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Message started by red baron on Feb 18th, 2014 at 11:23am

Title: Aust Judge.Michael Kirby condemns North Korea
Post by red baron on Feb 18th, 2014 at 11:23am
Former Australian Judge Michael Kirby has condemned North Korea for human rights atrocities on a grand and sickening scale. A report follows:

GENEVA, Switzerland, Feb. 17 (UPI) -- North Korea commits crimes against humanity, including "murder, enslavement, torture, imprisonment, rape, forced abortions," says a U.N. report released Monday.
The report from Geneva, Switzerland, by the U.N. Commission of Inquiry on Human Rights in the Democratic People's Republic of Korea called on the international community to act and get the International Criminal Court involved, the United Nations said in a release.

"The gravity, scale and nature of these violations reveal a state that does not have any parallel in the contemporary world," the three-person commission said in the report on its 11-month inquiry.

"These crimes against humanity entail extermination, murder, enslavement, torture, imprisonment, rape, forced abortions and other sexual violence, persecution on political, religious, racial and gender grounds, the forcible transfer of populations, the enforced disappearance of persons and the inhumane act of knowingly causing prolonged starvation," the report said.

"Crimes against humanity are ongoing in the Democratic People's Republic of Korea because the policies, institutions and patterns of impunity that lie at their heart remain in place."

The report included evidence provided by victims and witnesses, including the treatment of political prisoners, some saying they sometimes caught snakes and mice to feed malnourished babies while others told of witnessing family members being killed in prison camps.

"The fact that the Democratic People's Republic of Korea ... has for decades pursued policies involving crimes that shock the conscience of humanity raises questions about the inadequacy of the response of the international community," the report said. "The international community must accept its responsibility to protect the people of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea from crimes against humanity, because the government of the DPRK has manifestly failed to do so."

The report said North Korea, which has rejected the inquiry as a "charade," showed attributes "of a totalitarian state."

"There is an almost complete denial of the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion, as well as of the rights to freedom of opinion, expression, information and association," the report said.

Read more:

And what will the United Nations Security Council do about this

Answer - Nothing because China sits on the Security Council and will be like the three wise monkeys, see no evil, speak no evil, hear no evil.

The United Nations is an absolutely useless organisation that has expansionist and power goals but when it comes down to it, is absolutely useless in doing anything whatsoever in regard to human rights abuses.

North Korea is just another example in a long, long line of Countries that have carried out abhorrent practices in human rights abuses whilst the U.N. looks the other way.

Title: Re: Aust Judge.Michael Kirby condemns North Korea
Post by PZ547 on Feb 18th, 2014 at 12:46pm
GENEVA, Switzerland, Feb. 17 (UPI) -- North Korea commits crimes against humanity, including "murder, enslavement, torture, imprisonment, rape, forced abortions," says a U.N. report released Monday

This should mean the UN has evidence, proof

So where is it?

We were told Saddam tossed newborns out of humidi-cribs

We were told Ghadaffi had rape rooms for sub-teens

We were told the Japanese without provocation utterly destroyed Pearl Harbour

We were told the Germans made soap out of humans

We were told 'muslims' were responsible for 9/11

We're being told now that in central Africa, roasted human heads are being served in restaurants

Would pay people to do a bit of private research into all the lies used to justify launching of wars by the US, after which it drags in everyone else

If the UN is making these claims about North Korea (with Kirby used to transmit this stuff to us and others being used to promote the same claims elsewhere) then the UN must possess proof positive

I don't believe the UN's claims and won't until I've seen genuine evidence and proof

No secret the US-Israel needs another war now they've pretty much broken and remade (at enormous profit) so many around the Med

Suddenly (we're not supposed to notice how suddenly) the US media is full of 'ghastly Indian rape' cases -- so we can assume India's being set up --- unless it bows to the US-Israel

Japan, the US-Israel lapdog since WW2, is being used to stir things up with China

Ukraine's in for a turn as is obvious

And North Korea's been subject to endless media targeting whenever there's a slow news day

The UN's credibility was shot-through decades ago and this latest general smear won't lift its profile with anyone

In fact, Germany and North Korea enjoy a far better reputation, worldwide, than the UN, the US and Israel combined

And Kirby, I'd rather not even discuss

Title: Re: Aust Judge.Michael Kirby condemns North Korea
Post by bobbythebat1 on Feb 18th, 2014 at 1:11pm
Isn't Kirby a sodomite?

Title: Re: Aust Judge.Michael Kirby condemns North Korea
Post by Peter Freedman on Feb 18th, 2014 at 1:27pm

Bobby. wrote on Feb 18th, 2014 at 1:11pm:
Isn't Kirby a sodomite?

I haven't a clue, but why does it matter?

North Korea is a dismal nation, but things are beginning to change. The black market exists and the authorities look the other way. The people are arguing with the police and, sometimes, winning the fight.

Defectors tell dreadful stories of North Korea, including orphans living on the streets and depending on the charity of others. Meanwhile others drive around in a Mercedes Benz.

Change is coming, but it will be gradual. Very gradual.

Title: Re: Aust Judge.Michael Kirby condemns North Korea
Post by red baron on Feb 18th, 2014 at 3:19pm
The reason I posted this item is to highlight what a totally useless organisation the United Nations is.

They have a history of turning up at horrific events then doing nothing.

Serbia, the Congo, the Middle East.  I could go on naming nations but what's the point?

It is the continuing misery of the human condition. What happened in Germany prior to the outbreak of war was obvious to the whole world.

The Jews were persecuted by Hitler's brown shirts whilst the world tut tutted and did nothing. It ended up with that piece of human excrement Neville Chamberlain stepping off a plane with his bit of paper waving in his hand and proclaiming, "Peace in our time!".

Of course Germany invaded Poland a couple of days later just to rub it in.

Thus began World War Two.

So what now....There are still dictators and repressive regimes throughout the world. Incredibly horrific things being done to innocent people.

It will never end until this misery of a human race destroys itself completely which is not only likely but inevitable.

So...cherish your children, bring them up with love and lead a good life because the Australian dream is already imploding with the crap we have imported from overseas making it occur every day of the week.

In particular I talk about the Middle Eastern maniacs who are terrorising our neighbourhoods now, along with the Africans and their mates the Islanders.

There I've said it, I don't care if I'm labelled a racist. I call a spade a spade and that is what is happening out there.

Every night you turn on the news, there are fresh murders, drive by shootings and rapes to hear about. God help our Police Forces they are trying to hold down a rebellion in the streets.

Title: Re: Aust Judge.Michael Kirby condemns North Korea
Post by Aussie on Feb 18th, 2014 at 3:23pm
Kirby (yeas, he is a poof, as well as an eminent Jurist) makes a very valid point when he stated that there were howls at the end of WW2 along the lines of, "If only we had known," and he went on to validly comment that the defence of "If only we had known" is now not a viable option, because we have been told.

Title: Re: Aust Judge.Michael Kirby condemns North Korea
Post by PZ547 on Feb 18th, 2014 at 3:25pm

red baron wrote on Feb 18th, 2014 at 3:19pm:
The reason I posted this item is to highlight what a totally useless organisation the United Nations is.

They have a history of turning up at horrific events then doing nothing.

Serbia, the Congo, the Middle East.  I could go on naming nations but what's the point?

It is the continuing misery of the human condition. What happened in Germany prior to the outbreak of war was obvious to the whole world.

The Jews were persecuted by Hitler's brown shirts whilst the world tut tutted and did nothing. It ended up with that piece of human excrement Neville Chamberlain stepping off a plane with his bit of paper waving in his hand and proclaiming, "Peace in our time!".

Of course Germany invaded Poland a couple of days later just to rub it in.

Thus began World War Two.

So what now....There are still dictators and repressive regimes throughout the world. Incredibly horrific things being done to innocent people.

It will never end until this misery of a human race destroys itself completely which is not only likely but inevitable.

So...cherish your children, bring them up with love and lead a good life because the Australian dream is already imploding with the crap we have imported from overseas making it occur every day of the week.

In particular I talk about the Middle Eastern maniacs who are terrorising our neighbourhoods now, along with the Africans and their mates the Islanders.

There I've said it, I don't care if I'm labelled a racist. I call a spade a spade and that is what is happening out there.

Every night you turn on the news, there are fresh murders, drive by shootings and rapes to hear about. God help our Police Forces they are trying to hold down a rebellion in the streets.

Baron, I agree with a lot of what you say

but you must know, surely, that WW2 was drafted and orchestrated long before the event?

We were taught a lot of lies, you know.  By our parents who bought the lies sold to them

Time now to update and wake up.  There was nothing random about WW2 or WW1 for that matter -- or the French and Russian revolutions for another

On and on.  Same warmongers

And now, right now and here -- yes, inappropriate migrants being used by the same warmongers as tools of war against reluctant host-populations.  Just a different kind of war.  Simultaneously, 'traditional' wars ongoing in one chosen theatre after the next

Title: Re: Aust Judge.Michael Kirby condemns North Korea
Post by Taipan on Feb 18th, 2014 at 10:10pm
I don't for a second buy anything this Zionist prick from the un is saying.

The UN is just a front group for the bankster-zionists or whatever it is you want to call them. First it started out as the Rhodes Group then the Milner Group which went on to become the Royal Institute of International Affairs in England whom, after WW1, created the League of Nations.
After WW2 it was changed to the United Nations BUT...... it was ALWAYS intended to become a one world dictatorial government.

So I don't trust anything coming from that lot.

If they're saber rattling with Nth Korea its because they want something. If you think the people in the UN actually care about any one suffering in Korea then you need your head checked.

Title: Re: Aust Judge.Michael Kirby condemns North Korea
Post by Laugh till you cry on Feb 18th, 2014 at 11:55pm
Is he going to condemn Aboriginal genocide and cultural enslavement?

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