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Message started by the wise one on Dec 31st, 2013 at 7:45am

Title: Is Christian religion dying out?
Post by the wise one on Dec 31st, 2013 at 7:45am
Authors note. This article was first published in July 2012. Updated comments from the ABS appear at the end further confirming the thrust of my thesis.

In his book “Losing My Religion” Bishop Tom Frame (He is the Priest that conducted the services after the Bali bombings.) concludes that “Unless there is a turnaround in the fortunes of all community organizations by 2025 the Christian Church will be a marginal player in Australian life with a few remaining remnants. When the Christian affiliation of the population drops below 50 per cent, projected to happen around 2030, those identifying as Christians will be found in four main clusters. The Roman Catholic Church will continue to exercise sufficient discipline among its people to resist the mutating of popular culture. The Pentecostal/Charismatic churches will flourish in the larger cities, form communities within communities and become more sect like.”

He goes on to say that. “Those churches that do not present an attractive and credible alternative to popular culture will disappear. Left leaning cause driven liberal Protestant Churches that lack doctrinal rigor and are preoccupied with the promotion of social justice and cultural inclusion will be the first to go.”


The conclusions he draws would appear to be backed up by the results of the recent five yearly Australian census, which showed a remarkable increase of 30% in unbelief. In fact, five of the eight states and territories now have more unbelievers than believers. In country areas, Christian churches are closing at a rapid rate and this is attributable to a number of factors including an ageing population. Much research has been done over many years into the decline of belief and church attendance in Australia.


Early on, the motor car was thought to be a cause because it opened society to other forms of recreation. Later television and the advent of the Sunday night movie were blamed for the demise of Sunday evening services. Today only around 7% of the population regularly attends Sunday services. Of these many are what I call culture or recreational church goers who don’t have a particularly strong belief,but attend because it forms part of their social circle or they play (or sing) in a band where they get opportunities they would not otherwise. Therefore, when these people are deducted from the 7% there is very little real belief.

However, the main reason for the decline in belief I would suggest is the fact that children are now better educated than their parents. Today’s generation questions everything. Coupled with a simple access to information on the internet it is now easy too reason and question traditional problematic belief. Young people are able to type any question about biblical belief into Google and then apply with an inquiring mind their own reason and logic.

Enlightened Young

In addition, the problem for the enlightened young in a technology driven society is the lack of demonstrably hard evidence to corroborate the existence of a personal God. For example. If you were to type in “virgin birth” then do some research, you are likely after considering the evidence conclude that no such event took place or at best, it is highly unlikely that it did. Alternatively, you could type in “contradictions of the bible” and if you are a reasoned person, you could only conclude that the book is unreliable as history and is lacking in factual content. That is not to say that it is not an important work in terms of literature or philosophy.

The young have also become impatient with religions inability or failure to remedy human suffering and put an end to social equality. If anything, it tends to exacerbate these problems. Moreover, of course the young find it difficult to fathom how the moral problems of today can be solved by refereeing to a moral landscape thousands of a year old, which was written by humans with intellectually inferior brains than the advanced minds of today. They are being asked to accept a set of rules that assume that the world they live in has never progressed scientifically or socially. They conclude that religion (and its God) is a man- made concept and it has been an historical monumental failure.

So in Australia given that the census (taken every five years) continues on its downward spiral and Bishop Frame is correct in his assumptions we could expect that within 15 or 20 years the Christian church will no longer exist.

Although this piece focuses on Australian faith it is worth noting that recent surveys in the US see for the first time a decline in belief in people under 30. This also backs up my reasoning on the impact of education outside of traditional sources.


Title: Re: Is Christian religion dying out?
Post by the wise one on Dec 31st, 2013 at 7:46am
The demarcation between Church and state.

In Australia, we have always taken secularism seriously and although Catholics were once aligned with the left of politics, that association no longer exists. If religion puts its nose, too far into the political arena it is gently told to but out. However, with the likelihood next year of the election of Tony Abbott we will have a Prime Minister unafraid to inflict his Catholic beliefs upon an unwary electorate.

He takes his Catholicism seriously. His past spontaneous outbursts about his daughters virginity, his fear of homosexuality, his opposition to abortion, his veto (as Health Minister) of the RU486 drug, his views on euthanasia, his opposition to same sex marriage and stem cell research all give confirmation to a dogma more attune to Rome than the changing moral landscape of Australia.

Andrew Robb, Malcolm Turnbull, Joe Hockey, Kevin Andrews and other Catholics will constitute a distinctive and coherent group in an Abbott ministry and to quote former PM Malcolm Fraser “Well, they are different. They are not Australians; they owe their loyalty to the Pope”. Abbott has personified church ties with politics through his relationship with the man he has called his confessor, Cardinal George Pell. Pell is of average intellect with an almost obsessive relationship to Rome. He sees the upholding of Church tradition and its survival as being more important than his flock and his protection of the church in cases of child abuse is offensive to most people.

What then comes into question is Abbott’s inability to distinguish between faith, politics, and the rapid decline in belief. As a democracy, we respect the right of organizations including the church to hold views that represent their beliefs and to promote their ideas. However, these views should always be in proportion to the influence and size of the organization it seeks to represent because primarily we are a secular democracy and no one should forget it.

Survey on religion. Some recent research.

AUSTRALIANS see spirituality as quite separate from religion, with the former much more widely accepted, according to the results of a national survey to be released in Melbourne today.

What they really dislike is celebrities endorsing religion, stories of healing and miracles, and doctrines about homosexuality and hell.

Commissioned by Olive Tree media, the survey of 1094 people shows that while Australians are generally open to spirituality, they feel they are unlikely to find it in church.

Read more here.

Olive Tree director Karl Faase, who is releasing the report at a forum of 70 religious leaders, said the survey sought to identify the ”blocker issues” that turned people off faith.

The obstacle that annoys Australians most is the celebrity endorsements of religion so common in the United States – 70 per cent said they were repelled by it, questioning the motives behind it. Claims of miraculous stories (58 per cent) also repelled non-believers.

The biggest problems Australians have with the church is abuse by the clergy (cited by 91 per cent), hypocrisy and judging others (both 88 per cent) religious wars (83 per cent) and issues around money (87 per cent).

When it comes to church teachings, the main objections are its ideas about homosexuality (69 per cent), hell and condemnation (66 per cent), and the role of women and suffering (both 60 per cent). But 52 per cent were open to philosophical discussion and debating ideas; 54 per cent were impressed by people who lived out a genuine faith, and 60 per cent acknowledged a personal trauma or significant life change might change their attitude to religion.

About 40 per cent of Australians consider themselves Christian, compared with the 2006 census response of 64 per cent, the survey shows. Another 10 per cent identify with other religions; 19 per cent call themselves spiritual but not religious, and 31 per cent identify as having no religion or spiritual belief. Of those who identify with a religion, about half say they don’t actively practise it.

Read more here.

The 2011 census showed the following breakdown.

  • Catholics 5,439,268
  • No religion 4,796,787
  • Anglican 3,679,907
  • Uniting Church 1,065,795
  • Presbyterian and Reformed 599,515
  • Hindu 275,535


Title: Re: Is Christian religion dying out?
Post by the wise one on Dec 31st, 2013 at 7:47am
People professing to have no religion have moved past Anglicans to become the second-largest grouping after Catholics in the 2011 Census.

Almost 4.8 million people said they had no religion, up 29 per cent from 2006, but the number of people not answering the question dropped by 2 per cent. This suggested that more people were claiming a religious identity (including no religion), said Monash University sociology professor Gary Bouma.

The total Christian population is 13.2 million, or 61 per cent, down three percentage points. Catholics have dropped half a percentage point to 25.3 or 5.4 million, Anglicans are down 1.6 percentage points to 3.7 million, while the Uniting Church is down to 5 per cent, or 1.1 million people.

Minority religions all showed strong growth, particularly Hindus, whose numbers nearly doubled to 276,000, from 0.7% to 1.3%. Buddhists have risen from 2.1 per cent to 2.5 per cent, Muslims from 1.7 per cent to 2.2 per cent. Professor Bouma said Hindu growth was due to migration, and the recent Muslim growth was due to continued migration from south Asia and a high birth rate.

‘‘The rise in ‘no religion’ continues its historic trend, even in the face of an apparent small rise in claiming a religious identity. So polarisation is increasing,’’ Professor Bouma said.

In five of eight states and territories, no religion provides the largest group. In Victoria and Queensland it is second, behind Catholics, and in NSW it is third, also behind Anglicans.

An interesting development is in the groups coming next in each state and capital city. In Sydney, Muslims have passed Eastern Orthodox into fourth place with 4.7 per cent, but for the state of NSW Islam is fifth, following the Uniting Church.

In Melbourne the Eastern Orthodox are fourth (5.5 per cent) and Buddhists fifth (4 per cent), while statewide in Victoria the Uniting Church leapfrogs the Orthodox into fourth.

In all other states and capital cities the Uniting Church is fourth. In Queensland and Brisbane, Presbyterians take fifth spot. In Western Australia undefined Christians have replaced Presbyterians in fifth position but in both Perth and Canberra it is Buddhists who have displaced Presbyterians. Presbyterians keep fifth place in Tasmania, including Hobart.

In Adelaide Orthodox Christians take fifth spot, while for the whole state Lutherans are fifth, as they are in Darwin and the Northern Territory.


In the past 100 years, the number of Australians reporting on the national census that they have “no religion” has jumped from one in 250 in 1911 to more than one in five in 2011.

In addition, many of those who nominate a religious affiliation do not actively participate in religious activities.

The latest Australian Bureau of Statistics social trends report provides the first in-depth look at the 2011 census data on religion.

“Rates of reporting no religion have been steadily rising, and Australia is not alone in this – rates are also rising for countries like New Zealand, England and Wales, Canada, the United States and Ireland,” said ABS Director of Social and Progress Reporting Fiona Dowsley.

While 4.8 million, or 22 per cent, of Australians reported “no religion” in the 2011 census, 25 per cent nominated as Catholic, and 17 per cent as Anglicans.

On present trends, “no religion” will be the most popular response by the next census.

About half of those reporting no religious belief are less than 30 years old.

Almost a third of 22 to 24- year-olds reported no religion, and about one in five children under 15 live in a home where one or both parents reported no religion.

The ranks of non-believers also increases with higher education, with almost a third of those older than 19 with postgraduate qualifications reporting no religion compared with one in five of those with only a school education.

Since the specific instruction of writing “none” if a person has no religion was added to the census in 1971, the number of people reporting no religion has increased an average of four percentage points a decade, with the sharpest rise – 6.8 percentage points – taking place in the past decade.

The Atheist Foundation of Australia encouraged people to report “no religion” on their 2011 census forms.

But Australia’s rising rate of non-believers also reflects global trends.

The ABS report found that the rising numbers of non-believers mirrors a steady decline in people reporting Christian beliefs, while those professing other beliefs, including Hinduism, Islam and Buddhism, were on the rise.

The fall in Christian beliefs has driven an increase in civil marriages, with seven in 10 marriages now conducted by a civil celebrant.

The report found non-believers are slightly less likely to do volunteer work (17 per cent) than people with Christian beliefs (20 per cent) but more likely than those with other beliefs (14 per cent).

The 2010 General Social Survey found that only 15 per cent of men and 22 per cent of women had actively participated in a religious or spiritual group.

Title: Re: Is Christian religion dying out?
Post by Deathridesahorse on Dec 31st, 2013 at 10:50am
Women dont go to church as men dont want churchies. The reason men didnt want churchies in the first place is their arrogance!

I cant see christianity dying out though as you will always have people hoping to be less poor and needing something to give them strength to carry on.

Most people like the positive messages of the bible and are comforted by them but simply refuse to go to church as it makes them contradict themselves if they wish to be seen as normal in todays society.....BUT THEY SAY EVERY COMPLEX SYSTEM NEEDS A REVERBERATING SYSTEM! ( mind you they also say reverberating systems do have their limits so i suppose the thread does ask a legitimate question afterall  :-? )


Title: Re: Is Christian religion dying out?
Post by Morning Mist on Dec 31st, 2013 at 11:24am
Christianity has been dying out in most Western countries for a while, particularity the North West and their cousin states. This isn't any secret or new news. But, the interesting thing is that Christianity is growing in the non-West. Particularly Africa, South America, and some Asian states.

Secularisation is a Western phenomenon and cannot be understood with understanding the Enlightenment and the growth of the empirical sciences.

Title: Re: Is Christian religion dying out?
Post by JC Denton on Dec 31st, 2013 at 12:05pm
not reading that but yeah it is in western countries

nobody i know my age cares about religion

Title: Re: Is Christian religion dying out?
Post by muso on Dec 31st, 2013 at 12:07pm
I always have a soft spot for Roman Catholicism. (Well I married one). People like Father Bob Maguire provide inspiration by acting out their beliefs and inspiring people.

They make US evangelists look really shabby by comparison.

Title: Re: Is Christian religion dying out?
Post by WorldSacred on Dec 31st, 2013 at 3:02pm
Reasons highlighted in previous posts for the lack of religious attendance or belief in Christianity are valid. I would highlight the fact that people now use Saturday nights as recreation or work purposes to the point that they don't want to get up to attend a service. Why would anyone want to attend a church that preaches how they must be boring people to get in to heaven?

Title: Re: Is Christian religion dying out?
Post by Honky on Dec 31st, 2013 at 3:24pm

UnSubRocky wrote on Dec 31st, 2013 at 3:02pm:
Why would anyone want to attend a church that preaches how they must be boring people to get in to heaven?

It seems to be working fine for Islam and Judaism.  But then, jews and muslims aren't selling themselves out.

Title: Re: Is Christian religion dying out?
Post by WorldSacred on Dec 31st, 2013 at 3:43pm
I thought Islam promoted conquering other lands and killing off the infidels?

Title: Re: Is Christian religion dying out?
Post by greggerypeccary on Dec 31st, 2013 at 3:46pm

Not religious myself.

I found this a good read:

Title: Re: Is Christian religion dying out?
Post by Honky on Dec 31st, 2013 at 3:47pm
And when they're not conquering, they're praying 5 times a day.  Actually, they pray 5 times a day even when they are conquering.  And none of these religious dorks drink - they're all as boring as each other.

Title: Re: Is Christian religion dying out?
Post by WorldSacred on Dec 31st, 2013 at 3:56pm
Do they have set times of when they pray? I was in the cinema a couple years ago, and I was on my way out of the restrooms there. Some guy was facing east, kneeling just outside the lavatory, and he finished up his pray with the usual "shoulders, head, it's good" signal with his hands. I walked a little quicker to the exit thinking that we might lose the cinema for the sake of his postmortem booty call. But it did get me wondering if he took time out to thank Allah during a session of a movie.

Title: Re: Is Christian religion dying out?
Post by greggerypeccary on Dec 31st, 2013 at 4:00pm

UnSubRocky wrote on Dec 31st, 2013 at 3:56pm:
Do they have set times of when they pray? I was in the cinema a couple years ago, and I was on my way out of the restrooms there. Some guy was facing east, kneeling just outside the lavatory, and he finished up his pray with the usual "shoulders, head, it's good" signal with his hands. I walked a little quicker to the exit thinking that we might lose the cinema for the sake of his postmortem booty call. But it did get me wondering if he took time out to thank Allah during a session of a movie.

I've seen them stop their cars in Sydney traffic, and get out and start praying on the road.

Praying they don't get hit by a bus, I assume.

Title: Re: Is Christian religion dying out?
Post by WorldSacred on Dec 31st, 2013 at 4:11pm
I think they call those moments "self-fulfilling prophesies".

Title: Re: Is Christian religion dying out?
Post by Innocent bystander on Jan 1st, 2014 at 12:34am
Religion is for the mentally ill, hard to believe its 2014 and there are still religious people about, humans are crazy   :D

Title: Re: Is Christian religion dying out?
Post by Oh_Yeah on Jan 1st, 2014 at 10:49am

John S wrote on Dec 31st, 2013 at 7:45am:
However, the main reason for the decline in belief I would suggest is the fact that children are now better educated than their parents. Today’s generation questions everything. Coupled with a simple access to information on the internet it is now easy to reason and question traditional problematic belief.

I think that this is the key.
As we have become better educated and taught critical and logical thinking skills, we have become less religious.

Indoctrination from a young age also plays a role however which is why the US is more religious than Australia despite being well educated. It is also why they are so keen to get creationism taught in science classes.

Title: Re: Is Christian religion dying out?
Post by Morning Mist on Jan 1st, 2014 at 11:23am

The_Barnacle wrote on Jan 1st, 2014 at 10:49am:

John S wrote on Dec 31st, 2013 at 7:45am:
However, the main reason for the decline in belief I would suggest is the fact that children are now better educated than their parents. Today’s generation questions everything. Coupled with a simple access to information on the internet it is now easy to reason and question traditional problematic belief.

I think that this is the key.
As we have become better educated and taught critical and logical thinking skills, we have become less religious.

I am not so sure of this. Maybe in some respects, like technological advances, but I doubt critical and logical thinking skills have become more prevalent. For example, I doubt very much most people even understand how Christianity was argued for, and who argued for it. Today's critique of religion is a simplistic one: I can't see it therefore it doesn't exist. This is a straightforward, hard materialist approach. Do today's anti-religious even understand the materialist paradigm they use? Do they understand the history of conflict between the idealists and materialists? I very much doubt it.

Title: Re: Is Christian religion dying out?
Post by Honky on Jan 1st, 2014 at 11:29am
I doubt it too. 

Christianity might be dying out, but the human emotion that fueled it sure isn't.  We can see the same fervour of old school religious faith applied to new ideologies.  Examples include atheists, climate change and equality nuts. 

Title: Re: Is Christian religion dying out?
Post by Oh_Yeah on Jan 1st, 2014 at 12:40pm

Postmodern Trendoid III wrote on Jan 1st, 2014 at 11:23am:
I doubt very much most people even understand how Christianity was argued for, and who argued for it. Today's critique of religion is a simplistic one: I can't see it therefore it doesn't exist. This is a straightforward, hard materialist approach. 

I think you are the one being simplistic.
"I can't see it therefore it doesn't exist" is just one of your many strawman arguments.
My own atheism is far more deeply based than that.

Postmodern Trendoid III wrote on Jan 1st, 2014 at 11:23am:
  Do today's anti-religious even understand the materialist paradigm they use? Do they understand the history of conflict between the idealists and materialists? I very much doubt it.

That would only have relevance if atheism was a "movement" or a "religion" in it's own right, but it isn't. Atheism is simply the absence of religion. So your comment is really just psuedo philosophical BS.

Title: Re: Is Christian religion dying out?
Post by Deathridesahorse on Jan 1st, 2014 at 1:01pm

greggerypeccary wrote on Dec 31st, 2013 at 4:00pm:

UnSubRocky wrote on Dec 31st, 2013 at 3:56pm:
Do they have set times of when they pray? I was in the cinema a couple years ago, and I was on my way out of the restrooms there. Some guy was facing east, kneeling just outside the lavatory, and he finished up his pray with the usual "shoulders, head, it's good" signal with his hands. I walked a little quicker to the exit thinking that we might lose the cinema for the sake of his postmortem booty call. But it did get me wondering if he took time out to thank Allah during a session of a movie.

I've seen them stop their cars in Sydney traffic, and get out and start praying on the road.

Praying they don't get hit by a bus, I assume.

Are you serious?

Title: Re: Is Christian religion dying out?
Post by Honky on Jan 1st, 2014 at 1:19pm

Atheism is simply the absence of religion.

Professed atheism is a reliable indicator that that person also believes in a suite of other "isms".  "Atheist" is just the label applied to recognise that suite of "isms" (aka movement, cult or religion) even though it doesn't equate perfectly with "Atheism" in a strictly literal sense.

Title: Re: Is Christian religion dying out?
Post by Deathridesahorse on Jan 1st, 2014 at 2:00pm

... wrote on Jan 1st, 2014 at 1:19pm:

Atheism is simply the absence of religion.

Professed atheism is a reliable indicator that that person also believes in a suite of other "isms".  "Atheist" is just the label applied to recognise that suite of "isms" (aka movement, cult or religion) even though it doesn't equate perfectly with "Atheism" in a strictly literal sense.

The point is most people don't profess atheism: sticky beaks apply such labels!

Title: Re: Is Christian religion dying out?
Post by Honky on Jan 1st, 2014 at 2:02pm

BatteriesNotIncluded wrote on Jan 1st, 2014 at 2:00pm:

... wrote on Jan 1st, 2014 at 1:19pm:

Atheism is simply the absence of religion.

Professed atheism is a reliable indicator that that person also believes in a suite of other "isms".  "Atheist" is just the label applied to recognise that suite of "isms" (aka movement, cult or religion) even though it doesn't equate perfectly with "Atheism" in a strictly literal sense.

The point is most people don't profess atheism: sticky beaks apply such labels!

Most people don't because most people aren't atheists.

Most atheists love to shout about their atheism, in the same way the morally self-righteous vicars wife loves to shout about how prim and proper she is.

Title: Re: Is Christian religion dying out?
Post by Morning Mist on Jan 1st, 2014 at 2:04pm

The_Barnacle wrote on Jan 1st, 2014 at 12:40pm:

Postmodern Trendoid III wrote on Jan 1st, 2014 at 11:23am:
I doubt very much most people even understand how Christianity was argued for, and who argued for it. Today's critique of religion is a simplistic one: I can't see it therefore it doesn't exist. This is a straightforward, hard materialist approach. 

I think you are the one being simplistic.
"I can't see it therefore it doesn't exist" is just one of your many strawman arguments.
My own atheism is far more deeply based than that.

Perhaps you can explain it for us then.

That would only have relevance if atheism was a "movement" or a "religion" in it's own right, but it isn't. Atheism is simply the absence of religion. So your comment is really just psuedo philosophical BS.

2,000 years of philosophy and theology dismissed as pseudo bullsh*t eh? Didn't you just state something about critical and logical thinking skills? It appears you have little.

Title: Re: Is Christian religion dying out?
Post by Oh_Yeah on Jan 2nd, 2014 at 8:45pm

Postmodern Trendoid III wrote on Jan 1st, 2014 at 2:04pm:

That would only have relevance if atheism was a "movement" or a "religion" in it's own right, but it isn't. Atheism is simply the absence of religion. So your comment is really just psuedo philosophical BS.

2,000 years of philosophy and theology dismissed as pseudo bullsh*t eh?

No. I was referring to your comment as psuedo philosophical BS.

Postmodern Trendoid III wrote on Jan 1st, 2014 at 2:04pm:

The_Barnacle wrote on Jan 1st, 2014 at 12:40pm:

Postmodern Trendoid III wrote on Jan 1st, 2014 at 11:23am:
I doubt very much most people even understand how Christianity was argued for, and who argued for it. Today's critique of religion is a simplistic one: I can't see it therefore it doesn't exist. This is a straightforward, hard materialist approach. 

I think you are the one being simplistic.
"I can't see it therefore it doesn't exist" is just one of your many strawman arguments.
My own atheism is far more deeply based than that.

Perhaps you can explain it for us then.

Ok I will list them

- There is no evidence of a creator, and one of the basic rules is that who ever makes a claim is the one with the responsibility to provide evidence to back it up.

But there is also plenty of evidence against religion.

- There is no consistency between the different religions. They all have have different beliefs, different Gods and the great majority of people inherit the same religion as their family/peers.
This is evidence that Religion is purely a cultural phenomenon
- There is no consistency with in the same religion. In Christianity there are Cathlics, Protestants and Orthodox and all these are split into their separate groups.
Some Christians believe in Hell, some don't. Some believe the Bible is literal fact, some don't.
They can't all be right, which makes it quite likely that they all are wrong.
- Why is there no evidence of religion in animals? Most of them have mating rituals, nesting rituals, why are there no religious rituals?
- Why do bad things happen to innocent people? As an example, over 200,000 people were killed in the 2004 Tsunami which is basically an act of God. They were of all religious faiths and many were innocent Children.
- Why do people use their faith to justify doing horrendous things? Such as muslim terrorism or the Spanish inquisition or the ethnic cleansing in Serbia.

And then there is the reason that religion started in the first place

- primitive man lived in a strange and frightening world. To try and understand it he created religion to explain how the world was created and how it operated. As time has gone on and we have become more technologically and scientifically skilled. All the superstitions have been replaced by our understanding of how things work.
Natural mechanisms explain how the universe work and there is evidence of this everywhere. Every time a doctor operates on a patient, every time a solar eclipse happens precisely where and when it was predicted, every time you use your car or your computer it is evidence that these scientific principles work. 

Title: Re: Is Christian religion dying out?
Post by greggerypeccary on Jan 2nd, 2014 at 9:31pm

BatteriesNotIncluded wrote on Jan 1st, 2014 at 1:01pm:

greggerypeccary wrote on Dec 31st, 2013 at 4:00pm:

UnSubRocky wrote on Dec 31st, 2013 at 3:56pm:
Do they have set times of when they pray? I was in the cinema a couple years ago, and I was on my way out of the restrooms there. Some guy was facing east, kneeling just outside the lavatory, and he finished up his pray with the usual "shoulders, head, it's good" signal with his hands. I walked a little quicker to the exit thinking that we might lose the cinema for the sake of his postmortem booty call. But it did get me wondering if he took time out to thank Allah during a session of a movie.

I've seen them stop their cars in Sydney traffic, and get out and start praying on the road.

Praying they don't get hit by a bus, I assume.

Are you serious?


I've seen it happen twice.

Title: Re: Is Christian religion dying out?
Post by Morning Mist on Jan 2nd, 2014 at 11:04pm

The_Barnacle wrote on Jan 2nd, 2014 at 8:45pm:
Ok I will list them

- There is no evidence of a creator, and one of the basic rules is that who ever makes a claim is the one with the responsibility to provide evidence to back it up.

No physical evidence you mean? If so, that's the materialist paradigm I was speaking about.

But there is also plenty of evidence against religion.

- There is no consistency between the different religions. They all have have different beliefs, different Gods and the great majority of people inherit the same religion as their family/peers.
This is evidence that Religion is purely a cultural phenomenon

Maybe there are several gods?

- There is no consistency with in the same religion. In Christianity there are Cathlics, Protestants and Orthodox and all these are split into their separate groups. Some Christians believe in Hell, some don't. Some believe the Bible is literal fact, some don't.
They can't all be right, which makes it quite likely that they all are wrong.

Okay, but this doesn't necessarily mean there is no god. It's merely a disagreement on their conceptions of god.

- Why is there no evidence of religion in animals? Most of them have mating rituals, nesting rituals, why are there no religious rituals?

Not sure. Maybe you'll have to ask god.

- Why do bad things happen to innocent people? As an example, over 200,000 people were killed in the 2004 Tsunami which is basically an act of God. They were of all religious faiths and many were innocent Children.

Maybe he's not a moral god. The pagan gods and the pre-Christian Jewish god had little concern for human life.

- Why do people use their faith to justify doing horrendous things? Such as muslim terrorism or the Spanish inquisition or the ethnic cleansing in Serbia.

I put this down to biology. Human beings will fight regardless. They will always make excuses to fight over things. It's our fate.

And then there is the reason that religion started in the first place

- primitive man lived in a strange and frightening world. To try and understand it he created religion to explain how the world was created and how it operated. As time has gone on and we have become more technologically and scientifically skilled. All the superstitions have been replaced by our understanding of how things work.
Natural mechanisms explain how the universe work and there is evidence of this everywhere. Every time a doctor operates on a patient, every time a solar eclipse happens precisely where and when it was predicted, every time you use your car or your computer it is evidence that these scientific principles work. 

Okay. I agree that religions try to simply a strange world and make it knowable and meaningful for us. But I am still not convinced god has been completely debunked through modern science. Science only explains and harnesses causes and effects. Nature and its forces already exist before man starts explaining them and using them for his own ends.

With all that said, I am not religious, I am an agnostic. The only religion I could take seriously would be pantheism. 

Title: Re: Is Christian religion dying out?
Post by Spot of Borg on Jan 3rd, 2014 at 5:45am

... wrote on Jan 1st, 2014 at 11:29am:
I doubt it too. 

Christianity might be dying out, but the human emotion that fueled it sure isn't.  We can see the same fervour of old school religious faith applied to new ideologies.  Examples include atheists, climate change and equality nuts. 

Really? When was an atheist last knocking on your door trying to get you to "convert"? They arent even a group . . .


Title: Re: Is Christian religion dying out?
Post by Spot of Borg on Jan 3rd, 2014 at 5:49am

... wrote on Jan 1st, 2014 at 2:02pm:

BatteriesNotIncluded wrote on Jan 1st, 2014 at 2:00pm:

... wrote on Jan 1st, 2014 at 1:19pm:

Atheism is simply the absence of religion.

Professed atheism is a reliable indicator that that person also believes in a suite of other "isms".  "Atheist" is just the label applied to recognise that suite of "isms" (aka movement, cult or religion) even though it doesn't equate perfectly with "Atheism" in a strictly literal sense.

The point is most people don't profess atheism: sticky beaks apply such labels!

Most people don't because most people aren't atheists.

Most atheists love to shout about their atheism, in the same way the morally self-righteous vicars wife loves to shout about how prim and proper she is.

Where are your stats? I havent heard any athiests shouting about their atheism unless provoked by a god botherer. . .and even then its usually "leave me alone im atheist" which is hardly shouting.


Title: Re: Is Christian religion dying out?
Post by muso on Jan 3rd, 2014 at 6:04am

Postmodern Trendoid III wrote on Jan 1st, 2014 at 11:23am:
Today's critique of religion is a simplistic one: I can't see it therefore it doesn't exist. This is a straightforward, hard materialist approach. Do today's anti-religious even understand the materialist paradigm they use? Do they understand the history of conflict between the idealists and materialists? I very much doubt it.

I've never met anybody who claims that religion doesn't exist. (OK, I couldn't resist it  ;D )

Title: Re: Is Christian religion dying out?
Post by Oh_Yeah on Jan 3rd, 2014 at 7:37am

Postmodern Trendoid III wrote on Jan 2nd, 2014 at 11:04pm:

The_Barnacle wrote on Jan 2nd, 2014 at 8:45pm:
Ok I will list them

- There is no evidence of a creator, and one of the basic rules is that who ever makes a claim is the one with the responsibility to provide evidence to back it up.

No physical evidence you mean? If so, that's the materialist paradigm I was speaking about.

But it's not the only evidence.

Maybe there are several gods?

Okay, but this doesn't necessarily mean there is no god. It's merely a disagreement on their conceptions of god.

Not sure. Maybe you'll have to ask god.

Maybe he's not a moral god. The pagan gods and the pre-Christian Jewish god had little concern for human life.

I accept that no single peice of evidence is proof that God doesn't exist. I can't prove it absolutely.
However the weight of the evidence leads me to the conclusion that, beyond reasonable doubt, there is no God 

Title: Re: Is Christian religion dying out?
Post by Honky on Jan 3rd, 2014 at 7:41am

The_Barnacle wrote on Jan 3rd, 2014 at 7:37am:
However the weight of the evidence leads me to the conclusion that, beyond reasonable doubt, there is no God

Very good.  But now you're back at the starting point - the question of "how did we get here and what does it all mean" that led man to create religion in the first place.

Title: Re: Is Christian religion dying out?
Post by Oh_Yeah on Jan 3rd, 2014 at 7:55am

... wrote on Jan 3rd, 2014 at 7:41am:

The_Barnacle wrote on Jan 3rd, 2014 at 7:37am:
However the weight of the evidence leads me to the conclusion that, beyond reasonable doubt, there is no God

Very good.  But now you're back at the starting point - the question of "how did we get here and what does it all mean" that led man to create religion in the first place.

How did we get here? - we've already got explanations for how the stars and planets formed and how life evolved to humans. There are still some gaps in our understanding but given nothing else has had the requirement of a "creator" then I see no reason why we shouldn't be able to explain these as natural processes as well.

What does it all mean? - why does there have to be a meaning? We live and then we die. It's up to us to make the most of our time here.

Title: Re: Is Christian religion dying out?
Post by Honky on Jan 3rd, 2014 at 8:04am

The_Barnacle wrote on Jan 3rd, 2014 at 7:55am:

... wrote on Jan 3rd, 2014 at 7:41am:

The_Barnacle wrote on Jan 3rd, 2014 at 7:37am:
However the weight of the evidence leads me to the conclusion that, beyond reasonable doubt, there is no God

Very good.  But now you're back at the starting point - the question of "how did we get here and what does it all mean" that led man to create religion in the first place.

How did we get here? - we've already got explanations for how the stars and planets formed and how life evolved to humans. There are still some gaps in our understanding but given nothing else has had the requirement of a "creator" then I see no reason why we shouldn't be able to explain these as natural processes as well.

It's a very poor, patchy explanation.  It doesn't explain what life is and where it came from.  It doesn't explain where matter came from. 

What does it all mean? - why does there have to be a meaning? We live and then we die. It's up to us to make the most of our time here.

That's not enough for a lot of people.  If there is no point, and your life is just endless suffering, it doesn't exactly fill people with the hope needed to endure. 

If there wasn't this need for some higher purpose/power in so many people, religion would have no traction....and yet most of the world follows some religion or other.  I don't think it's a coincidence that the vast majority of the worlds atheists are from the pampered, bloated western countries.  When the prosperity ends, watch for a huge resurgence of religion.

Title: Re: Is Christian religion dying out?
Post by Oh_Yeah on Jan 3rd, 2014 at 9:25am

... wrote on Jan 3rd, 2014 at 8:04am:

The_Barnacle wrote on Jan 3rd, 2014 at 7:55am:

... wrote on Jan 3rd, 2014 at 7:41am:

The_Barnacle wrote on Jan 3rd, 2014 at 7:37am:
However the weight of the evidence leads me to the conclusion that, beyond reasonable doubt, there is no God

Very good.  But now you're back at the starting point - the question of "how did we get here and what does it all mean" that led man to create religion in the first place.

How did we get here? - we've already got explanations for how the stars and planets formed and how life evolved to humans. There are still some gaps in our understanding but given nothing else has had the requirement of a "creator" then I see no reason why we shouldn't be able to explain these as natural processes as well.

It's a very poor, patchy explanation.  It doesn't explain what life is and where it came from.  It doesn't explain where matter came from. 

I just gave a summary because i don't think many people would be interested in pages of scientific theory, and anyway, the other explanation would require the question "who made God and where did he come from?"

That's not enough for a lot of people.  If there is no point, and your life is just endless suffering, it doesn't exactly fill people with the hope needed to endure. 

If there wasn't this need for some higher purpose/power in so many people, religion would have no traction....and yet most of the world follows some religion or other.

I totally agree. But just because people want a meaning to their lives that doesn't mean that there is one.

Title: Re: Is Christian religion dying out?
Post by Honky on Jan 3rd, 2014 at 9:37am

The_Barnacle wrote on Jan 3rd, 2014 at 9:25am:
I totally agree. But just because people want a meaning to their lives that doesn't mean that there is one.

True, but the fact that they want one ensures that religion, or other sublimation of that need, will continue. 

The human universals  include several religious or related practices. Universal behaviour doesn't go away when one proclaims themselves an atheist, it just gets sublimated into other forms.  Yesteryears puritanical christians are the same as todays equality crusaders - zealous, unquestioning drones intent on converting the world to the "real truth" - theirs.

Title: Re: Is Christian religion dying out?
Post by Spot of Borg on Jan 3rd, 2014 at 9:48am
The xtian religion (and all the others) need to die out because they are outdated primitive things that the human race should have outgrown by now.


Title: Re: Is Christian religion dying out?
Post by Quantum on Jan 3rd, 2014 at 10:26am

Sir Spot of Borg wrote on Jan 3rd, 2014 at 9:48am:
The xtian religion (and all the others) need to die out because they are outdated primitive things that the human race should have outgrown by now.


Says the old man who lives in his friends flat and worships cats. You are the last person to talk about out growing anything.

Title: Re: Is Christian religion dying out?
Post by Spot of Borg on Jan 3rd, 2014 at 10:28am

Quantum wrote on Jan 3rd, 2014 at 10:26am:

Sir Spot of Borg wrote on Jan 3rd, 2014 at 9:48am:
The xtian religion (and all the others) need to die out because they are outdated primitive things that the human race should have outgrown by now.


Says the old man who lives in his friends flat and worships cats. You are the last person to talk about out growing anything.

Go away troll - and i dont live there anymore - it was temporary.

Nothing to say on topic then?


Title: Re: Is Christian religion dying out?
Post by Oh_Yeah on Jan 3rd, 2014 at 11:08am

... wrote on Jan 3rd, 2014 at 9:37am:

The_Barnacle wrote on Jan 3rd, 2014 at 9:25am:
I totally agree. But just because people want a meaning to their lives that doesn't mean that there is one.

True, but the fact that they want one ensures that religion, or other sublimation of that need, will continue. 

The human universals  include several religious or related practices. Universal behaviour doesn't go away when one proclaims themselves an atheist, it just gets sublimated into other forms.  Yesteryears puritanical christians are the same as todays equality crusaders - zealous, unquestioning drones intent on converting the world to the "real truth" - theirs.

There are people like that on both sides of politics. It relates more to their own passion than the subject matter itself.

Your "human universals" link is an interesting one which i will have to study at more length. At first glance I can say that I have no "soul concept" as i don't beleive in a soul.......and what the hell is "weather control"?

Title: Re: Is Christian religion dying out?
Post by Sprintcyclist on Jan 3rd, 2014 at 12:09pm

The_Barnacle wrote on Jan 2nd, 2014 at 8:45pm:

Postmodern Trendoid III wrote on Jan 1st, 2014 at 2:04pm:

That would only have relevance if atheism was a "movement" or a "religion" in it's own right, but it isn't. Atheism is simply the absence of religion. So your comment is really just psuedo philosophical BS.

2,000 years of philosophy and theology dismissed as pseudo bullsh*t eh?

No. I was referring to your comment as psuedo philosophical BS.

Postmodern Trendoid III wrote on Jan 1st, 2014 at 2:04pm:

The_Barnacle wrote on Jan 1st, 2014 at 12:40pm:

Postmodern Trendoid III wrote on Jan 1st, 2014 at 11:23am:
I doubt very much most people even understand how Christianity was argued for, and who argued for it. Today's critique of religion is a simplistic one: I can't see it therefore it doesn't exist. This is a straightforward, hard materialist approach. 

I think you are the one being simplistic.
"I can't see it therefore it doesn't exist" is just one of your many strawman arguments.
My own atheism is far more deeply based than that.

Perhaps you can explain it for us then.

Ok I will list them

- There is no evidence of a creator, and one of the basic rules is that who ever makes a claim is the one with the responsibility to provide evidence to back it up.

But there is also plenty of evidence against religion.

- There is no consistency between the different religions. They all have have different beliefs, different Gods and the great majority of people inherit the same religion as their family/peers.
This is evidence that Religion is purely a cultural phenomenon
- There is no consistency with in the same religion. In Christianity there are Cathlics, Protestants and Orthodox and all these are split into their separate groups.
Some Christians believe in Hell, some don't. Some believe the Bible is literal fact, some don't.
They can't all be right, which makes it quite likely that they all are wrong.
- Why is there no evidence of religion in animals? Most of them have mating rituals, nesting rituals, why are there no religious rituals?
- Why do bad things happen to innocent people? As an example, over 200,000 people were killed in the 2004 Tsunami which is basically an act of God. They were of all religious faiths and many were innocent Children.
- Why do people use their faith to justify doing horrendous things? Such as muslim terrorism or the Spanish inquisition or the ethnic cleansing in Serbia.

And then there is the reason that religion started in the first place

- primitive man lived in a strange and frightening world. To try and understand it he created religion to explain how the world was created and how it operated. As time has gone on and we have become more technologically and scientifically skilled. All the superstitions have been replaced by our understanding of how things work.
Natural mechanisms explain how the universe work and there is evidence of this everywhere. Every time a doctor operates on a patient, every time a solar eclipse happens precisely where and when it was predicted, every time you use your car or your computer it is evidence that these scientific principles work. 

....- There is no evidence of a creator, and one of the basic rules is that who ever makes a claim is the one with the responsibility to provide evidence to back it up.

the lack of 'ongoing' evolution suggests all the different species were created as they basically are now.
eg, horses started to 'evolve' 20 million years ago.
What happened to the ones that 'started to evolve' 10 million and 5 million or 1 million years ago?
How come there are no 1/2 created species ?

.......There is no consistency between the different religions. They all have have different beliefs, different Gods and the great majority of people inherit the same religion as their family/peers.
This is evidence that Religion is purely a cultural phenomenon
- There is no consistency with in the same religion. In Christianity there are Cathlics, Protestants and Orthodox and all these are split into their separate groups.
Some Christians believe in Hell, some don't. Some believe the Bible is literal fact, some don't.
They can't all be right, which makes it quite likely that they all are wrong......

We all have our own free will

........All the superstitions have been replaced by our understanding of how things work.
Natural mechanisms explain how the universe work and there is evidence of this everywhere. Every time a doctor operates on a patient, every time a solar eclipse happens precisely where and when it was predicted, every time you use your car or your computer it is evidence that these scientific principles work. 

we are capable of learning

Title: Re: Is Christian religion dying out?
Post by Honky on Jan 3rd, 2014 at 12:14pm

Sprintcyclist wrote on Jan 3rd, 2014 at 12:09pm:
the lack of 'ongoing' evolution suggests all the different species were created as they basically are now.
eg, horses started to 'evolve' 20 million years ago.
What happened to the ones that 'started to evolve' 10 million and 5 million or 1 million years ago?
How come there are no 1/2 created species ?

Every breed of dog has evolved from wolves in just 30,000 years.  Give them 10 million years and who knows how some of them would look.

Title: Re: Is Christian religion dying out?
Post by Soren on Jan 3rd, 2014 at 1:47pm

The five fastest growing religions by conversions (new adherents per year, in millions):

1.      Christianity      2,501,396
2.      Islam      865,558
3.      Buddhism      156,609
4.      Sikhism      28,961
5.      Baha'is      26,333

• Christianity is the fastest growing religion both in the number of new adherents due to natural growth (births minus deaths) as well as in number of new converts (converts in minus converts out).

• The total growth of Christianity (25,210,195) adds the equivalent of more than the population of Australia (21,555,500) or the U.S. State of Texas (23,904,380) of new Christians to Christianity. Every year.

• The number of new converts to Christianity is more than twice the combined number of new converts to all the other tabulated religions, even if we take out those with negative numbers (2,501,396 vers. 1,090,541).

Title: Re: Is Christian religion dying out?
Post by Quantum on Jan 3rd, 2014 at 3:08pm

Sir Spot of Borg wrote on Jan 3rd, 2014 at 5:49am:

... wrote on Jan 1st, 2014 at 2:02pm:

BatteriesNotIncluded wrote on Jan 1st, 2014 at 2:00pm:

... wrote on Jan 1st, 2014 at 1:19pm:

Atheism is simply the absence of religion.

Professed atheism is a reliable indicator that that person also believes in a suite of other "isms".  "Atheist" is just the label applied to recognise that suite of "isms" (aka movement, cult or religion) even though it doesn't equate perfectly with "Atheism" in a strictly literal sense.

The point is most people don't profess atheism: sticky beaks apply such labels!

Most people don't because most people aren't atheists.

Most atheists love to shout about their atheism, in the same way the morally self-righteous vicars wife loves to shout about how prim and proper she is.

Where are your stats? I havent heard any athiests shouting about their atheism unless provoked by a god botherer. . .and even then its usually "leave me alone im atheist" which is hardly shouting.


What world do you live in?

and who could forget this proposal;

Accept it. There are many atheist who are grouping together to create a position of agreement; Something that atheist stand for and will promote. There are many atheist who are out there pushing their worldview and trying to attack any view that has any hint of spiritual or faith foundation. Here is a group of them celebrating their atheism while they indoctrinate young children into their beliefs;

Through this approach Atheist have hijacked words such as "reason", "logic", and of course "science". You yourself are a perfect example of an uneducated idiot who thinks he is enlightened because he doesn't believe in a God. 

Title: Re: Is Christian religion dying out?
Post by Honky on Jan 3rd, 2014 at 3:47pm

The_Barnacle wrote on Jan 3rd, 2014 at 11:08am:

... wrote on Jan 3rd, 2014 at 9:37am:

The_Barnacle wrote on Jan 3rd, 2014 at 9:25am:
I totally agree. But just because people want a meaning to their lives that doesn't mean that there is one.

True, but the fact that they want one ensures that religion, or other sublimation of that need, will continue. 

The human universals  include several religious or related practices. Universal behaviour doesn't go away when one proclaims themselves an atheist, it just gets sublimated into other forms.  Yesteryears puritanical christians are the same as todays equality crusaders - zealous, unquestioning drones intent on converting the world to the "real truth" - theirs.

There are people like that on both sides of politics. It relates more to their own passion than the subject matter itself.

Yes, there is.  But weak people will identify with whatever the strongest influence acting upon them is.  Obviously there are idiots of all flavours, but the most powerful influence in a society will have the biggest total number of idiots supporting it. 

When we were a christian society, these compliant personalities would be among the most hardcore and vocal christians.  Now that we're a secular society, they are among the most hardcore and vocal secularists.  Far from being a triumph of "logic and reason" it's a demonstration of the same illogical, irrational herd mentality that saw witches burned at the stake. 

Title: Re: Is Christian religion dying out?
Post by Spot of Borg on Jan 3rd, 2014 at 3:51pm
Thats just humour quantum. There is no atheist religion. If 1 or 2 want to take the mickey thats their thing. If some religious nut wants to pretend to be atheist and try to start a religion thats their thing. Atheism is just a lack of belief in any of your fairy tale invisible ppl.


Title: Re: Is Christian religion dying out?
Post by Quantum on Jan 3rd, 2014 at 4:05pm

Sir Spot of Borg wrote on Jan 3rd, 2014 at 3:51pm:
Thats just humour quantum. There is no atheist religion. If 1 or 2 want to take the mickey thats their thing. If some religious nut wants to pretend to be atheist and try to start a religion thats their thing. Atheism is just a lack of belief in any of your fairy tale invisible ppl.


People spend money to make slogans on shirts and pay to put it on buses. Some take the time to write books. Others go the effort and expense to make monuments to atheism. Still others organize international conferences about it. All along millions partakes and support these endeavours...

...But spoty says it all just humour and no one actually agrees with it. ::)

Even better yet, the cat says;

"If some religious nut wants to pretend to be atheist and try to start a religion thats their thing"

so now even the hardcore atheist (which he is clearly one of) are actually religious nuts in disguise. An atheist who promotes his atheism isn't actually an atheist. Wonderful stuff! 

I wonder if you would extend that same logic to any religious institute? I reckon when some Christian goes and makes a dick of himself or does something horrid, you will be one of the first to say "look what this Christian did". I doubt we would ever hear you say "he says he is a Christian, but he obvious isn't and does not represent Christians as a whole". Nup, can't picture that for a second.

Title: Re: Is Christian religion dying out?
Post by Spot of Borg on Jan 3rd, 2014 at 4:54pm

Quantum wrote on Jan 3rd, 2014 at 4:05pm:

Sir Spot of Borg wrote on Jan 3rd, 2014 at 3:51pm:
Thats just humour quantum. There is no atheist religion. If 1 or 2 want to take the mickey thats their thing. If some religious nut wants to pretend to be atheist and try to start a religion thats their thing. Atheism is just a lack of belief in any of your fairy tale invisible ppl.


People spend money to make slogans on shirts and pay to put it on buses. Some take the time to write books. Others go the effort and expense to make monuments to atheism. Still others organize international conferences about it. All along millions partakes and support these endeavours...

...But spoty says it all just humour and no one actually agrees with it. ::)

Even better yet, the cat says;

"If some religious nut wants to pretend to be atheist and try to start a religion thats their thing"

so now even the hardcore atheist (which he is clearly one of) are actually religious nuts in disguise. An atheist who promotes his atheism isn't actually an atheist. Wonderful stuff! 

I wonder if you would extend that same logic to any religious institute? I reckon when some Christian goes and makes a dick of himself or does something horrid, you will be one of the first to say "look what this Christian did". I doubt we would ever hear you say "he says he is a Christian, but he obvious isn't and does not represent Christians as a whole". Nup, can't picture that for a second.

Well thats because you dont read posts properly and only see what you want to see


Title: Re: Is Christian religion dying out?
Post by Quantum on Jan 3rd, 2014 at 5:08pm

Sir Spot of Borg wrote on Jan 3rd, 2014 at 4:54pm:

Quantum wrote on Jan 3rd, 2014 at 4:05pm:

Sir Spot of Borg wrote on Jan 3rd, 2014 at 3:51pm:
Thats just humour quantum. There is no atheist religion. If 1 or 2 want to take the mickey thats their thing. If some religious nut wants to pretend to be atheist and try to start a religion thats their thing. Atheism is just a lack of belief in any of your fairy tale invisible ppl.


People spend money to make slogans on shirts and pay to put it on buses. Some take the time to write books. Others go the effort and expense to make monuments to atheism. Still others organize international conferences about it. All along millions partakes and support these endeavours...

...But spoty says it all just humour and no one actually agrees with it. ::)

Even better yet, the cat says;

"If some religious nut wants to pretend to be atheist and try to start a religion thats their thing"

so now even the hardcore atheist (which he is clearly one of) are actually religious nuts in disguise. An atheist who promotes his atheism isn't actually an atheist. Wonderful stuff! 

I wonder if you would extend that same logic to any religious institute? I reckon when some Christian goes and makes a dick of himself or does something horrid, you will be one of the first to say "look what this Christian did". I doubt we would ever hear you say "he says he is a Christian, but he obvious isn't and does not represent Christians as a whole". Nup, can't picture that for a second.

Well thats because you dont read posts properly and only see what you want to see


Classic spot stuff. Write BS, have it debunked, turn around and blame people for not reading your post correctly. Yes, the bad old days are once again upon us...

Title: Re: Is Christian religion dying out?
Post by Soren on Jan 3rd, 2014 at 9:06pm
There is no god without humanity.
There is no humanity without god.
There is no world without humanity and god.
The world is a joint creation by humanity and god.

Title: Re: Is Christian religion dying out?
Post by John Smith on Jan 3rd, 2014 at 9:18pm

Soren wrote on Jan 3rd, 2014 at 9:06pm:
There is no humanity without god

Not so sure about that one

what a lovely fellow god turned out to be!

Title: Re: Is Christian religion dying out?
Post by Soren on Jan 3rd, 2014 at 9:22pm

John Smith wrote on Jan 3rd, 2014 at 9:18pm:

Soren wrote on Jan 3rd, 2014 at 9:06pm:
There is no humanity without god

Not so sure about that one

what a lovely fellow god turned out to be!

Did he devise those techniques?

Anyway, you are missing the point - god is not in a world that doesn't also have humans.
The world is a joint venture. Not by god alone, not by man alone. Together.

Title: Re: Is Christian religion dying out?
Post by John Smith on Jan 3rd, 2014 at 9:24pm

Soren wrote on Jan 3rd, 2014 at 9:22pm:

John Smith wrote on Jan 3rd, 2014 at 9:18pm:

Soren wrote on Jan 3rd, 2014 at 9:06pm:
There is no humanity without god

Not so sure about that one

what a lovely fellow god turned out to be!

Did he devise those techniques?

Anyway, you are missing the point - god is not in a world that doesn't also have humans.
The world is a joint venture. Not by god alone, not by man alone. Together.

god is creation of humans ....

Title: Re: Is Christian religion dying out?
Post by Soren on Jan 3rd, 2014 at 9:29pm

John Smith wrote on Jan 3rd, 2014 at 9:24pm:

Soren wrote on Jan 3rd, 2014 at 9:22pm:

John Smith wrote on Jan 3rd, 2014 at 9:18pm:

Soren wrote on Jan 3rd, 2014 at 9:06pm:
There is no humanity without god

Not so sure about that one

what a lovely fellow god turned out to be!

Did he devise those techniques?

Anyway, you are missing the point - god is not in a world that doesn't also have humans.
The world is a joint venture. Not by god alone, not by man alone. Together.

god is creation of humans ....

God is inherent in humans. he dwells in humans. He doesn't dwell anywhere else.
But isn't a human creation.

Stories, imagination, poetry are inherent in humans - even if YOU personally have never made a poem and are devoid of any imagination and could never tell even a joke.

It is not about YOU and your own limits.

Title: Re: Is Christian religion dying out?
Post by John Smith on Jan 3rd, 2014 at 9:31pm

Soren wrote on Jan 3rd, 2014 at 9:29pm:

John Smith wrote on Jan 3rd, 2014 at 9:24pm:

Soren wrote on Jan 3rd, 2014 at 9:22pm:

John Smith wrote on Jan 3rd, 2014 at 9:18pm:

Soren wrote on Jan 3rd, 2014 at 9:06pm:
There is no humanity without god

Not so sure about that one

what a lovely fellow god turned out to be!

Did he devise those techniques?

Anyway, you are missing the point - god is not in a world that doesn't also have humans.
The world is a joint venture. Not by god alone, not by man alone. Together.

god is creation of humans ....

God is inherent in humans.

not all humans

Title: Re: Is Christian religion dying out?
Post by Soren on Jan 3rd, 2014 at 9:33pm

John Smith wrote on Jan 3rd, 2014 at 9:31pm:
not all humans

;D ;D

What makes YOU so special?

Title: Re: Is Christian religion dying out?
Post by John Smith on Jan 3rd, 2014 at 9:34pm

Soren wrote on Jan 3rd, 2014 at 9:33pm:

John Smith wrote on Jan 3rd, 2014 at 9:31pm:
not all humans

;D ;D

What makes YOU so special?

i went to a catholic school .....  ;D ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re: Is Christian religion dying out?
Post by Soren on Jan 3rd, 2014 at 9:46pm

John Smith wrote on Jan 3rd, 2014 at 9:34pm:

Soren wrote on Jan 3rd, 2014 at 9:33pm:

John Smith wrote on Jan 3rd, 2014 at 9:31pm:
not all humans

;D ;D

What makes YOU so special?

i went to a catholic school .....  ;D ;D ;D ;D

that makes you one of the herd...

Title: Re: Is Christian religion dying out?
Post by John Smith on Jan 3rd, 2014 at 9:55pm

Soren wrote on Jan 3rd, 2014 at 9:46pm:

John Smith wrote on Jan 3rd, 2014 at 9:34pm:

Soren wrote on Jan 3rd, 2014 at 9:33pm:

John Smith wrote on Jan 3rd, 2014 at 9:31pm:
not all humans

;D ;D

What makes YOU so special?

i went to a catholic school .....  ;D ;D ;D ;D

that makes you one of the herd...

nope,  it had the opposite effect to what was intended ... proved to me what a load of codswallop it all was.

Title: Re: Is Christian religion dying out?
Post by Soren on Jan 3rd, 2014 at 9:57pm

John Smith wrote on Jan 3rd, 2014 at 9:55pm:

Soren wrote on Jan 3rd, 2014 at 9:46pm:

John Smith wrote on Jan 3rd, 2014 at 9:34pm:

Soren wrote on Jan 3rd, 2014 at 9:33pm:

John Smith wrote on Jan 3rd, 2014 at 9:31pm:
not all humans

;D ;D

What makes YOU so special?

i went to a catholic school .....  ;D ;D ;D ;D

that makes you one of the herd...

nope,  it had the opposite effect to what was intended ... proved to me what a load of codswallop it all was.

You mean your education was wasted on you.

Title: Re: Is Christian religion dying out?
Post by Sprintcyclist on Jan 3rd, 2014 at 10:50pm

... wrote on Jan 3rd, 2014 at 12:14pm:

Sprintcyclist wrote on Jan 3rd, 2014 at 12:09pm:
the lack of 'ongoing' evolution suggests all the different species were created as they basically are now.
eg, horses started to 'evolve' 20 million years ago.
What happened to the ones that 'started to evolve' 10 million and 5 million or 1 million years ago?
How come there are no 1/2 created species ?

Every breed of dog has evolved from wolves in just 30,000 years.  Give them 10 million years and who knows how some of them would look.

So what happpened to the dogs that started to evolve from wolves 20,000 years ago, or 10,000 years ago, or 5000 years ago?
Where are the 1/2 wolf 1/2 chichuaua animals ?
It's like there are chichuauas, and trhere are wolves. And they are different.

Title: Re: Is Christian religion dying out?
Post by John Smith on Jan 3rd, 2014 at 10:59pm

Soren wrote on Jan 3rd, 2014 at 9:57pm:

John Smith wrote on Jan 3rd, 2014 at 9:55pm:

Soren wrote on Jan 3rd, 2014 at 9:46pm:

John Smith wrote on Jan 3rd, 2014 at 9:34pm:

Soren wrote on Jan 3rd, 2014 at 9:33pm:

John Smith wrote on Jan 3rd, 2014 at 9:31pm:
not all humans

;D ;D

What makes YOU so special?

i went to a catholic school .....  ;D ;D ;D ;D

that makes you one of the herd...

nope,  it had the opposite effect to what was intended ... proved to me what a load of codswallop it all was.

You mean your education was wasted on you.

au contraire  .... It worked better than intended.

Title: Re: Is Christian religion dying out?
Post by John Smith on Jan 3rd, 2014 at 11:00pm

Sprintcyclist wrote on Jan 3rd, 2014 at 10:50pm:
Where are the 1/2 wolf 1/2 chichuaua animals ?

the wolf ate the chichuaua after he buggered it ....  I know, the naughty wolf

Title: Re: Is Christian religion dying out?
Post by Spot of Borg on Jan 4th, 2014 at 8:02am
And so the thread turns into a biblebashing session by the ones that are threatened over their religion dying out.

BTW john most ppl i know that went to catcholic school came out non-believers. Some of them still call themselves "non-practicing catholics" because the ingrained fear is still there though.


Title: Re: Is Christian religion dying out?
Post by Honky on Jan 4th, 2014 at 8:45am

Sir Spot of Borg wrote on Jan 4th, 2014 at 8:02am:
And so the thread turns into a biblebashing session by the ones that are threatened over their religion dying out.

huh?  Who? Where?

Title: Re: Is Christian religion dying out?
Post by Oh_Yeah on Jan 4th, 2014 at 10:04am

Sprintcyclist wrote on Jan 3rd, 2014 at 10:50pm:

... wrote on Jan 3rd, 2014 at 12:14pm:

Sprintcyclist wrote on Jan 3rd, 2014 at 12:09pm:
the lack of 'ongoing' evolution suggests all the different species were created as they basically are now.
eg, horses started to 'evolve' 20 million years ago.
What happened to the ones that 'started to evolve' 10 million and 5 million or 1 million years ago?
How come there are no 1/2 created species ?

Every breed of dog has evolved from wolves in just 30,000 years.  Give them 10 million years and who knows how some of them would look.

So what happpened to the dogs that started to evolve from wolves 20,000 years ago, or 10,000 years ago, or 5000 years ago?
Where are the 1/2 wolf 1/2 chichuaua animals ?
It's like there are chichuauas, and trhere are wolves. And they are different.

About 130,000 years ago man domesticated some of the more friendly and docile wolves which were around their village. Over time, due to natural selection (only dogs which suited the needs of man were kept to breed) these wolves eventually became the domestic dogs we have today.
The divergence happened 130,000 years ago, and since that time wolves and domestic dogs have evolved independently of each other.

That is why there is no 1/2 wolf 1/2 Chihuahua animal

Title: Re: Is Christian religion dying out?
Post by Quantum on Jan 4th, 2014 at 10:19am

The_Barnacle wrote on Jan 4th, 2014 at 10:04am:

Sprintcyclist wrote on Jan 3rd, 2014 at 10:50pm:

... wrote on Jan 3rd, 2014 at 12:14pm:

Sprintcyclist wrote on Jan 3rd, 2014 at 12:09pm:
the lack of 'ongoing' evolution suggests all the different species were created as they basically are now.
eg, horses started to 'evolve' 20 million years ago.
What happened to the ones that 'started to evolve' 10 million and 5 million or 1 million years ago?
How come there are no 1/2 created species ?

Every breed of dog has evolved from wolves in just 30,000 years.  Give them 10 million years and who knows how some of them would look.

So what happpened to the dogs that started to evolve from wolves 20,000 years ago, or 10,000 years ago, or 5000 years ago?
Where are the 1/2 wolf 1/2 chichuaua animals ?
It's like there are chichuauas, and trhere are wolves. And they are different.

About 130,000 years ago man domesticated some of the more friendly and docile wolves which were around their village. Over time, due to natural selection (only dogs which suited the needs of man were kept to breed) these wolves eventually became the domestic dogs we have today.
The divergence happened 130,000 years ago, and since that time wolves and domestic dogs have evolved independently of each other.

That is why there is no 1/2 wolf 1/2 Chihuahua animal

How could anyone possible know this? It is hard enough knowing for sure what exactly happened just a hundred years ago let alone over a hundred thousand. Really, once we get past about 5 thousand years we really have no idea what humanity was doing. Bits and pieces here and there, but certainly nothing to the point of knowing how the locals related to wolfs in their village. 

Title: Re: Is Christian religion dying out?
Post by Oh_Yeah on Jan 4th, 2014 at 10:32am

Quantum wrote on Jan 4th, 2014 at 10:19am:

The_Barnacle wrote on Jan 4th, 2014 at 10:04am:

Sprintcyclist wrote on Jan 3rd, 2014 at 10:50pm:

... wrote on Jan 3rd, 2014 at 12:14pm:

Sprintcyclist wrote on Jan 3rd, 2014 at 12:09pm:
the lack of 'ongoing' evolution suggests all the different species were created as they basically are now.
eg, horses started to 'evolve' 20 million years ago.
What happened to the ones that 'started to evolve' 10 million and 5 million or 1 million years ago?
How come there are no 1/2 created species ?

Every breed of dog has evolved from wolves in just 30,000 years.  Give them 10 million years and who knows how some of them would look.

So what happpened to the dogs that started to evolve from wolves 20,000 years ago, or 10,000 years ago, or 5000 years ago?
Where are the 1/2 wolf 1/2 chichuaua animals ?
It's like there are chichuauas, and trhere are wolves. And they are different.

About 130,000 years ago man domesticated some of the more friendly and docile wolves which were around their village. Over time, due to natural selection (only dogs which suited the needs of man were kept to breed) these wolves eventually became the domestic dogs we have today.
The divergence happened 130,000 years ago, and since that time wolves and domestic dogs have evolved independently of each other.

That is why there is no 1/2 wolf 1/2 Chihuahua animal

How could anyone possible know this? It is hard enough knowing for sure what exactly happened just a hundred years ago let alone over a hundred thousand. Really, once we get past about 5 thousand years we really have no idea what humanity was doing. Bits and pieces here and there, but certainly nothing to the point of knowing how the locals related to wolfs in their village. 

Quite easily through archeology. They started finding the bones of dogs/wolves in the villages. Some of the owners even had their pet buried with them. 

Title: Re: Is Christian religion dying out?
Post by Honky on Jan 4th, 2014 at 11:11am
New breeds can be created within mere decades.  It's not hard to see...if you want to.

Title: Re: Is Christian religion dying out?
Post by Quantum on Jan 4th, 2014 at 11:17am

The_Barnacle wrote on Jan 4th, 2014 at 10:32am:

Quantum wrote on Jan 4th, 2014 at 10:19am:

The_Barnacle wrote on Jan 4th, 2014 at 10:04am:

Sprintcyclist wrote on Jan 3rd, 2014 at 10:50pm:

... wrote on Jan 3rd, 2014 at 12:14pm:

Sprintcyclist wrote on Jan 3rd, 2014 at 12:09pm:
the lack of 'ongoing' evolution suggests all the different species were created as they basically are now.
eg, horses started to 'evolve' 20 million years ago.
What happened to the ones that 'started to evolve' 10 million and 5 million or 1 million years ago?
How come there are no 1/2 created species ?

Every breed of dog has evolved from wolves in just 30,000 years.  Give them 10 million years and who knows how some of them would look.

So what happpened to the dogs that started to evolve from wolves 20,000 years ago, or 10,000 years ago, or 5000 years ago?
Where are the 1/2 wolf 1/2 chichuaua animals ?
It's like there are chichuauas, and trhere are wolves. And they are different.

About 130,000 years ago man domesticated some of the more friendly and docile wolves which were around their village. Over time, due to natural selection (only dogs which suited the needs of man were kept to breed) these wolves eventually became the domestic dogs we have today.
The divergence happened 130,000 years ago, and since that time wolves and domestic dogs have evolved independently of each other.

That is why there is no 1/2 wolf 1/2 Chihuahua animal

How could anyone possible know this? It is hard enough knowing for sure what exactly happened just a hundred years ago let alone over a hundred thousand. Really, once we get past about 5 thousand years we really have no idea what humanity was doing. Bits and pieces here and there, but certainly nothing to the point of knowing how the locals related to wolfs in their village. 

Quite easily through archeology. They started finding the bones of dogs/wolves in the villages. Some of the owners even had their pet buried with them. 

It is known that many animals (such as Horses) were domesticated about 6000 years ago. There is also evidence that other animals may have been domesticated as long as 10,000 years ago. There is some speculation that wolves may have have been even earlier. Possibly as far back as 20-30 thousand years ago, although there is nothing really solid to work from.

How do we jump from that to over 130,000 years, as well as knowing that it was because of the usefulness of the wolves to humans that dogs came to be? That seems like a huge amount of speculation with little to go from.

Title: Re: Is Christian religion dying out?
Post by Oh_Yeah on Jan 4th, 2014 at 11:57am

Quantum wrote on Jan 4th, 2014 at 11:17am:
It is known that many animals (such as Horses) were domesticated about 6000 years ago. There is also evidence that other animals may have been domesticated as long as 10,000 years ago. There is some speculation that wolves may have have been even earlier. Possibly as far back as 20-30 thousand years ago, although there is nothing really solid to work from.

How do we jump from that to over 130,000 years, as well as knowing that it was because of the usefulness of the wolves to humans that dogs came to be? That seems like a huge amount of speculation with little to go from.

Evolution of the Dog

Recent molecular evidence shows that dogs are descended from the gray wolf, domesticated about 130,000 years ago.

How and when this domestication happened has been a matter of speculation. It was thought until very recently that dogs were wild until about 12,000 years ago. But DNA analysis published in 1997 suggests a date of about 130,000 years ago for the transformation of wolves to dogs. This means that wolves began to adapt to human society long before humans settled down and began practicing agriculture.

This earlier timing casts doubt on the long-held myth that humans domesticated dogs to serve as guards or companions to assist them. Rather, say some experts, dogs may have exploited a niche they discovered in early human society and got humans to take them in out of the cold.

So yes there is still some debate about the exact timing and reasons for domestication but there is little doubt that for many thousands of years dogs have been used as companians, guards and workers and have been breed accordingly.

Title: Re: Is Christian religion dying out?
Post by Spot of Borg on Jan 4th, 2014 at 12:05pm
"It is known that many animals (such as Horses) were domesticated about 6000 years ago."

Isnt that when the earth was "created"?

Which is a prime example of why religion needs to be let to die out a natural death . . . .


Title: Re: Is Christian religion dying out?
Post by Generation X on Jan 4th, 2014 at 12:29pm

Sir Spot of Borg wrote on Jan 4th, 2014 at 12:05pm:
"It is known that many animals (such as Horses) were domesticated about 6000 years ago."

Isnt that when the earth was "created"?

Which is a prime example of why religion needs to be let to die out a natural death . . . .


Nothing better than a safer world for our kids

Title: Re: Is Christian religion dying out?
Post by Sprintcyclist on Jan 4th, 2014 at 1:08pm

... wrote on Jan 4th, 2014 at 11:11am:
New breeds can be created within mere decades.  It's not hard to see...if you want to.

yes, they can be.
But in nature, where are the 1/2 zebras, 1/2 horses ?
Where are the creatures that are only a few 100/1000 years started on their evolution journey ?

Title: Re: Is Christian religion dying out?
Post by Quantum on Jan 4th, 2014 at 1:32pm

The_Barnacle wrote on Jan 4th, 2014 at 11:57am:

Quantum wrote on Jan 4th, 2014 at 11:17am:
It is known that many animals (such as Horses) were domesticated about 6000 years ago. There is also evidence that other animals may have been domesticated as long as 10,000 years ago. There is some speculation that wolves may have have been even earlier. Possibly as far back as 20-30 thousand years ago, although there is nothing really solid to work from.

How do we jump from that to over 130,000 years, as well as knowing that it was because of the usefulness of the wolves to humans that dogs came to be? That seems like a huge amount of speculation with little to go from.

Evolution of the Dog

Recent molecular evidence shows that dogs are descended from the gray wolf, domesticated about 130,000 years ago.

How and when this domestication happened has been a matter of speculation. It was thought until very recently that dogs were wild until about 12,000 years ago. But DNA analysis published in 1997 suggests a date of about 130,000 years ago for the transformation of wolves to dogs. This means that wolves began to adapt to human society long before humans settled down and began practicing agriculture.

This earlier timing casts doubt on the long-held myth that humans domesticated dogs to serve as guards or companions to assist them. Rather, say some experts, dogs may have exploited a niche they discovered in early human society and got humans to take them in out of the cold.

So yes there is still some debate about the exact timing and reasons for domestication but there is little doubt that for many thousands of years dogs have been used as companians, guards and workers and have been breed accordingly.

Thanks for the link. I will have to look into it more. 

Title: Re: Is Christian religion dying out?
Post by mozzaok on Jan 4th, 2014 at 1:37pm

... wrote on Jan 1st, 2014 at 11:29am:
I doubt it too. 

Christianity might be dying out, but the human emotion that fueled it sure isn't.  We can see the same fervour of old school religious faith applied to new ideologies.  Examples include atheists, climate change and equality nuts. 

Yeah, have to hate those "equality nuts", like those creeps who promote peace, love, and understanding, LOSERS!!

Title: Re: Is Christian religion dying out?
Post by Quantum on Jan 4th, 2014 at 1:44pm

Sir Spot of Borg wrote on Jan 4th, 2014 at 12:05pm:
"It is known that many animals (such as Horses) were domesticated about 6000 years ago."

Isnt that when the earth was "created"?

Which is a prime example of why religion needs to be let to die out a natural death . . . .


You really do assume too much. Your entire science vs Christianity mindset is a result of being an uneducated idiot who has being brainwashed by militant atheist with an agenda. More than that, for someone who keeps saying "that's in America, where in Australia" you do seem to let local US issues dominate Australian conversations.

Most Australian Christians are not anti science. In fact there are many professional scientist who are Christian. Just because you have turned science into your god, were you believe whatever you are told as you hope for the day we are living in Star Trek land, does not mean that others are anti science just because they like to stick to facts.

I for one have never said that the earth is only 6000 years old. You just keep buying the lie that all Christians are a bunch of inbreeds who won't use electricity because that's science stuff

Title: Re: Is Christian religion dying out?
Post by Spot of Borg on Jan 4th, 2014 at 2:39pm

Quantum wrote on Jan 4th, 2014 at 1:44pm:

Sir Spot of Borg wrote on Jan 4th, 2014 at 12:05pm:
"It is known that many animals (such as Horses) were domesticated about 6000 years ago."

Isnt that when the earth was "created"?

Which is a prime example of why religion needs to be let to die out a natural death . . . .


You really do assume too much. Your entire science vs Christianity mindset is a result of being an uneducated idiot who has being brainwashed by militant atheist with an agenda. More than that, for someone who keeps saying "that's in America, where in Australia" you do seem to let local US issues dominate Australian conversations.

Most Australian Christians are not anti science. In fact there are many professional scientist who are Christian. Just because you have turned science into your god, were you believe whatever you are told as you hope for the day we are living in Star Trek land, does not mean that others are anti science just because they like to stick to facts.

I for one have never said that the earth is only 6000 years old. You just keep buying the lie that all Christians are a bunch of inbreeds who won't use electricity because that's science stuff

Hahahaha! Again you read 3 words and guess the rest seeing what you want to see . . .


Title: Re: Is Christian religion dying out?
Post by Quantum on Jan 4th, 2014 at 2:50pm

Sir Spot of Borg wrote on Jan 4th, 2014 at 2:39pm:

Quantum wrote on Jan 4th, 2014 at 1:44pm:

Sir Spot of Borg wrote on Jan 4th, 2014 at 12:05pm:
"It is known that many animals (such as Horses) were domesticated about 6000 years ago."

Isnt that when the earth was "created"?

Which is a prime example of why religion needs to be let to die out a natural death . . . .


You really do assume too much. Your entire science vs Christianity mindset is a result of being an uneducated idiot who has being brainwashed by militant atheist with an agenda. More than that, for someone who keeps saying "that's in America, where in Australia" you do seem to let local US issues dominate Australian conversations.

Most Australian Christians are not anti science. In fact there are many professional scientist who are Christian. Just because you have turned science into your god, were you believe whatever you are told as you hope for the day we are living in Star Trek land, does not mean that others are anti science just because they like to stick to facts.

I for one have never said that the earth is only 6000 years old. You just keep buying the lie that all Christians are a bunch of inbreeds who won't use electricity because that's science stuff

Hahahaha! Again you read 3 words and guess the rest seeing what you want to see . . .


And what the hell did you just do?

Here we have an example of you accusing Christians of believing that the world in only 6000 years old. No one said that to be the case, but you assume because a couple of morons in the south of the US preach it then every Church teaches it as well. No one here was speaking of a 6000 year old earth, especially not myself. So what the hell were you talking about in your post?

Isnt that when the earth was "created"?

Which is a prime example of why religion needs to be let to die out a natural death . . . .

How can something that a small group of people hold to be a prime example of why all people should have their beliefs stopped? And yes it would have to be forced, because despite the people who have claimed Christianity is soon to die over the centuries, it is still going strong.

Yet again you have no idea what the hell others are talking about, but even worse, no idea what you yourself have just said.

Title: Re: Is Christian religion dying out?
Post by Spot of Borg on Jan 4th, 2014 at 2:55pm

Quantum wrote on Jan 4th, 2014 at 2:50pm:

Sir Spot of Borg wrote on Jan 4th, 2014 at 2:39pm:

Quantum wrote on Jan 4th, 2014 at 1:44pm:

Sir Spot of Borg wrote on Jan 4th, 2014 at 12:05pm:
"It is known that many animals (such as Horses) were domesticated about 6000 years ago."

Isnt that when the earth was "created"?

Which is a prime example of why religion needs to be let to die out a natural death . . . .


You really do assume too much. Your entire science vs Christianity mindset is a result of being an uneducated idiot who has being brainwashed by militant atheist with an agenda. More than that, for someone who keeps saying "that's in America, where in Australia" you do seem to let local US issues dominate Australian conversations.

Most Australian Christians are not anti science. In fact there are many professional scientist who are Christian. Just because you have turned science into your god, were you believe whatever you are told as you hope for the day we are living in Star Trek land, does not mean that others are anti science just because they like to stick to facts.

I for one have never said that the earth is only 6000 years old. You just keep buying the lie that all Christians are a bunch of inbreeds who won't use electricity because that's science stuff

Hahahaha! Again you read 3 words and guess the rest seeing what you want to see . . .


And what the hell did you just do?

Here we have an example of you accusing Christians of believing that the world in only 6000 years old. No one said that to be the case, but you assume because a couple of morons in the south of the US preach it then every Church teaches it as well. No one here was speaking of a 6000 year old earth, especially not myself. So what the hell were you talking about in your post?

Isnt that when the earth was "created"?

Which is a prime example of why religion needs to be let to die out a natural death . . . .

How can something that a small group of people hold to be a prime example of why all people should have their beliefs stopped? And yes it would have to be forced, because despite the people who have claimed Christianity is soon to die over the centuries, it is still going strong.

Yet again you have no idea what the hell others are talking about, but even worse, no idea what you yourself have just said.

Do you even listen to yourself (or read what you said - or what the other person said?)


Title: Re: Is Christian religion dying out?
Post by Honky on Jan 4th, 2014 at 3:00pm

mozzaok wrote on Jan 4th, 2014 at 1:37pm:

... wrote on Jan 1st, 2014 at 11:29am:
I doubt it too. 

Christianity might be dying out, but the human emotion that fueled it sure isn't.  We can see the same fervour of old school religious faith applied to new ideologies.  Examples include atheists, climate change and equality nuts. 

Yeah, have to hate those "equality nuts", like those creeps who promote peace, love, and understanding, LOSERS!!

Hardout christians used to think only they were righteous, and everyone else was a dirty goddamn sinner needing to be rescued from the fast track to hell - by whatever means necessary.

Sound familiar?

Title: Re: Is Christian religion dying out?
Post by Quantum on Jan 4th, 2014 at 3:07pm

Sir Spot of Borg wrote on Jan 4th, 2014 at 2:55pm:

Quantum wrote on Jan 4th, 2014 at 2:50pm:

Sir Spot of Borg wrote on Jan 4th, 2014 at 2:39pm:

Quantum wrote on Jan 4th, 2014 at 1:44pm:

Sir Spot of Borg wrote on Jan 4th, 2014 at 12:05pm:
"It is known that many animals (such as Horses) were domesticated about 6000 years ago."

Isnt that when the earth was "created"?

Which is a prime example of why religion needs to be let to die out a natural death . . . .


You really do assume too much. Your entire science vs Christianity mindset is a result of being an uneducated idiot who has being brainwashed by militant atheist with an agenda. More than that, for someone who keeps saying "that's in America, where in Australia" you do seem to let local US issues dominate Australian conversations.

Most Australian Christians are not anti science. In fact there are many professional scientist who are Christian. Just because you have turned science into your god, were you believe whatever you are told as you hope for the day we are living in Star Trek land, does not mean that others are anti science just because they like to stick to facts.

I for one have never said that the earth is only 6000 years old. You just keep buying the lie that all Christians are a bunch of inbreeds who won't use electricity because that's science stuff

Hahahaha! Again you read 3 words and guess the rest seeing what you want to see . . .


And what the hell did you just do?

Here we have an example of you accusing Christians of believing that the world in only 6000 years old. No one said that to be the case, but you assume because a couple of morons in the south of the US preach it then every Church teaches it as well. No one here was speaking of a 6000 year old earth, especially not myself. So what the hell were you talking about in your post?

Isnt that when the earth was "created"?

Which is a prime example of why religion needs to be let to die out a natural death . . . .

How can something that a small group of people hold to be a prime example of why all people should have their beliefs stopped? And yes it would have to be forced, because despite the people who have claimed Christianity is soon to die over the centuries, it is still going strong.

Yet again you have no idea what the hell others are talking about, but even worse, no idea what you yourself have just said.

Do you even listen to yourself (or read what you said - or what the other person said?)


Are you a cat or a parrot? I swear all you do is take others complaints against yourself and just repeat them back.

You are a delusional fool. Time to get that plate in your head looked at. It is either coming lose or rusting badly.

Title: Re: Is Christian religion dying out?
Post by Grey on Jan 4th, 2014 at 6:26pm

Quantum wrote on Jan 4th, 2014 at 1:44pm:
You really do assume too much. Your entire science vs Christianity mindset is a result of being an uneducated idiot who has being brainwashed by militant atheist with an agenda. More than that, for someone who keeps saying "that's in America, where in Australia" you do seem to let local US issues dominate Australian conversations.

Most Australian Christians are not anti science. In fact there are many professional scientist who are Christian. Just because you have turned science into your god, were you believe whatever you are told as you hope for the day we are living in Star Trek land, does not mean that others are anti science just because they like to stick to facts.

I for one have never said that the earth is only 6000 years old. You just keep buying the lie that all Christians are a bunch of inbreeds who won't use electricity because that's science stuff

I'm intrigued to see Christianity defended as factual. An acknowledgement that the Earth is older than a few thousand years is certainly a step in the right direction. But a belief that  a cosmic Jewish Zombie who was his own father and born by a virgin can make you live forever if you symbolically eat his flesh and telepathically tell him you accept him as your master, so he can remove an evil force from your soul that is present in humanity because a rib-woman was convinced by a talking snake to eat from a magic apple tree, still sounds like a hard truth for a member of the reality based community to swallow. It makes the idea of landscaping done by a giant rainbow serpent sound quite plausible in fact.

Now I'm a live and let live kind of guy, I see flag waving and Nationalism more than a bit silly, but it makes for a bit of fun in the sporting arena and I'm okay with that; though taken to extremes it gets a lot of people dead.

Religion is a lot like that, but whereas most people can support a team without starting a war over it, the religious have a nasty habit of belief on steroids. I mean you only have to look at the "Holy Land" to see that. And it's all just a power trip really isn't it. The crumby little bits of charity don't really add up to the income of tithes do they? They're always pretty loathe to dip into the pocket prefering the charity to result from volunteers cooking soup from donated food, or the redistributiohn of donated blankets. I never recall hearing of the church paying anybodies power bill.

Religion:- Give it a rest for gods sake.

Title: Re: Is Christian religion dying out?
Post by Yadda on Jan 4th, 2014 at 7:12pm

Grey wrote on Jan 4th, 2014 at 6:26pm:

Quantum wrote on Jan 4th, 2014 at 1:44pm:
You really do assume too much. Your entire science vs Christianity mindset is a result of being an uneducated idiot who has being brainwashed by militant atheist with an agenda. More than that, for someone who keeps saying "that's in America, where in Australia" you do seem to let local US issues dominate Australian conversations.

Most Australian Christians are not anti science. In fact there are many professional scientist who are Christian. Just because you have turned science into your god, were you believe whatever you are told as you hope for the day we are living in Star Trek land, does not mean that others are anti science just because they like to stick to facts.

I for one have never said that the earth is only 6000 years old. You just keep buying the lie that all Christians are a bunch of inbreeds who won't use electricity because that's science stuff

I'm intrigued to see Christianity defended as factual.

An acknowledgement that the Earth is older than a few thousand years is certainly a step in the right direction. But a belief that  a cosmic Jewish Zombie who was his own father and born by a virgin can make you live forever if you symbolically eat his flesh and telepathically tell him you accept him as your master, so he can remove an evil force from your soul that is present in humanity because a rib-woman was convinced by a talking snake to eat from a magic apple tree, still sounds like a hard truth for a member of the reality based community to swallow.

It makes the idea of landscaping done by a giant rainbow serpent sound quite plausible in fact.

Well done!

You do have a way with words grey!

Title: Re: Is Christian religion dying out?
Post by Grey on Jan 4th, 2014 at 7:43pm
Oh I can't take the credit Yadda, it's a bit of an atheist trope, origin unknown. :-)   ;D

Title: Re: Is Christian religion dying out?
Post by Taipan on Feb 8th, 2014 at 4:18pm
Heres a quote from the so-called pope of freemasonry Albert Pike;

"We shall unleash the Nihilists and Atheists, and we shall provoke a formidable social cataclysm which in all its horror will show clearly to the nations the effect of absolute atheism, origin of savagery and of the most bloody turmoil. Then everywhere, the citizens, obliged to defend themselves against the world minority of revolutionaries, will exterminate those destroyers of civilization, and the multitude, disillusioned with Christianity, whose deistic spirits will be from that moment without compass (direction), anxious for an ideal, but with out knowing where to render its adoration, will receive the true light through the universal manifestation of the pure doctrine of Lucifer, brought finally out in the public view, a manifestation which will result from the general reactionary movement which will follow the destruction of Christianity and atheism, both conquered and exterminated at the same time" (William Guy Carr, Pawns in the Game, p. xv-xvi).

The destruction of Christianity was planned along time ago.
But its not just Christianity they want to destroy, they want to get rid of all religions and have us all worshipping Gaia.

Title: Re: Is Christian religion dying out?
Post by Ajax on Feb 9th, 2014 at 2:46pm

An acknowledgement that the Earth is older than a few thousand years is certainly a step in the right direction. But a belief that  a cosmic Jewish Zombie who was his own father and born by a virgin can make you live forever if you symbolically eat his flesh and telepathically tell him you accept him as your master, so he can remove an evil force from your soul that is present in humanity because a rib-woman was convinced by a talking snake to eat from a magic apple tree, still sounds like a hard truth for a member of the reality based community to swallow.

Its easier to believe than the whole universe was created by a big bang.

The source being smaller than a pinpoint which for some strange reason exploded and from this pin point the whole fricken universe materialised.

HHHHMMMMMnnnnnnnn something out of nothing.

Doesn't happen in the real world as far as I know.

Everything transforms from one state to another.

So how can a object that can sit on the end of a pin's point, the human eye could not see it, it's that small suddenly explode and presto we have a universe so big we cant see its outer edges.

That's a tall story if I've ever heard one.

Or that we all came from a worm like creature that decided to crawl out of the sea one day cause it thought land was a better prospect.

Just go and look outside not man's world but nature, the birds the trees the grass etc. the earth the atmosphere the solar system the galaxy the universe.

Luck, somehow luck just doesn't cut it either for me anyway.

Is there a God, for me there has to be something greater than our limited intelligence can comprehend and or appreciate.

Was the son of man God's son, that's for every soul to figure out for themselves, the bible does say that God gave us free choice.

Maybe God created the big bang which is something out of nothing, cause physics tells us different.

The bible does say first there was light and then he created the heavens.

What was this light.................???????

BTW who knows how God measures his days, maybe one year for us is a second to God......??????

The God theory for me is the only one that makes sense.

Now where is he......??????....where is heaven and hell.....????

I don't smacking having a clue.......!!!!!!

One of the points that leans me over to the son of man, is that he was a Jew and yet the Jews had him killed through the power of Rome.

And what about the words the son of man spoke.

Could such words really come from an Earthman.....??????

What about his deeds/works....??????

Title: Re: Is Christian religion dying out?
Post by Ajax on Feb 23rd, 2014 at 9:56am
Some relaxing music for all you unbelievers.

Title: Re: Is Christian religion dying out?
Post by Ajax on Mar 4th, 2014 at 9:13pm
This one blew me away, soothing to the soul....!!!!!


LORD, I Have Cried Out Unto You: hear me! Hear me, O Lord!
Lord, I Have Cried Out Unto You: hear me! Receive the voice of my prayer!
When I call upon You, hear me, O Lord!
Let my prayer arise in Your sight as incense,
And let the lifting up of my hands be an evening sacrifice.
Hear me, O Lord!

Title: Re: Is Christian religion dying out?
Post by Amadd on Mar 4th, 2014 at 9:52pm
I think that the meaning is still understandable, but as our language changes, the meaning gets lost in translation.
Maybe an updated bible in modern language would help somewhat. And also being mindful that people aren't so sucked in by promises of mumbo jumbo as they once were.

The important (to me) messages of Christianity are as valid today as they were 2000yrs ago, however, there needs to be a recognition that when people smell bs these days, the baby often goes out with the bathwater.

Title: Re: Is Christian religion dying out?
Post by muso on Mar 5th, 2014 at 9:34pm
I agree. Lettuce Spray.
13393612819686.jpg (43 KB | 38 )

Title: Re: Is Christian religion dying out?
Post by Yadda on Mar 5th, 2014 at 10:07pm

Grey wrote on Jan 4th, 2014 at 6:26pm:

Quantum wrote on Jan 4th, 2014 at 1:44pm:
You really do assume too much. Your entire science vs Christianity mindset is a result of being an uneducated idiot who has being brainwashed by militant atheist with an agenda. More than that, for someone who keeps saying "that's in America, where in Australia" you do seem to let local US issues dominate Australian conversations.

Most Australian Christians are not anti science. In fact there are many professional scientist who are Christian. Just because you have turned science into your god, were you believe whatever you are told as you hope for the day we are living in Star Trek land, does not mean that others are anti science just because they like to stick to facts.

I for one have never said that the earth is only 6000 years old. You just keep buying the lie that all Christians are a bunch of inbreeds who won't use electricity because that's science stuff

I'm intrigued to see Christianity defended as factual.

An acknowledgement that the Earth is older than a few thousand years is certainly a step in the right direction. But a belief that  a cosmic Jewish Zombie who was his own father and born by a virgin can make you live forever if you symbolically eat his flesh and telepathically tell him you accept him as your master, so he can remove an evil force from your soul that is present in humanity because a rib-woman was convinced by a talking snake to eat from a magic apple tree, still sounds like a hard truth for a member of the reality based community to swallow.

It makes the idea of landscaping done by a giant rainbow serpent sound quite plausible in fact.

"It is my suspicion that the universe is not only stranger than we do imagine but it is stranger than we can imagine."
J.B.S.Haldane - biochemist


People like you think that people like me are strange [i.e. irrational].

I believe that human beings, all of us, are beings, entity's, who are trying to grasp onto create some semblance of certainty for ourselves.

When clearly [i believe] there is no way of us grasping onto any form 'certainty', in this 'universe'.

Yes, we all believe that the sun will rise tomorrow morning, but is there any 100% certainty that it must ?

We all experience the same journey.

Some of us have chosen to take 'out of the way paths' [a 'less travelled' path?].

Are people like myself 'delusional', because we take a 'less travelled' path?

Title: Re: Is Christian religion dying out?
Post by Winston Smith on Mar 5th, 2014 at 10:28pm
I believe the spirit of Christianity is on the rise.

Title: Re: Is Christian religion dying out?
Post by Yadda on Mar 5th, 2014 at 10:44pm
I believe the spirit of Christianity is on the wane.

Do you think lotsa mankind, love God, love God's righteousness ?

Is that why the state of the world [today] is in the state that it is ?

Matthew 24:37
But as the days of Noe were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.

Genesis 6:5
And GOD saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually.
11  The earth also was corrupt before God, and the earth was filled with violence.

Title: Re: Is Christian religion dying out?
Post by muso on Mar 8th, 2014 at 8:55am

Yadda wrote on Mar 5th, 2014 at 10:44pm:
I believe the spirit of Christianity is on the wane.

Do you think lotsa mankind, love God, love God's righteousness ?

Is that why the state of the world [today] is in the state that it is ?

What state is that? - a state of less Christianity?

- certainly not increased warfare. We are probably living in the most peaceful period in history.  Compared to the last decade, the past was almost medieval by comparison. ;D.

But Joshua Goldstein argues that despite Iraq and Afghanistan, Congo and Sudan, the past 10 years have seen fewer war deaths than any decade in the past 100 years. And Harvard psychologist Steven Pinker goes even further. We may be living in the most peaceful period in the history of our species. Really? And if so, why?

Title: Re: Is Christian religion dying out?
Post by Oh_Yeah on Mar 8th, 2014 at 10:39am

muso wrote on Mar 8th, 2014 at 8:55am:

Yadda wrote on Mar 5th, 2014 at 10:44pm:
I believe the spirit of Christianity is on the wane.

Do you think lotsa mankind, love God, love God's righteousness ?

Is that why the state of the world [today] is in the state that it is ?

What state is that? - a state of less Christianity?

- certainly not increased warfare. We are probably living in the most peaceful period in history.  Compared to the last decade, the past was almost medieval by comparison. ;D.

But Joshua Goldstein argues that despite Iraq and Afghanistan, Congo and Sudan, the past 10 years have seen fewer war deaths than any decade in the past 100 years. And Harvard psychologist Steven Pinker goes even further. We may be living in the most peaceful period in the history of our species. Really? And if so, why?

I often think about those who lived through the first half of the 20th Century. In the 31 years between 1914 and 1945 there was 2 world wars and a great depression. All that in just 31 years.

Title: Re: Is Christian religion dying out?
Post by Honky on Mar 8th, 2014 at 10:57am

muso wrote on Mar 8th, 2014 at 8:55am:

Yadda wrote on Mar 5th, 2014 at 10:44pm:
I believe the spirit of Christianity is on the wane.

Do you think lotsa mankind, love God, love God's righteousness ?

Is that why the state of the world [today] is in the state that it is ?

What state is that? - a state of less Christianity?

- certainly not increased warfare. We are probably living in the most peaceful period in history.  Compared to the last decade, the past was almost medieval by comparison. ;D.

But Joshua Goldstein argues that despite Iraq and Afghanistan, Congo and Sudan, the past 10 years have seen fewer war deaths than any decade in the past 100 years. And Harvard psychologist Steven Pinker goes even further. We may be living in the most peaceful period in the history of our species. Really? And if so, why?

The longer the peace, the more devastating the war that follows.

In stock market terms, I believe they call it a "correction", and as we know, it cannot grow forever.

Title: Re: Is Christian religion dying out?
Post by Yadda on Mar 8th, 2014 at 12:34pm

muso wrote on Mar 8th, 2014 at 8:55am:

Yadda wrote on Mar 5th, 2014 at 10:44pm:
I believe the spirit of Christianity is on the wane.

Do you think lotsa mankind, love God, love God's righteousness ?

Is that why the state of the world [today] is in the state that it is ?

What state is that? - a state of less Christianity?

- certainly not increased warfare. We are probably living in the most peaceful period in history.  Compared to the last decade, the past was almost medieval by comparison. ;D.

But Joshua Goldstein argues that despite Iraq and Afghanistan, Congo and Sudan, the past 10 years have seen fewer war deaths than any decade in the past 100 years. And Harvard psychologist Steven Pinker goes even further. We may be living in the most peaceful period in the history of our species. Really? And if so, why?

Winning the War on War: The Decline of Armed Conflict Worldwide
Despite the gory headlines, the decade since 9/11 has been
the most peaceful worldwide in the past century.

.....Taking us from his own sleepless night in Beirut as shells landed in nearby streets, to the agonizing failures of the international community in Bosnia and Rwanda, to the recent triumphs of peacekeeping in West Africa, Goldstein tells the most exciting and important untold global story of our age. He shows how large-scale looting, sexual assault, and atrocities are being stopped, and how we can continue building on these hopeful and inspiring achievements to keep winning the war on war.

indonesia, massacre of hundreds of thousands of civilians, anti-communist

millions dead east pakistan

muslims kill, 2 million christians sudan

The victims of the intractable conflict in the southern Philippines, that has been going on for decades.

The 1980's Iraq-Iran war where hundreds of thousands of combatants died ?

Iraq, today.

Syria, today.

Sudan, today.

Somalia, today.

Yes, we have lived in an age of peace for decades.            :P

"...the most peaceful period in history."

Matthew 24:37
But as the days of Noe were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.
38  For as in the days that were before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noe entered into the ark,

Genesis 6:5
And GOD saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually.
11  The earth also was corrupt before God, and the earth was filled with violence.

Ezekiel 7:23
Make a chain: for the land is full of bloody crimes, and the city is full of violence.
24  Wherefore I will bring the worst of the heathen, and they shall possess their houses: I will also make the pomp of the strong to cease; and their holy places shall be defiled.
25  Destruction cometh; and they shall seek peace, and there shall be none.
26  Mischief shall come upon mischief, and rumour shall be upon rumour; then shall they seek a vision of the prophet; but the law shall perish from the priest, and counsel from the ancients.
27  The king shall mourn, and the prince shall be clothed with desolation, and the hands of the people of the land shall be troubled: I will do unto them after their way, and according to their deserts will I judge them; and they shall know that I am the LORD.

Psalms 28:3
Draw me not away with the wicked, and with the workers of iniquity, which speak peace to their neighbours, but mischief is in their hearts.
4  Give them according to their deeds, and according to the wickedness of their endeavours: give them after the work of their hands; render to them their desert.

Title: Re: Is Christian religion dying out?
Post by muso on Mar 8th, 2014 at 2:22pm

Yadda wrote on Mar 8th, 2014 at 12:34pm:
Yes, we have lived in an age of peace for decades.            :P

"...the most peaceful period in history."

The last decade 2003-2013 has actually been the most peaceful period in living history.  It doesn't say that we have lived in peace for decades.

Title: Re: Is Christian religion dying out?
Post by bobbythebat1 on Mar 8th, 2014 at 2:34pm

muso wrote on Mar 8th, 2014 at 2:22pm:

Yadda wrote on Mar 8th, 2014 at 12:34pm:
Yes, we have lived in an age of peace for decades.            :P

"...the most peaceful period in history."

The last decade 2003-2013 has actually been the most peaceful period in living history.  It doesn't say that we have lived in peace for decades.

You wouldn't agree if you lived in Iraq,  Afghanistan or Syria.

Title: Re: Is Christian religion dying out?
Post by Ajax on Mar 8th, 2014 at 5:10pm

muso wrote on Mar 8th, 2014 at 2:22pm:

Yadda wrote on Mar 8th, 2014 at 12:34pm:
Yes, we have lived in an age of peace for decades.            :P

"...the most peaceful period in history."

The last decade 2003-2013 has actually been the most peaceful period in living history.  It doesn't say that we have lived in peace for decades.

Which world do you live in.....????

No wonder your part of the anthropogenic global warming religion.

Title: Re: Is Christian religion dying out?
Post by muso on Mar 8th, 2014 at 7:46pm

Bobby. wrote on Mar 8th, 2014 at 2:34pm:

muso wrote on Mar 8th, 2014 at 2:22pm:

Yadda wrote on Mar 8th, 2014 at 12:34pm:
Yes, we have lived in an age of peace for decades.            :P

"...the most peaceful period in history."

The last decade 2003-2013 has actually been the most peaceful period in living history.  It doesn't say that we have lived in peace for decades.

You wouldn't agree if you lived in Iraq,  Afghanistan or Syria.

Read the book.  How many people have died in Afghanistan, Iraq and Syria in the last 10 years?

Iraq - About 0.5 Million
Afghanistan  - About 20,000
Syria - About 100,000

It just doesn't compare.

First World War 15 million dead
Russian Revolution 9 million
Early Soviet Union under Stalin - 20 million
The Congo 10 million

Chinese civil Wars 7 million
Mao Zedong  - 40 million
Nigerian Civil War 2.8 million
Rwanda 0.8 million
Second World War - 66 million
Spanish Civil War - 0.5 Million
Vietnam War - 3.8 million
Korean War 1.2 million
Soviet Afghanistan War 79-89 -  1.5 million

Then there was the 19th Century - about 2 million for Europe alone, then there was the Taiping revolution, the Opium War, the Mexican Civil War, US Civil War etc
27 million from the British in India. On a per capita basis, a lot more people died from war in the 19th century compared to the 20th.

0.6 million out of 7 billion total world population might seem a lot, but we're a lot more peaceful than we have been..... so far.  The First World War alone lost 15 million out of about 1 billion (world population at the time) and that was just 4 years.

Title: Re: Is Christian religion dying out?
Post by bobbythebat1 on Mar 8th, 2014 at 9:46pm

muso wrote on Mar 8th, 2014 at 7:46pm:

Bobby. wrote on Mar 8th, 2014 at 2:34pm:

muso wrote on Mar 8th, 2014 at 2:22pm:

Yadda wrote on Mar 8th, 2014 at 12:34pm:
Yes, we have lived in an age of peace for decades.            :P

"...the most peaceful period in history."

The last decade 2003-2013 has actually been the most peaceful period in living history.  It doesn't say that we have lived in peace for decades.

You wouldn't agree if you lived in Iraq,  Afghanistan or Syria.

Read the book.  How many people have died in Afghanistan, Iraq and Syria in the last 10 years?

Iraq - About 0.5 Million
Afghanistan  - About 20,000
Syria - About 100,000

It just doesn't compare.

First World War 15 million dead
Russian Revolution 9 million
Early Soviet Union under Stalin - 20 million
The Congo 10 million

Chinese civil Wars 7 million
Mao Zedong  - 40 million
Nigerian Civil War 2.8 million
Rwanda 0.8 million
Second World War - 66 million
Spanish Civil War - 0.5 Million
Vietnam War - 3.8 million
Korean War 1.2 million
Soviet Afghanistan War 79-89 -  1.5 million

Then there was the 19th Century - about 2 million for Europe alone, then there was the Taiping revolution, the Opium War, the Mexican Civil War, US Civil War etc
27 million from the British in India. On a per capita basis, a lot more people died from war in the 19th century compared to the 20th.

0.6 million out of 7 billion total world population might seem a lot, but we're a lot more peaceful than we have been..... so far.  The First World War alone lost 15 million out of about 1 billion (world population at the time) and that was just 4 years.

Still - those numbers don't mean much to someone in the middle of a war zone now.

Title: Re: Is Christian religion dying out?
Post by Yadda on Mar 9th, 2014 at 1:22am

Maybe i am mistaken, but i believe that widespread peace among men, can only exist when the majority of men perceive believe that they are not being treated unjustly [by their fellow men, or, by authorities and governments set over them to regulate their lives] ?

I believe that peace is the 'child' of justice.

[...and i believe that justice in a society of men is impossible, when there is no respect for truth in that society of men]


The last decade 2003-2013 has actually been the most peaceful period in living history.


Is your argument that today, we live in a world where the principles of truth and justice are respected by men ?

Is your argument that today, we live in a world where the principles of truth and justice are defended by men ?

principle = = a fundamental truth or proposition serving as the foundation for belief or action.      a rule or belief governing one’s personal behaviour.         morally correct behaviour and attitudes:


Turn on your TV, and watch the TV news tonight.

And see if mankind seem to be happy and content with the 'peace' [among men] that you describe - and are confident of.

Title: Re: Is Christian religion dying out?
Post by NorthOfNorth on Mar 9th, 2014 at 10:08am

Yadda wrote on Mar 9th, 2014 at 1:22am:

Turn on your TV, and watch the TV news tonight.

And see if mankind seem to be happy and content with the 'peace' [among men] that you describe - and are confident of.

I don't believe that happy and content (existentially) has as much to do with it as it being much harder to embroil the world in mega wars.

Dictatorships and convoluted defense treaties that automatically bring nations into a colossal battlefields appear to fading into history (hopefully).

Even the latest attempt (the attempted world Islamist jihad) is largely contained, with their only strategy being 'asymmetric' war, which depends on its enemies' over-reaction. This they almost achieved with 9/11.

But is it even imaginable that a British Prime Minister would have been publicly vilified and subjected to public scrutiny (in the way Tony Blair was for his military adventurism in the 19th/early 20th century)? Its true, though, that the US is more apprehensive about vilifying / indicting their head of state for military overreach / adventurism (with Australia following that model and 'pardoning' its head of government over our over-reaction).

Also, the 19th/early 20th century wars were predicated on (now bankrupt) idealism. Would we join a mega-war so readily for idealism in the 21st century?

Title: Re: Is Christian religion dying out?
Post by bobbythebat1 on Mar 9th, 2014 at 10:18am
It's hard to believe that intelligent people at the head of the church still believe in:

angels, devils, satans, witches, goblins, leprechauns, elfs
ghosts,  heaven & hell.

All this is the product of medieval superstition yet
there are still many people who believe it today.

I hope one day you join us & the world will live as one.

Title: Re: Is Christian religion dying out?
Post by NorthOfNorth on Mar 9th, 2014 at 10:24am

Bobby. wrote on Mar 9th, 2014 at 10:18am:
It's hard to believe that intelligent people at the head of the church still believe in:
angels, devils, satans, witches, goblins, leprechauns, elfs
ghosts,  heaven & hell

Are you so sure of that. The Catholic Church has been playing that down for decades. Most (if not all ) western Anglican clerics (senior and junior) are avowed agnostics.

Title: Re: Is Christian religion dying out?
Post by muso on Mar 9th, 2014 at 10:26am

Yadda wrote on Mar 9th, 2014 at 1:22am:

Is your argument that today, we live in a world where the principles of truth and justice are respected by men ?

Is your argument that today, we live in a world where the principles of truth and justice are defended by men ?

No. "My" argument is simply that in proportion to the total world population we are killing fewer people through warfare.

NorthofNorth probably has posted a good reason for this.

If you look back 2000 years ago to the time of the Romans, the two Punic wars alone, obliterated 1.3 million people. People were expected to be part of the Roman army. 

Then in China about the same time, the population of China dropped from 68 million to 15.1 million in less than 30 years.

War is no longer the trade of the vast majority of people.

The vast majority of people in the world can ply an existence without being conscripted into the army and hacked to pieces on the battle field.

We are living in more peaceful times. It's borne out by facts and figures.

When we get back to truth and justice, the vast majority of people today probably do espouse those values, but that's not the basis of the argument. 

But are we happier? Again, probably.

[clop clop clop]

Who's that, then?

CART MASTER: I dunno. Must be a king.


CART MASTER: He hasn't got sh1t all over him.

Title: Re: Is Christian religion dying out?
Post by pansi1951 on Mar 9th, 2014 at 10:27am

Does anyone really believe that Obama and Abbott believe in a God? They torture and kill people.

Actor Chris O'Dowd says religion is 'unacceptable'

Actor Chris O'Dowd thinks following a religion will eventually become as offensive and unacceptable as racism.

Now he says religious doctrine is halting human progress and brands it "a weird cult".
He also thinks US president Barack Obama had to overstate his Christian faith in order to get to the White House.
O'Dowd has told Britain's GQ magazine: "For most of my life, I've been, 'Hey, I'm not into it, but I respect your right to believe whatever you want'. But as time goes on, weirdly, I'm growing less liberal. I'm more like, 'No, religion is ruining the world, you need to stop!'.
"There's going to be a turning point where it's going to be like racism. You know, 'You're not allowed to say that weird s**t! It's mad! And you're making everybody crazy!'
"And you know, now America can't have a president that doesn't say he believes in God. So we're f**ked! Like, they f**ked everything!
"You wanna go and live in your weird cult and talk about a man who lives in a cloud, you do that, but don't. I mean, you really think that Barack Obama believes in God? No way!"

Read more:

Title: Re: Is Christian religion dying out?
Post by bobbythebat1 on Mar 9th, 2014 at 10:31am

NorthOfNorth wrote on Mar 9th, 2014 at 10:24am:

Bobby. wrote on Mar 9th, 2014 at 10:18am:
It's hard to believe that intelligent people at the head of the church still believe in:
angels, devils, satans, witches, goblins, leprechauns, elfs
ghosts,  heaven & hell

Are you so sure of that. The Catholic Church has been playing that down for decades. Most (if not all ) western Anglican clerics (senior and junior) are avowed agnostics.

Rubbish - the Pope &  his followers believe all that nonsense & a whole lot more.

e.g. turning cracker biscuits into the body of Christ & wine into his blood -
the list goes on & on.

It's all insane & it's time for the world to wake up.

P.S. - I forgot to mention miracles.

Title: Re: Is Christian religion dying out?
Post by NorthOfNorth on Mar 9th, 2014 at 10:48am

Bobby. wrote on Mar 9th, 2014 at 10:31am:

NorthOfNorth wrote on Mar 9th, 2014 at 10:24am:

Bobby. wrote on Mar 9th, 2014 at 10:18am:
It's hard to believe that intelligent people at the head of the church still believe in:
angels, devils, satans, witches, goblins, leprechauns, elfs
ghosts,  heaven & hell

Are you so sure of that. The Catholic Church has been playing that down for decades. Most (if not all ) western Anglican clerics (senior and junior) are avowed agnostics.

Rubbish - the Pope &  his followers believe all that nonsense & a whole lot more.

e.g. turning cracker biscuits into the body of Christ & wine into his blood -
the list goes on & on.

It's all insane & it's time for the world to wake up.

P.S. - I forgot to mention miracles.

You're confusing solemn ritual with frank blind belief.

The Vatican particularly is highly sceptical (if not harbouring outright disbelief) in divine miracles. The devil is  never mentioned (except perhaps metaphorically). Sainthood in the Catholic Church is more akin to awarding a posthumous Victoria Cross for services rendered to humanity.

Its really only the weird and creepy American evangelical neo-Christianity that maintains a 14th century belief in these things.

Title: Re: Is Christian religion dying out?
Post by NorthOfNorth on Mar 9th, 2014 at 10:51am

Ex Dame Pansi wrote on Mar 9th, 2014 at 10:27am:
Does anyone really believe that Obama believe in a God?

Extremely unlikely. What he says as an American head of state regarding god is what he must say, not, I'd bet, what be truly believes.

Title: Re: Is Christian religion dying out?
Post by NorthOfNorth on Mar 9th, 2014 at 11:01am

muso wrote on Mar 9th, 2014 at 10:26am:
But are we happier? Again, probably.

This, apparently, was Lenin's great disappointment at the turn of the 20th century... The working class did not rise up against their aristocratic / bourgeois overlords (as Marx had predicted)...  Such that Lenin determined that if the eruption of revolution won't come from the soul of the working class, then he will bring it to them by force.

Title: Re: Is Christian religion dying out?
Post by bobbythebat1 on Mar 9th, 2014 at 11:13am

NorthOfNorth wrote on Mar 9th, 2014 at 10:48am:

Bobby. wrote on Mar 9th, 2014 at 10:31am:

NorthOfNorth wrote on Mar 9th, 2014 at 10:24am:

Bobby. wrote on Mar 9th, 2014 at 10:18am:
It's hard to believe that intelligent people at the head of the church still believe in:
angels, devils, satans, witches, goblins, leprechauns, elfs
ghosts,  heaven & hell

Are you so sure of that. The Catholic Church has been playing that down for decades. Most (if not all ) western Anglican clerics (senior and junior) are avowed agnostics.

Rubbish - the Pope &  his followers believe all that nonsense & a whole lot more.

e.g. turning cracker biscuits into the body of Christ & wine into his blood -
the list goes on & on.

It's all insane & it's time for the world to wake up.

P.S. - I forgot to mention miracles.

You're confusing solemn ritual with frank blind belief.

The Vatican particularly is highly sceptical (if not harbouring outright disbelief) in divine miracles. The devil is  never mentioned (except perhaps metaphorically). Sainthood in the Catholic Church is more akin to awarding a posthumous Victoria Cross for services rendered to humanity.

Its really only the weird and creepy American evangelical neo-Christianity that maintains a 14th century belief in these things.

Sorry for the truth -

the Pope &  his followers believe all that nonsense & a whole lot more.

Title: Re: Is Christian religion dying out?
Post by Herbert on Mar 9th, 2014 at 11:14am

greggerypeccary wrote on Dec 31st, 2013 at 4:00pm:
I've seen them stop their cars in Sydney traffic, and get out and start praying on the road.

Praying they don't get hit by a bus, I assume.


Praying that as taxi drivers they'll get a drunk young Aussie female to take home at 2 in the morning ...

Their prayers are often answered.

Title: Re: Is Christian religion dying out?
Post by NorthOfNorth on Mar 9th, 2014 at 12:08pm

Bobby. wrote on Mar 9th, 2014 at 11:13am:

NorthOfNorth wrote on Mar 9th, 2014 at 10:48am:

Bobby. wrote on Mar 9th, 2014 at 10:31am:

NorthOfNorth wrote on Mar 9th, 2014 at 10:24am:

Bobby. wrote on Mar 9th, 2014 at 10:18am:
It's hard to believe that intelligent people at the head of the church still believe in:
angels, devils, satans, witches, goblins, leprechauns, elfs
ghosts,  heaven & hell

Are you so sure of that. The Catholic Church has been playing that down for decades. Most (if not all ) western Anglican clerics (senior and junior) are avowed agnostics.

Rubbish - the Pope &  his followers believe all that nonsense & a whole lot more.

e.g. turning cracker biscuits into the body of Christ & wine into his blood -
the list goes on & on.

It's all insane & it's time for the world to wake up.

P.S. - I forgot to mention miracles.

You're confusing solemn ritual with frank blind belief.

The Vatican particularly is highly sceptical (if not harbouring outright disbelief) in divine miracles. The devil is  never mentioned (except perhaps metaphorically). Sainthood in the Catholic Church is more akin to awarding a posthumous Victoria Cross for services rendered to humanity.

Its really only the weird and creepy American evangelical neo-Christianity that maintains a 14th century belief in these things.

Sorry for the truth -

the Pope &  his followers believe all that nonsense & a whole lot more.

There's no doubt that many Christians do believe that the devil frankly exists (i.e. is not just a metaphor for psychiatric conditions and predilections).

There's no doubt that nearly everybody (if not everybody) harbours a vestige of superstition... Touching wood, wearing lucky charms, chanting mantras, 'sending it out to the universe' et al... This phenomenon, I believe, will be part of the human condition forever...

Like the old Virgil quote - "They can because they think they can"... The challenge for orthodox religions and the new ones (New Age etc) is: How to make them think they can.

The most convenient and most readily accepted doctrine for those who seek answers to intractable personality disorders or 'bad luck' is that of externalising fault.

Where clerics deploy the concept of 'the enemy' as the cause of the sufferers' 'evil deeds' it is done (without cynicism) in the hopes of assisting the suffering and 'repentant' sinner to transcend his own personality by extricating him from guilt. This, in itself, is not an evil, nor does it necessarily require the confessor to actually believe in devils and demons.

But, yes, there is the risk that those 'healed' by such tactics (or believers in the frank existence of the devil) can find their personality issues manifest in other ways (like taking it on themselves to 'fight the devil' by causing harm to those they have determined are the 'devil incarnate' - as seen within American evangelism).

They can because they think they can... How, in the secular world, can we manifest Virgil's observation? How do we learn to believe we can without externalisation?

Title: Re: Is Christian religion dying out?
Post by Yadda on Mar 9th, 2014 at 12:19pm

NorthOfNorth wrote on Mar 9th, 2014 at 10:48am:

Bobby. wrote on Mar 9th, 2014 at 10:31am:

NorthOfNorth wrote on Mar 9th, 2014 at 10:24am:

Bobby. wrote on Mar 9th, 2014 at 10:18am:
It's hard to believe that intelligent people at the head of the church still believe in:
angels, devils, satans, witches, goblins, leprechauns, elfs
ghosts,  heaven & hell

Are you so sure of that. The Catholic Church has been playing that down for decades. Most (if not all ) western Anglican clerics (senior and junior) are avowed agnostics.

Rubbish - the Pope &  his followers believe all that nonsense & a whole lot more.

e.g. turning cracker biscuits into the body of Christ & wine into his blood -
the list goes on & on.

It's all insane & it's time for the world to wake up.

P.S. - I forgot to mention miracles.

You're confusing solemn ritual with frank blind belief.

The Vatican particularly is highly sceptical (if not harbouring outright disbelief) in divine miracles. The devil is  never mentioned (except perhaps metaphorically).

Sainthood in the Catholic Church is more akin to awarding a posthumous Victoria Cross for services rendered to humanity.

Its really only the weird and creepy American evangelical neo-Christianity that maintains a 14th century belief in these things.


The praise of men [and of the catholic church], is worthy indeed!


That is what we are here for, to learn how to impress [and be envied by] our fellow men and women.

Who has the biggest house and the most desirable wife, on your street!        ;D

Title: Re: Is Christian religion dying out?
Post by NorthOfNorth on Mar 9th, 2014 at 12:25pm

Yadda wrote on Mar 9th, 2014 at 12:19pm:

The praise of men [and of the catholic church], is worthy indeed!


That is what we are here for, to learn how to impress [and be envied by] our fellow men and women.

Who has the biggest house and the most desirable wife, on your street!        ;D

We are, after all, akin to primates in that we can harbour envy for the wellbeing and good fortune of others.

Title: Re: Is Christian religion dying out?
Post by bobbythebat1 on Mar 9th, 2014 at 12:31pm

NorthOfNorth wrote on Mar 9th, 2014 at 12:08pm:

Bobby. wrote on Mar 9th, 2014 at 11:13am:

NorthOfNorth wrote on Mar 9th, 2014 at 10:48am:

Bobby. wrote on Mar 9th, 2014 at 10:31am:

NorthOfNorth wrote on Mar 9th, 2014 at 10:24am:

Bobby. wrote on Mar 9th, 2014 at 10:18am:
It's hard to believe that intelligent people at the head of the church still believe in:
angels, devils, satans, witches, goblins, leprechauns, elfs
ghosts,  heaven & hell

Are you so sure of that. The Catholic Church has been playing that down for decades. Most (if not all ) western Anglican clerics (senior and junior) are avowed agnostics.

Rubbish - the Pope &  his followers believe all that nonsense & a whole lot more.

e.g. turning cracker biscuits into the body of Christ & wine into his blood -
the list goes on & on.

It's all insane & it's time for the world to wake up.

P.S. - I forgot to mention miracles.

You're confusing solemn ritual with frank blind belief.

The Vatican particularly is highly sceptical (if not harbouring outright disbelief) in divine miracles. The devil is  never mentioned (except perhaps metaphorically). Sainthood in the Catholic Church is more akin to awarding a posthumous Victoria Cross for services rendered to humanity.

Its really only the weird and creepy American evangelical neo-Christianity that maintains a 14th century belief in these things.

Sorry for the truth -

the Pope &  his followers believe all that nonsense & a whole lot more.

There's no doubt that many Christians do believe that the devil frankly exists (i.e. is not just a metaphor for psychiatric conditions and predilections).

There's no doubt that nearly everybody (if not everybody) harbours a vestige of superstition... Touching wood, wearing lucky charms, chanting mantras, 'sending it out to the universe' et al... This phenomenon, I believe, will be part of the human condition forever...

Like the old Virgil quote - "They can because they think they can"... The challenge for orthodox religions and the new ones (New Age etc) is: How to make them think they can.

The most convenient and most readily accepted doctrine for those who seek answers to intractable personality disorders or 'bad luck' is that of externalising fault.

Where clerics deploy the concept of 'the enemy' as the cause of the sufferers' 'evil deeds' it is done (without cynicism) in the hopes of assisting the suffering and 'repentant' sinner to transcend his own personality by extricating him from guilt. This, in itself, is not an evil, nor does it necessarily require the confessor to actually believe in devils and demons.

But, yes, there is the risk that those 'healed' by such tactics (or believers in the frank existence of the devil) can find their personality issues manifest in other ways (like taking it on themselves to 'fight the devil' by causing harm to those they have determined are the 'devil incarnate' - as seen within American evangelism).

They can because they think they can... How, in the secular world, can we manifest Virgil's observation? How do we learn to believe we can without externalisation?

Religion is similar to a computer virus:

It's passed down to following generations by brain washing children.

Title: Re: Is Christian religion dying out?
Post by Yadda on Mar 9th, 2014 at 12:31pm

NorthOfNorth wrote on Mar 9th, 2014 at 12:08pm:

Bobby. wrote on Mar 9th, 2014 at 11:13am:

NorthOfNorth wrote on Mar 9th, 2014 at 10:48am:

Bobby. wrote on Mar 9th, 2014 at 10:31am:

NorthOfNorth wrote on Mar 9th, 2014 at 10:24am:

Bobby. wrote on Mar 9th, 2014 at 10:18am:
It's hard to believe that intelligent people at the head of the church still believe in:
angels, devils, satans, witches, goblins, leprechauns, elfs
ghosts,  heaven & hell

Are you so sure of that. The Catholic Church has been playing that down for decades. Most (if not all ) western Anglican clerics (senior and junior) are avowed agnostics.

Rubbish - the Pope &  his followers believe all that nonsense & a whole lot more.

e.g. turning cracker biscuits into the body of Christ & wine into his blood -
the list goes on & on.

It's all insane & it's time for the world to wake up.

P.S. - I forgot to mention miracles.

You're confusing solemn ritual with frank blind belief.

The Vatican particularly is highly sceptical (if not harbouring outright disbelief) in divine miracles. The devil is  never mentioned (except perhaps metaphorically). Sainthood in the Catholic Church is more akin to awarding a posthumous Victoria Cross for services rendered to humanity.

Its really only the weird and creepy American evangelical neo-Christianity that maintains a 14th century belief in these things.

Sorry for the truth -

the Pope &  his followers believe all that nonsense & a whole lot more.

There's no doubt that many Christians do believe that the devil frankly exists (i.e. is not just a metaphor for psychiatric conditions and predilections).

There's no doubt that nearly everybody (if not everybody) harbours a vestige of superstition... Touching wood, wearing lucky charms, chanting mantras, 'sending it out to the universe' et al... This phenomenon, I believe, will be part of the human condition forever...

Like the old Virgil quote - "They can because they think they can"...

Like how in the early 20th cent. many circumstances [of history] conspired to bring about the formation of the state of Israel ?

And how, despite many challenges throughout their history, today the Jewish people - defying all odds - have managed to create a great and productive nation for themselves - despite many attempts by their neighbours to undermine their achievements and security ?

"They can because they think they can"...

The Jewish people were able to create and to secure their Jewish state - purely because the Jewish people knew that they could accomplish that reality ?

Title: Re: Is Christian religion dying out?
Post by NorthOfNorth on Mar 9th, 2014 at 12:35pm

Bobby. wrote on Mar 9th, 2014 at 12:31pm:
Religion is similar to a computer virus:

It's passed down to following generations by brain washing children.

Superstition is the natural effect of fear of the unknown. It can manifest as religion, but, just as easily, it can manifest in vilification of the societal 'enemy within' - an imagined fifth column.

If you're prepared to be cynical about religious belief, you should equally be as cynical about the 'religion' of nationalism, 'patriotism' and the religion of 'cultural destiny' in the form of a cultural 'born to rule'.

Title: Re: Is Christian religion dying out?
Post by bobbythebat1 on Mar 9th, 2014 at 12:37pm
Yadda - you're another one who believes in religious nonsense.

How many of these do you believe in?

holy cracker biscuits that are Christ's body
holy wine that is his blood

You are forgiven


Title: Re: Is Christian religion dying out?
Post by Yadda on Mar 9th, 2014 at 12:44pm

NorthOfNorth wrote on Mar 9th, 2014 at 12:35pm:

Bobby. wrote on Mar 9th, 2014 at 12:31pm:
Religion is similar to a computer virus:

It's passed down to following generations by brain washing children.

Superstition is the natural effect of fear of the unknown. It can manifest as religion, but, just as easily, it can manifest in vilification of the societal 'enemy within' - an imagined fifth column.

If you're prepared to be cynical about religious belief, you should equally be as cynical about the 'religion' of nationalism, 'patriotism' and the religion of 'cultural destiny' in the form of a cultural 'born to rule'.

I am not in any disagreement, with what you have expressed, in that sentiment.

To me, a persons religious belief [his/her 'religion'] is how he/she lives his/her life [....being guided by what he/she believes].

What we do believe [about our 'reality'?], does guide out actions and our choices in life [........i believe].

Title: Re: Is Christian religion dying out?
Post by NorthOfNorth on Mar 9th, 2014 at 12:44pm

Yadda wrote on Mar 9th, 2014 at 12:31pm:
Like how in the early 20th cent. many circumstances [of history] conspired to bring about the formation of the state of Israel ?

And how, despite many challenges throughout their history, today the Jewish people - defying all odds - have managed to create a great and productive nation for themselves - despite many attempts by their neighbours to undermine their achievements and security ?

"They can because they think they can"...

The Jewish people were able to create and to secure their Jewish state - purely because the Jewish people knew that they could accomplish that reality ?

The history of Jews is an interesting example.

As far as the stories of the old testament are concerned, almost unanimously now, Jewish intelligentsia, accept that they have no basis in history... They are myths... In other words, the Jewish right to the land is based on fantasy.

As far as defending their right to exist in Israel is concerned, the argument is now not so much that the land was chosen for them (with the exception of the Ultra-Orthodox, who largely don't believe in the existence of Israel - believing only the coming of the Messiah in the flesh has the right to establish the state), but, having been vilified for thousands of years as the perennial fifth column in Europe, have little reason to trust Europeans with their lives within Europe. Nearly every nation in Europe has vilified, expelled or murdered them en masse. Even the 'great' religious reformer, Martin Luther, despised them and recommended their vilification and exile from Christendom.

Their insistence on their right to exist in Israel is almost entirely due to fear of being murdered than the mythical 'god of the Jews'.

Title: Re: Is Christian religion dying out?
Post by NorthOfNorth on Mar 9th, 2014 at 12:55pm

Yadda wrote on Mar 9th, 2014 at 12:44pm:

NorthOfNorth wrote on Mar 9th, 2014 at 12:35pm:

Bobby. wrote on Mar 9th, 2014 at 12:31pm:
Religion is similar to a computer virus:

It's passed down to following generations by brain washing children.

Superstition is the natural effect of fear of the unknown. It can manifest as religion, but, just as easily, it can manifest in vilification of the societal 'enemy within' - an imagined fifth column.

If you're prepared to be cynical about religious belief, you should equally be as cynical about the 'religion' of nationalism, 'patriotism' and the religion of 'cultural destiny' in the form of a cultural 'born to rule'.

I am not in any disagreement, with what you have expressed, in that sentiment.

To me, a persons religious belief [his/her 'religion'] is how he/she lives his/her life [....being guided by what he/she believes].

What we do believe [about our 'reality'?], does guide out actions and our choices in life [........i believe].

That's true. Secularism is largely bolstered by our innate sense of wonder (manifesting as a fascination with science). It does not necessarily assuage existential fears as much as distracts us from them.

This should not be seen as a denial, but paraphrasing of Virgil... "We can because we think we can know the universe". To quote Einstein's ironic observation - "The most incomprehensible thing about the world is that it is comprehensible."

Title: Re: Is Christian religion dying out?
Post by Yadda on Mar 9th, 2014 at 12:57pm

How many of these do you believe in?

angels, - YES!
devils, - YES! demons
Satan, - YES!
witches, ????? - i could be classed as a witch - but i don't call spirits, i worship God, and i seek him
goblins - more demons
leprechauns - more demon entities
elfs - more demons
miracles. - what is a miracle, except something an 'occurrence' we cannot explain - you want to witness a 'miracle' ? birth of a new child - watch the sun rise - embrace someone who you deeply love
ghosts, - YES!      [there was a ghost, an entity, in this [my] house, when i first came here]
heaven - YES!
hell - ??? - i believe that there will be an uncomfortable place of confinement for those who do not please God
holy cracker biscuits that are Christ's body - it is a psychic aid, for those who need its 'power'
holy wine that is his blood - it is a psychic aid, for those who need its 'power'
resurrections - YES!

You are forgiven


Title: Re: Is Christian religion dying out?
Post by Yadda on Mar 9th, 2014 at 1:05pm

NorthOfNorth wrote on Mar 9th, 2014 at 12:55pm:

Yadda wrote on Mar 9th, 2014 at 12:44pm:

NorthOfNorth wrote on Mar 9th, 2014 at 12:35pm:

Bobby. wrote on Mar 9th, 2014 at 12:31pm:
Religion is similar to a computer virus:

It's passed down to following generations by brain washing children.

Superstition is the natural effect of fear of the unknown. It can manifest as religion, but, just as easily, it can manifest in vilification of the societal 'enemy within' - an imagined fifth column.

If you're prepared to be cynical about religious belief, you should equally be as cynical about the 'religion' of nationalism, 'patriotism' and the religion of 'cultural destiny' in the form of a cultural 'born to rule'.

I am not in any disagreement, with what you have expressed, in that sentiment.

To me, a persons religious belief [his/her 'religion'] is how he/she lives his/her life [....being guided by what he/she believes].

What we do believe [about our 'reality'?], does guide out actions and our choices in life [........i believe].

That's true. Secularism is largely bolstered by our innate sense of wonder (manifesting as a fascination with science). It does not necessarily assuage existential fears as much as distracts us from them.

This should not be seen as a denial, but paraphrasing of Virgil... "We can because we think we can know the universe".

To quote Einstein's ironic observation - "The most incomprehensible thing about the world is that it is comprehensible."

I like.....

"It is my suspicion that the universe is not only stranger than we do imagine but it is stranger than we can imagine."
J.B.S.Haldane - biochemist

We are very 'clever monkeys', but not that clever [imo]!      [i.e. not clever enough, imo]

Title: Re: Is Christian religion dying out?
Post by NorthOfNorth on Mar 9th, 2014 at 1:06pm

Yadda wrote on Mar 9th, 2014 at 12:57pm:
miracles. - what is a miracle, except something an 'occurrence' we cannot explain - you want to witness a 'miracle' ? birth of a new child - watch the sun rise - embrace someone who you deeply love

You are avoiding the question with metaphor.

Everyone can accept that those things you mention are 'miracles' in the metaphoric sense.

Title: Re: Is Christian religion dying out?
Post by Yadda on Mar 9th, 2014 at 1:09pm

NorthOfNorth wrote on Mar 9th, 2014 at 12:44pm:

Yadda wrote on Mar 9th, 2014 at 12:31pm:
Like how in the early 20th cent. many circumstances [of history] conspired to bring about the formation of the state of Israel ?

And how, despite many challenges throughout their history, today the Jewish people - defying all odds - have managed to create a great and productive nation for themselves - despite many attempts by their neighbours to undermine their achievements and security ?

"They can because they think they can"...

The Jewish people were able to create and to secure their Jewish state - purely because the Jewish people knew that they could accomplish that reality ?

The history of Jews is an interesting example.

As far as the stories of the old testament are concerned, almost unanimously now, Jewish intelligentsia, accept that they have no basis in history... They are myths... In other words, the Jewish right to the land is based on fantasy.

As far as defending their right to exist in Israel is concerned, the argument is now not so much that the land was chosen for them (with the exception of the Ultra-Orthodox, who largely don't believe in the existence of Israel - believing only the coming of the Messiah in the flesh has the right to establish the state), but, having been vilified for thousands of years as the perennial fifth column in Europe, have little reason to trust Europeans with their lives within Europe. Nearly every nation in Europe has vilified, expelled or murdered them en masse. Even the 'great' religious reformer, Martin Luther, despised them and recommended their vilification and exile from Christendom.

Their insistence on their right to exist in Israel is almost entirely due to fear of being murdered than the mythical 'god of the Jews'.

Jews today [some, many?] don't believe in God.

Its an opinion.       ;D

Title: Re: Is Christian religion dying out?
Post by NorthOfNorth on Mar 9th, 2014 at 1:12pm

Yadda wrote on Mar 9th, 2014 at 1:09pm:

NorthOfNorth wrote on Mar 9th, 2014 at 12:44pm:

Yadda wrote on Mar 9th, 2014 at 12:31pm:
Like how in the early 20th cent. many circumstances [of history] conspired to bring about the formation of the state of Israel ?

And how, despite many challenges throughout their history, today the Jewish people - defying all odds - have managed to create a great and productive nation for themselves - despite many attempts by their neighbours to undermine their achievements and security ?

"They can because they think they can"...

The Jewish people were able to create and to secure their Jewish state - purely because the Jewish people knew that they could accomplish that reality ?

The history of Jews is an interesting example.

As far as the stories of the old testament are concerned, almost unanimously now, Jewish intelligentsia, accept that they have no basis in history... They are myths... In other words, the Jewish right to the land is based on fantasy.

As far as defending their right to exist in Israel is concerned, the argument is now not so much that the land was chosen for them (with the exception of the Ultra-Orthodox, who largely don't believe in the existence of Israel - believing only the coming of the Messiah in the flesh has the right to establish the state), but, having been vilified for thousands of years as the perennial fifth column in Europe, have little reason to trust Europeans with their lives within Europe. Nearly every nation in Europe has vilified, expelled or murdered them en masse. Even the 'great' religious reformer, Martin Luther, despised them and recommended their vilification and exile from Christendom.

Their insistence on their right to exist in Israel is almost entirely due to fear of being murdered than the mythical 'god of the Jews'.

Jews today [some, many?] don't believe in God.

Its an opinion.       ;D

I think they subscribe to the ritual of being Jewish without the need to be 'god'-like and therefore much less burdened by frank belief than Christians who are burdened with striving to be Christ-like (an impossible feat when Christ is in effect a mythical god).

Title: Re: Is Christian religion dying out?
Post by NorthOfNorth on Mar 9th, 2014 at 1:18pm

Yadda wrote on Mar 9th, 2014 at 1:05pm:
I like.....

"It is my suspicion that the universe is not only stranger than we do imagine but it is stranger than we can imagine."
J.B.S.Haldane - biochemist

Yes, the kind of statement from one who is so enamoured by wonder that he does not want to imagine an end to it...

True wonder is a childlike emotion (not childish).

I'd say the odds of its being totally imaginable are small.

Title: Re: Is Christian religion dying out?
Post by Yadda on Mar 9th, 2014 at 1:30pm

NorthOfNorth wrote on Mar 9th, 2014 at 1:06pm:

Yadda wrote on Mar 9th, 2014 at 12:57pm:
miracles. - what is a miracle, except something an 'occurrence' we cannot explain - you want to witness a 'miracle' ? birth of a new child - watch the sun rise - embrace someone who you deeply love

You are avoiding the question with metaphor.

Everyone can accept that those things you mention are 'miracles' in the metaphoric sense.

Let me express it this way;

I believe in 'supernatural' things, in the sense that man doesn't have the [intellectual?] capacity to understand what is happening about him.     [....and i include myself in that description of man's 'capacities']

I believe God, i trust God.

I trust that God, has my best interests at heart, because i firmly believe that God loves me.

Do i believe the account of the events of Exodus 14 ?


Do i believe the account of the events of Daniel 3 ?


Do i believe that the spirit of God can raise a man from the dead ?


"....And he said unto him, If they hear not Moses and the prophets, neither will they be persuaded, though one rose from the dead."
Luke 16:31

Title: Re: Is Christian religion dying out?
Post by NorthOfNorth on Mar 9th, 2014 at 1:37pm

Yadda wrote on Mar 9th, 2014 at 1:30pm:

NorthOfNorth wrote on Mar 9th, 2014 at 1:06pm:

Yadda wrote on Mar 9th, 2014 at 12:57pm:
miracles. - what is a miracle, except something an 'occurrence' we cannot explain - you want to witness a 'miracle' ? birth of a new child - watch the sun rise - embrace someone who you deeply love

You are avoiding the question with metaphor.

Everyone can accept that those things you mention are 'miracles' in the metaphoric sense.

Let me express it this way;

I believe in 'supernatural' things, in the sense that man doesn't have the [intellectual?] capacity to understand what is happening about him.     [....and i include myself in that description of man's 'capacities']

And in that you are probably one with all of us. 'Supernatural' as a metaphor for the unexplained... Totally congruent with secular thinking.

Yadda wrote on Mar 9th, 2014 at 1:30pm:
Do i believe the account of the events of Exodus 14 ?


Do i believe the account of the events of Daniel 3 ?


Do i believe that the spirit of God can raise a man from the dead ?


You are at odds with Jewish modern thinking (who have a much more powerful existential reason for discovering the literal truth of these myths than you or I can possibly imagine).

Title: Re: Is Christian religion dying out?
Post by Yadda on Mar 9th, 2014 at 1:57pm

NorthOfNorth wrote on Mar 9th, 2014 at 1:12pm:

Yadda wrote on Mar 9th, 2014 at 1:09pm:
Jews today [some, many?] don't believe in God.

Its an opinion.       ;D

I think they subscribe to the ritual of being Jewish without the need to be 'god'-like and therefore much less burdened by frank belief than Christians who are burdened with striving to be Christ-like (an impossible feat when Christ is in effect a mythical god).

Not really.

The same God.

The spirit which was in Jesus, in the flesh, was the same spirit.

John 10:31
Then the Jews took up stones again to stone him.
32  Jesus answered them, Many good works have I shewed you from my Father; for which of those works do ye stone me?
33  The Jews answered him, saying, For a good work we stone thee not; but for blasphemy; and because that thou, being a man, makest thyself God.
34  Jesus answered them, Is it not written in your law, I said, Ye are gods?
35  If he called them gods, unto whom the word of God came, and the scripture cannot be broken;
36  Say ye of him, whom the Father hath sanctified, and sent into the world, Thou blasphemest; because I said, I am the Son of God?
37  If I do not the works of my Father, believe me not.
38  But if I do, though ye believe not me, believe the works: that ye may know, and believe, that the Father is in me, and I in him.i+++

But i know that it offends some people, the thought that there is a God.

[while i am in this body....] I see the same world, the very same reality, which you see.

John 1:1
In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
14  And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth.

John 8:56
Your father Abraham rejoiced to see my day: and he saw it, and was glad.
57  Then said the Jews unto him, Thou art not yet fifty years old, and hast thou seen Abraham?
58  Jesus said unto them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, Before Abraham was, I am.
59  Then took they up stones to cast at him:...

John 10:30
I and my Father are one.

John 4:24
God is a Spirit:...

John 14:8
Philip saith unto him, Lord, shew us the Father, and it sufficeth us.
9  Jesus saith unto him, Have I been so long time with you, and yet hast thou not known me, Philip? he that hath seen me hath seen the Father; and how sayest thou then, Shew us the Father?

The spirit, the God, that led the Hebrews out of Egypt......

1 Corinthians 10:1
Moreover, brethren, I would not that ye should be ignorant, how that all our fathers were under the cloud, and all passed through the sea;
2  And were all baptized unto Moses in the cloud and in the sea;
3  And did all eat the same spiritual meat;
4  And did all drink the same spiritual drink: for they drank of that spiritual Rock that followed them: and that Rock was Christ.

Title: Re: Is Christian religion dying out?
Post by NorthOfNorth on Mar 9th, 2014 at 2:01pm

Yadda wrote on Mar 9th, 2014 at 1:57pm:

NorthOfNorth wrote on Mar 9th, 2014 at 1:12pm:

Yadda wrote on Mar 9th, 2014 at 1:09pm:
Jews today [some, many?] don't believe in God.

Its an opinion.       ;D

I think they subscribe to the ritual of being Jewish without the need to be 'god'-like and therefore much less burdened by frank belief than Christians who are burdened with striving to be Christ-like (an impossible feat when Christ is in effect a mythical god).

Not really.

The same God.

Convoluted and unnecessary theology where being burdened with being Christ-like is concerned. It's a much more powerful call to goodness (being Christ-like) with Jesus divorced from his own divinity.

Title: Re: Is Christian religion dying out?
Post by bobbythebat1 on Mar 9th, 2014 at 2:47pm

Yadda wrote on Mar 9th, 2014 at 12:57pm:
How many of these do you believe in?

angels, - YES!
devils, - YES! demons
Satan, - YES!
witches, ????? - i could be classed as a witch - but i don't call spirits, i worship God, and i seek him
goblins - more demons
leprechauns - more demon entities
elfs - more demons
miracles. - what is a miracle, except something an 'occurrence' we cannot explain - you want to witness a 'miracle' ? birth of a new child - watch the sun rise - embrace someone who you deeply love
ghosts, - YES!      [there was a ghost, an entity, in this [my] house, when i first came here]
heaven - YES!
hell - ??? - i believe that there will be an uncomfortable place of confinement for those who do not please God
holy cracker biscuits that are Christ's body - it is a psychic aid, for those who need its 'power'
holy wine that is his blood - it is a psychic aid, for those who need its 'power'
resurrections - YES!

You are forgiven


forgiven for being a brainwashed superstitious fool.


Title: Re: Is Christian religion dying out?
Post by Yadda on Mar 9th, 2014 at 2:49pm

NorthOfNorth wrote on Mar 9th, 2014 at 2:01pm:

Yadda wrote on Mar 9th, 2014 at 1:57pm:

NorthOfNorth wrote on Mar 9th, 2014 at 1:12pm:

Yadda wrote on Mar 9th, 2014 at 1:09pm:
Jews today [some, many?] don't believe in God.

Its an opinion.       ;D

I think they subscribe to the ritual of being Jewish without the need to be 'god'-like and therefore much less burdened by frank belief than Christians who are burdened with striving to be Christ-like (an impossible feat when Christ is in effect a mythical god).

Not really.

The same God.

Convoluted and unnecessary theology where being burdened with being Christ-like is concerned. It's a much more powerful call to goodness (being Christ-like) with Jesus divorced from his own divinity.

If the Jesus of scripture is real.

Then he was a perfect man [that is, a perfectly good man], who came to live among imperfect men.

And he was a perfect man, that was murdered/killed by the imperfect men he came to live among.

Poignant, when we meditate about what the actions of those men, says about all of us.

Deeply flawed.

"....Christians who are burdened with striving to be Christ-like (an impossible feat...."

God, our creator declares, that he can heal us.

But, do we want to be, 'Christ-like' ?

God has said, [that in our walk] we do not have to [successfully] be 'Christ-like'.

We only have to demonstrate to him, that we want to be 'Christ-like'.

Most of us are content, to be like those who murdered God.


Title: Re: Is Christian religion dying out?
Post by bobbythebat1 on Mar 9th, 2014 at 2:59pm
Dear Yadda,
This is the ultimate result of your superstition:


The Roman Catholic Inquisition was one of the greatest disasters ever to befall mankind. In the name of Jesus Christ, Catholic priests mounted an enormous effort to kill all "heretics" in Europe and Britain. Heretics is defined whichever way Rome wanted it defined; it ranged from people who disagreed with official policy, to Hermetic Philosophers [Black Magick Practitioners], to Jews, to Witches, and to the Protestant reformers.

Title: Re: Is Christian religion dying out?
Post by NorthOfNorth on Mar 9th, 2014 at 3:00pm

Yadda wrote on Mar 9th, 2014 at 2:49pm:
If the Jesus of scripture is real.

Then he was a perfect man [that is, a perfectly good man], who came to live among imperfect men.

And he was a perfect man, that was murdered/killed by the imperfect men he came to live among.

Poignant, when we meditate about what the actions of those men, says about all of us.

Deeply flawed.

Divorced from divinity (and miracles), Jesus doesn't need to be so perfect.

A Jesus theology which does not include divinity (which, remember, was conferred on him by the Council of Nicea), could even be adopted by secularists, given that there are no records of his sexual (or otherwise) peccadillos that plagued Gandhi, MLK and even Mandela - Modern day Christ-like figures whose 'perfection' grows more 'true' year by year.

Title: Re: Is Christian religion dying out?
Post by NorthOfNorth on Mar 9th, 2014 at 3:02pm

Bobby. wrote on Mar 9th, 2014 at 2:59pm:
Dear Yadda,
This is the ultimate result of your superstition:


The Roman Catholic Inquisition was one of the greatest disasters ever to befall mankind. In the name of Jesus Christ, Catholic priests mounted an enormous effort to kill all "heretics" in Europe and Britain. Heretics is defined whichever way Rome wanted it defined; it ranged from people who disagreed with official policy, to Hermetic Philosophers [Black Magick Practitioners], to Jews, to Witches, and to the Protestant reformers.

Protestants of that era weren't any better. Martin Luther led the way with his Jew-hate.

Title: Re: Is Christian religion dying out?
Post by bobbythebat1 on Mar 9th, 2014 at 3:49pm

NorthOfNorth wrote on Mar 9th, 2014 at 3:02pm:

Bobby. wrote on Mar 9th, 2014 at 2:59pm:
Dear Yadda,
This is the ultimate result of your superstition:


The Roman Catholic Inquisition was one of the greatest disasters ever to befall mankind. In the name of Jesus Christ, Catholic priests mounted an enormous effort to kill all "heretics" in Europe and Britain. Heretics is defined whichever way Rome wanted it defined; it ranged from people who disagreed with official policy, to Hermetic Philosophers [Black Magick Practitioners], to Jews, to Witches, and to the Protestant reformers.

Protestants of that era weren't any better. Martin Luther led the way with his Jew-hate.

True - the whole of Europe was full of crazy religious nutcases.

Unfortunately there seems to be a revival of them.

Title: Re: Is Christian religion dying out?
Post by Herbert on Mar 9th, 2014 at 3:56pm
Religion will always be with us, no matter how dictatorships try to stamp it out. It's like phosphorus ~ you can't keep it in a jar forever. It only needs exposure to the air before it burst into flames again.

The best we can hope for is to ensure that the various religions don't ascend to political control over our western societies as they once did to horrific effect.

Title: Re: Is Christian religion dying out?
Post by NorthOfNorth on Mar 9th, 2014 at 3:58pm

Bobby. wrote on Mar 9th, 2014 at 3:49pm:

NorthOfNorth wrote on Mar 9th, 2014 at 3:02pm:

Bobby. wrote on Mar 9th, 2014 at 2:59pm:
Dear Yadda,
This is the ultimate result of your superstition:


The Roman Catholic Inquisition was one of the greatest disasters ever to befall mankind. In the name of Jesus Christ, Catholic priests mounted an enormous effort to kill all "heretics" in Europe and Britain. Heretics is defined whichever way Rome wanted it defined; it ranged from people who disagreed with official policy, to Hermetic Philosophers [Black Magick Practitioners], to Jews, to Witches, and to the Protestant reformers.

Protestants of that era weren't any better. Martin Luther led the way with his Jew-hate.

True - the whole of Europe was full of crazy religious nutcases.

Unfortunately there seems to be a revival of them.

The neo-Christian medieval revival has its home in the US. Easily the creepiest and most pernicious of all Christian sects... Beating many time over the (relatively miniscule) isolationist Christian sects (i.e. closed brethren and not counting Mennonites and Amish).

Title: Re: Is Christian religion dying out?
Post by muso on Mar 9th, 2014 at 4:04pm

Bobby. wrote on Mar 9th, 2014 at 3:49pm:
True - the whole of Europe was full of crazy religious nutcases.

Unfortunately there seems to be a revival of them.

Particularly those of the fervent atheistic kind.

It goes beyond decency to sermonise about other people's personal beliefs. Live and let live. 

Title: Re: Is Christian religion dying out?
Post by bobbythebat1 on Mar 9th, 2014 at 4:16pm

muso wrote on Mar 9th, 2014 at 4:04pm:

Bobby. wrote on Mar 9th, 2014 at 3:49pm:
True - the whole of Europe was full of crazy religious nutcases.

Unfortunately there seems to be a revival of them.

Particularly those of the fervent atheistic kind.

It goes beyond decency to sermonise about other people's personal beliefs. Live and let live. 

Dear Muso,
I ideology of Nazism was rejected by the world because of what the Nazis did.

Somehow the world seems to forget about what the ideology of religion led to.
It's presumed as being ok for some unknown reason & to
even question it is considered  wrong & the usual
reason is that it's not respecting someone else's beliefs.

We don't respect Nazi beliefs.



Title: Re: Is Christian religion dying out?
Post by NorthOfNorth on Mar 9th, 2014 at 4:18pm

Lord Herbert wrote on Mar 9th, 2014 at 3:56pm:
Religion will always be with us, no matter how dictatorships try to stamp it out. It's like phosphorus ~ you can't keep it in a jar forever. It only needs exposure to the air before it burst into flames again.

The best we can hope for is to ensure that the various religions don't ascend to political control over our western societies as they once did to horrific effect.

The next great (quasi) 'religion' to  ascend to political control over our western societies is (as Tariq Ali coined) the 'extreme centre' (the extreme left and right having been discredited).

Title: Re: Is Christian religion dying out?
Post by NorthOfNorth on Mar 9th, 2014 at 4:20pm

Bobby. wrote on Mar 9th, 2014 at 4:16pm:

muso wrote on Mar 9th, 2014 at 4:04pm:

Bobby. wrote on Mar 9th, 2014 at 3:49pm:
True - the whole of Europe was full of crazy religious nutcases.

Unfortunately there seems to be a revival of them.

Particularly those of the fervent atheistic kind.

It goes beyond decency to sermonise about other people's personal beliefs. Live and let live. 

Dear Muso,
I ideology of Nazism was rejected by the world because of what the Nazis did.

Somehow the world seems to forget about what the ideology of religion led to.
It's presumed as being ok for some unknown reason & to
even question it is considered  wrong & the usual
reason is that it's not respecting someone else's beliefs.

We don't respect Nazi beliefs.



Funny, though, it turns out most wars that have been fought are not of a religious nature, they are in the cause of settling the affairs of Kings, blatant land grabs, military adventurism or ethnic hatred.

Title: Re: Is Christian religion dying out?
Post by muso on Mar 9th, 2014 at 4:40pm

Bobby. wrote on Mar 9th, 2014 at 4:16pm:

muso wrote on Mar 9th, 2014 at 4:04pm:

Bobby. wrote on Mar 9th, 2014 at 3:49pm:
True - the whole of Europe was full of crazy religious nutcases.

Unfortunately there seems to be a revival of them.

Particularly those of the fervent atheistic kind.

It goes beyond decency to sermonise about other people's personal beliefs. Live and let live. 

Dear Muso,
I ideology of Nazism was rejected by the world because of what the Nazis did.

Somehow the world seems to forget about what the ideology of religion led to.
It's presumed as being ok for some unknown reason & to
even question it is considered  wrong & the usual
reason is that it's not respecting someone else's beliefs.

We don't respect Nazi beliefs.



It's a non sequitur. Nazism was a consequence of fervent nationalism plus some greed and arrogance. Just because Hitler was Christian is irrelevent. Most of the major combatants in Europe at that time were Christian. You could just as well argue that the allied victory against Hitler was inspired by Christianity. Some did.

Nazi Germany formed an alliance with Japan. The religious perspective was largely irrelevent. 

Title: Re: Is Christian religion dying out?
Post by bobbythebat1 on Mar 9th, 2014 at 4:46pm

muso wrote on Mar 9th, 2014 at 4:40pm:

Bobby. wrote on Mar 9th, 2014 at 4:16pm:

muso wrote on Mar 9th, 2014 at 4:04pm:

Bobby. wrote on Mar 9th, 2014 at 3:49pm:
True - the whole of Europe was full of crazy religious nutcases.

Unfortunately there seems to be a revival of them.

Particularly those of the fervent atheistic kind.

It goes beyond decency to sermonise about other people's personal beliefs. Live and let live. 

Dear Muso,
I ideology of Nazism was rejected by the world because of what the Nazis did.

Somehow the world seems to forget about what the ideology of religion led to.
It's presumed as being ok for some unknown reason & to
even question it is considered  wrong & the usual
reason is that it's not respecting someone else's beliefs.

We don't respect Nazi beliefs.



It's a non sequitur. Nazism was a consequence of fervent nationalism plus some greed and arrogance. Just because Hitler was Christian is irrelevent. Most of the major combatants in Europe at that time were Christian. You could just as well argue that the allied victory against Hitler was inspired by Christianity. Some did.

Nazi Germany formed an alliance with Japan. The religious perspective was largely irrelevent. 

I referred to dangerous ideology.

Title: Re: Is Christian religion dying out?
Post by muso on Mar 9th, 2014 at 8:02pm

Bobby. wrote on Mar 9th, 2014 at 4:46pm:
I referred to dangerous ideology.

Right, so you were just playing the Hitler card.

Title: Re: Is Christian religion dying out?
Post by bobbythebat1 on Mar 9th, 2014 at 9:10pm

muso wrote on Mar 9th, 2014 at 8:02pm:

Bobby. wrote on Mar 9th, 2014 at 4:46pm:
I referred to dangerous ideology.

Right, so you were just playing the Hitler card.

It's a very good analogy -
both ideologies were responsible for mass murder of innocent people.

Title: Re: Is Christian religion dying out?
Post by NorthOfNorth on Mar 9th, 2014 at 11:35pm

Bobby. wrote on Mar 9th, 2014 at 9:10pm:

muso wrote on Mar 9th, 2014 at 8:02pm:

Bobby. wrote on Mar 9th, 2014 at 4:46pm:
I referred to dangerous ideology.

Right, so you were just playing the Hitler card.

It's a very good analogy -
both ideologies were responsible for mass murder of innocent people.

Then you'd have to include democracy in your list of 'evil' 'murderous ideologies then, wouldn't you... Vietnam, Cambodia, Iraq, Mosaddegh's Iran, Allende's Chile...

Reductio ad Hitlerum must only be deployed with caution and skill.

Title: Re: Is Christian religion dying out?
Post by Frances on Mar 9th, 2014 at 11:50pm
Is religion dying out?  I think not.  Yes, there are less people attending Church, but that is largely because it has become acceptable not to attend, unlike decades ago when most people would go just to keep up appearances, and that what is happening now is that only the faithful are attending Church.

Numbers may be down in the West, but the Church is growing rapidly in Africa and Asia and is holding its own in Latin America.

Title: Re: Is Christian religion dying out?
Post by bobbythebat1 on Mar 10th, 2014 at 12:11am

NorthOfNorth wrote on Mar 9th, 2014 at 11:35pm:

Bobby. wrote on Mar 9th, 2014 at 9:10pm:

muso wrote on Mar 9th, 2014 at 8:02pm:

Bobby. wrote on Mar 9th, 2014 at 4:46pm:
I referred to dangerous ideology.

Right, so you were just playing the Hitler card.

It's a very good analogy -
both ideologies were responsible for mass murder of innocent people.

Then you'd have to include democracy in your list of 'evil' 'murderous ideologies then, wouldn't you... Vietnam, Cambodia, Iraq, Mosaddegh's Iran, Allende's Chile...

Reductio ad Hitlerum must only be deployed with caution and skill.

Except that the church was worse than all of them.

Inquisition_9_Anal_Torture_012.jpg (90 KB | 42 )

Title: Re: Is Christian religion dying out?
Post by Winston Smith on Mar 10th, 2014 at 2:32am
We all know the difference between right and wrong don't we?

Title: Re: Is Christian religion dying out?
Post by skippy. on Mar 10th, 2014 at 5:40am
Religion is at the root of most of the worlds problems. All these people that believe in these weird cults called religions are holding back progress. The sooner leaders of the world like the USA president don't have to pretend there are fairies in the sky in order to be elected the better. Look at the loonies who genuinely do believe, like Sarah Palin, she wants to start WW3.

Title: Re: Is Christian religion dying out?
Post by NorthOfNorth on Mar 10th, 2014 at 6:56am

Bobby. wrote on Mar 10th, 2014 at 12:11am:

NorthOfNorth wrote on Mar 9th, 2014 at 11:35pm:

Bobby. wrote on Mar 9th, 2014 at 9:10pm:

muso wrote on Mar 9th, 2014 at 8:02pm:

Bobby. wrote on Mar 9th, 2014 at 4:46pm:
I referred to dangerous ideology.

Right, so you were just playing the Hitler card.

It's a very good analogy -
both ideologies were responsible for mass murder of innocent people.

Then you'd have to include democracy in your list of 'evil' 'murderous ideologies then, wouldn't you... Vietnam, Cambodia, Iraq, Mosaddegh's Iran, Allende's Chile...

Reductio ad Hitlerum must only be deployed with caution and skill.

Except that the church was worse than all of them.

Emperors and secular idealists were the worst in terms of numbers.

Religious belief was, until recently, the basis upon which all human reasoning was founded... Superstition being fundamental to human nature.

Why did the Church censure Galileo? Ecclesiastical power was only part of the answer... The social upheaval that refutation of the Bible would have (and did eventually cause) was a fear that was shared by the church and state. Kings in Europe ruled by the grace of God conferring on them their natural rights and legitimacy to rule... If the text from which they gained this legitimacy was undermined it would not only be Popes and Cardinals who stood to lose everything including rights, throne and life.

Title: Re: Is Christian religion dying out?
Post by NorthOfNorth on Mar 10th, 2014 at 7:00am

Winston Smith wrote on Mar 10th, 2014 at 2:32am:
We all know the difference between right and wrong don't we?

What is the difference?

Title: Re: Is Christian religion dying out?
Post by NorthOfNorth on Mar 10th, 2014 at 7:03am

skippy. wrote on Mar 10th, 2014 at 5:40am:
Religion is at the root of most of the worlds problems. All these people that believe in these weird cults called religions are holding back progress. The sooner leaders of the world like the USA president don't have to pretend there are fairies in the sky in order to be elected the better. Look at the loonies who genuinely do believe, like Sarah Palin, she wants to start WW3.

I think that is true in the Middle East, parts of Asia and the United States all of which contain a significant number of believers with a 16th century religious mindset.

Title: Re: Is Christian religion dying out?
Post by bobbythebat1 on Mar 10th, 2014 at 7:49am

Title: Re: Is Christian religion dying out?
Post by NorthOfNorth on Mar 10th, 2014 at 8:01am

Bobby. wrote on Mar 10th, 2014 at 7:49am:

An American speaking from within the milieu of US neo-Christianity...

Don't you think political rhetoric is many times over greater bullsh!t and consistently peddled out to a population that risks police persecution if it attempts to uncover the truth (Assange, Snowden for example)?

Try to publish or obtain something that the political 'clerics' have arbitrarily deemed 'not in the national interest'.

Look what the Howard government did to Hicks when Blair was able to secure the release of all British citizens.

What did high profile American politicians say of Assange/ That he was a traitor (??? He's not even American)... That he should be executed without trial!!

Even makes US neo-Christianity tame.

Title: Re: Is Christian religion dying out?
Post by bobbythebat1 on Mar 10th, 2014 at 8:08am

NorthOfNorth wrote on Mar 10th, 2014 at 8:01am:

Bobby. wrote on Mar 10th, 2014 at 7:49am:

An American speaking from within the milieu of US neo-Christianity...

Don't you think political rhetoric is many times over greater bullsh!t and consistently peddled out to a population that risks police persecution if it attempts to uncover the truth (Assange, Snowden for example)?

Try to publish or obtain something that the political 'clerics' have arbitrarily deemed 'not in the national interest'.

Look what the Howard government did to Hicks when Blair was able to secure the release of all British citizens.

What did high profile American politicians say of Assange/ That he was a traitor (??? He's not even American)... That he should be executed without trial!!

Even makes US neo-Christianity tame.

Yes & still - religion is dying out in the West.
The Catholic church especially - has trouble finding new priests.
They are closing down many churches as no one turns up.

Title: Re: Is Christian religion dying out?
Post by NorthOfNorth on Mar 10th, 2014 at 8:15am

Bobby. wrote on Mar 10th, 2014 at 8:08am:
Yes & still - religion is dying out in the West.
The Catholic church especially - has trouble finding new priests.
They are closing down many churches as no one turns up.

Maybe those once would-be priests are turning up in state departments and security agencies where they influence political opinion by encouraging unwarranted surveillance and arrests without trial...

What did the Spanish Inquisition become? The CIA, MI5, ASIO etc...

Title: Re: Is Christian religion dying out?
Post by bobbythebat1 on Mar 10th, 2014 at 8:19am

NorthOfNorth wrote on Mar 10th, 2014 at 8:15am:

Bobby. wrote on Mar 10th, 2014 at 8:08am:
Yes & still - religion is dying out in the West.
The Catholic church especially - has trouble finding new priests.
They are closing down many churches as no one turns up.

Maybe those once would-be priests are turning up in state departments and security agencies where they influence political opinion by encouraging unwarranted surveillance and arrests without trial...

What did the Spanish Inquisition become? The CIA, MI5, ASIO etc...

Will the Inquisition return?

Title: Re: Is Christian religion dying out?
Post by NorthOfNorth on Mar 10th, 2014 at 8:32am

Bobby. wrote on Mar 10th, 2014 at 8:19am:

NorthOfNorth wrote on Mar 10th, 2014 at 8:15am:

Bobby. wrote on Mar 10th, 2014 at 8:08am:
Yes & still - religion is dying out in the West.
The Catholic church especially - has trouble finding new priests.
They are closing down many churches as no one turns up.

Maybe those once would-be priests are turning up in state departments and security agencies where they influence political opinion by encouraging unwarranted surveillance and arrests without trial...

What did the Spanish Inquisition become? The CIA, MI5, ASIO etc...

Will the Inquisition return?

It has.

The US President (although restricted by constitution from endorsing any religion) regularly invokes the name of (the Christian) god and wields secular power the likes of which the world has never seen. He is as close to a Caesar - in fact a greater one that has ever existed.

Bush probably held as many prayer meetings as the Pope.

Obama regularly persecutes 'whistleblowers' who threaten his 'infallibility'...

Popes and Presidents... Only their mothers can tell them apart.

Title: Re: Is Christian religion dying out?
Post by bobbythebat1 on Mar 10th, 2014 at 8:34am
They are not doing this yet:

Inquisition_13_Burning_011.jpg (30 KB | 33 )

Title: Re: Is Christian religion dying out?
Post by NorthOfNorth on Mar 10th, 2014 at 8:37am

Bobby. wrote on Mar 10th, 2014 at 8:34am:
They are not doing this yet:

Try 10 years in Guantanamo in camp X-Ray without trial.

Remember 'Collateral Murder'.

Drone strikes...

They're not doing what again?

Title: Re: Is Christian religion dying out?
Post by bobbythebat1 on Mar 10th, 2014 at 8:41am
You have a point.

Torture_chamber3_005.jpg (114 KB | 44 )

Title: Re: Is Christian religion dying out?
Post by Yadda on Mar 10th, 2014 at 9:30am

Bobby. wrote on Mar 10th, 2014 at 8:08am:

NorthOfNorth wrote on Mar 10th, 2014 at 8:01am:

Bobby. wrote on Mar 10th, 2014 at 7:49am:

An American speaking from within the milieu of US neo-Christianity...

Don't you think political rhetoric is many times over greater bullsh!t and consistently peddled out to a population that risks police persecution if it attempts to uncover the truth (Assange, Snowden for example)?

Try to publish or obtain something that the political 'clerics' have arbitrarily deemed 'not in the national interest'.

Look what the Howard government did to Hicks when Blair was able to secure the release of all British citizens.

What did high profile American politicians say of Assange/ That he was a traitor (??? He's not even American)... That he should be executed without trial!!

Even makes US neo-Christianity tame.

Yes & still - religion is dying out in the West.
The Catholic church especially - has trouble finding new priests.
They are closing down many churches as no one turns up.


And e.g. in the UK, many of those churches [church buildings] which have been closed, have been acquired by local moslems, and converted into mosques.

It would seem that many people in the West are 'swapping out' one religion, in exchange for another religion ?

Title: Re: Is Christian religion dying out?
Post by Frances on Mar 10th, 2014 at 9:32am

NorthOfNorth wrote on Mar 10th, 2014 at 8:37am:

Bobby. wrote on Mar 10th, 2014 at 8:34am:
They are not doing this yet:

Try 10 years in Guantanamo in camp X-Ray without trial.

Remember 'Collateral Murder'.

Drone strikes...

They're not doing what again?

What does that have to do with religion?

Title: Re: Is Christian religion dying out?
Post by Yadda on Mar 10th, 2014 at 9:38am

Bobby. wrote on Mar 10th, 2014 at 8:19am:

NorthOfNorth wrote on Mar 10th, 2014 at 8:15am:

Bobby. wrote on Mar 10th, 2014 at 8:08am:
Yes & still - religion is dying out in the West.
The Catholic church especially - has trouble finding new priests.
They are closing down many churches as no one turns up.

Maybe those once would-be priests are turning up in state departments and security agencies where they influence political opinion by encouraging unwarranted surveillance and arrests without trial...

What did the Spanish Inquisition become? The CIA, MI5, ASIO etc...

Will the Inquisition return?


Your guess, is as good as mine ?


London - the new religious clergy, of the 21 century ?


"Slay those who insult Islam"
"Behead those who insult Islam"
"Massacre those who insult Islam"
"Butcher those who mock Islam"

"Europe you will pay, demolition is on its way"
"Europe you will pay, extermination is on its way"
"Exterminate those who slander Islam"
"Europe is the cancer, Islam is the answer"
"Islam will dominate the world"
"Freedom go to hell"
"Europe take some lessons from 9/11"
"Be prepared for the real Holocaust"
"BBC = British Blasphemic Crusaders"


Sydney CBD, 2012 - "...religion is dying out in the West." - bobbythebat1

Title: Re: Is Christian religion dying out?
Post by NorthOfNorth on Mar 10th, 2014 at 9:38am

Bobby. wrote on Mar 10th, 2014 at 8:41am:
You have a point.

Yes, I think I do.

Title: Re: Is Christian religion dying out?
Post by NorthOfNorth on Mar 10th, 2014 at 9:39am

Frances wrote on Mar 10th, 2014 at 9:32am:

NorthOfNorth wrote on Mar 10th, 2014 at 8:37am:

Bobby. wrote on Mar 10th, 2014 at 8:34am:
They are not doing this yet:

Try 10 years in Guantanamo in camp X-Ray without trial.

Remember 'Collateral Murder'.

Drone strikes...

They're not doing what again?

What does that have to do with religion?

Human inhumanity can manifest in religion and politics... Wherever power is concentrated.

Title: Re: Is Christian religion dying out?
Post by bobbythebat1 on Mar 10th, 2014 at 9:40am

NorthOfNorth wrote on Mar 10th, 2014 at 9:38am:

Bobby. wrote on Mar 10th, 2014 at 8:41am:
You have a point.

Yes, I think I do.

Yes - torture is back.

Torture_Devices_002.jpg (41 KB | 38 )

Title: Re: Is Christian religion dying out?
Post by Yadda on Mar 10th, 2014 at 9:45am

NorthOfNorth wrote on Mar 10th, 2014 at 9:39am:

Frances wrote on Mar 10th, 2014 at 9:32am:

NorthOfNorth wrote on Mar 10th, 2014 at 8:37am:

Bobby. wrote on Mar 10th, 2014 at 8:34am:
They are not doing this yet:

Try 10 years in Guantanamo in camp X-Ray without trial.

Remember 'Collateral Murder'.

Drone strikes...

They're not doing what again?

What does that have to do with religion?

Human inhumanity can manifest in religion and politics...

Wherever power is concentrated.

Seems to be.             :(

Title: Re: Is Christian religion dying out?
Post by bobbythebat1 on Mar 10th, 2014 at 10:10am

Bobby. wrote on Mar 9th, 2014 at 2:47pm:

Yadda wrote on Mar 9th, 2014 at 12:57pm:
How many of these do you believe in?

angels, - YES!
devils, - YES! demons
Satan, - YES!
witches, ????? - i could be classed as a witch - but i don't call spirits, i worship God, and i seek him
goblins - more demons
leprechauns - more demon entities
elfs - more demons
miracles. - what is a miracle, except something an 'occurrence' we cannot explain - you want to witness a 'miracle' ? birth of a new child - watch the sun rise - embrace someone who you deeply love
ghosts, - YES!      [there was a ghost, an entity, in this [my] house, when i first came here]
heaven - YES!
hell - ??? - i believe that there will be an uncomfortable place of confinement for those who do not please God
holy cracker biscuits that are Christ's body - it is a psychic aid, for those who need its 'power'
holy wine that is his blood - it is a psychic aid, for those who need its 'power'
resurrections - YES!

You are forgiven


forgiven for being a brainwashed superstitious fool.


Yadda actually believes all that superstitious nonsense!  ;D

Title: Re: Is Christian religion dying out?
Post by 0ktema on Mar 10th, 2014 at 1:23pm
Within their various consoling natures, both "Conventional Religion" and it's (favored by many) replacement "Scientific Materialism" still wholly fail to give ultimate explanation regarding "The Mystery that is Consciousness Itself" ... what is It exactly? ... and how does It arise?

An interesting question might be ... what is the relationship between "E=Mc2" and Consciousness?

God and Brain Author Glenn G. Dudley, MD
By Glenn Dudley on October 28, 2013 in God and Science, Proof for the Existence of God

E=mc2, rearranged as m=E/c2, expresses how physical matter cannot be separated from light – which is what a careful analysis of the brain nicely confirms. However, to see the connection we need to grasp how consciousness and a finite image are a mystery apart from a contrasting infinity and a transcendent, observing self who oversees the relationship between the two. Consider for a moment that these two concepts – the finite and the infinite – require an encompassing rationale. Either concept depends on the other and the combination of the two requires a context which exceeds either alone.

Next, consider that one’s awareness field or “bubble” is meaningless apart from some illuminating source or light. Even a totally blind person whose visual input is essentially zero experiences his or her self-illumination – that which we more conventionally call “consciousness” which might, in turn, be called the “light of self.” Although this light is not identical to the light induced by the retinal bombardment of photons, there is reason to believe that in a God-centered universe one’s bubble of awareness is somehow, if unfathomably, the inner aspect of photonic light. It follows that from a human perspective, God is light. And that, as we know, is exactly what the Bible teaches.

Can it be coincidental that both photons and consciousness have an oscillatory nature? Or that light as a particle sometime appears as a wave – the converse of how an approaching wave appears particulate? Consciousness, being finite, is similarly particle-like, although its edges are poorly demarcated – much as subatomic electric fields do not have discrete edges and the particles which create them must, until observed, be envisioned as probability waves. An image is also particle-like with a definitive shape which tends to regressively dissipate, thereby releasing the energy which drives the movement which, in turn, restores or sustains the particle-like image together with one’s overall awareness bubble. Indeed, an image and this bubble cannot be dissected apart such that the self, seemingly surrounding an image, is perhaps more accurately conceptualized as tightly bound or even intrinsic to the expectable specificity of the image.

These insights suggest that what we call consciousness may, when all is said and done, be God “in whom we live and move and have our being.” And while God is light we cannot rule out that what physicists refer to as “dark matter” may also or further describe His nature. For “dark” really only means that we don’t see it – though we know “it” must be there because of its accelerating effects on the expansion of the universe. And hopefully by the time you finish reading this post you will glimpse why, apart from God as the ultimate observer, E=mc2 is not be an accurate expression of physical reality.


To sum, this may be the only logical perspective by which consciousness, matter, energy, and light can be unified with precision. Insofar as the universe is a complex energy system poised between opposing tendencies toward and away from weightless infinity (the same opposition that defines an image), it too must have a brain-like mechanism for sustaining itself. It is likely that this mechanism is quantified by the mathematical equation E=mc2.

The Truth that is to be Realized may be summarized simply as the Realization that no matter what is arising, no matter how many others are present, there is only One Being. This is precisely different from the childish but common religious notion that even when you are alone there is always Someone Else present, Who will look out for you if you do the right thing. True freedom is not a matter of striking a deal with an All-Powerful Parental Deity; no such God exists. True freedom is in the Realization that there is only God and You are That One.

Adi Da Samraj

Title: Re: Is Christian religion dying out?
Post by 0ktema on Mar 10th, 2014 at 1:26pm

There is no Enlightenment, no evolutionary entrance into the truly Spiritual Condition of human existence, without ego-death, or transcendence of the mind. There must be the literal death of the separate and separative consciousness. In this moment, you are holding on to your sense of separate consciousness as if it were something tangible and material. You possess yourself through a great contraction of body and psyche. By virtue of this gesture, you have become rigid, mediocre, deluded, relatively loveless, self-possessed, and isolated. To be without an inner consciousness is, for you, unthinkable. To be incapable of feeling yourself as a separate consciousness is, for you, a terrifying prospect. Nevertheless, that is precisely the realization with which you must become completely comfortable.

Adi Da Samraj
('Scientific Proof of the Existence of God Will Soon Be Announced by the White House!, p. 171)

Title: Re: Is Christian religion dying out?
Post by dolphinsong on Mar 10th, 2014 at 2:11pm
dear oh me oh my...I do not like to anti ..BUT..poor JESUS...crucified as a radical by greek /roman mystify and add to a jewish want of power..(to keep in good with the romans)...A whole templed man broken for releasing the truths of hidden mysteries...refusing to be taken by the second fall...So they twisted him on a cross and debunct the reality of reincarnation with an if but scenario of resurrection if you are good,  ..hell if you are bad, thereby bolstering up the traditions of the time so everyone  would fear death and follow suit..(I don't like those suit)..What he taught if understood was and is still today important as a tool to be nearer to your higher self...he did not christ himself..they did..spinning the crown for the likes of the ".goat"...
Much can be said in regards to his emphasis on individuality and his dislike of hierarchy, yet they used him to allow "all' to be crucified for their disqualification of your individual soul for the good of a collective.

Title: Re: Is Christian religion dying out?
Post by Pastafarian on Mar 10th, 2014 at 2:30pm
I hope all religion dies out. its served its purpose

Title: Re: Is Christian religion dying out?
Post by Winston Smith on Mar 10th, 2014 at 2:31pm

NorthOfNorth wrote on Mar 10th, 2014 at 7:00am:

Winston Smith wrote on Mar 10th, 2014 at 2:32am:
We all know the difference between right and wrong don't we?

What is the difference?


Title: Re: Is Christian religion dying out?
Post by bobbythebat1 on Mar 10th, 2014 at 2:42pm

Bobby. wrote on Mar 10th, 2014 at 10:10am:

Bobby. wrote on Mar 9th, 2014 at 2:47pm:

Yadda wrote on Mar 9th, 2014 at 12:57pm:
How many of these do you believe in?

angels, - YES!
devils, - YES! demons
Satan, - YES!
witches, ????? - i could be classed as a witch - but i don't call spirits, i worship God, and i seek him
goblins - more demons
leprechauns - more demon entities
elfs - more demons
miracles. - what is a miracle, except something an 'occurrence' we cannot explain - you want to witness a 'miracle' ? birth of a new child - watch the sun rise - embrace someone who you deeply love
ghosts, - YES!      [there was a ghost, an entity, in this [my] house, when i first came here]
heaven - YES!
hell - ??? - i believe that there will be an uncomfortable place of confinement for those who do not please God
holy cracker biscuits that are Christ's body - it is a psychic aid, for those who need its 'power'
holy wine that is his blood - it is a psychic aid, for those who need its 'power'
resurrections - YES!

You are forgiven


forgiven for being a brainwashed superstitious fool.


Yadda actually believes all that superstitious nonsense - 
including holy cracker biscuits.

Title: Re: Is Christian religion dying out?
Post by Herbert on Mar 10th, 2014 at 2:48pm

dolphinsong wrote on Mar 10th, 2014 at 2:11pm:
Much can be said in regards to his emphasis on individuality and his dislike of hierarchy, yet they used him to allow "all' to be crucified for their disqualification of your individual soul for the good of a collective.

Good point.

The 'cult of the individual' is only a very recent phenomenon in human society. Some highly traditional societies have still not quite grasped the concept.

They are still very much wedded to the concept of being like insect colonies in which the fate of the individual is of no importance so long as the nest survives.

Hence the Japanese Samurai culture, with its ultimate sacrifice of kamikaze and hara-kiri.

Then we have Muslim suicide bombers. All very expendable in the service of propitiating the Great God Allah.

The more advanced a society, the more is the individual valued for simply being a sentient human being.

Things have gone a little too far in this direction with the idealists having  banned the monsters among us from State-sanctioned euthanasia for them being lethal to human life, but instead, consider them to be worthy of society's protection.

This fanciful but temporary moral affectation will pass in time as common-sense prevails.

Welcome to the board, Dolphinsong.

Title: Re: Is Christian religion dying out?
Post by bobbythebat1 on Mar 10th, 2014 at 3:11pm
Does Yadda believe in the virgin Mary?

Title: Re: Is Christian religion dying out?
Post by Herbert on Mar 10th, 2014 at 4:00pm

Bobby. wrote on Mar 10th, 2014 at 3:11pm:
Does Yadda believe in the virgin Mary?

Do they behave like this in the Australian army? It seems a little 'over the top' to me, but perhaps there's a certain wisdom in this kind of carry-on.

The idea is to turn you into a non-individual, non-person, automaton. I wonder if it actually works.

Title: Re: Is Christian religion dying out?
Post by bobbythebat1 on Mar 10th, 2014 at 4:05pm
Hi Herbert - all armies do that.

Title: Re: Is Christian religion dying out?
Post by Winston Smith on Mar 10th, 2014 at 4:10pm

Lord Herbert wrote on Mar 10th, 2014 at 2:48pm:

dolphinsong wrote on Mar 10th, 2014 at 2:11pm:
Much can be said in regards to his emphasis on individuality and his dislike of hierarchy, yet they used him to allow "all' to be crucified for their disqualification of your individual soul for the good of a collective.

Good point.

The 'cult of the individual' is only a very recent phenomenon in human society. Some highly traditional societies have still not quite grasped the concept.

They are still very much wedded to the concept of being like insect colonies in which the fate of the individual is of no importance so long as the nest survives.

Hence the Japanese Samurai culture, with its ultimate sacrifice of kamikaze and hara-kiri.

Then we have Muslim suicide bombers. All very expendable in the service of propitiating the Great God Allah.

The more advanced a society, the more is the individual valued for simply being a sentient human being.

Things have gone a little too far in this direction with the idealists having  banned the monsters among us from State-sanctioned euthanasia for them being lethal to human life, but instead, consider them to be worthy of society's protection.

This fanciful but temporary moral affectation will pass in time as common-sense prevails.

Welcome to the board, Dolphinsong.

But you are worthy of our protection Herbert.

Title: Re: Is Christian religion dying out?
Post by Herbert on Mar 10th, 2014 at 4:10pm

Bobby. wrote on Mar 10th, 2014 at 4:05pm:
Hi Herbert - all armies do that.

No they don't.

That is peculiar to the American sense of "Kickin' ASS!"

More civilised societies don't behave like that towards the recruits. There's shouting, and "Hurry up!" ~ etc ... but not all that smartarse mouthing off the Yanks do.

Title: Re: Is Christian religion dying out?
Post by Herbert on Mar 10th, 2014 at 4:14pm

Winston Smith wrote on Mar 10th, 2014 at 4:10pm:
But you are worthy of our protection Herbert.

I agree, but it's kind of you to say so.

Title: Re: Is Christian religion dying out?
Post by bobbythebat1 on Mar 10th, 2014 at 4:20pm

Lord Herbert wrote on Mar 10th, 2014 at 4:10pm:

Bobby. wrote on Mar 10th, 2014 at 4:05pm:
Hi Herbert - all armies do that.

No they don't.

That is peculiar to the American sense of "Kickin' ASS!"

More civilised societies don't behave like that towards the recruits. There's shouting, and "Hurry up!" ~ etc ... but not all that smartarse mouthing off the Yanks do.

Really ? - I showed the above video to someone who
had been in the British army in the 60s & he said
that their abuse was much worse.

forgiven for naivety


Title: Re: Is Christian religion dying out?
Post by Frances on Mar 10th, 2014 at 5:34pm

Bobby. wrote on Mar 10th, 2014 at 2:42pm:
holy cracker biscuits

Paragraph 1376 of the Catechism of the Catholic Church:

The Council of Trent summarizes the Catholic faith by declaring: "Because Christ our Redeemer said that it was truly his body that he was offering under the species of bread, it has always been the conviction of the Church of God, and this holy Council now declares again, that by the consecration of the bread and wine there takes place a change of the whole substance of the bread into the substance of the body of Christ our Lord and of the whole substance of the wine into the substance of his blood. This change the holy Catholic Church has fittingly and properly called transubstantiation

Title: Re: Is Christian religion dying out?
Post by bobbythebat1 on Mar 10th, 2014 at 5:44pm

Frances wrote on Mar 10th, 2014 at 5:34pm:

Bobby. wrote on Mar 10th, 2014 at 2:42pm:
holy cracker biscuits

Paragraph 1376 of the Catechism of the Catholic Church:

The Council of Trent summarizes the Catholic faith by declaring: "Because Christ our Redeemer said that it was truly his body that he was offering under the species of bread, it has always been the conviction of the Church of God, and this holy Council now declares again, that by the consecration of the bread and wine there takes place a change of the whole substance of the bread into the substance of the body of Christ our Lord and of the whole substance of the wine into the substance of his blood. This change the holy Catholic Church has fittingly and properly called transubstantiation

What would Billy Connolly say?

Title: Re: Is Christian religion dying out?
Post by Frances on Mar 10th, 2014 at 5:48pm

Bobby. wrote on Mar 10th, 2014 at 5:44pm:
What would Billy Connolly say?

I would not have thought of Billy Connolly as an authority on religion......

Title: Re: Is Christian religion dying out?
Post by bobbythebat1 on Mar 10th, 2014 at 5:53pm

Frances wrote on Mar 10th, 2014 at 5:48pm:

Bobby. wrote on Mar 10th, 2014 at 5:44pm:
What would Billy Connolly say?

I would not have thought of Billy Connolly as an authority on religion......

Maybe not - what about Dave Allen?

Title: Re: Is Christian religion dying out?
Post by Winston Smith on Mar 10th, 2014 at 6:00pm

Frances wrote on Mar 10th, 2014 at 5:34pm:
Paragraph 1376 of the Catechism of the Catholic Church:

The Council of Trent summarizes the Catholic faith by declaring: "Because Christ our Redeemer said that it was truly his body that he was offering under the species of bread, it has always been the conviction of the Church of God, and this holy Council now declares again, that by the consecration of the bread and wine there takes place a change of the whole substance of the bread into the substance of the body of Christ our Lord and of the whole substance of the wine into the substance of his blood. This change the holy Catholic Church has fittingly and properly called transubstantiation

What we eat and drink does become our flesh and blood doesn't it?

Title: Re: Is Christian religion dying out?
Post by Frances on Mar 10th, 2014 at 6:11pm

Bobby. wrote on Mar 10th, 2014 at 5:53pm:
what about Dave Allen?

Definitely not Dave Allen.

Title: Re: Is Christian religion dying out?
Post by red baron on Mar 10th, 2014 at 6:38pm
Trouble with organised religion, is that, well, it's just so organised.

When I want to talk to the big fella, I go further up the mountain , to a secluded lookout with a view which goes on forever.

No smoking chalices, beads, wafers and all of that nonsense.

I just breathe in the majesty of that grand view and I feel as close to God as it is likely for a mere human spirit to get.

Title: Re: Is Christian religion dying out?
Post by NorthOfNorth on Mar 10th, 2014 at 7:46pm

red baron wrote on Mar 10th, 2014 at 6:38pm:
Trouble with organised religion, is that, well, it's just so organised.

When I want to talk to the big fella, I go further up the mountain , to a secluded lookout with a view which goes on forever.

No smoking chalices, beads, wafers and all of that nonsense.

I just breathe in the majesty of that grand view and I feel as close to God as it is likely for a mere human spirit to get.

Sure. But don't you have to organise yourself to go further up the mountain , to a secluded lookout with a view which goes on forever?

Can't you get close to the big fella in a bus, with 7 bags of shopping from the fresh food people, sitting next to a fat stinking schizophrenic, on a rainy Wednesday night? That'd be pretty disorganised.

Title: Re: Is Christian religion dying out?
Post by Herbert on Mar 10th, 2014 at 8:04pm

Bobby. wrote on Mar 10th, 2014 at 5:44pm:
What would Billy Connolly say?

Poor Billy ~ I think God's going to have the last laugh. Connolly's been told he has Parkinson's.

Title: Re: Is Christian religion dying out?
Post by 0ktema on Mar 10th, 2014 at 8:06pm
There is a vast difference between the "Original Teachings of Jesus" (Esoteric Christianity) and the "Religion about Jesus" (conventional / Exoteric Christianity).

Jesus taught of the need to be Born again of the Spirit - where as Paul of Tarsus, known as the Apostle Paul (and of whom it must be noted - did not respond well to Jesus until after his crucifixion) was more invested in the promotion of exoteric or public teaching.

This more public teaching also better suited the stratagem and goals of what was to become The Holy Roman Empire.

So unfortunately what might be called True Christianity or the Higher Spiritual Teachings of Jesus  never had much of a chance ... even from near the very beginning! 

Esoteric Christianity

"Believe me, a man cannot
even see the kingdom of God
without being born again." 1


Norman D. Livergood

About 25-30 C.E. a mystical teacher named Jesus began to tell people about a spiritual realm in which the person who would be leader must be a servant of all. He spoke of a definite re-birth into a Higher Consciousness.

Jesus indicated that his message consisted of a public (exoteric) message for all the people and an advanced (esoteric) teaching reserved for initiates.

The Esoteric Tradition

Mark 4: "Then when they were by themselves, his close followers and the twelve asked about the parables, and he told them: 'The secret of the kingdom of God has been given to you. But to those who do not know the secret, everything remains in parables, so that, seeing they may see, and not perceive; and hearing they may hear, and not understand lest haply they should turn again, and it should be forgiven them.'"

       "So he taught them his message with many parables such as their minds could take in. He did not speak to them at all without using parables, although in private he explained everything to his disciples." [Phillips translation]

Matthew 13: "The man who has ears to hear should use them"
      "At this the disciples approached him and asked, 'Why do you talk to them in parables?
      "'Because you have been given the chance to understand the secrets of the kingdom of Heaven,' replied Jesus, 'but they have not. For when a man has something, more is given to him till he has plenty. But if he has nothing even his nothing will be taken away from him. This is why I speak to them in these parables; because they go through life with their eyes open, but see nothing, and with their ears open, but understand nothing of what they hear."' [Phillips translation]

1 Corinthians 2:6-15: "But we speak the wisdom of God in a mystery, even the hidden wisdom, which God ordained before the world unto our glory: which none of the princes of this world knew.

      "We interpret what is spiritual in spiritual language. The unspiritual man rejects these truths of the Spirit of God; to him they are 'sheer folly,' he cannot understand them. And the reason is, that they must be read with the spiritual eye. The spiritual man, again, can read the meaning of everything; and yet no one can read what he is."

Clement of Alexandria (150-220 C.E.)

"The Lord . . . allowed us to communicate of those divine Mysteries, and of that holy light, to those who are able to receive them. He did not certainly disclose to the many what did not belong to the many; but to the few to whom He knew that they belonged, who were capable of receiving and being moulded according to them. But secret things are entrusted to speech, not to writing, as is the case with God."

"Many things, I well know, have escaped us, through length of time, that have dropped away unwritten."

"Even now I fear, as it is said, 'to cast the pearls before swine, lest they tread them underfoot, and turn and rend us.' For it is difficult to exhibit the really pure and transparent words respecting the true Light to swinish and untrained hearers."

Title: Re: Is Christian religion dying out?
Post by 0ktema on Mar 10th, 2014 at 8:12pm

Movement Away from the Authentic Teachings of Jesus

     After Jesus' death, those who understood the genuine teaching of Jesus recognized him as one of a long line of savants within the Perennial Tradition 2--such as Hermes and Plato--who initiated chosen disciples into a mystical rebirth of the soul into a Higher Consciousness.

     Each Perennialist teacher interpreted the fundamental message about spiritual regeneration in terms of the needs of the people during their age. So we have the Hermetic teachings during the time of Hermes Trismegistus, the Mystery teachings during the days of Egypt and Greece, Platonism during the time of Plato, Neo-Platonism during the time of Plotinus--each an embodiment of the Perennial Tradition. The genuine, hidden teachings of Jesus--Esoteric Christianity--is one of those embodiments.

     Early Christianity developed in the crowded, poverty-stricken cities of Asia Minor, finding its adherents among the working class and slaves. Throughout the Roman empire, there was intense social ferment . In the century before Jesus, a widespread revolt of slaves led by Spartacus conquered most of southern Italy and threatened the Roman Empire.

     Within a short time, there came into being a new sacerdotal state-supported Church 3 which misrepresented Jesus as a god. Such genuine adepts as Paul, Clement of Alexandria, Marcion, Valentinus, and Origen, understood Jesus' true teachings and did not view him as a deity but as a mystical teacher. Those who instructed initiates in the authentic teachings of Jesus found it necessary to go underground, because a tyrannous, bureaucratic "church" was taken over by the Roman Empire and deformed into a "state religion."

       During this period, there developed a large number of writings which claimed to be authentic representations of Jesus' life and teachings. In this morass of confusion, these varied interpretations of Jesus' teachings vied for acceptance.

     One of the persons who first wrote about Jesus was a man who had been an enemy of the church until he experienced a mystical conversion. Paul saw himself as an apostle (one sent on a mission), perhaps "the" apostle, of Jesus. He believed he had actually experienced Jesus in a mystical encounter during which he was commissioned to spread the "good news"--the gospel of Jesus' teaching--presenting a conception of God as forgiving, loving, and wise.

     Paul was aghast when he learned that Peter and some of the other apostles of Jesus in Jerusalem and other cities were interpreting Jesus's message as an extension of Judaism, using the Hebrew Old Testament as a major scripture.

"Paul is the only one who had any apprehension of the real esoteric significance of the Christ Myth in its cosmic aspects, while at the same time he was obliged to base his teachings principally on the exoteric beliefs of his hearers which centred round the personal Jesus."

Title: Re: Is Christian religion dying out?
Post by bobbythebat1 on Mar 10th, 2014 at 8:20pm

Lord Herbert wrote on Mar 10th, 2014 at 8:04pm:

Bobby. wrote on Mar 10th, 2014 at 5:44pm:
What would Billy Connolly say?

Poor Billy ~ I think God's going to have the last laugh. Connolly's been told he has Parkinson's.

Still - he was good for a laugh.   :)

Title: Re: Is Christian religion dying out?
Post by Winston Smith on Mar 11th, 2014 at 12:17am
Wherever I go, there I am.

Title: Re: Is Christian religion dying out?
Post by Herbert on Mar 11th, 2014 at 6:17am

Bobby. wrote on Mar 10th, 2014 at 8:20pm:
Still - he was good for a laugh.   :)

He was a unique character, that's for sure, but even so I think he used the 'F' word far too much for cheap effect during his stage performances.

I liked his travel documentaries.

Title: Re: Is Christian religion dying out?
Post by NorthOfNorth on Mar 11th, 2014 at 7:35am
I believe Christianity will transform itself(or should I say, Christianity will be reinvented).

We humans will always entertain our personal superstitions (and, let's face it, what kind of Spock-like creature is that endearing - a personification of the disorders of schizoidism or autism) - who isn't charmed by a little superstition here and there - a lucky charm worn etc? Its as uniquely human as cognizance of our self-awareness.

We as humans value tradition almost as much as sanity (and maybe sanity is founded on healthy ritual) and, of all traditions, the Papacy is the most enduring of traditions, linking the west with its Roman heritage - The Pope being the direct successor to the Caesars.

What about a Christianity as Bishop Spong imagines it, sans miracles, sans iron age beliefs, concentrating only on the goodness of its central character, hopefully leading us to realise that "we can because we think we can" do right by others without exception because we have a human incarnation of the golden rule. That we can be convinced, courageous and compassionate within that paradigm of "righteousness incarnate", encouraging us to attain ultimate goodness.

Like truth itself (the journey towards it being worthy of the effort without the expectation of fully apprehending it), so too goodness being worthy of the same journey.

In the end for us westerners, we'd be back to Plato (which the early Christian fathers so admired and absorbed) - his form of the good and his form of the true being the greatest ideals and the most worthy of pursuit.

Title: Re: Is Christian religion dying out?
Post by red baron on Mar 11th, 2014 at 7:52am
NorthofNorth the Big Fella is forgiving but not that forgiving. I don't do buses, as that would involve having to sit with the creep shows that inhabit public transport now.

Most probably have my lights punched by people like those moles on the Gold Coast recently.

Think I'll stick to the Mountain, decided lack of people here.

Title: Re: Is Christian religion dying out?
Post by NorthOfNorth on Mar 11th, 2014 at 7:55am

red baron wrote on Mar 11th, 2014 at 7:52am:
NorthofNorth the Big Fella is forgiving but not that forgiving. I don't do buses, as that would involve having to sit with the creep shows that inhabit public transport now.

Most probably have my lights punched by people like those moles on the Gold Coast recently.

Think I'll stick to the Mountain, decided lack of people here.

So you'd agree that organisation is mandatory for the correct expression or experience of religion / spirituality then?

Title: Re: Is Christian religion dying out?
Post by aquascoot on Mar 11th, 2014 at 8:15am

NorthOfNorth wrote on Mar 11th, 2014 at 7:35am:
I believe Christianity will transform itself(or should I say, Christianity will be reinvented).

We humans will always entertain our personal superstitions (and, let's face it, what kind of Spock-like creature is that endearing - a personification of the disorders of schizoidism or autism) - who isn't charmed by a little superstition here and there - a lucky charm worn etc? Its as uniquely human as cognizance of our self-awareness.

We as humans value tradition almost as much as sanity (and maybe sanity is founded on healthy ritual) and, of all traditions, the Papacy is the most enduring of traditions, linking the west with its Roman heritage - The Pope being the direct successor to the Caesars.

What about a Christianity as Bishop Spong imagines it, sans miracles, sans iron age beliefs, concentrating only on the goodness of its central character, hopefully leading us to realise that "we can because we think we can" do right by others without exception because we have a human incarnation of the golden rule. That we can be convinced, courageous and compassionate within that paradigm of "righteousness incarnate", encouraging us to attain ultimate goodness.

Like truth itself (the journey towards it being worthy of the effort without the expectation of fully apprehending it), so too goodness being worthy of the same journey.

In the end for us westerners, we'd be back to Plato (which the early Christian fathers so admired and absorbed) - his form of the good and his form of the true being the greatest ideals and the most worthy of pursuit.

True north, i look at JC and the Buddha as "divinely inspired" or "spiritual einsteins"
Life is indeed a journey. If you can understand the best bits of christian and buddhist "wisdom" its a journey down a 6 lane highway in a smooth car with air con.
If you want to make that journey alone as an aethiest , its hacking through thick thorny jungle with a machete.
I know which i'd rather do,

Title: Re: Is Christian religion dying out?
Post by 0ktema on Mar 11th, 2014 at 8:38am

NorthOfNorth wrote on Mar 11th, 2014 at 7:35am:
What about a Christianity as Bishop Spong imagines it, sans miracles, sans iron age beliefs, concentrating only on the goodness of its central character, hopefully leading us to realise that "we can because we think we can" do right by others without exception because we have a human incarnation of the golden rule. That we can be convinced, courageous and compassionate within that paradigm of "righteousness incarnate", encouraging us to attain ultimate goodness.

Like truth itself (the journey towards it being worthy of the effort without the expectation of fully apprehending it), so too goodness being worthy of the same journey.

In the end for us westerners, we'd be back to Plato (which the early Christian fathers so admired and absorbed) - his form of the good and his form of the true being the greatest ideals and the most worthy of pursuit.

Ah yes ... John Shelby Spong an interesting man ... Christian, Theologian, Mystic and ex-Bishop.
I remember him saying something along the lines of "there are many paths to the holy"

Adi Da Saraj uses the term ... The "Great Tradition"  for the total inheritance of human, cultural, religious, magical, mystical, Spiritual, Transcendental, and Divine paths, philosophies, and testimonies from all the eras and cultures of humanity, which has (in the present era of worldwide communication) become the common legacy of humankind ... (and so therefore the many paths)

And the of course there is the "Great Mystery" our relationship with reality itself ... that with which we can only commune, enjoy, be graced by (or perhaps suffer) ... and yet never fully understand (at least from an individual mind point of view). For as soon as we choose to examine it we necessarily begin the process of separation from the "One Great Being" or the very "State of Beingness Itself".

Title: Re: Is Christian religion dying out?
Post by Oh_Yeah on Mar 11th, 2014 at 10:34am

aquascoot wrote on Mar 11th, 2014 at 8:15am:
I look at JC and the Buddha as "divinely inspired" or "spiritual einsteins"
Life is indeed a journey. If you can understand the best bits of christian and buddhist "wisdom" its a journey down a 6 lane highway in a smooth car with air con.
If you want to make that journey alone as an aethiest , its hacking through thick thorny jungle with a machete.
I know which i'd rather do,

It's interesting that you would use an analogy like that.
It seems to me that on that 6 lane highway you are isolated from the outside environment and you are powerless to go anywhere except where that car and highway tell you to go. And what a boring journey that would be, watching life go past your car window.
I would much rather hike through the rainforest, choose my own path, get a genuine feel for what is around me and be able to see the beauty for what it is. To me that is the real journey of life.

Title: Re: Is Christian religion dying out?
Post by aquascoot on Mar 11th, 2014 at 11:00am

The_Barnacle wrote on Mar 11th, 2014 at 10:34am:

aquascoot wrote on Mar 11th, 2014 at 8:15am:
I look at JC and the Buddha as "divinely inspired" or "spiritual einsteins"
Life is indeed a journey. If you can understand the best bits of christian and buddhist "wisdom" its a journey down a 6 lane highway in a smooth car with air con.
If you want to make that journey alone as an aethiest , its hacking through thick thorny jungle with a machete.
I know which i'd rather do,

It's interesting that you would use an analogy like that.
It seems to me that on that 6 lane highway you are isolated from the outside environment and you are powerless to go anywhere except where that car and highway tell you to go. And what a boring journey that would be, watching life go past your car window.
I would much rather hike through the rainforest, choose my own path, get a genuine feel for what is around me and be able to see the beauty for what it is. To me that is the real journey of life.

I can see your point too.
The journey (whether it be "taking up your cross" or "wandering the paths like the buddha in a state of mindfulness, tapping into the Qi" ) is what its all about.  But , i suppose the destination is the thing. The destination being "personal growth" during this lifetime. I think you can advance further towards that goal by using the techniques / parables taught by the buddha and JC.
I wouldnt take the bible literally though.
The dharma ....i really cant find much in it that could be disputed. ;)

Title: Re: Is Christian religion dying out?
Post by bobbythebat1 on Mar 11th, 2014 at 11:07am
May I suggest that everyone has a good read of this website:

Title: Re: Is Christian religion dying out?
Post by Frances on Mar 11th, 2014 at 11:59am

Bobby. wrote on Mar 11th, 2014 at 11:07am:
May I suggest that everyone has a good read of this website

So this is where you get your "facts" from.....

Title: Re: Is Christian religion dying out?
Post by bobbythebat1 on Mar 11th, 2014 at 12:12pm

Frances wrote on Mar 11th, 2014 at 11:59am:

Bobby. wrote on Mar 11th, 2014 at 11:07am:
May I suggest that everyone has a good read of this website

So this is where you get your "facts" from.....

Many of my facts come from that website.
I suggest you have a thorough read.


Title: Re: Is Christian religion dying out?
Post by 0ktema on Mar 11th, 2014 at 12:55pm
Many Christians take the Bible completely as the literal truth ... rather than understanding the parts that are more allegorical in nature.  Historically speaking, allegory was greatly used by Judeo/Christians when giving teachings/life lessons.

Then of course many critics attack back ... again largely ignoring the allegorical nature of many of the teachings.

All of this debate takes part more in the public sphere or exoteric level of conventional Christianity.
Which in the end has little to do with real spiritual practice and the deeper or esoteric teachings of Jesus.

So really to be honest. I find it all a bit boring  ... it's just an argument going on within an ongoing misconception! ...  ::)

Title: Re: Is Christian religion dying out?
Post by bobbythebat1 on Mar 11th, 2014 at 12:58pm


adjective: allegorical

    constituting or containing allegory.
    "an allegorical painting"
    synonyms:      symbolic, metaphorical, figurative, representative, emblematic, imagistic, mystical, parabolic, symbolizing;

In other words we have an apologist on our forum for the
wrong doings in the Bible.

see link:

Title: Re: Is Christian religion dying out?
Post by 0ktema on Mar 11th, 2014 at 1:37pm
I make no apologies for any of the horrors committed in the name of the Bible or any other book or religion for that matter!

It is just as I stated ... really I just find much of the argument a bit boring, and also may I add a bit pedestrian (lacking inspiration or excitement; dull)

But I guess this "thread" is about the question of the (conventional) "Christian Religion dying out" and most people see (and indeed practice) Christianity merely in conventional terms/ways.

So pardon me if (for now) I bail out of the shallows and find deeper more inspirational waters ...  :)

I'll leave you all to it ... whatever "it" is ...  ::) ;) 

Title: Re: Is Christian religion dying out?
Post by bobbythebat1 on Mar 11th, 2014 at 2:06pm

0ktema wrote on Mar 11th, 2014 at 1:37pm:
I make no apologies for any of the horrors committed in the name of the Bible or any other book or religion for that matter!

It is just as I stated ... really I just find much of the argument a bit boring, and also may I add a bit pedestrian (lacking inspiration or excitement; dull)

But I guess this "thread" is about the question of the (conventional) "Christian Religion dying out" and most people see (and indeed practice) Christianity merely in conventional terms/ways.

So pardon me if (for now) I bail out of the shallows and find deeper more inspirational waters ...  :)

I'll leave you all to it ... whatever "it" is ...  ::) ;) 

A whole website dismissed as though you are too superior for it.

A wise man should be humble not a narcissistic type.



Title: Re: Is Christian religion dying out?
Post by NorthOfNorth on Mar 11th, 2014 at 2:16pm

0ktema wrote on Mar 11th, 2014 at 1:37pm:
I make no apologies for any of the horrors committed in the name of the Bible or any other book or religion for that matter!

It is just as I stated ... really I just find much of the argument a bit boring, and also may I add a bit pedestrian (lacking inspiration or excitement; dull)

But I guess this "thread" is about the question of the (conventional) "Christian Religion dying out" and most people see (and indeed practice) Christianity merely in conventional terms/ways.

So pardon me if (for now) I bail out of the shallows and find deeper more inspirational waters ...  :)

I'll leave you all to it ... whatever "it" is ...  ::) ;) 

...And with that, he chucked teddy in the dirt and sashayed off to the toilet in the park.

Title: Re: Is Christian religion dying out?
Post by Pastafarian on Mar 11th, 2014 at 2:34pm

0ktema wrote on Mar 11th, 2014 at 12:55pm:
Many Christians take the Bible completely as the literal truth ... rather than understanding the parts that are more allegorical in nature.  Historically speaking, allegory was greatly used by Judeo/Christians when giving teachings/life lessons.

Then of course many critics attack back ... again largely ignoring the allegorical nature of many of the teachings.

All of this debate takes part more in the public sphere or exoteric level of conventional Christianity.
Which in the end has little to do with real spiritual practice and the deeper or esoteric teachings of Jesus.

So really to be honest. I find it all a bit boring  ... it's just an argument going on within an ongoing misconception! ...  ::)

Well admittedly as an attacker I tend to focus on when other people take it literally instead of allegorically. E.g. Matty is a fantastic example.

Title: Re: Is Christian religion dying out?
Post by 0ktema on Mar 11th, 2014 at 2:38pm

Bobby. wrote on Mar 11th, 2014 at 2:06pm:

0ktema wrote on Mar 11th, 2014 at 1:37pm:
I make no apologies for any of the horrors committed in the name of the Bible or any other book or religion for that matter!

It is just as I stated ... really I just find much of the argument a bit boring, and also may I add a bit pedestrian (lacking inspiration or excitement; dull)

But I guess this "thread" is about the question of the (conventional) "Christian Religion dying out" and most people see (and indeed practice) Christianity merely in conventional terms/ways.

So pardon me if (for now) I bail out of the shallows and find deeper more inspirational waters ...  :)

I'll leave you all to it ... whatever "it" is ...  ::) ;) 

A whole website dismissed as though you are too superior for it.

A wise man should be humble not a narcissistic type.



I'm not dismissing the website or it's relevance to your argument ... the simple fact is I'd rather not be involved in the argument at all ...    :)

Sorry Bobby but you may have to push that particular barrow up to someone else's door ...  ;)
... so sadly I'll leave you to your disappointed and disapointing judgements  ...   :'(

A bright man once said "I can't be bothered with this at the moment" so he went of to work on the painting his tow bar  ...   ;D

Title: Re: Is Christian religion dying out?
Post by red baron on Mar 11th, 2014 at 3:27pm
Reading the posts on this site, many are so angst ridden!

Jesus Christ made simple teachings, Jesus was gentle...the lamb.

Why is religion so caught up in ritual and so bloody turmoil driven.

Christ's message was simple and pure.

Literally for God's sake, all take a deep breath. Let go of all that crazy stress that blinds and binds.

God is not ritual driven, God simply wants you to believe and lead a good life...that too hard?

Title: Re: Is Christian religion dying out?
Post by NorthOfNorth on Mar 11th, 2014 at 3:56pm

0ktema wrote on Mar 11th, 2014 at 2:38pm:

Bobby. wrote on Mar 11th, 2014 at 2:06pm:

0ktema wrote on Mar 11th, 2014 at 1:37pm:
I make no apologies for any of the horrors committed in the name of the Bible or any other book or religion for that matter!

It is just as I stated ... really I just find much of the argument a bit boring, and also may I add a bit pedestrian (lacking inspiration or excitement; dull)

But I guess this "thread" is about the question of the (conventional) "Christian Religion dying out" and most people see (and indeed practice) Christianity merely in conventional terms/ways.

So pardon me if (for now) I bail out of the shallows and find deeper more inspirational waters ...  :)

I'll leave you all to it ... whatever "it" is ...  ::) ;) 

A whole website dismissed as though you are too superior for it.

A wise man should be humble not a narcissistic type.



I'm not dismissing the website or it's relevance to your argument ... the simple fact is I'd rather not be involved in the argument at all ...    :)

Sorry Bobby but you may have to push that particular barrow up to someone else's door ...  ;)
... so sadly I'll leave you to your disappointed and disapointing judgements  ...   :'(

A bright man once said "I can't be bothered with this at the moment" so he went of to work on the painting his tow bar  ...   ;D

You have a lot to say for someone who wants to say no more!!

Title: Re: Is Christian religion dying out?
Post by NorthOfNorth on Mar 11th, 2014 at 7:17pm

red baron wrote on Mar 11th, 2014 at 3:27pm:
Reading the posts on this site, many are so angst ridden!

Jesus Christ made simple teachings, Jesus was gentle...the lamb.

Why is religion so caught up in ritual and so bloody turmoil driven.

Christ's message was simple and pure.

Literally for God's sake, all take a deep breath. Let go of all that crazy stress that blinds and binds.

God is not ritual driven, God simply wants you to believe and lead a good life...that too hard?

Why all the talk of god's wants?

Humans make god(s).

Its humans who write of him (it), define him and determine his nature and substance.

But the one thing, I'd bet, that all gods we've created have in common (where all else of them is unequal - kinder, stronger, happier, angrier)... They are all free of doubt.

Title: Re: Is Christian religion dying out?
Post by Frances on Mar 11th, 2014 at 8:24pm

NorthOfNorth wrote on Mar 11th, 2014 at 7:17pm:
Humans make god(s)

So you say.  Others would say that God created humans....

Title: Re: Is Christian religion dying out?
Post by NorthOfNorth on Mar 11th, 2014 at 9:16pm

Frances wrote on Mar 11th, 2014 at 8:24pm:

NorthOfNorth wrote on Mar 11th, 2014 at 7:17pm:
Humans make god(s)

So you say.  Others would say that God created humans....

Well, that's my point, isn't it... It's humans that are doing the saying.

Title: Re: Is Christian religion dying out?
Post by Yadda on Mar 11th, 2014 at 11:13pm

NorthOfNorth wrote on Mar 11th, 2014 at 9:16pm:

Frances wrote on Mar 11th, 2014 at 8:24pm:

NorthOfNorth wrote on Mar 11th, 2014 at 7:17pm:
Humans make god(s)

So you say.  Others would say that God created humans....

Well, that's my point, isn't it... It's humans that are doing the saying.


It's humans that are doing the saying.

Conviction is the art of being certain     :P

And what are we certain of ?

What do do we humans know, 100% ?

Do we know, what 'reality' is [the nature of our reality] ?

And we engage in supposition, and hypothesis about what ?

We humans imagine that we are intelligent [and that we are highly accomplished creatures], but the truth is that we [human beings] know almost nothing about our own circumstances, in this 'reality'.

We are self aware.

What else do we know, about our circumstances, 100% ?

Title: Re: Is Christian religion dying out?
Post by Winston Smith on Mar 12th, 2014 at 2:29am
I perceive my reality from the perspective of my senses. I experience thoughts and feelings. I remember experiences from the past. I feel as though I have a certain amount of free will. I seem to have what might be called conscience. I observe bad things happening to others. I don't think I have done anything really bad to anyone. I don't think anything really bad has been done to me by anyone. I can't say the same for anyone else.

Title: Re: Is Christian religion dying out?
Post by NorthOfNorth on Mar 12th, 2014 at 5:35am

Yadda wrote on Mar 11th, 2014 at 11:13pm:

NorthOfNorth wrote on Mar 11th, 2014 at 9:16pm:

Frances wrote on Mar 11th, 2014 at 8:24pm:

NorthOfNorth wrote on Mar 11th, 2014 at 7:17pm:
Humans make god(s)

So you say.  Others would say that God created humans....

Well, that's my point, isn't it... It's humans that are doing the saying.


It's humans that are doing the saying.

Conviction is the art of being certain     :P

And what are we certain of ?

What do do we humans know, 100% ?

Do we know, what 'reality' is [the nature of our reality] ?

And we engage in supposition, and hypothesis about what ?

We humans imagine that we are intelligent [and that we are highly accomplished creatures], but the truth is that we [human beings] know almost nothing about our own circumstances, in this 'reality'.

We are self aware.

What else do we know, about our circumstances, 100% ?

We can only be certain of the ubiquity of doubt, of course!

Only our gods we create are free of that ubiquity (in Socratic / Platonic terms - 'the ones who know').

The best we can achieve is an imagination of certainty (free of the ubiquity of doubt), knowing, though, that our 'certainty' is always contingent upon our awareness that we cannot be certain in the absolute... We can cultivate an 'art of conviction' - an art form that does not lose sight of the limits by which doubt necessarily constrains us.

Title: Re: Is Christian religion dying out?
Post by aquascoot on Mar 12th, 2014 at 7:25am

NorthOfNorth wrote on Mar 12th, 2014 at 5:35am:

Yadda wrote on Mar 11th, 2014 at 11:13pm:

NorthOfNorth wrote on Mar 11th, 2014 at 9:16pm:

Frances wrote on Mar 11th, 2014 at 8:24pm:

NorthOfNorth wrote on Mar 11th, 2014 at 7:17pm:
Humans make god(s)

So you say.  Others would say that God created humans....

Well, that's my point, isn't it... It's humans that are doing the saying.


It's humans that are doing the saying.

Conviction is the art of being certain     :P

And what are we certain of ?

What do do we humans know, 100% ?

Do we know, what 'reality' is [the nature of our reality] ?

And we engage in supposition, and hypothesis about what ?

We humans imagine that we are intelligent [and that we are highly accomplished creatures], but the truth is that we [human beings] know almost nothing about our own circumstances, in this 'reality'.

We are self aware.

What else do we know, about our circumstances, 100% ?

We can only be certain of the ubiquity of doubt, of course!

Only our gods we create are free of that ubiquity (in Socratic / Platonic terms - 'the ones who know').

The best we can achieve is an imagination of certainty (free of the ubiquity of doubt), knowing, though, that our 'certainty' is always contingent upon our awareness that we cannot be certain in the absolute... We can cultivate an 'art of conviction' - an art form that does not lose sight of the limits by which doubt necessarily constrains us.

Doubting Thomas....maybe we need an epiphany

Title: Re: Is Christian religion dying out?
Post by NorthOfNorth on Mar 12th, 2014 at 7:51am

aquascoot wrote on Mar 12th, 2014 at 7:25am:
[quote author=helian link=1388439900/229#229 date=1394566518]

maybe we need an epiphany

They've been banned in Australia by the TGA.

Title: Re: Is Christian religion dying out?
Post by muso on Mar 14th, 2014 at 12:56pm

NorthOfNorth wrote on Mar 12th, 2014 at 7:51am:

aquascoot wrote on Mar 12th, 2014 at 7:25am:
[quote author=helian link=1388439900/229#229 date=1394566518]

maybe we need an epiphany

They've been banned in Australia by the TGA.

Was it?  Is that the designer version of ecstacy?
(ethylene dioxymethamphetamine) or EDMA  ;)

Most people wouldn't know Epiphany from Adam.

Title: Re: Is Christian religion dying out?
Post by Soren on Mar 14th, 2014 at 5:59pm

NorthOfNorth wrote on Mar 12th, 2014 at 5:35am:

Yadda wrote on Mar 11th, 2014 at 11:13pm:

NorthOfNorth wrote on Mar 11th, 2014 at 9:16pm:

Frances wrote on Mar 11th, 2014 at 8:24pm:

NorthOfNorth wrote on Mar 11th, 2014 at 7:17pm:
Humans make god(s)

So you say.  Others would say that God created humans....

Well, that's my point, isn't it... It's humans that are doing the saying.


It's humans that are doing the saying.

Conviction is the art of being certain     :P

And what are we certain of ?

What do do we humans know, 100% ?

Do we know, what 'reality' is [the nature of our reality] ?

And we engage in supposition, and hypothesis about what ?

We humans imagine that we are intelligent [and that we are highly accomplished creatures], but the truth is that we [human beings] know almost nothing about our own circumstances, in this 'reality'.

We are self aware.

What else do we know, about our circumstances, 100% ?

We can only be certain of the ubiquity of doubt, of course!

Only our gods we create are free of that ubiquity (in Socratic / Platonic terms - 'the ones who know').

The best we can achieve is an imagination of certainty (free of the ubiquity of doubt), knowing, though, that our 'certainty' is always contingent upon our awareness that we cannot be certain in the absolute... We can cultivate an 'art of conviction' - an art form that does not lose sight of the limits by which doubt necessarily constrains us.

Add purpose (aka conviction) and community (things that bind) and you have - religion ( a binding common purpose).

The shape of god is an afterthought by comparison.

Title: Re: Is Christian religion dying out?
Post by muso on Mar 14th, 2014 at 8:12pm

Soren wrote on Mar 14th, 2014 at 5:59pm:
Add purpose (aka conviction) and community (things that bind) and you have - religion ( a binding common purpose).

The shape of god is an afterthought by comparison.

You've got the emphasis right.

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