler Deep State Feller on Jan 22nd, 2025 at 7:45am

John Smith wrote on Jan 17th, 2025 at 3:53pm:
Thats funny, I've never once seen frank cry when a mosque is targetted with graffiti  ... but target a car belonging to a jew and frank screams like a little bitch :D :D

Where are the reports of mosques being graffitied here in Australia?

Now here's a story for you - trouble is they combine 'violence' with 'hatred' in the feminist mode - to make it sound a lot worse than it really is.. by the standards of these kinds of woosy 'studies' a simple wariness of a mosque being in a neighbourhood becomes 'hatred' - children are running the show - and they have an agenda:-

Title: Re: Why Labor cannot be trusted with national security
Post by Brian Ross on Jan 22nd, 2025 at 11:48am

Grappler Deep State Feller wrote on Jan 22nd, 2025 at 7:45am:

John Smith wrote on Jan 17th, 2025 at 3:53pm:
Thats funny, I've never once seen frank cry when a mosque is targetted with graffiti  ... but target a car belonging to a jew and frank screams like a little bitch :D :D

Where are the reports of mosques being graffitied here in Australia?

Now here's a story for you - trouble is they combine 'violence' with 'hatred' in the feminist mode - to make it sound a lot worse than it really is.. by the standards of these kinds of woosy 'studies' a simple wariness of a mosque being in a neighbourhood becomes 'hatred' - children are running the show - and they have an agenda:-

"Wariness" amounts to, "included arson, physical assault, graffiti, vandalism, verbal abuse and online abuse and hate mail, including death threats."  As much as you dress it up, Grappler it amounts to a serious concern for Muslims who have done nothing to earn this hatred.  Tsk, tsk, tsk...  ::) ::)

Title: Re: Why Labor cannot be trusted with national security
Post by Armchair_Politician on Jan 28th, 2025 at 6:59pm
We all remember the hundreds of boatloads of illegal immigrants attempting to arrive here by boat under the Rudd-Gillard-Rudd governments, don't we? Labor couldn't even defend our coastline against unarmed civilians in fishing boats, so how are they going to defend us from a real attack from a future adversary? Thank goodness Keating, nor Rudd are still PM. They'd rather kiss the Chinese leaders' ring than defend this country or its values.

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